Hatching the TALLEST chickens on eBay | KEBONNIXS 12 Egg Incubator

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new year new hatching project just got on ebay today and notice we've got some eggs that are coming for sale here in less than a minute check this out this bird right here called the indio higante is the tallest chicken in the world so i'm excited to hatch these out and see what these guys look like in real life about 20 seconds to go time to line up a bit here ten nine eight seven let's place it lock it in [Music] all right i won the eggs 187 for 10 eggs it's about 18 an egg i'm excited to see these eggs now we just gotta wait all right after a couple days the eggs arrive now the cool thing is these eggs came from green fire farms we've gotten some eggs from them about a year ago that's where we ended up getting shammy our shami spitz alvin they're out of florida they do an amazing job of packaging their eggs they do this just perfectly where they've got a piece of foam on top and then they gave us 12 eggs in here so it lowers our cost just a little bit to give us a couple extra eggs so i'm glad to see that now these are supposed to be the tallest chickens in the world and they're pretty big eggs got you right here helping me he's helping get out the eggs you know what these chickens are the biggest the biggest they're the tallest we've got 12 eggs here how many do you think are gonna hatch uh i did that you think all of them well they got shipped it's cold in winter fertility i don't know i'm guessing six out of 12. that'd be pretty cool right all right well now we need an incubator so let me show you what we've got for that for our incubator we got this kibonix automatic digital incubator and it looks really familiar and it's one of the top two or three most popular incubators right now on amazon so i thought it'd be worth giving it a shot and testing it out stay tuned to the end of this video because we're going to give this incubator away so this is a really cool simple fun design for an incubator but it looks very familiar this is kind of a knockoff of the brimsy mini and maxi advance the maxi advance is our go to backup incubator here's our main one it's right over here that's our ova easy advanced and that is our big cabinet incubator that we use for our big projects so on top we have our controls i'm happy to see that it's in fahrenheit a lot of incubators that i've been getting over the past year we're all in celsius it's got our humidity percentage got a little menu and then it's got a way to explain the menu which is nice because a lot of times these incubators don't all work the same so it shows you what to do and then it even has an egg candler right down here and so we can turn that on and check the fertility of the eggs as they develop and then down inside we've got 12 compartments which is good we've got 12 eggs today we pour our water in right through here and then it goes down underneath and then right into this middle area here so to get our humidity up let's get this plugged in and get it turned on see how it works and so we're going to let this heat up we'll let the eggs rest for a while and then we'll be ready to start incubating all right it's now midnight these eggs have been sitting for nearly a day now and so i'm going to get them moved into the incubator get them started so we have exactly enough room in here for our 12 eggs this thing is working really well so far i really like the temperature and humidity where they're at and so now here we are on january 14th we'll check back with these guys in about a week we'll start candling these eggs i can't wait all right so we're on day 10 of these eggs in the incubator everything's going really well except there's kind of a funky thing i don't know if it's because these eggs are as big as they are or if this incubator as it rotates it actually kind of pushes them out and up and so every day once or twice a day i have to bring these eggs down because they're leaning up against the the clear outer wall it's kind of a weird little funky thing but since we're on day 10 we're gonna start to candle them see if these eggs are developing as they should egg number one i like that growth that looks good egg number two oh you can see the little bit of movement there that's amazing egg number three that's some awesome growth and movement in there egg number four nothing going this side can be tossed out big number five very dark over here doesn't seem like there's much growth but i'll hang on to it just for a little bit because of that color egg number six look at that movement right there that's awesome egg number seven yep definitely moving in there egg number eight that's a good egg egg number nine doing really well in there last three eggs we've got egg number ten that's going really well number 11. wow that's cool last egg because take number 12 is good so after 10 days only one egg hasn't developed so far that's awesome we'll get rid of this one so it doesn't explode in there we'll check in with these guys in a couple days i'm starting to hear some sounds coming from these from these eggs i'm hearing some peeping we're a day or two away i see a pip that's awesome we checked these guys a couple days ago and we only had to remove one other egg so we have 10 eggs that are developing and we are just about ready for them to hatch let's watch [Music] [Music] so [Music] [Music] [Music] here i want to look at the chicks guys everyone's still in my lap indio higante they are the tallest chickens they're gonna be really tall chickens eli do you look tall yet no they look small yeah yeah i thought these were different shapes they're stuck aren't those cool chicks cool chicks six chicks [Music] [Music] there you are the last chick hatch so i think we just had you guys basically a perfect hatch we had two eggs that didn't develop but of the ten eggs that made it to hatch day i think everyone will match let me have becky help me move some of these out because these guys are super crowded what do you got there a baby all right come put them up here we're at a room and this other incubator is it's a little a little tighter on the house we have ten chicks in here and so we've gotta get some of them over to the other incubator that one just has let's get that one warmed up all right it's getting warmed up [Music] well it's early february it's about february 4th it's too cold out here to get these guys out into this outside brooder i'd just be too afraid on these really cold nights to to put them out here and try to keep it totally sealed off from any really cold air and so we have this inverter right here we've used this for our mandarin ducks we had them a couple years ago we've used it for some button this should be perfect i just have to get it out clean it up a little bit put some wood chips in then we'll get it in the house all right so we've got our brooder ready got our food and our water got our heat got wood chips down there if you have small chicks or something that their legs are having issues on these wood chips you could always put down some type of grippy mat something like that for the first few days but these guys are so big they're walking around really well i don't see that as being an issue so we're going right to the wood chips white indio jagante pretty cool one last but not least [Music] check number 10. usually i watch them a little bit we can certainly dip their beaks and the food in the water just to make sure that they know where they're at these guys are pretty curious i think they'll figure it out pretty quick i might do it for one or one or two just to make sure they can figure it out and then right now they're checking out the heat if i see them huddling like they're cold and they can't get under the heat i'll either provide more heat i'll figure something out with that right now they're under the heat i think they'll start exploring everything so we'll just watch them and see how they do [Music] all right these guys are about a week old now they're looking great we've got all 10 of them and look how cool the the tips of their wings that are growing in look at the coloring kids are so big at only a week old they seem like nearly the size of like a three or four week old chick so these guys i can tell these guys are gonna be really huge and then look how pretty these wings are super pretty when they initially came out they kind of looked like americanas with the stripe in the back the stripe on the head yours has a head too yeah and then what about yours uriah what's different about yours cut it on the head cause yeah because the rest of ours are brown and then yours is yellow which usually in chicks that means they're going to turn out white right yeah we had a really cold weekend so we're waiting to get them out to the brooder today when it was going to be warmer for the next few days and nights and we've got some heat lamps set up heat plates so let's get them out there what do you say [Music] we've had them here in our bedroom for the past week well here in the bathroom office which is not bad it's getting a little messy now they're starting to kick feet out and stuff but they're peeping is a little noisy at night we don't have a door that closes just uh we just have a sliding door here and so if they get excited at night we hear it so this is a nice little break to to get them outside all right here you go buddy [Music] you ready to go there you go all right ready for the brooder [Music] so we're in a beautiful day in february and so we want to get the chicks outside play with them for a few minutes because they are two and a half weeks they're 18 days old today these are the indio hygande the tallest chickens in the world [Music] females grow to three feet tall and males grow to three and a half feet tall is that pretty big yeah i think that's about the height of isaiah's about three and a half feet tall right now they're gonna be as tall as you buddy yeah chicken on your arms yeah so the indio hagante chicken it's a breed that's from brazil it's only been around for about 30 or 40 years and it's only been recognized as an official breed for the last couple years and it was created as a combination between the malay and the chamo chickens along with some other breeds barred rocks and brahmas some other breeds to help with the coloring and the size of them and so they took the malay chicken that was the world's tallest breed and they made the indio hugante chicken the world's tallest breed we get a lot of requests though to hatch out the the chamo the malay the aseal chickens so hopefully this will be something fun for people to follow along with and see what these guys look like with all of our other chicken breeds what's that gonna be like next to our other chickens oh man it's gonna be like a turkey versus a chicken you're gonna have a lot of chickens you're gonna have to hold all right all right well it's starting to get cold out here a little bit so we're gonna get these chicks back into the brewery [Music] so last thing let's talk about the kibonix incubator i love this little thing it was about a 90 incubator so as far as cheaper incubators that are under 100 this thing does a really nice job some pros of it it held water for about a day had to fill it up once a day it rotates the eggs really nicely outside that little funky thing against the window 10 out of 12 eggs hatch so i can't complain about that held heat really nicely egg handler was a nice touch only cons i've got it's a little tight on space but not bad for the size of inky if you're going to be hatching 12 or more chickens you really should probably go to a bigger size tabletop incubator or something a little bigger than this this is really for the somebody's going to hatch like 10 or fewer chicks in it from reading the reviews the things i saw on this was that some of the parts started to break down over time and so that's something i definitely look into one of the brimsy incubators one of the verado incubators something like that that costs more but that's going to hold up over time because i'm just not sure how this is going to last long term so give away this incubator is going gonna go to one of you we're gonna give away this one to somebody in the u.s i'm gonna give away one more to somebody somewhere other than the u.s so tell me down in the comments why you want an incubator what you want to hatch and what country you live in one week from today i'll pick two winners notify you guys on the community tab so good luck guys we'll see you next time
Channel: White House on the Hill
Views: 1,867,674
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: White House on the Hill, tall chickens, Indio Gigante, hatching eggs, ebay
Id: tTWVd9CodcA
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 15min 5sec (905 seconds)
Published: Sat Feb 26 2022
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