The Real Atlantis: Finally Found?

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Hello everybody welcome back to another episode of decoding the unknown as always I am your Dakota Simon what happens here on this channel on this podcast one of my writers thank you ilser has written me a script the real Atlantis that's the entirety of the title in front of me I mean this has got to be about like Atlantis and that ancient city that people think is like buried under the sea or something like that but I don't think they've discovered that I mean like some sort of historical Atlantis sure I could maybe believe in but some sort of like magical City I'm like no no no no no no no well let's learn about the history of the today shall we uh if you like this channel if you like what we do here kind of you know Mysteries urban legends the unknown Cryptids all that stuff with a little bit of a skeptical tone from yours truly please consider subscribing to this channel it means a lot or subscribing to this podcast indeed share it with a friend that's a nice thing to do isn't it leave a review all of that good stuff plugs over let's jump in I've never read that this before that's the format of the show by the way we're all gonna learn something together ever let's go [Music] ancient cities hidden in the jungles of South America are spending the rest of Eternity on the ocean floor lost civilizations have fascinating mankind since the days of Plato Spanish gold precious stones and Priceless sculptures keep treasure Hunters funded if the movies are to be believed and every discovery of a pottery Shard or ruins of a temple is making an archaeologist archaeological archaeologist it's not that hard to say is it dream come true while causing endless delays for commuters and construction Crews who really just want to finish that Highway that they've been working on for the last 10 years yeah I I hear this um like nothing is worse for like a construction company they're like yeah finally we're getting started on this house and it's like oh no we've uncovered a pottery shardock come on and then the archaeologists come in they dig it up and it's like five years later you can finally build your house or something let's just be like Don't Close Your Eyes when digging close your eyes you see nothing so if your eyes aren't already closed let them flutter closed now the dream of utopian cities filled with advanced technology and Superior beings have been Withers for centuries however as the new world lost its shine and the world just became small and the world just became smaller undiscovered lands and civilizations became harder to find it's like that uh that brilliant movie The Truman Show oh and in case I don't see you good afternoon good evening and good night whereas like they're asking and he's trapped in this everyone knows what The Truman Show is right but it's Jim Carrey's character and he's trapped in a bubble and it's a reality TV show and he thinks like he never leaves the island and there the teacher asks him what do you want to be when you grow up Truman He says I want to be an Explorer the teacher just pulls down a map of the world and it's like too late it's all been discovered and it really has instead mankind turned to the Stars to find their ideal civilization on planets yet to be discovered but forgive the Enterprise a chance they'll get there no they weren't not real or a pass so distant any trace of its existence has long since appeared one such place is the fabled lost city of Atlantis we've all heard the tales of Atlantis some stories claim the atlanteans were alien arrivals from the lyrion star system around 50 000 years ago they had advanced technology and lived for 800 years oh my god wow I bet there's loads of evidence to support that there was a war Atlantis was destroyed and the Survivor split to agartha Noah was in Atlantean for those of you who didn't know oh I didn't know God I'm so glad I've been formed about that and also about Noah being definitely not fictional others believe that Atlantis was the original Garden of Eden and the atlanteans were Angels which I was resurrected as angles I'm assuming it's Angels it'd be weird if they were angles Atlantis was a spaceship that crashed into the planet the atlanteans had supernatural abilities to control the weather and if you ever felt like you don't quite belong don't worry about it you're probably a descendant of Atlantis or a reincarnated Atlantean of course oh look your little Theory makes people feel like they fit in when they don't fit in and that appeals to them like oh look is that how is that how this works yes in fact there are so many conspiracy theories about Atlantis we'd need to dedicate an entire channel to Atlantis to cover them all and don't get any ideas I'm not doing that after we're done with today's episode which is beastly long I'm gonna be done with Atlantis no more Atlantis no mob just wanted to get away from all this what I do like related to Atlantis is Stargate Atlantis that the second there was Target sg1 then there was Stargate Atlantis and they were in a different galaxy on this big it was kind of it was a big city that was also sort of a spaceship called Atlantis and it was awesome loved that however after some reading on the subject I despaired for the future of mankind so if you want to learn more about Atlantis conspiracies I further need to do it in your own time instead I started wondering what is the real story of Atlantis and is there any fact to be found in the fiction sunken cities are nothing new the rising sea levels of the last few thousand years and human intervention may have left many a city under hundreds of meters of water some so well preserved that they became tourist destinations bringing in money long after their demise so today we'll explore the lost city of Atlantis and determine once and for all whether there is any truth to the tale and there might be like I look forward I look forward I like doing these episodes because even we're talking about like demons and like aliens and I've always like I enjoy like dumping all over it but I also like when we get to like this actual potential Real History here because I don't know the reality is just more interesting in my opinion not Than Fiction Fiction's fascinating but like fiction presented as fat so I just find like come on come on come on it's silly isn't it the story of Atlantis the story of Atlantis was written by Greek philosopher Plato who lived from around 428 to 348 BCE we don't know much about Plato's early life but he do know he's born into a wealthy and politically active family which is why he had the luxury of being a philosopher as opposed to being a farmer or a Tradesman yeah it's like philosophy I feel like even this is is this still true today to be a philosopher I guess there's like academic philosophers like philosophers who do like proper philosophizing and teach philosophy but I also feel there's probably like a disproportionately large number of philosophers who who have like you know they're independently wealthy they're family bloody awesome because right I just like maybe I'm talking out of my ass I could be I could be philosophers could be highly paid maybe they found like that their Nation I don't know what could a philosopher consult on like how could they involve themselves in the financial sector and make some money I don't know Plato is of the opinion that people would be allowed to follow a philosophical argument to its conclusion but most people enjoy story so he used stories to express his philosophical ideas two devices come up a lot Plato often used dialogues in his writing most often involving Socrates and many of his stories use myths either existing myths or if there wasn't one available to see whatever he was talking about it simply create his own this is a fairly important detail that many Atlantis Believers overlook this is a great way to educate people like I really feel like turning history and stuff or like morals or philosophy into stories is way more interesting than I don't know because some philosophy it's like and this because of this and this because of that and when it's like and then John did this and John fell like that and Peter was like this and Paul was like and then you're like okay cool I'd like a story a great story indeed everything we know about Atlantis comes from two dialogues the timores and the critius written by Plato around 360 BCE most Scholars agree it was supposed to be a trilogy but the final dialogue was never written why it wasn't finished is a mystery the dialogues are presented as a conversation between four people Socrates a philosopher of note timores kritius and hermocrates a general from Syracuse and I'm sorry I know I know all the philosophy we are Simon first you say that we don't have jobs and now you mispronounce everything I'm so sorry I'm so sorry at least we're talking about it it's down for this conversation ever happened so the dialogues are fiction but all the participants except for tomorrow's were real people it's entirely is the one that I really don't know how to pronounce timau's is the one that is the most most needed to be pronounced brilliant it's entirely possible that Tomas was real but there doesn't seem to be any record of him critius was related to Plato but he had a bit of a sordid history he was the ringleader of the 30 tyrants a pro-spartan group that took control of Athens after Sparta defeated Athens in the Peloponnesian War in 404 BCE I'm not going to go into detail about this good if you're like and now we're going to talk about the polar belugian War for half an hour no not why we're here get to Atlantis so it's Justified today that they were called the 30 tyrants for a reason in 403 BCE kritius was killed the fact that kritius a Statesman with great potential who was corrupted by greed and finally killed in an uprising tells the story of Atlantis is definitely not a coincidence yes cause Plato is using stories to get his point across doesn't mean the stories are real I don't think anybody would believe this story according to the dialogues the story of Atlantis was told to Solon athenian's Statesman and Poet by Egyptian priests in size during his visit to Egypt so long then passed the story to drapedes the great grandfather of critius and Simon is totally lost like okay so the stories came passed around and the story was passed from one generation until the next until kritias shared the story in the dialogue written by Plato we so it was a story that was passed down generation to generation then that Plato possibly made up okay look this isn't real guys Solon was a real person however none of his surviving Works mention Atlantis kritius insists a few times that the story is about to tell is completely true and many Atlantis Believers claim the story is true because Plato said it was however Plato said No Such Thing the character kritius was the one who said it and he's a character the tale begins with so Long's visit to Egypt where the priests inform him that the Greeks know very little about their own history and have long forgotten one of the most remarkable events the Athenian defeat of the empire of Atlantis around 9 000 years before beyond the pillars of Hercules out in the Atlantic Ocean was an island the size of Libya and Asia combined when the gods divided the Earth among them Poseidon was given the island of Atlantis the idea was that the gods would mold and guide mankind but we all know how that turned out anyway Poseidon fell in love with the Mortal woman cleito and the two had five pairs of twin Sons oh my God what a nightmare can you imagine having four sets of twins appear like well we won one more kid twins again God no oh Lord in order to make the hill that was home to cledo secure and to keep herself Poseidon created a separate Island by breaking off the hill from the rest of the incredibly large island creating concentric circles of sea and land around this Acropolis since boat building and sailing was not a thing yet these channels were impossible for the time being anyway eventually the citizens of Atlantis would build Bridges and Roads as well as channels to allow ships from the Great Atlantic to reach the center Islands but I'm guessing by then clito wasn't around to need protection anymore being a god though Poseidon enjoyed his comfort so on this Acropolis of theirs he created two Springs one warm and one cold so people really think this is real they're like Plato said this is real Plato is a real philosopher he he's just and he he made up a story about Gods who created islands and [ __ ] obviously it's not real he knew it wasn't real it was a story it'd be like JK Rowling being like it's like a guy made up this Harry Potter story and like many years later people thinking it was real because JK Rowling was real what the [ __ ] rolling Rowling I know one is right and one is wrong but I can never remember which good news I don't care nobody cares once these pairs of twins were grown beside and divided the island into ten portions the eldest son Atlas was made King while the rest of the sons all served as princes each ruling a portion of the island for many generations the descendants of the princes ruled not only Atlantis but other islands and lands in the Mediterranean that they also conquered as far away as Italy and Egypt Atlantis was an Empire of such wealth that had never been seen before and would never be seen again the islands was fruitful providing everything the inhabitants needed food perfumes Timber precious metals everything thing one needs Timber yes but how could I live without my perfume how could I live without my precious metals among them a metal called auric Harlequin or Mountain copper a metal that couldn't be mined anywhere else the island was also able to support an abundance of rare and exotic Wildlife even herds of elephants the ancient world really had a thing of relevance of course all of these resources meant that they were a Mercantile power to be reckoned with on top of all of that just to make sure that no one came to mess with their Bounty they had a well-trained and well-equipped army the city was breathtaking to behold buildings were built with stones of white black and red some in a single color and others with detailed patterns the outer wall of the city was covered in brass the inner circle of the city was covered with DIN and the Acropolis itself was covered with mountain copper that gleamed like fire and all of this is entirely possible because it's a story beautiful story it's like yeah how big was that it was the size of the pyramids and made of solid gold it's like you could say that because it's made up it's not real and this is the thing unlike the the idea of historic Atlantis existing as a city from history potentially the idea that we're going to discover this Atlantis with this big bronze wall with copper on the inside and some elements but we've never discovered before it's like please in the center of the Acropolis was a temple to Poseidon and cleito the exterior of the temple was covered in silver except the reef spies those were covered in Gold inside the roof had the appearance of ivory with patterns of Gold Silver and Mountain copper the remainder of the walls floors and pillars that weren't already covered with something were covered with mountain copper the temple also contained a golden statue of Poseidon tall enough to reach the roof on a chariot driven by six winged steeds and surrounded by a hundred narrates on dolphins just throw that in there what's that that's people riding a dolphin it's doing flips and [ __ ] around the temple were golden statues of the ten princes their wives and a whole lot of descendants in short when the sunset you could probably see the Reflection from the Moon throughout the city the people of Atlantis lived in wealth and comfort they had access to Springs baths temples a Racecourse and Gardens Chief among these the sacred grove to Poseidon the city itself was surrounded by a plane which was encircled with mountains man-made rivers and channels irrigated farmlands and allowed for the transport of fresh produce and Timber to the city didn't we say that the city had all the timber wasn't that one of the things along with perfume that they had and have no fear the people in the countryside lived in as much wealth and comfort as those in the city where all the people doing the menial ship who's cleaning out this who's cleaning out the sewers who's cooking the food who's being slaves and this was the past people couldn't people needed this they had like lots of I don't know dirty bars to clear out and like peasants to look down on initially always well the people of Atlantis were Noble gentle wise we're all the stupid people you've got all these Noble gentle people we know how it works it's like a bell curve there's like you know it goes up and then in the top it's like and then it goes this way for so for all the brilliant noble people there's also the Dum Dums where are they were sent to another Island where they died also Noble Atlantis despite their enormous wealth they weren't greedy or materialistic however is the dip they weren't materialistic didn't we just describe like all the show was made out of gold and they needed perfumes and precious metals not materialistic huh however as the demi-god blood got thinned by Mortals things began to change the rulers of Atlantis became ambitious and wished to hoard more wealth and power the societies all became morally corrupt Zeus saw this moral Decay and decided to punish the people of Atlantis sounds like just regular World it sounds like the world we live in doesn't it where's he used to punish us we're our sins I just like having excuse what's wrong with that I like things they make me comfortable I love things that people hate he called the gods together and said well we don't know what was you said to say in the matter because Plato never finished the crit yes maybe then and then Voldemort came down oh no the book just what was that it was it Douglas Adams sound of doubt he didn't finish that one right and it's just they published it and it just like ends halfway through and okay couldn't you have paid someone to finish it just like read the book and guessed where he was going I mean no it was just I feel that'd be a bit weird they did they have finished books though people have had books finished by or series finished by other authors right I want to say there's that giant fantasy series that was finished by someone else but the guy who wrote Lord of the it's about to go it's not Lord of the Rings it's not even Lord of the Rings that I'm thinking of it's that Game of Thrones is the new series written by that same it's not right because it was too slow I don't even know his name who cares let's move on everyone already hates me for hating Game of Thrones I don't hate Game of Thrones I just don't find it interesting oh my God however Plato did give us an outline of the story of timau's so we know that the city of Atlantis was trying to conquer all of the Mediterranean however the city-state of Athens rose up against Atlantis fighting alone without allies Athen single-handedly defeated the mighty Empire of Atlantis freeing the people already conquered and enslaved following the victory earthquakes and floods struck and Mighty Warriors of Athens disappeared into the Earth and the Glorious Empire of the Atlantis sank beneath the waves I'm guessing's use had something to do with that use was pissed Atlantis in Antiquity there's no mention of Atlantis anywhere in prehistoric record prior to Plato's dialogues now I'm sure there are some folk who would like to argue this point and sure if you look through history you're going to find stories of Lost Cities and great floods Noah's Ark comes to mind but the city of Atlantis is mentioned for the first time by Plato nine thousand years after its supposed destruction there's no indication that Plato Drew on earlier literature and myth for the tale of Atlantis at least not consciously writers pick up ideas in the strangest places sometimes but that's a story for another time there are a few historical events that could have influenced Plato significantly but we'll get back to that in just a bit only a few writers after Plato back in a time which we call Antiquity seem to think Atlantis was based on something real a few mention islands that existed at some point Aristotle mentions antelia Marcellus mentions an island dedicated to Poseidon some writers refer to this as poseidonis very original I I know died or a syclist claimed that the Phoenicians and the Etruscans were aware of a big island just outside the pillars of Hercules that was very Lush and fruitful with mountains rivers and forests now you see this is what I'm talking about this is where it gets close to being like okay so lots of people talk about some big island somewhere maybe that this island could literally be I don't know maybe like just some Island that was a bit mysterious back in the day because it wasn't a touch of the Mainland it could be like and I recently went to Crete which is like off the south coast of Greece maybe they just hadn't got out that far and they were like whoa and then someone went out there and they tried to find it they like disappeared and it's like did you use your compass correctly what's a compass you know this kind of according to Pliny the Elder who seems to have had an opinion on everything this island was located 12 000 kilometers that's 7 400 miles from Cadiz that's a really long way especially in the ancient world where they were like world is small krantor was a philosopher in Plato's Academy he wrote a commentary on timaya's and believed the story was true and claimed to have seen the pillars in Egypt that contained the story of Atlantis and Greek biographer Plutarch pointed out that Solomon was a real person and he originally intended to document the story after it was told to him and just never got around to it apparently solo and spent time with Santa Fe of heliopus and sonkus offsise to learned priests in Egypt and heard the story from them the Greek festival of Palace athene or panathi near celebrates the goddess for saving the city from the nation of Poseidon apparently this cult had been around since at least 125 years before Plato So the story was already doing the rounds by the time he came along however this island is not called Atlantis there are a few more examples but the theme remains fairly similar and while sources range from the Phoenicians to The Druids it doesn't appear that anyone hopped on a boat to go and find this elusive Island the story pops up here and there from Antiquity but for the most part no one seemed to consider Atlantis to have been a real place during the Renaissance both Francis Breakin and Thomas Moore Drew's inspiration from Play-doh style of Atlantis for their own writing describing utopian societies in the new world new Atlantis and Utopia but neither claimed the tale of Atlantis was true so if the rise of the past from Plato all the way through to the Renaissance which was a long time later consider the story of Atlantis to be only that a story where does our current idea of Atlantis come from well Simon I'm glad you asked modern Atlantis in the 1800s there were a few writers who considered Atlantis to be fact brasured borberg a French scholar was among a few who suggested some relationship between Atlantis and mesoamerica they laid the groundwork for what was to follow by making that claim we know so well it was impossible that the native peoples of Mexico and the Americas were responsible for the beautiful art and the impressive architecture dotted dotting the landscape ah yes the classic I was gonna say kind of but no just just straight racist like they couldn't have possibly done that they're so backwards and now we must civilize them instead it made far more sense of these places were colonies of Atlantis apparently creating a fictional city and ascribing all the art architecture and Rich mythology of the region to a people that never existed made more sense than just accepting that it was created by you know the non-white non-european non-Christian people that lived there how how can they do this they have obviously smaller brains ah however the idea of Atlantis that we have today really got started with one man and that was Ignatius Donnelly in 1882 Ignatius a sick Name by the way Donnelly Donnelly I mean not the Donnelly part but Ignatius that's pretty badass a Philadelphia lawyer turned politician published his Masterpiece Atlantis the andiluvian world Donnelly was of the opinion that Atlantis had been a real place not just a myth and Atlantis as Neolithic culture was the origin of all ancient civilizations of course only a few select nations in the world were descended of this Mighty Atlantis Donnelly used a lot of proof for this hypothesis he claimed that Egyptian and Peruvian mythology was the original religion of Atlantis he claimed that shared traits in various cultures and the fact that many cultures around the world have similar stories regarding floods and earthquakes could only mean that they share the same ancestral memories or or I don't know I'm pretty sure that floods happen in more than one place an earthquake as well of course it could just be that every place with a river a dam or a sea settled or settled on a tectonic plate may have experienced flooding or earthquakes exactly but that would be a boring explanation the immigrants from Atlantis spread over Europe Africa and the Americas the first Atlantean colony was probably Egypt and The Phoenician alphabet the precursor to most European alphabets were was itself derived from the Atlantis alphabet mate do you have any proof of this or are you just rambling on about some like this is like historians in the past but just make [ __ ] up and embellish and it's like okay you got you got any sources there you just like writing what comes you know you sit down at your desk and you're like you know what I could do I could research but that sounds like it's going to take more than an hour I'm just gonna sit down and write what comes to my mind just you know just just speculate the past it was the worst I bet people can't wait to read my Memoirs there's about 240 more pages of this but I'm sure you get the idea yes Elsa we definitely do of course once Donnelly started spouting his theories many decided to jump on the bandwagon and start spreading their own theories probably because his book was selling so well it's like oh dude this guy over in Philadelphia he wrote this book and it's popping off it's all these lies they've made up of Our Ladies it's just like speculating about said it was real sold that book and now he's Rich you know we should do continue with this make our own book sell that it's hot it's hot right now one of these was Madame blavatsky if the episode on agarthur is out um which I recently recorded So I've definitely recorded it before this so probably I will recognize the name blavatsky was the founder of the theosophical that is a word I know not sure I'm struggling so much there uh society and wrote a book of her own secret Doctrine where she added some esotericism um what is with me today esotericism acetera that's right right and spiritualism to Donnelly's crackpot ideas so she cracked the crackpot we could say she depicted the atlanteans as Heroes which if you read Plato's version of the story is the exact opposite of what they actually were they were the enemies of Greece and morally corrupt blavatsky claimed that the atlanteans were the fourth root race the lemurians being the third and were the ancestors of the fifth race and most Superior of races yes you know where this is going the Aryan race oh I didn't know where it was going oh Superior of races I see I see what we did there she's turning this into uh into a race thing brilliant love that the third and fourth root races were full of cosmic Consciousness and idea popular with the New Age movement later on so now that we've mentioned the Aryan race you know he's next oh no we go let's get to the knots oh we do get to the Nazis I already see his name right there oh no in the 1930s Heinrich Himmler and Hermann Wirth founded the institute for the study of Atlantis apparently Himmler was a firm believer in whatever nonsense blavatsky spouted about the fabled Atlantis we already know the Reich was obsessed with all things at cult so it's no surprise they believed in Atlantis while blavatsky certainly was a strong influence there were other Inspirations for the madness one such person was George lands Von leibenfels who championed Aris arisophy don't know that one the wisdom of the Aryans oh sh and prophesies the Revival of the Lost Aryan civilization made up of Nordic godmen he wrote about these God men in a magazine called ostara which made its way into the hands of a young Hitler in 1909 and Hitler was like why am I not like these God men why am I short with the funny hair a fish I was more Aryan whiskey is weird that Hitler did not look very Aryan right I think he just had a bit of a man crush on these God men in these stories muscular areas defended scantily dress blonde damsels in distress from terrifying eight men doing whatever eight men do in the early 20th century the Nazi party needed some way to establish their own superiority to justify what they were doing they decided that rooting themselves in ancient mythology of superior beings was the best plant they went about shamelessly appropriating any and every myth to help them in this quest in order to prove the Aryan myth is true and the Aryan race are superior they needed to find the true history and peoples of the original Atlantis and thus began a wild goose chase among many myths and religions appropriated by the Nazis was Hindu mythology which they believed pointed to Hidden societies of Atlantean secret Masters hidden in India and Tibet they never found these hidden societies what they did it I wouldn't have guessed that at all probably it's because these societies didn't want anything to do with them and realized that being associated with these loons a bit of a PR disaster however Himmler wasn't deterred and in 1930 80 sent an expedition under the leadership of Ernest Shafer Explorer and zoologist to the Himalayas inspired by the work of Ferdinand osendowski in the ideas of Herman Wirth who claimed the reason for similar looking symbols in different cultures across the world can be explained by the survivors of Atlantis fleeing to higher places the expedition was headed to Tibet to find these Atlantean descendants after some highly scientific research involving measuring people's heads and comparing facial features to a list of Aryan features they came to the conclusions that the Tibetans were the descendants of Atlantis oh my God how real how real is that because we all know that like determining areas by measuring facial features is very very legitimate what are we talking about anyways anyways anyways whether the scientists involved really believed this or whether they told Himmler whatever he wanted to hear so they could go back to actual science we'll never know also like him there's these big scary knots a guy who'd be like yeah yeah sure Hitler yeah yeah no definitely Atlantis Atlantis can I flee yet can I flee still watch can I leave for these guards gonna shoot me Himmler upon learning this came to the conclusion that the master race had become weaker due to inbreeding with the locals and needed to be purified the rather terrifying thought in a nazia are rather terrifying thought it ever anybody to be honest more terrifying when there's an apparatus behind making that happen however Tibet wasn't the only home of the Atlantis another archaeologist Edmund kiss believed in the world ice Theory the claim that the Earth collided with the moon at some point in that the cataclysm that followed destroyed Atlantis and led to an ice age I mean okay aren't you an archaeologist aren't you supposed to believe in like facts and evidence and stuff archeology is a science it's not just like oh yeah the moon crashed into the air so okay sure maybe it may be the good could have happened weren't the moon and the earth like once together in like the history of the solar system but then it and then okay fine they could have crashed into each other's Shore Theory but then that destroyed Atlantis mate do you have any idea how long apart those different time things could have been from like Plato's Atlantis whenever that was to the Moon and the Earth crashing into each other these are these are really really far apart time wise the atlanteans once again deciding that higher is better fled to the Andes antiquinaku in Bolivia was in fact Atlantis apparently kiss's work was received very enthusiastically back home and published in party newspapers and youth Publications however when World War II kicked off his planned expedition to Bolivia to prove his theory was canceled because you know War another big name in the search for Atlantis is Heinrich schleiman a German businessman who was fascinated by the epics of homo which described an ancient Greek civilization prior to Plato at the time The Iliad and the Odyssey were viewed as fiction however schleiman had a different opinion he was convinced that these stories were based on actual historic events in mythology might contain a grain of Truth so he decided to try and prove his theory in 1871 in Northwest turkey actually found something ancient Troy or rather he found the ancient city of hisarlik today accepted as ancient Troy whether the Trojan Horse was real or how much Homer embellished in his account of the war on Troy is still unclear but Slimer was proven right there was some fact in the fiction yeah and I'm always open to this this is what this is like what I was describing the ingredients what I like about decoding the unknown when we get to the stuff and it's like yeah obviously like there's gonna be the the story of Troy so much embellishment so many like bits of fiction and all of that stuff but it's like it's nice when there's a kind of the truth because I like learning about that kernel of truth but if Troy existed believer's claim maybe Atlantis did as well yes totally but it's gonna be really disappointing because it's not going to be like populated by aliens that live for 800 years or whatever it's just going to be some boring ass Island where some people who were a bit different to you lived in 1931 known medium and spiritualist Edgar caycee founder of the association of research and Enlightenment joined the ranks of Atlantis Believers oh well this guy we completely ignore because what he does is just is is well known nonsense he claimed that he had a psychic connection with the akashic records a collection of all Universal events thoughts were and emotions that happened or will happen wow he's claiming a lot does he have any evidence to back it up no of course he doesn't because he's [Music] he could see detailed images of Atlantis and its inhabitants know he gooded and he gave psychic readings to people who he claimed had lived past lives in Atlantis he also added some extra elements of the supernatural Atlantis was a highly evolved civilization with ships and aircraft an impressive feat nine thousand years before Plato these crafts were powered by an enigmatic energy Crystal however instead of the Mediterranean Casey claimed that Atlantis stretched all the way from the Gulf of Mexico to Gibraltar and was destroyed around 10 000 BCE and some catastrophic event to this day the association of research and Enlightenment is continuing the search for Atlantis and claims Bimini Road is part of Atlantis the rest of the 20th century and well into the 21st century saw a library's worth of books articles and papers published on Atlantis ranging from an attempt at pure science to Supernatural explanation so Fantastical that the authors should consider careers as fantasy novelists they'll make a bloody Fortune well yes maybe but I was like we always say it I always say it if you're not if you've written a book and it's a bit and a fictional book just label it as based on a true story and it'll sell more because people will be there's like loads of crackpot out there who believe this even playing if Plato did try bullish but I mean it works for him like aladders are super popular because people think it might be real otherwise it would just be some story told by Plato right the myth of Atlantis also got wrapped up in other myths of lost continents such as lemuria and moo conspiracy theories about agarthur and even showed up in one or two stories about Noah well over a hundred years after Donnelly first met imaginations Ablaze the search for Atlantis is still ongoing the stories that make the papers these days don't Focus too much on the supernatural elements however a lot of money is made by a lot of people from a story about a city that never existed yet oh my God it is like money is so dominant like all the time you like wise what's the motivation here it's money it's always money it's people just make it up because they like money is it hot in here it's not that complicated or there's something wrong with their brain sometimes that happens where is Atlantis the majority of Scholars and academics are of the opinion that the story of Atlantis is allegorical not historical and the city never existed however some have theorized that either Atlantis was a real place or if Atlantis wasn't real then the story was definitely based on a real place cataclysmic natural disasters have been around since long before mankind made their way out of their mud and floods and earthquakes weren't on common in ancient Greece however since there's no land mass just beyond the Strait of Gibraltar the size of Libya and Asia combined it definitely would have fit odds are if Atlantis existed it wasn't quite where Plato claimed it was also island of Atlantis or Atlantis whatever is the size of Asia and Libya Australia on there as well why not maybe it's small compared to Asia Asia's the big continent the world of the ancient Greeks ended at the pillars of Hercules everything beyond that was unknown so there's the real Atlantis out there somewhere it was the story of Atlantis based on events closer to home let's find out Santorini a popular theory that comes up repeatedly is the volcanic eruption on the island of Thera better known today is Santorini some proponents claim that Santorini or the nearby Crete was Atlantis but others lean more towards the idea that the eruption on Santorini inspired the story but wasn't the actual Atlantis since that's a fictional Place seems totally reasonable didn't I theorize earlier after my little holiday to Crete I was like maybe it was great God I'm such a big brain damn Our Story begins on the neighboring island of Crete it was really nice it was a really great holiday nice weather stayed in a nice little place ate some interesting food the sea was nice it was a nice little family holiday A Story begins on the neighboring island of Crete home to what many believe to be Europe's first great civilization the Minoans archaeological excavations have discovered a sophisticated society that bought palaces constructed roads and developed Europe's first written language linear a you see real history is interesting we don't need Atlantis and all of this made up because Real History is fascinating this this you could do a whole [ __ ] YouTube channel a whole podcast just about this and it would be super interesting we don't need to have Atlantis and all that other stuff it's also already history is already interesting history boring preserved in the ash much like the city of Pompeii many years later archaeologists discovered homes 3 three to four stories high impressive pieces of Art and frescoes with bright colors depicting flowers and exotic animals the Minoans had highly developed agricultural practices and based on some artifacts probably had cultural and Commercial relations with most other cultures in the Mediterranean some have suggested that the Minoans might have had a powerful navy that dominated the Eastern Mediterranean possibly collecting a form of tax from surrounding lands but there's nothing to prove that rather it was society that gave women equal status to men highly sophisticated and likely mostly peaceful so this brings us to the eruption day on Santorini about 100 kilometers 70 miles Northeast of Crete around 1500 to 41450 BCE an earthquake hit the island of Santorini leading the volcano on the island to do what volcanoes do best throw a temper tantrum that sent Rock Ash and gas into the atmosphere can you imagine you're just chilling out Santorini like um and then there's an earthquake like oh no my house has fallen down that sucks and then the volcano kicks off and you're like ah there'll be bad times of course a tsunami followed oh no ah tsunami as well come on God come on zoo shut the [ __ ] man oh my God wiping out the minoan Palaces and cities along the coast of Crete animals many people's livelihood were killed in the disaster vegetation was destroyed and irrigation canals were choked with Ash this sudden reversal of Fortune was the beginning of the end for known as minoan civilization as what was left was suddenly vulnerable to Invaders from the Greek mainland according to Plato Atlantis disappeared within a night and a day so basically instantly there are only a few geological processes that can cause something like this and cataclysmic volcanoes well they are one of them after the molten rock that accumulated just below the surface had thrown itself violently into the air with all the dramatic Flair of a Shakespearean actor the magma chamber especially if it's very large or close to the surface can't support his own weight anymore and collapses in the case of Santorini left behind a large hole that filled up with water originally the island of Santorini was approximately circular but today all that's left is a thin Arc of Ireland fragments scientists have compared the Santorini eruption with one was slightly more familiar with the eruption of the island of Krakatoa in 1883 a tsunami 36 meters high oh my Lord that's 120 feet hit the neighboring Island and killed 36 000 people aren't you seeing those like videos of that 2004 Indian earthquakes in Army right and it's like those waves come rolling in and they're like a few meters high can you imagine 36 meters I just cut that's that is it's as high as like a multi-story it's like a 10-story building that is absolutely mental for three days after Krakatoa blue had stopped the sky was dark with Ash and the explosion Was Heard 4 800 kilometers that 3000 miles away and Ashton krakato was held almost 80 kilometers that's 50 miles into the air holy sh bad isn't that a space When's that Carmen line I feel like that's around 80 kilometers or is that 80 miles but it's really high that's you must if you're like some ancient person living there I mean you'd be dead but like you could be like the world is ending this is the end of the world this must be it's been dark for days everything's destroyed according to the smart people the eruption of Santorini was four times as powerful as the eruption of Krakatoa [ __ ] me for real let not sing in for a minute the resulting tsunami probably traveled over a mile Inland decimating cities and laying waste to the countryside as it went the minoan fleet was it would have been sunk almost instantly in a matter of hours probably about a day and a night the sophisticated minoan civilization was drastically reduced four times oh my Lord that is devastating there are a number of similarities between the minoan culture and the culture of Atlantis described by Plato in both cultures women had high political status both cultures started out peacefully though that changed in the case of Atlantis and both enjoyed the unusual sport of bull leaping for those unfamiliar with this instead of fighting a bull with Spears unarmed men had to wrestle and jump over a bull apparently the balls on Crete had a better time than the future descendants in Spain yet bull hunting is absolutely brutal um I didn't know like I've got a Spanish friend and he was telling me all about it and he was like yeah dude there's this guy it's not just they go in there and they fight it he's like there's this dude he's called a pick a door and before he just sticks some little sharp knives in the ball I'm like why she just rattles the ball up doesn't it and I'm like wait the ball's going in there he's gonna be upset by a by a dude with a red flag and the my mates my Spanish mate's like yeah yeah but you want it more than that you want those little knives in there it's like you know that's so intense I'm like why I'm I'm like I eat meat I love eating meat but I'm just not not super for you know torturing animals just feels a bit unnecessary Plato dropped Atlantis in the Atlantic somewhere however based on what we know about the Topography of the Atlantic this would have been basically impossible another detail is that Atlantis was at war with everyone and their Canary the logistics of waging multiple Wars over such a distance would be a nightmare so it makes sense that Atlantis was much closer perhaps even in the Mediterranean what the size of Asia the Mediterranean is big but it ain't that big however there are people who firmly believe that Crete and the minoan civilization weren't simply inspiration it was Atlantis there are some problems with this though Plato clearly states that Atlantis lies in the Atlantic Ocean Beyond The Straits of Gibraltar but Santorini is in the Mediterranean Atlantis also disappeared nine thousand years prior to the story being told the Santorini eruption was more recent than that however According to some seismologist A.G gallanopoulos Greek this can be easily explained it's possible that during the translation from Egyptian to Greek the symbol for 100 was mistaken with a symbol for a thousand that is a small little typo that makes a big big difference this would mean that the destruction of Atlanta's happened 900 years before Plato not 9 000 years which would place the destruction of Atlantis around 1300 BCE the eruption of Santorini is estimated to have occurred between 1400 and 1500 BCE but honestly when dating events that happened that long ago it's difficult to be exact in the dialogue of critius Plato gives very exact measurements for Atlantis if we change that by a factor of 10 the city of Atlantis fits nicely into the plain of masara where no insights have been excavated galanopoulos is also of the opinion that the Royal City of Atlantis wasn't on Crete but on santorinis as Crete and Santorini were both just a part of the antayan Empire if you consider the dialogues this does make sense as Plato describes Islands leading up to a continent if this is the case though the capital of Atlantis would have been obliterated by the blast some excavations have uncovered ruins on Santorini that are similar to The minoan Ruins and on Crete so perhaps there's something to this story after all yeah again I love this I love this history I love the light volcano exploding all of that and it is interesting like with this you're like okay so like with many fictions it's like there's a there's that there's it's based on truth it's based on something Plato heard about or knew about and he's like cool I'm going to use that as a basis for one of my um stories that teach people a lesson cool why do we have to take it so serious on top of the date and location not matching up to the tale of Atlantis there are records that Pharaoh amenhotep III sent an emissary to visit the cities surrounding Crete shortly after Santorini through its fit that is supposed to have destroyed the area but the Emissary found the towns occupied however we know the Minoans survived the eruption they were still around after that for a while but in a much diminished capacity so these reports agree with what we know but if this was Plato's Atlantis it should have been completely destroyed with no sign of civilization left an eruption this size would have affected the entire Mediterranean to some degree it probably made a pretty big impression on the people living through it things that make enough of an impression tend to live on in Legends and tales told around campus eventually the Legends could have reached Plato who then based the city of Atlantis on what he might have considered a fable to me this seems pretty like a pretty reasonable conclusion today Santorini is a tourist hot spot and the picture of a Mediterranean Paradise of course the volcano is still active and at a minor eruption in 1956 don't worry you should be just fine oh my God can you imagine if that [ __ ] blew up again that would be Mega disastrous this is a disaster for like the whole of southern Europe possibly the whole of Europe possibly the world like that Krakatoa was like didn't it affect like a winter or something and it was four times it was four times bigger than that my Lord off the coast of Spain the donana National Park is a nature reserve in La marismus Where the guadala cuivir River Flows Down into the Atlantic in Andalusia in southern Spain is a huge part covering 543 square kilometers While most scientists get excited over the Park's unique biodiversity it's popular with Atlantis Believers as well it's been considered to be the home of Atlantis for decades wait is this a is this a like a water place like you know where they protect like marine ecosystems or is this on land it sounds like it's on land many exploration party have done scans and made Sensational claims but at the time overwriting this the scientific Community relying on facts rather than wishful thinking remains unconvinced it's shocking I know however our claims of Atlantis have been unfounded so far it doesn't mean there's nothing there after all Atlantis is hardly the only ancient civilization in history and Spain was a maritime trading hotspot Hotspot way back when based archaeological exploration an analysis of pollens and microscopic remains in the area's sediment there was definitely there were definitely people living in Delana National Park as far back as five thousand years ago scientists agree that there was a civilization there and that it was most likely Greek or Roman and this is about backed up by the fact that nearly the nearby settlements all have similar characteristics so it's not a stretch to believe they were all linked at one stage while some scientists are also of the opinion that the entire area was once a large Inland Sea the park was above sea level in the Neolithic and copper ages the nearby city of Cadiz is also one of the oldest cities in western Europe it was probably built by the Phoenicians around 700 BCE but some believe the city might have been around since 1100 BCU of course back then the city was known as Gary's and this makes Atlantis Believers all giddy you see one of the princes of Atlantis gadarius was given the Far Eastern side of the of Atlantis to rule according to this story Cadiz or back then gaddies was named after the prince of Atlantis yeah that's a bit of a stretch guys isn't it there have been many claims about tartar sauce being Atlantis and more recently German physicist Dr Reiner [ __ ] agreed kuner believes that the Iron Age City in tartar sauce in southern Spain part of the danana national park today was in fact the biblical tardish and the model for the city of Atlantis using satellite images of the area Dr crooner discovered features that match Plato's description to rectangular structures surrounded by what appears to be concentric circles could be the temples to clito and Poseidon built on the greater Acropolis in the middle of Atlantis however the structures are a little bigger than Plato's description so it's not an exact match Dr kuna is of the opinion that the ancient units of measurement the stadia might have been bigger than we currently accepted is the plane described by Plato could be the plane that stretches from Spain's southern coast all the way to the city of Seville and the mountains Plato describes could in fact be the Sierra Morena and Sierra Nevada ranges wait wait and all of this is based on the fact that yeah it doesn't fit by the measurements so maybe the measurements are wrong and then we could shove everything in and make it work ah I don't like that the minds especially in the Sierra Morena range are rich in Copper and Atlantis according to Plato was rich in minerals but again mate you're basing this all on it seems like okay you're basing it on we're starting with something real where you should be starting based on it's not real it's fiction because Plato never claimed it was real it's very strange it's a very strange position to start from Furthermore Dr Kunes of the opinion that the war Atlantis was raging against well basically everyone resembles attacks on Egypt's Cyprus and Levant all in the Mediterranean around the 13th century BCE by the mysterious sea peoples however while there are some conflicting reports here Dr Kune doesn't appear to believe that this is the actual Atlantis rather this settlement served as the inspiration for Atlantis okay okay fair enough inspiration there we go I do struggle with the like just the measurements being wrong so just saying maybe we got that wrong but again okay okay inspiration maybe Dr Gunner is not the first to spot what could be the remains of Atlantis though Verner Vic bolt lecturer and Atlantis Enthusiast came across the site when he noticed the rectangles and circles while studying photos of the Mediterranean in search of his beloved if somewhat lost city he's also of the opinion that the word island in the tale of Plato might be a mistranslation of the word Coastline back when the story was translated from Egyptian to Greek the theme of mistranslation is a common one in the search for Atlantis another scientist digging around the Nana National Park Richard freund has no problem making Sensational claims about finding lost cities in 2009 and 2010 with the use of radar technology digital mapping and satellite imagery an international team of archaeologists and geologists came across signs of a ringed City with canals similar to Atlantis as described by our favorite philosopher this site might be as old as four thousand years according to geological studies at some stage the marsh was a bay and connected to the Atlantic and there's evidence that tsunamis devastated the area for centuries according to freund one of these tsunamis destroyed the city okay I'm waiting for you to get to the evidence part he feels that the city of tartar sauce rather than being the inspiration for Atlanta this is actually Atlantis after the city's destruction those who survived fled Inland Bryant claimed to have found a number of Memorial sites and cities supposedly built by the survivors in Spain why was your evidence to show that these were survivors of Atlantis if you got the cities how the memorials what do they show that connects it to Atlantis let's go come on it was these memorials that he's the first convinced freund that Atlantis was in Spain I couldn't find much about these Memorial sites or cities though there's no way to prove without a doubt that Atlantis has been found however freund is convinced that jajan structures must come from some ancient civilization that had the ability to work large Stones dude this is so speculative unless there's some evidence that ilser doesn't told me about it's like what what backs us up and it sounds like it also looked for stuff and just didn't really find anything other than just speculation the location of the site near the Strait of Gibraltar Norfolk quid is fits with Plato's description of the location of Atlantis apparently Plato stated that Atlantis faced a city called gaddara the ancient name look at this I don't recall this detail of the story but sure okay then finally recently discovered ruins around 2 800 years old contains an image carved in stone of what appears to be an Atlantean Warrior guarding the entrance The Lost multi-ringed City they have no idea how they know the warrior is Atlantean instead of say Spartan or any other number of warlike civilization that's been around in the past but I'm sure they have their reasons around 2018 another group arrived to find Atlantis Merlin Burrows a private company uses historical records and satellite data to find archaeological sites that is cool I love that using Plato's description of Atlantis and another text they're unwilling to name which just throws the entire Expedition into question the team gained the very unsurprising conclusion that Plato's account wasn't just fiction it was based in fact okay then this sounds like a real company like using technology to look for like real archaeological sites like with Google Maps or whatever which is honestly awesome so what are you up to with this this is this will be interesting this feels very legit the CEO promised that this unknown text will be submitted for fair evaluation in due time but it doesn't appear that this has happened yet when was this five years ago I guess you could still be like researching into it and stuff and not wanting to like the archaeological competition to know what you're using and stuff like that maybe based on the description of the location of Atlantis in front of the pillars of Hercules the scientists decided that Atlantis had to be on the Spanish Coast near the Strait of Gibraltar the site spreading over 160 kilometers 100 miles from the Atlantic to the Mediterranean apparently saw its demise around 10 000 years ago at the end of the last ice age according to the team there were also signs of a tsunami powerful enough to wipe out a city as far as 96 kilometers 60 miles Inland which is what happened to this particular City I'm a bit skeptical about that my knowledge Mega suit he's only traveled about 20 kilometers it's 12 miles Inland but maybe tsunamis were bigger back then in the center of a line of coastal cities was a seed containing multiple Islands some of them man-made the main complex consists of two distinct individual multi-island platforms one offset from the other so the view is unobstructed to all the surrounding Islands it's a completely unique configuration and nothing else in the world resembles it apparently it also matches Plato's descriptions exactly once again I don't recall seeing anything about offset Island but maybe I missed that part too I get the feeling else is like yeah they weren't in there stuff that people are there's a lot of jamming in bindings like being like yeah yeah and this fits because of this right slamming that circle into that square hole using landsat 5 and landsat 8 which also provides information for Google Maps the team claimed to have found structures one structure could possibly be a sea wall the team also found large circles they concluded were possibly the bases of ancient Towers ruins of what they claimed to be the Temple of Poseidon as well as a greenish blue patina covering some of the ruins which according to laboratory analysis is a combination of nettles the team also collected samples of cement and sent it to laboratory in Medina Italy to get tested according to the results the samples were ten thousand and twelve thousand years old older than both the Roman and Greek civilizations and more advanced according to Tim Acres the head of researcher Merlin Burrows the atlanteans were so Advanced they used metalwork and cement that had never been seen before in the laboratory analysis supports the idea of advanced Metallurgy and cement however not everyone is as excited about these finds according to a researcher Jose villierez Robles if the cement really is ten thousand to twelve thousand years old the samples would place the city in the paleous post Paleolithic times the time of hunt together as societies well before anyone thought to build cities and engage in agriculture cattle breeding and Maritime trade on top of that Merlin Burrows was unwilling to stay which tests were used to test the cement and instead of submitting their findings for peer review by fellow scientists they skipped ahead and immediately announced their findings through a press release and started work in a documentary this just feels like you yo it's Academia it's not a sure start documentary but that's like us that's not asking me to take Ancient Aliens History Channel seriously it's not a peered review academic thing and that's what you should be doing if you're serious about this you should be doing it at the same time sure make a documentary but you gotta submit your um your scientific research and findings for outside review it's part of the process of you know Discovery I don't believe you my opinion it's not real but it's not real real you know what I mean like real so once again the idea of tartar sauce influencing Plato and perhaps acting as the inspiration for Atlantis isn't out of the realm of possibility however in my humble opinion Atlantis is not on the Spanish Coast like in the earthquake Wars this isn't just a city rather It's a combination of factors but in my opinion it's the most likely source for inspiration for Atlantis what is oh he likes sorry the title of this uh section assuming that Plato was inspired by something archaeologists started looking for he like as early as the 1950s but the first Rune of a real importance was found in 1995 at excavations only really began in 2000 since excavations and research are still ongoing we don't know as much about he like as we know about Santorini or Spain between 469 and 464 BC the major earthquake hit Sparta earthquakes are quite frequent in ancient Greece and often had political repercussions the Quake caught the Spartans completely unaware and killed more than 20 000 people this immediately caused internal and external uprisings against sparse by all the peoples that it had subjugated and finally led to a war between Sparta and its neighbors Athens offered assistance but Sparta refused and this led to some hostilities between the two city states that culminated in the Peloponnesian Wars a 25-year long bloody civil war between Athens and Sparta starting in 431 BCE in the summer of 426 bece a major earthquake hit north of Athens these guys just never catch a break a Spartan Army camped about 100 kilometers 62 miles west of Athens was getting ready to attack but they were forced to retreat the destruction wreaked by the resulting tsunamis was disastrous for Athens yeah I feel like I don't know if you're outside and stuff I know earthquakes are bad right if you're inside you know especially back in the day when your buildings are not really like earthquake proof and all that stuff it's going to be a bad time but if you're like outside I feel like oh no I fell over but then the tsunami comes and that is uh that is worse like you that doesn't seem like it's going to work out well for you buildings collapsed and thousands of people died an island called atlante home to an Athenian Fort was destroyed Athens was already experienced in epidemics and Wars so this was a near crippling blow the Peloponnesian Wars finally ended around 404 BCE but a formal peace treaty was only signed in 387 BCE however in 373 BBC another violent earthquake germanied by a tsunami destroyed the city of hilac on the Southern Shores of the Gulf of Corinth helic was the capital of the achian league a confederation of city-states and revered as the center of worship for Poseidon The Grove of Poseidon if that rings a bell it should as Atlantis also had a renowned sacred grove to Poseidon oh yeah yeah sorry I was like a [ __ ] and then I Rise we definitely talked about this earlier my bad I was second only to the Oracle of Delphi when it came to sanctuaries he like her like I don't know he like was a flourishing City and unlike some of its neighbors yet Athens and Sparta were looking at you it was decided it was dedicated to promoting peace and harmony with its neighboring city-states that sounds like you've got these city states and it's like hey oh we love peace and love man peace and love yes come join the hippie commune it's like [Applause] [Music] [Applause] love and hair grease and your neighbors are barter it's like they're gonna be like we're having you mate we'll have your city we'll have your money we'll have your women and then uh yeah that's um no more peace and love is there so in 373 BC the earthquake hit the city destroying every building right down to its very foundations a tsunami flooded Inland it drowned the city and covered the Grove of Poseidon until nothing could be seen But the tops of the trees apparently Poseidon decided to drop in and take a look at this Grove up close real close when the wave retreated Back to the Sea it dragged the city in all of its inhabitants with it into the depths at the time it was believed that the city always punished by Poseidon for defiling his sanctuaries now Plato was born around 427 BCE so it would have been in his mid-50s when he like was lost in a single day and night due to the wrath of a God the dialogues are written in 360 BC's only 13 years after the disaster sure he like was nowhere near the size of Athens described in the Darwin dogs nor was it out in the Atlantic it was practically on Plato's doorstep but it's sort of a great inspiration isn't it however if you combine the sinking of elong with the war against Sparta and you toss in an island Fort Court atlante a year after Plato was born I think you have these seeds for the story that land is exactly exactly and hasn't the history been more interesting haven't we had a good time learning about this some other locations these are just the three places that I think might have influenced Plato however if you close your eyes spinner globe and point odds are someone has claimed it to be the final resting place of Atlantis while Santorini Eli and even tardasas in Spain seem somewhat plausible for the inspiration of Atlantis many other claims are a little absurd Antarctica Wars apparently at one point nice and tempera but once it moved to its current position due to tectonic Shifting the atlanteans were forced to leave yo tectonic shifting and all this wait wait wait that is really far in the past I mean for at the end to Antarctic to move to where it is today no Ireland matches Plato's description of Atlantis so they say the yonaguni monument discovered in the 1980s off the coast of Japan's Southern ryoku islands has been mentioned in Atlantis circles the eye of the Sahara although Rick Hat's structure is an impressive natural rock formation that's so big it can only be seen from space however it consists of concentric Stark or circles and someone stumbled across Rock paintings and the remains of elephants so well it must be Atlantis apparently no one expects to find elephants in Africa what was the ancient people's fascination with elephants the Bimini Road the Bermuda Triangle the Canary Islands the Azores off the coast of Cuba Troy the Black Sea flood all uh possible sites for Atlantis and believe me the list goes on that time Google Earth found Atlantis I do like when people discover sure on Google Earth it's real like that's if I had time I can imagine being into that just looking around trying to find interesting seeing cool things that people have made because there's so much data there it's really crazy however human beings aren't the only ones find in the lost city of Atlantis Google Maps also got in on the fun when in 2009 aeronautical engineer Bernie Bamford discovered Atlantis Bamford were just chilling out in front of his computer playing around with Google Ocean you know Google Maps for the ocean when he made an amazing discovery not bad for a day's work I didn't know Google Ocean existed I assumed it was just if you wanted to use Google Ocean you just went on to Google Maps or Google Earth that just looked at the ocean but okay according to Bamford he spotted a network of crisscross lines around 990 kilometers 620 miles off the coast in northwest Africa near the Canary Islands on the floor of the Atlantic Ocean he described the area to be about the size of Wales which apparently is a standard measurement in the UK everything is about the size of Wales is this the case Simon of course much and Simon ensued I don't know I feel like well the Americans always say like Rhode Island it's always like a reader script from one of my American Writers and they'll mail I asked about the size of Rhode Islands and I'll be like okay I've no I don't even know where Rhode Island is anyway is it a state is it a state it sounds kind of like it could be like one of those places that is an island but a state like Hawaii that's probably not I feel like Rhode Island I feel I'd know if that was a state at least right like states are big um but no I mean yeah we use whales you could say it's the signs of Wales I know how big Wales is because I'm from the UK you know about the size of England about the size of Scotland about the size of West course I understand that uh it's like is Rhode Island I've noticed that 10 times the size of Wales is it the size of you is it the size of France I have no idea Rhode Island is in sometimes you know you name a U.S place like Chicago and you're like Illinois like it gets that Vibe you know because you've seen it so many times like in movies or whatever you're like I think you know you get those vibes I want to say Rhode Island is in Connecticut I couldn't point to Connecticut on a map but it feels like it feels like they go together hey Siri what state is Rhode Island in web results Siri that's not what I want Rhode Island I can't I can't not look this up I'm sorry guys is in the New England region that's not State what state is it in just tell me the state oh it is a state Rhode Island is its own State and it's not even an island where is it an island it's not even an island America what the [ __ ] are you on about it's the smallest state by area it doesn't look that small oh because that's Mecca zoomed in okay all right all right Rhode Island there you go I learned there's a new state I mean it's not new it's probably one of the oldest States fascinating tangent Simon all the Americans are screaming like there's obviously a state Simon there's obviously a state it's the greatest state it's not in Connecticut [Music] that's in New England right however Google was quick to Reign on everyone's parade in a statement Google explained that the grid pattern was in fact an artifact of the process used to collect data about the ocean floor oceanographers use sonar to map the ocean floor the sound travels through the water bounces off the sea floor and travels back to the ship the process creates a sound image of Peaks and valleys on the ocean floor online mapping tools take different sonar surveys created by different agencies and Stitch them together piling them up on top of each other in layers together these Maps provide a picture of the ocean floor however some areas have been mapped in more detail than others the grid pattern you see on online mapping tools is two or three different Maps layered on top of each other then in 2012 Google just spoiled everyone's fun when Google Earth released a major update and everyone's favorite city that wasn't disappeared yet again yeah but this is a conspiracy giggler in on it Atlantis is real now all of this excitement was 10 years ago so I imagine that updates have followed since but for a brief moment in time Google Maps was so effective that it found Landis of course the conspiracy theories couldn't let it go and theories abound of Google Now covering up the discovery of Lancers oh my God I made it up and it's true despite leaving the crisscross grid up for three years apparently the Illuminati is up to something beneath the Seas Northwest of Africa and governments and multiple nations are all working together to cover it up to the conspiracy theorists credit though it doesn't seem as if this particular theory is supported all that much so there might be hope for mankind after all just because we haven't found it doesn't mean it isn't real so we haven't been able to pinpoint an exact location for Atlantis yet but some people maintain that Atlantis was real there are other ways to prove it and eventually Atlantis will be found so let's consider some of these pieces of proof the younger driest period keeps popping up in all tales about Atlantis so what exactly was it oh it hasn't popped up so far has it okay I feel like what I'm wearing an hour and a bit into this has it been an hour yet I think it's been like 10 minutes if we round up from one minute we don't know what started the younger driest there's been a lot of theories many involving comments but we do know for some reason around 12 800 years ago towards the end of the last ice age something disastrous happened whatever This Disaster was it led to extreme cooling especially in the northern hemisphere returning some part of the world to glacial conditions essentially they pushed back the end of the Ice Age a little bit then around 1 200 years later another catastrophic thing happened we don't know what this was either this caused the Melt water pulse B once again many theories blame comets or a massive solar flare regardless of the cause the consequence o is the melting of the remaining ice sheets around 11 600 years ago that ended the younger dryas and raised sea levels around the globe many Coastal settlements were covered in as much as 120 meters that's 400 feet of water from an evolutionary perspective humans living around 11 100 years ago during the younger dryers period at the end of the last ice age would have been pretty much the same and that anatomically and physiologically as we are now in the history of the world this is actually fairly recent which might explain the number of myths dealing with the devastating floods found in every culture the sinking of Atlantis the Epic the story of Noah's Ark to name just a few so while there's no proof that Atlantis was among those Coastal civilizations that were destroyed in This Disaster if Atlantis did exist the meltwater pulse B event could explain how it managed to sing perhaps not within a single night and day but definitely in a fairly short period of time this timeline of events matches up very roughly with Plato's Atlantis then there's the Shipwreck but I'll be honest I get excited about your old shipwrecks probably because I'm a writer and lost treasure and shipwrecks tend to go hand in hand yeah it's pretty cool right discovering like all ships on the floor I like that in 2017 off the coast of Sicily near the city of gila a new expedition to a 2600 year old shipwreck dating to around 600 BCE found 47 ingots of orecalcum that rare alloy smelted on the island of Atlantis and I'm also sure in other places as well an earlier Expedition back in 2015 recovered 39 ingots of the metal as well as two Corinthian helmets the ingots found on the Shipwreck were made from from zinc charcoal and copper however the orcalcum from Atlantis was apparently made of copper gold and silver very sure when I read the story Aura carlcam was Mountain copper mined in Atlantis not an alloy of different Metals but I don't understand Metallurgy so I might be mistaken wanna you don't mind I guess you could mine can you mine Alloys like stuff that's already mixed together I guess it's possible is that possible I guess that must be possible but um okay either way the metal found in the Shipwreck had a red tone which does match up to the description of mountain copper used to cover every surface of the temple to Poseidon and clito that wasn't covered in gold silver or Ivory auric Arkham was described as gleaming like fire so at least we got that one detail right now a big criticism of the story that lands according to smart people is the idea of an entire continent simply going missing many are of the firm opinion that something like this isn't possible while you might be wrong cities go missing all the time and continents can and have gone missing as well there'd have to be small continents though I feel this would be a really long time ago they feel like a continent has gone missing in recent in modern his modern history like in the last thousands of years tens of thousands of years right like Islands sure big Islands yeah continents like with Australia disappeared you'd be like where's Australia on to Australia be like a major world ending disaster if Australia disappeared not because I would Miss Australia particularly I'm not sure not nothing against Australia is great but like whatever wiped it out would be like if a NOS asteroid hit Australia and just sunk it the Earth's [ __ ] right because that's a big asteroid admittedly not in a single day and night but if we consider Atlantis being inspired by something that happened rather than a literal City that sank we don't need to rely on a single day and night for the great Vanishing to occur in the time our planet has been hurtling around the Sun not just one but multiple continents have gone missing so how exactly do you lose a continent in the case of Greater Adria I'm picturing it as a sibling rivalry gone very wrong around 140 million years ago yeah a really really long time ago this is pre-humans um greater right even to what yeah no this is way what am I talking about that's like tens of thousands 70 000 years not Millions dinosaurs were like 17 million years ago so obviously we're God damn sorry small brain sometimes sometimes you get those you know it's like you've read it a thousand times like about you know the wet how long ago things were but it's such vast periods of times it's almost hard to comprehend so you kind of forget where they go on the scale but like I said it's been a really long time before since consonants disappeared look greater Adria and Europe began to collide greater Adria sadly lost the match and in the process got bulldozed by Europe and finally sank beneath what is today Italy Greece and the baltics Apparently colonialism is older than we remember geological colonialism geologist Dal van hinsbergen published his research in the Journal of gondwana research claiming that greater Adria is roughly the size and shape of Greenland of course greater Asia isn't the only continent to go missing to other continents we've lost to zealandia which is of which only the islands of New Zealand and New Caledonia remain and morich and mauritia the Lost Continent under the island of Mauritius the possibly made up part of Madagascar in India analysis of ancient rocks suggests that almost all of Earth's earliest continents Disappear by now so sorry Skeptics but it's entirely possible for a continent to sink yes of course it is but like 100 million years ago and over millions of years millions millions that's our favorite number finally many people also use the reference to an advanced civilization to say that Atlantis wasn't real however the idea of a society that was technologically advanced for its day is not that far-fetched yeah I mean the misoamerican cultures and stuff they had all sorts of cool stuff I mean nothing compared to what we've got today obviously but obviously you know before we will talk to each other technical technology developed at different Paces I mean you can look at some tribes and stuff today that are isolated and it's like well they don't have mobile phones do they it's like obviously there are you know different levels of development now it's all much it's all evened out because of globalization but you know it wasn't always like that ancient peoples were often far more advanced than we give them credit for now not talking about precise Machinery building the city or technology that appears Advanced according to today's standards but consider something like the aqueducts of Rome the pyramids of Egypt the Baghdad battery the Baghdad battery was probably just a lucky accident in my opinion did we make a video about that I made a video about it somewhere and I'm like ah this wasn't a battery it was just some some like ax it like I don't think they intended to do that all the antichythera mechanism which is real and intended and crazy a device dating about 2000 years that was used to precisely determine the position of planets and stars for navigation I've done a video about that somewhere and it's awesome our ancestors knew more about technology than we sometimes realized so while Atlantis didn't have flying machines society that appears Advanced when compared to their neighbors isn't entirely impossible why Atlantis probably wasn't real as romantic as the idea of atlantises it wasn't real I'm sorry to break this to you but there's more proof that Atlantis never existed than proof that it was real our first clue lies with Plato until Plato was first and foremost a philosopher not a historian the story of Atlantis is at its core a device to illustrate a moral argument model Atlantis enthusiasts often forget the point of the story Athens defeating Atlantis in the story Athens is considered the ideal city inhabited by the ideal citizen Atlantis on the other hand is a proud impiest people the exact opposite of our God-fearing idealized version of Athens on top of that Atlantis is described as powerful and advanced an Empire that's conquered multiple Nations all across the Mediterranean however Athens standing alone still manages to defeat this Mighty Empire and free all of the lands from her slavery against incredible odds Athens not Atlantis is the real hero in the end after being defeated by the Athenians Atlantis is destroyed by the gods for their hubris and general moral Decay and at this point it brings me back to that whole like thing that went on in the beginning and it's like this is a story that Plato told and I find it bizarre that people think otherwise most of Plato's tale is obviously fiction the god Poseidon isn't real the exact conversation penned down in the dialogues probably didn't happen even one of the participants in the dialogue wasn't a real person as for the non-fictional elements the story doesn't contain anything Plato couldn't have gotten the idea from in his own time the Persian invasion of 480 BCE where the Greek city-states with Athens being the most prominent defeated a powerful Army and freed others from Persian oppression in fact the idea that the Persians were defeated due to their own hubris was accepted in Plato's time then there was the earthquake and tsunami That Shook Greece and destroyed the city of her like in 373 BC the city plan of Athens shares some similarities with Babylon and and rather Advanced Harbor Works were happening in Syracuse according to one classical scholar Rodney Castleton the government and political setup of Atlantis very similar to Syracuse and Sicily which Plato visited however his experience at Syracuse wasn't great Plato and the ruling Tyrant didn't get along so it's not surprising that Plato would use it to model the aggressor in his tail yeah look Plato's pulling all of these elements from his own time and knowledge and experience in making a fictional story from them it sounds familiar like other people who write Fiction it's not history the reference to mount copper or aurikakum is the only thing that Plato probably made up if you take the time to to read the actual story many of the Atlantis theories do not hold up Atlantis was sophisticated and Powerful yes but Plato doesn't describe any technology that wasn't around in his day Plato places his story in the Greek equivalent of Once Upon a Time in a galaxy far away nine thousand years in the past and Beyond the pillars of Hercules so well beyond the familiar Hellenic world of his time this means the story takes place thousands of years before Athens was even founded no Empire or Army existed yet by placing events so far in a path that can't exactly be either proven or disproven Plato is creating a separate reality referring to Solon a well-known historical figure in Plato's day lends a little more credibility to his story the fact that Solon heard the story in Egypt a place with an even longer historical memory than Greece and considered to possess all kinds of Arcane knowledge already forgotten by Outsiders adds an extra layer of credibility Plato is just creating a story that seems credible in order to get his message across Plato also mentions that back in the days of Atlantis the Atlantic was navigable however in Plato's day the Atlantic had become inaccessible so Atlantis is a far away place that can never be reached finally Atlantis is isn't the only city destroyed Athens II loses their warlike men who sink into the Earth Atlantis is punished for their wickedness but what Did the Athenians do wrong well buffing this is just a device that Plato uses to create a clear distinction between the mythical past when a group of Warriors could defeat an Empire the size of Atlantis and the Here and Now by destroying both groups the story is placed in a definite Before Time Plato is creating a myth yes he is and he knew it and he said it the one and only original source for the story of Atlantis is the dialogues written by Plato nine thousand years after atlantis's destruction there's nothing to suggest that Plato is using pre-classical mythology or history for inspiration do you know what I call a highly Advanced civilization conquering half the world suddenly sinking into the ocean in a single day and night memorable somebody would have made a note of it somewhere yet nothing like that has ever been found an ancient Atlantis is not the only missing piece there's no record of a prehistoric app and 9 000 years before Plato Greece is one very thoroughly excavated country if there had been any remains of a city that long ago it would have been found by now Atlantis was supposed to be a maritime Merchant of note yet there are no trade records of Atlantis trading with anyone and the records used by the Egyptian priests in size have never been found critius mentions that he had the whole story at home in an old manuscript a very popular literary device just saying yet no trace of this manuscript has ever been found either a city that size would have left something in its written records for us to find Plato describes Atlantis as an island larger than Libya and Asia combiners pretty large land mass as we've seen continents Kanger missing however we found greater Adria so they don't get missing forever they're also played tectonics to consider in before times we only had one supercontinent Pangea which then broke apart and separated if you look at a map you'll notice that the coasts of Africa and Europe light up pretty well with the coasts of North and South America if there's an extra continent the size of Libya and Asia combined where does it fit into this puzzle it's true that the ocean is deep very deep and we've only explored very little of it so far but if you consider all the lost city civilizations and even continents we have found not to mention all the resources that have been spent by amateur archaeologists looking for Atlantis someone should have found something by now yet despite people's best efforts Atlantis is still missing Mystics like blavatsky and Donnelly pointed out all the similarities that would prove an Egyptian Mayan connection but conveniently ignored the many differences yeah this is there's been lots of things in this episode where I'm like this is factual history this is myth this is fiction and this is people just try to capitalize on something that they it didn't like the mystics the mediums that are all that noise the Mayan calendar looks very different to the Egyptian one and if Atlantis did colonize both Mexico and Egypt you'd expect the two places to have more food plants and domestic animals in common the Mayans also didn't have the plow or the wheel surely if you were off colonizing places you would import some of your amazing technology these people don't have to wheel ah let's leave them without it now of course you'd be like guys guys let me show you something really good this is gonna you're gonna be very impressed by this can you imagine showing the wheel to someone who didn't know about Wheels their minds would be blown they'd be like oh my God it's so simple but Jesus Christ that's amazing you're doing amazing sweetie let's go down a hill fast on top of all that the Mayan civilization only rose up around the beginning of the Christian era by that time Egypt was thousands of years old comparing languages doesn't help either the sound combinations humans are capable of aren't infinite so it's not surprising that different languages have similar sounding words that occasionally have a similar meaning however if two languages are related they should have a large number of words with similar sounds and meanings not just two or three many Atlantis Believers also claimed that old world languages have been found in the Americas however for some strange reason they never say where exactly these finds were made and if they do and a proper investigation ensues it usually turns out to be something completely different at the end of the day every single location discovered so far is an almost exact match or in very optimistic cases an exact match to Atlantis however in every instance facts had to be adjusted or ignored in order for the discovery to fit dates have to change by a factor of 10 the location has to change from the Atlantic to the Mediterranean the Pacific or the Sahara a single day and night has to be interpreted as a longer period of time about millions of years and the stadia used as measurement by ancient Greece might not quite be the length we think it is people keep using the words exact match but in the words of one of my favorite movie characters of all time you keep using that word I do not think it means what you think it means oh I know that but what's that from oh what is that from ah it doesn't matter let's carry on inconceivable you keep using the horde I don't think it means what you think it means conclusion is entirely possible that the story of Atlantis was inspired by actual events we've looked at quite a lot of possible events in historical record that could have been the inspiration and anyone who's ever had to sit through a fishing tail knows that it's human nature to exaggerate every time the story is told the fish or in this case the catastrophic event becomes bigger and bigger until our fishermen single-handedly caught a small whale and a large highly sophisticated and technologically advanced Society disappeared beneath the ocean waves in a mere night and day the idea of a lost city is very romantic and it's not entirely far-fetched there are plenty of sunken cities like Thanos herachlian discovered in Egypt in the early 2000s which yielded Treasures to give us an insight into what the world was like before unfortunately finds like this get very little news coverage outside of academic circles however slap the word Atlantis on an archaeological find and you've got reporters beating down your door and your Finders on the front page of every newspaper and documentary crews are lining up for the rights to make your story and the funding is streaming in the fact is the Atlantis of Plato has never been lost it's still where it has always been in the works of Plato the Atlantis of Donnelly and the one everyone is looking for never existed At All by chasing this mythological Atlantis we're completely missing the point of Plato's tale we're assigning Godlike qualities to immorally corrupt society that was wiped off the face of the planet by the gods for considering themselves to be above the laws of their gods it wasn't an enlightened Society it wasn't a golden age or something we should be aspiring to it was pretty much what we have today just smaller with better ocean views fresh air and apparently elephants frolicking all over the place we shouldn't be trying to recapture the magic that was Atlantis we should see it as the warning it was meant to be and rather strive to do better yeah later would be so disappointed in us and that's where the episode ends up feels thoroughly thoroughly debunked and like I said at the beginning I'm done with Atlantis for a while now thank you for watching or listening if you like this show subscribe if you're listening as a podcast please leave a review and I'll see you next time [Music] foreign
Channel: Decoding the Unknown
Views: 851,200
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: is atlantis real, was atlantis real, atlantis mauritania, atlantis documentary, atlantis richat structure, where is atlantis, did atlantis exist, king atlas of atlantis, legend of atlantis, atlantis, atlantis eye sahara, plato atlantis, the lost city of atlantis, richat structure atlantis, atlantis the lost empire, atlantis eye of the sahara documentary, lost city of atlantis
Id: FPATwfWyasM
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 85min 3sec (5103 seconds)
Published: Tue Dec 06 2022
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