The Real REASON Dhar Mann HASN'T POSTED...

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oh oh those cupcakes [Music] maybe if you worked out they'd fit go ahead and cry like you always do i am leaving you [Music] oh you can't leave wait wait wait no wait you cannot leave we have a kid together daddy don't leave i'm sorry but you're not even my kid i'm not oh come on was it not obvious i was gonna tell you when you were older wait if this is about the genes i'll start working out i promise it's not just that i am tired of living this broke life do you know how much money i would have if i didn't have to take care of the both of you and you spend all my cash on all your shopping and um also also i've met someone else who this is jay you cheated on me with sam's teacher sorry i've been meaning to tell you this let's go babe wait no don't go i want to say i'm sorry too because i've been hiding something as well you have yes i won the lotto and they paid me 100 million dollars so all these designer bags were actually a gift for your birthday and i also bought us a mega mansion on the beach really oh well in that case [Music] i'll stay yay does this mean you'll be my dad again yes my son oh oh oh it's too late for that now because you have a new parent sam okay i do but who well that's actually something else i've been hiding because mrs j doesn't actually love you she doesn't no she loves me oh i was just leading you along to see what you would do but in the process we fell in life i'm sam's dad now [Music] what no i will not let you get away with this i am suing you for half of your lotto winnings [Laughter] nice try but i recorded everything and with this evidence i'll make sure you do not get a dime [Laughter] oh come on armando you said i'm known what happens in the dark always comes to light [Laughter] me familiar [Laughter] and cut wonderful job great emotion armando i feel like i've been in that situation before all right everybody go ahead and break down we'll be back up in 10. i know what you're thinking kind of feels a little bit like darman's old videos you're right come a long way since we started follow me first of all our videos aren't three minutes long anymore they're a lot longer which allows us to develop characters more creating better storylines makes them less cringe what what are you talking about your guys's videos are still cringe yeah super cringe look the only thing cringe around here is that haircut of yours okay buddy what's wrong with my cut oh come on dude it looks like your mom cut it that's because she did let's keep it moving we also have a lot more of our own sets now this is our new second studio space our third will be under construction soon with even more sets which means we don't have to film indara's apartment anymore like we did in our first 100 shoots his wife hey watch it it's just a props car studio is pretty nice isn't it not only do we have more space we also hired some new directors what's up sean what the heck you are not a director you know yeah i'll see how it is well you can just take my word for it we've hired a bunch of new people i now have over a hundred employees who work for me i mean that work for the company sorry i forgot all my employees quit i have no idea why i was always so nice to everybody oh well so it's safe to say that a lot has changed around here mikey i cannot believe you failed another test i'm sorry but i got an a on my english test look how by cheating mikey mr wilson hi what are you doing here i just spoke with the principal they found the answer sheet in your locker you are in big trouble mister you are in big trouble i knew it please don't take away my ps5 i just got it back oh i'm taking a lot more than that from you mikey just wait a week well a lot's changed except for mikey but nike never changes i cannot believe i caught you stealing from me i thought we were friends no no no we are friends okay i was gonna give the money back i swear is that my watch what's that over there i'm sorry [Music] what else did you take from me [Applause] [Music] okay well maybe chad's doesn't change either but other than that i swear a lot has changed there i just found out you cheated on me and with my boss you can't prove that that's not true send me a picture okay well maybe it is true yeah and think i was gonna propose to you today i'm sorry we're done okay i mean if it makes you feel any better i would have said no to that tiny ring anyways as i was saying 2021 has been an epic year for starters we have our own darman studios app now and [Music] we got a diamond plaque for surprising 10 million subscribers can you imagine if this was a real diamond but i bet it's still worth something maybe i could just um uh here i'm gonna need that back oh no what if i hold on to it no no no it's okay i'm gonna let go nope nope sorry she's reuben i can't believe you don't trust me what have i ever done to never mind so last year was epic for us and this year not only are our videos going to stay longer but we're also expanding into more international languages which is really important because watch it and this is america by the way okay you should learn how to speak sorry what was i talking about we were talking about the importance of translating into more international languages right okay let's just keep it moving um and the biggest news of all is that instead of just posting four times a week by summer we're gonna be posting seven times a week that's a new video every single day so to wrap it all up we've basically come a long way since dar was recording videos on his couch hey dar man fan oh i guess dar still is recording videos on his couch so maybe not all that much has changed good all right nice job man thanks if anyone needs me i'll be in crafty sounds good hey wait how come i only get one line everyone knows i'm a star garment what what star what are you talking about everyone knows that i'm the star of dartmouth bro please you're all news plus you ain't got no dance moves like me ready hey hey man you ain't got bars like me watch i'm a mythical man child or rather difficult save it i'm always one wants to hear your cringey laps well no one wants to hear you screaming like a girl what are you talking about i don't scream like a girl and the best babysitter of the year award goes to me officers are you mayor mulroney no no i know who you're talking about though people confuse me for her all the time um i think it's the hair so you're saying this isn't you [Music] no it's not right you're coming with us wait seriously yeah is this in the script here's the mall cops right rent the cops wait ow let's feel like real handcuffs i'm gonna call youtube this is not a good person god [Music] you
Channel: Dhar Mann Studios
Views: 11,408,230
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Dhar Mann, motivation, motivational video, inspirational video, self improvement, self help, self development, personal development, short film, inspirational, life lessons
Id: c9j6d5Ib3Yw
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 11min 42sec (702 seconds)
Published: Tue Feb 08 2022
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