The Quilting Journey in 4 Quilts - From Beginner to Advanced Quilters - HQ Live

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[Music] [Applause] [Music] thank you so much for joining us i'm kelly ashton i'm an educator at the handy quilter studio and today joining me are the other three educators we have kim sandberg christina whitney and johnny barfis and today our episode is all about techniques that will help that helped us along our quilting journey and so how we're going to do that is show like four quilts that we brought along that we've made from our very first quilt to maybe one of our most recent and we're going to talk about techniques that we used in those quilts that will that helped us along our journey but before we start i want to tell you about this quilt behind us on the wall so this is a beautiful vintage quilt that was done by pat alderman she's one of our handy quilter field educators she's from florida and it's it's a vintage quilt top that was given to the educators as a challenge to quilt it kind of in a more modern way so if you look at it closely you can see the beautiful stitching that she's done and with a combination of pro stitcher and free motion i can see some free motion in there too so nice job pat we love your beautiful vintage quilt so all right so to get started all right johnny let's show us your quotes and tell us about your quilting journey all right uh this is my first quilt um it's all khaki pants and i just bought at the second hand store and some that i had from my own you know pants collection that were worn out i never thought about that we've always done like leave ir denim quilts for right i thought about a collection of khakis right i love all the different colors uh it was tied by a friend of mine using the international stitch so this the ties are all on the inside so that's one thing we didn't like i didn't like about tied quilts was the bump you know the yeah the yarn ties so we'll demo that one later we'll see some of those and but this turned into being like my dog's quilt basically so it you know it was washed millions of times uh that's how it looks it's a little tattered but you can see sometimes that happens with the cargo pants exactly and then i just had it was a flannel on the back and i just uh it was such a warm cuddly cool i just loved it so what got you thinking about making a quilt out of these stamps so the first my first quilt my grandma was a quilter and my mom was a seamstress and i needed a new bed i had a new bed and my grandma had just recently passed away and so in my life like you don't buy a quilt you know it was before dubai covers were popular and so i just thought i'm going to make my own quilt and i'd always love fabrics i loved i've always loved quilts just for my grandma so i thought i'm just going to make my own so i just cut out like i think eight inch squares this is before i mean i didn't know about rotary cutters or um rulers or anything that kind of thing you did traditionally it was like it was a piece of cardboard cut in an eight inch square and i like cut them out by hand everything yeah so but i love yeah i love it so something about khaki pants is they're just comfy that's what i think of when i think of comfy pants so i i can totally see why you chose that to do a quilt out of it yeah so then flash forward a few years uh this one wow should we open this one yeah let's see we're across here there we go can we wait to see it better what a beautiful quilt so i had re i had seen a book by i had a book that was called collaborative quilting and of course i can't think of the authors right now but it was too um oh man so i'm going to publish so i won't even try but they would get these two ladies would get together as two quilters and we'll put it in the comments who these two quilters are and it's called collaborative quilting and they would make parts and pieces and then get together and put them together well that's one thing that i love to do is make parts and pieces like i love to just sew a block or 10 or 20 or 100 at a time you know so i'll just sit down and make 100 of this you know like four patch or whatever or and so this quilt was like my favorite fabrics that i kind of collected and then i did all these applique [Music] star i mean flowers they're so cute yeah and then um when i quilted it i just i hadn't really done much with machine quilting and i was this is probably this is a okay so i've had my machine for like a year i think and i hadn't done very many and so i might i just tried to play like i did some grass here i did some stipply stars you know and i had a lot of fun with it and i actually entered it into hkmqs with the local show here in utah whatever it was called the time it's changed names but hmqs now right yeah i'd entered into that oh yeah uqsm sorry hmqs then it was hmqs then uqsm now and i entered it in that and like i did something like that yeah i didn't win anything and i kind of got discouraged because i thought oh my gosh i put so much time and energy into that so looking back on my quilting journey like i really kind of stopped after that um as far as being that creative and just having fun i was trying to i just had fun with this but when i saw the fun turn into a competition or something i didn't have fun anymore i think we've kind of all experienced that a little bit right yeah absolutely so we were just talking today i do love this quilt again now i love the things i did with it i had a lot of fun and it's just bright and cheerful and silly and a lot of my personal personality so i oh sorry yeah i have a way to say i i'm surprised you use a pattern because generally johnny doesn't really follow a pattern he likes to do kind of his own impact it's not really a pattern because i just made pieces and put them together randomly so i didn't really like the book talks about you just make um you make a bunch of these or you make a bunch of this block you know okay so it was building blocks yeah building blocks and then i put them together and i didn't there's places where these don't all match up the same size and so i wasn't really following the pattern per se okay yeah just the ideas from that that makes more sense on your piecing yeah history still i love it what a cheerful quilt it is thank you i love your variegated thread that you used it's very silly rainbow variegated thread throughout the whole thing and you changed thread colors yeah quite a bit i did i was just going to comment about that i see like i don't know six or seven different thread colors in here which i love it like totally adds to the fun of the quilt that you use so many different colors it was fun and silly love it so moving on this is probably the quilt i love the most uh i i've always loved log cabins construct making log cabins and i was having a woeful winter the winters in utah get very dreary sometimes we get what's called an inversion it's very gray in salt lake i just wanted some sunshine in my life so i went to the fabric store and i bought a hot yellow hot pink and a hot bright orange and i started out with this solids i was just gonna do um a square log cabin and i kind of got bored with that and i was like i need to do something to push myself so i'm going to do triangles so i did trying i did triangles in a log cabin um construction and then i it didn't i didn't quilt it till after i started with handy quilter and i actually had my machine i added infinity and i did i wanted the quilting to look like drops of like rain dropping in a pool of water or lake or something i mean like the ripple effect yeah so that's why i did that did you use the pro stitcher the computer yeah this is all okay yeah this is all pro stitcher and i just changed the i didn't i did every circle separately separately so i placed every single one and then i change how big or small yeah you got some small ones here yeah so i tried to mix like small ones and i just love how they when they come together yeah the the look of it perfect and the thread on this that gold yeah i chose gold metallic like i love that magnifico thread i love it okay so then this one we all talked about quilts that were gonna maybe cause us to have some emotion so this one i made for my mom and i made it about 10 years before she died so my mom was born on valentine's day she collects hearts and i just got charm packs and cut hearts out of them and then applicate them down so it's all like applique either the outside or the inside of the charm pack and what was special about this one was i mean the quilting is you know it's cute i did a little hearts it's all free motion i didn't have a computerized system but the best part of this quilt was my mom died of alzheimer's and so about three months before she died i was working on christmas presents and she said oh i love that can i get one of those and i said actually i have something i made just for you so i went and got it out of the bedroom on the bed that she'd been sleeping on but of course you know she didn't remember so i pulled laid it out and she goes that is the most beautiful thing i've ever seen in my entire life and i just started crying like it was just so magical you know like the magic i actually liked alzheimer's at the time you know at that moment and so we gave it to her almost every day after that over and over so it makes me very emotional but i just it's a quilt that i i loved to give and that's so i think all of us have that same connection with quilting is that we make them as gifts for loved ones or special occasions right so yep that's why i love this one that's why we love you johnny i know thank you yeah the quilt that keeps on giving i know it was thanks for sharing that with us it's pretty awesome okay we've got christina's quilts here on the table can't wait to see what you've brought us by the way we didn't show each other our quilts before today so each one is a surprise for us as well so and i love these fluffy battings we've got in there show us what you've got this one actually doesn't have super fluffy batting but it's got fleece on the back and you probably can't see it but kim you can feel that right i can feel it loved well-washed well-worn so this is the first quilt that i made it's probably about 25 years old and very similar to johnny's story these were just leftover fabrics from skirts and clothes that i had made when i was in college and i tied it with my grandma so i also like you i had cardboard from a cereal box that i cut out and so i cut all my squares and this quilt kind of has a funny story it's got lots of ties in it yeah because when i took it to my grandma to have her help me tie it she goes um in the future you might want to try to make them line up but let's tie all the corners so we can kind of cover that up in matching corners yes so you'd think after that i would have just given up but no i i'm one that's always up for the challenge so i i kept going but you'll notice it's falling apart totally in shreds yeah but it's kind of funny because all of my kids have used this quilt and it's been you know on the back of the rocking chair and my son says i want that for my wedding gift like why it's falling apart but he's like no i want that so okay but your wife gets a new one so that's the very first quilt that i made well it's so soft and cuddly you can see yeah they all love it super fun yeah okay so this is another quilt i made this one and um i'd been just making these sampler blocks out of scraps can we pull it out so that's something you'll learn about me i do a lot of scrap quilting i like to use what i have and it doesn't always go well together looking at now there's some blocks that i think why did i use that fabric but these are all learning opportunities yes and if i look at a quilt and i didn't learn something then it's not worth it right so looking at this one i i had all these blocks and i finally put it together and it was probably about three months after i bought the long arm from my mother-in-law so i actually had it at home and i was like i'm just gonna play with it i have time and so i tried different colors of thread i tried free motion i tried pro stitcher and kelly you've got the block over there next to you and you can see look at how dorky my flowers look christina you have to be nice to yourself but so my husband's fantastic i think they look great too my husband i like these free motion shapes you chose right here those are actually pro stitcher these are yes but then i added in this diamond here in between to connect i recognize that shape and i love it you can tell that you skewed it into this space and then you scoot it into the space yep beautiful yeah but let's go back to these fun flowers that i did i interrupted you we're going to say something about your husband so my husband looked at it and he's like um this was a while after i didn't do you think maybe you should redo that so it looks a little bit better and i thought about it and i thought you know what i am not going to redo it right i want to have proof that i have improved there you go so that was you know several years ago and so now looking back i can say okay i i have made progress in my journey so i like to keep those things as memories of well yes we also have to remember that we finished a project and it's being loved and appreciated so yep be nice to your quilting it's beautiful it is and that actually stays on my bed right now so i get to see it every day it's great okay so this is a quilt that um i just kind of made up i wanted to use up scraps i had too many in my pile and i wanted to try a new technique so i just made this up so this is completely done on my long arm machine wow and i used up scrap yarn with my couching and just something fun to do so this has kind of led me in a direction where i've been experimenting a lot more with what i can do on my long arm and lots of fun things have come out of that i love that you're can i say a frugal quilter yes like because i frugal to the extreme so i'm not bad at using my scraps i really want to be better at using the scrap so i like what you did with that so i really really had a hard time getting rid of any kind of scraps and i had a person kind of take a weight off of my shoulders because i felt pressured i had to use these scraps and they just kept multiplying they're like little bunny rabbits in the closet yes and or i guess yeah okay we're not gonna go there no i lost my train of thought oh yeah so she said that she keeps um like a pillow case a separate garbage can that's lined with a pillow case and she can throw her scraps in there and when she's done she sews it up and donates it to the animal shelter as a dog bed oh i thought oh my goodness i can get rid of scraps without guilt it was fabulous anyway that was part of my quilting journey i couldn't let things out okay so this quilt is one of my more recent ones and we're going to let's flip this around i love this beautiful it's so gorgeous so a few years ago i was part of the handy quilter inspiration squad and 12 of people were chosen and i was one of them and i got to come here and do some training but the group just bonded and we still keep in contact we help each other out it's just been a fabulous experience to be with them but one of our members decided to start a round robin and we broke into two groups each group had six people that participated and so we started with our center block and it could be whatever we wanted and we had a little journal that went with it and it traveled and so this one's been all over the u.s and canada and each person added another layer onto it so i started with the sunflowers so have you guys noticed the sunflowers all over the sides of the streets right now yeah that was kind of the time of the year and i just love those they make me happy so i did the center block and then i sent it out and another person added on another person another person until it got all the way done and then they shipped it back to me and i got to quilt it so i had so much fun quilting this one i spent a lot of time i just wanted it to be perfect but i played with threads i think i have in those sunflowers i have some thread painting yes i have metallic i have i think i have um like a rainbow colored yeah it looks like you have a variegated in there yeah and i have metallic i have silk so i pretty much beautiful challenge myself to try all of these different things to help myself advance in my quilting okay so this is one of my did you use free motion or pro stitcher rulers what did you use when you're quilting this so that's one thing with my quilting i use everything okay so i i can point out yeah this is pro stitcher here this is free motion ruler work yeah i do all of it i don't think they complement each other yeah i don't have a quilt that's just strictly one thing or another so so that's my my journey and it's still continuing on every day i'm still learning new things that's awesome thank you so much christina you're welcome all right kim it's your turn all right so here's my quilts um just to give a little background i started sewing actually when i was like seven or eight like making a lot of my own clothes and my grandmother you notice the theme going on here she had this room in her basement that was clear full of fabric and grandma had a rule we could take anything we wanted as long as we showed her what we made from it so i never had to buy fabric growing up and i made a lot of really super funky clothes let me tell you but my senior year of high school i decided i wanted to make a quilt for uh you know a graduation present to myself and we got we got the spiegel cadillac you guys remember the catalogs you used to get and you'd look through and there was this quilt in there and i thought i want to make this so i got some graph paper out and i graphed it out and this is the quilt i made i made a log cabin and i had no clue at the time that this was a log cabin and johnny talking about using scissors i started cutting this out and i got really sick of cutting one little piece at a time because of course i had no clue that rotary cutters rulers any of that stuff existed so i stacked like six layers of fabric and cut them with scissors and i don't know if any of you have ever done this but when you do this your top piece is smaller than the bottom piece so this whole quilt is kind of wonky i look at it now yeah can you see but you made it work yeah i did your sashings are a little yep but but they work and it's it it works i'm impressed i i used a few different construction techniques on this one too so i started out using just my mom's good old regular sewing machine and then johnny is looking very closely here you can see a lot of stitches that are kind of pulling through here my mom's sewing machine broke down and so i had a serger available so that's what i sewed with and unfortunately this tension wasn't set really well on it so you can see it kind of hm i was really looking at the hand quilting yes well and so that's the next story so it took me my the rest of my senior year and then my junior and sophomore years of college to start my junior and sophomore my freshman and sophomore years take a break i know i took a break whenever i come home on break i would sew some more blocks it took me like two years to get that finished then i got the top put together and then i had to hand quilt it because at the time i didn't know that there were machines out here this was in the 90s like you know so i hand quilted this and it took me until after my first child was born to actually finish it so this took a lot of years to finish i did i finished it and i love this quilt because it just it reminds me of how i started i saw this picture i knew i wanted to do it i knew that's the look i wanted to have and i did everything i could to create it yeah and i got tired of making blocks so i put nice big blocks on the edge you can see all kinds of fun stuff i would like a great idea that's amazing my sister made me a template that we like traced this on with and then quilted it so i learned a lot from this quilt i worked on it for a lot of years and i still look back at it now and i always go i can't believe this is where i started and now let's you know where i am but this yeah so my first quilt that's my first question i love it yeah you were just born to be a maker oh i do i love to make things and and this next one this is me i always i mean you guys all picked like let's just do some simple blocks for your first coil oh no i had to do a log cabin right so this is fast forward a few years later and this is a quilt fun colors yeah i had a lot of fun with this one so this is from a book by um k facet and it's a classic like pickle dish and the reason why i wanted to show this one was i i have a tendency to pick more complicated patterns to piece and you guys all know this about me i kind of and then halfway through i'm like why am i doing this and then i get done and i go oh i love it but i feel like this this was a quilt that i the first one i did that i learned a little bit more about how to use color value so that things would show up i know it's a super crazy quilt but you got to remember this was from a pattern by cave so it's actually a little maybe a little tame compared to what it could have been but i actually bought all the fabric from my local quilt shop i was really excited i had saved up enough money i had that and at the time i was quilting on my home machine and this is all quilted on my home machine and this is probably some of my best quilting that i did on a home machine i i spent a lot of time quilting it and i look at it now and go oh my word but it's it's beautiful it really i this was a quilt i i was very very proud of very proud of and i love i love this quilt i really do i love this quilt i learned a lot of great lessons from it i learned how to paper piece that's the other thing too all of these arcs are paper piece so johnny that's right i'm shaking my head i when people talk about quilting on their home machine that just gave me so much anxiety i just had this tiny machine yeah and i just i fell in love with my local arm long armor right away so that's how i quilted was by check yeah they say well and for me one of the reasons why i started quilting on my home machine and i'm sure a lot of you can relate one of the reasons why i could afford to buy quilt shop fabric on this is because i quilted it myself yeah i saved that money up i spent it on the fabric and then i quilted it myself it's amazing thank you i really love this quilt it's a fun quilt and one of the things i love about the quilts is the memories and emotions that they stir up yeah right yeah and that's one that i actually uh that quilt took me probably two years to work on i did that when my kids were little i remember them like sitting on the floor playing while i was you know paper piecing working on it don't touch that pile you're gonna have them sitting on your lap and trying to keep their fingers out from underneath the needle oh my kids my kids weren't so interested in that so okay so fast and this is me doing more paper piecing um but and you know the paper piecing lots of fun this is a pattern from carolyn friedlander that johnny let's slide it back so that you can see more of the blocks yeah it's called the neighborhood quilt if i remember right too i might have to correct myself on that one oh okay but it is every house is unique this is a word right there crush let's look at the quilt we don't need to see me i like that all the rules were different yeah fun houses they they really are and this this was one um it was originally a block of the month at a local shop and at the end of the block of the month they had a couple of quilts left over quilt kits that were left over and so i bought it and i started working my way through it again once again you guys are going to find this is the theme with me took me a couple of years to do this one i will freely admit though by the time i got to the end i got to my last couple of blocks these trees here um you'll notice that they're not paper pieced raw edge applicators and what did you learn what did i learn sometimes paper piecing you hit a point where you're like i'm done i'm out i'm done we're just going to get this sucker done i tried i tried like i put this up on my design while i remember and like leave out this group of trees and i'm like nope gotta have it so it's balanced yeah but the but the thing i really love about this quilt and every time i look at it i remember this i i finished piecing it and then about a month later i bought my long arm and i did get a pro stitcher with it and i thought okay this is going to be the quilt that i'm going to do my first custom pro stitcher on so i did a huge stack of charity quilts edge to edge learned learned how to use my pro stitcher and you guys this was back in standard like this was this is a long time ago and i thought okay i am ready to do this quilt with custom so this was the first custom custom quilted that i did with prostitute i did do a little bit of free motion in a few places and i did some rules i did some rulers i also used mark on some of these houses i used ruler or mark on some of these but this background here you'll notice the background behind it and i did not this this was i look at this and i go i really learned from this one because i didn't pick the best background to skew into these areas you can see that it's a little it's a little funky but i i feel like i really learned how to use post-stitcher as a tool to get the look i wanted on a quilt so i'm going to say about your background it doesn't it doesn't bother me yeah it just gives it some really great texture yes and it's not something you're going to look at and say oh look at that skew i know it just really gives it some nice background and nice texture and it does so even though you may not choose it again i think it really complements your quilt it gives it a lot of variety different sizes and the angles yeah i think it just gives the texture because you've got it yeah well i was going for a modern fill so you know you did it thank you what's going through my mind is that you said it took me a long time but i finished it yeah it's not quite perfect but i finished it so i like the adage done is better than good yeah or done is better than perfect yeah absolutely so rather than leaving behind unfinished quilt tops or unfinished projects i'm not going to do that you guys not me yeah totally never i totally am um but like it's just better to have a finished project and something that you can be proud of rather than just anyway once again a finished quilt yeah is better that's what i love about handy quilter our jaw you know like our what our tagline is helping you finish quilts helping you finish more quilts yep okay well fast forward a few more years like i told you i did that one on standard so that was you know four or five years ago this this is one i actually made this last spring and more curved pieces i know and and i have to know so so let me let me just give a little a little nod to this i was going to mention this earlier and i forgot to we already know you're crazy we'll do all this remember that my my quilting my sewing journey started with constructing garments yeah and let me tell you something if you can inset a sleeve properly a curved flat seam is the easiest thing in the world to sew because when you're sewing clothes you're sewing in 3d quilts are 2d because they're flat so curves i don't know i just i like the dimension that it gives that's a good way to look at it and i actually grew up doing clothing but when i see the curved piece on the quilt i'm like yeah it's it's way easier to do this curve than to do the curve on a sleeve or you know yeah put a waistband on a skirt i'll give a new look at curved piecing so this one this quilt was when i found this pattern in a magazine and i kind of ripped off of it i didn't do exactly the pattern but the thing that i really love about this one is the quilting i did on it so i did this all with pro stitcher i did a little bit of ruler work for some in a few places but i used designer and created some of my own designs so like prostitute designer yes okay procedure designer so this curved cross hatching i actually took a cross hatching design that existed and i modified it to make it fit inside that design this this raised design right here i did that too and that was such a sense of accomplishment to think i've come full circle with it i this is this is my free motion quilting this is me creating my own designs yes it's being stitched out by the pro-stitcher but i created the designs so that this quilt is quilted exactly the way that i wanted it to i wanted it to be bigger but once again it has paper piecing and everything in it i hit the point where i was done so now it's just a wall hanging it's a beautiful wall hanging yes it is and if you saw what she's working on now that she sends us pictures of she's still paper piecing and they're still curved and they're still crazy gigantic so she hasn't learned her lesson you know i've actually i think i've figured out what i really love about paper piecing it's that i don't have to cut anything accurately when i start piecing because i put it on that paper i sew it and then i trim it and it's perfect every time yeah and yeah so i still haven't paper yeah i use that i have that pile of little scraps that i pull from and then i can create things like this with it oh that's amazing well thank you i'm going to learn the paper piece i like paper piecing it's fun it is fun it's good thanks kim yeah awesome thanks i like watching how your hand quilting has translated into this machine quilting beautiful nice let's see what you have okay i brought quilts too i grew up similar to kim piecing garments and made lots of quilts that i tied but i usually bought panels and tied them and stuff and but i grew up in a family of quilters and i'll show you more about that in a minute but this is one i found um in a magazine oh how fun turn it this way so another time i think my daughter was probably about eight and she's 28 now so but i i just bright and cheerful it just reminded me of her so i just spent a lot of time fabric stores picking up fat quarters of bright fabrics and so this is totally a pattern from a magazine and i can't even remember which one to give the appropriate credit but this was a fun quilt that i did um and more to the story so at this point i really knew nothing about finishing the quilt except for tying and i i had quilted a couple of things stitched in the ditch like just on my domestic machine but that's as far as my domestic machine clothing ever went i didn't i just didn't undertake that but my best friend had just purchased an hq16 and needed quilts to practice on and i'm like here you go and it didn't have a stitch regulator either but she was very creative and artistic and and so she just took it and had fun with it and so but um and that's kind of an intro into my long arming because um a few years later she passed away from cancer and i inherited her long arm so yeah so so that's i have to give her some credit for kind of inspiring me and and helping you help people pushing me in my quilting journey i guess right right kind of shoving you into your quilting journey a nice big hint there here's my long arm so anyway all right so then um i i grew up in a family of creators makers piecers what whatever we um and we have a group of and sorry in my mother's family we'd get together once a year and so you can see all of these flowers are the same and we found a pattern that my grandmother had started of this flower quilt and so passed around the pattern and everybody made i don't know 20 i didn't count them everybody made 20 exactly the same and then when we got together for our family retreat we all switched so that we ended up with all the different colors and very fun i had actually pre-planned how i was going to put mine together because we all put them together differently we were just had these blocks and we put them together how we wanted and excuse me i felt like putting them together with a black and white theme yeah someone put theirs together purple someone put them together with greens you know i just chose black and white that's fine and so up until this point in my long arm quilting all i had ever done is meandered or stippled i had just like that's how i finished quilts and like we talked about before they're quilts now so it's okay right that was my skill level that was my ability and and um i i had this quilt with this big i don't know what is that eight nine inch block right there of salt of just white space i did not know what i wanted to do there because i just didn't want stippling i wanted to do something different so i looked and looked and i found this stencil in my quilting stash that was the exact same sizes as that block perfect so i stenciled it on there just started following those lines and probably by the third row or second row i went oh those are leaves after that point they started looking a little more like leaves just a little tip if you're going to use a stencil you might want to kind of finger trace it a little bit and figure out what it is i don't know i know i sound so smart but i think we've all done that where we've been like what i don't know what this is that's a leaf anyway so part of my quilting journey is my family of quilters and how each year we've we've done this traditional where we get together and one year was the flowers one year we had like a christmas theme and we all made christmas blocks one year was a summer block one year we just did disappearing nine patches and i have a lot of fun quilts that are part of my whole family so and they're all put together if you brought my whole family's quilts together they're all really different because we put them together differently so it's kind of fun oh i love that what a neat tradition yeah and it was kind of one of the first ones i custom quilted obviously yeah well and you did a fantastic job i love it okay this is probably my favorite quilt i love this um this is from this pattern is from an australian pattern designer um don't look now oh i was going to look that up so i didn't mess it up her name is kelly so of course i like her of course but you've probably seen some of her patterns this pattern is actually called love birds don't don't look now i think is the right one but um you when you do this pattern you can choose to just raw edge applique and i actually did the needle turn method so i wow i truthfully spent three years needle turning all of these flowers wow so it it was a long project and um i made it for my oldest granddaughter who's now eight and so i think i started it when she was due and so i finished it when she was three or something and and she said can i have this now grandma and i'm like no no too much white this should be for your wedding how about that but it's lots of free motion i actually even did some trapunto behind the birds and some of the flowers trepunto is where you put a little extra layer of batting yeah so i loaded batting and then the quilt top and i quilted around a few things and then i cut away the excess batting so that they would pop a little more um had i just done wool batting it probably would have had enough troponto effect as it was but it's one of my favorites because it hangs in my studio because it's just so happy and so much i mean what a sense of accomplishment to tackle a project like this and finish it right and i quilted it before i knew about um rulers so i well yeah so this is just all free motion wow i would have loved to have had some mini circles that so my circles would be perfect but once again we i'm just so happy it's a quilt and not a quilt top so yeah it's done it's gorgeous it's a lot of fun i love that one all right let's take a look at this last one here oh of course kelly of course i had to bring a dream big because that's like been my quilting life for the last couple of years so this is also for my granddaughter and it's beautiful so i don't know 30 i quilted this is probably one of my favorites because every time i see my granddaughter she's like grandma i just don't know how you did all these little designs so you say out of the three or the thirty like 30 i don't know what i said out of the 30 i didn't i didn't count them but i quoted a lot of these right we even did a segment on the dream bigs but um i had to bring one because this is kind of you kind of started the whole yeah well i didn't know about that but it's um oh yeah you know it kind of was a theme for a lot of quilters because it'll if you allow yourself to dream big you know your your world is your opportunity there for you if you allow yourself to just kind of take some steps and this was kind of a perfect place for people for long-term cultures to practice their skills and of the 60s whatever pedals there are if you tried something different it just really allowed you to to expand your quilting abilities and so yeah but so this is kind of our stories our quilting journeys um i hope it'll you'll think about yours and and in fact it would be super great if you'd share with with us in your in the comments yeah um some of your quilting journeys we'd love to hear your story or tell us about your first quilt or tell us some of the techniques that you've learned across you know through your journey so remember to like and subscribe to our to our youtube channel so that you don't miss anything that we're um sharing with you on our handy quilter videos so right yes okay and most of all remember to enjoy your quilting journey that's what it's about yep right have a great day
Channel: Handi Quilter
Views: 25,279
Rating: 4.9578314 out of 5
Keywords: Handi Quilter, Longarm, Sewing, Quilting, Quilts, Free-motion Quilting, Finishing Quilts, quilter, longarm quilt, quilting tips, quilting for beginners
Id: jpK3OUCq6MA
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 40min 34sec (2434 seconds)
Published: Thu Sep 10 2020
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