The Murder Mystery In Room 1046

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[Music] hello guys and welcome to day 7 the final day of freak week so today's story is really really creepy it definitely freaked me out learning about it it's just a very eerie story and so I decided to save it for the last day today I will be telling you about the murder of roland TOA in room 1046 but before we get into that I'd like to take a moment to thank our sponsor for today and that is so obviously we love audible around here I have been using audible for so long long before they were sponsoring me as many of you know I am NOT a big reader I have a learning disability and it just makes reading really not enjoyable so that's why I love listening to audiobooks it makes the experience so much more enjoyable for me audible has the largest selection of audiobooks on the planet and now with audible originals the selection has gotten even more custom and even bigger with content main especially for their members every month audible members get one credit good for any audiobook you 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ray or text Kendall rate to 500 500 so let's talk about the unsolved murder of room 1046 so this story actually takes place in Kansas City Missouri at the hotel president it takes place back in 1935 though so things were quite different it was Wednesday January 2nd and a man came to the hotel and he called himself Roland T Ellen and he checked in to the hotel and he was said to be somewhere between age 20 and age 35 which is a pretty big gap so people didn't really know how old he was he was said to have brown hair a large scar on his scalp and then he also had something called cauliflower ear which typically happens from injuries from like UFC fighting or being punched in the ear or the face some type of blunt trauma to the ear because it's such a sensitive area it's so soft and it often can be damaged and then form scar tissue that does not go away it's called cauliflower here so this guy was said to have had that so when Roland first got to the hotel a bellboy named Randolph Propst helped him take his bags up to his room and like you may have guessed he was staying in room 1046 no one think that the bellboy noticed was pretty strange about Roland is he didn't have like anything with him and everything that he did have he was carrying on his person like in his pockets and stuff and in his pocket he had a hairbrush toothpaste and a toothbrush so pretty simple stuff he didn't have any clothes with him or anything else and as soon as he checked into the hotel he immediately left eventually he came back to the hotel and at some point a maid went up there and her name was Mary and when she was cleaning his room apparently he asked her not to lock the hotel door from the inside that's one thing I don't understand about this story I think the hotel's doors were really weird or something's being miscommunicated because according to this story basically you could be locked in the side of these hotel he basically told her to leave the hotel door open so that his friend could just come in in addition to this Roland kept it completely dark in his room except for a small lamp in the corner and married the maid it said that she felt like he was paranoid about something scared of someone was worried about something she generally could feel his anxiety and she knew something wasn't right with him so later that day around 4 p.m. Mary came back to the hotel room to bring some fresh towels the door was still unlocked so she just went ahead and walked in which is so weird but anyway she saw Roland just laying in the dark on his bed not doing anything just laying there fully clothed and not like under the covers sleeping he was just like chillin so she went about her maid duties like normal and she ended up seeing a little note in the corner of the room that said dear dawn I will be back in 15 minutes wait so Marion took note of this and went about her way the next morning she comes back to room 1046 she arrived at about 10:30 in the morning and she came to just do some normal cleaning this time the hotel door was locked from the outside and when she opened the door she ended up just seeing Roland sitting there in the dark in a chair just chilling alone in the dark doing nothing once again so Mary went in there and just cleaned like normal and while she was cleaning Roland ended up getting a phone call and when he answered it he said no dawn I don't want to eat I'm not hungry I just had breakfast no I'm not hungry so Mary left again and she came back later that day again around 4:00 p.m. to bring some fresh towels to the room but when she brought these towels she noticed that there were two men talking behind the door of room 1046 when she knocked on the door she said she heard voice of someone who wasn't Roland asking who is it she said it's me Mary the maid and I'm here to bring you fresh towels and this is when she heard a strange man's voice say we don't need it so that seemed night there was a taxi driver driving around doing his normal shift and his name was Robert waned and he reported picking up a strange man just a few blocks away from the president hotel and Robert said that this guy was only wearing boxers and a t-shirt looked like he was just in pajamas and it was freezing outside so he pulled over and he got in the taxi he claims that he was pretty beaten up and that he was talking about how he was going to kill that guy tomorrow eventually the man ended up getting out of the taxi and that was the last that Robert ever saw of him and the next day there was a woman next door to room 1046 in room 1048 and she claimed that she was kept up all night by a female and male voice fighting with each other however it should be noted that there was a party over in room 1055 so it could have been sound from that but we're not really sure the following night the elevator operator Charles blocker said that there was a woman going to the 10th floor who he described it as a commercial woman she was kind of fancy looking regal and kind of had a place for this area so she went upstairs to the 10th floor and she says she was looking for someone in room 1026 but you know couldn't she have been confused and actually looking for 10:46 but she said she was never able to find anyone and eventually she left the hotel so the next morning after this January 4th around 7 a.m. one of the hotel staff notices that there's a phone off the hook in Roland's room they could tell that the phone had been off the hook for several hours so they decided to send somebody up there so they sent Randolph props to the bellboy who originally brought Roland into the hotel apparently when he got to the room there was a Do Not Disturb sign on the door but he went ahead and tried knocking on the door a few times but no one ended up answering after a little while he almost gave up but he kept knocking and eventually someone said come in and turned the lights on Randolph tried to open the door but he wasn't able to get in because he was locked and no one was hang up to answer the door and let him in not being able to get in but you know hearing that there was a voice he claims that he basically thought that this guy was drunk and he ended up telling him just through the door yo put the phone back on the hook and then he left about an hour and a half later the people down at the front desk realized that the phone was still off the hook so they sent another bellboy up there named Harold Pike the door was locked but he decided to go ahead and let himself in because he had a master key and when he walked in Harold claims that he saw Roland in his bed naked and drunk but there was a large dark spot around his body on the bed and this is when he saw that the phone stand in the corner of the room was actually knocked over and just laying on the floor and that's why I was off the hook so he you know fixes that up puts the phone back on the hook says whatever about the naked guy laying in is probably his blood on the bed and just leaves not only did he leave he didn't tell anyone about what he saw so a few hours later around 10:45 a.m. the phone operator noticed that the phone had been taken off the hook again so this time they send Randolph back up there to check on him again and this is when he saw Roland actually with his head in his hand on all fours in really horrible condition there was blood all around him and all over the hotel room including the walls the ceiling and Roland was tied up with a telephone cord around his neck his hands and his feet he also had several stab wounds to his chest it was really bad one of his lungs was just completely punctured and he had all of these marks on his head likely from being beaten and also marks on his neck likely from being strangled but despite all of this happening to him he actually was still alive and when police arrived he was still conscious and talking to them they asked you know what happened to you and who did this and he said no one did this I fell against the bathtub so obviously we don't believe that for a second there's clearly someone that was scaring him enough to not want to tell the truth about what was happening so they ended up bringing roll in to the hospital and when they did they realized that the accident or whatever happened to him probably happened about seven hours before they brought him in so this would mean that this actually happened to him before the first time that Randolph went in there to check on him around 7:00 a.m. the detectives didn't find any type of weapon in the room so they could rule out the possibility of suicide or self-injury and they came to the conclusion that someone must have attacked him there were four fingerprints found on the phone that were thought to be from a female but he honestly don't know there wasn't great technology for that back then they weren't able to do any real testing on it so they just figured it was a female by the shape of it pretty much and while Roland was in the hospital he ended up falling into a coma and he did end up passing away on January 5th 1935 and the hospital obviously wanted to confirm his identity see if they could contact anyone on his behalf but they had no idea who exactly he was he didn't have any ID on him all they had was the name that he checked into the hotel with and you know you can check into a hotel pretty much anything they ended up looking in all of Los Angeles because the hotel said that that's where he was from and they were not able to find any record of a Roland to1 so this is when they started to question you know whether or not that was actually his name the word got out that he was kind of a John Doe and people started calling and trying to see if he was their missing loved one some articles about this story I actually said that they put his body up for display which is something they would do back in the day and that they had people come all over to see and you know see if there was anyone that they knew and could have lost however they were not able to make any connection so he remained a John Doe for a little while so police started to look into Dawn and whoever he was talking to on the phone they thought maybe Don was the guy that talked through the door to Mary when she was trying to bring them towels but despite their efforts to figure out who Don was they were not able to get a single lead so Rowland was going to be buried in a potter's field no one was there to pay for anything so were just gonna put him in the potter's field however the funeral home that he was being held at actually received an anonymous phone call from someone who wanted to pay for Rowland's funeral completely in full and then on March 23rd money actually did arrive at the funeral home and after he was buried they were actually some flowers anonymously sent to him from the rock flower company and it was accompanied with one of those little greeting cards and it said love forever Louise so fast forward to about a year later there was still no idea who roland actually was until this woman named ruby was reading a magazine and an article about the story and this is when she realized that roland was actually her son apparently he left Birmingham Alabama in 1934 and his real name was actually Artemis Ogletree and their estimate of you know 20 to 35 was way off he was actually only 17 very young when he left Birmingham he had intentions of traveling all across the United States but he somehow ended up in California and according to his mom when he first left he would write her like letters all the time and keep her up to date about what he was doing but as time went on the letters became fewer and farther between to the point where she didn't even really you know keep track of him super well and she had no idea that anything had happened to him seems like a bit much you know after a year you'd think you'd be a little concerned now usually ruby received handwritten letters from Artemis but in a spring of 1935 she actually received three letters that were all typed out from Artemis and this was really strange because as far as she knew our miss didn't even know how to use a typewriter also the letters were coming from different places around the country such as Chicago and New York and there was slang and language in it that she just felt like wasn't her son's and what makes it even stranger is that she received these letters after Artemis had already passed away so clearly someone else is writing letters pretending to be her son so in August of 1935 ruby ended up receiving a phone call from a long-distance phone number and it was a man who claimed to be named Jordan Jordan told her about how he actually had met Artemis and they became good friends up until he passed away that he and Artemis had been on all these adventures over the last few years and started filling her in on everything he said that at one point Artemis got into a bar fight and lost one of his fingers and that's why he had to start using a typewriter instead of hand writing out his letters to her he also told her that Artemis decided to move to Cairo Egypt and that he married a very high-class Egyptian woman and despite all this strange detail that came from this phone call nothing ever came of this call and it was never able to be traced and then in the early 2000s there was a doctor named James Horner and he was working on Artemis's case and he ended up getting a anonymous phone call from someone claiming to know Artemis the caller claimed that they found a basically a huge box filled with articles about the case they were being hoarded by some old man and then the man passed away and he thought it was a little sketch that he had this so he reported it but nothing ever came out of this either so let's talk about some of the theories about what people think could have happened because there's definitely no answer for sure it's unsolved and no one has any idea what truly happened in room 1046 but it was later discovered that Artemis also stayed at the st. Regis Hotel in Kansas City and apparently he stayed there with another man and a lot of people think that this man could have been dawn and then a lot of people believe that that woman in the elevator who looked pretty fancy and was looking for someone on floor 10 was somehow involved with the murder Charles also said that he saw this woman talking to some man on the ninth floor as well some people think that this could have been dawn and the two of them were plotting and working together to kill Artemis and another hotel employee actually reported that they saw a man and woman quickly fleeing the hotel they looked like they were in a hurry and this is only a few hours after they had found Artemis body this would explain those female fingerprints in the hotel room it would explain the voices fighting that their woman in 10:48 heard and some people actually think that Artemis was killed for being unfaithful to his fiancee there was you know a ton of articles and speculation coming out when this first happened in local papers and magazines and stuff and people were really just speculating on what could have happened and there was actually one article from the Kansas City Journal that reported the whole story about how he was going to be buried in a potter's field but someone called and anonymously paid for his whole funeral and there were other articles speculating that maybe he could have cheated and you know kind of questioning his character and there's actually this article that was published in the Newcastle Sun newspaper and in the article they claimed that a woman called them and told them that they had you know some stories wrong some details wrong and that he was not like that and when they asked her like who she was how she knew him you know what's the story she said never mind I know what I'm talking about he got into a jam and then hung up and then during that same time at the funeral home got the call saying you know I'll pay for Roland's funeral that same man continued to explain that Roland had cheated on his fiancee and that his fiancee visited him in room 1046 for a little meeting which basically means she killed him so some people think that that is what happened but beyond these theories there is really no solid lead for what happened there is definitely not one direction that people are meaning in more than the other it's just a really creepy one the way that he was just sitting in the darkroom like really waiting for someone to come back did someone come back you know it'd be great if they had cameras back then I'd love to know what you guys think of this case of what you think could have happened and that's it for freak week 2019 I hope you guys enjoyed this week normal content will resume on my channel pretty soon here I'm gonna be taking a couple weeks off to work on a project for 2020 that's gonna be awesome I'm really excited for you guys to see what I have in store it's gonna take me a lot longer to work on but I'm very excited for it and I just gotta say before I go be sure to check out my merch shop it just launched October 31st we've all new merch and it is very limited quantities if you want something grab it now but that is it for me today guys stay spooky all year round and I will talk to you next time you
Channel: Kendall Rae
Views: 819,750
Rating: 4.955215 out of 5
Keywords: kendallraeonyt, kendall rae vlogs, kendaily, mystery, true crime, unsolved, roland t owen, 1046, cold case, buzzfeed unsolved, unsolved mystery, mystery of room 1046, unsolved mysteries, crime, investigation, president hotel, roland owen, hotel president, mysterious, buzzfeed, unexplained, theories, investigative, creepy, scary, investigate, supernatural, creepypasta, haunted, paranormal, strange, eerie, spooky, mile higher, mile higher podcast, mile higher life, kendall rae
Id: OkAThg1_ip4
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 19min 12sec (1152 seconds)
Published: Thu Oct 31 2019
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