Joe Rogan Experience #2120 - That Mexican OT

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Joe Rogan podcast check it out The Joe Rogan Experience Train by day Joe Rogan podcast by night all day telling the story of the pit with the seven Wolves yeah well seven coyotes yeah I think it was nine I think it was nine coyotes damn that's a crazy story I feel like I feel like I'm looking at you at my phone right now it's crazy are we rolling yeah that's hilarious yeah it's weird when you meet people when you see me too with you you know I've only seen you on YouTube seen you on my phone right it's cool man it's a pleasure bro pleasure to meet you too man bro you're like you're a bad [ __ ] bro first of all like to me my dad was like my God you know what I'm saying so to see him glorify you and stroke your Eagle bro it's just it's cool oh that's cool I'd like to meet your dad yeah you just met him oh that was your dad yeah the SW masing in there oh no [ __ ] oh your dad's cool as [ __ ] yeah that's awesome man that's awesome beautiful your dad looks good man yeah my whole life he's been like that he was good I remember I'd get in trouble and he would punish me with workouts oh really yeah yeah yeah oh wow I've been fitting my whole life I started getting fat when I touched that rapper money yeah really it's hard right yeah I'd go out to eat and I like cuz I'm already in decisive so like I go out to eat and order like five things and just eat small off each plate well it's a problem when you first start getting money right getting indulgent yeah I'm chilling now though you know what I'm saying but definitely at first it was like when I uh when I was uh 25 I got a development deal and uh I was spending so much money my manager called me up he thought I had a gambling problem oh [ __ ] he's like do you have a gambling problem like no I'm eating steak and lobster every night I was just going to say bro like it goes to food right I feel like cuz I ain't bought jewelry nothing like that nothing nothing I seen the grill I mean yeah but like I had a I had a grill before I was anybody and and then and then my second gr Paul Wall gave to me oh that's cool yeah so Paul Wall's the man yeah shout out to Paul Wallin it was just his birthday a few days ago too oh yeah that dude he looks like a real estate agent with the with the come over yeah when he's get this crazy Grill yeah n he's cool as [ __ ] though he's cool as [ __ ] he's a nice person I was smoking with him and I handed him the joint and he was like thank you I was like you tell me thank you for he next in rotation you know but he just a sweet dude you know that's nice yeah he cool I've seen him in interviews I love to talk to that dude I've seen him in interviews she always seems cool as [ __ ] yeah real happy if you're down i' I'd love to connect yall yeah let's do it yeah for sure let's do it man I found out about you from Tony henchcliffe my friend Tony hinchliff is's like yo you got to listen to this and he puts it on he's a comedian okay and he put it on in the Green Room of the mothership he put uh Cowboy killer I was like oh [ __ ] this is good man now it's in our Spotify rotation thank you so much Cowboy killer was a fun one to write I remember I was in West Columbia and my buddy Nate was like he was like you just he was like just do something different he was like make a country song and I just I just played like a country rap beat and from there just went crazy yeah dude we find ourselves walking around the Green Room sometimes going lately i' been [ __ ] I just did that one at the radio I mean at the rodeo they went stupid oh I bet yeah that's that's one that's one of the ones like they go crazy for when I perform I feel like maybe just cuz like it's easier to sing along to too A lot of my stuff like they don't even understand what I'm saying it just sound good right right right you know yeah no that one's a good one to sing along to it's also just fun yeah you know it's a fun song like you're having a good [ __ ] time definitely man and and I'm glad you said that cuz like that's what I tried to give out like this next project I'm working on I want to call it recess and I want to call it recess cuz like at this point bro like I don't have walls I don't have boundaries you know what I'm saying I don't have a ego that's holding me down to one sound or anything like that like this is recess to me so like therefore I can go to the monkey bars and dominate then I can go to the jungle gym and then I can go to the swings and have fun everywhere so it sounds like I'm having fun that's great yeah it's a blessing bro like man I would I would have never thought I'd be here you know I thank God every day bro because I bro I used to be on assd laid out in the middle of the street and I wasn't doing assd the way y'all do assd like I feel like some people do drugs and like they do it to better to learn like I was strictly abusing this [ __ ] you know what I'm saying like I just like I just wanted to be [ __ ] thick in the dirt High you know and um it's just beautiful bro you know I I tell people all the time y'all don't like y'all God's gonna have an amazing talk with y'all cuz like y'all don't even understand y'all saved somebody's life and you don't even know it because it's just pure enjoyment to you but bro like God's watches that man and I promise all my fans God going to have a good talk with them cuz they spoil me you know what I'm saying they make me feel good bro I love my fans dog like they pay attention to the the smallest [ __ ] ever you know I was in California I did a show in LA and this girl brought a shirt and she had a miror of my mama was headstone on it it said you know when she passed uh her birthday her name my name my little brother's name and I was like damn like shit's just cool bro you know cuz my mother gave me my first rap name uh vman and and I've been rapping since I was four years old you know what I'm saying so like it's just it's just cool like my my my mama was a gangsta I was talking to Fat Boy a few days ago in Bay City and fat boy you know he's like oh my God vir I love you so me and Sophie we was best friends and uh um he was like yo mama taught me how to cook hard you know like just like just going on and on like Mama like Mama was walking around basically like where my money at you know like with just Savage was just short like she was a little pocket rocket short with so much power you know and she was beautiful man everybody loved her um I feel like it was hard with the family with her you know what I'm saying like I grew up watching my mother and her mother fish fight in the living room you know oh wow yeah but uh I I why sometimes when people be like oh yeah this for Sophie or Sophie this or Sophie that I'm like man none of you [ __ ] like all y'all traded her all y'all turn y's back on her there were some people that were supposed to fight for me in court when my mother died because they knew but they didn't like you know what I'm saying like they they they backed out you know what I'm saying fight for you in cour like how so when my mother passed away I my mama was already planning on giving me to my nanny which is my dad's mother and the reason why she was going to give me to her is cuz he was getting out of prison and my M my mom was like my mom was Gangsta like sh like cooking cracking selling this [ __ ] I'm like people [ __ ] up in our house you know what I'm saying so like she knew she was already [ __ ] up and probably going to go to jail and uh and I was just bad I was a badass little kid you know I was in first grade not coming home till 10:00 at night already you know and um she would just be I remember her crying and she' just be like I can't take care of him Miss Irma I don't know what to do with them all this and that and and my some of my people knew that was on my mother's side they knew about this and and they knew that she wanted to give me the herma they knew all this and she knew they knew that Sophie didn't want me to be with my mama side cuz it really want too much guidance she knew that I would almost be [ __ ] over there not saying that they don't love me cuz they definitely love me it's just it they just weren't heavy hand on on on the rules and [ __ ] you know what saying how old were you at the time when my mama passed yeah I was eight and uh but I was already grown you know what I'm saying I was already grown and um so when I hear those people oh yeah all this and that I'm like man [ __ ] you you know what I'm saying cuz y'all left my mama out there drrive for real like everybody in my family left my mama dry like that I like my mama's she was close with Sabrina MAA Sabrina I know that for sure but that's cuz we all live together you know what I'm saying I know I know MAA Sabrina and my cousin Homer too my cousin Homer was close with my mama um I never seen my mother respect any other woman except for my nanny and maybe my stepmom my my mama used to take me to my stepmom we would meet halfway and my stepmom would take me to go see my dad in prison and I used to be rapping through him through a glass on the phone really yeah I used to be rapping the radio and he'd be like [ __ ] that radio I want to hear what you got to say you know I'd be doing my push-ups my situps Dad look at me check me out I hit jumping jacks all this and that I I knuckle and we would twist it he would say lock it up he get him da and he say lock it up you know and um I would just tell him fee every time I go visit him he would always ask for a Sprite and some Kit Kats I I used to go to get the coins and take them to the guards I'd be like man I it's all I got but I let me take my daddy home you know and uh he did a long time he did about six years in there um he learned a lot he tell me all the time that prison taught him how to be a a political person you know and uh a politician and um how so you know cuz like it's you can't every you you have you have to follow other rules in there now like let's say like you got like let's say me and you got problems I got to go to whoever your leader is or somebody what's going on in your situation and be like say but I can't just go over there cuz I'm going start like a race war or some [ __ ] you know what I'm saying like every Everything has a reaction you know and you just you just got to have permission from your hires I don't know too much about it you know what I'm saying because I ain't never been in prison and things like that but you know what I'm saying I know a little bit from what just being around that's a crazy statement when you eight-year-old you were grown yeah I was already grown like I looked at picture I seen I seen a picture of me holding this basketball when I was a kid and I remember holding this basketball at glue in the dark and I remember like playing with it I remember being with it holding it and like just seeing it around the house and I look at a picture of myself holding it and I was like damn like I look like I was a child not even a kid like a baby still and I was already feeling like I was already looking at my teeth just like [ __ ] I will I don't know what [ __ ] is but I will [ __ ] you you know what I'm saying for real like I was already gr I was already watching like Hustle and Flow Scarface you know cuz my my my parents were still kids you know what I'm saying so like I just got to be a kid with him how old was your mom when you were born I think she was like 18 wow yeah yeah that's what happens yep yep yep yeah I remember watching Scarface all the time with my mama and every single time before she died she'd be like Tony turn around Tony like it's going to change something but yeah she I remember that was a movie that made her cry really yeah wow she was rooting for Scarface yeah she cried when Tony died she was [ __ ] up about that [ __ ] that's hilarious she cried when Tony died I remember uh I remember it was me espie Quincy and uh I feel like Romeo Romeo was definitely there cuz he was living with us and um Ken might have been alive yeah he was cuz Joseph was definitely alive these are all my cousins like I never needed friends cuz I always had siblings and I was the oldest of all of them so like man I'm making a pallet I got all of us sleep in the living room together and you know like I said my kid my parents were still kids so they out doing kids stuff at the club party and all this and that so while they're doing that I'm playing Scarface and all this other [ __ ] you know but I remember we were sleeping in bed one time and my mother comes in and she wake ESP up ESP we whoop those [ __ ] ass all this and that we got them we got them like my mom just G to a bar fight with somebody and wow came home talking about yeah we whoop them [ __ ] ass I remember smelling the cold night on her does that make sense a cold night like you you ever you ever like it's cold at night and then you're inside and then somebody come in it's like you could feel the cold on them and like smell it and [ __ ] like I don't know how to explain it I just I just just felt the cold come off of her body and and and I smelled her and I always knew she was around cuz I heard high heels like when she would pick me up from daycare I always knew it was my mama cuz she the only one coming in high heels you know know and um yeah M she was just crazy her name was Sophia gasa Sophia and gasa wow what a crazy way to grow up yeah look I mean little bit it's definitely worse you know what I'm saying it's not even crazy it's just we was just just living I like I remember I I wasn't even sitting in car seats like my mother would be driving holding my little baby brother and I'd be standing in the passenger seat with my arm on the seat like this you know wow yeah just living like you know just wild yeah that's a good way to develop a rapper correct my mama so boys would come around and they'd be like you know what I'm saying my mama would always tell them Sophie I'm going to be my son GNA be a rapper you know they be Sophie all right Sophie you know what I'm saying no my son gonna be a rapper I was felling every class in the first grade and mat Thea Rosario told me this story MAA Zario was she's not MAA but like we're very close so like they're family you know what I'm saying that type of [ __ ] and um she was actually in the car with my mother when she passed and she you know they were tip man and um she told me that I was fing every class in the first grade and all her and her friends were like Sophie he felling in the first grade like what the [ __ ] going on he's spelling stop you know and she was like [ __ ] that school my son going to be a rapper my dad would wake me up before school at like 4 or 5:00 in the morning when I was in the seventh grade and uh he'd wake me up he be like son you ready to whoop ass i' be like man I got to get ready for school and he's like [ __ ] School you ready to get down there whoop ass and he wasn't saying [ __ ] school cuz like you know what I'm saying cuz he always pressed like being good and getting knowledge you know I'm thing but like he knew I didn't give a [ __ ] he knew I was just saying that so he's like in his mind he's like [ __ ] you gonna get up and come down here and rap you know cuz he would he would party every night and he had the [ __ ] that people wanted and women wanted to be with him and Men wanted to be him so every night after they get done partying Monday through Sunday he would always bring the party back home and he would have me a house full of women women sitting on [ __ ] stairs lined up one sitting on the refrigerator we had two I had a master and he was mixed with PR caneria I think I said that right his name was Bronson like Charles Bronson he was brindle and his eyes were orange lit up orange oh just a beast and um I could see the house and we were living in the duplex so then it looked like it's even more crowded you know and um my dad would play like a Ghetto Boys beat which is like 5 minutes [ __ ] long if you don't know so I'm about two three minutes in and he's like the [ __ ] you slowing down for the beat ain't over and I I had to jump back on and not eat these grown ass men Alive live and how were you writing your raps back then were you writing them in your head or were you writing them down no everything was on a pad yeah I had everything in notebooks I was supposed to be taking notes in school and I'm writing you know I didn't I didn't do anything else except for write draw or read so from the beginning that's what you wanted it's not it's not what I wanted it's what my mama wanted I don't I don't even think I still know what I want to this day really I think what I I just want to be okay I don't I don't even give a [ __ ] about this money the fame I don't give a [ __ ] about I love the music cuz I mean I'm I'm blessed and I'm grateful for it I cherish it cuz like it's my living and I'm comfortable off of it this is what my mama wanted you know what I'm saying so to this day you're not sure that that's what you wanted I don't think it is I think I think what I want is just love I missed out on a lot of love I want a family I just want to be okay yeah you know what I'm saying I just want a simple laugh I think that happens to a lot of people when they get pushed into something at a really young age you hear that with a lot of athletes a lot of young Fighters a lot of young football players they're just like I never knew what I wanted to do they they told me what I wanted to do right you know and then here I am successful like I guess it's all right but am I even me yeah I'm a product correct yeah I I feel like I feel like I'm definitely me and um but this was definitely for my mama it worked out yeah definitely think of how happy she would be right now man bro and and that's one thing I've always I just want to see her Jam my music cuz I remember being in the backseat watching her Jam Ashanti and Ja Ru and I remember her body language I remember seeing her move I remember her beautiful smile when she would sing and I'm like damn like I wish I could see her sing my music you know wow I know she would and I ain't no [ __ ] like everything I'm I'm talking about solid so like I know she would feel it even more like damn my son Gangsta you know that's awesome yeah I know she would love it bro well that's that's a beautiful thing though yeah it's kind of amazing yeah I mean you think about how many people you touch and Inspire and how many people love your music how many people you excite you know you excite people those songs come on people get excited correct she would be very happy of that yeah n it's a blessing man and and my father he tells me all the time I'm like man this [ __ ] started in the kitchen you know right before I walked on to the rodeo stage he said son you're still in the kitchen wow and I was like I know that's cool yeah you're in the kitchen but now there's millions of people in it yeah is that wild yeah n it's beautiful man how old are you 20 I just turned 25 February 6 damn you're just a baby yeah just a young man I'm trying we getting there that's amazing yep yep y when did things really start popping for you m i was def I I don't know cuz I feel like every time I drop something I always had good motion like I dropped a music video called plan C in like 2018 2019 and it it which is a lot but it's not a lot and it hit like 30k and got stuck now it's at like 40K it might be a more than now last I I ain't checked in a while but it was like at 40K and got stuck which is like I said a lot but not a lot but I'm from the country and like I'm just I'm just a kid in the country SL the hood I didn't it wasn't no promo no nothing like I just made a video and I'm doing music cuz my uncle's got a studio in the house so of course I'm going to be doing music I'm [ __ ] up on drugs I don't want no job I don't want to be around nobody I'm going to do this and then one day my cousin he had a homeboy and he heard the song he was like bro I want to jump on it let me jump on it so I was like [ __ ] it you know jump on it and then uh he was like man I got a homeboy I got a buddy and he be shooting videos I was like [ __ ] [ __ ] it what else is there to do you know what I'm saying and we shot the video we're all doing this just for the fun of it like there's nothing else to do and just dropped it and and it went good then I dropped another song called lamerte maybe about two years after that and when I when I dropped lamerte that's when I was like all right I think it was like 2021 maybe 2020 that's when I was like yeah like I could do something with this cuz I'm not rapping no more I'm actually making songs there's a difference between rapping and making music and I think when I wrote Lam that's when I was like yeah I think I could do it wow yeah so you yeah exactly I'm withth it that's right there that's my grandma house and my grandpa house right in the back that's all the country and how old you in this when when did it say that video Drop three years ago oh okay no I reposted it on there so it's it's about five years ago I was maybe like 20 right there 20 sound right so you've your whole life you've been on this path yeah correct and you want to know it's crazy some some people that I talked to like back then in the country and they like bro like I've always looked at you as a rapper even kids in school like people at school that I talk to like man like you just always had a rapper like I've always just looked at you as a rapper you know what I'm saying even in kids at school like oh yeah he the rapper you know like bro I was I was at Miss Terry's class in eighth grade and everybody's getting certificates in school and you know my buddy Brent he's like most likely to go on the UFC most likely to wear a red buttonup shirt most likely and everybody's getting this stuff and mine was most likely to be a rapper so like every everything was just like surrounded by it you know what I'm saying correct yeah I remember being at school rapping at lunch having the teachers and the and the kids surrounding me the bells ringing we supposed to go to the next class and we still going Head Strong wow you know like i' I've always just had a crowd I've always been a center of attention I remember my nanny would take me to P Royal to go school shopping when I was like eighth grade I mean 8 years old 9 years old 10 years old and I'm rapping to the people in P Royal you know um there was a car show my mother had just passed I was probably like N9 years old and my cousin Daniel took me to this car show Slim Thug zero and Paul Wall and then were on stage performing and while they're on stage performing you know the car shows gone over here and then they got a bunch of vendors in their pop-ups and this one dude has a microphone at his popup and he's trying to sell [ __ ] oh this and that yeah Bo Bo and I I ended up grabbing his mic and I start rapping to zero and then performing live on stage I don't even think they know this story I've never even told them that [ __ ] and um but yeah bro I was rapping to Paul W Slim Thug and zero on stage live while I was I was probably like N9 years old wow you know all the I'm seeing all these women you know what I'm saying wearing booty shorts and and these crop tops and I'm seeing all these dudes and they just look clean with the JS you know what I'm saying I'm like damn like I'm in here you know what I'm saying at nine yeah [ __ ] was cool wow Y what were your first influences musically definitely whatever my mama was jamming she was jamming at Ashanti and Ja Ru um I came my dad was jamming everything my dad was jamming like [ __ ] offsprings [ __ ] T he was jamming 3day Grace [ __ ] all that [ __ ] you know what I'm saying mix it up yeah so like I and then and then my mama side of the family they all gangsters and like trollo so it was like gangster rap music and then like some Latino music and then my mama my dad side of the family they're all Cowboys so I'm jamming country and [ __ ] like that you know then my dad and he's jamming Rock and and all this extra [ __ ] so like I just got to and then when I once I got older and started discovering music on my own you know what I'm saying I've already like rock and rap to to Latino music to Country so like how farther can I go with this and I now my my taste of music is just all I'll Jam music I don't even know the language to but if it if I feel it I feel it yeah I feel it I think that's why it's easy for me to just jump in any genre and dominate cuz I can feel it and put me in it right you don't have a restriction in your head of what you can do correct yeah well that's Cowboy killer you and that's I think that's one of the reasons why I resonate with so many people cuz it's just it's fun and it's like what is this guy doing here man this isra it don't sound forced either it also doesn't sound like anybody else like you don't sound like anybody else like you never people I play that and people go who the [ __ ] is that like like they get interested like this is different thank you it's beautiful when something comes along that just resonates like that that like you could you know there's so many influences out there so when someone comes along you're like wow that's a that's a different vibe Stevie was definitely my influences for like music like cowboy killer yeah yeah uh Stevie Rayvon he was a white boy after every show he'd be like M graas and walk off yeah my grandpa he said he used to be on assd at his shows in Austin all the time he performed at my club we have a photo of him on stage in my club from 1983 are you [ __ ] me holy [ __ ] that's sick walk towards the club when you're downstairs and you're walking towards the stage there's a photo on the side of the wall there's two of them of Steve rayon on stage at the theater you a bad [ __ ] Joe we got lucky with that we got lucky with that I didn't even know the history of the place until I bought it what was it it it was at one point in time it was the Alamo it's the Ritz Theater on 6th Street so one point in time it was the alamoo Draft House there there he is that's the photo we have wow it was a a rock and roll Club it was was a punk rock Club it was a a nudie movie theater it was a pool hall wow it was like so it's already been known for just being the spot yeah that's it right there wow so it was all always a cool spot that's see and now it's my comedy club that's see but it's just the the the there's certain old places where you walk in them and you like you could feel the memories in the walls like they have I think buildings have memory I really I think that's why people don't want to buy a house someone was murdered and yeah I think buildings have I think I think things have memory I really do there's a there's a guy named Rupert sheldrake I forget what his discipline is I think he's an evolutionary biologist or something like that I forget what he does but anyway his he's got this theory about memory and that we have this idea that we are the only things that have memory but he think that everything has memory that all things around you yeah uh it's a psychology psychology researcher he propos concept morphic resonance a conjecture that lacks mainstream ex he's he's he gets criticized as being kind of a loon but he's got some really [ __ ] interesting ideas and he's a brilliant guy he just thinks outside the box and one of the things he thinks is that everything has some sort of a memory to it that's not he's not the only one that thinks that I want to understand him like this like this table is going to like there's not it can't tell you things of course but this table is different because all the people that have been in this room talking great you know and I think there's something real to that yeah I I so when I say I agree I say I feel like I agree because words are powerful yeah like maybe the word like I'm experiences are powerful yeah there you go yeah everything is power like Words facilitate experiences right you go on stage and you're killing it and everybody in the audience is jamming out that's an experience you know and then will they go back to that place maybe they'll go back and be empty some like ah I saw that Mexican OT here right here I was standing right here and you feel it yeah I think that's why when you go by your old high school you go by your old high school you feel like a loser again like woo like it feel like like makes me feel like I felt when I was 16 you know there something about that and I know that's a psychological connection that you have but I also think that high school's got the memories of a bunch of confused [ __ ] up kids that didn't know what to do with their life and they were Buck Wild and yelling and screaming and School fights and all the chaos I think it's burned into the walls I think I I really believe that yeah I I can agree with that that sounds crazy I've never heard it but I actually love that I think that's what haunted houses are what yeah I think when I think ghosts are real but I think what a what a ghost is is the like if someone gets brutally murdered in a building like imagine if you're there's a house and some husband comes home and brutally murders his wife and that nobody wants to buy that [ __ ] house correct nobody wants to buy that house he SC stabbed her a hundred times in the kitchen nobody wants that house house you got to level that house to the ground and still people don't want that land it's just too [ __ ] up I think when something truly horrific happens the experience is so intense and extreme that that energy creates like a void and you feel that void when you're there and I think if you're in the right state of mind and you're in a house where someone fell down a flight of stairs and snapped their neck and was in horor you would feel it yeah I you feel it and you might feel them they their their experience might be recorded in a way where it has a little flashback and you just like hear someone saying Help like real softly and you're like what the [ __ ] is going on you turn the lights on no one's there [ __ ] [ __ ] all that man I I do agree though I and I and I and I know uh I um I've always believed in Gods and God and thing like and things like that you know cuz I grew up uh non- denominational my nanny always prayed you know and things like that but um what made me full on believe it and like spirits and and and knowing that it's here was I seen bad first and uh I was like well [ __ ] Y and yang you know yes and no on and off like if there's bad there got to be good and um after that that's when I've like been full on prayed up and like full on been trying to get better with the message you know cuz I want to be we got to be ready for that talk you know MH but yeah no it gets Wicked though definitely I think this other thing that makes me uncomfortable as I get older is I realize that the probably prob has to be evil in order for good to exist there's some weird with human beings there's some very weird balance very weird balance of Good and Evil and it's just like you don't appreciate Sunshine unless it rains you live in LA you're always used to the sun Sun's [ __ ] nobody gives a [ __ ] about that sun right but man if you live in Portland the day the day it's sunny out you're like oh yeah you're out in the park with a coffee oh this is beautiful feel that sun it feels so good y y you know I think we need a balance and unfortunately one of the things that creates more good is evil cuz someone has to combat that good and the or combat that evil and the way you combat that evil is become a better person become great become something special I like it I think that's real and it's like there's so much evidence of it if you look at human beings there's never been a time where there haven't been evil people ever no correct it's not like one Society where everybody figured it out and everybody was cool yeah correct and if they are last like a couple years and then it falls apart you know I I think uh what I do want to tell you this though before I forget the the Wolves you got out there have you ever seen the movie creep creep it's yeah it's it's it's it's a [ __ ] scary ass movie when was that movie from how long ago uh I don't know maybe like 2017 2016 maybe I I don't think I saw it yeah I would highly advise it yeah it reminds me of peach fuzz peach fuzz you just got to watch it I wouldn't even want to ruin it for you you know I don't know if you like movies or not but bro it's an amazing movie that wolf out there the that's the from the American Werewolf in London oh okay see yeah you ever see that movie no I haven't oh you got oh look at this thing yes Peach for holy [ __ ] oh that's hilarious bro please watch it oh so that guy's the villain so he's a bad guy with a wolf mask on he's not yeah I mean yeah but you just got to watch it okay he's throwed off man he drives around like that you got to watch it bro okay oh they're doing a creep 2 yeah they did they did creep they did 2014 creep 2 2017 there you go underrated horror movie so creep 2 is all right you know what I'm saying it's kind of like Greece like it should have just left it alone with the first one but yeah kind of like Rambo correct but it was a Rambo to there's like three or four rambos how many rambos have there been a lot I think there's even a new one coming out apparently the last one is hilarious really yeah my friend Joey Diaz saw the last one he said dude it's a comedy you got to watch this Sylvester Stallone is 80 years old he's killing everybody he's [ __ ] [ __ ] everybody up shooting everybody kills like 150 people apparently it's ridiculous you ever seen badass with machete badass yeah he's like a he's like the grandpa and he he got caught whooping these dudes on camera and he went viral for it then he becomes like a HomeTown hero and when was that movie damn 201 2012 I don't think I saw that either I I ain't going to lie I've seen a lot lot of movies but that's yeah that's what I was doing the watching my mama my mama had like so we had the TV and then there was a big ass uh entertainment center surrounding it and it was just filled with movies DVDs vhs's down here in the middle you know like I remember watching monkey bone on VHS oh wow that's an old one yeah monkey I I've been trying to shoot a video like that I like monkey bone whoopy Goldberg's in it and all that yeah land of the nightmares it's funny how Scarface became like like the gangster movie like the gangster movie like that was everybody knew all the words to the Scarface you know what I think is like the most gangsterous movie ever what Apocalypto oh that's a good one bro that's a good one hey my favorite part is when he when he when he escapes them and he GS back in his jungle and he's like this is my jungle and then they gu getting knocked off one by one that shit's Wicked man I like that sh a wicked movie man that's a wicked movie I like that one and that was back when Mel Gibson like everybody's like Mel Gibson's [ __ ] crazy really they thought of him like that yeah he got pulled over he was drunk and said a bunch of wild [ __ ] about Jews wow did the cops haded recording damn yeah and you know Mel Dam what's up I feel like I lately I've been hearing everybody talk [ __ ] about Jew it's popular these days it's popular these days yeah it's because of what's going on in Gaza oh yeah yeah it's the Palestinian Israeli conflict oh yes bro she hey I ain't going to lie I know she scared the [ __ ] out of him yeah this movie recently described as just like it's a Non-Stop Chase which it kind of is kind of is but it's [ __ ] good what is a Non-Stop Chase like the whole movie is a chase scene yeah oh yeah yeah sometimes it's just a scene in a movie but it's take the whole movie it was a brutal [ __ ] movie too yo you know what's good have you seen Shogun that series it's on FX no I can't get into series oh man yeah it's good this one's good wow this one's good wow this is on Japan in the 1600s and this these dudes are starving at Sea and their boat washes ashore in Japan they get captured and they kill a couple of them and this one dude I don't want to spoil it for you but it's just like showing you the reality it's very well done the reality of life in Japan in Osaka in 1600 it's a [ __ ] incredible incredible series it's so well done this is it right here yeah they did it inun oh I feel like I've seen like uh commercials of it yeah it's new it's it's still airing like I think they've only aired three episodes so far maybe four by now okay so you're into this how how did you feel about itman I didn't watch itman I mean I knew the history of Yip Man which is I think it's kind of based on who's uh Bruce Lee's Wing Chong instructor but I you know I don't get into those kind of movies that much yeah those kind of kung fu movies yeah cuz too too much in my analytical brain for fighting he like why you fighting like this just grab that dude kick his legs out from under him take him down strangle him this is stupid this is stupid why you guys standing here in front of each other doing this [ __ ] yeah I dig it I dig it it just looked cool my dad called it pretty uh pretty fighting yeah I can never get into kung fu movies a lot of my friends were into kung fu movies I'd go but I didn't get into them scary movies how you feel about scary movies love scary movies that's where I'm at like bro it's it's almost like like weed ain't enough no more I need meth you know what I'm saying like yeah like cuz like bro I was already watching scar movies with my mama like that was her favorite so like now I don't even want a scary movie I want something that's like disturbing well how would what is that one movie where that dude wears like a clown face and kills everybody and it's bro you got to watch creep that's why I'm trying to tell you creep is a good one but this one's like that too I I will watch creep for sure there's a some [ __ ] it's like real gruesome horrible [ __ ] o and a dude dresses like a clown they make a couple of them terrifier terrifier that's my that's my dad's favorite that's crazy like my dad wants him tatted on him his name's artart the clown your dad wants him tatted on him that's amazing pull a video pull a clip Up of terrifier this [ __ ] is legitimately terrifying too yes yes yes yes he just be smiling yeah look at it just you seen how he [ __ ] cut hom girl from the from the puss down yeah not ni really not a nice thing to do look at them it's funny how people disrespect him they think he's funny they think he's silly like look at you [ __ ] [ __ ] loser yeah that's really what it is yeah they always have to disrespect him first and then like get away you [ __ ] stupid clown you know then that 16-year-old fing comes back yeah they're just chopping him up look he's like oh you f to die makes Penny wise look like crusty yeah oh man caline police oh [ __ ] yeah it's a crazy movie Man Rob Zombie was a gnarly too I oh yeah I was a big fan of his work yeah he's a cool dude I got to meet him what yeah yeah I did a podcast with him back in the day sick how is he he's great great great believe it's so interesting that that guy got really into making horror movies too yeah you know and he does those same kind of movies like really Fu I feel like he had the best Halloween too yeah he had a really good Halloween for sure how many of those have there been uh too many there's been so many of those movies yeah I I feel like a lot of the scary movies now are a little lame just because they just make him complete [ __ ] studs it's more of like an action movie for the SC the scary killer like he just comes in and just [ __ ] [ __ ] [ __ ] up goes ape [ __ ] like bro I want to be scared you know I don't want to see him [ __ ] take on a whole Army yeah you know what I'm saying it's a action movie I prefer action movies a good one really yeah a good action movie One what's a good action movie well stupid good action movie it's good but it's not realistic is John Wick yeah that's a great one you need to watch avengement yeah avengement what's avengement it's about it's I like I I personally like I always say that he I ain't going to say he' whooped John Wick but he put John wicker fight really for sure have you seen sissu sissu no I haven't sissu is about a dude in World War II that's basically like a John Wick in World War II and the he kills like 100 Nazis by himself [ __ ] amazing it's amazing sounds sick it's a real good movie too it's real well done sissu sissu it's uh what is it um is it what what country Finnish I think so yeah I think you're right yeah no [ __ ] avengement I forgot what his name was but like he was a fighter like a and he and his brother was you know doing some gangster [ __ ] he ended up going down for his brother and [ __ ] yep right here ah he's in UK avengement the prison that he's in is so grind they call it the meat grinder yo I'm talking about just [ __ ] [ __ ] [ __ ] up bro Jesus hit him with a n pal he's like he's like yeah bro he was like he was like you just got to callous the mind and callous like bro he was like he's a badass look at him then that's when he escapes prison and he and he and you know what's my favorite part about him what his heart why he does everything that he does in this movie why is that you just got to watch it I always feel like I'm being conned when a movie does that where there's like a Hitman with a heart of gold I'm like shut the [ __ ] up just shut the [ __ ] up I know what you're doing [ __ ] I'm not 12 yeah of course yeah he definitely was doing to be a Savage but like you know you might as well end on some good [ __ ] yeah but you know like there's always like the guy who's the contract killer but you know he has rules the person has to be guilty they have you know he has like a whole thing yeah for sure you know that's like the gray man the outfit have you seen the outfit that's another good one my dad just put on that one it's like some like old school gangster time where they wear suits and [ __ ] mobster more I think that's more gangster than me like I've always been into the mobs more than like some gang bangers yeah for sure like it's just player to me movies yeah correct like The Godfather and all that even the Good Fellas and things like that it's just player to me you know what I'm saying well there's something about it that lifestyle is so appealing to some people that feel like their life is mundane and boring you know like that's why The Sopranos was so good yeah like Tony Soprano was a straight up murderer and he was the hero the straight up murderer for sure he killed Christopher Malto Santi in his [ __ ] Cadillac Escalade seat Jesus he just killed him right next to him he was a killer but you liked him yeah he was a liar a killer a thief who who were the two brothers the two brothers I think it was based on the true story too they were like from Germany or something what Eng England holy bro just from the actors in the movie they look like brutes they were brutes yeah I believe it bro England didn't play bro that's what I'm saying people think about England like fishing chips and [ __ ] tea Cheerio yeah n there's Hood everywhere bro I it [ __ ] me up when I saw there was Hood outside of Bay City cuz I thought Bay City was like the only Hood in the whole world the cratons were running [ __ ] look at those two bro is that are they from Liverpool what part of like it smacked the [ __ ] out of you yeah they'll [ __ ] stab you right in the dick where's my crumpet where are these guys from what what uh they look they look like like they just look like haggerston BRS yeah mostly in the East End of London from the N the late 50s until their arrest in 1968 damn so they ran [ __ ] for 18 years that's a good run yeah the movie's crazy too the movie apparently is not too they didn't take any yeah they didn't take any Liberties it's basically story I believe that's sick yeah again it's like it's weird we we like movies about bad people you know there's something about that strange yeah cuz I sakario I don't know I don't think I know that one oh you never saw sakario dude that's a great [ __ ] movie put me on show me that's bonio Del Toro man that's a great [ __ ] movie sakario is all about Mexican assassins wow yeah dude sakario Emily Blunt blenio Del Toro it's a good [ __ ] movie and Taylor Sheridan did it the guy who did Yellowstone he did you know Ryan Bingham mhm I [ __ ] met him at the rodeo he [ __ ] with me oh really oh that's everybody [ __ ] with you dude once they hear you yeah right right this is a this is a good [ __ ] movie man it's heavy n that [ __ ] looks gnarly yeah it's a heavy movie yeah did you see the last Purge it made me think of the last Purge I don't like those Purge movies no how come why because I get prepared I see Purge movies I start [ __ ] loading magazines I feel like I feel like we're close to it we could be close to it I didn't I never felt that until the George Floyd riots the George Floyd yeah the George Floyd riots got here's the thing about riots this is my feeling okay I support your right to protest but I'm not going to one of those you know why cuz I think protests are a lot like War I think there's a a mode inside the human brain let me explain to you you ever catch a fish you know when you catch a fish the moment that fish is on the line your whole body gets excited like oh [ __ ] oh [ __ ] that is an ancient thing that is in us because it used to be that was survival if you caught that fish your family was going to have food that's what that's why you get so excited W I think when people are on the ground marching and they're all together and they're all chanting that brings War it bring it excites that feel just way catching a fish excites that feeling I think it excites that feeling of war and when you like no more Trump no whatever the [ __ ] it is lives matter whatever it is you're looking for someone to say it doesn't matter you're looking for someone it's not just a protest you you are stimulating those thoughts of War you're marching on the ground with your fellow soldiers they even call each other comrades there's a lot of wild [ __ ] that's involved in protest that excite people in a very dangerous way yeah no yeah definitely I agree mob mentality that's what mob mentality is yeah the you know people always talk about mob mentality like if there's something happens it's a mob of people people will do wild [ __ ] that they will never do normally because that excites the war Gene there's a war Gene inside of us cuz every human being has survived War if you're alive today that means your genetics survive war that means somewhere down the line whether it's bows androw arrows or or rifles or whatever if you got to 2024 if your jeans got to 2024 for sure there's some war in those genes damn yeah what the [ __ ] yeah damn that's why I will not go to protest you see if there's a protest I'm getting the [ __ ] out of there yeah it's going to get Wicked cuz it could get Wicked it I never thought of how you said that though that's crazy I like that it's War it's Wars inside of us and your body knows when you go to war you have to switch gears you have to switch gears and that's where mob that's you beat someone to death with a rock in front of everybody you would never do that it was just you and that person there's something about that experience of being around a lot of people that are all being hostile and all excited together that just fires up parts of people and also you feel kind of like a badass cuz you're a part of a gang yeah I think it I think it's a comfort in knowing that there's a bunch of you like knowing you like you can't lose which is also like War yeah yeah damn [ __ ] [ __ ] dude I just want to love yeah well that's a better way to live for sure but you also have a lot now you know that's the thing once you have a lot you're like you know what I just want to love but when you don't have a lot and you're like all these [ __ ] have a lot [ __ ] it's hard it's hard to be comfortable I do definitely agree cuz like I feel like it was harder to be like I feel like then like before I was you know chilling and blessed man bro like my anger was so horrible like I remember I'd get done being angry and when I was would be done like I'd be like all I just want to sleep like don't even talk yeah like [ __ ] like I just want to sleep I would feel like I got jumped like I just strained my body you know what I'm saying just being angry and for no reason [ __ ] for like bro for the simplest [ __ ] Bro anything like the wind blew the wrong way and I'd be like [ __ ] you know what I'm saying like I don't know what it was it's p it's probably pent up childhood [ __ ] it defin I feel like it definitely was but you know like you said you know it's it's easier to to love when you have a lot of it yeah when things are going great for you it's easier to love it's easier to also recognize you want to kind of like you've experienced bad and now you're experiencing all this good and you want to kind of keep that rolling yeah correct it makes you want to do good you know or at least me personally cuz I know you do you know cuz Energy's real you know I don't want to say karma or nothing but like man you know you be a ho ass [ __ ] some ho ass [ __ ] is eventually going to catch up to you you know I'm saying that's a great way to put it right yeah someone you put that on a t-shirt right I'm telling you bro but you know you do good you know like man I like bro relationships is everything too you know what I'm saying cuz like just cuz I don't know how to do it man homeboy right here I'm going to make him my best friend he going to do it for me right you know yeah relationships are very very important people that don't have friends are lost lost the idea that you could be like the only one person having fun that's not real you can't have fun unless your friends are having fun if you if you're doing great in your life and all your friends are suicidal and depressed that's not a good time man yeah and you go to dinner and if you're good with it and like they still press and [ __ ] like you're throw off you know what I'm saying yeah like my boy is like man I've never ever ever flew first class ever and uh my boy boomhower I started bringing him with me and I I [ __ ] started booking first class cuz like I want him to experience that [ __ ] you know like man I just I making what make me happy is seeing my people happy and knowing I did it you know what I'm saying like we be out there chilling and [ __ ] like that and I'll do all this and I'll cater everybody and then finally I just sit back like my joint up and I just look and I just I see my partner over there laughing I see cuz right here with some drinks and he laughing you know what I'm saying and we just chilling I'm like damn I did that yeah that's a good experience I did that problem rappers have I do I do [ __ ] for people that I know would never do [ __ ] for me but I do it cuz like man that just who I am it feels good to do that yeah that's that's a great sign of your character that you experience that while you're having success that you want to do good for other people and make other people feel good that's a great it make me feel good yeah that's well you're a wise man that's a great sign of your character that that's that's cuz a lot of people when they start doing good they start going I'm the [ __ ] man yeah I'm the [ __ ] man now you started off as a nobody homeboy yeah you know what I'm saying everybody's a nobody you know what I'm saying you just you just happen to be good at that you know what I'm saying I just happen to be good at rapping you know what I'm saying this [ __ ] don't make my dick bigger you know what I'm saying real life imagine if it did I I would yeah that'd be bad though you know I'm saying n would have the biggest dick on Earth rewind rewind cuz it's hard telling the story it's hard telling the story and rhyen right it's hard telling the story rhyming and telling the story backwards it's a master class get the [ __ ] out of here master class I was just listening to rewind yesterday and I was thinking that exact same thing like how good is that how good is that smoke goes back in the blunt yeah goes back in the gun it's it's an amazing rap don't please yeah and it's so so good it's so well written it makes sense it feels it feels you know it flows you know what I'm saying he's the best writer he's he's the best writer he's the best writer he's like his lyrics are so goddamn good he's the goat but you know who's super underrated and people don't give him his props is Willie D from the Ghetto Boys wi and he was knocking [ __ ] out knocking [ __ ] out he's a legit boxer Willie D is a real boxer he showed me video one of his fights and we were watching on his phone I was like dude I'm like this is good like you got skills like if you told me this was like a middleweight Contender who's coming up I'd be like oh that guy's good he's good Willie can knock people the [ __ ] out yeah but Willie wrote uh [ __ ] a war in 45 minutes you ever heard [ __ ] a war all right listen sorry YouTube we're gonna have to edit we I need to play this for him let's do it we YouTube We we'll cut this out can we cut this out and we'll come back we'll come back for for the Spotify people you could whatever we'll figure out but we'll cut this out listen to this yeah I agree though yeah wiie Willie I agree with that too but Willie tells stories like there's a lot going on in his in his writing yeah that's what I love about 9s hip-hop like the lyrics of '90s hip-hop saying [ __ ] oh yeah man this I I grew up on '90s hip-hop I grew up like when I was when I lived in New York all I did was play pool play pool and do comedy okay and when I was playing pool that was was the '90s hip-hop era people were listening to cool G Rap and DJ Polo you know it was like it was a different time man I think to me m was the best M and Big L when it came to those story tellers people forgot about Big L man bro big big L is one of the reasons why I'm an animal today really a mein with no green card showed me who Big L was really yeah my P of firman wow I found out about Big L because I was a Gangstar fan and so in the beginning of full clip it says Big L rest in peace and it goes into that I was like who's Big L oh and that's when yeah loophole from found out Big L Big L had been murdered like oh [ __ ] yep I think I was like in the seventh grade when I found out about him eighth grade yeah there's a so many hip-hop artist but cool G Rap is one that I bring up all the time because people forgot about him uh Tech 9 too Tech 9 Tech9 is I remember I was jaming Tech 9 yellow wolf and all these dudes like I was jamming Worldwide Choppers and people be like turn this [ __ ] off like wow what the [ __ ] I'd be like [ __ ] y'all are tripping you know what I'm saying like but their minds wasn't there you know what I'm saying they was they was like on that I think Mumble rappers barely coming out the [ __ ] you know what I'm saying like the the drugg up SoundCloud rappers was here so like oh that [ __ ] was out the window to them well people forgot about some of the great Mexican hip-hop too like Kid Frost Kid Frost was cool yeah I don't know if you know Lil Bing and big flake no I don't yeah those those are some Texas Mexicans that was like really the [ __ ] and my uncles too my uncles was like they was SPM to me and they was hard so like even just having my uncles them being my Ming mentors you know what I'm saying like they was ripping [ __ ] real life nice ripping [ __ ] up that's like if you wanted to develop a rapper like you kind of was story for it was like you you got your PhD in the streets bro that's what I'm saying even my dad like he put me through Gladiator school with that [ __ ] you know what I'm saying like I remember being like that I don't want to cuz everybody was trying to be a rapper dad I don't want to be a rapper no more he' be like shut the [ __ ] up get on this beat for real you know what I'm saying like he and he would he would have me rap not because he wanted me to be better not cuz like he wanted me to push to push me like it was his he was being selfish yeah it was his entertainment uh yeah but also he probably knew that that's the only way to really develop a man correctly correct but I don't think that was on his mind no I think his he was like you talked to him about this he was I mean I hear him talk about it oh okay you know what I'm saying and I he would just be [ __ ] up like like get down here I want to hear you yeah you know cuz he been hearing me since forever right since since I was rapping through a window well there is a lot of that with uh parents of athletes you know like that they couldn't make it in the sport but then they're like like super involved parents and they forced their kid to train and go to camps and all nobody nobody in my family did music no one no one really so it's just your dad just loved it and he wanted you to do it my mama loved it you know what I'm saying and uh and then my dad was just a fan of it wow you know what that's [ __ ] dope having your dad be a fan of your [ __ ] yeah that that that's also another thing that I was super grateful for cuz there was a lot of kids that I was growing up with and they were like their parents like drilled them to be something else you know exactly what you were saying and like man [ __ ] all that even even my even my stepmom like she wanted me to go bro I I took the ASVAB like five times and failed every time I even cheated and still failed you know what I'm saying real life I got the I got the as for dummies RI those out of the [ __ ] page put them in my pants went in there trying to look for answer still fell like it just wasn't for me and my my my grandpa skip he was like Virgil he was like it he said do what the [ __ ] Virgil wants to do he said but whatever it is just make sure you [ __ ] do it so if you want to be a rapper you can be a rapper but make sure you [ __ ] do it and he's like now he's like you know what I'm saying you're going to have to have a job you're going to want a phone now you got a phone bill you're going to want a car to move around to go to these shows you're going to have the [ __ ] C know and all this ex [ __ ] and he just you know just giving me game on it and he his his story like his main thing to get to me was just do it though you know [ __ ] do it just do it do whatever you want to do just do it but that's a big thing in life it's just doing things so many people hard part is showing up yes always still to this day correct to this day the hardest part going to the gym is actually deciding you're going to go getting in there and and then once you get going it's pretty easy [ __ ] I'm here yeah yeah even when it's hard it's like I know what I'm doing done this forever and you get accustomed to doing it and then if your if like that's where your dad like really served you well cuz he made you do it even if it was for his entertainment damn you got something out of that think about all those reps you put in all those times you were rapping from the time you were a little kid all those reps just constant reps musle memory at this point exactly it's part of you it's like you can wake you up 3:00 in the morning and say start rapping fire right up correct yeah it becomes a part of you and that that only happens through repetition you got to get those reps in yeah correct there's no other way around there's no shortcuts there's no easy Road when you meet a dude and he's a bad [ __ ] and he's 24 or 25 and you go how long you been doing this I was a little kid yeah like it's that's what that's what I try to tell people like like I try to compare like there's some people like as soon as they were walking they were in karate right as soon as I was talking I was rapping yeah like music is what taught me not it didn't teach me how to English and how to talk but it taught me like how to put [ __ ] together really you know what I'm saying right does that make sense it does make sense because you're formulating raps you're not just talking to your friends you're formulating [ __ ] that's going to be entertaining so it's exciting that creative part of your mind and again you're developing that way yes and you're developing that way with the internet corre so you have the influence of all these rappers you could get anybody who ever lived you can listen listen to 100 miles in running you can listen to Eminem [ __ ] you can listen to Snoop Dog [ __ ] you can listen to anything anytime you want it's a magical time for someone to be inspired and influenced correct I agree damn that's that's beautiful especially MTV music videos I don't know if you remember that I remember those so my nanny she would working she was working at the plant so like 3 4:00 in the morning we're up she's taking me to the babysit is I'm um putting MTV on cuz I want to watch some [ __ ] music videos start playing you know I remember watching the The Black Keys and and they had that tighten up yes and I remember being a kid watching that like I want to do music like that bro those guys are the coolest bro I've never met them but they how long are you here for uh I got to be in South Padre tomorrow and then um and then Cal California for Rolling loud I'll be back on the 18th tomorrow I'm going to see The Black Keys at stubs in town yeah are you [ __ ] me yeah bro I took them to the club Tuesday night they came they did the podcast we hung out I got a little too high was I was barbecued but it was just a little I just love them so much they're so cool and Patrick is hilarious that dude is funny like a comedian yeah he's funny I told him I go I don't want to [ __ ] up your life man but you could do comedy like 100 cuz there's dudes you meet like that could do like I used to work for this dude who's a private investigator I I feel like being funny though in a comedian is different it's only a little different it's next door neighbors you just got to figure out how to go over yeah but it's not it's but it's a skill you learn how to do it it's it's going to take time but you can do it I believe it it's like podcast I tell everyone if you an interesting person to talk to you could you could have a podcast corre but you got to learn how to do it great you got to learn how to not interrupt people you got to learn how to like bring the most out of them you got to learn the flow of the conversation it seems like it's just talking cuz it is just talking but it's an art form being funny if you're funny with your friends you can do it you just have to figure out how to do it yeah I and and I yeah I I definitely agree but like to me I feel like it would be hard just cuz like my mind's already so everywhere yeah you know like I suck at focusing I yeah yeah but you focus when you rap oh that's it but that's it but that's all you need a thing that you know you could do that now yeah bro you as good as you are you could do anything you wanted you could do anything if you decided to stop rapping and you got super excited about making cars you'd make the dopest cars you it's just the thing that a person it's mamoto Musashi who's a samurai in the 1400s he wrote this book called The Book of five rings and it's about strategy Motu Masashi killed 60 men in one-on-one combat Jes was like one a legendary Samurai I have a tattooed to my arm my whole right sleeve is mamoto mhi that's it cuz he said this one thing and I read this when I was like 16 years old once you know the way broadly you can see it in all things once once you know the way broadly you can see it in all things once you become a master at something you can see what it takes to be a master in all things oh okay that's one of the reasons why I enjoy music so much this guy have no musical ability at all have nothing have no Talent so I I've never tried so I see people do music I'm like they just making magic look at this magic experience this dude's up there just singing and dancing and playing music and my whole body's excited it's like I'm on a drug I'm like wow is amazing it's magic I love it it's it's it's there something about it man it's like when see you see people at the top of their game with anything it's so exciting yeah not correct that's what it is and you the way you do that with rap bro you would just have to have a thing that you love the way you love rapping if there was a thing that came along and you love that thing as much as you what is painting whatever the [ __ ] it is dominate you would dominate you dominate I agree yeah cuz you would have the same focus and energy that you have with with your music that you would have with that yeah that that's why I'm grateful for the music man cuz like you know I just that other [ __ ] I feel like I just always sucked at like I have zero patience I hate I suck at talking to people I don't want to talk to a lot of people you know what I'm saying [ __ ] but you're good talking right now yeah cuz I want to talk to you yeah but that's what it is that's what it's all well that's the secret to this podcast I only talk to people I want to talk to correct so I just re like I reached out to you I was like this dude seems cool as [ __ ] I want to talk to him I thank you but that's how I do the show I just only find people like what the Black Keys I can't wait to talk to them yeah I would talk to them at a diner you know I talk to them anywhere we go to the park and talk okay I want to talk to you you know I love talking to interesting people cuz I think it it changes the way you see the world you see the world through their eyes like I feel like you get a little something out of a person every time you sit and talk to them you ever met somebody and you were like man you throw it off but I almost get it yeah a lot of people like that comedians man comedians almost all of them are off in some way to want to be standing on stage and make people laugh tell stories and yeah that's hard to do man no yeah bro definitely like I said want to do that and then being able to go from a story to another one and then bring it right back in where you you know what I'm saying like yeah you're a bad [ __ ] bro it takes a lot of work but it's like just like rap or like anything else it's just time and Reps and and and your you're like trying to make it better corre like looking at it all the time [ __ ] with it twisting it around changing it adding to it taking away editing it you know it's but that's a thing like all things like all things and you really put your mind and your soul to it all things just you find where the the best version of it is what genre of music was like the first thing you heard and you were like this is the music I want to listen to man I was real lucky that uh cuz you [ __ ] me up with the Ghetto Boys oh I love Ghetto Boys man I love Ghetto Boys Like I said I love 90s rap I love a lot of East Coast 99s rap like I said cool Jeep rap you ever heard you know there's do you know who the Brand New Heavies are no the Brand New Heavies are they're like a jazz group that did collaborations with like Gangstar they did a c they did a thing called The Heavy rhyme experience so it was this one CD they put out in the 90s and they did like jazz music but they had like play death threat by cool G Rap one more this is the last one I promise sorry YouTube we're going to have to snip snip snip this out Prett a fan of you know all that type of [ __ ] you were just saying that you think rap came from Jazz yeah hell yeah I I think rap came from Jazz I mean listen to it you know what I'm saying it's got like a Groove it's got that bounce yeah you know it's got that that kick in there but I think they made those those sounds specifically so people could rap over it you know with live music but a friend of mine The Roots holy [ __ ] the roots Roots had some [ __ ] great chances can't wait you know what and and this I feel like this is a perfect uh podcast to say it on I can't wait until rock it comes back cuz like I feel like rock is slowly dying bro and like I wanted to stay alive forever like I can't wait till a good rock band come back out and they feel like a three-day Grace or like a cross fade they feel like a you know something like that don't I think there's just cycles of things I think if one killer band comes out now a bunch will emerge you know yeah cuz they made it cool again yeah but not but not because like they they haven't been found like they're out right now probably we just don't know who they are yes yeah there's another me coming around somewhere probably it definitely is definitely yeah yeah you know you just you got to find bro they like prisons prisons are filled up with some badass [ __ ] bro of course you know what I'm saying i' I've met a lot of I've seen a lot of people in like bro they master that [ __ ] you know like you said like they're with it every day twisting it pulling it figuring out adding [ __ ] taking it out no distractions you know like bro I there's [ __ ] in there making [ __ ] tattoo guns with nothing yeah doing amazing tattoos come on bro bro you've seen some I'm sure you've seen some some prison tattoos are insanely good yeah a lot of my dad's a prison he a crazy some some dudes inside are so talented and because they have to be so ingenious to take like pens and you know and figure out how single needle at that yep a spring to a pin mhm [ __ ] toothbrush and a motor from something batteries yeah like fckc toothbrush I'm trying to tell you bro there some bad [ __ ] in there BR I all right so my P my my theoy he had me and my cousin Romeo in bars when we were like 5 years old in Mexico and uh like little border towns mamoto and things like that and um Laro Eagle Pass and um I remember there was this this Mexican and he was from Mexico and he was SL I don't know if he was slow or simple minded or what there was something off about him and and he couldn't do a lot but there's one thing he could do and it was this old school boom box radio the speakers all the keys you know like the square one old school ones and [ __ ] he would bust that [ __ ] down to Springs and screws and [ __ ] put it back together well bro like bust that [ __ ] down to like Springs bro like I don't even know like just like whatever like to the smallest piece and then put that [ __ ] back together [ __ ] was sick yeah there's mechanics out there yeah some people are just some people they even if they don't know how to do anything else like that right there that's what he knows they get obsessed with it they get obsessed with part numbers and [ __ ] yeah it's crazy they know where the gaskets go uh that OCD stuff like I've seen somebody open a door and they'll open and shut it open and shut it open and shut it and then walk through yeah is that some form of throw off yeah that's throw off definitely for sure yeah 100% they wash their hands like 15 times in a row they can't stop some people have to touch a door three times before they go through it yeah I feel like I feel like I have to do this but I've done this as a kid though especially now touching your fingers no like like doing that with your nails yeah I don't know why it's just a tick that's just a thing you like to do OCD is a disease that's a mental health disease yeah I know people have had it they made something called Snapchat syndrome did you see that what's that that's [ __ ] stupid that's in the dictionary now so the people like they're going to get surgery to look like these filters oh you know what I'm saying like that's crazy bro you're really only supposed to like God made you to give a [ __ ] about what your family thanks and you're me like your cousin your brother your grandma your Thea even once like it's your third cousin [ __ ] them Snapchat dysmorphia a body image disorder characterized by the need to heavily edit one's own digital image at its most severe the disorder may cause people to seek out cosmetic procedures in order to replicate the altered images they present online that's ill that's ill bro that's sick as [ __ ] well that's that is one thing that's happening with social media it's it's twisting people's ideas of what's real yeah bro no and I don't I know about y'all but like to me like there's such thing as too much but like the women from 2003 you know what I'm saying like when per who was it Paris H that made it [ __ ] cute to wear the the jeans like below her waist those type of women like Jennifer Hy oh my God like that oh my God bro yeah that's your one holy [ __ ] i' still get her pregnant to this day yeah it might be hard she's like 50 yeah bro but I mean probably no eggs left she's a bad [ __ ] I bet she got a few in there for for real for real that's a bad [ __ ] right there imagine if like 4 months later we hear you got her pregnant she reaches out we're going to hope we're going to wish for the best she loves your music she wants to meet up never had a Mexican she's just bored with life and dating these Dopey white dudes dude just decides to step up [ __ ] man I mean [ __ ] you know real Mexican rapper there's her bro that's what I'm saying like bro damn why why you picking one with the dudes well yeah why did you she's naked but then there other naked well how about that one right there where she's the boobs the the blue the blue one that's a good one too how about that blue on the far right right next to that yeah look at that that's not real oh that's not real that's why I that damn looks good though yeah that's new that's more recent I was trying to go with the '90s she looked good even with ag oh that's friends that's like that's her that's Prime that's like [ __ ] [ __ ] you crazy [ __ ] sick yeah a lot of dudes fell in love with her on TV [ __ ] dude it's easy like man look at her bro it's got to be a weird world walking around where everybody wants to [ __ ] you maybe maybe definitely think so 100% yeah maybe imagine just being a regular hot woman yeah everywhere you go people are bullshitting you yeah you know what I agree bro cuz I there was a few days ago I was at a show and these girls like ah they were whistling I feel like one smacked me in my ass when I was like imagine like a group of girls like leaning against the wall like this all thugged out and [ __ ] and I just walked past and they're all harassing me I'm like oh my God this what girls feel like like makes me never want to do it again [ __ ] yeah it's even worse like I've been hit on by guys I used to work out at a gay gym there was a gym on Cole Street yeah when I when I did news radio the SI why the gay gym because it was I didn't know it was gay it was just a Gold's Gym but it was all gay clientele cuz it was a gay neighborhood wow so uh it was close to the studio so I could go during my lunch break I get away Bros no no no no no they weren't like hey they were like hey what's up they were like that hard hard gay dudes with [ __ ] Timberlands on and mustaches and they were all like spotting each other and they all wore the shortest of shorts it was wild pink tank tops these dudes were men it was like a gay disco you ever seen b gay disco bro I'm not kidding man it was like a gay like I was one of maybe three or four straight men in that whole building what the [ __ ] am I doing the women the women were like they were like a mirage they would walk through nobody would even notice them wow the women they must have loved it the women just work out there and get no attention but I dudes would try to spot you for no reason you a spot bro like just daggle their nuts over your head like hey man I'm good good get out of here you ever seen Balls of Fury Balls of Fury it's a it's a pingpong movie no [ __ ] please bro what is Balls of Fury they were [ __ ] sex slaves and he was like uh yeah uh nah he was like I shouldn't he was like you know what I'll do it [ __ ] it and they were like bet well you know here come the sex ladies and it's like 6' five dude swoe as [ __ ] I imagine exactly what you're saying right now they just walking in look at this [ __ ] hold on uh yeah it's homeboy the B oh Christopher Walkin yeah that's how he talks that guy's great Christopher walk is great and everything it's a pingpong movie George lope Lopez in it oh [ __ ] what what year was this like 07 yeah oh wow [ __ ] ping pong movie that's hilarious Pat Oswalt oh this is hilarious n you definitely have to watch it I feel like they don't make movies like this no more man oh bro she's another one when I saw her I was like man it's hard to make a comedy now because everyone's scared to offend anybody yeah everybody lives in their [ __ ] emotions like bro who gives a [ __ ] no y v it only Burns for a little bit man you know what I'm saying well with comedy they're just worried about getting Pro South Park is still a thing that's all out the window but South Park has got the ultimate cheat code what it's a cartoon and they don't look at allik people and you could have them doing wild [ __ ] you could have them die you could like oh they killed Kenny you bastards you could you could have people stuff people up their asses remember when that teacher stuffed Paris Hilton up his ass no but I remember when he put the jaro in his ass you remember that one I put everything in his ass dude South Park is the ultimate show they had Jesus and Hitler [ __ ] yeah they did holy [ __ ] yeah bro n he stuff he stuffs in a ho off he stuffed Paris Hilton up his ass to win the ho off holy [ __ ] keered her up right up to the shoes Jesus yeah what would you what would you do if you came in here and and you seen [ __ ] like this tall ass [ __ ] and you just see his feet hanging out dangling from the ass I would be very confused uh yeah I would help him for sure I would have to would you fight him and then didn't pull him out or would you try I would shoot him Sho you shoot him you're not the guy can stuff a man up his ass you have to shoot that guy you have to shoot him in the head otherwise you're going to hurt your friend cuz your friend Stu in his body c yeah imagine if I shot him in the chest and I killed Jamie no Jamie no you have to shoot him in the head he kill K Jamie and then you'd have to get people to help you and you have to put your feet on his ass oh [ __ ] are you doing the mouth to mouth on me afterwards I think I'm going to have to I love you I love you you're my friend I'm not going to let you die dude my dad was like two elbows beeping a cow one time trying to help it get birth wow yeah that's what I thought of when you said that yeah when they get in there man they get in there they're pulling babies out and [ __ ] it's a rough world but that's how people lived forever yeah I know I had a buddy he was like 14 years old and he was already for a living neuter in Bulls Jesus yeah I was like you're a bad [ __ ] yo Jes he was showing me video snipping the balls and spraying it with some purple spray he's like I'm like bro that [ __ ] he going to [ __ ] you up how do they do that are the Bulls contained in a like a p yeah it's like it's it's like in a little pen like a like right like those pens right before they jump out when that bull riding like that and then the balls are hanging out there and they just reach in and grab them mhm cut them bad boys and then they eat them Rocky Mountain Oysters do they oh have you ever had them yeah they good had them it's not something I would order was is it fat yeah it's like a mushy meat yeah it's a meat it's like a organ meat you know like do you eat organs I don't think think so I eat liver I eat a lot of liver I think I've had liver I had liver for breakfast really yeah had elk liver for breakfast I saw that elky knock down out there that was sick yeah that's what I mostly eat but no [ __ ] yeah no [ __ ] yeah it's really good for you and it's wild protein you don't have to worry about any hormones or [ __ ] but it's expensive right I yeah no I go Get It Sick yeah I go out there in the in the mountains and get it that's one thing cuz I hunt I'll have I'll take you oh you're in tases I'll bring you back over there where I'm at we we'll be in a helicopter shooting pigs you know what I'm saying yeah I've been invited to do that but my problem with that is that I don't think they eat those pigs I we just leave them there yeah is that a problem with you no it's not a problem cuz it has to be done yes it does have to be done you can't do that to deers though you can't you can't do that to anything else they do it in other countries no that's [ __ ] they do it in uh Australia and in New Zealand because they get overpopulated and so they start gunning them down helicopters yeah see I I got like a fat ass AR you know what I'm saying that I blow the [ __ ] down but bro seeing you and watching you what you do I've wanted to get on a bow now yeah for the longest but you got to be a bad [ __ ] though bro it's a lot of discipline like I when I when I think of the bow and arrow and I see you hit that hell you look like a [ __ ] Viking bro [ __ ] looks badass well I've been doing it a long time you know I've been doing archery for 12 years now no [ __ ] yeah and I do you know I've got a little bit of injury right now I've got a little bit of a tendonitis in my neck with like flar up when I'm at full draw so I've been I haven't shot at all for a month so for one month I've just been like walking around my house going like this cuz usually it's a part of like every day every day I get in front of that Target and shoot at least 100 arrows damn that's sick it has to be a part of your muscle memory yeah to in order to be able to do it when you're under pressure when you're hunting you have to have ultimate confidence in in your ability and even then there like so much wild [ __ ] happening animals moving they're screaming at each other you ever heard scream no but I is [Music] [Applause] crazy and you're when you're in the the mountains and you hear that it sounds like like a a mythical creature it doesn't even sound like a real animal damn when they come sometimes you're on a trail and you're hiding wow yeah and when it's like right up next to you like there's times where you're like in the woods hiding you're hiding behind a tree and these [ __ ] are walking through the trail so he's doing this 30 ft from you 40 ft from you yeah and you're trying to find when you can pull your bow back like you you hear him walking but you don't want him to see you so you're like you got to stay totally still and wait till he turns his head away and then you're at full draw and then screaming yeah that's another thing like you got to have patience Just Fishing I know you got to have patience with that [ __ ] yeah you have to patience you have to be fit cuz I be yeah that's another thing go to the mountains and you have to be to hike 8 Miles 10 miles in a day even think of that [ __ ] all that it's hard you have to eat a lot of food you have to drink a lot of water and electrolytes so you got to be ready you can get dehydrated out there easy yeah I believe it def worn the [ __ ] out and and then you're I'm sure you're you're going somewhere higher you know what I'm saying now you got less oxygen and all that [ __ ] oh we're at like 8,000 ft most of the time yeah [ __ ] that dude well the elk they they they don't want to be around you they want to hide up in the place where it's tough to get makes sense what about a ram I've always to catch around I've never done that but uh they're beautiful yeah I just honestly bro I don't even think I would to catch one like I feel like i' I've always thought Rams were like my spirit animal really Rams yeah they just mind their business to stay the [ __ ] out of the way you know what I'm saying they go and do what they got to do bring it back and like bro like they just look handsome and they headbutt each other that's what I'm saying but you know bust rounds of course right yeah sure the breaking neck music video when he [ __ ] head but of the ram I met bust when I [ __ ] met him I brought that up and he went into full on character mode that's amazing yeah n [ __ ] shout out Buster cuz like I met some people and I was like you know that I was fans of and I'm like a [ __ ] you ain't [ __ ] ho you know really yeah hell yeah oh that sucks yeah yeah that's a bummer yeah yeah yeah and that's that's also another thing I'm grateful that you're you you know what I'm saying cuz I'm enjoying this there's some people like I said I met I'm like man you're a ho ass [ __ ] bro that sucks yeah but you know what I'm saying like bust when I met bust I was like damn like he's the hero I thought he was oh that's cool yeah yeah yeah it's nice when you meet somebody they live up to your expect it is a bummer when they don't yeah I like I hope Adam Sandler is who I think he is oh he is yeah I know him well I love ad he's great you know why I love Adam why cuz he put all his boys on and those [ __ ] ran with that [ __ ] yeah that's true bro and he funny you know what I'm saying like bro he got Happy Gilmore he got [ __ ] bro he got some [ __ ] the The Longest Yard when he redid that one like bro he got some [ __ ] uh [ __ ] the Zohan Don't Mess with the Zohan remember when he with the hummus caught the fish with his ass bro the Zohan a great movie bro yes a great and you couldn't make that movie today he [ __ ] everybody remember when he was a hairdresser he was [ __ ] all those ladies holy [ __ ] the old ladies he [ __ ] all those old ladies they all come to him got their hair done and came out all [ __ ] up that movie was amazing it was man home girl that he that he was falling in love with too that's another one I put her next to Jennifer oh yeah she's hot as [ __ ] yeah he he's uh exactly who you would hope he'd be that's beautiful he's cool as [ __ ] to hang out with happy real chill down to earth does he smoke I don't think so man I know crazy right he's got a total Stoner sense of humor right and I've always been a fan of will phoh too and I've always told myself like if there's anybody smoke with it'd be will phoh or Adam yeah and uh I met will farell once too I did an audition with him yeah he was very cool real friendly yeah nice it was before he was will frell you know it was like this is the '90s oh so now he's like both nothing no I don't think so no no I I don't think so no indication he seems like Ace guy yeah he but he was a very nice guy then real friendly I was like that's will phell I think he was still on Sat live at the time yeah you remember In Living Color oh yeah Jim car was on that [ __ ] Bro oh man that forgot how good that's that's another thing you couldn't make today yeah the Boondock is another one I love The Boondock Boondock is great man yeah I met sway when I met sway I was like bro you were on [ __ ] Boondocks yeah yeah yeah I forgot about Boondocks that was my [ __ ] bro yeah I used to I used to Freestyle over that beat all the time as a kid the inro the in the instrumental and the outro oh wow yep yep yep I was big on that [ __ ] who what were the first like people that you worked with where they started like making beats for you uh my boy TB Robbie he my Ming out there in San Antonio he definitely still is like one of my in-house producers I I love um I love still working with him I haven't used a beat Oh no I got a Beat from a few days ago the music video I drop tomorrow as his beat but lately I've been [ __ ] with bankr got it it's two white boys out in California and those two white boys are my pocket yeah they my pocket for sure when you do that how what is the process like do you have the lyrics in your head and written down and then you have a beat and you go I hear the beat first you hear the beat first yeah I don't ever really like to write the lyrics first I like hearing the beat first really yeah and then I just catch it from there so like it very very rare have like lyrics and then a beat you know what I'm saying like I have to have something heavy on my mind you know other than that man I'm jamming the beach first so did they bring you beats and you know you say hey you know what do you got for me and then I just I just text them yeah I just text them send me beats and they'll send me like a [ __ ] fat ass fuckload really yeah and I know they're good bro cuz I'm picky with Beats like I've had people send me a beat pack of like 50 and I left with one or two bank bro they'll send me like 10 and I'll leave with eight and so what is your process for listening to them you do it by yourself do you sit there just alone like how do you do it it's always different like sometimes I'm by myself sometimes you know what I'm saying my boys are with me I like being in my truck when I write sometimes you know cuz I just be smoking hot boxing in my truck just catching that Vibe you know what I'm saying if you got a good sound system in your car yeah I do there's something about driving and listening to music that makes it even more fun cuz you're you're heightened cuz you're driving so you got to pay attention everything your brain is kind of fired up and that music comes on you're yeah exactly cuz you're in a box of it you know like it has nowhere else to go you know I think that's what it is I was telling the Black Keys when I when I would go to The Comedy Store one of my favorite things please tell them that M no is like an enormous fan I 100% well I'm going see him tonight or see him tomorrow night um I listen to Sinister kid Sinister kid was like the song that I would listen to when I get on the highway yeah cuz it's just like woo like I'm living in La I'm driving to The Comedy Store let's [ __ ] go that song was N I dig it it's just when you got a good sound system here it is yeah dog they just got it God damn all right we probably get a copyright for that probably cut it out just cut it out all right we cut that out but that Sinister kid that [ __ ] song rules man their [ __ ] is just all authentic like they have a new album coming out in April holy [ __ ] is it good wow I got a early copy of it they let me listen to it [ __ ] man dude I'd love to send you this new [ __ ] I've been working on I want like I said I want to name it recess I like it yeah I why recess cuz like bro like man this is recess to me I go out there and just just be a kid you know what I'm saying I think that's why it's still so fun yeah well if you can keep it fun that's the key to life yeah correct that is the key to life my my dad always cuz my dad's a trainer he's been a trainer his whole life I ain't going to lie like he knows a lot but there's one thing that [ __ ] knows he know know the human body and [Music] um I lost it where was I going your dad was a trainer oh yeah yeah my fault my fault I had a r curse flashback right there yeah he he would always tell people like man like working out ain't even working out like you stop working out one day when you just stop going to recess you know what I'm saying right and uh I think that's another reason why I really like the the word recess for the project cuz like my dad even preached that [ __ ] like just be a kid like it's all working out is at the at the playground having fun you know they found out that that's the best way people learn things is working out is playing oh playing yeah I I completely agree yeah yeah that's it's a pure moment like you're just having fun you know mhm I was I was watching this video where this uh this guy was breaking down martial arts development and uh learning how to strike and he was like the most important thing is to keep it playful and if you can keep it playful you'll develop skills much quicker than if you're tense like if you if it's like scary and work and everything like that is harder to develop those really finely honed skills corre and the best way to develop them is to learn how to play correct so like the the the Gracies the Jiu-Jitsu guys they were always that was their thing they would always say keep it playful keep it playful when you roll don't T up don't try to kill each other just keep it playful keep it playful and then you'll develop skills and if you have to do it quickly you'll know how to do it like if you really are in a real struggle a real fight you'll know how to do it but you don't have to do that every day keep it playful learn the moves learn the positions just get it in your head that it's fun and there's a mindset a play mindset when you're really enjoying it where you get better at things m i my dad had a buddy he was a a jiujitsu artist or fighter I don't know if you'd call it artist martial artist yeah and um bro seeing him he was a white boy and seeing him like do the way I seen him do these dudes up like man that shit's humbling like like that's some bad [ __ ] like there's levels of this [ __ ] is what I'm saying you know what I'm saying like I the way cuz like it's it's different when you of course like it's easy to have control not easy but like some people make it look easy having control of their own body but to be able to have control of somebody else's body too you know what I'm saying it's like damn bro I've seen this [ __ ] ragd Doll People yo yeah yeah and and like he just like he'll move him with his leg like he'll grab him by the like their shirt right here and move him with his right leg and like [ __ ] it's just crazy bro yeah yeah no I like that [ __ ] though man yeah learning how to manipulate a human body is a very underrated skill yeah yeah it's a good thing to know yeah for sure it's a scary thing to know once you know how to do it it's scary when you experience it on you and you don't know how to do it that that was a wakeup call for me when I first started doing Jiu-Jitsu I thought I thought I knew how to fight got oh my God I got [ __ ] up I got [ __ ] up over and over and over again it was so humbling yeah I had a budy named Emerald rest in peace Emerald man that's crazy [ __ ] um he went to or little L Rock Arkansas and he went to a gym over there and he said the first day he went in there and he was just [ __ ] throwing up and he said he said as soon as as soon as he threw up everybody in the gym was like yeah [ __ ] get him you know what I'm saying he was like bro this some [ __ ] animals in there you know they went through it already yeah unusual people if you go to a gym and you know you meet a dude he's a black belt he's been doing Jiu-Jitsu for 12 years that's a bad [ __ ] I mean that's that that dude's put in some numbers my buddy droy he [ __ ] and he's like he's always saying he knows Jiu-Jitsu and Taekwondo and uh cuz his son he put his kids in Taekwondo so [ __ ] he you know he went to class one day for one week and after that he was like like one day I was like man I don't know where my guns at I need to find my gun cuz I don't go nowhere without my gun I'm in church with my gun and uh he was like man don't worry you know I know Taekwondo you master Lee taught me some [ __ ] today like bro yeah I was like shut the [ __ ] up you know of course he don't know [ __ ] but he just being funny you know what I'm saying I'm like n [ __ ] that [ __ ] yeah it's always better to have a gun he's a tall lanky ass man he tall for no reason tall for no reason I'm talking about bro he walk and you just look at his legs and they just look flimsy like like Jord you out of there tall for no reason if I was him bro if I was as tall as him I'd be a animal animal it would it would it would make me want to be a beast you know remember I was telling you about F uh Fat Boy earlier uhhuh and you know he was talking about my mama he he's gay but like bro 6'5 and just like you see him you think he a solid ass Gangsta I bet he worked out that gym I worked out yeah I'm shout out fat boy man he a bad [ __ ] yeah no but yeah I I feel like I feel like a lot of gay people I've seen some gay people put some hands on some people of course they're men Yeah Yeah well yeah but besides that I feel like they were bullied you know what I'm saying so like they had to like [ __ ] I'm [ __ ] you up mentality you know yeah you don't want to get [ __ ] up by a dude with a list just put it on you like this [ __ ] beating your ass Stars you see it stars holy [ __ ] he's leg kicking you you're like oh no you think he pissed on you he talking to you with a lisp [ __ ] I always thought it was funny whenever Canelo learned English he learned English and became a menace yeah at first he was like you know I'm going to punch him and I you go punch him again now he's like [ __ ] that [ __ ] [ __ ] that beitch you know I'm like damn bro he's a Savage you know but like he's a wild dude yeah even sha Al I just watched that fight with him I'm like bro there's some bad [ __ ] on Earth there are some bad [ __ ] on Earth I feel like they need to be in the military for sure different those are bad [ __ ] too but it's a different world different type of being a bad [ __ ] there's one thing to do it for a sport it's a dangerous sport there's another thing to do it in defense of your country and that is a lot more intense yeah no I definitely agree but I mean [ __ ] I feel like I've seen some [ __ ] in the military like I seen him cry I'm like what the [ __ ] are you doing like this dude just yelled at you and you tripping on that you know cuz they're emotional yeah they want to do well those are the kind of guys you want wanted to do well so much nah no so you're saying they were crying because they were broken down yeah just pusses like bro [ __ ] be like you know what I'm saying that's your nuts H bro like don't get twisted like what you're saying I completely agree then there's some people and it's like why are you on Infantry well they probably did it because they thought they wanted something to toughen them up there's a lot of people like that they feel like they don't have any discipline they'll just join the military I felt like that when I was 18 really yeah when I was 18 the Army had a Taekwondo team and I was going to join the Army Taekwondo team because uh I I wanted to be able to train and in the army they they had like a legitimate organized team that they would send to tournaments there was this dude Kay Barber he fought for the US Army team and I remember he was like real good like one of the top guys in the country and I wanted to be like him and I was like oh this dude's in the Army maybe I'll join the Army and then I recruit I'm like get the [ __ ] out of here what are you talking about it's and also like you don't get just because you know you're state champion or when won the US Open whatever I had won at the time yeah I'd won a bunch of tournaments there was no guarantee that they were going to have me compete for the Army's team and then they might just [ __ ] send me to Iraq I didn't know where I was going and I was like this is not I don't like this C can you help me can you help me find this book I believe it's called through through the Bob wire or through Bob wire it's about this dude he's from Belgium and as a kid he had um he had heart problems he had asthma all this stuff that would just like just hold him back for every for everything like being able to just go outside and have fun and when he was like seven eight years old it just all disappeared and he went into Taekwondo or karate or something and eventually that one thing led to another and he's in [ __ ] Bangkok fighting underground Fighters and bro there was this there was it's and it's him it's a book about his life and he's fighting this dude taller than him and he says he was like he didn't know how to dominate this man he's just a giant ass [ __ ] he said he jumped up on the back of him [ __ ] bit him on the side of his neck and he said he [ __ ] shoved his hand in that hole where he bit and [ __ ] ripped his neck Jesus Christ yeah underground Bangkok fight Belgium dude probably like 58 there's a bunch of people that are doing that [ __ ] now and you could find videos of it online they're having these street fights where they'll pay people more money if you bite a chunk off the dude so dudes are biting chunks off dude's ears and faces but but this was then you know what I'm saying like I'm saying it's still going on yeah but I think he did this like to survive this wasn't about money like he had to win the fight you know what I'm saying oh yeah yeah I I I do believe that though I believe that there's places like I I feel like there's places out right now that they just snatch people up and then they'll put them you ever seen the movie hostile I think that's real oh that's real yeah we were talking about what they used to do it's called Shanghai in someone they used to they used to take people and they would drug them and then they'd wake up on a boat and you had to go to work you'd be they were sending you off to China they send you off to Shanghai so work yeah yeah they would kidnap people and force them into slave labor holy [ __ ] yeah yeah they called it Shanghai you get shanghaied listen to this this dude was smoking he was in a cabin with his buddy and uh Alaska somewhere where it's snowing and him and his buddy were smoking he said this is how cuz you know dreams like when you dream a dream is probably like 8 seconds long at most and uh he said that [ __ ] he was smoking with his buddy and he hit this weed and he just fell out boom hit the floor and when he woke up he was completely soaking wet and inside of a boat and these people were like bro you okay you good like you almost drowned are you good and he's like who the [ __ ] are yall I don't know who the [ __ ] y'all are you know what I'm saying and um he was like bro what are you talking about I'm your best friend this is your wife all this and that he was like bro I don't know who the [ __ ] y'all are like at all and then you know two years pass three years pass and he's like I still don't know who the [ __ ] y'all are like I'm sorry and um 5 years pass 6 years pass he's like I don't know I guess this is reality you know [ __ ] it like I guess I was tripping maybe and then eight years passed and one day he's just sitting there and he [ __ ] falls out and when he falls out he wakes up and he wakes up in that cabin and this homeboy was like bro are you good you were out for like 5 Seconds lived a whole 8e Span in 5 seconds I have a friend of mine on a podcast he smoked Salvia wow he smoked Salvia on a podcast and went into a dark hole and he said he lived a whole another life he lived another life he had relationships he had jobs didn't he say he lived underwater did he say he lived underwater yeah for sure yeah he was underwater years right I think yeah that's crazy and then he came back that's how crazy the mind is and you see him coming back he's like what what what happened and this was right here what when he was coming back he was struggling to breathe air cuz he was learn to breathe underwat what the [ __ ] but here's the thing here's the thing that sounds insane it sounds insane but this guy was saying that he was there for like months oh six months that he lived a life he had relationships he he had jobs I believe it and he just that was his life for six months then all of a sudden he came back like I think there might be neighboring Dimensions where time moves differently and you can access them through psychedelics yes I think that's possible what what it's going on right now we're just not tapped in exactly I was talking to my buddy fee about this he brought it up he was like he it's going on right now yeah you know like those things you see we're just not tapped into it yeah well that's one of the big theories about aliens is that they're here all the time would you smack an alien down no it's not behind the bar wire World War II US Marine captured North China 1941 no no sir prison by the Japanese till 45 holy [ __ ] that sounds insane though but that's not it Bob Wy maybe it's he's a bald dude bald white man shredded yeah he's not big enough just lean and shredded I think he was a Purple Heart right or no not purple heart he was he was in the Europe military don't they purple sleeves or something like that he was something man [ __ ] he there was a story where he dressed up like a woman and um cuz you know he's in the military so they're all [ __ ] These Hoes out there in these lands and [ __ ] you know and he said that his boy was at this club went to the restroom with one of the [ __ ] and he said he's in there forever he's like man I'm going to check on my boy you know what I'm saying and [ __ ] he goes in there and he's like hey y'all good don't hear nothing he he's a girl and he said he just felt like something was off and he said he [ __ ] kicked that door and started beating the [ __ ] out the [ __ ] cuz she had a [ __ ] uh a knife to his balls and was like robbing him like [ __ ] I'm F to [ __ ] you know what I'm saying went in there beat the [ __ ] out the [ __ ] you know there was another story he [ __ ] how was he he was dressed like a woman so he dressed like a woman to get into the woman's side no no no no this I accidentally switched stories but this was this is another one he dressed up as a woman he went to go save this other woman and like [ __ ] dressed up as a woman to get into this place and like [ __ ] went ape [ __ ] like I don't it's been so long since I read the book you know what I'm saying but we got to find it bro got to find it he he he studied I forgot what the I forgot what fight fighting sty style he he trained in but like he fought like 20 people at once broken ribs I think a broken wrist and like he still had to fight all these dudes until it was up you know and like he went through [ __ ] hell and back to to to deserve dressed like a woman Yeah well yeah this is other [ __ ] but like he dressed up as a woman to go save this other [ __ ] wow yeah he he did some [ __ ] bro like real life superhero [ __ ] like like main character [ __ ] what so what was the name of something Bob wire something Bob wire or through the something with wire Through the Wire Bob wire something man you remember his name I don't my dad brought the book home I read it like a [ __ ] it about that dick it wasn't too crazy bad [ __ ] there's some different humans out there bro I'm talking about like really built to last yeah yeah built to last people they're just wired different yeah and they get more wired different through training yeah you know I be i' be hearing Tyson talk about all those those Warriors that he studied bro some of them like um they fell into my algorithm and like I just started learning about them yeah yeah there some bad [ __ ] I think you were talking to a dude that like he [ __ ] had blades and like shoved them in his arm or some [ __ ] like that weren't you talking to a dude that said that he shoved him in his arm like he had blades in his arms and like he [ __ ] came back and killed everybody like they cut his arms off and killed his family or some [ __ ] like that oh I don't know about that what is that do you know what we were talking about it doesn't sound unfamiliar but it might have been a movie or something I don't know no this dude was a real Warrior or at least that's what y'all were talking about yeah what who was it was it the Chris will son one I don't know y'all were talking about Warriors though I don't know I don't know either yeah I remember this sort of I remember pulling it up he replaced his arm with a sword yeah I got to figure out both of them it cut both of his hands off Jesus Christ he look like Baraka yep here we go oh I found the clip of us talking about it okay with uh let me see yeah here and uh like forget everything after a month of learning something but uh one of the one of the Warriors was this Aztec dude he got captured by the other team they took him they cut off his hands to like try to like make him miserable for his entire life they send him back to his camp this guy like glues on knives onto his hands and then just commits the rest of his life to just likeing all of these people that like did that according to Legend after his right hand was cut off by the Spanish galvarino boldly held up his left hand offering up for his captives to amputate he displayed no emotion as it was cut off and his faal features recorded no pain and cuz that's like the type of dude that I was trying to like become sometimes yeah that is crazy oh that's what I feel like I'm watching you on right now yeah well you are just crazy but there's no TV right that's Cory sandhagen he's he's a bad [ __ ] himself he's one of the best UFC fighters he's a bant top Contender bro benovitz I've been watching him a lot damn Benz it's Canelo and benitz gonna get together um from what I don't know cuz I don't have too much knowledge of it from what I've been hearing he been running Canelo been running he's got a fight back viidz yeah but Ian I don't think he want to [ __ ] his record up you know bidz is a body snatcher bro that motherfucker's a body snater bro like n he takes souls he takes Souls different bro he's different and he M yeah he's a bad dude I love that [ __ ] bro he's a bad dude he's a bad dude and he's Relentless that [ __ ] is Relentless you know like his last fight who do you fight in his last fight um he fought um even Tyson was saying he's an animal did he didn't he fight Charlo he fought one of the Charlo Brothers right yeah yeah yeah just beat him down man he's an animal yeah he's something special there's there's dudes that come along with their what David Goggins likes to say uncommon amongst uncommon men that's benovitz yeah he has to fight Canelo that that would be a tra they and they can't wait like Floyd Mayweather and Manny Pacquiao did they can't wait until they're older they got to fight in the prime and Now's the Time and I know Canelo has one more fight schedule he's got a fight scheduled right now and people are mad at him because it's the May 4th fight he's not I mean that is the one right Mexican Independence Day you're going to fight on that weekend bro you're supposed to be fighting benitz benitz that's the fight that's the fight everybody wants to see he running I think that I think that's what I've been hearing lately Demetrius Andra that's who it was that's right that's right beat the dog [ __ ] out of that's right Canelo fought one of the charlot brothers that's right I'm sorry yeah and Demetrius Andra is a bad [ __ ] and he was doing really well in the beginning of that fight cuz uh he's a real slick boxer Great mover but God holl Kevin Holland Kevin Holland's a bad man too you see that fight Michael Venom pagee this weekend though no but I I I was I think I was I think I was at a show but I he walked out to my music oh did he really yeah he's been walking out to like Johnny Dango 20299 [ __ ] and then and then I met him at the closet and you know he was cool so like he's very cool he's been on the podcast before I want to I want to [ __ ] with Brandon I met I met Brandon Marino at a [ __ ] oh he's great this is what made me love him besides him being Ming but when I saw how small he was I was like what the [ __ ] fights 125 and he will [ __ ] anybody up in this airport right now like what yeah that [ __ ] was crazy to me I was like I was like bro I I wanted to bow to him like you know what I'm saying like I was like bro I respect you you know what I'm saying yeah he's a bad [ __ ] shout out Brandon Moro that weight class is stacked man God damn that weight class 125 is filled with assassins bro cuz like they just they mean looking there he's a cool dude too real [ __ ] friendly dude real nice guy those are the killers though the ones you know what I'm saying yeah oh he he had some [ __ ] in incredible Wars man with Davidson figuro yeah the guy who beat for the title he's he's you know that division is just filled with like super talented guys bro so so from from when UFC started and started getting big to now it's sick right there's no comparison there's no sport like it where if you go to 1993 and watch it and to 2024 and watch it is completely different yeah they're so much better everyone's so much better oh yeah cuz like it's all mastered now at this yeah the Sport's complete there's so many different styles and they all so many different approaches even amongst the Champions there's so many different practitioners correct some guys are just Strikers some guys are just Grapplers they all know how to do everything but they have styles and specials I used to I used to watch the the grabbling fights and be like bro this is [ __ ] but then when I [ __ ] saw it in person and like I I got I have a buddy that does it I was like oh yeah n these are bad [ __ ] too well if you tried it yourself if you tried J Jujitsu yourself no I got [ __ ] up that's what I'm saying yeah I got I got [ __ ] humbled quick you know what I'm saying but if you learn how to do it then you really appreciate it because then you understand how difficult it is to do what they're doing and you also see the paths you see like is he going to go oh he went for it oh [ __ ] oh look at that okay he's got secured this he's got that oh he moved in the mount oh you know like you see the Transitions and all the different chess moves that they're playing yeah correct correct yeah uh you remind me when you said the understanding uh that's what I wanted to say earlier but we ended up talking about something else the music [ __ ] I just know of music I don't know how to read music I don't even know how to count bars you know what I'm saying I just know of it right imagine if I fully understood it why don't you I'm going to eventually you know what I'm saying it's just not my time right now you know what I'm saying I'm I'm doing what I'm doing enjoying it I definitely want to elevate though when I understood that I was like bro I just know of it right like I want to know this [ __ ] right oh bro I'm going to be a animal do you think you're ever going to get to a point where you create your own beats yeah for sure cuz like I I used to do that as a kid like I used to be in the studio of my uncle Moon already just [ __ ] around that would be wild yeah your [ __ ] your be zero zero did that like that's why Bro [ __ ] zero zero they don't be giving him his flowers bro like Not only was he making great music and harmonizing with dope ass raw lyrics he was making his Beats you know what I'm saying like and he was really delivering that [ __ ] bro he had a Swagger to him and like nobody nobody wanted to [ __ ] with him and that's why it make him even more of a beast cuz like when nobody wanted to [ __ ] with him they had no choice but the [ __ ] with them it was so in their face it was so good it became undeniable exactly and it was so good that if you didn't like it you were a dry ass hater you know what I'm saying like you're just dry hating cuz like you know that [ __ ] good yeah those are the saddest people yeah a dry hater bro come on bro like just dry ass hating I I [ __ ] with Z bro like cuz he was making his Beats he was doing all that [ __ ] Bro pretty good good song yeah he's a fan of the show too nice shout out to hold on hold on not him no no no no no this more than one zero I'm talking about Z r o z r o I'm talking about a Texas Legend like when you think of Texas rappers he's definitely on the Mount Rushmore that's got to be weird with two oh zro there is he got meth crack heroin those are all his projects he's got a song called meth no these are projects albums oh that's the album the album's meth the next album is crack the other one's heroin other one's cocaine wow yeah and bro like like he's he's Texas Tupac people be tripping when I say I think he better than Pac but like Pac yeah of course Pac he he [ __ ] he let's pause so I can pause this so I can hear some of it pause iar n hold on this ain't this ain't the one to play which one to play play um play uh play in my city man there's so many bro there's just too many in my city is a good one cuz he S I want you to hear him sing and let's they can't tell me Pac was better than zero nobody could tell me PAC just added that to my playlist thank you yeah it and it gets better it gets better like I just pulled this one out my ass cuz like that's one of my favorite ones by him personally yeah but bro n it gets better all right I I listen to most City da he got a song called most City Dawn and it was originally done by Rakim in New York but I didn't even know that I thought this was a zero song rahem Eric being Rahe yes and uh and he [ __ ] slow out and bang it so slab you know what slabs are correct you're from Texas yes right you from Texas no I live here where you from well I was born in New Jersey no [ __ ] yeah I lived in californ I lived everywhere I lived in Florida I Liv is it for you what yeah this is where I'm staying you seem like a tasis boy to me thank you yeah so anyways look um bro what was I saying zero yeah n he SL yeah slabs slow loud and banging yeah that's what s stands for and like he like bro we'd be at land parties in the country midf fight people fighting and that song come on bro white boys with mullet the black boys the mecin everybody singing midf fight we stop fighting we jamming really like that's what zero do to us Wow real life it's funny how some dudes like that that just don't get out into the mainstream for some reason people don't know he don't need to be mainstream he's ours oh we're selfish with that [ __ ] you know what I'm saying there's some people that don't I was jamming that [ __ ] in New York and some people like oh my God what is this I'm like blows my mind y'all don't know but that's okay you know what I'm saying like I'm okay with being selfish with zero cuz he a Texas Legend like like I said he's he's on the Mount Rushmore for us like yeah you know what I'm saying like what's the Texas Mount Rushmore you got to have the Ghetto Boys in there we going to put Scarface on there out of the ghetto boys yeah for sure I don't think you could put the full Scarface I mean it's the full Ghetto boys though that' be a little unfair unfair I think so they were all bad [ __ ] though definitely especially Willie cuz he was backing that [ __ ] up you know what I'm saying but like Scarface had the voice he was cool at telling stories Bushwick just had a a look to him and he was also good at it but even then like I did you know you said Willie D wrote that [ __ ] for him yeah you know what I'm saying Willie D wrote a lot of [ __ ] that's what I'm saying he wrote most of the ghetto boy [ __ ] yeah yeah yeah see what I'm saying bro like you you I don't think you can put Bush on there I respect bush like [ __ ] I think my dog after him you know what I'm saying like I love Bush you know but I would definitely uh they say scar even got Willie just cuz he got that voice you know what I'm saying yeah Keith wasn't there a fourth member to the Ghetto boys right wasn't his name Keith some [ __ ] like that I don't know Jamie will find it dude we still haven't found that book [ __ ] that's going to bother the [ __ ] out of me bro like he's really a bad [ __ ] someone will find it yeah someone will find it and'll reach out he's a bad [ __ ] bro I think they made a movie about the his life too if I'm not mistaken cuz I remember reading uh like what is it called on the on the end of the book on the the autobiography or whatever like I said they said something about a movie yeah well there's a lot of movies that never get made you know they're in the process of getting made it never happens yeah zero though bro back to zero man he's just a champion bro and and and people people be like Pac he got that pain he should bro nah didn't nobody go through pain the way the way the way zero went through it losing his mama nobody wanted to [ __ ] with him nobody wanted to hand him the weed you know what I'm saying like everybody love po cuz he was like he was a movie star like he was a a a role model right zero was like really gutter raw uncut you know what I'm saying from the streets nobody want to [ __ ] with him you know what I'm saying people hating on him you know what I'm saying and like I love it because he he made the people have no choice but to love and respect his music at one point cuz it was just SE in that face you know what I'm saying and me being Mexican I'm I'm playing a black prominant game so like I had to put it in their face same thing with Paul he White having to put it in their face so when it's whenever you when you come up like that it's it's more respectable you know I'm say I love correct like I said P he he influenced the world which is cool but like he wasn't making better music than zero in my personal opinion well you're allowed to have your opinion yeah correct yeah it's also like and and it might also be just CU I'm from Texas that's what I grew up on like if you were growing up with Pac you would have a different opinion you see what I'm saying of course but I personally feel like cuz he was singing he was making music you know what I'm saying Pac was rapping and then he'd have like a sample Come and sing you know what I'm saying and he wasn't making no beats right zero was putting that [ __ ] together you know I know what you're saying I like that [ __ ] Have you listened to Kanye's new [ __ ] n but to be honest to be fair though I haven't been been listening to anything new I've been like so tonal Vision in my own [ __ ] yeah you know if I'm jamming anything it's not rap like I'm jamming some three-day gray so some [ __ ] smack God or you know something like that just to mix it up in your head yeah or country you know I don't want to listen to rap I'm already surrounded by it so much you know right that makes sense and then like not only that you know I I really Jam like rocking country I I just happen to be good at rapping you know what I'm saying so most of the time when you're in your car rapping country rocking country rocking country correct yeah yeah I'm I don't know why bro I just like I've never never dressed emo never had an emo phase or nothing I just love that music yeah love that's me with the 60s rock yeah like Hendrick yeah I love Hendrick that's how I named this podcast The Joe Rogan Experience ER The Joe Rogan Experience with the [ __ ] I I even have the alien picking up the cow right there you do y what do you think about aliens what do you think is going on with all that I think they're in the water I think space is a distraction I think I think uh NASA maybe used to be in the water and they seen something that scared the living [ __ ] out of them and they never wanted to go back I don't know we were talking to your homeboy outside like I love the water I think it's one of the most beautiful places ever but if they threw me in the water I would die of heart failure before I died from an animal in there m one of my biggest fears but it's also one of like something I've always wanted to do cuz I think it's beautiful but it's not our jungle right no so vulnerable yeah like get the [ __ ] out of here bro so vulnerable You're not even like I mean you are as vulnerable as a shark is on land correct you can walk right up to a shark on land and go [ __ ] yeah exactly you can't do a thing that shark [ __ ] that with that jet speed coming he not even going to eat you he's just going to [ __ ] you know run into you and knock your ass out or just take your legs yeah just take your legs away from you like that yeah some people be trying to be like no scary movies made them like that yeah no those things are vicious I don't give a [ __ ] what you're saying there just not a lot of people in the water that's all it is yeah the number of people in the water is relatively small compared to the overall population that's why they're not killing that many people like they kill somebody in Hawaii once a year no [ __ ] yeah man there's a guy just got got the other day the way you go hunting do you like going fishing like that like would you go deep sea fishing yeah I go deep sea fishing damn I always wanted so so I'm my bu this I want to catch a swordfish yeah yes I want I'm talking about I want to fight for that I want to almost fall out the boat you know like I really want to fight I want to earn that [ __ ] [ __ ] swordfish I think that'd be badass yeah that's a delicious fish too that's a good one to catch you eat that [ __ ] you eating that [ __ ] for a year yeah yeah you like boots love boots paraku fish yeah it's my favorite yeah yeah definitely it's definitely my go-to for the skin yeah yeah yeah the Peru that does look badass I've seen some dude here had one so one of the guests had a pair of fish boots on yeah I was like those are fish y you see the was it did it look kind of like pineapple like it look like Tri where the scales were diamond yeah yep that's what it is it's pero fish wow I like alligator I like eel there it is yep I got yeah I got I got both of those two you just clicked right there them brown ones and them black and white ones what is a paraku what does that look like uh let's look it up I know it's a big ass fish it must be big ass mean if the Skin's so [ __ ] thick you can make boots out of it that's wild I mean there's some fish SC boots where like it look like scaly you know whoa look at that [ __ ] yeah that's a big [ __ ] whoa what a crazy looking fish you can't tell me it's not no damn alien well that is a dinosaur sir yeah BR that fish proba Paul tried to tell me he don't believe in dinosaurs oh that's hilarious Paul Wall doesn't believe dinosaurs he think like what the fu does he what does he think happen he just thinks it was [ __ ] like he thinks it was just like a a conspiracy theory there is a whole conspiracy theory that dinosaurs didn't exist yeah I'm sure there's conspiracy theory that [ __ ] Pac is still living in Greece right now yeah that's a little more ridiculous yeah that actually is probably less ridiculous than dinosaurs not being real I mean what the [ __ ] do you think those bones are like the idea that Pac is dead it's not likely but in a world like if you decided to fake murder someone and that send that person to Spain and they live in Spain the problem is pac's too famous it doesn't make sense everyone would see him somewhere there's tourists everywhere they'd be like that guy looks exactly like Tupac they take a picture of him and then people would realize Tupac's still alive corre so it's physically possible for Tupac to be alive but extremely extremely extremely unlikely it's not possible crocodiles and turtles it's not possible for dinosaurs to not be real we know too much yeah we know we know like what year they died I mean with these the carbon dating they know which animals lived 250 million years ago which animals lived 65 million years ago they know all that I'm a huge fan of rhinos I love rhinos and bro they just the the black rhino one of them I forgot which one it was just went extinct yeah bro those [ __ ] survived Pangia mhm surviv [ __ ] lava they didn't survive bullets they couldn't survive humans no people started using them for their horns the horns they got to the point people were going out there and shaving the horn horns down so they wouldn't kill them they still do that yeah yeah they they the the horns are very popular in Asia and they make like a tea out of them they it's supposed to give you hardons no [ __ ] I mean it probably doesn't even work it's probably just some old wives apparently even those rhinos and honey pack like what the [ __ ] are y'all doing taking those like some some countries there's groups of wealthy people that want to eat endangered animals and they they get off on it they get off on the fact that they're they'll they'll have dinner and like eat a tiger steak they get they get off on the fact that they're eating something that's forbidden and one of the things that they like to do is drink Rhino tea it's like very expensive very hard to get and they'll sit around and drink Rhino tea together yeah Shar fin the shark fin soup Shar fin soup yeah that sucks yeah it sucks for the shark yeah yeah I mean it sucks it sucks for the the whole thing like you knocking these [ __ ] off for a fan I know it's pretty ridiculous it's it it's not even that good if you ever yeah I had soup when I was a kid it's okay I get it liver is better no liver is better for you probably but sharks fin soup tastes pretty good but it's like it's not the the way they do it is disgusting they just chop the [ __ ] if they ate the fish look the you can eat sharks they're good they taste good makeo shark's delicious but eat the whole thing yeah but then people started getting crazy because they chop the fins off shark like you should never kill sharks like then you can to have overpopulation of sharks great like there's places where they have an overpopulation population of sharks and if you kill them people get mad at you like listen like in Florida in Florida Keys that you're allowed to kill bull sharks they those [ __ ] are everywhere yeah you ever see I watch these videos these dudes fishing in the Florida Keys because they fish off the peers and it's a race to get that fish to a net before a shark K kills it because the sharks are everywhere there giant bull sharks and bull sharks are the most aggressive and bull sharks live in freshwater so bull shark can swim up River and get all the way to [ __ ] Illinois they' found bull sharks in the Mississippi River like deep deep deep into the country damn that's crazy yeah well you know Jaws the movie Jaws it was based on something that happened in New Jersey in a freshwater river oh [ __ ] the Sharks were in a freshwater river so these people would go swimming in the river and these sharks started [ __ ] these people up holy [ __ ] that sucks in a river yeah like you think what's in that River trout salmon nope sharks sharks made it all the way up into this fresh water and bu crazy cuz I love Lake Travis that [ __ ] me up well I think Lake Travis is okay yeah you would have heard by now yeah definitely yeah Lake Travis is not what you need to worry about where are the Piranhas at where's piranhas at Brazil the Amazon yeah different parts of the of South America bro [ __ ] andac condas andac condas are I can't believe those are [ __ ] real you see the biggest one they just caught no they just found one that was 28 ft long bro yeah there's a video of it it's insane it's so [ __ ] big I have a friend of mine Paul Rosy he lives in the Amazon and he does a lot of work preserving the rainforest and he hopped on one and he said it was so big he couldn't get his arms around it 26 feet long it so big couldn't get his arms around it couldn't get his arms around it look at the size of this thing look how big this thing is and then homeboy swimming next to it [ __ ] you're crazy CRA look how big that [ __ ] that was snapping look at the size of that thing's head I mean that thing is just steady eating everything it wants goats there's a there's a snake I mean there's a snake there's a video on YouTube of a [ __ ] snake throwing up a kangaroo this guy's out of his [ __ ] mind yeah he's like look at it look at the size of that thing like it's a pet or something slithering around under that water and they can't even breathe water they're just under there how do they move they just use their legs or use their their they use their their body to undulate I'd be scared [ __ ] shitless yeah they move pretty [ __ ] fast too the squid too look at that squid one yeah well there's a giant squid you ever see that squid that they found they found it on um uh an oil rig they had a a deep water camera on an oil rig and they're like what the [ __ ] is this and it looks like an alien it was a new species of squid they'd never seen before that had like crab legs look at that thing look at thisen look at this thing what the [ __ ] is that it's an alien that's what I'm trying to tell yall bro they're not in space I mean look at that if that was in space you would 100% % think that was an alien if we went to another planet and you saw that thing floating around the sky you'd be like oh my God the Magnificent alien and everyone want to study it 2007 yeah what the [ __ ] yeah 2007 they found that thing well they've always known that uh giant squids were real but I don't think they really caught them on camera until like a decade or so ago this was in the Gulf of Mexico look at that one that's in the that's where I'm from Magna Pena Squid Attack look at the [ __ ] length of that thing that's insane look how long those tentacles go Jesus are they technically tentacles what would you call them and look how thick they are look how long they are look at the bottom one where the [ __ ] is the end of that thing man how long is that what the [ __ ] is that swimming in the back you see that black dot yeah what is that n bro that's what I'm saying it's too I'd be I would die of heart failure yeah could be on the camera yeah that's on the camera I'd be terrified bro yeah you should be terrified look at that thing do you think they sting oh yeah they must they do something I mean there's got to be some reason that it has these long long appendages I don't know jellyfish are pretty that's true too but they oh wow look at it moving around that's how it got out of there oh look at him it's reaching out towards the camera look how close it got wow they touch the bottom of it it looks like wow bro it's an alien and by the way they only know what like is in look how fast it's going yeah crazy how it moves I just guess they're so long cuz there's nothing down there in the second one of those tentacles touches something that thing is gone that's 7,000 ft yeah there's nothing there 7,000 ft below the ocean that thing lives amazing deeper if you go deeper you catch what's those fish that was on Nemo the [ __ ] with the light oh yeah those crazy fish that live in the bottom that actually have illumination yeah yeah that's what I'm saying some of them glow in the dark bioluminescence they they have bioluminescence so their body actually makes light do you think eventually we'll be on Mars living like Earth if human beings don't kill themselves eventually we'll figure out how to get to Mars and set up a colony yeah I think there's probably Life on Mars at one point in time really yeah they think life at Mars had a a stable atmosphere Mars had water do you think do you think uh do you think that the moonlanding was real I don't know I hope it's not really yeah it's more exciting if it was fake yeah correct it's more it's more exciting to know that something so big could be faked and that that hoax could last for so long correct until they go back dude I bet people would be [ __ ] yeah they would be they would it would be really rough if we found out that the moon landing was fake yeah and there's a lot of people that think it's fake including a lot of people that have studied it and then there's a lot of people that think it's real and a lot of people that know a lot about it the cameraman had to have been the first person not need right well I think they probably had a camera supposedly set up to capture Neil climbing out of the lunar rover the lunar lander but the fun part is that they faked it the fun the fun theory is that there was no way to get through the Van Allen radiation belts and that we were in a war with Russia cold war with Russia to who who could get to the moon first and that we faked it is that's a fun way to say it what does news stand for isn't news an uh news the word news yes sir isn't that an acronym what is it national entertainment some I know it's entertainment some entertainment why do I keep seeing a dude right there with no clothes on oh that's uh that's uh Elon Musk that's um this dude uh be he's a digital artist he created us this nft and it also has a digital art it's a SW gigachad it's like super swole Elon Musk once AI allows you to edit your body I've seen this I've seen this AI of Elon Musk and he was like no a notable events oh what notable events weather and sports that's what it is I guess some people don't agree with that too oh they don't agree I mean there's okay the world news has been claimed to be an acronym of the four cardinal directions Northeast west west and south however the old spelling of the words varied from new neis uh NE W NE V NE huh so what was the what's the origin of the word then have it's not an acronym okay people think news is an acronym but it's not okay it's not oh okay it makes sense is like what's new what's new what's going on that's new what does news mean it stands for notable event oh it's says that no no that says it's said verify yeah no it's not okay uh who should I trust for collecting new events is referred to news no I think that's what it is I think it's new events is an acronym see it says there okay no the claim that's Snopes okay I think it's just what's new that's crazy but people always make acronyms out of things you know yeah yeah yeah Harry Harry Eve but the HB yeah stupid here everything's better that's what HB supposed to be y yeah they just people do that all the time with stuff and they also do it because makes them sound more intelligent correct you know pretended that this do you know what it really means you know my cousin Romeo that [ __ ] he be getting my stupid ass all the time but he'll make words up and that [ __ ] like he just make it sound so real he commits bro I'll be like oh yeah for he be making me think like damn I got to buy a new part you know what I'm saying [ __ ] it your punk ass I love that [ __ ] man I love my family bro well one of the things I really like about you is how much you credit people and how much you uh you talk well about people and you know you you're really interested in elevating people around you you know bro I've been digging the dirt bro like I know what it's like to be nobody and loved by nobody you know what I'm saying and that [ __ ] I wouldn't wish that upon my worst enemy you know like I it's good being lonely I like being lonely you know what I'm saying give you time to thing you could [ __ ] figure [ __ ] out you know what I'm saying people are a headaches sometimes too but being lonely is [ __ ] that you know being lonely forever is the worst place to be yeah yeah we need each other that's what we were talking about earlier like to be the only person who's doing well is crazy you don't want to be that F that's a terrible place to be yeah and then you're surrounded by people who are mad at you m [ __ ] that all I want to do just make friends bro like every everywhere I go people love me but because like I come correct you know what I'm saying treat them good I make them feel people only start hating when they feel excluded right you know what I'm saying BR you give that [ __ ] a broom and tell him to go sweep and he going to be happy that is true people feel mad when they get excluded they feel jealous and bitter and angry it's the Walled Garden you know they see you having a good time over there and they can't even be a part of that like [ __ ] that dude yeah [ __ ] those people because they associate their bad feelings of being rejected with you doing something to them you know yeah I uh it was just one dude I seen back where I'm from and I was like man what's up cuz he was just like what's up I was like [ __ ] I was like b i I could really talk some [ __ ] to you but then I'd be down bad cuz you down bad you know what I'm saying but like man like I just tried to make him feel good I was like man I love you bro I don't love that [ __ ] at all a matter of fact I probably have hate towards him but like man I love you bro well you might have changed the way he thinks if you said that when you said that and said you I love you maybe had to confront his own [ __ ] why wasn't being ad dict to that dude yeah like bro he's cool to me cuz cuz he's excluded you know what I'm saying right well like [ __ ] I love you bro I really like yeah I don't even hate you now I take it back I don't think I hate no I don't want to hate nobody yeah you know if you can get through your life without hating people you'd be way better off yeah I got grudges I got grudges since like the third grade that's just me though but I don't think I hate nobody I don't want to hate nobody and you wish you probably didn't have those grudges mhm yeah it's a better way to live it is bro you can get through life with this little hate as possible it's that's good cuz that hate what's that old expression that hate is the the only um poison that that affects the vessel that holds it yeah I don't know what you're saying but I know I my Bop whenever my the rose pass you know we were talking about it and he was like she was just always mad yeah you know what I'm saying like her anger is what drove her to the dirt there's a lot of people that live life like that it's a defense mechanism at first you know it's how you stay alive self-preservation you stay angry keep people away from you that are going to hurt you Mark Twain once said anger is an acid that can do more harm to the vessel in which it's stored than anything on which it's poured perfect never solves any problem or worry rather it makes us more stressful 100% 100% yeah I do agree yeah if you can get through life with no hate no anger you'll be way better off my dad always said you're gonna [ __ ] and moan about it you're gonna [ __ ] figure it out I think that was my words of that you know same thing too it's a lot of life is how you address a situation you could decide that this situation is the end of your world and life sucks now life falls apart or you could say okay I'll learn from this yeah correct correct I can get something out of this it's uh the the glass is half four or half empty [Music] M there yeah so uh where you at from here where you going uh SPI going to South P South Padre Island that's what I'm saying like my shows bro like my fans spoiled me bro like it's cool performing at the rodeo it's cool doing all this other stuff but those aren't my shows right when they're my shows and the crowd's all yours it hit different yeah you know and like man like like I said bro it's it's a beautiful moment they they babied me you know that's awesome man mhm I love my fans so South padra Island is going to be crazy and it's n barasa out there you know n mkin out there they F to go crazy nice um bro they treat me like I'm Michael Jackson bro well you're you're the [ __ ] man right now I'm trying BR exciting I'm trying it's an exciting time for you and I feel like the beautiful part about my story is like bro I'm going to be here 20 plus years you know I see myself being in this game forever because like I just besides the fact of me just not knowing what else to do it just comes too natural you know like I as a fear I always had a fear as a kid that I would eventually just stop having [ __ ] to talk about like I'm cuz in my mind I'd be like bro how do people do it like they make new songs every day right I was like 13 years old when I thought that you know what I'm saying yeah you know what I'm saying like bro I like I just I just needed to live more but that's every artist fear you run out of things to make run out of things to say and also sounding repetitive that's another thing yeah it's always been a fear of mine but like like I said it's recess so I have no walls like I'll bounce everywhere well that's a beautiful approach how often are you touring uh every time I drop a project I like to tour I mean I'm pretty much touring 24 [ __ ] seven cuz I'm always booked you know what I'm saying even when I'm not having a tour I got side shows and [ __ ] like that but every time I drop a project I like to to you know have a tour with it you know what I'm saying like I just dropped this project March 1st it's called Texas technician and um I'll probably work it for like a month or two and then once they have it all memorized and down boom I'mma jump on the road with him yep that's it so Texas technician I wanted to go with the CD just because like um like I where I'm from like even riff ra being at Sharpstown you know what I'm saying handing CDs out like check me out check me out check me out like that was the hustle of it that was the beauty in it you know what I'm saying and I feel like I wish that was still a thing cuz like I hold pride in in handing CDs out you know what I'm saying like that shit's cool bro especially cuz I don't look like I rap especially as as good as I do it you know what I'm saying so like when they see me and they're like man [ __ ] it like that one person just going to happen to put it in and then he hears he's like what the [ __ ] you know what I'm saying he don't sound like you look yeah exactly so it [ __ ] him up you know I like that hustle though you know like I guess it's a Southside thing I think that's a part of of our music culture though you know Texas you know with handness cs out and [ __ ] like that cuz we just Hustlers yeah you know we don't gang bang we don't I mean yeah there's gang bangers out here and [ __ ] but we not politicking we not we're not worried about that [ __ ] we want money and P [ __ ] for real and you know what's the best part about it it's salt and pepper yeah [ __ ] make money take money it can save lives it can take lives there's been peace over [ __ ] oh we'll give you three virgins if you just don't [ __ ] with us no more yeah [ __ ] make the world go around in a lot of ways in a a fuckload of ways that's a main motivation for men mhm yeah at least the right ones yeah yeah I mean how many wars have been started over [ __ ] yeah no correct bro like I said people die over [ __ ] all the time like bro I don't [ __ ] dudes [ __ ] like some people do that [ __ ] I don't do that [ __ ] bro and if I have I'm I'm [ __ ] I'm sorry for real I don't do that [ __ ] bro that's some ho ass [ __ ] yeah you know what I'm saying like there's dudes you can't trust yeah like a while ago this is a long time ago I went to go [ __ ] on this girl and I you know I seen she had a baby in all this [ __ ] and I was like where your man at and uh she was like oh he a Kema and when I heard Kema I know where he works off the rip cuz I in Kema is nothing but plants you know what I'm saying Refinery uh chemical whatever it is and I said damn I said so he drive wake up in the morning 3 4:00 in the morning drive two hours to a job I know he don't want to do and then drive another two hours home to a [ __ ] that ain't [ __ ] oh I can't even [ __ ] you wow I can't even get my dick hard to [ __ ] you I walked out Wow real life bro yeah I say all like man if your man ain't [ __ ] he not providing I understand why you would want to leave him [ __ ] him you know yeah but man if you got a [ __ ] that really putting in that work and you and you being a hoe like that [ __ ] you ain't [ __ ] we don't even have good hoes no more cuz I respect hoes and good [ __ ] you know what I'm saying I respect strippers I respect any woman that get up and get it you know what I'm saying they not even they not even good hoes no more can't even find a good hoe you know what I'm saying like these [ __ ] are outplayed they're all they're all in the internet and all that extra [ __ ] they they're looking at something they think they think it's something but it's not that has ruined a lot of people's minds yeah perceptions from social media bro I be hey I be I be I'll be at my shows and [ __ ] and these [ __ ] be trying to get in my section and [ __ ] like that I be like [ __ ] move and they be they don't know how to handle that [ __ ] they never been talked to like that never been done like that especially by ugly ass Ming like me you know what I'm saying like it [ __ ] him up but [ __ ] you need to be humbled like when I be at shows I'll see a group of fine ass women and I see a big [ __ ] right here and I be like come here H cuz I'mma boost this big baby up cuz she don't get that love these [ __ ] they used to it you know what I'm saying they they almost expect it yeah [ __ ] [ __ ] you you know what I'm saying get your big ass up here baby you f to shine tonight yeah I like that [ __ ] though I love The Underdogs I love I love helping people in I love seeing people that never win-win you know what I'm saying it just feels good it does feel good feels amazing I remember being a kid watching uh other kids be on like uh America Got Talent and [ __ ] they be singing and I just start crying I just be like I just start crying you know like [ __ ] it's amazing it is amazing it's amazing I was I've never cried on I mean yeah I've cried on stage once and that's when I saw the T the t-shirt that home girl made of my mama but that hit different because like my momma used to be sitting on the floor iron $100 bill and i' be staying all the bed rapping so whatever music video was being played she'd be like go V man go so when I seen that shirt I just look down to close my eyes and I heard go V man go and I looked up and I just see thousands of people and I could I had no choice but to cry on that one wow but I've never I've never been able to tear up because I just do this [ __ ] so every time I get on that stage it's so natural and so me that I'm not even thinking about emotions I'm like I'm here [ __ ] this [ __ ] up you know what I'm saying but when I look at myself before I do it or I think of myself on stage I get emotional but never in the moment never in a moment in the moment I'm there and I'm I'm here to whoop ass yes sir you know I love it yeah bro let's end on that yeah man you're a bad [ __ ] I'm glad I met you no I'm glad I met you bro like man I I swear I'm not trying to suck your dick bro you're a bad [ __ ] like I respect you I love you my father is my hero and knowing that you're one of his Heroes it's like you know what I'm saying I come home with the lion's head today so it's it's beautiful thank brother I love you too man I think you're you're an awesome Force out there I appreciate you and I love your attitude I really do and I love the the Gratitude you have for everything and the respect you have for everything it's beautiful thanks man I appreciate you for your time bro I had fun thank you for being here my friend no of course go check him out ladies and gentlemen that Mexican OT he's out there if you can get a ticket come on now I love let's go let's go all right thank you bye everybody [Music] [Applause] [Music]
Channel: PowerfulJRE
Views: 1,728,055
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Joe Rogan Experience, JRE, Joe, Rogan, podcast, MMA, comedy, stand, up, funny, Freak, Party
Id: 3dpV18GUn7A
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 141min 3sec (8463 seconds)
Published: Fri Mar 15 2024
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