Tongues - The Gateway to the Supernatural | Rodney Howard-Browne

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the following broadcast is brought to you by the friends and partners of revival ministries international [Music] [Music] [Music] really this morning at tonight and next Sunday morning at night it's gonna be like a mini camp meeting and the Lord I'm really continuing along the lines of the supernatural and I'm starting this morning a series really that I brought forth in one message but it's called tongues the Gateway to the supernatural God doesn't give you tongues just to use in a service can you say men it's a heavenly language let's pray father let every year be in order to hear that every heart be receptive receive all that heaven has we pray in Jesus mighty name and everyone said amen before I get started here I'm going through a book by Donald G one of the great Pentecostal men of the last 100 years extra fact that was Donald G that Lester Sumrall hooked up with in New Zealand he was an older man less that was young at the time and followed him around he was a Bible teacher this book is called Pentecostal experience the writings of Donald G it's put out by the Assemblies of oh my god publishing house out of Springfield Missouri I wish they'd actually read the book amen would be great if people actually read the book that they're published especially when you call yourself Pentecostal and there's a section in here that I'd never actually heard anybody ever talked about which but I'll ask myself the question many times and I'm just this is not the message but I thought I'd just start over now talk a little bit more about this tonight tonight we're gonna deal with that hurricane even more but tonight it's gonna be a great night and I'll be running the prayer meeting on Friday night we're gonna pray through the night Amy and this major stuff we're gonna move here for September but this is under the subject disappointing baptisms which I've never ever heard anybody talk about disappointing baptism we you know and I think about sometimes I want to walk up to somebody and say are you baptized in the Holy Ghost and they say yes you say well I want to apologize that you had a very disappointing baptism I'm so sorry that your baptism is that disappointing and you say what do you mean so here what he says he said I can speak about this delicate subject with courage because there is at Laureus baptism and the Holy Spirit that never disappoints us it begins a continual unfolding a richer and greater experience of God's power and grace but he said off to fairly long experience around the world I've come to a place where I feel I should consider this subject which I've been asking myself and I've been doing this now 39 an off year so I'm also coming to this place where I have to put people under this category of a disappointing baptism there there are people who apparently have received the baps notice spread but for some reason have not seen the expected results jesus said in acts one of his eight you shall receive power after that the Holy Ghost has come upon you and yet we have met supposedly spirit-filled people who have not had power think about that when believers received this experience they ought to be power in their lives yet we meet God's children in room this is not the case let us find the difficulty I want to call I want a group what I call disappointing baptisms under three headings which I would have just said disappointing baptism but he's got it under three number one those who experience little difference in their lives after Pentecost baptism and then number two those who received some of the gifts of spirit but do not demonstrate the fruit of the Spirit and then number three those who have the gifts and the fruit but no powwow so he goes on to say which I'll talk a little bit about this tonight so I don't want anybody to be in the category that comes from the river and the people would say you know their River people but they had a disappointing baptism I want every person at the river to not have a disappointing border Babson I mean Holy Ghost baptism Amen praise gone well everybody's excited about that you can see don't automatically think I'm talking about you how many of you not winning souls and you say you're baptized and all the girls there's something disappointing about that because the first thing that happens when you get baptized you want to win souls amen if you full of the Holy Ghost you don't skip out on church and if your person that's fully baptized in the Holy Ghost that stays home at the First Church of st. mattress with the pasta peeler and prophet either down impossible hallelujah hallelujah and I'm so glad you came this morning God's got something great for you all right go with me to accept two two and verse one and when the day of Pentecost was fully come they were all with one Accord in one place and suddenly everybody suddenly there came a sound from heaven as of a rushing mighty wind it filled all the house where they were sitting and depend on them cloven tongues like as of fire and it set upon each and them and they were all filled with the Holy Ghost and began to speak with other tongues as the Spirit gave them utterance now I want you to see something here it's very apparent that the sound from heaven came then the wind from heaven blew and then the fire from heaven fell and then they were filled today a lot of people are filled but there's no sound there's no wind and there's no fire remember we're not talking about meeting somebody that's just as you know in the world and you shake hands and they sign an autograph for you we talking about the creator of heaven and earth it's impossible for any person here in this place under the Sun of my voice to meet God in his fullness and just be the same your whole life go look at Jacob we wrestled with an angel somebody said yeah but he limped for the rest of his life but he's still wrestled with an angel and he got blessed did not I mean who cares if you limp for the rest of your life at least he got into the blessing of heaven because he really was a deceiver he needed to wrestle he needed more than a limp II needed smacked up the side of the head you know so when it comes to the spirit felt life and the mighty baptism the Holy Spirit because here's the thing in acts one of us eight he said you shall receive power after that the Holy Ghost is come upon you he actually never said you shall receive tongues and I'm not negating tongues I'm just trying to tell you people today get tongues but they have no power so something's wrong there because in acts two it says they came a sound from heaven as of a rushing mighty wind filled the whole house of the city it's where they're sitting and depend on the cloven tongues like this fire and they were all filled and began to speak my father and my mother when the day they were baptized in all the spirit now remember I have two older brothers and all the brothers 14 years older than me cause he's with the Lord now and my second oldest brothers his trophies older than I he just turned 70 years of age and took him out to celebrate his birthday but he was there when my dad and mom were baptized and all the spirit my dad was an engineer my mom ran several businesses they were sitting in the living room and they were praying wanting God to baptize them in the Holy Spirit and my father tells the story which is amazing I'm gonna get it from the archives because I know we got it on video somewhere and I'm gonna get to play it but my dad said that he was sitting on the couch and living room and he looked up and the roof disappeared and he said he could see the stars and he said what started like a little star got bigger and bigger and bigger and then it became like the Sun and it come true into the house and hit him boom one time then it happened again boom a second time and then it happened again boom a third time and he began to speak in other tongues and I said dad there must have been Father Son and Holy Spirit cuz three three times had hit him and then my brother countered my mother spoke in thirteen different languages boom boom boom boom boom not because my brother doesn't know 13 languages but you could hear the distinct difference of the tongue there was 13 different ones that she spoke he counted it one two three four five as she went through 13 different languages so one thing I knew about my father and mother they didn't have a disappointing baptism which aren't so happy that my mother and father didn't have a disappointing baptism I'm so happy that they were led by the Holy Ghost I'm so happy that when they prayed things happened even when we were sitting at the dinner table to eat even though my brother now were hungry and as small kids we would slip a roast potato off the table because my dad would start to pray over the food you know but I could see there knowing he hit him and I'm watching his face I'm there or we're not gonna eat for a while if I see the Holy Ghost coming on my father he he start deprave the food but the Holy Ghost come on in me stop prophesy but I'm hungry no that's sneaker but they didn't bow my head and just you know because that's what you do with your kid amen which one of you wouldn't sneak off today a roast potato off the table because dad's gonna prophesy for a while I mean my mother get up and take the roast and put it back in the oven because she knew it's pointless Hillary mom she put it back to keep it warm roast lamb anyway at the table and dad's proper son but we knew was the Holy Ghost I just wanted to eat you know and then as I always say it's very hard as a teenager trolling you growing up even if you just like you know thinking about some stuff or whatever and mom would come around through you know what are you up to you don't know no nothing and she looks at you she goes oh well that's not what the Lord told dad and me when we were praying this morning you go what that's just great who needs the NSA when you have your mother she knew everything I mean they know what's going on cuz when you hook up of the Holy Ghost you know what's going on amen you can't you kids you can't talk rubbish you can't even make up a story because she just stands and look at you and you know uh uh uh she's getting Intel she's receiving inside information she knows I'm not telling the truth yet so you in the end you just say okay I'll just tell the truth because she's gonna find out anyway I saw the Holy Ghost on them and I and I obeyed and I saw when they just were them and I obeyed either way you obeyed now they were all filled and begin to speak but the number one thing that they received it was many times and Pentecostal tradition they teach you that the evidence of the Bethel Holy Spirit is that you speak in tongues which that's the initial evidence I will say that but it's twofold it's not just tongues but power you shall receive power you shall receive power so what our desire for every member of this church is that you have power power on your own you're a standalone power supply you stand alone power source yet you see many Christians you know they weak and they was gonna go around can you pray for me because they have no power within themselves to pray themselves out anything well we want to get everybody so that the power that you have this power amen which is so important that you grab a hold of this and your children grab hold of it they don't have to wait to their adults to do it children can grab a hold it when they 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 - 18 amen and they can grab a hold of this power this power is available for every single person aren't you happy about that you can have the same power that God gives to people in the ministry so so while I know a pastor he has access to panono I give you access to everything I'm not holding this behind closed door like some kind of a secret that you have to pay that you have to pay entrance money to get in there it's free you just grab ahold of it and say I'll tell you if God can anoint him you can anoint me and I'm grabbing ahold of this God's the respective persons I mean God came and found me in Ephrata all those years ago if he can find me as an African boy in Africa and of course I came to America I'm an African American now if God can find me on he doesn't love us African Americans more than he loves you amen he's looking for people that will believe him that will say I believe and you almost have to give the place say if I'm the only one if nobody else yet grabs a hold of this today if I'm the only one I'm grabbing a hold of this for me as for me in my house hallelujah hallelujah so say this off to me tongues is the gateway to the supernatural so I'm gonna go as far as I can here before the end of the service and then I'm carry on tonight and what I don't finish a lot carry on next Sunday what I don't finish next Sunday morning I'll carry on next Sunday night but we'll finish this trust me I'm a doctor we'll get to the end now go to mark chapter 16 Mark's Gospel chapter 16 and verse 17 and these signs shall follow them that believe in my name they shall cast out devils now notice he didn't say these songs are full of the Apostles notice he didn't say these songs have followed the prophets notice he didn't say these songs of all of the evangelists he didn't say these songs are followed the postures or the pastors and the teachers he said these signs of all of them that believe in my name they shall cast out Devils they shall speak with new tongues they shall take up serpents and I'm not talking about a church in the mountains of Kentucky or Tennessee that play with snakes that's not what that means that's like when Paul landed on the island and they were making a fire and a serpent came out and bit him are you with me and he shook it off but it did not harm him that's what he's talking about they shall take up serpents and if it in if they drink any deadly thing if you know if somebody tries to poison you you will not be killed you know somebody contacted me the other day said you should carry somebody that is elect a food taster that's it for what they said in case you know people trying to poison you because you know you speak out and be born again I said please easy one first of all for who wants the job number one number two what does that say about the people that I carried me well this is my professional food taster who yeah if he falls over dead then I know I shouldn't eat the food that's like ridiculous okay you know somebody said pastor I feel called to the ministry what do you want to I feel called to come before you and taste all the food like stupid you don't know me look we got to trust the Lord I'm not living in fear come on come on yeah you're one of the fast food restaurants and I love it nothing to do with anybody poisoning you are you with me you don't know what you et no we don't know live in fear we pray of our food we're always pray if we'd any deadly thing it shall not harm us amen that's a description so poison will not harm you the Great Commission comes with a great protection you go in my name you obey my word and they won't be able to touch you amen and if a snake bites you you just shake it off and nothing will come near here these sons that's a sign you know if they try to poison you and you're still eating it's not a poison and the waiters drop dead and the servers are drop dead you slowly eating away this this is great the food is great that's a sad I think the Lord's with him never did you use poison on therefore here we try we used it was the strongest dose he's still alive he's eating he thinks this is great he had double portion now this is why the devil is fought speaking tongues more than anything else because I would say that tongues is the entryway the gateway to the supernatural because tongues is involving you yielding it to the Spirit of God and it's not a natural language so your brain immediately this is crazy all you know they call it Babel or whatever yesterday I found an old magazine from the 90s that they featured an article about the revival that we had and right in the letter to the readers right up front there was an evangelist that wrote into the magazine and was attacking me and just said I went to two meetings there was no I didn't feel anything there in extra fact all I saw was manipulation and whatever so I looked at his name and what if I googled him the guy was dead five years later he died at 63 years of age I'm still here I was supposed to be the devil he was dead in five years no I didn't kill him I had nothing to do with no I mean four we didn't have Google twenty years ago but you know so I could actually Google and they had the name of his ministries up hold it up he died at 63 that's too young today I went to two of the meetings you know what the meeting didn't get in you and of course he wasn't a Pentecostal I think it was Presbyterian you know which is a rough thing for Penn Presbyterian to come to meeting like this it's rough I mean I would think if he didn't speak in tongues you'd immediately start to speak in tongues even if you got it just for an emergency it always like she be ba ba ba ba first Corinthians 14 in verse 39 therefore brethren desire earnestly to prophesy and do not forbid speaking in tongues now just let me tell you this so speaking in the heavenly language is not one of the nine gifts of the Spirit and this is where people go wrong you see there were baptized and all the girls spoke with others tongues but then they still the nine gifts of spirit that's separate to that speaking other tongues is your prayer language will you talk to God and you speak mysteries to God some sincere but I don't understand what I'm praying he doesn't want you to understand what you're praying because many times if you understood it you would be interfering with it if you knew what the holy spread was praying for you you said no I don't agree with that no I don't want that but the Holy Spirit's praying through you the perfect will of God are you with me some said well this just doesn't sound like anything yeah to the devil it sounds like nothing to the devil it sounds like babble but God understands and you have a hotline to heaven and you're speaking straight to the throne of God amen and it's your spirit the Holy Spirit praying through you the perfect will of God hallelujah and what's so amazing is travelling to 78 countries I never heard people speak in tongues with an accent they're all just speaking heavenly language I never heard anybody like Japanese they speak in tongues sounds like me speaking in tongues I don't hear Japanese I mean I don't see anybody you know what I'm saying like I've been in India I never heard India tour got dogs or yes I never saw any of them so it's got nothing to do it's got nothing I didn't you don't go to Tennessee and a Tennessean is speaking in other tongues with it with a Tennessee twang to it think about that Chung's comes from your spirit doesn't come from your head amen and it's the gateway to the supernatural you know what that means that means that's the doorway when you get through the door and many times to the things of heaven God always puts a stumbling block in front a rock of offense in front of it that only the humble can be true to receive it the arrogant are turned away at the door I'm not gonna do that these people are crazy they just then they speak they babbled in the language nobody even understands and then and then they scratch their head they wonder how come he has power how come how come nothing happens it comes under ways like he's always a step ahead of the enemy I wonder why I wish I had that could you pray for me yeah come out pray you get old of it oh no no I don't want that I want something that sounds intelligent so desire earnestly the prophesy everybody should decide that but prophecy means to bubble forth to tumble forth to spring forth so that comes under your belly take your hand put it on your belly the prophecy comes out of your belly not early you hear and tongues comes from the same place amen hallelujah hallelujah now point number two tongues is for Supernatural communication you know we live in a communication age I mean your cell phone app how many have wondered why you don't get the cell signal that you should even though you get 3G or 4G or 5g wave the enemy because you can't because they're offering something they can't even deliver but besides that all of television streaming is going to use the cell towers so you're actually competing with Netflix and all of the streaming that's online streaming so they're using the same towel as it's supposed to be for your signal they use it to stream video and that takes up so much bandwidth Facebook you can imagine that's why they limit you to so many viewers watching per moment before remember when we started there was no it was unlimited viewership now they because they have to throttle the bandwidth because a lot of these are free services and so if they did everybody just didn't people come and flood your bandwidth then it's gonna suck up all the bandwidth and that's what happens that's why you could be in the middle of Tampa and have one one bar when the middle of Florida you go to Orlando almost nothing works there you will let's go back to Morse code doc - - Desmond or just flashing lights in Orlando trying to contact your wife we major cities of the world and the technology doesn't work because they trying to get other technology on the same bandwidth so what tongues does it it cuts out all of the other bandwidth it cuts out all of the other people using a line trying to get to heaven or whatever and go straight booth it's like a hotline straight to heaven when you pray in the Holy Ghost and don't second-guess it just pray in tongues amen in 1 Corinthians 14 and 2 for he who speaks in the tongue does not speak to man but to God for no one understands him howbeit in the spirit he speaks mysteries mystery speaking mysteries amen so don't worry about so he said well I've been doing it for a long time and I don't really understand what I'm doing just do what he says do amen hallelujah 1 Corinthians 14 and verse 18 I think my god is speaking tongues more than your so this is the Apostle Paul saying that and of course you can just train yourself to just pray in tongues to get out of bed in the morning to pray in the oldest praying the Holy Spirit you know who go to the shower you pray in tongues in the shower praying tunnels and you drive down the road you know amen and something simple my tongue sounds funny yeah my - but it's your tongue it's not anybody else's done amen everybody say it's a hotline to heaven hallelujah number three tongues is for Supernatural praise Supernatural praise first Corinthians 14 and verse 15 what is the conclusion then I will pray with the spirit I'll pray the understanding of course then when we pray in English we praying with the understanding but when we pray in tongues we pray with the spirit can you see that I will sing with the spirit and now sing with the understand so we know we can sing with our understanding which we did in worship or we can sing in the spirit and you need to practice that at home when nobody can hear you amen - just sing with the spirit just sing and in the spirit hallelujah he says otherwise if you bless with the spirit how will he who occupies the place of the uninformed same in it you're giving offense since he does not understand what you say for indeed you give thanks well but the other is not any fun so now showing how we should function in the church if I came out young Sunday mornings just spoke in tongues and we sang the tongues nobody would get anything which if you think back go back 200 years in church history that's how a lot of the people were they spoke in Latin and nobody understood a word of what they were saying so even though they were using a national language nobody understood only the priest knew what was going on so we have our native language our native tongue so we can understand and then we have the heavenly language so that God can pray through us the Holy Spirit will pray through us and supernatural prays giving thanks you know I tell the story of traveling to Papua New Guinea and got to Port Moresby and a pastor came out of the mountains of a remote area and he said to me he said you know I pasta in a very remote village and he said there's 800 languages in the nation of Papua New Guinea which I did not know I was shocked I thought these I don't even say dialects but he said no languages and he said so the language of my area and my village is very unique to us and people tell you that everywhere you travel even when you travel the Arctic where you travel through the the tribes of the Indians how the languages changes just from ears you go you go even to Island you travel across the nation Island this certain Irish people you can't even understand its these Irish people that speak that the Irish people can't understand them because they're from another area the same in Scotland they speak with a different brogue you travel across Tennessee and from East Tennessee to West and it sees people like talk in another language you go to Oklahoma and it's another planet it just really is and so he said to me he said I had to come today to come to talk to you just to thank you I said for what he said well about 11 years ago I was going to quit the ministry and somebody gave me a to tape series remember we still have cassette tapes back in those days and it was on the double portion remember that two tapes is on double fortune I used to have and he said was listener and you begin to speak in other tongues and you spoke in the language of my village and I said Wow he said and I when I heard that that sir encouraged me I never quit the ministry and I've been the mission lost living years and I had to come just to say thanks wrong I mean I didn't know anything I don't speak Papua New Guinean remote village language you know so when I got back I got the tapes and listened to it and found the area where I was preaching at the river church and just went off in tongues and unless it was just my tongue it was my normal tongue but he said no you were speaking the language on my people and I said well what was I saying he said you was just talking about how great God was and how wonderful he was and how majestic it was and how awesome it was and you were really praising him in that language and that so encouraged me and lifted my spirit and I never quit the ministry hallelujah hallelujah and of course that's why the scripture says though us though I speak with tongues of men and angels and I have not loved I'm like a clanging cymbal so that's why we've got to have the fruit of the Spirit to go along with these things that God gives to us can you say Amen how they do yet so I encourage you pray in the spirit sing with the spirit just sing sing of the Spirit and don't worry about what other people think pastor they will think I'm crazy look they already do they already do and then you don't want to tell you about I found out most people don't even think I always throw this out you know men actually have an ability not to even think they do a woman does not have that ability she's always thinking always so when a wife looks at the husband said what do you think he says nothing he's not lying he's actually being honored he is not lying that means he's actually genuinely not thinking one thing at that moment his mind is totally blank men have that ability but a lady does not she she singing all the time pop-ups they like pop-ups man can go to a screensaver but ladies are always popping up all the time it's like through the night in the day you know sometimes the screen gets jammed and locked anyway that's another story we leave alone but praying praying and the Holy Ghost amen allows your mind to not dwell on the problems in the circumstance and allow your mind to get quiet so your spirit man can rise a big and you can talk to the Lord and the Lord can talk to you amen so supernatural power Luke 28 and verse 49 and behold I send the promise of the father upon you but you will tarry in Jerusalem until you be endued with power from on high and then of course the scripture quoted earlier in acts 1 verse 8 you shall receive power after that the Holy Ghost has come upon you so let me take just a few minutes here and just talk a little bit about this power that comes and again it's not just the speaking in tongues because I've heard people talking tongues but there's nothing with it are you with me so in other once you get the language of the Spirit you're not gonna lose the language and spirit even though you're not filled with the spirit God won't take the language away from you so you can speak in tongues all day but you empty and then you could even prophesy but be empty you can actually preach and be empty because it's a learned it's an experience once you it's not darling you're gonna get to a place where you open your mouth to speak it down some Sunday it's gone from you some would've left me no he gives gifts but you got to make sure that it's coming out of a supply that is filled that's why Ephesians 5 and verse 18 says be not drunk with wine women as he says but be he being continually filled with the spirit so just because you've got filled five four years ago or five months ago five weeks ago doesn't mean say that you feel today it's like your motor car you gonna fill up with petrol and you drive down the highway you know look at everybody racing to Philip because of the hurricane the the all the pumps were some of them were empty that greatest gas stations on the face of the planet were empty why they ran that I guess I'll meet great people and they've run out of gas they have run out of gas that's why our job of revival will never ever end because wherever I go I find people they run out of gas some of them just barely got into the church parking lot some of them the battery on the thing died I mean when you try to turn the engine is Aurora and some of them just backfire and smoke comes out the back you know then I have to bring the jumper cables you know and and we got to get the the engine started again you know [Laughter] I mean that's the ministry that the Lord has given unto us you know which it's a dirty job but somebody has to do it because it's terrible when you pretend to be alive but you did it's terrible when you pretend to have power but you have none you sit in the parking lot with your keys but the talk won't go anywhere and people drive by and you just wave at them and pretend to be driving you don't even honk the horn cuz nothing would come out dead brother do you need some help can I help you no no I'm fine praise God I'm doing great well you have been sitting there for about two hours [Laughter] think about it see a lot of people don't live out of here they live about what comes from outside they're here with me they don't live from here they live about what comes at them they very open to the elements of the circumstance had come boom and slams them another one comes up here filaments them they're always reactionary in boomin everything's an emergency and oh it's terrible you gotta hear what's happened but they don't live out of here they don't there's stuff because whatever you need to to come against what's coming against you is really on the inside of you because he said out of your innermost being will flow rivers of living water but you listen to everybody else you listen to what they say you listen to the experts which really is nothing more than a drip under pressure instead of following the Holy Ghost what is the Holy Ghost thing the fact that you have access to God is huge you have access to the creative heaven air of you every single one of you have access to the Creator of heaven and earth you have access to heaven you have access to heavens plane heavens purpose hallelujah hook up rung this to provide run daily be superb ah oh yes you have access to heavens purpose and heavens plan and so that's why he even said stir up the gift that was given you by the laying on a hinge stir it up what do you do when problems come your way what do you do when circumstances come your way what do you do when all hell breaks loose against you what do you do when you just heard the worst report you ever want to hear what do you do do you just succumb you throw in the towel you just give up huh what are we gonna do or do you just look to the greater one on the inside of you do you just stir yourself up from within are you listening to me and you just summer said will you just in you in some kind of a delusion no all of that outside is some kind of a delusion and it's the live hell that's come to stop your life but as he promised to you in days gone by surely promises the big sack same thing today in this hour his word doesn't change he said I will never leave you nor forsake you his word says that great is he that is in you than he that is in the world he said that you are overcomers in this life and you've been given access it by the power of the blood and by the power of the name of Jesus to rise up in great boldness you by yourself just as an individual are a power supply a power source not only for your family but for your children and your grandchildren and your friends and your neighbourhood and the town and the village and the region where you live hallelujah glory to God hallelujah thank you Lord Jesus this is not my word this is the word of the Lord this has got nothing to do with what I think this is what the Bible says and we believe the word of the Lord hallelujah and again with a moment you begin to talk along these lines the first thing they say well who do you think you are it's always a challenge well who do you think you are and as always tell some people I actually don't think I'm anything you actually don't want to hear what I think I actually am I'm nothing but if if you just well I'm nothing Oh little sis please go do this well I'm just nothing I mean we you know who you are you know without him you can do nothing without him we would fail without him we would be drifting like a ship without a sail but we know without him so stop making excuses and stop trying to impress other people by trying to act like you humble say yeah we just we just old sinners say by grace yea we were sinners and we got saved by grace yeah with the righteousness have gone in Christ except talking about well I've been around ministers I mean the first day well we just all sinners please pray God would even come one day doesn't strike anybody any one of us my lightning here today yeah it's a one day he does and you look like you need to get struck by lightning you ugly thing I mean just read the word you read the Bible you read the Word of God it's not our word it's his word it's his word that puts us over the top so the very fact that he has given unto us a language of heaven this is the rest wherewith human-caused away were to rest and this is the refreshing for with stammering lips and another tongue will he speak under this people summer said past I feel like my battery is really gone down I put the lights on but they just like very faint you need to charge yourself up and of course you Chinese tells you how to do that but he beloved building up yourselves on your most holy faith praying and the Holy Ghost when you pray in the Holy Ghost you build yourself up that's what we're gonna do Friday night Friday night at 6 o'clock we're gonna pray from 6 to 6 12 hours and other tongues if you want to build yourself up don't miss Friday night it's gonna be off them off the chain off they're off the hook off the heezy I mean it's gonna be it listen you could come in and spiritual Friday night at 6 o'clock and leave a spiritual giant halle-loo just praying the whole ego Laura to God thank you Lord Jesus thank you Lord Jesus thank God for the heavenly language and I tell you the Lord really spoke to me by you said tell the people don't push this aside and make light of it really make it to the forefront of your life in your spiritual experience in the speaking of the tongue because the enemy is attacking this on every side and trying to say tongues is not for today it's too late I got it 50 years ago when I was eight years old - too late too late too late so are you gonna get it tacked it doesn't matter what you do in the people that you would you know acquiesce to and say okay fine we won't do any of that they're not go they don't like you anyway they're gonna turn around stab you in the back anyway at least four tongues you have access to heaven and you know they're coming at you with the knife and you can turn around and oh and take care of business are you with me they try to get you to drop the defenses so they can come in and take you out but we'll stay hooked up with the Holy Ghost amen we're gonna stay hooked up with the Holy Ghost thank you Lord Jesus thank you Lord Jesus hallelujah and if you don't have this marvelous baptism in the Holy Spirit maybe you received the disappointing baptism then could I invite you between down tonight next Sunday morning Sunday night to receive the glorious baptism of the Holy Spirit and let God fill you to overflowing and maybe you've got failed years ago but you leaked out over the years you sprung a leak and blew a cylinder head gasket and everything came out in the parking lot of the last church you went to there's a big oil mark there where you used to park but God will come and fix all that up again amen give you a new engine amen hallelujah give you all enough oil that you can make it through the night our hallelujah glory to God thank you Lord Jesus Harbor a couple reckless teeb robando menon area pasa Rakharo Vaughn Dulce previa talk memory Ishtar economy and also the language of heaven the language of the spirit the language of the Spirit available to every believer to every child of God from the litters child of the oldest saint everyone has access to the throne of God praying in the spirit praying and speaking mysteries under God hallelujah the enemy cannot touch you the enemy cannot exact himself upon you the enemy cannot come near you in EXA fact when you pray in the Holy Ghost it reeks total habit in his realm he has no understanding of what you're doing and reach total confusion in his realm so rise up today in great boldness rise up today and walk in the fullness of the Spirit and receive all that heaven has and you shall be glad and you should rejoice and you shall be happy and your cup shall overflow with great joy hallelujah hallelujah hallelujah hallelujah glory to God thank you Lord Jesus thank you blessed Jesus and we'll continue tonight I want everybody to bow your heads if you would please right across this room I'm gonna give an invitation now for those of you that have come here today all those that are watching by way of television maybe you tuned in today and while you're sitting here today you would say pastor I've never ever given my life to Jesus I don't know Jesus as my Lord and Savior but today I really want to accept them today I would like to receive him as my Lord and Savior I'm not talking about religion I'm talking about a relationship that changes everything many people practice religion we know practicing anything we operating in a relationship with Almighty God and he made that available to us through Jesus coming to the cross and dying for our sin 2000 years ago and by the power of his blood to wash us clean and then to give us access to come boldly to the throne of grace and so the only way for us to even receive that is to humble ourselves before he's mighty handed today you can do just that what would happen if today was your last day on the earth and you went home and put your head on your pillow and in the middle of the night you breathe out your last breath and went on where would you go where would you spend eternity I want you to know there is a heaven to gain and a hell to shun you don't have to go to a devil's hell because 2,000 years ago on Calvary's cross the price was paid the blood was shed and just like that song said there is a fountain filled with blood drawn from Emmanuel's veins and sinners plunged beneath that flood lose all their guilty stains tonight and today the power of Sun will be broken off of you the power of guilt the shame will be removed from your life you walked in here one way but you leave another way it is that instant it is that instantaneous thing that takes place when you get born again will you translate it from death to life if you believe you can't earn this you can't buy it you can't go make yourself better and come back to receive it you just humble yourself and enter in and grab a hold of it thank God we don't get what we deserve we're getting what he has planned for us and graced us with hallelujah it's free secondly maybe you've come to this place and you gave a lot for Lord in days gone by but you've grown cold you're not serving God like you should there was a time when you were radically on fire for God but something happened you lost that first love that that fire that peace that you once had but today you say you know what I'm gonna come back I want to fall in love with Jesus all over again maybe something hidden that no one can even see but you know it's there it's a hidden thing of the heart pride unforgiveness bitterness jealousy anger lust the hidden things but today you say you know what I'm coming back i'ma fall in love with Jesus all over again today will you surrender your life to him afresh and say Lourdes come he will come and he will take you and your life will never be the same again maybe it's not hidden maybe something outwards something that everyone could see and now the enemy used against you to keep it a place of guilt and condemnation you feel like God will never usually because of things that have happened well that's a lie from hell gloves not finished with anybody here if God was finished with you you and him beer today the very fact that you here today means God is not finished with you and today he says come come unto me all you that labor never lay they want to give you rest take my yoke upon you learn of me my yoke is easy my burden is light will you surrender to him he said I will take out the stony heart and put it in a heart of flesh he said a new spirit will I put within you will you today surrender to Him he loves you so very much maybe it's not hidden nor outward as we described maybe it's a storm that came against your life you were going along you were doing great and then out of the blue this thing come at you like a Mack truck from hell a sudden divorce a bankruptcy the loss of a loved one a sudden illness the betrayal of a close friend the loss of a job and it rocked your world and I'm gonna throw something else in the air tonight today maybe you ended up in something you never ever thought you'd get into like a snare like a sudden sin that the enemy trapped you up and you don't even know how you got into it but today God will bring you out today God will bring you out and then lost leave you in this place and you love the Lord that's not even a question but as you're sitting around now you do not have the assurance then you're a child of God you don't you don't know beyond a shadow of a doubt that your child of God you want to know that you know without any doubt I'm a child of God and that the means if you're done right now you're gonna go straight to be with the Lord if you fit into that category - I want to pray with you so if there's anyone of you they fit into these categories I want to pray right now quickly put your hand up and say pray for me right now today's my day thank you under the overhang another hand over there another hand over there another hand all at the back right across the back over this side that side yes yes yes yes yes yes on this far side over here quickly raise it up high and say yes Lord yes Lord today is my day today's my day of surrender once you've raised you can put it down I want you to look at me now please look at me in this section here if you did not raise your hand but you want to be included in the frame we're gonna pray quickly put your hand up and say include me I've seen your hand already anybody else right back then another hand on the hand anybody else step it up hon another hand over here god bless you anybody else what about this section you didn't raise your hand but want to be included to put your hand up right now god bless you anybody else slip it up higher anybody else anyone else quickly quickly quickly put your hand up now under the overhang you didn't raise your hand but want to be included slip your hand up right now mm-hmm all right what about this section you didn't raise your hand but want to be included god bless you anybody else slip it up high and say here's Lourdes how did the bag another hand anybody else okay I want everybody that raised your hand to stand we're gonna pray to give it come stand right now stand all the way to the back all the possibility come if you will come from where you are come stand around the altar we're gonna pray together talk come right now come come come come now because you it calls because because because because is calling you now come don't leave it another day don't leave it another day he calls you now today's a day of freedom and liberty hallelujah glory to God glory to God glory to God lauralee god [Music] Sikkim ideas to combine chef tom [Music] the world behind them [Music] come on this others freak sitcom the world behind me the cross before me [Music] the world behind me not turning back [Music] [Applause] [Music] no turning back [Music] [Applause] you can take the whole world but give me Jesus [Music] you can take the whole world [Music] [Applause] [Music] but give me Jesus [Music] you can take the homeworld but yeah [Applause] no turning back [Music] no turning back [Music] you know when the Lord saved pastor Eric and Jennifer and they were businesspeople multi-millionaires and God saved them you know as a family as a husband and wife that would bring 45 people to church every Sunday this one one couple ran a very successful company with a hundred people working under them and would bring forty five people to church every Sunday you'd need a magnifying glass and one day if they were saved or if they were baptized in the Holy Ghost I know people are busy but I'll tell you you've got to make your daily life about the harvest and as a church we're moving in the thing you know when we're not doing the inReach outreach is like we used to do this is all based on you bringing the loss to church and of course if you bring them from your neighborhood then you know where which home group they can come to Amen somebody a pastor I'm so busy I understand that but we should not be too busy to overlook the harvest amen it's important it's important throughout the week which is looking for prospects amen he would fill up his car I don't know how you fulfilled that 45 bit did you make two trips no some people drove on their own but did you sometimes make two trips you had a company extended band and she had a town car how many do you squeeze in the Town Car whoa you broke the writ of the rules did you have people under the dashboard come on and you know this is the only thing that's actually going to count a hundred years from now basically is the harvest that's it nothing else will count I want you to look at me here we're gonna pray one prayer one pray for at all if you mean business with God God means business with you and those you're watching you could pray as I pray with them you pray as well that's afraid to give to just close your eyes raise your right hand to heaven and say this together with me say father I come to you in the precious name of your son Jesus Lord you said in your word if I confess with my mouth jesus is my Lord and my Savior and I believe in my heart that God has raised you from the dead I will be saved so far the right now I confess jesus is my Lord and my Savior come into my heart right now take out the stony heart put in a heart of flesh wash me cleanse me change me fill me use me let me never be the same again I turn my back on the world I turned my back on sin and I follow your Lord Jesus thank you for dying for me thank you for sending your blood for me thank you that on the third day you rose for me and thank you that you're coming back again for me from this day on I'll never be the same again I confess Jesus Christ has come in the flesh he is my Lord and my Savior and right now by faith in the finished work of the cross and by the shed blood of Jesus I am saved thank you Lord for saving me down now lift both hands to heaven father I pray that you would seal them now by your blood and by your spirit that on that day when we stand before you let not one be missing and raise them up to be mighty men and woman of God and use them to impact this generation we pray in Jesus name I break every curse I set it back to the place of origin even now I break every blockage every hindrance every attack of the enemy's broken off of you from this day every plan the enemy over your life is canceled and every plan of heaven is enacted and I thank you for this now in Jesus they may know normally that is us and everyone said a man hallelujah hallelujah hallelujah amen glory to God thank you for watching today on youtube please press the subscribe button and also the notification button and like and get the word out Savas can watch
Channel: Rodney Howard-Browne
Views: 136,821
Rating: 4.7968431 out of 5
Keywords: Rodney Howard-Browne, River Church, River at Tampa Bay Church, Souls, Holy Spirit, Jesus, God, Christian, Revival, Healing, Salvation, tongues, gateway, supernatural, power, Holy Ghost, baptism, grace, communication, praise, edification, prayer, Refreshing, Heaven, purpose
Id: ZCNgbg9zXUk
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 63min 7sec (3787 seconds)
Published: Wed Sep 04 2019
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