3 years of genshin, and I just found this out.

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I feel like I'm being actually GID right now there's no way it only changes once I'm all right who wants to live with me in my delution I don't know how to move forward from this my world is shattered you don't have baiju's weapon Catal the catalyst is amazing that's it right should I switch him from the Amber I don't use him too much but okay prototype Amber is still better it looks better on him I have his signature though m why you it's going to look worse leveled no don't say that it goes into a gross yellow I don't know actually if I like it more or less let's see the 50 enhancement or the 60 I think this just turned green it's like this is a little Berry that's coming back to life as a former lighting designer pissed yellow and greens are the worst colors of flight I fear am I stupid I didn't notice any changes maybe the lines look more defin mind weapons only change once no that's not true weapons definitely change at different ascensions five stars change twice I thought I was no that's not true I'm pretty sure this one changed every time I leveled it up this is the ascended and this is the normal it gets this like red like blood thing through it and the eyes light up this changes too I guess I was gaslighting myself all weapons only change once I feel like I'm being actually gaslit right now there's no way it only changes once I have memory of weapons like adding extra details with different Ascension Mandela effect that's what it feels like I feel like I need to ascend one just I guess pick a weapon to ascend just to see you can see the change in the archive you can in that case we can know for sure wa it is only once or is it like this starts as this and then it levels up to this oh wow the color did change a lot got more vibrant more green than blue every time something like this happens huh I can't tell which one is first my memor is not perfect and I start to freak out you guys almost gaslit me into believing the weapons change multiple times I really did believe that I would not have that's so pretty I would never lie to you on purpose They do change multiple times I remember like that I do too I do too you know what let's try to remember which one I recall changing the most so maybe I could level it up just a SPID because I just can't believe this here's one I've never leveled up this is an old weapon one of the first weapons actually that came out during one of the first genin events so if there are multiple changes it'll be visible with this one coping hard I see maybe I'm just going to take screenshots for my own sanity all right who wants to live with me in my delution looking for any changes didn't notice anything there I'm just like trying to pick out some details it's shiny this is wood but it's like a shimmery wood this is Hope of of buying a home is gone with the spam thanks for the forks in advance okay wow pretty that is gorgeous I should have leveled this weapon up forever ago I might be wrong but I think that some weapons change multiple times and a few of which this SP change only once if you had a list I would love to know because I would be so happy to test this further let's this one yeah no change this is quite delusional I wouldn't be doing this if I wasn't so just shocked and Jarred by the fact that I'm wrong do I have a level of flute this is 60 I guess I could just do this one and this is already after one change so if it changes [Music] again no unless that was just added but I don't think it was isn't it easier to Google but you don't understand I feel like Google is lying to me what about three star weapons huh I wonder if this is how flat earthers feel okay dude you could see the changes in the hilt right and like the purple stone got pretty so there's a good chance I'm tweaking you know what probably happened is like I probably saw it change at 40 and I was like oh that's cool the weapons change after each Ascension so what probably happened is I would do the next Ascension and I would look at it and then I would start like noticing the details and be like oh cool that one added the like black detailing on the H or the little like lace pattern so probably just every time I leveled it up I noticed something different but it was all there the whole time oh my world is shattered Earth shattering realization I don't know how to move forward from this 144 of you enjoy your 126,000 points split amongst you do they change with refinement stop feeding my delusions guys I need to come to terms with reality all right I'm never going to use this so I'm just going refine it oh I have one that's 40 let's see does it change with refinement I'm fairly certain it doesn't no using a dilution will will shorten your lifespan yeah that's true then why is it so fun I know that I can look in the weapon archives for the changes you have to understand I got to a point I was so convinced that weapons change multiple times because of my memories and my own personal experiences that it is I don't trust the game that it's not lying to me you know what maybe genin just did this before they did change I can't take it it's not like that I just have a problem the Mandela effect is a type of false memory that occurs when many different people incorrectly remember the same thing it's like people uh you know another one with genin is people remembering Lisa having purple eyes and only noticing that she had oh wait is it the other way around I think she has green eyes right yeah yeah people thought that Lisa had purple eyes until her skin came out and people were like wao wait she has green eyes I thought she had purple eyes all this time which is understandable cuz her entire outfit is purple so you associate purple with Lisa I'm pretty sure that the stringless changes two or more times don't say that because I believe you I don't think I have a level up stringless I do this is 80 I need to take pictures cuz I don't take pictures I'm not going to be able to tell and see if I'm tweaking or not okay first Ascension no noticeable change but I will screenshot it all the same for consistency sake guys want some more free points obvious signature changes with every level you're not going to get me with that one you might you might get me then move trick to get dish to wish on the weapon Banner just tell her that the weapon changes at every Ascension oh my gosh look at this almost 2 million votes for only once not even 20K all multiple times we can also compare this one to the level 601 okay ready this is the one we know is going to change for sure wait it was glowing before what if it glows [Music] more Chad I don't think it's changing I didn't even realize AJ I regret to inform you and myself that the 80 and the 60 are in fact identical who told me that the string was changes twice are you proud of yourself dish engulfing lightning changes three times burn the witch this I to three times well I've been bested my world is shattered and my life is ruined and I hope you're happy came back in time for free Forks enjoy you're going to get like it's a one to 1.0 01 that means you're getting 0 1% increase what's your net profit guys it was a guaranteed profit do you guys have any other Mandela effect experiences so I feel less stupid the Mandela effect inion is the 40% off Primos in the Stardust Shop people remember there being Primos in here yeah I haven't bought them [Music] though burn the deceiver maybe this will ease my pain with the tinati right now I wonder if blood tainted grade sword changes twice actually I do remember this one changing multiple no no I remember it changing dramatically I'm fine [Applause] guys what what what that actually made my heart like leap they said sorry stupid girl you're so freaking nauy thanks YouTube I hope you enjoy my little slip into uh psychosis but all well that ends well
Channel: dish
Views: 184,228
Rating: undefined out of 5
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 8min 45sec (525 seconds)
Published: Fri Jan 19 2024
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