The Purpose of Tongues

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I pray today the Lord is gonna really bless you my wonderful partners and family not just partners you are my family now remember that you're my family my friends partners with our wonderful Lord Jesus and how wonderful he is oh jesus sweet Jesus what a wonder you are you know that all song Lord you are more precious than silver Lord you are more costly than gold Lord you are more beautiful than diamonds nothing that I desire compares with you you know he's greater than all this I mean the person who wrote that song you know it was wonderful when he wrote but oh how can you compare Jesus I mean you're laughing down there I'm like Lord you are more precious than silver yeah I agree but he's more precious than anything not just silver and gold and diamonds you know people think about things to do with the world we live in Oh none can compare like Jesus you know I love this the song all the thrills my soul is Jesus he is more than life to me and the fairest of ten thousand in my blessed Lord I see hallelujah alright let me say my hellos like I always like to say my hellos to you sweet people okay here we go hello - by the way today and I love it anyways let me just say my loss quickly hello - marques and William Joshua Elizabeth and hello to Kim she said I love that song you mean the one like all that throws my soul means Jesus yeah well now I'm like the Lord ah hello to know lo ye so beautiful from South Africa I look to Sookie but we please share this with your friends because today I'm going to talk about the importance of praying in tongues and why tongues is so important especially today in this hour when so much other is happening where we don't really know how to pray sometimes and what to pray for so today's teaching on the importance of the gift of tongues please right now share this with your friends get on social media and tell them to join us and watch this because it's really going to be very strong I know it because I just studied it hallelujah okay you know I'm always looking at the word but sometimes I like to see new things you know hello to ideally and hello to Anil and serve it by hello to Joshua Jesus Jesus how I trust him how I proved him or I know you know I just think about those songs sometimes they just come to me because I've had such a blast at time of the Lord today Jesus Jesus precious Jesus Oh for grace to trust him more now don't miss the healing service next Friday you sweet people we're gonna have a lot more God wouldn't join us on on zoom because we're gonna what increasing our capacity to go up to five thousand people at one time on zoom so all you need to do when in doubt org and sana okay lord I give you the praise I give you the glory I give you the honor and the majesty for all you've done for us and especially for who you are Lord Jesus and our hearts and lives what we do without you I wouldn't even want to think about it Lord you're the apple of our eye the love of our life will give you the praise the glory and the honor we give you the praise hallelujah now Lord touch us and minister to us your word today in Jesus name can we all throw him a kiss you and your home and na hallelujah you know we love him yet we have not seen him think what it's gonna be like when we see him okay I want to begin by talking about tongues first let's talk about three kinds of tongues do you know there's three kinds of tongues in the Bible the first one is mentioning in Acts chapter 2 which is assigned to the unbelievers because they spoke in tongues on the day of Pentecost and people understood them number two the second tongue says mysteries unto God that no one understands that's in first Corinthians 14 and the third one is equal to prophecy when someone interprets that tongue then it's equal to the prophetic which means it edifies exhorts and comforts did you learn anything over the head and then I say too much too quick let me say it again okay he says repeat repeat okay number one there's three kinds of tongues not just one so when we say we speak in tongues three kinds acts to one kind where they spoke in languages known in humanity that is what Paul meant by a sign to the unbeliever then you get the second tongue first Corinthians 14 we're going to look at all this all right well it says its mysteries unto God it says no man understands that Tonga's they speak mysteries to God well there couldn't be the same tongue as acts 2 see ya ha there you got it now said didn't you that's that tongue that the devil can't understand it's actually it's it's in first Corinthians 14 acts 2 he can't understand because it's a language a human language tongue number three it's the tongue that is spoken but it must be interpreted and that is equal to prophecy so first of all we look at Acts chapter 2 in fact you know what I think you all know it but it says they were filled with the Holy Spirit and began to speak with new tongues and the crowd understood them because it says and they were all filled with the Holy Ghost began to speak with other tongues as the Spirit gave them utterance and then there were people dwelling in Jerusalem and they heard them speak in different languages so that's the first kind the second one first Corinthians hallelujah first Corinthians 14 verse 1 it says let's let me read verse 2 he that speaketh in an unknown tongue speaketh not unto men but unto God for no man understandeth him well remember in acts 2 they all understood them and said we hear them speaking in our language this one says no man understands it understands him howbeit in the spirit he speaks mysteries and then you have the third kind of tongues which is really for to be interpreted because it says verse five first Corinthians 14 I would that you all speak with tongues but rather that he prophesied for greater is He that prophesized then he that speaks with tongues except he interpret that the church may receive what edification so he he always have the third kind of tongue now I used to watch Kathryn Kuhlman sometimes in in her meetings she would be praying under her breath and tongues while the part of God is flowing because tongues you know when you pray in tongues it stores the anointing it really does it stores the gifts of the Spirit within you so praying in tongues stirs the prophetic - by the way so praying in tongues is important today in this day because we needed to understand the prophetic at the end of this broadcast or telecast on social media today I am going to pray that God will revive this in you and if you have not been filled with the Holy Spirit in failure today not tomorrow today with His Holy Spirit and give you the gift of tongues now I want to say something quickly because we're know read it the Bible says we pray in the spirit we pray with the spirit remember in Ephesians Paul says in Ephesians 6 and verse 18 he says let all prayer be in the spirit when praying in the spirit is not tongues ah Chad just woke up over there where he went away all that no no you have praying in the spirit when the sport of God praise through groanings through you you know it says in the scriptures we know not what to pray as we ought but the Spirit who prays intercedes on our behalf that's praying in the spirit and praying in the spirit is mostly in our own language when we're groaning and groaning in the Holy Spirit we're literally he takes over our body and prays through us with with with groanings that cannot be uttered well groanings that cannot be uttered it means it's really not a language it's a groaning it's a crying within and many people you know have mistaken saying well I pray in the spirit means tongues oh no no pray in tongues is with the spirit that's in first Corinthians where Paul says I will pray with the spirit and I will pray with the understanding so let's look quickly at first : it's because there's so much in this beautiful chapter so number one and and I want to say and I want to give you a lot of things tomorrow too what is the purpose what's the real purpose of tongues I'm gonna give you way more tomorrow way more so don't miss the more please number one it's a sign to the unbelievers that tongue again is first the first one I mentioned in Acts chapter 1 chapter 2 sees me in Acts chapter 2 verse 4 to 6 that happens not often the son to the unbeliever is not often I've heard people speak with languages I'll never forget one time when I was in a prayer meeting and a man began to speak in Hebrew and I went up to my said did you know it was being able he says no that's a sign to the unbeliever a lady in Sweden back in the 70s Stockholm with him and lady went to a church the pastor was stanley kubrick he was a friend of mine a terrorist came to kill the pastor because the pastor Stanley was very pro-israel and still is he's still living in Stockholm whether this terrorist came to kill the man of God a lady began to pray in tongues not knowing she was speaking in perfect Arabic she exposed the man he came running down the aisle screaming lord have mercy lord have mercy lord have mercy because in tongues she told him who he was his name his address his mom is dead his history and why he was there the man came and repented and God saved that day and nobody knew why he was coming down the aisle crying and screaming he told the whole church how that little woman who didn't speak anything about Swedish began to pray in tongues and not knowing she was actually speaking Arabic exposing the man who was coming to kill the bastard Stanley told me that himself which happened a week before I went there to preach years ago so it's happened Munich in Munich Germany during the Olympics back in the 70s when they killed the Israeli athletes many white weimer's young people dear God I feel they I know just talking about it many why why immerse people from why WAM the law told him to go pray in tongues in the in the Olympic Village a neighbor was you know very upset and this man this horrible terrorists killed these Israelis and it was a terrible day and and God said go pray in tongues everywhere young people when praying in tongues not knowing they were all speaking different languages and many people came running to the Lord and getting saved getting on the knees and getting saved because they heard them speaking in their own languages I promise you it's going to happen one more time before the coming of the Lord hallelujah Montopolis may drop your back in commando I'm already very excited that is what the Bible says in first Corinthians 14 verse 21 and 22 oh dear Lord I feel then only here in the law it is written with men of other tongues and other lips will I speak unto these people yet for all this they'll not hear mrs. O Lord wherefore tongues are for a sign not to them that believe but to them that believe not there it is what we see and what we saw in Acts chapter 2 and what I've seen in my own ministry and in my own life years ago and it's gonna happen again now number two the second reason God gave us the gift of tongues is so we can edify ourselves so the Bible says in first Corinthians again were in the same chapter we're gonna go to verse 2 for he that speaketh in an unknown tongue speaketh um not unto men but unto God for no man understandeth him so you see the difference between verse 2 and and what we just read in verse 21 22 for no man understands him howbeit in the spirit he speaking mysteries now if you go to verse 4 it says he that speaketh in an unknown tongue edifies himself there it is that's the second reason why speaking in tongues is important because it defines you it strengthens you in the spirit and I want to say something else now when you also speak in tongues you trigger the prophetic called bhumata Pilbeam in column a you trigger the prophetic in your life because every one of us has all the gifts of the Spirit when you have when you're filled with the Holy Spirit all the gifts are yours right away because he comes with the package he comes with the package I'm gonna show you tomorrow that Paul the Apostle had all the gifts in him so we all have all the gifts not one will have this and one will have that as some people teach I believe no no no we have all the gifts and the gifts of the Spirit are stirred by the gift of tongues that's why I tell people you know I'm eating plain chunks because though when they pray in tongues it stirs in me the world of knowledge it stirs in me the world of wisdom it stores it it really it stores the gift of healing inside of my life I can feel it I can sense it when I would go to Catherine a watcher praying tongues you know nobody could hear her except you could see her lips moving real fast you know on the platform well it was stirring that anointing and of stirring those gifts in her heart I didn't know that back then until I got in the ministry myself you have to pray in tongues because it stirs those gifts inside of you I think some of your thinking tongues already while I'm talking whoo hallelujah okay now the Bible says very clearly that when the gift begins to to flow in verse 20 I'm going to read verse in fact beginning at verse 27 oh their Lord I feel the anointing If any man speak I'm reading 1st Corinthians 14 27 If any man speak in an unknown tongue let it be by two or at the most by three meaning in a congregation and that by course and let one interpret if there be no interpreter let him keep silence in the church and let him speak to himself and to God so anyways what we read here about is this the third one is that the gift of tongues is also given that the prophetic may come forth so number one unbeliever it's a sign turn number two it edifies you and strengthen you and stores the gifts within you number three it edifies the church it exhaust identifiers the church when the prophetic is stirred now it says if the per ever if the prophetic is not stole if there is no interpreter then you are silent and talked to God on by by yourself but when Paul talks about verse 27 If any man speak in an unknown tongue he's talking about those who speak out loud wanting to bless the congregation with the prophetic because it says and let one interpret in other words that has when interpreter now people say well you know how how can I interpret who I'm coming to that I'm coming to that I'm coming to that but so edifies let's go back and talk about the gift that edifies okay Tom's edifice for edification of oneself the minute you're edified something begins to happen and I wanna I want to get to the interpretation just like the minute you begin to pray in tongues and edify yourself the next thing you know if you begin to sing unto the Lord more become tormented in vain then you sing merry little faith from me I'm talking to money I do that in my own prayer time you start praying and singing because Paul the Apostle in verse 14 I don't know why I'm feeling then only like this but I really am watch what he says verse 14 and 15 of first Corinthians 14 for if I pray in an unknown tongue my spirit prayer but my understanding is unfruitful you know they actually did experiments and saw that happen scientifically where people praying in tongues they put like wires on them and they saw how the mind is like shut down I can't even say anything because the spirit prays monta cool tool of faith he'll be Kingdom a no boku to money I'm just now I've just I showed you what I'm talking about here but the next thing it says in verse 15 what is it then I will pray with the spirit there it is he didn't say in the spirit he said with the spirit because praying in the spirit is in Ephesians 6:18 praying with the spirit is first Corinthians because there's a big difference don't you remember what it says I'll show to you I'll show to you I know I'm going a little fast for some of you people it's okay you can always reminder what we want and watch it again verse 18 Ephesians 6 praying always with all prayer and supplication in the spirit so Ephesians 6:18 talks about praying in the spirit and first Corinthians 14 and when you look at this wonderful verse 15 it says one more time what is it then I will pray with the spirit and I will pray with the understanding so in first grant is for 14 he was talking about tongues in Ephesians 6 he was talking about groanings in the spirit which is not tongues all right now the minute you begin praying in the with the spirit mal Bakul al fey pl became tomorrow the next thing you you you you you see is men taking telephoto me I'm taking tamanna hallelujah you begin singing the second you sing in the spirit you bring confusion to Satan's camp because its mysteries you know the devil can attack you with your prayer in English when he cannot attack you with your prayer in the spirit with the spirit or even in the spirit you would you like to know what what I just meant okay celli say yes so if he's saying yes and you're all saying yes because when i pray in english that the those demons of hell that are in this in the atmosphere everywhere because they're everywhere we don't feel them because we're living under the blood you see but there's oppression out there there's oppression that's why you don't feel peace sometimes in places you go to you feel that oppression because the demonic is very very active in the world today when you pray in english demons can hear you and demons then plan against that prayer to stop it from happening oh yeah when you pray with the spirit monta kuntala petrol being taking the money they are they get so confused they don't know what you're saying and they can't plan anything against you so you have to pray more in tongues and you've ever prayed a your life pray more and I'm talking to every one of you that's listening to me I'm talking to Pamela and I'm talking to Krystal I'm talking to John and all of it are talking to a she'll every one of you I'm telling you now begin to pray in and keep saying in well in any way but begin to pray in tongues with the spirit more than you pray in English because Paul said I pray in tongues more than you all because he knew the key and he's he spoke himself of fighting beasts in his day I was in Israel years ago and the enemy attacked me right before the service I ran back on the bus began praying with in tongues and I'm telling us things and I went right back and preached English simply McPherson was a was in London Ontario you know who amy was okay great woman of God nothing was going on in her service and revival she decided to jump out of the church ran into the center of town stood on a chair began to pray in tongues pray with the spirit in tongues and people thought she lost her mind and a crowd gathered around her and when she opened her eyes she hundreds of people were saying she jumped off the chair ran to the church he said follow me and we all followed her she said lock the doors and a big revival hit because when you pray in tongues demons scatter like cowards and especially when you're singing in tongues when you sing in tongues you receive the song of the Lord and I told you about that yesterday and some of you maybe didn't get it so we'll get into that tomorrow the song of the Lord has got to come back to the church because listen listen the song of the Lord is the tabernacle of David whoa he just went like this yeah because God says he will rebuild the tabernacle of David what did they do he sang what Psalms what are the Psalms there are songs that God gave to David the sweet psalmist of Israel when we say in tongues we bring back the tabernacle of David don't you remember there's two Tabernacles Moses and David the tabernacle of Moses speaks of judgment the tabernacle of David speaks of songs of praise hallelujah the tabernacle of Moses spoke if you if you went in with other blood you were dead if you came near it and you were not saying him and you were dead if you can close in you and if you came close and you were not a member of the family of God no way you'd be cut off it all represented Jesus but it was under this dispensation of law this is the place of sacrifice was the tabernacle of Moses the tabernacle of David is the place of song the song of the Lord every time you sing in tongues Montek hoon Talal Metro home Yenta me and taking teleme you are rebuilding the tabernacle of David in your own life people don't you feel there nor am I the only one feeling it right here their Lord their Lord their the Lord and it triggers the prophetic because it says you know if you want to prophesy start praying in tongues I would verse 5 1st Corinthians 14 I would that you all speak with tongues rather that but rather deep that you prophesied greater is He that prophets hath then he that speaking in tongues with with tongues I should say except what he interpret I mean is it triggers the prophetic that he interpret that the church may receive edifying so it's equal to prophecy the prophetic is triggered when you begin praying with tongues and a soul is refreshed Oh refreshed you know Paul the Apostle talking about how God would would speak with stammering lips but he was using what Isaiah said because in isaiah 28:11 and 12 God says it's the place of refreshing I've been so refreshed in the Holy Ghost many times refresh the know I pray you know what I protons not more than a plain English I really am serious I've been refreshed so many times in my soul in my spirit when I pray in tongues you know when people began to get all worried about this covert 19 thing and all the stuff and people were all into it and watching them the news I was just praying in tongues I'm now I don't watch the news I don't watch TV I don't have even cable I canceled everything in my in my in my home I've canceled DirecTV and cable I don't even and there's no way I can even watch TV the Lord spoke to me three and a half years ago he said stop watching network TV and I did so I began watching what's going on out there but it's going you know forgive me they were losing their mind some some people I'm done with people in the in the church pastors included and I began praying in tongues more than I've ever prayed in my life you talk about refreshing you talk about strengthen the Holy Ghost I fly back and forth all the time between here and Florida and Dallas nothing nothing touches me nothing nothing touches me share am I right or not nothing touches me I believe playing with tongues will protect you in these days so it's time to start it's time to start because it refreshes the soul and the body with stammering lips and another tongue will they speak to these people to whom he said this is the rest you are rest turns is the answer we're with you may cause the weary to rest and this is what the refreshing now listen listen I tell you what I feel the anointing I don't want to wait any longer I'm gonna praise I'm gonna pray in the Holy Ghost right now and you and I are gonna start praying in the spirit come on let's lift our hands come on Marva COO Ralph a trophy Alba Alba kinky money mero mero Quinta Lama Palma Palma konkey mom - lumen I want to pray for you right now that God will end you're fresh that God will fill you with the Holy Ghost afresh if you haven't been filled with the spirit it's time you repent it's done we do what the Bible says in acts 2:38 repent and be baptized in the Holy Ghost it's repentance Peter said in in in acts 2:38 he said repent and then he said and then you'll receive the gift of the Holy Ghost it's time to repent from your sin if you've been sinning how can God fill your or it or even rekindle that far inside of you you have to ask him now to forgive you repent of your sins so God can can bless you again and the Bible says you have to hear the word of faith you know I've been teaching I've been preaching what what have I been doing I've been storing your faith Galatians three - have you received because he was rebuking the church in Galatia he says it wasn't because of the hearing of faith and the Holy Spirit works in your life without the word there's no faith faith comes by hearing I've been teaching and I've been preaching it and it stirred you up some of you and never forget he said I will I will pray with the spirit meaning you activated yourself on that and only comes on you all right come on in the name of Jesus father come on people stretch your hands towards man I'm feeling faith here in the name of Jesus filled them with the holy ghost right now boy Lord God as they repent cleanse them with the blood and fill them with the Holy Spirit now in Jesus mighty name [Music] let your mighty power flow or let your mighty power flow Lord montec --until alpha alba pelvic in Tamara Lopes Bay pelvic in t money let your mighty power flow Lord right now in Jesus mighty name be filled afresh with the Holy Ghost be filled now be filled now in the name of Jesus people aren't feeling a tremendous aloneness right now I don't know if you are but I am feeling a glorious and only I'm gonna play the same song from one of our Crusades and I just want you to just begin to receive begin to receive begin to receive be filled with the Holy Ghost be filled with the Holy Ghost be filled with the Holy Ghost renew them Lord Jesus I pray renew that gift in the my pray stir it up wonderful Lord heard of every gift inside of them Lord break that bondage in the name of Jesus heavenly father's monta to rom all men to kill bar move - move - kahramana come on brain the Holy Ghost all of you all of you all of you many of you will be filled right now Monto kuntala may PL Bathilda King Rama the nth ambiente kill people were mauritania they will be kinky Rama man a man a king Talal father al Bobby all become tomorrow mentim menta pal become - also pl break into Montelena pray in the spirit pray in the spirit pray in the spirit when play with this / - come on what now well pray in tongues but now in Jesus name big deal somebody's had got healed in your neck somebody just got healed in your net hallelujah there's miracles happening right now Lord fill the Lord empower them Lord fill them anew that the gifts of the Holy Ghost come alive in each one of them all over the world in Africa in Europe in Asia in the United States and Canada and the Americas in the name of Jesus in Australia New Zealand and the islands of the sea in Jesus name hallelujah people live still has mercy there's a one woman on the flooring right now there's a great anointing floor and I'll receive it in Jesus mighty name receive it yes Lord fill every one month I could on network the Alba cool bar may be empty field will have CP Alba quorum oh praise the hole it was something is happening somebody's happening let's not stop for a second come on just a few more minutes come on meant a pill village for Parvati Alba come Kimani we intend en take internal motor of young buck in terminal a man a man a king keep album all to confer AMA may Romero Quinta love Bob young Bobby albicante mental illness thanks a lot for your people trace the new people worldwide strengthen those under persecution lord around the world be there for them that you're angels visit them Lord give them joy in your time of need in Jesus mighty name that your joy I rise in them in Jesus name in Jesus name hallelujah hallelujah I'm telling you God is doing mighty things right now God is doing glorious things right now in your life whew that anointing that annoying that anointing that anointing that and only that an Oni that anointed Jesus will give you the praise of my lord I'm going to ask you to pray every day right now with tons every day I want you to start today make a commitment like Paul said I will pray with with the understanding I will pray with the spirit in English and in tongues you you'll begin today and pray please pray for the persecuted church worldwide I make that a commitment to God now let me pray for your finances father in Jesus name meet every financial need I break that spirit of poverty under the Ananya right now I break that financial need in Jesus name Lord you said in your word I've not seen the righteous forsaken or his seed begging for bread you've said in me in your word if we give we will receive you've said in your word if we will not faint we will reward it in Jesus name Lord right now that prosperity come to your people Lord God you gave the wealth of the Egyptians to Israel before they left Egypt and Lord you're gonna give the wealth to the church before we are raptured fulfill your word wonderful Lord you said we will not worry will not lack not a day in our life financially I give you the praise for it I give you the place you know what to do now you need to sow seed in the work of God and listen be with me tomorrow don't miss tomorrow I have a lot more about this I'm praying in tongues with tungsten more okay you you join me tomorrow and you get your your friends to watch even those who don't know what this is all about let them watch maybe God would save them and fill them with the Holy Spirit tomorrow all right you can give Bennion ministries right now you can go to our website don't you feel the anointing here Chad oh is it just me feeling the anointing so strong I mean my Lord Jesus I give you the glory and the honor Wow whoo Benny Hinn org so your seat today online or do it on the platforms you're watching me on do it right now when then only gets flowing you know what when the ground is wet that's the best time to sow seed I'm telling you or you can text it beat em four five seven seven seven and four five seven seven seven and joined BH I been in Institute get to know about being a Institute by going to our website and join me Thursday and next Monday for the class and don't forget next Friday July 3rd the great miracle service on zoom' and on all the platforms lord I give it a price for what happened today hallelujah all right I'll see you tomorrow love you don't forget that shall
Channel: Benny Hinn Ministries
Views: 52,197
Rating: 4.9419627 out of 5
Keywords: Benny Hinn Ministries, Benny Hinn, Pastor Benny Hinn, bible teaching, bible study, ministry, prayer
Id: jTFy0jxtfmo
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 37min 22sec (2242 seconds)
Published: Wed Jun 24 2020
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