The Purge Is Coming | Joe Rogan & That Mexican OT

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did you see the last Purge it made me think of the last Purge I don't like those Purge movies no how come why because I get prepared I see Purge movies I start loading magazines I feel like I feel like we're close to it we could be close to it I I never felt that until the George Floyd riots the George Floyd yeah the George Floyd riots got here's the thing about riots this is my feeling okay I support your right to protest but I'm not going to one of those you know why cuz I think protests are a lot like War I think there's a a mode inside the human brain let me explain to you you ever catch a fish you know when you catch a fish the moment that fish is on the line your whole body gets excited like oh [ __ ] oh [ __ ] that is an ancient thing that is in us because it used to be that was survival if you caught that fish your family was going to have food that's what that's why you get so excited W I think when people are on the ground marching and they're all together and they're all ing that brings War it it excites that feeling just the way catching a fish excites that feeling I think it excites that feeling of war and when you like no more Trump no more Trump whatever is lives matter whatever it is you're looking for someone to say it doesn't matter you're looking for someone it's not just a protest you you are stimulating those thoughts of War you're marching on the ground with your fellow soldiers call each other comrades there's a lot of wild [ __ ] that's involved in protest that excites people in a very dangerous way yeah no yeah definitely I agree man mob mentality that's what mob mentality is yeah the you know people always talk about mob mentality like if there's something happens there a mob of people people would do wild [ __ ] that they will never do normally because that excites the war Gene there's a war Gene inside of us cuz every human being has survived War if you're alive today that means your genetic survive war that means somewhere down the line whether it's bows and arrows or or rifles or whatever if you got to 2024 if your genes got to 2024 for sure there's some war in those genes damn yeah what the yeah damn that's why I will not go to protest you see if there's a protest I'm getting the [ __ ] out of there yeah it's going to get Wicked cuz it could get Wicked it might I never thought of how you said that though that's crazy I like that it's War Wars inside of us and your body knows when you go to war you have to switch gears you have to switch gears and that's where Mom that's you beat someone to death with a rock in front of everybody you would never do that it was just you and that person there's something about that experience of being around a lot of people that are all being hostile and all excited together that just fires up parts of PE and also you feel kind of like a badass cuz you're a part of a gang yeah I I think it I think it's uh comfort in knowing that there's a bunch you like knowing you like you can't lose which is also like War yeah yeah damn dude I just want to love yeah well that's a better way to live for sure but you also have a lot now you know that's the thing once you have a lot you're like you know what I just want to love but when you don't have a lot you like oh these [ __ ] have a lot [ __ ] it's hard it's hard to be comfortable I do definitely agree cuz like I feel like it was harder to be like I feel like then like before I was you know chilling and bless man bro like my anger was so horrible like I remember I'd get done being angry and when I would be done like I'd be like all I just want to sleep like don't even talk yeah like [ __ ] I just want to sleep I feel like I got jumped like I just strained my body you know what I'm saying just being angry and for no reason for like bro for the simplest [ __ ] Bro anything like the wind blew the wrong way and I'd be like [ __ ] you know what I'm saying like I don't know what it was depend it's probably pent up childhood [ __ ] it defin I feel like it definitely was but you know like you said you know it's it's easier to to love when you have a lot of it yeah when things are going great for you it's easier to love it's easier to also recognize you want to kind of like you've experienced bad and now you're experiencing all this good and you want to kind of keep that rolling yeah correct it makes you want to do good you know or at least me personally cuz I know you do you know cuz energy is real you know I don't want to say karma or nothing but like man you know you be a ho ass mother some ho ass [ __ ] is eventually going to catch up to you that's a great way to put it right yeah soone you put that on a t-shirt for
Channel: University Of JRE
Views: 277,888
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: JRE, Clips, Podcast, The Joe Rogan Experience
Id: gS_1KZ0lcrk
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 4min 42sec (282 seconds)
Published: Sat Mar 16 2024
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