These Are The Top Ten Best Selling Low Content Books Selling On Amazon - Publishing Books On KDP

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in this video let's take a look at what the top 10 most popular highest selling low content books currently published on Amazon KDP the great thing about all of these books is that you can make them too and so I'll let you know what you need to be able to make books just like this hi my name is Caroline if you have stumbled across my Channel today welcome I share videos every single week all about self-publishing books and you're watching one of them right now so thank you so much for joining me here there are so many different types of low and medium content books available on Amazon do you ever wonder which ones are most popular with Amazon's customers or which ones sell the most or maybe you just might be looking for ideas about what kinds of low content books you could possibly make and publish yourself and so I have sat and scroll through Amazon and found the 10 bestselling most popular low content books and this is one of the things that I Love About self-publishing Books there are so many different types of books you can create there really is something for everyone and all of them can be equally successful so let's get straight into looking at these books okay so the first low content book I found when I was scrolling through the top 100 of all books on Amazon was this how to draw everything book 300 drawings of cute stuff and this is a book that gives step-by-step instructions on how to draw specific images let's take a look at the inside of the book to show you what I mean so it just has pages and pages of these little boxes and it basically gives the few steps that it takes to draw a specific image so in this example it's teaching how to draw a cat step by step and these are just books that teach how to draw and the ones that are most popular in these how to draw books are ones that usually are aimed at kids this book has a bestseller rank of 68 out of all of the millions of books on Amazon being in the top 100 of all books on Amazon is incredible and with a BSR of 68 we can estimate that this book is selling approximately 12,000 copies per month that is an insane am out of books and at first glance you might think that these types of books are too hard to make that there's no way you would be able to make this unless you are a graphic designer or a graphic artist or something but there is actually a tool that you can create books exactly like this one I also have a video looking deeper into how to draw books and how this tool works I'll pop links to both of those down in the description if you're interested in creating these really fun cute and creative books the next low content book I found also when I was scrolling through the top 100 books on Amazon was this my first learn to write workbook this book was published by Crystal radkey and it may look familiar to you if you have seen any of my previous videos I've talked about this book a few times this book was originally self-published but as it grew in popularity and in sales a traditional publisher took it over and this book is consistently in the top 100 books across all of Amazon and it has been for years it's a really great example of what is possible if you create a book that is in a niche that people are always going to need that is a very helpful book it solves the problem for the customer and it's a high quality book you can create something that will continue to pay you month after month long after you have put in the work to actually create the book let's have a quick look inside and it's just going to be basic learning how to follow the dotted line and it's just to teach those younger kids of a kindergarten age pen skills dexterity with their hands how to control the pen and things like that so it's not a intricate handwriting type of book it's just going to be basic lines and shapes this book does currently have a best seller rank of 92 which means it's selling approximately 10,000 copies each month and as I say this book has consistently been in the top 100 of Amazon for a long time so those sales are going to be consistent month after month year after year and these books can be fairly simple to make you can purchase fonts which gives the dotted font style or if you are experienced with a graphic design program you can create dotted fonts there too now the next low content book I found was an ABC coloring book this is a coloring book that does two things it teaches the alphabet and letter recogn alongside the fun and creativity of coloring so aimed at young kids very young kids aged 3 to 5 the images within this book are not going to be too detailed they're going to be quite basic because these are very young kids at the very beginning of their educational Journey learning about the alphabet and words and things like that and one smart thing that this publisher has done is that they created this branding and this set of characters so this character is called Lucas the series of the books is called Lucas and friends and they've created a whole series of educational workbooks that feature this character it's a great way to get kids invested in the books by giving them a character that they recognize that they maybe relate to or at least like so that their parents buy more books featuring this character now let's look at the bestseller rank of this book it's currently 307 and with that BSR this book will be selling around 4,800 copies every month coloring books like this for very young kids can be very simple to make because as I said they don't need to have a lot of detail they need to have big bold letters or big bold images that take up a lot of space you don't want detailed intricate designs for kids they're only just learning how to use pens and pencils they don't have very good pen control yet if you can't draw images like this yourself you can very easily purchase these kinds of images from stock image websites and you just need to find a fun childlike font to create the letter Pages the next low content book that is extremely popular and also aimed at kindergarten aged kids is this kindergarten math workbook which is teaching kids aged 5 to 7 how to do simple addition and subtraction the educational workbook Niche is very popular on Amazon I have made plenty of videos about different types of educational workbooks particularly in the math Niche but let's have a look inside of this one so it starts off with some color and tracing so a little bit of handwriting practice and then just going into numbers so handwriting practice but using numbers and then from there moving on to some maths problems so counting counting numbers and I can't see much more of that in the inside of the book feature but on the back here you can see there's also going to be some counting money so very simple basic maths the best seller rank for this book currently is 1,290 which means it is selling approximately 1,800 copies each month so very popular the main thing with any type of educational workbook is that you get the problems right even with these books that are aimed at really young kids who are only just starting to learn math you need to make make sure the problems you are filling the book with are actually correct a good way to do this is to use a tool to help you create the problems there are different ones available depending on the type of math problem you want your book to teach so for example you can use tools to create books that teach addition subtraction reading time counting money things like that I'll pop links to the maths workbook generator tools that can help you create these kinds of low content books now the next very popular low content book I came across is the humbled math 100 days of time tests multiplication problems workbook which is another maass educational workbook I actually have a whole video about this brand because they have a series of books all within the maths Niche and in that video I look into how they create their books how you can create books similar to this how much they are estimated to be making each month from their series and what strategies they used to make their books so popular I'll link that video down in the description below if you do want to go check it out but let's take a look inside of this book to see what kind of problem their books contain so these ones are aimed at kids a bit older in the earlier years of school and they're very simply laid out there's not a lot of images and Graphics like you would find in the kindergarten aged books and it's just pages and pages of math problems and specifically multiplication so if you are interested in creating a math book you don't have to have a range of different problems in there you can just focus on one set of problems like this one they're only looking at multiplying you could create a book only looking at a addition another book all about subtraction this book currently has a bestseller rank of 1,884 and with that BSR this book alone is selling approximately 1,400 books per month but as I said this brand has a whole range a whole series of different mathematical educational workbooks and one really good thing about education workbooks is just that it's this potential to create quite a large series around a brand there are so many different types of math problems or different types of subjects that you can create books for so similar to this humble math brand you can quite quickly build up a series of books which has a lot of benefits if you do that now one thing I would like to let you know is that I do share all the different types of math problem generator tools with you that is tools that help you create books full of math questions and math problems and there is a new one going to become available very soon which is going to help you create books around another type of math problem in fact if you're watching this video just a few days after I've actually shared it this tool will already be available if you're interested in the educational workbook Niche or if you have already created these kind of books and you want a new math problem to add to your series make sure to keep an eye out for my next couple of videos all about that tool and of course I'll be sharing the details of the deals that you can get by purchasing during the launch period which is the first few days that the tool is available along with any bonuses that I'll be offering to anyone who does buy this new tool new tools are always very exciting especially in these kind of niches that are quite hard to use usually make books in the next low content book we are looking at is another coloring book but this one is definitely aimed at adults and that's the adult swear words coloring book people love things with swear words in them I don't know what it is but this book is no exception it currently has a best seller rank of 213 let's have a look inside we'll see what these coloring pages look like so I can only see one page on the inside look feat but on the back we can see a few more and they're quite simple they just look like a patented coloring background with swear words on the front of the pattern so something like this specifically could quite easily be made by getting a coloring page that is just a pattern and then putting your font writing your font over the top of that removing the color making it white giving it an outline and there you have a coloring page and with a bestseller rank of 213 this book will be selling in the range of over 6,000 per month one thing to keep in mind with any book that has swearing in it especially on the cover is that you can't run Amazon ads on these books swearing is not allowed in Amazon ads so just be aware of that before you publish a book like this with swearing on the cover that you will have to find other ways to promote the books instead of ads the next low content book we are going to look at is also a coloring book and another one aimed at adults the 101 calmness adult coloring book so a relaxing book to calm your mind and get stress relief this one is fairly new only published less than a year ago but this one did very quickly become a very popular coloring book I have consistently seen it in the top selling bestselling coloring books on Amazon for the last year since it has been published let's look inside let's see what kind of coloring images that we've got in this one so straight away it looks like a very high quality type of coloring book it's got a black page after each one and yeah you can see that these coloring images are very high quality doesn't have a specific theme the images are just all different topics all different themes and sometimes that does work and sometimes it also works to pick a specific theme so for example a coloring book with just animal images or just flower images now if you are interested in publishing coloring books because let's face it they are some of the most popular books on Amazon I did share a video recently all about the different ways that you can create them I'll link that video down in the description box below if you want to watch that one okay on to to the next low content book and back to educational workbook types of books and this is another letter tracing or handwriting practice book for kindergarten aged kids this brand is another very popular one similar to the crystal radkey handwriting book that we just looked at earlier in the video but whereas this publisher has created a whole brand and series around all different kinds of educational workbooks and they have a few very very popular books in this Niche but first of all let's take a look inside I imagine it's probably going to be set out very similar to the crystal radkey one where we've just got some very simple lines and shapes and then we go into the letters and it's just pages of practicing over and over the letters until the child gets the hang of it now this book is currently sitting with a bestseller rank of 336 so a fantastic BSR and if we very quickly take a look at the rest of the books this publisher has you can see straight away how many bestselling books that they have 10 of their books currently have a bestseller badge imagine creating your own brand or series of books just like this and building it into something like what this brand has done they have books across a range of different subjects from writing to maths aimed mostly at younger kids and as I mentioned earlier in this video I have links to all the maths and educational generation tools that help you make these books as well as some videos coming in a couple of days sharing a new math tool that you can use okay we're nearly there there are only a couple of more books to look at if you're still here with me thank you so much I hope you're really getting something out of this video so far but onto the next low content book which is again an educational book and this one is scissors skills which is for preschoolers or kindy AED kids who are learning how to use scissors and yes this is a thing if you don't have kids in your life you might not know that when they start school one of the things that they learn is how to use scissors and these books basically provide different lines and different shapes to help kids learn how to cut straight or cut in a circle that sort of thing let's have a look inside and I'll show you how these books are laid out so we basically just have cutting straight lines and then the page behind is always going to be blank because once you cut this page you can't do anything with the back of it so it's going to be one page with lines to cut and then one page blank and unfortunately that's all we can see in this look inside feature but as the book would go on there would be zigzag shapes there would be circles half circles squares things like that that the child can learn to cut out this is another brand as I mentioned earlier when we looked at the Abc coloring book who has made a very successful business from a series of educational books this scissor skills book is sitting with a bestseller rank of 420 which at the moment means they'll be selling almost 4,000 books every month just from this one book and if we take a look at the rest of their books they have a lot of very popular books and finally on to our last low content book that we are looking at today this is one of the most popular and bestselling low content books on Amazon and this is the big 4,000 words word search for adults this one is a book just full of word search puzzles and I actually shared a video just last week all about word search puzzle books and how to make them a lot of people really enjoyed that video if you have seen it and you are interested in creating and Publishing puzzle books they are very fun books to publish I will link last week's video down in the description along with a link to a tool that can help you make these word search puzzle books in just minutes but let's take a look inside so I can show you how simple and minimalistic these books are so they are aimed at adults so generally books aimed at adults don't have a lot of Graphics or images or even creative fonts so this book basically just has the word search the words to find and that's it page after page after page and then at the end of the book there will be all the solutions for the puzzles this one book has a bestseller rank of 958 currently so they are selling a really substantial amount of books month after month so that is it we have finally got through them all that is 10 of the most popular best-selling low content books on Amazon and hopefully I was able to give you a nice variety of books to show you that there are so many different kinds of books that sell very well on Amazon and that there is a lot of different kinds of books that you can make depending on where your interest lie what kind of books you enjoy making and what fits in with your skill set again keep an eye out for a couple of bonus videos coming out shortly all about the new math generator tool that will help you make even more educational workbook types of books thank you so much for watching I'll see you in the next video
Channel: Self Publishing Central
Views: 10,765
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: kdp low content publishing, kdp coloring book, amazon kdp coloring book, kdp coloring book niche, how to make a coloring book, low content coloring book, low content book publishing, low content books, low content publishing, low content, low content kdp, low content publishing kdp, low content publishing amazon, low content self publishing, self publishing on amazon, print on demand books, kindle direct publishing, kdp publishing, how to publish a book
Id: JWkuP018AnQ
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 18min 28sec (1108 seconds)
Published: Thu Mar 21 2024
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