[v2.2] Secret Origins of Treasure Hoarders [World Structure Theory Part 2 ]- Genshin Impact Theory

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this is my own personal informant nothing to do with the knights of fevonius does anyone else find it strange that kaia who's effectively second in command of the governing body of monstat has a lot of really sketchy connections i mean i understand the importance of having an information network and all but like kai is a cavalry captain and cavalry units historically aren't really the primary information pipeline so to speak typically an army's cavalry are more combat focused at best they might scout ahead of a marching army to ensure that the area was safe but full-on recon isn't really in their job description now eula on the other hand is the captain of the reconnaissance company she's the one who's supposed to actually have a deep information network because you know that's her job to get intel i get that grand master varica took all the horses and all of kaia's cavalry soldiers with him on his expedition but somehow that doesn't really seem like the best reason to start messing around with gathering intel from criminal organizations you know and kaya has some serious connections not just within the local syndicates with how wide his reach seems to be i hardly think he started all of this recently and it's not like varka's been gone all that long either what's really weird about this network of kayas is that it apparently has nothing to do with his work as a knight of fevonius it's something he does on the side as a personal project if you will guys got some strange hobbies [Music] let me be very clear this is not a kaya analysis video although we will be doing a little bit of that this is part two of my tavot world structure series and what does the structure of davao's world have to do with kaya's shady connections well you'll just have to watch and find out now won't you also really quick before we dive into the meat and potatoes here i just want to remind you all that this is a theory video i do my best to make sure that all information presented here is as accurate as possible and from this video onward i will be citing relevant sources in the description box below with video timestamps this is to encourage everyone who watches my videos to do their own research and draw their own conclusions because theories are not canon until mihoyo says so that is my disclaimer now we can talk about kaia's shady dealings so kaya specifically appears to have the most ties with the treasure hoarders specifically this was most blatantly illustrated during version 1.3's lantern right quest currents deep beneath the lanterns where he puts us in touch with an insider within the treasure hoarder organization but this isn't a one-off occurrence and kaya on the whole knows way too much about the treasure hoarder's inner workings to just have one singular informant for example in the daily commission a surprise gift you have the option to ask vile about gift ideas for giuliana doing so reveals that not only did giuliana used to be a treasure hoarder but that kaio was the one who knew she was being exploited and through vile instigated the following chain of events that resulted in the ruin of this specific branch of treasure hoarders that were exhorting giuliana herself but if the treasure hoarders have a multitude of branches that operate independently the only way kaia would be able to reliably suss out this kind of behavior would be to have an informant in multiple branches i'm looking at you vial and that's kind of weird when you think about it why in that commission would he move to crush one specific branch instead of trying to bring down the entire modstat operation they are a criminal organization after all regardless of their perceived level of threat to monstat's safety it feels like they should still be dealt with by the knights don't you think and with the level of intel he has you'd think that'd be possible he could at least deal him a severe blow but he doesn't either he really values the intel he gets from them enough to let them commit their crimes anyway or he has other motives and that might be more likely than you think i bet you don't remember kaya's story quest secret pirate treasure but he sent us on a scavenger hunt that also ended with us running into and later capturing an overzealous treasure hoarder but began with kaya claiming he was descended from pirates currently there are two playable pirates in the game kazuha and beto both of whom use treasure hoarder medals for talents and ascension alongside kaya yes i know yanfei bennett and xinyan do too and that's not the point the point is that well pirates treasure hoarders pirates like treasures so treasure porters are like land pirates okay fine i admit it that connection is kind of a dead end kaya claiming to be descended from pirates and his weird connections to the treasure hoarders seem like completely separate things heck the pirate thing might not even be true it might be a total lie and kai is a pretty weird dude so maybe he just likes messing with the treasure hoarders in his free time like it's his way to unwind or something there really might not be any meaningful connections there at all sure i could really go way out there and say something like i don't know i don't know the circular shape in the center of the insignia matches kaia's eye or something but that seems more like a coincidence than anything else i mean that shape is everywhere actually that symbol isn't that common at least not the primo gem within a circle usually we just see the primo gem star on its own but when i first noticed this in the treasure hoarder insignia i thought the symbol was supposed to be maura since you know treasure hoarders like money and all that but mora has a triquetra on it not a four-pointed star shape the only round thing with a primo gem-like star in the center of it is this stylistic depiction of the sun as seen here in ninguang's story trailer and that would make perfect sense since a sun is a star so a star shape within a disk is a totally reasonable way to represent the sun so that checks out but if we assume that this disc on the insignia really is a stylistic depiction of tavot's son then i gotta ask the question why did the treasure hoarders operate under the symbol of a raven circling the sun well there's nothing about it in game but i just happen to know of a few raven myths that might shed some light on this query the most notable myth comes from native american folklore the exact story varies from region to region but generally it's held that ravens are both trickster and creator gods this is because the raven is usually the one who brings the sun the moon and the stars to mankind but does so through some underhanded means usually like thievery what's interesting to me is that genshin is basically obsessed with the moon and the stars but has basically nothing to say about the sun sure the sun is also just a star but it's a very specific type of star a planet hosting star that makes it special now outside of the americas ravens have a much broader range of roles to play or at least their corvus family members do and we're going to be talking about multiple types of birds from the corvus family and i'm going to be using all the terms interchangeably so just yeah anyway in the old testament for example the raven is the first bird noah sent to look for land not a dove not originally anyway and then if we move to southeast asia we can also find a hindu sage in the form of a crow who recounts the world's history having survived several of its destructions himself incidentally this same sage lived on a wish fulfilling tree found on mount meru also known as mount sumeru which is completely irrelevant to this theory i just thought it was a cool tidbit now in countries like greece crows are often associated with prophecies especially those foretelling disasters which is why in later years they also became associated with witches and harbingers of death crows were also used as a symbol on the code of arms for the viking colonies of the isle of man and of course we can't talk about the vikings without talking about norse mythology which is also where things get interesting because kaia's surname albrecht was a dwarven king from norse myth now the most famous crows or ravens here belong to odin king of the gods these birds are called hunan thought or munin memory and were said to act as the god king's eyes and kaia's got something funky going on with his eyes suspicious but what on earth does all of this have to do with kaya in the treasure hoarders like it doesn't make any sense at all it's it's a bird there's suns okay i see the mythological connections it's fine but why does it matter well let me go off on a little tangent here and we'll circle back to this in a second so kaya's first name is weirdly a point of debate among theorists because it doesn't have a very clear root most theorists seem to agree that his name is of tamil origin bearing the meaning monsoon flower but the evidence to support this is actually fairly weak reddit user dynamocha however suggested that since his last name was albrecht and of germanic origin that kaia's name might also share the same germanic roots and thus settled on an alternate spelling of kaya kaya now kaia with a j has a lot of meanings depending on the language usually it means purity life or the sea but in swedish kaya is a form of kaya and kaya means jackdaw which is a bird but not just any bird it is a small version of a crow or a raven and what's funny about the jackdaw specifically is that it's a bird very famously known for the tail the vein jackdaw and its borrowed feathers wherein the jackdaw decorates itself with peacock feathers and tries to pass itself off as a peacock and of course kaia's constellation is a peacock the word kaya or jack daw is related to the derogatory term phil kaya which means drunken jackdaw or drunk as a jackdaw historically this term came about because of outdoor beer brewing where jackdaws would swoop down and swipe fermenting grains thus earning them a reputation of liking alcohol or at least beer which is hilarious given how much kaya likes to drink and the fact that he was left at a winery and the fact that apparently his code passphrase is wine begets wisdom but you know who else likes to drink pirates which is also funny because remember kaya insisted that his grandfather was a pirate and that kaia inherited his eye patch from him now pirates allegedly wore eye patches because they were constantly going above and below deck on average it takes the human eye around 25 minutes to adjust to the dark so keeping one eye covered allowed them to adjust to darkness instantly just by swapping which eye their patch covered so yeah kaya actually could have just inherited the eye patch from his grandfather and it does kind of solidify the pirate connection a bit and yeah we can talk about the implications of this as per kaya in another video and why he might wear it all the time but for now let's just roll with the pirate thing weirdly enough i have always associated jackdaws with pirates which might be because i've watched way too many pirate movies where the ships were named jackdaw but like i mentioned earlier jackdaws are the smallest members of the corvus family and there's another corvus reference on every pirate ship you know what that reference is it's the crow's nest you know the lookout post on the main mast a little more digging and i discovered that the terms crow's nest actually comes from viking sailors who instead of carrying around parrots like a conventional pirate who didn't carry around parrots they actually just you know took a lot of parrots from the southern islands because they were really easy to sell because they didn't take that much food so they were easy to transit anyway vikings had crows for practical reasons just like with the story of noah's ark where he released a raven to find shore if visibility was poor out at sea vikings would release their crows and plot their course according to the crow's flight path worth pointing out that this is based on a legend and may or may not be true in origin but hey we mostly talk about myth anyway so it's a moot point now i bet you that whenever i mention pirates you all instinctively think treasure in your head and that's totally valid that's kind of what made pirates so famous and kind of popular to begin with was the pirate treasure but remember kaia's story quest is called secret pirate treasure so yeah connection is very valid but you know who else likes treasure well yeah of course steely's like treasure and yeah paimon does too but i was actually thinking about the treasure hoarders huh and treasure hoarders were already a weird bunch of misfits but have you ever noticed that they're one of the only enemy types we never actually kill when we beat them they don't crumble and to stardust like everyone else they just retreat and smoke bomb the heck out of there and you have to admit their lineup of the rules is kind of odd for petty criminals i could write off the gravediggers as grunts that dig up things like ancient burial sites but what the hell are those potion ears it seems to me that with their extremely proficient alchemy abilities they'd be able to find much better employment that's stable legal and you know pays better also why are they looking for test subjects test subjects for what are the gravediggers there to bury the failed test subjects i have to know but it really does bring up the question of what the heck are the treasure hoarders even doing in these ancient ruins members like yanir are researching ancient gods which is so strange because the only other people doing that are like sumaru researchers or the abyss order or you know like maybe sometimes the adventures guild i guess so if treasure hoarders are researching treasures and the gods of ancient worlds just like the abyss order is and the abyss order is made up of a faction of individuals turned monsters from the nation of conria and kaia is heavily involved the treasure hoarders and is also from kanriya then is it at all possible that the leaders of the treasure hoarders might also have deeper connections to possible survivors of conriya's downfall that didn't get turned into monsters what if they escaped conriya's downfall and fled to devot through the dark sea masquerading as pirates we've talked about conriya being an underground nation but that might not be completely true consider this passage from kaia's fourth character story that talks about the day he was abandoned at the dawn winery by his father this is your chance you are our last hope kaia's father squeezed his son's lean shoulders as he spoke seemingly looking right through kaya to some place far beyond on the other side of the horizon sat their distant homeland of conriya kaia would never forget the look of both hope and hatred in his father's eyes as he uttered those words i'll draw your attention not to his father's words but to the direction of conria on the other side of the horizon that's not underground even if the actual kingdom itself were underground the way they arrived in tavat might not have been for those of you who think this is a bit of a leap let me point something out illustrated well by twitter user nan beto the spiral abyss the treasure hoarders symbol and the symbol of the eclipse on surumi island mural are all basically the same shape and depicting probably the same thing and i've already argued in this video that conriya is connected to the spiral abyss the entrance of which is way out at sea on the remains of what used to be the tallest mountain in monstad and since the dark sea is basically anywhere that's not tavod and includes things like island land masses who's to say that there aren't more entrances to other places out there somewhere in the same video i mentioned earlier i also argued that the domains we descend to are likely part of or at least connected to conriya but don't you think it's weird that a nation thought to be underground has a sky some domains even show a full moon just like the one in tavot while others like this domain in inazuma have the sun in full view and it's worth mentioning that the abyss order as well as dane's leaf have design motifs that are littered with stars and galactic patterns and sure those could be more of an abyssal thing but albedo is also from conriya mostly and he still has all of these crazy star and solar motifs despite not having any actual ties to the abyss treasure hoarders also have belt buckles with stars on them that match their insignia and they have those weird potion ears that throw offensive alchemical creations at us to attack and conrio was known for its incredibly advanced alchemy in other words it's actually unlikely that conriya is underground at all it's far from tavot to be sure like way beyond the horizon and maybe beyond the dark sea and maybe you have to either sail across the perilous dark sea to reach it or brave some unmarked underground tunnels who knows but if conriya is really truly above ground then we cannot ignore the possibility that the underground is actually but teva find out how that's possible you'll have to stick around for part three yes part three i never meant for this to be a three-part series but i had to set up the foundations for this next video which is already going to be a bit longer than i'd like part three of the world structure theory is already under development maybe about thirty percent complete at the time of this video's release now in that video we will actually be exploring some history of tavot what we actually know for certain about tavot's physical structure some mythological inspiration a hypothesis on what the world actually looks like as a result of all those things that we know and then we'll take a look into what implications all of that has on the plot itself and trust me it's a bit of a doozy so buckle up guys i don't expect this will be a smooth ride thank you all so much for watching and i will see you guys in part three [Music] you
Channel: Ashikai
Views: 172,423
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: game theory, genshin impact theory, genshin impact, mihoyo, theory video, game lore, genshin lore, treasure hoarders, khaenriah, kaeya
Id: v-wc9rnAyiY
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 19min 48sec (1188 seconds)
Published: Sun Oct 31 2021
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