HQ Sweet Sixteen Demo

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[Music] [Applause] [Music] welcome back to the Beehive let's go up and see what's going on up there I've got some things to share I've unpacked from retreat I do have a pile of quilts to bind that I quoted at retreat and I've started my design wall layout figuring what I have to do next I'm looking forward to putting some things together but the priority is this quilt right here I made this for my sister for her birthday and I am actually flying up in about a week and a half and so I need to get this wall hanging layered and quilted I took a really cute little wonderful sash eco block which I used two different colors of blue and then I used a variety of scraps from my stash and I created this large hexie quilt so today we are going to layer and quilt this quilt stay tuned the first thing I have to do though before I can layer my quilt because I use fusible batting is to clean my iron my iron at retreat got some fusible stuck on it on the plate and so it needs to and I am going to clean it with this iron clean they're like they're kind of like dryer sheets that's what they remind me of so let's see how that works so you can see the sheets are like dryer sheets and it's by bone ash calm I got this at Joanne's and I usually keep a couple packs around because there's nothing like getting a sticky iron when you're ready to do some ironing so we're going to see how this works it takes a hot dry iron so I've heated my iron up and now I'm going to run my iron over this sheet oh my gosh look at how pristine that looks Nate this is a easy better than the pace cuz you don't have to deal with the pace these are just the bone ash clean your iron dryer sheets looks brand-new now onto piecing a batting for my wall hanging I'm going to use a baby batting the crib size is 45 by 60 which is absolutely perfect for this wall hanging I get these heirloom fusible batting's on sale from fabric Depot when I'm in Portland but I know that you can mail-order them also so I'm going to now get my backing ready and then we're going to layer so now I'm ready I'm going to I press my back got it cut to the appropriate size I'm going to use beautiful baby batting and it comes kind of it's a little bit on the sticky side and it has some wrinkles and you kind of have to peel it apart because it's got fusible on it but because I have asthma this is the type of I can't use that 5:05 that my girlfriend caters can use which she really enjoys so if you don't have as none you want to use a fusible make your batting fusible you can use the 505 product it comes in a can this is what I'm doing so I kind of peeled it all apart get as many of them get all the big wrinkles out and then I'm going to line it up because I know that I measured my quilt top and I know that it is the perfect size for this wall hanging and this is gonna be for my sister over her bed she had a blank space over for her bed but she lives in Napa California and they occasionally will have an earthquake and my brother-in-law does not want to have any heavy picture hanging over the bed so I thought this would be perfect so now I'm going to line this up make sure that I have it enough of the back on there it looks like I have to move it over a little bit there and there good so now I know I just have to get the wrinkle I'm getting Fitbit points by doing so I swear when I've got my grandson and I'm bouncing him around my Fitbit is picking up all that activity okay so now I can start fusing the batting now the interesting thing about this fusible batting is it doesn't leave sticky residue on your iron I have not had that problem but I do try to not hover over an uncovered piece of the batting I'm loving my new iron and with this iron the habit that you have to break is that you just can't set your iron like this like you do normal you have to set it back on the dock when you're readjusting a piece or you know taking a break you can set it back on the dock okay now I'm going to just pick it all up and move it down and as I'm smoothing this out I'm feeling for wrinkles in the batting and I feel kind of a big wrinkle here so what I do is I pull this back and I take a look at it out and bring this back over get my Fitbit points and then I continue ironing so I now have iron to top and I think we should so far today I have 2485 Fitbit points since this morning so I'm gonna flip this over and iron the back and make sure there's no wrinkles and let's check how many points ironing gives you now when you flip it over don't freak out that there's a bunch of wrinkles because we're gonna straighten those all out we're gonna smooth it out and you can peel this up we know that the front is down secure and so now we're gonna iron the back and make sure it looks nice also for quilting [Music] and this looks looks stay tuned for the next step we're gonna start quilting on the sweet 16 so now I'm quilting my wall hanging on my HQ sweet 16 which I love the reason I love it is that I have a good visual but there are certain things that you need to know about quilting you need good gloves some people use garden gloves with the little numbers on them but I need them a little more fitted so I have bought these fawns and Porter gloves at my local quote store the stitch imposed here and sisters and there are different sizes and these fit perfectly and so they really help take the pressure off my neck and my shoulders the second tool you need for quilting is a good bra depending on the size bra you wear you want to have some protection because you might have a workplace hazard you know so you want to sit up straight drop your shoulders moving neck around every so often take a sip of coffee actually cappuccino mmm really good and then you start stitching no I'm stitching in the ditch around all of this quilt to kind of anchor it and to make it easier just to quote later and not worry about any shifting the thing you have to know about stitching in the ditch is you have to look at it like driving you know you're given a laying on highway and you might move a little bit this or that way but as long as you stay in the lane that's so okay there is no perfection and stitching in the ditch so if you deviate from the ditch that's okay as long as you basically stay in your lane and so I'm gonna continue with my stitching in the ditch I started in the center and am now moved out and I have two more rows to go on one end and then we get to the fun part which is stitching the motifs in the design the best part of this quilt is it's gonna look awesome because it's going to a non quilter they don't know they don't know what thing so they're gonna look at it my sister is gonna look at it and think it's beautiful even if I dated from the lane a little bit so here I go I try to continue with do as much of a continuation where I don't have to start and stop a lot but I don't sweat it if I have to back over a seam I am backing up it does not matter to me because it's not gonna show [Applause] [Music] I'm constantly readjusting my quilt so there's no drag [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] I've got all my cross hatching done and now I'm ready to decide on the quilting motifs for each of the hexes and the easiest way for me to decide on that is to go to my Pinterest site which I have and you can follow my Pinterest it is divided into very useable topics this one being quilting motifs and I kind of already decided on when I brought up those quilting motifs which one I might want to do I don't want to do a lot of marking so I just need to find the center of this hexie and draw a circle so I measured with my ruler and found out this is 8 inches and put a center dot and then I took my little circles and I'm using this one in an 18-inch one and I just drew a circle so that's the only marking I'm going to do and let's see if I can duplicate with just that one little mark a quilting motif [Music] [Music] [Applause] I wonder what I did with my scissors I don't want to spend the time marking and so I'm using my ruler as a guide this circle guide has G told me which I didn't realize has some hashtag marks around the circle so I made my dot in the center of the hexagon and then I'm lining up these little marks to make sure that circles in the center he knows about this because he used to be a cartographer who drew Maps so I'm gonna just make my circle so this is the only marking I'm doing so I know that when I do my loops I'm just gonna go as far down as the outside portion of that circle and then it'll give me a nice consistent Center [Applause] and I just brushed the checkmark away and I have this little flower welcome back my absolute favorite time to quilt is early in the morning before the rest of the world has gotten up and I actually think my quilting is better when I'm in my PJs and braless because it's just the freedom of free motion quilting just kind of channels through me to the quilt but yesterday ended on a crazy note my little circle maker that I used to mark the center of my hexyz I actually sewed this to the back of my quilt I mean you can see that the well maybe you can't see it but I actually punctured it with the sweet 16 and had to unpick my my circle maker that was not ugly that that was not video worthy but but we survived and it was it was free so I am all over half done with this quilt and once I am done all the way I'm going to show you how I'm going to face it because I'm not going to bind it in a traditional quilt way I'm gonna do some facing on it but I don't know if you can see that quilting it's really cool it just turning out really cool very simple design in the hexyz and just a truck you know triangle in the triangles and I'm doing a quarter inch scene using my ruler cuz I don't want to spend a lot of time marking every time it's amazing how as a quilter you can kind of eyeball a quarter inch see [Applause] no we're just gonna go to this next one I'm gonna find the center of my Hexy and think a little dot here's my circle maker to find the center and make a circle around there just as a guide to cut that off okay here we go [Applause] [Applause] so now I'm reaching the finishing point of this quilt that I'm making for my sister I finished all of the quilting on my sweet 16 and that was just so comfortable and lickety-split and now I'm ready to do that final step and that's where another choice came in sometimes I mean a lot of times you just go ahead and bind a quilt but there are just certain quilts that lend themselves to what's called facing and I think that's more like the modern or an Asian more simple look it is not any simpler than actually attaching a binding but it gives the quilt an entirely different look so my go-to book for facing is Sylvia Pippins book on paradise stitched there is a little couple pages on how to face a quilt and it's very simple I trimmed my entire piece down to the edge and then I then measured you're going to attach the two sides first so your strips are going to be three inches wide and then the length of your sides and you attach both sides first and then you do the top and the bottom so right now I'm going to attach a side and I'm going to use about I'm going to eyeball a quarter inch seam with my walking foot because we have many layers the backing the batting and then the pasted top so I have already measured that strip three inches wide by the length of the side so I have attached my three inch wide piece of facing fabric see that and now I'm going to press it away that was right sides together so it almost looks like a little border the next step which is very important is to sew an 8 inch seam from the edge of your seen here where you're facing fabric was attached so now I'm going to sew from the top and I'm just gonna kind of eyeball an eighth of an inch and what this is gonna do is to help that facing piece flip over now we go back to the ironing board and we've got a nice hot iron I put the right side down on my ironing board and now I'm going to pull this over and I'm just going to take that hot iron and press well actually what I like to do first cuz I always want a short cut is I'm going to fold this under and make myself a little stitching scene so I'm just going to this you split so I don't have to do it as I'm sewing it'll already be ready to stitch down see how fast that was now I'm gonna bring this over now you're gonna pull it all the way so that the whole facing goes to the back then to just keep it tugged there I'm going to pin it so that my next step will be to stitch this facing down by hand stitching get along here so I'll just hold that down so that when I'm stitching along I don't have to keep readjusting it so so so so what will happen is I'm going to stitch this edge down like I would stitch a binding and then I'll take the pins out and then this is what the edge will look like it won't have any binding per se the whole quilt will be ready for presentation and this all of this procedure can be found in paradise stitched by Sylvia Pippin once I stitch down both sides then you do the same process for the top and the bottom the only difference is that you're going to make that strip 1/2 an inch bigger on either end because when you flip it over you're gonna have to tuck that in to make it nice and clean on the back so it'll come over this way when it's all said and done it will look like this quilt over here so this whole quilt has been faced no binding and you can see how I hand stitched it by flipping it over now you really have to do that eighth inch seam as the second step because it makes that facing fold right over but it gives it an entirely different look than a regular binding so there you go another project in the can talk to you later [Music] right [Music]
Channel: Quilt Roadies
Views: 57,676
Rating: 4.8886681 out of 5
Keywords: Quilt Roadies, HQ Sweet Sixteen, Heirloom Fusible Batting, Sylvia Pippen, Sashiko
Id: aoSKr2sVOtg
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 31min 8sec (1868 seconds)
Published: Sat Nov 11 2017
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