Five brilliant threads and skills every quilter should know - Watch & Learn Quilting Show Episode 1

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hi i'm johnny barfis i'm here with kelly ashton our one of our educators our education manager i apologize today we're talking about five challenging threads yes kelly your initial reaction to this was we don't want to call them challenging right i just want you to have fun with threads and see what how much of an impact a thread can play in your quilting and i think people are really intimidated by different types of threads so our goal today is to walk you through some tips that will help you manage some of these threads that people consider to be challenging okay so let's just have fun with our threads okay first we're going to talk about this quilt on the wall behind us okay tell us about that kelly so this is a quilt of mine it's needle turn applique and it's by a quilt designer out of australia and it's don't look now so the pattern is called lovebirds and just one of my favorite quilts because it's just so bright and happy and so i just wanted to share it today here so great yeah all right all right let's talk threads what thread are we going to start out with so we're going to start out with metallic but i'm going to show you a couple of samples on how thread can be impactful on your quilt so this right here is it's just a you can see that i've used metallic just colored threads and black that matches the background and you can just see how how the thread either impacts it by the color or by the way it leaves like you really don't see the line unless you're using contrasting thread if you use thread that matches what you see is the unquilted part so you get to see the texture that the thread leaves okay so that's one sample that's amazing this is another sample of how thread can impact your quilting so this is just kind of gobs of thread and at the end i'm going to show you how to put two threads through one needle so we can have some quilting like that here's another sample um wow how the thread work just kind of enhances the project a little bit so is that a pillow yeah it's a pillow made that pillow on the long arm so kind of a fun project i love it this is just another one to kind of show thread play how much fun thread can be in your quilting project and then last but not least okay here's my my halloween fun i got this one finished just in time for thanksgiving last year so i'm excited to hang it for thanksgiving for halloween this year but i actually used the monopoly thread on this and monopoly is fantastic in the long arm so we're going to show you how to use that in just a few minutes okay what's one of the things i hear most frequently from quilters do you know my amy that's the name of the amara my amy only likes quote thread so we hear that a lot i hear that a lot my amara just loves so fine my machine loves filling the blank thread right and what's our reaction to that well there's absolutely nothing wrong with that but the truth of the matter is johnny likes that type of thread right johnny's confident in managing that thread right so i want to expand your machine's ability today so all of our handy quilter machines can manage any type of thread that's if you're using high quality right that's the trick high quality thread can be managed in this machine so um i'm going to show you some of the some of the techniques that we use okay so we're going to deal with metallic the number one trick to metallic is just have a high quality metallic so metallic is like a really thin foil that's wound around a core of a thread right and if you don't have a high quality metallic thread then um it twists and twists before it gets in the needle because we have kind of a long thread path right even in your domestic machine it can be tricky but with the long longer thread path that little foil can get twisted and it breaks a lot and it frustrates people there's it's so fun to use but one of the tricks that you can use and this is from bob superior thread this is his his test but if you have a metallic thread pull out a section like this and and just hold it up in a u-shape okay if it twists up against itself it's probably not a great metallic to use in your long arm and honestly it's it's probably not a great metallic to use so definitely don't hand that down to somebody who's a beginning quilter because we don't want them frustrated too right this is use it for some hand work or something okay so the first thing is that you test to make sure it's not going to yeah twist back on itself right yep and if you've got a high quality metallic it's just fun to use in your machine okay so i have metallic i have kind of a bronzy copper color in right here and it's it's a little more fragile thread so the trick is that i want to have a looser tension okay all right so whenever you're testing a thread excuse me get your hand on the thread right here right below the pigtail thread guide right before the needle and get your hand on it and pull that thread so i'm pulling it and then i can feel that tension and i need it to have a little looser tension than some of my other threads okay okay then the other thing with metallic thread is i'm choosing metallic because i want it to shine i want it to shimmer so if i choose a longer stitch length then i'm giving a little more of that thread to the surface of my quilt and allowing it to show to shine on my quilt so i'm going to choose a stitch length of of nine right now okay okay i haven't practiced anything don't have any design in my mind you're a genius so just show you so that's something i haven't ever thought about is that stitch length though i'm glad you mentioned that yeah if you put a stitch length of like 12 you're just have little tiny stitches yeah so we're just making a little bigger stitch length i'm just gonna do little design i don't know if you can see how fun this is and how it shimmers and shines so we actually shut off the lights on the machine so that you can see better on the camera so that unfortunately it makes it so that you don't get the the shine of this awesome thread but metallic is so fun to add to your quilting project i can see that was really good um i was kind of hoping the thread would break so i could show you how i managed it but we're not done yet we'll try another thread yes okay so that's metallic and it just has the best shine i just i love to put metallic in in different projects i love it so i don't use it on a quilt that i want my grandbabies to snuggle up in but there are plenty of quilts that i'll hang on the wall or use this table toppers or something and i just i want them to sparkle so that's that okay so that's the first thread that you people usually say they want to use and they just are afraid to use there's i was going to say one thing you don't have to change anything in your thread path you're still going to use all three holes in the three-hole thread guide you're just going to loosen your tension a little bit and you're going to use the appropriate needle size needle size okay excellent right and we talked about this before people will call us and ask about needle size we usually point people to the thread manufacturer and say what needle sizes is recommended by that yeah right right and well i'm just going to say for a metallic thread i would use an 18. okay okay yeah mine's an 18. okay all right awesome so oh one other thing i want to make sure you see on this threading video okay let me re-thread i'm going to put in glitter another shiny thread this is like a little hologram tape kind of thing can you think about a quilt you'd want to put this on uh yeah yeah it's not right off the bat but well you had i've seen a couple of your really fun bright quilts it would be fun to add something yeah okay but there's a trick with this thread okay and there's also let's go back a step let's talk about this metallic okay this metallic right here that's on machine right now it's on a cone and it's a cross-wound cone okay okay you can also buy metallic on a spool like this and the spool is straight wound okay so thread delivery is a really important part and so you need to pay attention you can see that right there this is straight wound and this is cross wound crosswound thread is designed to be delivered on a cone up like this straight wound thread is designed to come off the spool like this okay so what do we have that we can attach to the amarra that will allow us to do the appropriate thread delivery we have the horizontal spool pin awesome so that machine has one already right there okay we have a horizontal spool pin on right here so i wanted to point that out because obviously with this hologram this this glitter thread if if i brought it off like this can you see how it twists you probably can't because it's so fine but it picture like a rib a spool of ribbon yeah and if i pulled the ribbon up like this it just twist twist twist twist so when people are here for our retreats we use toilet paper okay that would work really clearly yeah when you pull up like this it like you're saying it doesn't matter i should have brought something we didn't think about it i'm sorry but you know how toilet paper comes off the roll it comes off like this off the top okay so we're going to put this this glitter thread on the horizontal spool pin and i just want it i don't want it exactly i wanted just a little bit of a lift to it so it doesn't fall off okay but i i still want it pretty level okay awesome so the trick with this thread is it's it's got a little bit of a stretch to it okay so i'm gonna i'm gonna re-thread this machine and i'm only going to use two of the thread hole guide instead of three okay and if you understand the thread hold guide they help with the twist of the thread but they also add tension so we have to because this is a more fragile thread we just want to have less tension on it so when i get to this three hole thread guide right here so as you're threading it's it's really a lot easier if you just have a small amount of thread to work with and that's a little bit twisted right there so i'm going to cut that off i'm just going to go through one hole and then a two hole and we always go from back to front on this three hole guide now i don't recommend skipping the holes just for the front of it i only recommend skipping the holes if it's going to impact the use of the thread and give it too much tension okay so that's just through two holes now i've got to get rid of this one here's the trick when you're threading make sure that you floss this thread right up into that tension disc bring it around catch the spring go around the stirrup oh i missed that one it's got to go in that little guide okay and then we're going to take it up through the take-up lever and this one is also from back to front i know a lot of you have done this a million times so but i can already feel that this is way too tight just like if hot tub right pull the tension on this if i pull on this right now i'm going to break the thread so i'm just going to loosen it i'm going to check my my thread oh okay always check your whole thread path this is caught on the horizontal spool pin so before you start turning your knobs make sure that it's not stuck somewhere okay that definitely adds attention right yo yeah okay but i'm still a little tight oh and then one more thing i often have people ask if the thread should go from front to back or back to front it's it's also like toilet paper it's just a preference right okay we've referred to toilet paper probably way too much but we're not going to get into the argument that's a whole other argument right as long as you do it my way it's fine right right my house do it this way right yeah oh my goodness i'm not sure if i can see this johnny you might have to thread for me you're asking me oh you have your glasses on i don't have my glasses take them off you'll get it good okay well normally um there's that groove in the front of the needle and if you can find the groove and just slide it down it'll slip right in the hole magic you did it okay with this one i'm even gonna go down to eight stitches per inch because i really want this thread to just kind of be a showcase okay oh i forgot to tell you about one of my favorite features of the amara okay okay it's the automatic tie off like it makes a little micro knot so all i have to do is push this little button on the screen and then gently move the machine it moved by itself because we're not perfectly level in here let's try that again okay i'm going to push the button and then i'm going to gently move the machine and it'll take little micro stitches the number that i choose right so i have it selected at five yeah if i were working with um a slippery thread like a trilobal poly i definitely want five or six stitches because that slippery thread has a tendency to slip out of each other okay all right so yeah you had to see that feature right yeah it's awesome okay here's our stitching are you ready can you see this thread can you see it well what i love go ahead tell me what i love is it's not breaking i know you wanted to throw this but i know the thread's not breaking so that's is it definitely a tricky thread okay if the thread broke right let's talk about what we would do let's talk about what we would do to fix it what would we do well if it's breaking somehow along this thread path it's being pulled too tight okay so just like when we started i'm going to go back and i'm going to look at the entire thread path i'm going to look from where the spool starts to where it comes out of the needle and just make sure it's not catching somewhere right if it's not if it's a clear clean thread path and it's still breaking my tension's too tight yeah it's too tight right so even if i have to go back and make an adjustment to my bobbin intention because you know the top thread your job is to go down and pick up the bobbin thread bring it up and pull that bobbin thread into the middle of the quilt so if it's having to work too hard at its job right it's going to snap so i've got a i've got to reevaluate my bobbin thread if i'm having braking issues so when you're doing the drop test method there's you give yourself a little variation on it's a light perfect and a little tighter perfect right do you understand like we're not all exactly the same so so if you can put it on the lighter the looser tension you're going to be better off with these more fragile finer threads okay okay okay that's two threads we got through two we got your metallic and we got through glitter all right what's next okay how about monopoly oh man people do you know what monopoly is what is monopoly threat tell us what you tell us monopoly is clear thread so a couple of years ago i was using monopoly in a quilt and my friend said hey it looks like you got some hair in there i said oh no that's actually the thread i've been sewing with it looks like hair so it says a very fine polyester right or what does it mean yeah it usually it might be a nylon yeah but it's almost like a really tiny fishing line right yeah and it has some stretch to it but so the first one of the first quilts i made i took it to a long arm quilter and i'm like ah just use clear thread i don't know what to use it's it's a big soft flannel fluffy quilt and we all hate it because that thread is pokey oh like it pokes us it's like fishing line yeah the the new generation of monopoly thread is not like that it's so soft and isn't it huh yeah it's just same right one of the first quilts i did it was like a hawaiian quilt and i just had her do all over the monopoly yeah tons of them are broken so is this straight wound or is this cross bound johnny how do we get what's our thread deliveries straight wound because they're coming off of the spool okay right now let's talk about what's on on the outside of this this has a thread net okay and what does that do so i personally would only choose to use a thread knot now other people have other reasons but if i set this in my hand and it puddles down if it falls off of the spool and puddles in my hand i really need something to keep it in place right while i'm using it understand it also can add a little bit of tension but but generally monopoly monopoly can be it can like puddle a little bit even though so i i like to use it on monopoly but my monopoly is on cullen's okay so but because this is on a spool and it's straight wound i'm also going to use the same delivery system i've got to have the horizontal spool pin right okay have you had enough of our threads yet no tell only on three threads this is three yeah so you're you're tying this one together i'm gonna tie it so that means you're gonna use two of the holes of the three whole thread guy yeah now some people use all three and some people use two so i'm going to say this one see which works best for you okay i used to think people who could do this next trick were geniuses or magical one of the two well hey you're gonna pull this all the way through the tricky part is when you get to the the um tension discs a lot of times it can pop out of that tension disc and line just broke so if it's a really good day that knot will pull all the way through through even the needle right i have done it successfully since then i'm going to actually take off the thread nut because i'm not liking the thread no i'm not i can feel it's giving it a little bit of drag okay i'm gonna take that off oh my i just really don't know if i can thread this do we need like a flashlight this is the one tricky part that i cannot take away from monopoly it's really hard to see the end i have heard tricks of a magic marker i've heard that too yeah but then you have to color the magic marker i mean you have to you know you have to use the matching marker to color the end well guess what it's working so good no special tricks good good good oh my you guys threading a needle on camera that is a lot of stress okay you have to try i haven't licked the thread i promise just give it a go okay one of the other great things i love about the amara is that it has awesome lighting in the bobbin case area did you do it yeah ah you're the master okay thanks johnny lighting the bobbin area yeah the lighting in the bobbin area is another one of my favorite features of this new generation machine okay so here i'm really going to get my hand on this i'm going to fill that thread i like the feel of it okay okay your tension spring isn't moving much my tension spring is not moving much so that's a good thing to point out it's a good thing to check right there i can see i'm moving it a little bit a little bit okay so i may have to adjust the tension a little bit but i'm not seeing any of my bobbin thread up here on the top okay so um okay the monopoly thread it's really hard to see especially so one of my recommendations would be the handy light yes because that gives me a light that i can angle like this at the needle and then i get this shadow where i can kind of see i'm sure that you can't even see that on the camera but the monopoly a little bit more so you can see that texture i think they can see that pretty well all right i've still got a big stitch length here i'm okay with making a smaller stitch length with this because really it it doesn't matter i'm not seeing the thread at all so the intention of monopoly is to give texture right yeah uh you're not like you said you're not trying to see the thread because it's invisible it's mostly giving texture well it is and and a lot of people will remove this out of the way a lot of people will will have a a quilt that has two really varying opposite colors and unless you like to change your thread a lot when you're quilting monopoly is a really good choice yeah because actually i just finished or i'm not finished with it but i'm working on a really nice applique quilt for a friend and and hers has tans and browns and all kinds of colors in the applique and i wanted to just stitch around all of them without leaving any kind of a trace right and the monopoly was absolutely perfect yeah so we were talking earlier with kim and she's working on she said the same thing she has a lot of whites a lot of blacks a lot of colors in between so there wasn't one thread color she could use so she said i just chose a monopoly i truthfully was scared of monopoly for a long time first of all because i thought it was pokey and second of all is that a real term yeah it is okay and second of all because i just knew it was really hard to manage and i'll oh we haven't talked about what's in the bobbin have you noticed that i've used the same bobbin thread the whole time yeah you haven't changed the bobbin so i don't need monopoly in the bobbin what i have in the bobbin right now is a bottom line pre-wound it's just a 60 weight thread so it doesn't matter what weight i'm changing to i'm consistently staying with my same bobbin and we haven't changed the tension in the bobbin either no so we always we always say set the bobbin tension first yes adjust the top to match it right yep okay often people they'll feel like that they have to match the top thread to the bottom and we don't recommend total poly in the bottom well like we talked about it's a really it's a stretchy thread and so if you were to wind this at a high speed on our bobbin winders you're going to get a lot of stretch in that wind so so i would not recommend winding a bobbin out of the monopoly no so you're going to have me greater success with the monopoly if you just use a thread that matches your quilt okay okay monopoly what's next okay all right oh i gotta go with with 100 weight thread have you ever tried it micro quilter micro quilter or kimono silk yeah i haven't done used silk yet but i'm using micro quilter right now okay i'm gonna go with the silk because it's a better color on the bottom yeah definitely let's do that okay so um actually this is on a it's a cross wound on a cone so i'm gonna go right there and i'm just gonna cut my thread right there so i used to say there was only one thread that i used two holes with but any of these fragile finer threads i'm just going to stick with the two hole okay okay so i'm keeping a two hole for that now keep your fingers crossed that this stays it's a good day hello hooray it's a good day i don't have to get through the tension discs and through the needle i've made it through the needle okay anytime i do that though i can feel that there's not much tension so i'm going to go back and i'm going to take my fingers and pull up and make sure that my thread is in that tension disc and it's just really got no tension okay so i'm gonna tighten that up a little bit just a little bit and i until i feel just the right tension right there okay all right now i haven't like flipped over my quilt and shown you the tension underneath yet um there's the first thing i like to do oh i didn't get a good tension with the monopoly i don't think it was in the thread disc very well oh okay okay but i got a good tension with the first two so i like to yeah feel with my fingers yeah yeah so um feel with your fingers and if you can feel like little notches you know you have a problem like you shouldn't be able to catch your fingernail in the thread if you if you don't catch it you're probably really close but you'll still want to kind of take a peek at it and make sure that your your tension is in the middle like that little knot is in the middle on the knot in the middle of the batting yeah oh i can hear something broke okay great it broke so we're gonna we're gonna work on fixing it i'm going to go back and look at my thread path well i did want the thread to break but i really didn't want to re-thread the needle oh okay okay but this is a little more substantial than the model poly right the yeah this is absolutely this is well i can see it you can see it yeah i'm using this micro quilter on a quilt in the other room right now so two things i would change um if i were quilting is i'd have my glasses on okay and i would have the light on so i could see okay but once again if you can find that groove in the front of the needle yeah you did that really well you can just you can just thread it okay so i did have a problem last time so i'm going to recheck my thread i'm going to tighten that up just a little bit so it feels a little too tight i'm just going to keep filling until i get the right the right pole on my thread and we talked about this a couple of weeks ago and did this we get well we talked about getting that feel i think i can't remember what we're talking about and now but we talked about the feel of it okay right yeah and i kind of was like i've always kind of mocked like oh how could you feel but when you get when you practice you can get the feel of it yeah right okay i'm gonna push my favorite button again get my little micro stitches just a little small adjustment sometimes i see people say well you're quilting too fast or you need a different really your speed shouldn't be a huge factor in it it's it's more about your tension and getting that tension right okay so now we have a pretty stitch on top are you going to feel underneath make sure we have oh no i'm not come on so what it feels like i can feel a little notch so it does feel like i need to tighten the upper thread just a little bit so i would tighten it a little bit okay there's one thing i really want your new quilters to learn and that's how to pull up the bobbin thread okay okay so if i finished quilting i would have tied a little magic knot again okay and then what i'm going to do is take my needle up move my machine away and then i'm going to bring the needle back to the same hole whole ish okay i'm gonna do a needle down needle up and so for the second time i'm gonna move my machine away and i'm gonna move it at least six inches okay and now i'm gonna cut these threads right here and i'm gonna cut i'm actually cutting through three threads the top thread and a loop of the bobbin thread and by moving it away six inches i left a tail on my bobbin that's six inches so now next time when i go to pull it up i have a long enough thread i can pull it up i could move it away an inch and cut the thread no problem but then next time when i try to pull up my bob and i won't be able to grab it yeah so let's show now pulling up the bobbin initially okay so when i pull up the bobbin initially i'm going to hold on to my thread needle down needle up so one full stitch i'm just using my half stitch button and i'm going to pull move the machine away and just pull up that bobbin thread can you see it yeah and then i'm going to grab and i'm going to hold on to both threads i'm going to hold the machine right there push my magic button move the machine i love that did i tell you i like that yeah you did i'm going to show you a couple of other ways to do it if okay if i didn't have the amount i didn't have the magic button i can just use my needle up down and i can hold my thumb on it and it will just kind of do a little walking stick hey i did not know that yeah hold your thumb on it you don't have to go needle up kneel down you look needle down you just hold your thumb on it and you'll do a little walking stick you learn something every day okay let's show you one more time how to cut that bobbin thread stop i'm going to do my little magic stitch needle up now i'm going to loosen my thread right here underneath that pigtail because i don't want to pull on those stitches i just did now on your domestic machine when you're finished stitching what do you do you raise your presser foot right and what does the presser foot do release the opens up the tension disc we don't have that so i've moved it away once came back to my stitch needle down needle up moved it away a second time how far six inches at least yeah now i can cut all three of those threads right there beautiful if you've got a little tail of bobbin thread you did it right hey i'm gonna ask one question i've seen recently online people saying i'm getting these knots at the bottom of my quilt where i've stopped and started okay what are they doing that's not correct most likely they're letting go of their threads too soon they need to hold tightly to their top and bobbin thread while they do their magic stitch or your five little micro stitches and and let me show you one more thing i do okay please do have you had enough of me yet heavens no okay i'm doing my magic stitch oh one more thing the amara does okay i can program this third button right there to be my magic stitch so i keep pushing that button because on my mr at home that's what it does yeah okay but after i've tied those stitches i raise the needle and then i take these two threads right here and i i pull on them and if they slip i know i didn't get enough of a knot right like if they're slipping or i broke it but if they're slipping i need to do some more micro stitches right but i already have my knot so i should be able to just go ahead and stitch because my knot was secure yeah i've never heard that i've never seen that trick before thank you it helps me a lot okay all right we got through four threads okay i gotta show you one more now you're going to talk about the motors on this do you want to talk about that really quick the motors on the mr well that's one of my favorite things too did i already say that no we haven't talked about this okay is it called the servo motor right so i i've had a few handy quilters over my life and i love handy quilters but i have the amara now and when it came out this new generation machine they said it has a servo motor i'm like what does that mean and i didn't even when they explained it i was kind of like okay that's great so it's like you're driving with a foot on the uh on the gas and at the break so it's just like super responsive to your starts and stops i'm like that's fantastic great but until i started quilting and i'm a free motion quilter so i i just really like to have that machine moving fluidly with me and with with the servo motor this machine is so smooth when i come to a pause it it pauses with me and when i start boom it's ready to go i don't get a big stitch coming out of my point because that machine is ready to go with me the servo motor is awesome and plus it makes you sound like you know something really important about like a car or something i don't i don't serve a motor is that what they have if you tell me it works i'm gonna buy it but when i can see for myself how that benefits my quilting that's a whole new world right okay uh be patient with me i'm going to re-throw this now i'm taking out the silk oh what you're what are you putting on the exact opposite of silk the exact opposite of silver yes okay well that is a what it's a 12 weight thread what weight thread is a silk or a micro quilter 100 100 this is 12. so for you that don't know thread super well yet you tell the higher the number the thinner the thread the lower the number the thicker the thread so a 12 is super thick right yeah it's almost like it has to do with how many inches how many feet make up a pound right so it's how many units of length how many units of length make up a unit of weight right yeah so if you if you took 12 units of length and put it in a weight measurement to wager we'll say an ounce just so that we can visualize it right it would only take 12 units of that length it would take 100 units like this so we'd have to string this out 100 times i think it's just because it's measured in units and weight and we don't know exactly what they are at least i don't it's really not exact okay i mean it's just not exact so 12 units of thread make up this weight of thread right yes and there's a common brand what's the common brand that we talked about well this um this is actually a this is a sulky thread okay but we talked about like so sassy is that so sassy is one that i used from superior thread that i used so sassy is one okay the trick is this is a 12 weight i just had 100 weight in this needle do you think it's gonna fit no probably not well it depends on if we're lucky today what size needle do we have in there you know no but but if i if i were doing it properly today i would put a size 20 needle in here because that's got a bigger hole a big enough hole to thread and we were just talking the so the uh micro quilter that i'm using in the other room i had probably a 14 or 16 in but i was i kept breaking so i just put a 12 size needle in and then i got skip stitches so we're gonna go back to the drawing board on that one in there but well if we're skipping stitches we have some other testing what we need to do right okay so i might not be able i might have to change the needle but i think we're kind of running out of time so i wanted to show you how this stitches but just looking it on the on the fabric you can see how fun it is and it kind of kind of can even make a oh i'm going to say it work wrong a sashiko stitch uh-huh i say sashiko yeah but i have a really fine bobbin and you have this thick thread on the top it almost looks like you've done a hand right hand stitch so but you'd have to have a bigger stitch but where would you put a thread like this somewhere where you want to see it yeah anywhere you'd want the thread to really stand out the thread just stand out right like a lot of those ones that you showed us that you have a black background and that thread is really showing up on that okay one more thing i'm going to show you before we go and then i'm going to let you go have you ever wondered why there's two spool pins on our handy quilter machines i have wondered that some of them even have three okay really you can quilt with two threads i'm gonna two threads of the needle yeah so when i honestly the first time i heard about this same thing i was like what why would you do that until i tried it okay so i'm gonna they have to come through the thread path together so i'm just going to tie we should point out too we're you are using a fantastico and magnifico those are both from superior they're both the same type of thread they're a trilobal poly and they are the same weight they're both 40 weight so here's the thing is my experience is that so i can't really tension the machine for a 50 weight and a 12 weight right it just it doesn't it doesn't tension the same but if i run through two threads through that are the same weight they they tension the same i've i've seen people use two threads that are completely different opposite but i have the best luck when i use two threads that are the same weight okay okay and we found these two that are kind of similar this this and has some gold in it and then that gold i really like to choose a variegated and then choose one of the colors in the variegation because it really gives a fun i'm gonna have to spit on this one i'm not touching that one come on johnny i'm not touching that oh i got one through but i don't man as if threading one needle wasn't hard enough i didn't want thread good job okay okay show us how that looks on there all right one more stitching and then we'll leave you alone it's kind of like oh i don't have a good tension i got to tighten that up a little bit sometimes you can just see right away from your top stitching but it's not great yeah and um i have a lot of people ask what are you looking for i'm looking for a nice well-formed stitch i want to be able to see the stitches in between and i've got a couple little bubbles here so this one still needs a little bit of work i just need to adjust the tension a little bit but but i'm going to leave it at that i i hope we met our goal i think we did of helping you to be you know to learn to become friends with different types of threads there's absolutely nothing wrong with choosing one and learning how to manage your machine absolutely nothing wrong with that but when you get brave i want you to know that all different kinds of threads will run beautifully through your amarra that's the way the machine is designed is to run and okay all of the handy quilter machines will run every type of thread but i have this baby at my studio i also have the infiniti so i can give both of them right so yes so i i definitely do i hope people will also just play with it more too um that's what i like seeing a lot of your projects that you showed the first were just things i wouldn't have thought to do but if you just have some fun with it yeah right that's what it's all about yeah have some fun quilting right yeah okay well thank you so much for watching we appreciate it tune in next week we're going to talk about rulers again and make sure to like and subscribe to our channel we appreciate it have a great day have fun quilting
Channel: Handi Quilter
Views: 24,280
Rating: 4.9284434 out of 5
Keywords: Handi Quilter, Longarm, Sewing, Quilting, Quilts, Free-motion Quilting, Finishing Quilts, quilter, longarm quilt, quilting tips
Id: yxbOF5W7EvU
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 40min 28sec (2428 seconds)
Published: Sun Sep 06 2020
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