The Game Most Like a Creepypasta

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oh hi you just caught me watching one of my all-time favorite shows for me it's hbo's the sopranos it's going to be one of the greatest shows ever made i couldn't tell you how many times i've seen it you know sometimes when i'm done watching a show or playing a game i like to go online to check to see if there have been any creepypastas written about it now what is a creepypasta you might be wondering if you're like 48 years old or something well basically they're horror stories written by 14 year olds kind of like the modern digital age version of a campfire ghost story and frankly some of the funniest [ __ ] i've ever read in my entire life has been from a creepypasta something you'll immediately notice as you dive into the genre of creepypasta is that most of them seem to be slight variations on the exact same story someone buys a game in a yard sale only things aren't quite as they seem it begins glitching out in increasingly spooky ways before it's revealed that it's haunted by the ghost of a dead child or some other such nonsense this kind of got me thinking which actual game is closest to replicating the creepypasta experience some of you might be thinking oh it's that dumb slenderman game right uh no i mean think about it how many creepypastas begin with i was just sitting down to play my official slenderman brand horror game when suddenly something spooky started happening you see the first step in creating creepypasta is you have to pick a game that isn't spooky like pokemon or something now if you haven't seen all six seasons of the sopranos i'm gonna need you to stop the video right here please go watch the entire show then come back and then pause the video now i want to be perfectly clear this is not a spoiler warning there will be no spoilers of any kind in this video rather this is simply a direct order you're not allowed to watch the rest of this video until you've seen the sopranos so please go do so now if you haven't alright welcome back i hope you enjoyed the show now some of you might be slightly upset to hear that the rest of this video actually has nothing to do with the sopranos whatsoever i just thought you might enjoy watching it i mean it's a really good show i was just trying to enrich your life so when you think about it can you really get mad at me no no you can't sonic fan games have a long and storied history ever since the long sonic drought during the saturn era fans of the series have been making and sharing their own games with mercifully little pushback from sega who have a much more lose-fair attitude compared to some other companies one such game was sonic gather battle a fan game built on the game engine for little fighter 2 a freeware beat em up from hong kong gather battle was created by a taiwanese dev named limena dan back in 2009 and was updated sporadically over the years it's essentially just to beat him up starring sonic characters i mean it's not terrible or anything but it's nothing special really on december 11 2017 a post was made on the sonic the hedgehog subreddit warning people about supposedly malicious drm contained within the game which was put in place after an update on december 4th there were a number of ways to activate it from trying to modify the game with a cheat engine to just transferring your save to another computer once the drm is activated the stage gets super dark and spooky music plays it's actually just the music from the house of mirrors and amy's version of twinkle park and then these invincible red ghosts start spawning in and begin to attack you i mean that's a little spooky i guess technically the game's not unplayable or anything it's just a huge pain in the ass now it doesn't seem that bad right trust me this is just the tip of the iceberg if you go into the registry manager and try to undo the red ghost protection it gets even worse when you try to play the game now red static fills the screen and the us version of the sonic cd boss music plays also these spooky red eyeballs begin to spawn around and even spookier ghosts come and instantly kill you then the screen reads you died and you're unable to do anything but exit the program so what exactly is the problem just seems like a spooky way to prevent people from cheating right well the so-called anti-cheat measures this program uses are actually quite invasive for starters when being installed the game asks for administrator access as a general rule of thumb do not give admin access to random files you download off the internet in addition to this the game will not run if the computer isn't connected to the internet and that's not the only suspicious behavior upon installation the game will secretly open and then sends your ip address to a server that the game is connected to which the creator can use to remotely disable the game via a blacklist file another highly suspicious thing the game does the first time it's open is it creates a file called b.dll reads it then immediately deletes it eventually someone noticed that if the game is running and you try to search google for words like cheat hack or mod the game will automatically force close your web browser api investigations determined it was actually scanning window names any window or program with certain keywords like cheat will automatically be closed it also apparently scans your search history presumably also for these words uninstalling and reinstalling won't work the only way to have this stupid ghost [ __ ] removed from your game was to track down the creator and then explained to him why you should be removed from the blacklist and allowed to play the game again but why do all this what was the reason for this guy to be so insanely protective of this game well it turns out the whole thing was over paranoia that people were gonna rip and steal his sprite edits not even original art assets all this insane bordering on malware-esque security measures was to protect sprite edits there was a lot of misinformation and exaggerations floating around at the time saying [ __ ] like this game could destroy your whole computer or whatever luckily a fellow by the name pco who happens to be the owner of sonic fan games hq and sage the sonic amateur games expo decided to post a write-up that clarified a lot of the details about this whole ordeal working with the sonic stuff research group gather battle was thoroughly dissected ultimately it doesn't actually do anything damaging to your computer as far as they can tell it really is just an insane person's extremely overzealous coffee protection so accredited to sage the ship was discovered nearly immediately and the creator was obviously permanently banned from participating don't this deter you from the idea of downloading fan games just use common sense when downloading files from random people off the internet like don't give [ __ ] admin access to a fan game and you'll be fine the funniest thing is that despite all his effort someone decided to rip all the sprites from the game and post them on the mugen archive just to spite him and you better believe i downloaded them yeah i'm never going to use the [ __ ] things i just want to have them because i know he wouldn't want me to have them oh and speaking of moogan that's actually what this video is about don't i [ __ ] hate when you're watching a video and some [ __ ] ruins it with the live-action skit you know what i'm talking about guys like nostalgia critic and uh you know nostalgia critic and others they're almost never funny and they always ruin the flow of the video it's like come on [ __ ] just get back to reviewing the [ __ ] thing already you've probably heard of mugen before i mean even before salty bet it wasn't exactly obscure but i'm going to explain what it is anyways because to be honest moogan is just one of those things that's fun to explain it's basically a fighting game where you can play as anyone it's technically a freeware fighting game engine that uses player created characters and stages and over the years there's been an ungodly amount of content created for it you see the fighting game genre has had a long history of crossover games dating back to uh well it doesn't matter see the point is now we have mugen it's the ultimate crossover game mugen stands for well it doesn't stand for anything apparently it's just the japanese word for infinity i don't understand why they chose to stylize the title like it's an acronym i guess they just wanted it to look cool with mugen you can make almost any two fictional characters fight for example you could have homer simpson versus wolverine or 3d homer versus boneclaw wolverine or evil homer versus pocket wolverine i mean seriously any combination of characters the only limit is your imagination hell you can even play as a creepypasta some of these guys even come with [ __ ] screamers built in but that's not why i decided to bring it up i'm not knowledgeable enough nor do i care enough to do a deep dive into it but let's just say the mugen community is prone to drama people get very very protective over their characters people also get very angry over which site to use but in this day and age it pretty much seems like mugen has won the great moogan warehouse for it's got a nice selection of characters but oh my god i don't want to post on your forum just let me download the [ __ ] files obviously with user created content the quality can vary wildly between characters that's kind of the fun though i was never a huge fighting game guy i mean i like them well enough i have fun playing them i just never got super good at anyone in particular so if you're a fan of fighting games you might not enjoy playing moon as much as a real fighting game which was designed and balanced by professionals me i just like watching the weird characters fight each other somehow the novelty just never wore off for me he literally just watched this [ __ ] all day long and still find it funny yep that's still funny maybe with how big smash bros has gotten the idea of a fighting game with tons of different characters from wildly different universes has become slightly less unique but the first version of mugen came out in july 1999 just six months after smash 64 and well before brawl came along and added third parties into the mix so for a long ass time if you wanted to watch sonic fight mario this was the only way to do it outside of old flash cartoons on newgrounds and albino black sheep and smash is great and all but because of the way mugen's structured around user created content literally any characters on the table it's not even limited to the realm of video game characters goddammit you know you're never going to get in a smash if you can't even beat the peanut butter jelly time banana one of the more infamous characters associated with mugen is the character donald created by japanese user kishio an original character well i mean he's not 100 original for the ground up technically he's based off some edited dio sprites and some other characters but he's a wide array of mcdonald's themed moves and tons of sound clips from those japanese commercials everyone loves he's a very strong character with a notoriously brutal custom ai they can pull off insane aerial combos wait why is he called donald instead of ronald well in japan there's this whole thing with l's and r so during the japanese localization of mcdonald's they decided to just change his name to donald mcdonald to avoid the hassle even as a rivalry with colonel sanders because of course there's a colonel sanders character there's even a special intro that plays if you have a match between them i love that kind of attention to detail something interesting about mugen is a character is allowed to have up to 12 different color palettes to choose from and you actually program different palettes to have different gameplay properties for example donald's 11th palette is known as donald core he looks exactly the same but is accompanied by seven ai controlled clones to absolutely curb stomp the opponent into the ground however what really caught my eye was donald's 12th palette known as dark donald which has been edited to make an already strong character downright overpowered in addition to buffed attack and defense he's now able to jump five times in the air instead of once his power bar automatically fills up over time he recovers a small amount of life whenever he attacks or gets hit and whenever his life drops below 100 it automatically recovers up to that point meaning he can only be ko'd by a strong attack also some of his hypers have become wanted kos and have an increased number of projectiles to put into perspective dark donald can easily take on the donald corps anyways there have been a truly ridiculous amount of edits of this character along with his rival the colonel you've got ultimate dark donald golden donald evil donald ice donald shadow donald so many [ __ ] donald's like seriously i don't think you fully grasp just how many donnell edges there are it's insane i just keep getting stronger and stronger too the first thing you might wonder about in a fighting game where you can create characters from scratches why don't people just create massively overpowered characters which are guaranteed to win and the answer is they do and they get creative with it too i'll never forget the first super team mugen character i saw probably the most iconic one omega tom hanks a character created as an april fool's joke by shinryoga and neo-onk the character lacks any hurt boxes rendering him impossible to defeat by normal attacks and he attacks his opponent with dvd covers of tom hanks movies until they're dead his special is a screen-wide unblockable one-hit ko that's the kind of character that sticks with you you know there are plenty of other great cheap characters too like rare akuma these characters typically have things like unmanageable attacks ridiculous one-hit kill hypers inconsistent or no-hit boxes life that regenerates at an unreasonable rate etc it's fascinating watching comically overpowered characters fight there's something uniquely enjoyable about watching two intentionally unfair fighters try to out-cheap each other and depending on the characters it can look like the final episode of the world's most insane anime you never know if the fights are gonna last for one second or minutes on end i think the strongest character i have downloaded in my admittedly meager collection is this dude called crazy catastrophe he's an editor of some guy named orochi from king of fighters here's how he fares against base donald yeah he didn't really put up too much of a fight there but let's see how dark donald manages well that was better than regular donald he lasted a few seconds at least why don't we try ultimate rainbow donald one of my strongest donald's damn you know i actually thought he might have had a chance there for a second all right enough playing around let's see how he does against my strongest donald edit with the appropriately edgy name will of hades well ultimately it turned out to be a stalemate even stopped the timer so i had no choice but to manually exit the match some character creators even built in anti-cheap measures into their characters they did this by analyzing the stats and the name data of the opponents and then checking the values to see how much they deviate from the normal 1000 live 3000 power and 100 attack in defense as well as checking in the character's name against an internally programmed database of cheap characters as well as cheap character creators if any of these triggers are detected the character will engage their own cheapness counter measures usually an instant kill or becoming invincible by either health regen or hitbox removal well you need to understand there is a level beyond omega tom hanks a character with zero hitbox to attack i mean that's it right how do you get stronger than that well for a while that pretty much was it then eventually these two guys troy and tony released a character called the second death star which was a cheap character similar designed to omega tom hanks but has special reversal kill code programmed to beat him to get around the fact omega tom hanks has no hitboxes complex workarounds must be used typically via glitches like state overflow or null reversals which force them into a custom state without actually having to make contact with an attack a lot of these methods relied on glitches only found in older versions of the game however some working methods still exist and can be used to this day such as reversal death and thus the omega tom hanks killer class of character was born the most powerful characters in mugen are known as cheapies i did not make that up according to the mugen database that that's actually what they're called not to be confused with cheap characters a cheapie also known as cheapo or uber cheap character is a type of character that far surpasses the cheapness levels of a regular cheap character instead using code that breaks characters rather than overpowered moves in a lack of hitboxes it was upon reading this page and stumbling across the list of types of cheapy that i knew i had to make a video about this because this [ __ ] is [ __ ] wild unfortunately due to the nature of characters that modify external files outside of mugen these characters aren't even allowed to be linked on mugen database so i won't be able to show you direct footage of a lot of these types and indeed a lot of these fights are over after one frame anyway so there wouldn't be much to show in the first place this sense of verboten knowledge just adds to the sense of mystery for a lot of these high tier cheapy characters the only way to get a hold of them is to track down the original author and offer to trade a similar character i thought long and hard about the best way to present this information but i finally realized i simply have no choice but to read you the tier list as it appears on the wiki page verbatim anything else would simply be diluting its majesty i need you to experience this information the exact same way i did so here it is divided into 16 tiers of ascending power level nuke tier characters which don't use any special files these characters do not use null methods to ko the opponent and has such loose to most null tier characters considered the safest cheapie to download since it doesn't rely on external files or exploits null tier characters which use exploits in the engine to ko the opponent such as the percent end bug or the direct death alive change void tier characters which utilize an overflow in a cert to clipboard and display the clipboard to defeat the opponent secretary tier characters would use an exe to trick mugen more specifically these characters exe files act as a trainer modifying the op codes and memory values found in moving to make koi the enemy easier postman tier characters which use a bat file in most cases this replaces the anime with a far weaker character which comes with the postman character itself assembly tier characters which come with an alternate mugen.exe this is exactly the effects you'd expect super null tier characters which use a method known as state def overflow or the feye method this causes the character to be able to inject its own code into mugen by utilizing a large enough state definitely overflowing a memory region found within mugen receiver tier characters which use a java powered mugen to make other cheapies including itself balanced letter to your characters which use a vbs file this is often combined with a postman method omed tier characters which essentially use state def overflow except with their own separate exe bat or similar file whale tier characters which aren't really characters as much as they are websites when loaded at its weakest a video of the cheapy is open winning the match and at its strongest it downloads a character and opens mugen hyper null tier characters would use a method known as heap overflow to overflow mugen with useless memory until it reaches the character's own code after the code is executed the character starts moving normally frost tier characters which are upgraded versions of ometer characters in terms of coding these characters use c sharp rather than mugen's standard c as their programming language and can have a varying amount of exe files at their disposal these characters are the first on this list to be considered malicious by disabling the task manager retrace tier characters which either completely or partially override the enemy's files anti-malware to your characters which can either run semi-automatically or automatically making them far more dangerous than frost tier characters there are various sub-tiers currently known are the alpha tier that relies on and the beta tier which modifies the user's registry to open on startup there's an even higher tier but it's undisclosed as of now dragon tier characters which are really dangerous viruses disguise as characters dragon tier characters often simply make the computer inoperable by various means and may be able to end the chiefy war entirely fortunately dragon tier characters are rare mattress can be shown as an example of a dragon tier character this [ __ ] is so funny to me it literally doesn't even sound real i did a little digging into this mattress to see if he was a real character here's a supposed screenshot i found of it as you can see it's not even an original asset it's just a red fel hound from warcraft here's a video i found on youtube supposedly of mattress but i'm not certain if this is actually footage of the original or just some sort of recreation or what i mean if it was footage of the actual character shouldn't it be like destroying the computer and [ __ ] supposedly this is the character who single-handedly ended the cheapy wars if it was real i couldn't find a link to it but you'd better believe i downloaded a potentially computer destroying virus just for a youtube video until they invent a computer virus that can actually kill you i'm going to say this is as close as we're going to get to a real-life creepypasta i mean your computer getting destroyed is pretty close to dying right i guess it's time to grow up and realize that no matter how much you may want a spooky ghost or goblin to come out of the tv and kill you it's just not gonna happen and that's the end of that video now time to play some video games in the dark as is tradition for youtubers after talking about creepypasta boy i sure have nothing spooky happens [Music] [Music] where were [Music] locked away [Music] i can't tell this way the ocean
Channel: Cybershell
Views: 673,146
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Cybershell, Cybershell13, Sopranos, Creepypasta, Game most like a creepypasta, The Sopranos, Sonic, Sonic the Hedgehog, Sonic Gather Battle, MUGEN, Sopranos PS2, PS2, The Sopranos PS2 Game, The Sopranos Road to Respect, Road to Respect, The Sopranos PS2, The Sopranos Game, Sopranos Video Game
Id: qtSKTusAszg
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 23min 53sec (1433 seconds)
Published: Sat Sep 19 2020
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