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hey guys welcome back to day six of freak week and this week flew by I'm happy to hear that you guys have loved it so much I think I'll definitely be doing this next year or get started just want to let you guys know that the Freak week shirt is still available until Halloween I'm actually probably gonna run it a couple days after Halloween but um it's gonna be gone soon in his lemon in addition so if you want to get one now would be a good time there's a link in the description but let's go ahead and get into our story for today it's pretty intense so I've gotten so many requests to do fictional spooky paranormal videos like I get those types of requests all the time and to me I've never been into like scary movies or myths or urban legends like I just don't get into that stuff I never have black eyed children don't scare me if you couldn't tell them that house video I just think it's such a load of [ __ ] and to me like the things that are really scary and interesting that I get into our real life stories so even though I have gotten this topic requested so many times the topic of Slenderman which is an urban legend that originated out of creepypasta I thought about doing a video on just Slenderman in the story of Slenderman but to me I don't find it interesting or scary or anything because I know that it's not real what I do think is scary was an attempted murder that was made on a little girl in the name of Slenderman and I decided that instead of talking about Slenderman I would tell you guys about this case I think this should be a good lesson for people about spreading the false information you know we talked about the fantastic daily Channel that was really trying to make black-eyed children look real even though it's totally a bunch of [ __ ] he made the whole thing up this kind of stuff concerns me after you hear about this case you'll understand why tales like the boogeyman and ghosts and all these things are fun and I'm not saying ghosts are real because I actually do believe in spirits but like urban legends stories boogeyman Sandman vampires zombies creepy stuff like that I think it's really important that people who do these types of videos or write stories make sure that they really get across that this stuff at the end of the day is for fun and that it's not real because even though most of us can read something like that and just be like wow that's so creepy and fun or watch a scary movie and think it's creepy and fun there are a lot of people who can't do that and think that these things are real because they've read them on the Internet now I'm sure a lot of you guys have heard about this case in this story this made major national news and our big story at five to twelve-year-old girls charged with trying to stab a friend to death after a sleepover police say they were inspired by a fictional character from the internet I heard about it a few years ago so I thought it'd be interesting to talk about today first of all let's talk about what Slenderman is for those of you who don't know Slenderman is this fictitious internet character that originated on creepypasta actually from this um contest this Photoshop contest that was all intended just for fun and it is fun it Photoshop is total art and I'm sure there's a lot of you out there who know how to use Photoshop well and can create really cool fictitious photos and that's what this whole thing was about it's all for fun knowing no bad intentions and Slenderman is really the modern-day like boogeyman he is whatever you wanted to be you'd be living under your bed in the closet in the forest next door people have so many different variations of the story because it's been retold over and over and over again on the internet and there's like video games and the story just went kind of viral he's this extremely tall guy skinny guy who's pale has no facial features at all which is really creepy because it's you know left to the mind about what he's gonna do and you don't know his intentions Slenderman has these like creepy tentacles that come out of his back there's like multiple arms and he makes people like mentally sick and is known for creeping children and kidnapping children and killing children and there's so many different variations of the stories but the story we're gonna be talking about today it took place in Waukesha Wisconsin and this happened on May 31st of 2014 there are these two girls their names are Morgan geyser and Anissa Weier now when things like this happen people automatically blame the parents and you know it's hard not to because you think you should be monitoring what your kids are doing online you should be checking their history you can't just give them that privacy anymore there's just so much out there for them to fall into both of these girls had access to the Internet but their parents were not bad people and I really want to emphasize this the parents definitely were not like deadbeat parents who didn't care about their kids if you want to watch a documentary on this whole thing and understand the parents in the whole situation a lot better HBO just put out a great whole document on it so I'll leave a link to that below but these parents I can tell we're really good people truly loved being parents and monitored most of what their kids did they had you know limited internet time and stuff and they were very involved with their children talking to them talking them through things and they knew that their kids had an obsession with Slenderman it just figured that it's fun and games like most kids get into something creepy you know for me as a kid I was never in the scary stuff but I was really into like ER shows like real ER shows or this I used to watch this show called impact where just about people dying from like insane impacts like falling off things but I guess I always had a fascination with like dying I don't know why that like was always with me as a kid but my parents didn't think I was gonna kill someone and I obviously didn't ever kill anyone or do anything to anybody but it's fairly normal for kids to have all obsessions or to be into scary things that it's not like a reason for a giant red flag and to think your kid's gonna actually carry something out right so I'm sure a lot of you guys understand what I'm trying to say so Morgan guys are in an easier we're we're both friends who both struggled with friends bullying they definitely weren't like the most popular girls in school and they were a little off Aneesa was the first one to come across the Slenderman story and got super obsessed with it now she showed this story to her friend Morgan geyser the important thing to know about Morgan is she was later diagnosed with schizophrenia and they don't just diagnose people with schizophrenia just because her father was diagnosed with schizophrenia has been through it his whole life so they both knew that it was a possibility that one of their children could end up with schizophrenia I wish the thing like I could talk to her about like I kind of like right now there's like like patterns of light and Luke geometric shapes everything seems normal event cuz it's this is my everything this is how I've always seen things and I don't know if that was everyone had like a weird little visual thing going on okay this is clearly not real but doesn't matter like I've had were can like see it I'm like you know it's not real toy doesn't matter cuz you're still terrified on it the devil's not in the back seat but the devil is in the maxi you know and they always were sort of cautious with the way that she still believed in Santa when she was like pretty old but talk about like scary things under her bed and stuff we never thought for a moment that she could possibly believe that it was real when I was Morgan's age I remember biking home from library with Stephen King's it you know so I liked that sort of thing too when I was her age and I think most kids her age do like scary stories and horror movies and scary stories on the Internet you know that's all that we thought that it was but how do you figure out if that's okay is that normal is that just being a kid or are they really seeing something how do you tell because kids imagine things I certainly imagined things when I was little I thought I had an imaginary friend named Grace I don't have schizophrenia I just had a good imagination so how do you know when your kid is actually seeing stuff and when they're just imagining so Morgan Indonesia would talk about Slenderman often and how they both believed in him and after an ACS showed Morgan Slenderman she became fully obsessed with it like they really thought Slenderman was a real character and what they didn't know at the time was that Morgan was really seeing Slenderman and a two of them decided that they wanted to become Slenderman proxies which I guess meant you were able to live with Slenderman in his mansion which the girls actually thought was a real place in Nicollet National Forest and the only way to become one of slenderman's proxies they believed was to kill a child in the name of Slenderman to prove that he was real and that after that you would get to live the rest of your life with Slenderman in his mansion and have this great life and he would never hurt you because he proved something to him so I think it was really done out of fear of Slenderman that if they don't do something don't kill another kid they will be killed himself that's what they really believed and it's hard to get in the mind of these girls and it's just like some kids just cannot see especially kids with schizophrenia and keep in mind only Morgan has schizophrenia but it's easy for kids to get completely caught up in something that's not true so the girls decided that they needed to kill someone and they decided that they needed to kill one of their best friends how well did you know these these two other girls no they were bad with those persons about 4th 4th grade is when we met Morgan for the first time they say Peyton would talk to Morgan every night on the phone the other 12 year old Anissa wire they had not met but they say Peyton knew her from school her name is Peyton and I don't talk much about her because this poor girl has been through so much they had a sleepover with her the night of May 30th and it was like a birthday party thing at Morgan's house oh my gosh she was so so excited and had she'd gone on sleepovers before oh yeah this was just another Friday night so she's gonna go roller skating have some pizza and spend the night at her best friend's house yeah they were probably gonna watch movies and so you thought this and play American Girl Peyton brought her American Girl dolls and Morgan's parents were there they were super of all of them it's the girls had a great night and their plan was to kill her during the night at Morgan's house but they got nervous and Morgan said that she wanted to give Peyton one more morning before she killed her and the girls the next morning woke up and they had breakfast they had specifically doughnuts and strawberries there his mom had breakfast with them she said it was a gorgeous Saturday and the girls were laughing and having fun there were no red flies at all so like as a parent how would you have any idea what these girls were secretly planning because they had to keep it all secret in the name of Slenderman so they never told their parents anything that parents had no way of knowing that there's and it happen so the girls asked to go to the park and mom said yes because yes you can look park and they're all 12 years old at this time I forgot to mention how old they were go like went to this park and they were in the bathroom at one point and they almost did it there and then they got too nervous so they finally convinced Payton to play this game of hide-and-seek and I guess Payton was reluctant didn't want to play hide and seek but they told her if if you let us play the game we want to play right now you can pick the game that we play after this and some time while they were playing hide and seek in a forest I told the Lily we're gonna play hide and pink we're gonna hide one way oh can I hide another and then mark and I are gonna be likely enough after much argument about who is actually gonna carry this out any night Morgan I can't do it you know where all the odds are and then I give it back to her and say you did go ballistic Morgan said I'm not doing it until you tell me to move Morgan stabbed her while she screamed nineteen times I started walking away I beat away Anisa says now she's a Morgan now and Anissa turns her back Morgan got on top penis legs she sat on her legs and then she got her face real close to Peyton and whispered in her ear I'm so sorry the whole time I guess she was screaming and saying she couldn't see and I hate you and I trusted you and they were saying I'm so sorry and I think neither of them like had anything against Peyton I didn't want to kill her in fact they still talk about her to this day as if she's their friend and they love her they just were so scared of this Slenderman character that they thought this just had to be done Morgan so she was laying there like on the verge of death and the girls said we're gonna go get help for you and they left but afterwards they just decided the best plan was to start walking towards this Nicolette National Forest which is actually like a four to five hour drive from where they were and they thought they were gonna walk there's these girls were like completely delusional so they took the knife with them put in their bags and started walking and now this is just amazing Peyton God what a tough kid she crawled out of the forest with 19 stab wounds she somehow managed to crawl out of the forest and get onto the street and just the road and lay there and a cyclist came by her and called 9-1-1 obviously and you were biking by and she says to you what could you help me please I've been stabbed multiple times I quit to help my cellphone I was shaken and dialed 9-1-1 I just stayed with a 9-1-1 operator and what's the address of your emergency call me when i'm trans number a caller on Big Bend at the dead end just south of Rivera okay total email she appears to be able to babe she appears to be what yeah stabbed okay sorry Solaris yeah hi sir so it are you with this 12 y/o female yeah she says she's having trouble breathing so she was stabbed multiple times they had multiple times yeah okay sir are you with her right now yeah is she awake she's away is she breathing yeah she's breathing she said she can take shallow breaths she's alert okay stay weather we're sending the police department don't hang up okay hold on a minute don't hang up okay okay hold on just a minute sir we're sending officers there's any assailant around I didn't even look I don't see anybody stay right with her sir is she on the ground or she's standing up no she's laying on the grass laying on the grass stearate weathers just let me know if she's this remaining conscious or not okay okay is there any bleeding going on her clothing has got blood on it where are the wounds juicy where the wounds are no I don't know if I should be rolling her over and checking or not I'm bothering you at all my shade okay either very strong and she didn't see who did this or I don't know if she wants to be talking I started to ask okay that's okay if she's it's a favor energy I offered her water cuz I had a water bottle on my bike the other thing she said was she's having trouble breathing the stop we were horrible they were all over her arms her abdomen her legs her chest one was so close to her heart of mr. heart by a millimeter and when you looked at her it was immediately apparent she'd been stabbed multiple times yeah to her chest and abdomen and arm and leg doctors concerned she might not survive two of the stab wounds hit major arteries so the chances of her surviving this were so slim she could barely speak she could pretty much only answer yes from those questions when they found her because she was in so much pain but she was able to tell them my friends did this to me and in their names he said Peyton's been stabbed Morgan stabbed Payton you need to come home they need to rush Payton into surgery walked into the trauma room that she was in and she was pale as a ghost she was terrified she was crying she couldn't breathe but she saw you there she saw me and she put her hand out and I rushed over to her and I put my arms around her and I laid next to her and I hugged her and I said you're gonna be okay it's gonna be fine and all I hear is there's five on her arm there's seven on her leg and I'm thinking my seven what there's this cezzah all right I count 19 and then the second nurse that I count 19 as well thank nineteen what this there's no way now anyone who is stabbed in the cardiac box or this area has pretty much a 25 to 50% chance of survival the knife came directly down at this point where this large branch was coming off of this major artery and cut through the tissue overlying it so that the vessels were totally exposed by this injury the knife cut through the tissue but not the artery itself exactly the knife stopped at the wall of the artery and had it not he would have had a major heart attack from the amount of bleeding and probably died within a minute or - luckily Payton survived so the two girls were found walking on the street with their bag and police literally just found the weapon right on them in their bag and they never tried to deny it the two other girls are found they were right here along Interstate 94 heading out of Waukesha a knife with a five-inch blade found in one of the girls bags so the girls were brought in for questioning explain the whole Sun or anything he's a man who preys on children and how they didn't want to do this to her and they wished that it could have been pushed back and avoided completely but they knew they had to do it I wanted to give her a little in the morning you want to give Gullit what more did I want to keep they could put it off forever we're even concerned they even asked about their friend Peyton so it's such a hard situation because these girls truly were just completely out of their minds at the time Geysers family left the courtroom in tears refusing to speak when we press wires father about the crime he offered this as well we have no comments at this house only that we have no comments at this time guys whose attorney did offer this apology to the victim's family our guns parents are very sad about what has happened they're horrified and our condolences to everyone like I said Peyton survived after only six days in the hospital she was released she actually started school back up in fall of 2014 some people would say she's doing remarkably well given what's happened to her I would say that way beyond expectations I'm astonished at the way that she's been able to recover and tonight you're happy to show you the pictures her walk down the driveway to the car mom driving her back to school so Morgan and Anissa are incarcerated for years unable to see their families really I think they had a very minimal contact with their parents barely got to see their siblings at all or aunts and uncles they couldn't see them and the judge in the case ruled that they would be tried as adults I never understand that like their their children they're 12 they're juveniles I just feel like all juveniles should be tried as juveniles but they were tried as adults no I'm curious to see what kind of feedback this is gonna get because in my Derrick Robby video which if you haven't seen it was about another kid who killed another kid and he's still in prison to this day he's lived his whole life in prison and who was 13 when he committed the crime and he was psychologically messed up was abused as a kid went through tons of [ __ ] was probably schizophrenic and in my video I said that you know I think that after some time you should be released because this guy is spending his whole life in prison and there's been appeals like multiple times to get him released and you know start rehabbing him sending to some type of rehab center to to get better because locking people up especially people with mental illness is literally only making it a thousand times worse and when I said this in my video about Derrick I was really shocked at the comments back to me like are you out of your mind he needs to stay in jail forever and like I completely understand people's opinions on that so like I'm not here to tell people they're wrong for thinking that or to tell people who think that these girls should be held responsible in full and put in prison their whole lives or possibly get the death penalty some people really think that and if you think that then you know I'm not gonna fight you because what they did was terrible but I do wish more people would understand mental illness and how serious it can get and can you hold someone accountable when they are sick Morgan is being incarcerated in a place with no windows no outdoor time no access and this little girl has serious diagnosed schizophrenia and can you imagine what being in a jail cell with no access to the your family or the outside world would do to you so the trials just happened they are still in the process of Morgan's sentencing and stuff they both pleaded not guilty due to insanity Morgan and I decided that we would making attempts to fulfill the plan at the part I didn't realize that it was actually going to happen until Morgan that lifted up her waist and showed me the handle of the knife Morgan jumped on top of her and stabbed her repeatedly what happened at a certain point two of you left yes I thought that it was just about proving that miss fictional character existed I have no idea what Morgan's motivations were I thought it was just about proving that something most people thought wasn't real was the case has since taken three and a half years to go to trial and just days before guys whose trial was to begin a plea deal they actually reached a resolution of the case with the District Attorney's Office long suspected prosecutors now acknowledged that Morgan Geysers early onset schizophrenia was a major factor in the crime agreeing a jury would have found her not guilty at trial and at breaking news 15 year-old Slender Man stabbing suspect Morgan geyser will avoid a trial with a plea now almost finalized geyser is facing up to 40 years in a mental hospital the deal does not contain a minimum sentence meaning she could ask to be released at any point ergun has been receiving institutional mental health care for the past two years and she's made incredible strides being properly medicated and we're hopeful that when the doctors deem her appropriate for discharge that she'll be released at whatever point in time that is IR pleaded guilty to a lesser charge what was also found mentally ill in a jury trial earlier this month she faces at least three years in a mental institution in my opinion it's just so much better to rehab a person than to just lock them away and throw away the key and that's what happened to Sony people that could be rehabbed and started doing good things for society these girls are so young and I mean at the end of the day no one was gonna win this case I mean it's obvious they carried out this attempted murder thank God it didn't actually result in a death but they clearly did it morning really truly sees things she was seeing people in her jail cell she believed in imaginary friends fully and still struggles without to this day I'm happy with how this turned out for several reasons one because Payton lived through this and what about us what a tough kid and for that first date Payton headed back the one place that still makes her smile most the animal shelter not far from home there have been other moments of joy to the Katy Perry concert she went to ready to show me her video [Applause] we had not asked her about those moments in the woods there is no reason to relive that pain but her parents have told us from the start they wanted us to see her smiling again the smile they feared they lost for good when we went inside Payton's room her walls were covered in purple hearts Payton's favorite color on them messages from children and from parents all over the world all of them writing to the survivor who told her parents I wanted to live I just think that's amazing and secondly I'm happy that a jury was able to understand that these girls are so young and so sick and need help not to be locked away for the rest of their lives things are not going to be easy for either of them they have all three of them have been through serious trauma Morgan has serious schizophrenia that is going to be a lifelong battle for her and her parents if anything this is such a cautionary tale about parents like if I have any parents out there watching I'm sure I do you got to make sure that you're watching your kid not just kind of monitoring how much time they're on the internet but they are watching what they're doing and if they're looking into something like Slenderman over and over and over again I think you got to have to talk about Slenderman make sure they know that it's not real ask them more questions and you know looking back I'm sure the parents wish they could have done things way differently so this was a very serious video clearly but it's a scary story I knew you guys wanted me to talk about Slenderman so bad for this freak week series but I just didn't want to like spread the fake story of Slenderman anymore after what happened paetynn it's just felt wrong so I hope you guys enjoyed learning about another real-life true crime case I know this isn't as spooky or I'm not leaving you shaking in your boots but I think real life crime is way more scary than urban legends anyway that's it for me today guys if you like this video be sure to give it a thumbs up if you like freak week be sure to let me know in the comments so I know whether or not to do it next year because I think I probably will it's been really fun we still have one more video left it will go up on October 30th so that's it for me today guys I want to know your opinion on this I know that there's going to be different opinions out there and that's fine you guys don't have to agree with me I want to know what you think do you think this is a good outcome or should it have been harsher should have been less harsh that's it for me today guys I hope you're having a spooky day and I'll see you tomorrow for the last day of freak week [Music] you
Channel: Kendall Rae
Views: 1,435,639
Rating: 4.9370341 out of 5
Keywords: Kendall rae, freak week, freak, week, 2017, slenderman, creepypasta, pasta, creepy, true, case, court, trial, interesting, learn, recent, news, documentary, beware, the slenderman, HBO, slenderman case, Anissa Weier, pleads, guilty, Morgan Geyser, plea, deal, menal health
Id: uKc8sult0o4
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 28min 31sec (1711 seconds)
Published: Sun Oct 29 2017
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