HQ Live - September 2019 - Chenille-It! with Nannette Holmberg

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hi I'm Vicky hoth from handi quilter welcome to HQ live we are going to rebroadcast one of our most popular HQ lives it's with Nanette Homburg and she is the Chanel at lady it is so fun all the things that she shows us so join us let's have some fun watch [Music] [Applause] [Music] hello welcome to HQ live I'm Vicky hoth and today joining me is Nanette Homburg from SHINee lit this is my latest latest fund and we're gonna have fun we are so Lynette tell me you didn't always do this what did you used to do my background is actually in fashion design making wedding dresses I studied at Fashion Institute of Technology in New York I often too came back to Salt Lake and opened a shop did bridal and evening gown for years tour work and then what happened that took you into quilting well about 20 years ago I started doing a lot of wearable art and I played around with a the layered and stitch technique that we're all we all call faux chenille uh-huh okay and actually wrote two books on that technique layering the stitching fabrics I started out with jackets designed from a cos pattern company and then started doing quilts okay and then adding chenille to quilts well in that that was that was a process from the faux Chanel what I discovered after doing it for many years was that it wasn't the layers of fabric that was creating the texture it was the fabric itself so I finally I only needed if I had the right fabric I only needed one layer okay so I ran how this started so you came to a quilt guild here at our facility and handi quilter and as you were talking I thought I remember I did chenille I got five layers of of a pre-printed panel lined them up together put another layer underneath that for a backing no batting and sewed all that in horizontal lines and then or actually you have to stitch on the bias right restart generalize because you wanted the bias for this and then I had to cut four of those layers or four or five those late and the backing layer was my cat all together base the comment that you made with that is that is really warm you've got there five or six like I was making quilts as well as jackets and so if you had five layers of fabric on a jacket and you lived in California that didn't work yeah right so you make jackets this is beautiful band we'll be doing that that's right they had to do it on the long arm this is all gonna be done on the long arm that's what's so awesome because you can do it on a domestic machine you can you can but doing it on the long arm is just going to make it so fast and easy and you can do multiple steps all at one time that's what's important that's important so you're gonna layer your backing your batting your top and then start adding chanel and we're gonna start with applique you so that's one of my favorites Riya chap Lakai so applique you usually do a satin stitch or a blanket stitch around it but by adding your chenille your needle turn which is a you notice even more work it so we're getting we're going to eliminate all of that all right well let's go through here and look at some of the fun things that you have this you said is a no piecing this quilt doesn't have any seams in it so tell me how you did okay wait a minute there's no seam so this is a wonky zigzag quilt but I don't have any seams in his quilt I the green is my background okay it's my base the wonky zigzag is one big long raw edge applique so you just cut it so it's generally wonky and lay that on top of your base and Stitch the raw edges down and cover those edges up with Chanel okay question them did you do that all in one step as far as or did you stitch this this fabric first and then go back and do this Chanel you want to stitch the applique down first could I glue that down well you can glue it down but when when you state you don't have to if you stitch that down first you don't have to be quite as careful when you put your Chanel down Oh make sure you catch that edge and I can stitch that on my lung on you do that on your long arm and then you'll come back and cover that raw edge up with that okay and we'll figure oh wait while we're here your binding thing this is awesome how did you know was to bind no I don't it's my least favorite thing this is a faster and easier way to finish the edge of your quilt and it gives it a soft edge so now I've got a soft edge along with alright so how did you do it so there are two different lengths of this Chanel 3/8 there's a 3/8 the 3/8 is what you're using on the riot applique okay on here and then the 5/8 is what we use on the edge okay and the first thing that you will do is either sergers exact the edge of your quilt okay because you want that you just want me to look at that we don't want to have any raw edges where the threads will come out okay so we got the Serge and then we're going to take a piece of the 5/8 and stitch it on the back and stitch one on the front do you do that at the same time or do you do I like to do it on the back first because I'm gonna extend it just maybe an eighth of an inch beyond my edge okay and then when I flip it over to do the top I can just follow that back piece oh right and it's really it's much easier to sew on okay so this is the chenille and this is all biased it's not just straight grain around it and that's why it works because it's perfect bias okay so it's kind of has a little bit of a starch Tudor stiffening what does well is just kind of the texture of the fabric but that's part of what is going to allow it to bloom when it's washed and dried and what does blow mean blue means it's kind of flopping get all fuzzy and cozy I love that I love that it's that I thought made me so because last month in October rhg live we did some of your techniques and spiders and different things and they bloomed for us it was something you can really use it as an embellishment - yes okay they're doing is embellishing your quilt right okay let's move this one and tell me about this well I've always been fascinated with stained-glass quilts and the look of a stained glassed quilt and basically you're working with a riot applique again so I wanted to do a stained-glass quilt and have this chenille be that black line that you see on the right it is colorfast yes okay that's a good question because if I were to add the black or red or something and wash this because even our new red now is colorfast we finally found a diet that could make the red that was the only color that we was a little bit tricky but now the red is also colorfast okay because red on a white quilt to make this bloom you have to wash it right or else we do not have a brush there is another option yeah and well you can't brush it up well yeah I'll be talking about that too but this one has been you know it is such the fun quilt of effect well it just what I love about using it on ROG applique is it makes your appliques pop it just really makes it show up yeah it defines it and when you'll see some real fun things as we go along okay we'll put this one over here alright just word word art is so fun let's see that's very popular right now you know for home decor in a room or on a pillow there's so many ways you can use it so you can just you can get into you select the font that you want and just do your again it's just right at Chapel okay right put it on and wow that's a simple thing to make up and hang on your wall okay all right now wait a minute let's bring this back because I see the similar same colors going on in this quilt as we have in this so these go together yes that that's the the quilt that got the word that goes with this quilt which is another fun very traditional technique okay so hexyz are English paper piecing because I Cheryl in the studio is doing all these little paper piece there you know she's doing that and it's taking her I didn't have to do very many of those to know I didn't want so tell me how you did this then so instead of having all these little hexyz this is actually just the outside shape of the grandmother's garden and it's just a raw edge applique the outside shape right here right there okay and and the chanel is what's creating the hexyz so this is a piece placed on top right in the center so these aren't individual pieces now oh my goodness that was all so easy that it is so fast and easy to do and and the thing that the Chanel does for it I think is actually makes the hexagons show up more because if this was traditional paper piecing all of this would be hand stitched together you can see one big flower you lose those individual hexes but so that the lines of the hexyz on this quilt are is just this chanela okay so the process for this quilt let's open this up you've pieced a quilt and then you can put it on your long arm and would you put these on and then you can put those on because you've got a stitch your quilted so you're going to quilt this whole thing add this after it's on the long arm and then quilt and then add your chenille that's the very last step you do right doing on the long arm that's why you'd want to do it because the quilt itself is done in blocks so it's easy to to place mm-hm your your hexagons where you want them where it is kind of rounded you're just going to do it on you know on those four on those blocks uh-huh and then I've also you don't have to be you don't have to be quite so careful with all your seams because I've taken another hexie and put it over where my joints are oh good tip where the interesting yeah you know I will make everything that's a good idea on lots and I bet the chenille even if you didn't put these on the Chanel would still hide some and you can also saw some Chanel over your scene right yeah okay all right good tip good tip okay here's another one or word quilt you have to have one that says quilt on it absolutely that's got to be hanging in your quilting studio black fast and easy to do so you quilted this or did you did you put this on and in who is on this one I actually fused this on and then put it on then you put it on the long arm and quilt it and lay this chanel down as your clothing okay okay alright because there's a lot of curbs going on there and we're gonna learn how to do that right but it's easy cuz it if I have brand new and I went out to that studio and saw this one hanging in the works so this is a brand new pattern and you have patterns on your website or I'll let you know that across for all the quilts so there's you have oh my gosh you should go to her website this one is called Venetian windows and the same thing could have the same thing is happening here and this is done almost not like a snowflake you've got you cut out when you cut out this applique you end up with an inside and an outside piece okay and then you can so it's really fun to lay out you can switch out the center's and and okay lay it out however you want and then again the triangles are over the Saints the themes Oh hiding this is really pretty alright now this is one that I know now that loves because she keeps bringing this back Vicki we've got to see this we go and I do - I'd love this tell me what it's called this is called Neverland Neverland and I love this quilt because it really shows the possibilities of what you can write you can do with with a Chanel with accenting and making things just I mean even I've even taken the 3/8 inch and cut it down smaller and used it on places like the railing and around the windows where I want really really fine detail and so you're really not limited to to what you do you can do anything you put it anywhere you want but it just makes everything come come alive okay and the cloud and then it has clouds and then up above the clouds after lines down you got to see this up above the clouds of London is the ship with Peter Pan and Wendy and the boys so it just shows it just shows the possibilities of you know you're not you're not limited at all and if you can dream it you can chenille it well we had fun last month doing that dreaming and it was really fun okay so to go along with that there's actually a pillow look at that pillow and for children I mean children love texture texture they love the texture they love their name on anything but so this is the pillow that goes with that quilt and pillows again are just done with Riya applique so this you didn't even have Union quilt it no so you just I just stitched the words down and then you did that same finish again so you didn't have so I turn you don't have your you don't have to turn your pillows you're not gonna have any bulky seams you're not gonna have bulky corners because it's just all okay search together oh I'm not a bad huh along with it well and then this actually hangs on the wall there's a bed quilt that coordinates with it in the pillow and who does this go you and do a whole I'm sure one of my grandson's well alright well let's move these aside because we have on our wall this really fun quilt with flowers and butterflies and then we have a smaller one I'm just kind of throw that there we have a smaller one here on our frame and we're going to actually let you quilt this and we've added our square foot which works it's just amazing when you came that day I'm thinking okay which foot works the best and this has like put lights right over it does it does and it kind of gives you a measurement that you can stay in the center now do you use a ruler or do you just freehand quilted I left a free motion okay I just I love to free motion and with with the chanela that's one of the nice things about too because it doesn't have to be perfect in the center cuz it's gonna hide it it's all gonna it's all going to bloom so as long as you get that ribbon stitch down yeah that's all that matters okay when you brought this today you have and I know down here in front of us are some pins and I notice you've got some pins here that you were you glued this down first what do you use for glue I just use a water-soluble glue stick or just your regular children's cracky like u DS yeah for a child and then you once we're sure that water-soluble no I didn't just glue it on and that's it that's it and I know you pinned it because you were traveling here today no I had some pins in it just me just just okay so it's glued down and you've got the green so you've already placed this for this the vines but you're gonna do some here but let's start here so we'll stitch down to about here cuz that's what we have personalist and this design is a whole cloth quilt so you can lay your vines down your lease wherever you want that's what's I'm gonna see how much throat space we've got here we'll just work on the top part of this flower okay so I'm gonna bring this machine over to you and you're gonna start up there right I'm just and okay so do you I've got white thread matter what the rest using white thread my glasses on so okay using white thread what type of I've got a 50 weight thread uh so fine is that about what you use I bet I use that a lot okay that's something because your threads are is going to disappear they just so it hidden in at bloom have that glued down wide enough let's start this actually I'm gonna put a leaf out here so I'm gonna start out here a little bit farther oh okay tie that off okay and where's our she no oh you're gonna act I thought I knew you were gonna stitch a leaf that you're gonna make a leaf well I'm just going okay because it's bias because it's bias I can just start I'm just gonna get at the end of that stitch down okay okay and then I'm gonna put out and leave right here so I'm just gonna start it right there okay and that hopping foot will just lift up over the top of that sure you're like oh yeah okay so I just want to get that started and now I'm just gonna shape my leaf shape that is its bias so I can how do you get the point and all I have there's no right or wrong side so all I have to do is flip it so you're not afraid to do that without gluing it down because we're so confident in this okay I am going to take my glue stick and just Oh hold that point in place but all I did was flip that because it doesn't matter because there's there's no right or wrong side so now I think SketchUp they're down here see I could put another leak up at the end because this is bias I can do my line leaves and vines and just put them wherever I want okay and this foot will lift up if you want to real good okay so am i doing that right yep I'll lift it for you there you go there you go okay okay and then you'll picture and then I'll do another another leaf here I'll flip that up bring it around I'll stick that under there and do it quick and while you're there would you consider doing a vine down the center of your leaf ah yep because you can do your quilting as you're going along so if you want if you want your vine in that then you just do that at the same time okay so the first thing I'll do is my a couple of little why am i try it sure we'll see if I can do it as straight as you are doing it right that's all you need to do okay can we bloom it where's the brush behind it I'm gonna move this machine aside we'll do some more but we got to see how this blooms it's on the table to air the table okay okay now when last month we thought you have to wash it wet it down but you're you're saying let me move this machine aside here and okay no God I can I can just fresh that up and see what the texture but the texture is going to do just just that much yeah just that much of it you can put some water on it you know give you a little bit different effect that you can see how that Jack see how easily that brushes up and and it's going to bring even more when it's washed so what's this called it's just a chenille brush just a little Chanel brush and you can get it off of your weapon get on our website and your website and there are and there are some times sometimes you're working on a small project that you don't want to wash and so this brushes are really nice because you can just brush it up okay and your website phocion nail comm f aux Folles chenille okay remember that we'll post it again all right now let's see you do your where you where are you going next well let's do a flower okay let's work on this petal right and what color you can do the flower with and we're going to put pink on the outside pedal all right get me you open that up yeah let's open that up and do the pink because it's the perfect pink for this how many yards come in this the three-eighths has 25 yards on a roll and that would do play and the 5/8 has 40 yards on it oh okay and I see that this has seams and those and that doesn't matter because you have 25 continuous yards that's what's nice about it you have 25 continuous yards when you come to a seam you just sew over that when it blooms you don't see that you don't see the same all right okay I'm gonna make this out of our way a little bit and trim my thread okay we just puddle some out there for you over this a little bit now normally I would go around my and I can do that now too if you like I would go around my edge of my right applique with a stitch before I put the sim you know line okay go ahead so let's do that I'm not doing anything wrong okay you're doing anything difficult there oh and then I'm going to just lay this down okay I can see that you probably for this I would blow it down is that what you're gonna do here just to be well yeah it well it just makes a little faster - you're not trying to work your machine and manipulate okay the chenille at the same time so and I to make it really easy I'm just going to run would run a little glue around where I want this chenille to be cuz this glue washes out anyways this washes out so I'm just going to run it a little bit of glue around there and then I can lay my oh yeah she nailed down over that and then it happened you get that nice curve and there's it just gonna have to use two hands to get around that curve a little bit see how that lays down yep and I'm just like just goes right around the curve I'm bringing that down to the other side look then it's just all in place okay and then I can cut that off now you cut that off but would you consider bending it back and then just move going to your next one Yukawa if I were doing the whole quilt I would I would do that okay but just for demonstration right now I'm just okay cut that off so that we could maybe also do that alright sure so once that's good it's just like the vines I just have to be able that is so easy and and I'm filming myself at the same time hi and once me do that now I'll put some glue and put the green down hey can I do this do that and then and then you can go back in at the same time and do some quilting so you'd put that nice lean over the top right over the top of this fry the glue I mean you want to stitch it first oh oh I'm not going to yeah well if you were really doing it you know I would step on it okay I'll stitch it so you want to sticks it around there I got to do it like then that tells me yeah yeah okay you don't have to be so careful if you okay so then I'm going to lift up my foot right and put that let's see and that's going to be just like your leaf that has a point on it so what are you gonna do I'm gonna flip it you're gonna flip that okay so then I'm gonna let hold that down there I've got that glue on there probably all over my okay around that's that down yet okay yeah ten times get to the point and you're just gonna flip oh that was the easiest part yet oh and there's that raw edge that we talked about and yeah and you'll see as you stitch that that it doesn't matter I'm gonna cut that off I think I need some more glue right there yeah just to hold that last part right there you go okay perfect okay now stitch it down okay whoops I didn't get it under my foot that is important and now you can go back into that I would say and do some clothing or and you know and up into the flower as well oh okay so that you're by the time you finish your Hulk all this clothing right now what are you gonna do around here that will have a piece is she not around yeah so like the raw edge applique right so that was so anyways it's raw edge all of this I'm gonna open this up here all of this will have that chenille around it Plus this vine and then the outside you'll quilt I I just do free motion you know unequipped like this I would probably do swirls uh-huh something simple like that and as you're doing the butterfly then you can go back and you can see on the quilt on the wall behind us that the butterfly has more detail inside as wings okay as well with more detail in here you can so you can add D to any place you want to add detail you can just put someone as your quilting this goodness that and adding leads to your vines and you're just and when you're finished when you're finished with your application your quilts finished because you've done all of that work all in one step so this works technique works on our long arm it will work on our sweet 16 on any sit down machine or on your domestic machine on investing machine would you if you were to do this on a domestic machine to add this chenille would you quilt it there or would you take no bad long that's the difference the advantage of doing it on the long arm it's because you're doing all that in one step if I were if I were doing this on my domestic machine I would put the appliques on and add the chenille and then put it on the long arm to quilt and sandwich the okay but this gives you that texture but this gives you a lot more possibilities because you can do a lot more with your quilting as you're going along alright this is there are so many possibilities with the patterns you've got with any pattern that you have out there this is a lot of possibility right applicant so let's pause for a minute we're gonna change our quilt out and you'll see another quilt on the wall and we are going to do another technique with this so hold on certain art we're back and you've changed your jackets and this is my favorite color of all time so I think this goes home with me today now we'll be talking more about jackets oh you didn't get it you really didn't answer my question I guess you will make sure you get one oh I'll learn how to do it and right right because we're gonna do that Monday that we are going to do it okay we have a hole this is like a trunk show it is there's some so many things you can do I couldn't resist bringing and I kept saying pile out on pile that on because there's so much inspiration what you can do with quilting on your long arm with this chenille so first of all there's this cute little pillow little owl pillows are perfect it doesn't take it takes very little time very little Chanel and you can just do things that are so original and one-of-a-kind and I noticed you've got a couple of hanging or wall hangings here and they are just a pre-printed pass rependa pre-printed panels are so popular right now and by adding the atma chenille it makes it look like an applique it doesn't look pre-printed in here right so easy easy just put the chenille on it all your colors and speaking of colors you have a lot of colors how many do you have 23 colors now 20 we're always adding new colors in both the 3/8 and a fight in both words ok all right all right all right we have this is so cute now this goes back to our raw edge applique so all this is is raw edge applique on your pillow top and then finish the edges with the Chanel you know a children's name a word so many things you can do with pillows so this fabric this textured fabric tell me about this because I bought some of this once and I've never been able to find it it is waffle cloth and we'll have several quilts made out of the waffle cloth I like using the waffle cloth or a textured fabric on a pillow or a home deck weight on a pillow because it just gives you that extra is this available anyplace or someone's still making it well out there at the company that I bought it from is we've lost so many of our Mills yeah we don't we you know there are still a few companies that that make the waffle cloth but you know a textured fabric something with a texture to it will give you that same kind of a look at our texture the texture right right all right let's put that aside can't have too much tension oh this is just I just fell in love with this this is you this is that same textured fabric awful cloth again for the base of this quilt and so it's a whole cloth piece of fabric yes and then you actually use the shinny up for the border I use the chenille to create a frame or a border around the center I'm going to open it up I'm gonna want to see it it is just a adorable so this is a wonder perfect for a baby quilt you have the the border all this texture this is so cute cute little girl's quilt I would think it's a girls quilt there's quite a bit of pink in it so I think we better give boys their due respect here and give them a boy's quilt and a lot of us just have boys have four grandsons so this is just a fun example of how you can personalize a fun quilt for a boy such easy piecing and then at that applique again is this piece or is it applicants an applique I'll see I'll imitate so much piecing because everything is just piece these blocks are just a piece on top of a bigger block okay the center block again is the same way okay and on some of the places I'm layering the Chanel we'll talk about that in a few minutes - yes this is a great quilt to personalize you can add monogram on initials mm-hmm right okay oh and this one I just want to cuddle up with it because it's just the cutest quilt so that same textured fabric the waffle waffle cloth again another advantage to the waffle cloth and the reason I've used it on this quilt is it has a line on it oh my god I have a line to follow when I lay down my chenille like my rows are always going to be straight okay so you didn't piece this first did you know you how did you do this I started with a four and a half inch wide strip of the waffle cloth and then sewed down whatever colors I wanted and then I cut it into blocks and sewed it together okay so that I'd quilt that afterwards okay as you did that same fun inside edge and I can just see my little grandkids just doing this they love that oh it's love it adds to the texture of the quilt to have that chanel edge on it and you just just used a flannel on the back keep it all soft okay you could put a maintainer now the same technique is here but you've made it for adult it look how how different the luckiest now all of a sudden it's very elegant really it is but this is just a tone on tone this is a waffle cloth again but I've just used cream on cream natural unnatural and added some flowers to some of the center's and the edge again is finished with this Chanel so simple so simple and it's so cuddly and comfortable too that's what it's all about yes okay now you've got a couple of bird quilts going on here this is a bigger one talk about this one this one is called let freedom sting and of course you could do I've done this in red white and blue but you could do this in bright colors you could do this and anything you'd have a totally different look but here again you're using strata or strips of fabric and sewing down the chenille and then cutting your pieces oh and then make your pen and then you make your then make your diet triangles wrong way you're bunting and you have double because right okay oh smart so getting there fast easy way and the stars again are a riot applique where the center is cut out of the star and you can take those centers and put them someplace someplace else okay all right and I see here you you did actually a real binding but you use this kind of as a piping when I do I love to do this if I'm going to put a traditional binding on my quilt I like to still add in that detail of the 3/8 inch chenille because it's going to frame my quilt and make it all so pretty much everything I'm seeing is the 3/8 inch video on the riot applique that's when I'm using that's mainly what I'm using on the body of Michael okay okay so the 5/8 is where you put all right you'll see on another quilt in a minute okay someplace where we right oh this is cute another bird quilt cute this is another one just to show gets is the bird on a wire and the detail of the Chanel on the little quilts hanging on the line I think is what gives it that vintage mm-hmm look you know it really gives it kind of a fun bin in it everything's up against some little flowers and little quilts hanging on the line right adorable okay all right and this is a cute little boy's quilt or daddy's quilt I guess it we could call it well travel through the beach little something for the beach now another new thing that I've done on this quilt is you don't have to necessarily have an applique to get a design on your quilt okay so the anchor is all I did was take a plastic template shaped like an anchor and drew it on my block and it gave me a line to follow oh this - this Chanel damn so there isn't an applique here or anything it's just the design of the show any design you want to put so you can put any design anyone okay all right good ideas okay now this the same thing that you just talked about with that one but what did you use for your pattern a quilling stencil how many quilting stencils are there out there how many do i man its quilting stencils are a continuous line right because you're the idea is to quilt along that line so all I did was use a pounds tool to mark my quilt block okay and then I had a continuous line to follow and just ditch the chenille down over that so did you glue this yes when you followed it okay so it does make it easier yeah it makes it easier it makes it easier to do and there again when you come to a point all you do is flip it so it's just it's just one continuous piece of Chanel okay so that's the point here here's a good point right here this was a flip that was you would have never once it's bloomed you would never know that that has flipped all those points all those points I I have just flipped okay so the possibilities I mean that the stencils for a border it'd be wonderful to put a border around a quilt with chenille right okay so this is a whole cloth piece even though it looks like it's been pieced right this is a pre-printed there we call them cheater I know I've tried I'm trying to step out this particular one really is a cheater fabric because it looks like it's pieced but because I've stitched I all I've done is stitch this chenille over the lines oh because I could have had line lines it does have like a little head on it yeah you would never even see that no and it looks like they've got all this fabric instead of looking like it's just pre-printed now it looks like I've pieced this quick worked really hard on this I would took a long time to do okay now this is another another great example one of the things that I get asked a lot is can I quilt over the Chanel if you know if you know right you know if you're a long armor and you have customers and they bring you a quilt that has Chanel on it can you quilt over it and just do an edge to edge and you can because on this quilt I've just done a very simple edge to edge I'll be lying all the way across my quilt and back and stitched over the Chanel and it just blooms up around that stitching okay because we have the glide foot that goes on all our machines which is that bowl and it would just glide it is just going to slip right over and then you bloom it afterwards right oh this is this one has just been in you know then you put then you throw it in the washer and dryer and it blooms oh it so you can quilt over the chenille okay so speaking of cheater panels or pre-printed panels we have a dream big panel and you see that on the wall behind us and it is like so amazing it is just so amazing and you as we talked you just reached out got one of those panels and it well I saw you quilting some of the dream big pan on one of your episodes and I thought oh I have to have one of these because I could just see the Chanel on it I could just imagine what the Chanel was going to do for that pan that's beautiful and the thing that you did was you actually use two layers of the chenille on that right and this is we have a panel on here now one of the things that I loved about this panel is the colors were very subtle mm-hmm and the transformation from one petal to the next to the next but what I wanted to be able to do is really accent those petals so that you would see the definition of the flower and I think the Chanel really does that but I didn't want to use just a bright color on that because I wanted to key level I wanted to keep it subtle like that like the print of the fabric so what I've done what I did was layer a white on top of the color okay do you glue each one down individually or do you just well I could yeah I glue the I'll glue the yellow one down first should I start absolutely yes I'm going to put the yellow down first that's the color I want underneath that's going to be my accent color okay and so I am going to just well pick this petal right here for our first petal nice I'm going to lay the yellow down first and just follow the line again when I get to the top I'm just going to flap and bring that down and then I'll just do it again and put my arrow in my ditch at your stitching just the one time yeah I'm just I'm just in a stitch I can stitch both of them down at the same time and just like that right down on top of yellow flip it flip up thank you and now I have two layers okay can I bring the machine and bring the machine in all right all right so we talked about this before is we can hold that down I held that real tight and we were able to get that under there I'll just get this ready but I won't stitch I'll let you sit it's okay okay are you ready I'm ready and this and we're just going to stitch this the same way and like I said it's just you just want to make sure you're getting down the center and it doesn't have to be right down the center but you just want to attach and all [Music] and that's how easy that that quilt was done okay so we have this square foot on and this is our case with the square foot showing these where there's two different sizes I just wanted to show those you got the half inch and let's see I can't remember the size I don't but you've got the two different sizes and it's perfect it's just it just so you could he had slides right over this Chanel yeah and makes it so easy to do your quilting in your Chanel placement at the same ride okay here comes the day of you have to Chanel almost the machine aside no because do you want to wet it or just chenille it all that sweat it okay what is it even Assessors they'll get even more they're the helpers this is there we go some threads and I'll just spray a little I'll try not to drowned it said enough that's good and now see when when that starts to come up then you that's when you see the color underneath the white mm-hmm that's subtle and that's what happened on the quilt behind us it looked very white until that chanel was a fluffed up did that were you when you saw that very white but you know because I knew it you know you knew how can I do this I knew what it was going to do and I wanted just that subtle color I didn't want the color to overpower the panel uh-huh but then when you're finished you would go in here and quilt like some feathers and dry and then quilt feather these petals are a wonderful place to just practice for you practice your free motion and I love to do feathers so I did feathers and in mind and if you don't want to wash it then you would just do that I need to just brush I brush it then there it is oh that is so fun that is and it goes together so quickly and this panel is so beautiful with so many ideas for quilting and an afternoon project really I did that that's wonderful okay now we're ready to the next thing we want to do is actually talk about your jackets and your wearable art so we're gonna change that's what we're going to do next and that's that's gonna be a fun surprise yes I'm so surprised okay look just come on back well then that you have dressed us up for this one this is so beautiful I this is gonna be something fun and different and it's all in your long arm and that's all what this chanel it's all with this chanel so let's show first of all this is like what do you call this almost a poncho kind of a style or a wrap that you can bring up and button on your on the shoulder yeah and but this is all just chanel there's no bass on these this is just chanel and your jacket and everything is done the same way okay and so we have some other jackets one of the fun things that you can do with it is create a plaid like the one that you have on it doesn't have to be solid like my jacket so on this I've created a plaid and once you have the chenille laid down you can chenille on top of the chenille and so I've added more accents and detailed to the front of the jacket with more Chanel and yarn okay because I'm seeing a little glittery stuff going is that yeah that's yarn that I've stitched down at the same time as I stitch this Chanel okay alright and then you wore this just before which is my favorite color the thing that I love about these jackets is the texture of them I mean it almost feels like I'm wearing a sweater so drape lightweight like a lightweight sweater and they're fun to wear because people can't figure out what you did yeah is that crocheted is it they put a little tie in this back to just kind of you have yet because the what we're doing this on water soluble stabilizer give you a hint what we're gonna be doing and so when that washes away you have holes in it often so and then you can you can win ribbons you can oh we could weave a silk ribbon all the way around the front of that jacket wonderful things that you could do oh okay the next jacket you've added a collar to it oh it's kind of a shrug well this one yeah this is a shrug so it has kind of a shawl collar and when this is on you have a a peplum kind of shrug fit to it and this is another one if you turn it around you can see the back where I did navy blue and then I did chenille on top of the chenille again you can create do any kind of a pattern or design on top of that that you want okay Wow alright and and I could resist some showing a child's jacket because children just loved the texture right and so this this is on a solid almost a denim like fabric again and you can just do a simple lattice design on it and I've eliminated almost all the construction because I don't have facings I don't have hams all my edges again are finished with this chenille right even the loops and buttons even the loops for the buttons oh it's you know this Chanel and that's strong enough mm-hmm that it'll it'll yeah you just you just fold it in half and stitch down the center so that stitch is making that very okay I'm strong right and make to make a little cute ass out so for children I mean you can you can stitch it on to a denim jacket you can do all kinds of right things with clothing okay what we're going to do today is really fun you're gonna I'm gonna just move all this out of the way step this over here so I got your patterns some of them here your your we have a full line of quilt patterns but I also have some clothing patterns and that's what we're going to be doing today is the lattice jacket so we've got the Venetian windows the hexagon pattern and the butterfly garden and our last jacket so you helped all the way through and really knowing how to do this about all the instructions alright okay step by step No so we're going you can you can take your favorite jacket pattern and do this technique okay okay this is the cardigan jacket that I have on this that is our pattern which is a great way to start because that gives you the instructions to know how to start with it but all you have to we're working on water soluble stabilizer okay so I know water soluble stabilizer when I do machine embroidery it's plasticky and that's not the kind that you want to use for this project you want the water soluble stabilizer that almost feels like a fabric has that picture of the fabric it almost it's not woven but it has that kind of a feel to it so that you have something to stitch to so that then but then when it washes that dissolves that's all going to go away and this will have this wonderful solider where do I get this let me have it on our website and in order to do it on your long arm you need a big sheet okay the stabilizer mm-hmm so it comes in a 2 yard cut 60 inches wide okay which is big enough for you to draw all of your sleeve the thing that you want to be sure and do when you're when you're drawing the outside line of your pattern piece is to make sure that when you do your fronts you do a left and a right front that's I did that once I ended up with two right friends that doesn't they had to make another job right so you want to have a left and a right front you want to have two opposite sleeves and when you do your back you're going to mark your center back and flip it so that you have one hole okay your back a solid back and you always for sure include your your seam allowances yeah and your seam allowances are going to be on there and when I saw this on I'm going to go actually beyond these lines okay you don't have to go exactly right in the lines then what I'll do after I finish it and I take it off the frame I'll put my pattern on there and trim it down oh well you don't have to be again you don't have to be that careful about what you're doing okay and you mark this with just like a sharpie I just used a sharpie okay I just need to be able to see where the outline of my jacket and how do you make sure that you are always straight lines or do you care well if on this jacket it's very simple because the center front and the center back of the jacket or a straight line so that's always my starting point okay and the bottom of my jacket okay right line if I'm doing something like the shrug where I don't have straight lines then I will mark a straight of grain line somewhere and start at that point okay okay all right oh you're just working in space trying to think of all the questions that I'm gonna need to know okay when this happens but this this is so so simple so I'm using for this I'm using the 5/8 inch width so just because it gives it more body yeah I mean you it you want a little bit of having a more heavier look to it I do use however like the one that you have on I have on this one I have three rows of the Navy and five-eighths and then a row of khaki and the three-eighths and that's giving you that's why you have a plaid okay so you can I I do use the 3/8 with the 5/8 but primarily fry okay all right yes okay so we're ready the 5/8 ready to make this the back of this we're going to start with the back of the jacket okay it's all been outlined it's it's on our water-soluble stabilizer and all I'm going to do I'm going to lay the first strip down and actually I'm going to go a little bit beyond my lines because when this is all finished and I take it off the frame I'm going to put the pattern piece back on top of it again and then just dinner and then just cut it so I've already started this let's start [Applause] I'm starting in the center back so that I have a straight line to follow and I'm not even going to have to cut anything or so then you're gonna go back that now and go back the other way okay and I'm just going to do one wrong next to the other so I'm just gonna lay another row down here about how long I want it to be cut that off I'm just gonna line that up a little bit and I'm just going to do that until this whole that jacket is filled so then what would that look like you're just gonna have vertical lines of show you have a sample well another thing that you can do is make scarves and this is so and this is you know and you can see with a scarf okay so this is the first step it's still that it's the first step but to get all the vertical lines now on a scarf I leave a little bit of a space okay because I want a little more of an open mm-hm and open look to it on the jacket that's row after row on a scarf I've left a little bit of a space but once you get all the vertical lines down then you're gonna go back and stitch horizontal across the other way and again on the jacket it's going to be for your horizontal and then your vertical right I don't I'm going okay and then it will look like that when it's finished okay you'll have it stitched both directions and now I see you added fringe to it the only thing you have to do the only thing that Chanel has to have is a stitch on it and then you know I'm gonna treat it like yarn so now I can make fringe but when I make fringe I've just taken the Chanel and stitched it by itself run it through the mission okay so you can see that it has a row stitching on there mm-hmm and then I'm gonna make a loop to make a fringe because if I just cut pieces then this would wear away okay so let's look at the way starting to look that but the magic that happens when you wash it are is that those loose twists up on themselves and creates a tendril okay so you can make fringe you can even add French to the bottom of your jacket I mean you could do so many things - yeah of it and Africa yeah okay so yeah you could put this a fringe around an Afghan or blanket type thing yeah if you like that just by doing that just by doing just by doing that I've added it to handbags be you can add it to all kinds of things oh right well that's simple and then that's just the water-soluble you just throw it in the washer just you just put it in water oh you have to wash it you have to you have to wash it so I will usually take my jacket and just run it under the under the sink and just wash a lot of it out before I throw it in my wash but and I just throw it in my washing machine okay I always make you might want to use the other thing that I would suggest on the long arm is you use a little bit heavier thread okay oh sorry wait yeah like a 40 weight because when that washes away mm-hmm all that's holding that together is the thread would you say heavier thread as your bobbin thread as well and I would use the same on the bobbin then okay okay because you don't even see the thread color no so you doesn't matter what threat because I think yeah I wouldn't even know what thread color you used there well you really can't tell it all just disappears when this when this blooms and when that's washed and dried it's you can't see that you can't see this round when it blooms or when it's washed and dried do you find you get a lot of lint from this or does does no this is not going to be like a rag quilt because we are working with perfect bias so when you stitch down the center of this tape you're catching every thread and it's not gonna leave it's there because you just and your stitch length you'd suggest what about a twelve-point here's a shorter stitch length on the water-soluble okay and because when the stabilizer goes away if that thread needs to hold all right all that together needs to hold all those threads okay so I use yeah I use a shortened stitch line so you don't have to do facings you don't have to do cups I mean it's there it is those pieces sew them together well and again the one thing that I do for finishing afterwards after your jacket is finished all you have is a shoulder seam a side seam and so your sleeve in mm-hmm that's your construction and then to finish the edges I just take another row of chenille and go around the edge and it gives you this really nice yes edge yes you can even do loops on the jacket I have on I've even done okay you can do so much detail whatever whatever you can think of you can do and you can think of it all do you have so much inspiration and one thing just leads to another once you start doing one project you think Oh what would happen if and that's what we found out when we after we visited your studio and then we came back here and started playing and looking and thinking what about this or what about that so it was really we were so excited well I've been doing this for years I'm always coming up it was just like the the flower quilt that we did on the digital print the dream big right I mean that was I knew that was something new that I hadn't seen before I saw in one of your videos and I thought oh I have to do that with this Chanel yes thank you so much thank you this has been so fun to get to know you and to see the inspiration everything that's going on in your head it's just crazy I think everyone will have a fun time they will it is I've enjoyed it we've all enjoyed it in their studio so thank you for joining us and thank you for joining us join us next month on another HQ live [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] you
Channel: Handi Quilter
Views: 48,161
Rating: 4.9214878 out of 5
Keywords: Handi Quilter, Longarm, Sewing, Quilting, Quilts, Free-motion Quilting, Finishing Quilts, quilter, longarm quilt, quilting tips
Id: Ku6jwD9tSAo
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 63min 45sec (3825 seconds)
Published: Thu Sep 12 2019
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