The REAL Dendro Archon and Sumeru's LIE | Genshin Impact Theory

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in this video i will theorize on who the real dendra archon is is it simply the lesser lord kusanali as the game suggests the answer is yes and no if i told you that sumito had been lying for over five centuries would you believe me a secret so massive that confused the players the characters and even the translators i will dive into the original translations uncover the hints with the artifacts and weapons and describe the characters that mihoya created to foreshadow the events in sumeru real quick i want to give a special shout out to tears of themis for sponsoring this video tears of themis is a free-to-play detective style ultimate mobile game created by mihoyo which means amazing stories and characters high quality music and voice acting and exquisite dynamic illustrations the game revolves around the modern city of stellas where mysterious crime cases started to increase to bring swift justice you interact with characters and crime scenes and search for evidence but as you progress through the trials and the stories you begin to realize that the city of stellas is hiding a bigger secret along the way you forge meaningful relationships with your favorite husbandos increasing the affection levels to unlock even more compelling stories giving you a rich and immersive experience and right now is the perfect time to dive into the game because a new event the symphony of the night launched on october 20th introducing more cases and mysteries to solve alongside additional character stories and if you're like me who loves connecting the dots and solving mysteries or learning about the backstory of characters there's no reason for you to not try out this game download tears of themis now and follow their official social media accounts by clicking on the links in the description below so who is the rio dendro archon is it the lesser lord kusanali the simple answer is yes at the end of the inazuma art conquest many different translations of the game signifies that the lesser lord kusanali is the god of flower who is associated with sumeru dane's life calling the dendro archon the god of wisdom also supports the naming convention of the archons venti being the god of wind and freedom john lee as the god of rock and contracts writing shogun known as the god of lightning and eternity and kusanali the god of flower and wisdom however once we start diving into the details of kusanali things become fascinating in the pali dictionary kusa means a fragrant grass and not only is described as a hollow stalk this information alone doesn't give us much to work with until we look at the jataka tales of kusanali found in the collection of stories in telling the previous life of buddha in his previous life the buddha was born as a lowly grass fairy living in a humble clump of grass a certain king who needed a new pillar for his home ordered carpenters to cut down a sacred tree this sacred tree was the home of a tree fairy that the king knew and respected hearing the cry of the tree fairy the lowly grass fairy comes to its aid and transforms itself into a chameleon covering the entire tree to make it appear hollow and rotten deceiving the carpenters that were sent by the king it is my belief that this story outlines the entire concept of the dandruff archon now besides the name of kusunali the gender of this god is also a topic of confusion thankfully yayamiko makes it quite clear for us at the end of the inazuma art conquest in many different translations kusanali is referred to having a female vessel and in the korean and japanese translation going far as to give the name kusanali devi literally meaning a queen with these indicators we finally have some clues to work with a certain queen that was associated with a specific tree living within the greenery of the fragrant grass coming to aid a certain individual upon hearing their cry does this sound familiar the story of veridescent venera it is my speculation that the lesser lord kusunali or the lowly grass fairy is the varidescent fenerer if we break down the story behind this character we begin to see many similarities the varadance in venerar was known as the queen of hunters being associated with the term kusanali devi she would often take naps under a specific tree signifying the sacred tree within the jataka tales of kusanali this hunter was born and raised around the green foliage plants or grass leaving behind the subtle fragrance of wildflowers mirroring the lowly grass ferry living in a humble clump of grass and koosa meaning a fragrant grass from these descriptions the correlation between kusanali and the very dancing fenerer becomes obvious and as if these connections weren't already enough mihoyo adds more detail to the lore that may explain what's really going on with the identity of the dendro archon to start the original translation of veridescent venerary in chinese means green shadow considering what had transpired within the story of writing shogun i feel that the meaning of green's shadow could be foreshadowing that kusanali is either a temporary stand-in or a simple spokesperson the identity of kusanali as the dendro archon is a facade that was created to deceive the entire world the story goes further to explain that the very decent vendor is the uncrowned queen of hunters mentioning that none could ever bestow a crown upon the queen of hunters since the only one superior to her was nature itself nature representing the previous dendroarcon the god of woods and if the baton of our conscience was never transferred or left uncrowned that means one thing the god of woods is still alive now i know that according to the chinese and korean translations it is said that the god of woods had died together with the disaster that fell upon the ancient kingdom still the legitimacy of this specific artifact is very questionable the entire description is prefaced with the word legend and to add to this uncertainty the description of the domain says after a period of time the people of this continent lost track of the past because of this pretext it's quite difficult to figure out how accurate this information is so let's start cross-referencing ganyu explains that the current dendro archon is 500 years old although she may not fully understand the secrets behind the dendra archon being over 3000 years old and having witnessed the cataclysm kanye's dialogue could be seen as somewhat credible suggesting that the god of woods is connected to kanriya in some way but to what degree to explain it's imperative that we understand the difference between the calamity and the cataclysm the calamity refers to an implosion within the eclipse dynasty of conriyah within this dynasty people were cursed with an incurable condition or turned into the monster of the abyss this calamity or the disaster that fell upon the ancient kingdom occurs moments before the cataclysm the cataclysm follows soon after monsters begin to wreak havoc across the continent of tavat which causes the war between conriya and the gods leading to the kingdom's destruction it is my theory that the god of woods was in kanriya when the internal calamity first struck however instead of dying with the cataclysm that occurred soon after the god of woods escapes along with the condition of erosion and death losing his godly powers and even his sense of sight where am i getting this suspicion from the blind boy that asked for help from the varidescent venera immediately following the calamity that took place in conriyah the very distant vendor meets a dying boy that was afflicted with blindness under the sacred tree seeing that the boy was helpless and being chased by a monster the hunter quickly comes to the boy's aid now as if this was some kind of a joke the english translation of this story claims that the blind boy was killed by the monster however nowhere within the original translation of chinese and even in korean mentions that the boy actually dies in the original translations the blind boy was close to death leaving the story open ended just like how the death of the god of woods is shrouded in mystery i believe that the blind boy and the god of woods is one of the same it's very suspicious that throughout the entire game the blind boy and the god of woods is mentioned together only within the story of the varidescent venera and everything involving this story is hidden behind the concept of perception and deception so if this blind boy is the god of woods and is still alive where the hell is he [Music] as i alluded to in my previous video i believe that the backstory of the slimes is a direct link that foreshadows the story of their respective elemental archons let's deep dive and uncover the cryptic messages hidden within the dendro slime there are some who see it as something similar to the whopper flowers the dandruff slime being the representation of god of woods and the whopper flower representing kusanali hiding its true form to trick and hunt its prey the god of woods is incognito waiting for an opportunity and some regard it as a slime that has been parasitized by some special plant parasites reflecting the incurable disease of the god of woods and special plants possibly meaning the mist grass that i previously covered in another video a plant that contains the power of corruption and karma that is used by the fatoui and the abyss from this point of view might some cultures also see these slimes as having some special medicinal value some cultures meaning a different region and medicinal value liue booboo pharmacy bai shu i speculate that bai shu the blind boy and the god of woods are one of the same slowly dying due to an incurable condition being afflicted with blindness and having lost his godly powers within the calamity personally baiju might be in a similar situation like dane's life obviously thane slave's curse is that of immortality and baiju's condition is pretty much the opposite but the main point is that both are being classified as an uncurable condition faiju is a doctor of high caliber having the knowledge and skills to cure many human illnesses but according to herbalist gui we learned that baiju's illness is something that he can't cure himself xiao explained that by jews mortal medicine has no effect on the depth tie hinting that the current knowledge and skills of baiju are only effective on humans by zhu being unable to cure himself because he is technically a god kuta's story mentions baijiu for his part had grown ever more relentless in his pursuit of eternal life after meeting chichi chichi was given a body that cannot die by the adept i and because baiju no longer has his godly powers he might believe that the power of the adept thai could help him cure his condition keeping chichi around with an ulterior motive now what about the blindness in chinese the name baiju comes from a tractalose macrocephala attractor loads is a herb in china that is used for cleansing the blood and out of its many uses it is also used to help with nighttime blindness if we take a closer look at baiju's eyes we can notice the obvious slit pupils in relation to the motifa by shoe the slit pupil signifies the eyes of nocturnal snakes that are notorious for having bad sight possibly hinting towards the nighttime blindness associated with baijiu's name ironically baishu's companion changsheng is the opposite her eyes depicting a diurnal snake and her name meaning a long life maybe that's how baiju is able to walk around during the day with the help of chengxing now let's take a step back and look at the bigger picture involving the entire mihoyo universe before we dive into it i want to thank unreal dreamer and the hong kong impact community for helping me make these insane references if you are unfamiliar sue is a character from hong kong impact 3rd the story of sue closely resembles the concept of baiju varidescent venera kusanali and even the incurable disease from the calamity to start sue and bai shu are both highly proficient medical practitioners sue is in search for a cure to fight against the hong kai disease and baiju is trying to find the remedy for his incurable condition sue is also connected to the story of varidescent venera inside the hong kong impact 3rd manga we learned that sue saves a boy from a hankai beast interestingly the boy mistakes sue as a girl calling him the lady of the lake maybe even this boy had sight problems better yet maybe the confusion around the gender of the dendro archon was planned all along regardless in arthurian legends the lady of the lake is a fairy-like enchantress who fostered and supported a boy the lady of the lake is also associated with a tree and king arthur yet another rendition of the jataka tales of kusanali now if we go back to the information regarding kusanali in gangshin impact we learn from vahid and inuzuma that kusanali is the provider of anaheim blessing the word and adhesion comes from an ahita a goddess associated with wisdom fertility water and healing wisdom is obviously the god of wisdom kusanali fertility describing the varidescent venera water associated with the lady of the lake and healing coupled with baiju and his conditions this further proves that the story behind kusanali veridescent venera su and baiju are all linked together i mean seriously sue is in a bubble universe named the seed of sumeru even being shown multiple times resting under a gigantic tree now what's even more interesting is the fact that sue is associated with the character named eden eden being portrayed with a chalice or a goblet chalice or goblets are often related with the process of alchemy and eden's code name is gold we have another reference indicator if by jew is correlated with gold this may explain the reason why the god of woods was in kanriya during his downfall but honestly the real question is why is baiju hiding his identity the answer is simple fetui the fatoui wants the dendrognosis but kusanali is uncrowned she has no gnosis to give the dendrognosis is probably still with the god of woods and i suspect that the dendrognosis is the reason why baijiu is even still alive consider this idea archons have two sources of power and existence their original self and the power of hypnosis after giving up their gnosis fenty chongli and a were fine they simply reverted back to their original selves but by shu's original self is currently afflicted with an incurable disease that affects the body it's very probable that he would completely fade from existence once the power of the gnosis is taken away now to hide this truth and to protect the god of woods kusanali plays into the role of the dendro archon pretending that she did inherit the dendrognosis and this is possible since we learned from minizuma that a gnosis is not necessary to rule over a region even without a gnosis a was able to rule over innozuma without anyone realizing now i'm inclined to believe that the fatoui is more than capable of finding out the truth and taking the dendrognosis from bai shu however kusanali has something that no one else can provide to the fatoui wisdom and knowledge according to lisa the scholars of sumer would do anything for knowledge and yaya tells us that in sumeru the knowledge is managed as a holistic resource no matter how corrupt or crazy the scholars of sumer becomes kusanali has no intentions of stopping them because this knowledge is being used as a leverage to delay the future from finding the truth and taking the gnosis from bai shu now it's quite possible that the fatoui already knows about baijiu and are just going along with kusanali's deception maybe they're not taking any actions because the knowledge of sumeru is invaluable to the future at the current moment whatever the case may be baiju is staying low being supported by kusanali with a lie originating from the ancient kingdom for over 500 years a secret that was so well kept even to confuse zhong li the oldest archon as we can see from jon lee's first encounter with baijiu he had no idea who baiju even was on a different note here's some copium i'm sure you've noticed by now all the archons have braids in their hair with their elemental colors being highlighted near the tip funnily enough baijiu also has this trait it's just extremely faint unlike venti john lee and a who has dark hair to help us differentiate the colors of highlights baiju's hair color is green to begin with making it extremely difficult to tell but i'd argue that highlights does exist also by zhu's background might suggest that he's from liua even so just like the initial release of child which stated that he was from leeway might be changed later by mihoyo i mean come on his outfit literally screams sumeru baishu's vision obviously could be fake like benti and john lee's and baiju has a companion changsheng mirroring venti and divalen jong li and gojong but again copying i'm sure we'll get some answers when baijiu releases or when we finally get a face reveal of the dendro archon after all this is just a theory if you enjoyed this video please smash like and consider subscribing for more content in the future thank you to everyone who helped me make this video and one more special thanks to tears of themis and me hoyo for sponsoring this video tears of themis free to play a mobile game with amazing story and characters created by mihoyo themselves download tears of themis now and follow their social media by clicking the links in the description below thank you for watching and i'll see you next time
Channel: IslandXD
Views: 749,482
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Keywords: Genshin Impact, Genshin Impact Theory, Genshin Impact Lore, Genshin Impact Speculation, Genshin Theory, Genshin Impact Story, Genshin Impact Dendro Archon, Genshin Impact Kusanali, Genshin Impact Lesser Lord Kusanali, Kusanali Genshin Impact, Genshin Impact Baizhu, Genshin Impact Dendro, Sumeru, Genshin Impact Sumeru Character, Genshin, Paimon, God of Sumeru, Dendro, Dendro Archon Identity, Secret of Sumeru, Genshin Paimon, Lumine, Kusanali, Baizhu, Lesser Lord Kusanali, IslandXD
Id: vwmZ9LB6ObI
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 19min 21sec (1161 seconds)
Published: Thu Oct 21 2021
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