I Went UNDERCOVER in SypherPK's Tournament!

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what's up guys yes i went undercover in cypher pk's tournament so recently everyone's been doing this challenge so i thought maybe it's time to show everyone how it's really done if you don't know how it works basically cypher and i will load into the same game he has to eliminate himself off the bat and spectate all the players until he figures out who i am he only gets one official guess so let's see who plays the best mind games and wins the game hope you guys enjoy remember to subscribe leave a like and of course just go fresh in the item shop all right cipher you reckon you can get me very tan all right what's your usual success rate you know i'm guessing yeah like how many have you gone wrong how many have you gone right i think i got one wrong one wrong and you've probably done this but how many times have you done this six times i think all right yeah like six or seven times nothing wrong with the challenge mate nothing wrong with the challenge all right so you you probably landed on the north side of the map because you were in your setting you know check to see if you have the spectate oh you know about the pp do you pp's the god drop it might be that i might not i don't know i don't even know seifer i'm seeing this guy this guy is rocking a like a ripoff version of the fresh skin i've never seen this version about it yeah that's that's sauce bro that's sauce i don't know why i would be doing that rip-off version yeah come on man with like a green popsicle on the back why would he be doing that i don't know it's like fresh but not fresh i don't know wait no this guy's about to die straight up i've got my mic muted guys i've got some strategies up my sleeve all right i got some strategies from all the times i've trolled landon i know what i'm doing there is a fake freshman here bro oh you gotta find the real one all right you got that one choice one guess mate one guess yeah there's a lot of star wars star one players oh the the that sweaty pickaxe yeah i would never wear that i've never put that on well you probably should have because there's like 30 people with it on yeah no no i wouldn't put that on that that's that pickaxe sucks this guy's dancing because i'm spectating him he's got the pickaxe he's got lachlan backbling cammy skin but you wouldn't go into the sideways it's too risky i've got some decent loot here not gonna lie stopping up putting some mats as well i'm enjoying this it's really peaceful as well no fighting at all like no not even a single bit of fighting over here really i'm having a great time over here there's a blue pot to your right that was a blue pot i think i gotta be sauce of any person wearing like green skins you know i do love green green is the god color actually he's gravitate towards it even subconsciously when you're picking you might have picked your skin maybe i'm maybe i'm specifically choosing green rarity luke who knows it was the guy that just saw that only green loot he's laying in coral too oh man oh damn storm's coming in dude gotta go we gotta go yeah i gotta go i know you landed north i know i know i know i know where you are 40 people left you know what i really like about this season so i thought what do you like the shield that you get from glebon you know the blue kevin oh yeah yeah i like how they added that in the new season you know free shield where is he these days he's still in the same spot and he moved that's the same spot okay we didn't land there because you went north i'm not saying i laid in there i'm just saying it's just a i'm i'm really happy i love some free shield maybe i'll end it over there maybe i didn't i don't know i'm just relaxing dude relaxing getting my loot up there's a guy i believe his beach is doing pretty well for himself he's got the green clover backlink as well as the green camo sweatpants oh that's that sounds like a great outfit to be honest i like that green something i will tell you i hate believe a beach i hate sweaty sands oh yeah i do hate that area it sucks there's this guy that's just driving around in a car with like no mats five armored walls 29 hb just driving near like slurpee you think this is a racing game dynamo skin there's a lot of like sweaty loadouts before rocking like very generic sweaty loadouts fighting right now is that where you're quiet no oh man i wouldn't be fighting there's a battle royale you have to fight you only have to you have to fight when you have to you know what i mean true sure what does this guy do he's about a launch pad like someone's going to shoot i feel like he's going to mess up i don't know nope he's good this other guy's still driving it's just giving me the weirdest players amber what are those rift things on the map do again the rifts they oh they opened the sideways oh yeah those things oh yeah yeah cool you don't want to go there a lot of people are dying there are a lot of people dying it's rough out here man it's rob can you see if people have eliminations no that would that would be a pretty easy way to know what's going on here good because i've yeah i obviously have not been in any fights at all stop the cap yeah yep a single one huh nope dude it keeps sending me back to this guy with like 20 hp no match he needs to he's to die already so i'm gonna watch someone do i'm so confused by this guy oh he bought this death oh he almost fell he took ten ten ten bubbles ah bro damn you died no i fell somewhere that's not you bro i felt so wet dude this guy i'll tell you this guy has zero wood zero brick 18 metal a gray burst three mates that's it yeah sorry yeah if you find some minis or bandies can you let me know please oh my god if you spawn any if you spot any just let me know keep sending me back bro i'm gonna lose my mind oh someone just gotta kill dynamo i don't see any builds in that dynamo fight so yeah that's not you that's not you don't worry well maybe i don't build when i fight you never know bro this play 260 guy with the green sweatpants he's got good mats good shields like i feel like if that was you you'd be in a good spot right there someone new let's see looks like they've been scrapping around finding some people wow you good yeah yeah i'm all good i'm all good oh this guy has spicy fit oh that's like especially splashes and like a full load out and like almost max max in believer's beach and he's rocking the the new skin the new um version of the skin the uh the masked asians i think what toxic agent toxic agent you can't hear me because you're in a car right that said toxic asian or jason agent oh i was like toxic asian i was like what there's a fight happening right now on your believers i gotta swap finally seeing some new people this guy has an rpg oh that's not you though i wouldn't have a damn rpg i'd even find rpgs nowadays out of mats bro he's gonna die use the rpg go out with a bang oh he's nice man he dropped the gold pump rpg scar this dynamo you got to watch out for that if that's not dynamo dynamo the wrestler dynamos are always sweaty skins yeah now he has a gold pump and a purple hog you didn't pick up the rocket launcher though you're lucky because that rocket had max ammo yeah max ammo did it yep interesting this guy who who has no mass is just floating through the purple slipstream he's like trying to get max placements without building a single wall man i'm just strolling around chilling just doing my thing doing what needs to be done this guy just drove into the sideways riff why he do that he's actually fighting him man needs some damn luke huh are you covaxing the zombies the sideways i'm just strolling around doing my thing bro oh you do get shields for killing him i forgot that's probably why he's doing this okay this player 345 guy he did just get a kill recently i signed the feed he stopped moving for some reason sorry i had to itch my leg in my life yeah this guy had stopped moving at the same time huh wow that's really weird the odds of that okay dude wow nine people left damn sorry for you're gonna make a pick soon man i have to make you pick soon i think i was i expected everybody i think this player 316 guy is still driving around with no mats why is he playing like this has to be a five-year-old hey he's driving around in a yellow whiplash with wheels just bouncing around he has not died yet maybe he knows what he's doing all right he's obviously he's obviously still alive he's he's a kid there's no way he's literally having fun driving please don't kill this guy believers beach hate the name of that place yeah guys crain he's got so many mads he's cranking he's finding somebody that's good he's scared though even though he has full health voice fees scared where's this guy with the yellow lambo oh another person entered the fight the old lambo guy is the guy who's driving around like crazy he has no mess oh he's got no alert i need some loot you got no loot this guy's crash but this guy's obviously on controller three yeah he's on controller i can tell by the way he's swapping oh he's in a red lambo now and he's just put he built a ramp so that he can drive off the ramp no like you know this is not you but oh my god he built the ramp so he can bro he's still alive in the top six like i said i'm just strolling around doing my thing what is he doing who is this kid oh player three two two killed 260. you got to watch for that guy he's good but what the toxic uh agent skin got the mask and the spikes and everything this guy's new he's got the venom backlink oh he's not reacting to this guy on him no way what [Music] that could have been you it is i could have been here we're at okay that wasn't me you'd be upset okay you gotta be careful for the toxic agent guy he now has full arsenal gold rpg he might take the venom okay he's probably gonna take the venom like well i don't even know what skin looking in the red car is still driving off of rocks what is happening how are you still alive what is this toxic skin you're talking about like uh he was an item shop today they gave him a new variant okay this dude this dude's not it oh you told me that that oil looking skin yeah yeah the guy that you're fighting right now not baby i'm not finding anyone anymore this dude just killed himself he put metal walls around his he's gonna die in a storm fresh this can't be you wait the guy who's driving cars is still alive it's the gun strategy like i said he's still alive he knows what he's doing wait wait wait what's this guy doing fourth he just got pulled no way it's the watching sorry for which one am i trying to timer it's a 1v1v1 which one am i how is this guy still alive he's finally dead bro he's finally dead [Music] oh wow someone won wow someone won my god this is tough man someone actually won the game agent is between the toxic agent and player 345 the girl who died in storm i think it's the girl who died in storm i think that's you that's your final decision that's my final decision i'm sorry i had to do it sorry for i'm the toxic agent right the toxic agent well i thought you were trying to do an iq and like dying storm in the top five i had to do it she was playing so well that what got me she was playing so well and then you started fighting her and then she just armored her entire box and storm closed yeah i don't know what the hell was up with that just died to storm oh i'm sorry i had to take it take from your cipher ggs you nearly had me in the car i actually couldn't hear you i was like what that was me oh man that was good that's gonna be good ggs bro [Music]
Channel: Fresh
Views: 1,353,473
Rating: 4.95857 out of 5
Keywords: fortnite, fortnitebr, fortnite battle royale, mrfreshasian, mr, fresh, asian, fresh fortnite, battle royale, challenge, meme, popup
Id: yFVxSvFqtAg
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 12min 9sec (729 seconds)
Published: Wed Oct 06 2021
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