Memorial Quilts to Honor, Remember, and Celebrate - HQ Live

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[Music] [Applause] [Music] hello welcome to HQ live I'm Vicky Hoff and this is christina whitney and johnny breakfast and we are in the handi quilter studio ready today to talk about mammary quills now we've done t-shirt quilts and you can go back on a previous one of our HP lives about t-shirt quilts that are kind of memory quilt aren't they third type of memory quilt right but there's memory quilting that's been so fun watching bringing in quilts that we feel our memory quilts so Christina what what is a memory quilt in my opinion a memory quilt is anything that gives emotion it brings that memory and good feelings okay Johnny what's your I love to include pictures or fabric that reminds the person of things that they like or memories of with that person all right soldiers memory quilts to me are things that I have accumulated maybe like Scout badges or my husband's work clothes with a patch on it if that was the type of thing so these are all different things that we can use for memory quilts so let's start and what do you have for some of the memory quilts and I know we're going to talk about how to collect how to put together and how to quilt a memory quilt to the to make it really church well first of all there's different types you can have a memory quilt where the fabric is the memory so I brought this one in let's open that up a little bit so we can see it so I lived in Guatemala for a few years and we had this fabric there this is their traditional fabric and so it was all put into a quilt top and so now every time I see this it brings back those memories of the time I lived in Guatemala okay so these are all different types of weaves of different fabrics but the one thing I see is there's no quilting in this but it's still a quilt there is no batting event it was so heavy that we just let the heavier fabrics yeah okay that's so some good memories from your time in Guatemala yes all right yeah so this was from a block exchange that we did here at handy quilter with the inspiration squad in 2017 okay and each person was asked to bring a square that represented them so I put everybody together and I just pinned their labels on so that I can remember which block goes to which person and with their being 13 people it didn't really work out well so we have one for the Education Department and one for the marketing department that we worked with oh that was really fun so choose some fabric and fussy cut so just gonna throw something at you how would you make this more permanent cuz I know you haven't bound it yeah but of course you'd bind it and this is all raw edge which I meant that primitive type yeah feel but how I mean what about the labels so I think what I'm gonna end up doing with this is just having it hang in my studio at home so I'm gonna bind it and I'm probably just gonna leave the labels how they are because then put one on the back as well because some of these are their little postage labels or a business card so it's still part of them the memory of them yes that's great okay you're not gonna watch that one no this one will be hanging up and hopefully we won't get too dirty and a good memory for all the good times you had on it because Christina was on the inspiration squad yep okay what else have we got here hey this is another educators quilt she made this out of all of her dad's work yep so there's labels there's some spots where you can find pockets oh right there later yep in a pocket in there so these were all of those shirts and so every time that she cuddles up with this one it brings back those memories oh my gosh it just gives me goosebumps and it was intentionally made to be used and loved and cuddled with so this is a type of memory quilt that can be washed over and over again oh my gosh that is so awesome that's great what a good memory there's some more okay now what's the next type we're gonna talk about signature quilts signature would you like to see some I would love to see some let me grab some oh my gosh okay so we've got a variety of different signature quilts here so this is a vintage quilt that has not yet been quilted and you'll notice it's got the signature embroidered on and it's throughout the whole quilt so all these different signatures that are not written on been embroidered which is really I love this one and this is a vintage quilt so that was really nice are you how it's gonna be fun to quilt this huh yes and the nice thing about the signature quilt is is because of you could actually quilt over the top of that with this cream thread and not take away from that label or that name which in some quilts you just don't want to quit over the top so that's that's nice okay all right what about what's next we've got this one here it is a long list and it's got signatures and it looks like a person signed their name on each of the blocks using a permanent marker okay so there are different types of markers you can use if you use a sharpie you run the risk of it bleeding right kind of leaking so there's different types of pens that are out there on the market but you just need to make sure it is a permanent yes okay and then do you press heat press that afterwards to maybe he said it a little better so there's a variety of things that you can do you can heat set it I like to also sometimes soak mine in vinegar okay to help set that or there are different chemicals out there that you can purchase to like bubbles yet and retain okay yep all right okay and that's kind of fun just a strip of both signatures like that all right and this one looks like it's been written on probably with that one the type of permanent pen yep so you can see just a few of the blocks have the signatures in them not all of them and there are different techniques if you are doing a signature quilt with a large group mm-hm so say you want to do something like this you can take your block that you have and I like to put tape along the edges so this is just a painters masking yeah and then that keeps the people from signing into your seam allowance Oh see my thought was it would keep him from fraying the edges that - but I like the idea of the seam allowance because some of these were kind of close oh and you could even make that one make the tape line a little bit wider if you want to have this signature not in the seam allowance but right not right up it okay those are some oh that's working with the grill well I'm not gonna I'll let you I know you have a you have a plan here so Oh do I get to talk about this one this is yours mine yes this is a quilt that my children and grandchildren all made for their grandpa which is my husband and so this and they they put fleece on the back of it and footballs and then I just did an overall quilting on it but they use crayons now there are different types of crayons some you want to use and some you don't want to use so these are washable now that this quilt gets washed those are gonna disappear yeah no no that would be really good yeah and so you want to choose your regular cremes that are not washable and then after you have you killed your children or grandchildren color on it then you need to heat set that put a piece of paper over the top of it and paper underneath it and then heat set it the pot the thing you have to be really careful with when you heat is that you don't scorch this the paper the fabric so you have to heat set it enough but not so much that you would scorch your fabric but and and then they're washable and they're you know we've got all of these fun fun hands and different fun memories of the grandkids doing this and so it's a great memory quilt and that looks like another one that's nice and oak ugly oh yes oh yes we like to cuddle with it okay so we'll go ahead there's another marking pins that you've got there that I'd like you to talk about it maybe two because this is yes so I I failed to mention that earlier but I can actually grab that one sure so this is a friction pen which you can iron off right so say you're having somebody do a quilt block and they're really not comfortable just free-flowing they're okay they want minds they they're just not secure they can take a friction pen and actually write their signature or whatever they're writing on there okay they're not happy with it just iron it off after they're satisfied then go back with your permanent marker and just go over it okay and what are these so those are a different type of fabric marker and these are colored and you can see it's got two different tips okay can I ride on that I would love for you to write on it is that the color you want this is my car okay perfect it's my colors so so wait do you need to use the Haitian marker first no I'm gonna be fine I but I know I would hate to write on this quilt right here so I'm just going to put my name so to set it you can read the directions first of all on whatever type of pen that you're using when I do these I usually just soak them in vinegar for about five minutes heat setting not required yeah so some markers you don't need to do anything to set them they're just permanent as is others you can heat set others you can soak in a solution okay alright so it's ready to go yep all right so let's pull this Holloway and what's our next one we're gonna work with I think we're gonna have Johnny talk about some photo quilts all right let's do this you have got some awesome photo quilts alright let's let's pull them on ok Johnny we have you have the whole top pile of quilts here what are you gonna tell us well photos and other kind of memories that I put into this quilt so about this is about 13 years old made it for my friends for youth birthday so you can see we did some pictures in there these are all did iron-on okay talk about in a second different ways you can do that but I just like made the block first and then took him to write to the printer with the block and had them ironed on for me and that really worked well until they quit doing it but that's fine so you'll find what works for you we have a jean pocket so that was one friend Senate pocket from his jeans we have this one that is some piecing yeah piecing like hand pieces and this is for a popular board game that we like to play with that friend so okay they made that as a memory of that board game what's that word game it's called settlers okay so yeah so this is like this this looks like the pieces of the board game right that's what's fun about that and then tell me about this nothing in it so my sister her favorite color is white so she sent in a blank white square for her square so she has more blank white she had two and then she likes snowflakes as well so this is white on white snowflake but you can see we have also some fleece from the University she attended there's Daleks ever so she likes dogs so how many people participated in this oh I don't know probably 20-30 so so one of them had one block or two some - okay and we just gathered pictures of all the friends and family so I see there was a graduation picture yeah was that all of your friends that you were there together yeah oh that's wonderful and photos of all these now I see this one is small on the fabric here but this one this is a little bigger and I noticed that you haven't quilted on these blocks at all yeah this one I kind of him like it's probably never been used has never been washed I don't think she just you know uses it to show off in her room a little bit so I didn't we didn't quilt it as if it was going to be washed off in I think you got something if it's if it's gonna be like a wall hanging which were you yeah or this like hangs on a quilt rack okay so if you're getting something that way I wouldn't wait too much about the batting you know the quilting well team because if you quilt it through these phases it would distort it it wouldn't be good yeah I don't quilt through your friends faces that's not that's not happening how you like I mean we like all these friends do okay that's good all right so you've got quilting around the rest of it but not in any of the blocks right all right faces okay so what's next this one here is one that I had started for my mom and dad and never got finished so it's just an unfinished quilt top still ready to ready to do yep so the same thing we have photo memories this one we I printed on an iron-on fabric I mean I'm sorry printed on an iron-on sheet and then cut it out and pressed it onto here okay so it's kind of a plastic yeah so it's not as nice as if you can help I can see where some of that plastic is coming up yeah did leave that picture yeah so it has a film this one is weird it has a film that you have to peel off on each one so you can see here does that have to yes oh that actually peels off okay and it looks good underneath right but again this is probably about twelve year old technology and I think right now we have a lot better options okay photos so we can show a few of those different things all right and so this is a type of printing paper uh-huh that you use is this one with the plastic on it or would this actually go into the fabric I think this prints right on the fabric I believe so it doesn't leave a plastic film yeah so and that's what this quilt has here yeah is it actually prints into the fabric so you still see the grain yeah this one here is one that hangs here at Handy quilter it was sent in by retailers yep and so it has pictures of all different customers clients of ours using their hand equally machines that's what's like you'd about this one but you can see there's like he says printed right on the fabric and again there's not any quilting on the picture because it's not going to be used or washed it just hangs here in this alright some other choices we have for printing on fabric is like spoon flour or other companies where you can upload your picture and they print it right on the fabric and send it to you okay and that comes back really nice so what about this great big quilt that we have here from our and I quilt people yeah let's show that okay okay this is a quilt from anti quilt the anti quilt group and they sent this to handi quilter they put all there's 14 of them they pull this all together send it and there's so many techniques in it but what a memory quilt this is it's so so crazy it's amazing but if you were to look at this this picture right here you can really see the the grain of the fabric and as I touch that it's really soft it's not like the plastic so that's a really good product that they use yes and I wish I knew but all I will have to find out there's all sorts of things going on in this quote Christina what are some of your favorites oh well so Ange block depicted something of the person so it's got their name which is wonderful you want to be able to remember who is this person so it's nice to have the name something about that person and then you've got their block that represents them and it's got one block for each person that's just like that so some of the techniques this is a netting over the top of all this scraps of fabric and then it's couched using a the quilting machine to couch it of course these were done on an embroidery machine but they were placed in here and they were quilted the only thing that is not quilted over the top of are their faces yeah but everything else has wonderful wonderful quilting everywhere yes and these photos in the book and the border here we're talking about this they haven't quilted again and haven't quilted on any faces or in the picture but they've done couching right up into that point but this is gonna hang really pretty yeah so just some of the memories as we pull through here this is Nikolas from Canada he says I'm a professional candy maker a costume designer and I quilt and so there's all different types of memories that were made trying to think one of them that I really thought was oh and this is I mean we could go through them all and we probably should to give them all equal credit but this one right here this is what happened when all of our anti quilt people came in the door is that olive handi quilter we're standing there around the railings and everything and threw confetti and streamers and this is what they remembered and it's just so fun so memories how fun are these memories to do so you know that couching all different types of applique all sorts of things embroidery machine embroidery so the sky's the limit on what we can do but what else can do well we can take some of the stuff that we have and actually like this is a good example to start with key scene to make the memory so like this one here that you were just showing that piece block is her memory right we can share some other examples okay we can let's vote for him all right all right Kristina what have you got here I see some photos and then I see the quilt so this is a stained glass door that my husband helped build and I really liked it so I wanted to do something of the time is this while you were in Guatemala this is while we are in Guatemala so this is the actual stained glass from the door Wow hangs up in my studio and every time I look at it it reminds me of our time there wow you got a lot of memories I do that's a good member being so young all right what's next because I'm kind of intrigued by this okay so I've got this friend her name is Sheila Staedtler but she's um from a town just north of where I live and she does the most amazing applique and detail work but she's wanting to do what she calls her legacy quilt and it's got blocks from all those memories of growing up in this town okay and so here's a couple pictures have you guys hold those up and the pictures represent different areas and then she applicate it into a block okay hold that up Johnny oh my in detail oh my gosh get the detail of this this is amazing talk about the detail okay so each one of these steps is individual you can feel the ridges of the steps she's got stained glass in the windows all of the lettering from the building I mean just the work on these doors look at that in the lamps and she made it so that all of the landscape was from when she was growing up not how it looks today yeah okay all right coming that was he another one yes so I'll have you hold that picture up and this is one of her friends houses and again just amazing detail she's got all of the flowers out in the front then pick the molding along the roof line the stained glass again and and the back just so you know is as good as the front okay so this is our local amusement park here called Lagoon and it has changed quite a bit during this time can I have you flipped that oh sorry sorry I ambushed you we're not on the roller coaster right now the big white roller coaster and so she went back to this photograph from the time when she was growing up and made this blog from that time period even though it looks completely different now but that's her memory the nice thing about technology is that we can go back and see those old pictures because someone has them and they posted them yeah so it's really nice to have to yes so she's got a whole box of these and it's just unbelievable so that's how you can have memory quilts by how you piece it or all that application that's that's worth priceless priceless okay I have a quilt that I quilted for a young man that Boy Scout when he got his Eagle and so what happened is I didn't piece it I did not piece this the grandma pieced it and I she asked me to quilt it so let's just stretch it out a little bit here the first thing she did is she pulled a nice panel for depicting it's an eagle she put his name on it and then what I did is I went through and digitized the slogan the motto that law the Scout Law there you go right I see I got a boy i got eatle scout three times because I have three cents right that's the way that works I mean your Scout yeah right and then his patches she put on the date that he got this and then my job was to quilt it and make sure I didn't stitch over these pouches so part of of added doing memory quilts is all that embellishing that that quilters or pieces want to put on and then we've got to figure out how to make it work so it worked I just use straight lines and stitched around so that I stitched those patches down so the patches were on there before they were on there and all like this was on there I just had to go around or our tie off and I just you just don't want to stitch over those things but I had so much fun digitizing those Matos those all of those phrases and putting them on there it was really it's like oh I wish my boys all had a quilt like yes I guess I could so my favorite part about this is the fact that it has the name up here right and the date so anybody that sees this quilt hundred years from now they're gonna know what it is right so that that memory will be on alert if you talk about memory there in a minute yep so let's take this away and we're gonna bring Johnny back here on screen here too because this is a very dear cherish quilt from one of our dear friends co-workers at handi quilter Karen Dale that passed away in the last year and she made this but our family gave it to us because and I think it's all because of this right here because of our bags but the memories and this has a lot of embellishing it has your little seashells and the fish with beads that's really cute to do that and the little flip-flops and just different things on this but these are memories oh look out the sequins on the mermaids made and right this is where she's been throughout her life now there is a memory what does that say says piston quilted by Karen deal given the handi quilter by her sons 2018 we think of Karen in her favorite place at the beach with her family we miss you yeah the beach her favorite place that's right and what a memory so this is hanging at handi quilter because of that wonderful memory that beautiful lady that we all know yes okay what else have we got that that creates memories well I want to point out one thing on this that leads into our next session okay action where the quilting is the memory so I don't know if you can see this on the camera but we've got little sand castles that she stitched in the sand there that she probably helped build with her grandchildren so I'm sure that those were memories that she had and just from how she quilted this it's adding to the memories okay it's like the Scout quilt yeah that has those models and those that's a memory that they know and they'll always remember okay okay Christina we have a lot more here of you know ideas so so I think quilts memory quilts but you've gone to another level here they don't have to be just memory quilts do they no they don't so this one's just like a little wall hanging piece of artwork and the quilting on this one is the memory so I didn't do any piecing or anything but I digitized the place where I was married and so this is the memory of that okay so this one oh that's actually not embroidered that's quilted that is quilted with so sassy thread it's a 12 weight thread and I think it shows up nice it does it does so this all right after I quilted that out I took just you know has stretched canvas right and I just stretched it over and used a nail gun and so you didn't have to you didn't have to frame it nope and you can even turn that around if you want and I just covered up the back with the paper and wrote my label on it so that's it gonna be a gift for okay so another type of a label just writing it doesn't have to be on fabric okay we're just gonna put that aside here okay right so this is another quilt that the quilting is part of the the actual memory so this was a group from the inspiration squad and I asked everybody to submit words that they thought of when they thought of handi quilter and the time that we spent here and these are all of the words that they came up with so to them handy quilters family it's amazing kind friends and so we incorporated that into the quilt as well as the date and they put your desire inspiration squash so what is all this here so those are all notes that the person person wrote a note and then we printed it out on fabric okay so with just an inkjet printer all right and then ironed it on or how did you do that how did you attach that fabric to get it to go through an inkjet printer so there were a couple different ways that you can do that one is the spray method so use your basting spray like a 505 and take a sheet of paper spray the paper or you can spray the fabric and put the fabric and the paper together and then just trim the fabric to the same size as the paper okay and you can put it through your printer sometimes if it's not on there really well it'll catch so you do have to be careful with that another way is freezer paper so pretty much the same thing you take a piece of freezer paper and you iron it on so the the shiny side towards the fabric ironed it on so that they kind of adhere and trim it down to the size of a piece of paper and then put it through the okay because I know some people say if you have a problem at the edge going in that you can put a little piece of tape across there and that'll hold those together I haven't tried that but I'll have to next time yeah or there's always the the stuff that you can purchase like we showed with the photo paper right like printed treasures or different types that and and then it actually doesn't leave a plastic film it actually prints it right into the grain of the fabric yep so this is directly onto the fabric okay I like that then what do you do afterwards do you have to heat set that ie do the five minute vinegar bath it doesn't take that out at all it just sets it in yep so I just set it in the vinegar for about five minutes take it out rinse it in cold water and then I pieced it in with the session okay okay tips I like this so close to this me we're gonna bring it back here so how did you do your letters did you just freehand them or did you write him on there those were freehand I chose to do the variegated thread because when we were here for the inspiration squad that was one of the things that we learned how to use was the variegated thread and different types of threads and the TNT and so I wanted to incorporate that into the quilt okay this is this part down here is digitized though okay but this is all Christina Whitney yep just going crazy alright she's I was on a time crunch she is a crazy lady okay what else have we got here so now we'll move into some different things besides just the basic quilt so pillows this is one of my grandmother's doilies and I just put it on some fabric played around with it and now I've got a pillow that has the memory of my grandmother okay do you have any signature anything saying not on that one some of my others I do okay I just wondered this one is awesome this was made by one of our educators and they took the quilt that great-grandma had made and made it into a teddy bear so the quilt itself was getting frayed and you see it there's a lot of discoloration there so it still preserves the memory of that quilt but just in a different way is that so feels adorable I saw this at her house I was like dying because it's just so cute so such a good job with that I got a few of those old quilts like that yeah make those yeah and then this is another old quilt yeah another old quilt the same thing it was kind of falling apart so they cut it into the size of a frame and then framed it so preserves it it preserves the memory so if you have one of grandmas quilts you could cut it into and there's three or four children cut them each a square frame it and they've got that memory yeah and then label on the back so that yep labeling is so important oh my gosh are we gonna talk about labeling now let's talk about labeling okay oh when we let right into that okay all right all right so labeling I made my children last year for Christmas five patriotic quilts one each and in memory of their father and he served in Vietnam so he had that military experience and I wanted to put a label on it but I wanted his picture on it so I went to spoon flower and I sent and they were kind of all what is being flower is a company that prints anything you want to send to them they will print it on fabric it can be a fat quarter or it could be a yardage by yard yeah you can buy yardage so I took my label made it up you do it all on the computer and they took his picture and send it to them and they sent me these cute little labels that that now I attached to every one of these quilts and it was it was a real tender moment for my kids to get that quilted memory of their father yes and that's why it's a memory that will be forever because they know that label is on the back okay what else have we got here because I see more printing but piecing - yes so this one this is a round robin quilt and so it was put together by six different people throughout the US and Canada and so when we started this group we were each given a blank label and we had to write our name on the label as the quilt owner and then as the quilt traveled the label traveled with it and each person signed their name as they did their round on the round-robin and then we put the date on it that is really thinking ahead to have the label beforehand yes normally it isn't and so with that come I'd like to open it up and show ok because I think it's just a beautiful quilt this is just hold us up here and so the label really depicts what's in the quilt and so each person did and it's a round-robin so you did a whole round and what did you do all I did was this Center Square on point with the sunflowers and that's a lot of red lay and then I quilted it once it came back to me okay that is beautiful a lot of quilting yes a lot he's seen a lot of piecing okay let's bring in some more labels and some different ideas and then we've got one more quilt to show and a reason why to do okay you got another one yes so this is what we showed earlier oh yeah a signature quilt Mary Beth cradle one of our national educators quilted it and then here is the lathe turn it around so that okay you can actually see well I don't know if there is a right it just goes around the way around yeah it's from the southern wake quilters guild with all our love and deepest appreciation for the opportunity to touch council countless lives with your most generous gift piece by quilt members of my guild members and quilted by Mary Beth Crapo and it's here's your blocks and I mean it tells a story it tells something yeah it has a date it's so important to put a date on yes a names and there it is with all those other names okay so that this one you'll notice it's handwritten right there's so many ways you can do labels it can be handwritten it can be printed you saw the one I did on paper anything that's going to give us that information and tell the story machine embroidery embroidery yes so wait I know there's people that actually do paper piecing letters that small oh my goodness I know I don't like for that you know what the thing that's really cool is we can put a label in a corner mm-hmm and write it on and it's there and when your piece or when you put your binding on it's done you can do a label this big and you can put it orient it any way you want which you can see here but I think the quilt that we've got back here that Johnny is going to bring in is probably the most amazing quilt that I've ever seen as far as labeling yes it's a whole quilt on its own so this is the one from the anti quilt people and so they labeled it with all of their names and some thoughts they each put a thought into it and this is a looks like a sharpie marker that was used for writing this is more of a but they're all permanent although this was a print this was writing with another pan and so this is machine embroidered over the on the back and so the quilting on the front is going to run over this it's going to yeah but it's okay it does not destroy the label on the back so this pretty much yes I can go and label I mean and all the tables on the kite are there little notes right so don't let the front of the quilt take all of the credit here mm-hmm yeah put that label on it and it's a memory forever and we don't have to remember because it's all right here that's the best bet right get the label on and then your brain can shut down that's okay now we have one last thing here that we want to show Kristina tell us about this quilt okay this is a quilt that one of my friends made her name is Kay Morgan and it is a memory quilt from a family trip to the Cayman Islands and she wanted to have the whole family involved but she's the only quilter okay so what she did is she cut out all the pieces for these blocks and these were the maritime letters and she he had each one of the kids do one letter for their name so this is her husband's name her name and then each of their kids and they each had to do at least one letter and it's all hand-stitched the the piscine is all hostess all the piecing is has ditched so she does amazing handwork but when she brought this to me I was trying to figure out how do I want to quilt this so that I keep that memory and have the memory be the focus not my quilting right so I went ahead and I just stitched in the ditch around all of the blocks and then inside the individual blocks and then I wanted them to pop right so I used two layers of batting okay so these are the 80/20 and that I've got a wool batting so you can see here how they pop a little bit more mm-hmm I did a lot of small stippling in here to really smash that part down right to let the letters that really does pop that's nice so these it's still in progress right but I want to be able to show those different steps and how the quilting can change the look of it and so on the you brought this in partially quilted and but you went through and you've done all that stippling or most of it and so you had to stabilize this quilt so that you could transport transported so talk about how you transport it okay how you i transport it but you find it on the car so I had these open areas that didn't have any quilting on him and so I just basted along on all of those empty areas and then I did have basting along here I just took it out so that we could see it a little bit better okay but all of the areas that did not already have quilting that weren't already stabilized I baste it through it to keep the layers together okay tell me why you how your quilting this now because you've got part part of it quilted so up here I've got these wavy lines it's kind of a nautical theme okay it's a gift for my friend's husband it's gonna hang in his office so I wanted something cause this for Christmas it is good because this will not show tell afterwards I made sure to let her know cuz it is a surprise okay so with it being the kind of a nautical theme and their trip to the Cayman Islands and all that stuff we actually talked about it here in the studio and Vicki came up with this great idea to just do the waves so we digitized waves and I've got a couple rows done there and then I will go ahead and so you digitized it and used it with the pro stitcher but we do have the waver rulers that you put in totally because you don't have to go all the way across which you could but that works great yeah so that was nice and then I did use rulers which in the ditch yeah I actually used channel locks to go around the outside of the block so you really squared yes and then I went back with rulers so that I could you know adjust it a little bit quicker and go around the blocks right individually so this this quilts a combination of everything some FreeMotion rulers Pro stitcher they look great so when we talk about memories and labeling and all of this do you ever have the quilter when you quilt for people do they ever put that it was quilted by Christina Whitney I think some of them do it depends on the culture because that would be really nice to some of the quilters that put things in shows will always put that on their lay right right right so all of those memories we need to write down and keep track of them so we have a history because history is really important honey do you have anything you'd like to always label your quilts always my quilts aren't labeled so join while I have them I'm gonna add a label before I give them back that's our new year's resolution yes labeler yeah I was I went to a quilt girl than they chided me for not having quilt labels on my clothes so label your quotes label your quilts cuz that's part of the memory and it's okay to put a whole letter on there and a paragraph cuz I've seen that oh yeah you know for the label so we can't stress that enough that that's really important to do but but don't be afraid to take all memories that are in boxes you know memorabilia that you can put on a quilt or if you can't quilt over the top of it quilt a piece of fabric and then attach it and put it like you did in a frame or make an animal out of it yeah so there are so many ways to make memories and keep memories preserve them preserves the memories yes so we are so happy that you've joined us today join us next month for another HQ live and don't forget to follow us on YouTube and check out all of our you videos there have a good day [Music] you
Channel: Handi Quilter
Views: 14,211
Rating: 4.8838172 out of 5
Keywords: Handi Quilter, Longarm, Sewing, Quilting, Quilts, Free-motion Quilting, Finishing Quilts, quilter, longarm quilt, quilting tips
Id: WsSN3eQ8j7c
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 44min 12sec (2652 seconds)
Published: Thu Jan 09 2020
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