The *RANDOM* PEELY SKIN Challenge!

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what's up guys yes so I'm sure you've all seen it in the new season trailer our beautiful beloved peely was brutally exploded so to honor our boy have brought back the random challenge but with all the purely skins this is literally like seven or eight versions of peely now but we got gray green blue purple gold Primal only and makeshift only I've got all the skins on shuffle and whatever we get is what we're stuck with for the whole game hope you guys enjoy remember to subscribe hit that like button and of course you just go fresh in the item shop you gotta be damn kidding me first try and it's gold pearly so this is either purple or gold only since agent peely is the gold pilly as well I just okay well I got the coin flip ready to go anyways heads is gold and Tails is purple please be purple please be purple come on come on Tails tails of course first attempt is damn gold only you just love to see it how the hell is it every pretty much every time I do a damn random challenge I either start with purple or gold only or something like it's been so long since we've done a random challenge first one back gold only right off the bat it was literally purple or gold because like I said just that Gage and peely is the gold Rarity is the gold style as well it's just I just can't believe it dude I mean I feel like the best chance of me getting gold uh off the bat is from the little bunker chess which I showed you guys in the uh op strategy video I got a feeling this guy might actually be going for the uh bunker chest as well okay like this this might be a damn rough start this is gonna be a rough stop no no no yeah but he's literally going for the bunker chest please no no he had gold he got gold he got I actually had a chance but this guy just had a bit okay let's just go again go ah Mr peely bone looks like we're doing Primal only this round I literally had a gold pump literally had a gold pump right in front of me I was one second late one second damn late and now we're doing Primal only I literally already became a caveman yesterday with London and now we're back to Dawn Primal only why could I just get like green or blue or something like come on dude give me them Primal weapons we're doing this literally again straight up did this yesterday but we're going again as a purely caveman okay literally can't use that mechanical bow nothing in here another makeshift attack SMG come on Primal shotgun okay another makeshift dude oh my gosh another makeshift shotgun man this challenge has got me running around as a half naked damn purely man just give me something Primal so I can at least fight come on chess come on Primal Primal anything Primal please nope another makeshift rifle I'm dude you gotta be kidding me makeshift makeshift give me something Primal dude my primal another maker dude what the hell buy a primal weapon so damn rare another makeshift shotgun that's another mechanical bow come on I believe in this chest give me something to play okay this is just half naked purely is damn cursed literally like 4 Primal Dam weapon dude those are about to be really damn bad okay at least this game I can actually fight look last game we got super unlucky with gold weapons only I literally had a gold pump in my face that I was just one second late to getting to but look we just need to find some more people with some Primal weapons and we should be all good got a primal SMG let's pop off we're doing this for purely Ryu damn took our pillar he brutally took him out really exploded his banana juice all over the place oh this guy's getting some mechanical parts the promo weapons boy okay he's using makeshift so that's just not going to be helpful at all the thing is he's only got two shots in that shotgun seems like his sweating as well oh my gosh she's so low come on oh my God bruh I literally ran around for five minutes just to find one Primal SMG and I just get done by a shotgun straight away this just please give me like green weapons only or something just I'd prefer that I already became a caveman yesterday just give me green weapons or only or something this is our first random challenge in ages and this is just not going well this is not going well at all oh my gosh you gotta be kidding me makeshift weapons only well at least I'll actually find some weapons off spawn this time but why can't I just get like gray or green only man or even blue just all right well let's do this makeshift only the worst shotgun in the damn game all right well this might be our first round of the random peely challenge where I might actually get some proper fights there we go makeshift weapon off the bat now the thing is the makeshift shotgun literally only has two shells and straight up it's straight up only got two shells so could be rough against some lovely purple pumps or something first a limb first to limb of the challenge so far you'll love this here we've got the makeshift Tech SMG makeshift shotgun let's get this damn dub the Gladiator peely the new peely skin of this season got the makeshift rifle as well now the thing is I'm not allowed to upgrade any weapons I'm not allowed to craft or anything I mean you can't really craft makeshift weapons anyway well intimation oh my God oh good everything's fine we've got two of Limbs already let's just pop off this round I may suck at the makeshift weapons but we got this oh this guy dinked the damn rifle sucks man God of War here Got a Boy down GG got a makeshift bow I mean you guys already know that I suck at Bros but may as well pick it up I can't hold anything else marshmallow down as well okay I'm feeling good about this game I'm feeling good about Gladiator peely someone hanging in dog house still not on full shield so gonna be a bit careful I see you in there boy blow that gas can dude oh my gosh where the hell did you come from [Music] apparently I could have gone that Primal rifle last round but honestly we're doing good this round so I'm pretty happy pretty happy with the makeshift right now it's just a damn only two shells gotta be making sure every shot is worth it jump in gaming Down cop the peely mate oh we've got another guy on the soccer field here Lara Croft cop the damn bow oh okay well I don't know what else I could swap this bow out that's makeshift but oh what you doing boy we got predator we got Predator dead I guess what the hell what are you doing mate well now I think that's PP done let's keep hunting I'm feeling good but I'm definitely need to not be too cocky because once we go up against a purple pump and I've only got two shells it could get rough but you do on default come here oh damn just dodge the Damned cop you gotta makeshift revolver no I forgot this thing is just only two shells it's got okay I think this guy's a little robot all right well instead of this makeshift bow I think I'm gonna take the revolver I think I'll do better with that [Music] still yet to uh find a single blue makeshift weapon though the thing is every time someone gets a blue makeshift weapon they literally just craft it into a purple normal weapon because obviously as you guys may have seen in my strategy video that is the way you want to go okay what are you doing John Wick don't waste my shots I've only got damn two shells and John Wick down coming in the bush hiding here I know you're in there buddy hit him oh he's okay assistant robot GG what you up to Big Boy oh we got Crystal here it's just another robot what the hell oh and a blue makeshift shotgun you love to see that okay I'll be taking that okay we're looking good I mean we've already been doing damn good even though I suck at this shotgun hey we have 12 limbs 22 people left still yet to come across any people with cracked loot yet but I'm feeling confident in this round where are you going okay how does a makeshift revolver miss that are you serious okay now the thing is I could use this Shockwave to take hide okay yeah I'm doing it get that makeshift back jump on his head oh my gosh no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no and this reload just takes forever his wife's oh my gosh okay oh he definitely could have just one pump on me with that spaz we're all good [Music] coming for you boy oh my gosh I do not want to lose too much Shield oh it's literally all my builds sorry Holly two Gamers left I got you boy I got you [Music] oh my gosh I thought he was under the ramp dude come on okay final guy this guy's getting this guy's been camping on the mountain this whole time look at him start going up the mountain as long as he doesn't headshots not me with that damn bow I should be chilling this is for Dan peely oh oh my gosh okay he's gonna make some shotgun as well it does not have a spaz he doesn't care man okay drop you down real quick you can crank up the high boy he's cracked oh I need to reload I'm still not used to these two shells for purely wake up the dumb with gladiator peely makeshift weapons only how many LMS with that that was like 16 17 limbs we cop that dub wake up that damn job how much was that 17 olymps with makeshift weapons only and I suck at this shotgun this shotgun having only two shells it sucks it damn sucks but hey wake up the dub we failed gold we failed Primal but we did it with makeshift we did it with their makeshift I I'm not gonna lie that was a very unlucky run as well we didn't get com we didn't get uncommon we didn't get green we didn't get blue we got all the hardest ones but we copped the dub that's what matters ggs for our boy peely for our damn boy peely we'll take that dump [Music] thank you
Channel: Fresh
Views: 2,245,172
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: fortnite, fortnitebr, fortnite battle royale, mrfreshasian, mr, fresh, asian, fresh fortnite, battle royale, challenge, meme, popup
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 11min 7sec (667 seconds)
Published: Mon Mar 22 2021
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