The Print On Demand Company I Use For My Online T-Shirt Business

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what's going on t-shirt me and there are some charros myth and today I would like to share the pretty company that I use for my t-shirt business now I use a model called P OD or print-on-demand and basically this is a drop shipping business model that allows you to sell different products on your website without having to outlay thousands of dollars of cash for inventory upfront without buying any quick mental machinery and then on the back end I don't have to do any printing or fulfillment and so the way that it works is if somebody comes to your website they buy one of your products you collect the cash upfront that order goes to the printing company basically that printing company prints and then they ship it out to the customer and you never have to touch any inventory or do any manual work after that after that order has been placed all you have to deal with is marketing your brand running your store and customer service but all the fulfillment is pretty much taken care of and this is a powerful business model especially for people who may just be getting started when I started my t-shirt brand I was flat broke at the time I was on my entrepreneurial journey I failed I used up my cash doing other business ventures but I still wanted to run a business and print-on-demand allowed me to come in with my creative concepts create designs put them on products and be able to sell without having to spend money on inventory upfront and so that's why I ended up getting started and it has been absolutely a blessing for me at the very beginning stages because I was to a belieber my business up to multiple six figures and then now I'm looking at different options to where maybe I can still use a print-on-demand model for some of the products but then I can start outsourcing and bringing things in so those are the benefits of print-on-demand some of the kinds of print-on-demand is that you don't really have any control over like the quality of the printing so if there were ever any issues you don't know exactly what's going out the door so that's one thing I don't have tons of issues with that but it does pop up but the great thing is the print-on-demand company they handle things greatly if there are issues with my customers they go ahead and send out reprints refunds and every that's the great thing about it the next thing is that if you wanted to build your brand and put inserts within the if you wanted to put inserts within your packages as they go out to your customers you're really not able to do that as well so that's one thing that you cannot include in the business on print on the main business model but it still works out right people still love your product and then the other thing is print on demand the costs are a little bit higher as opposed to if you were to get it printed locally or even do it yourself but you're paying a premium because you don't have to spend time like I said on the back end printing and fulfilling and different things like that so what I want to do is just go ahead and bring you to my screen I'm going to show you the different products that I make how this specific software works out and if you feel like this is the right thing for you what I suggest is go below this video there's gonna be a link you can go ahead and get a free account sign up for the print on demand company start creating products and start selling so with that being said come on and let's get started what's going on t-shirt millionaire so what I want to go ahead and show you is printf I printed by is the print on demand company that I use for my specific t-shirt business and I just want to walk you through the platform how it looks what they offer and then you can make your decision if you want to click the link below to go ahead and sign up but purifi if you look at this it has so many different products that you can add to your store and as I said before you'll have to pay for inventory your friend um you can put your desires on them they get loaded to your Shopify store whatever platform you use and then you're off to selling or so if we come down and we look we have our products and it follows the scroll down first we have men's clothing so they have different t-shirts different brand of t-shirts you can also see what the cost is for these t-shirts and then how many sizes and colors they have alright so we can come down you see they have all these men's tees and then after men's clothing we have women's clothing right so we can come down and look at men women's clothing and we can look at t-shirt it's an app t-shirts right they have hoodies they have long sleeves they have pants right so let's take a look at the pants they have like these these yoga pants okay only have shoes that you can print on also skirts and dresses right so the other great thing that I want people to know is don't just always think about t-shirts yes t-shirts is the popular thing but you can easily create you know these women's cut and sew racerback t-shirts and have a full line of those or you might have these pencil skirts you know create some cool designs to put on that and then you can have a whole pencil skirt um you know collection right so you can do so many things don't feel like you have to botch yourself in with does t-shirts but they help all of those then we can come down and they have kids clothing so you could create a whole t-shirt line for children right um bibs you could do bibs body suits you know long sleeves sweatshirts offer kids then when we move down here they have different accessories so they have the bags right they have book bags so say for instance you had a child and you wanted to create a book bag and so you created a book bag it looked really cool that kid went to school and then basically it was like mommy daddy everybody liked my book bag you could go and create a whole book bag line if you wanted to do right so you can do it all you have to do is spend money on the design put that design on these products and then you're off to the races they have duffel bags accessory pouches so forth or so on laptop cases right laptop sleeves so super super powerful so if you look at this they have all these different products that you can add your designers to and so when it when it comes down to it it's really about how creative can you be right where's your creative genius what ideas can you come up with what market do you want to serve and then once you put those those desires on these different break products you can make thousands of dollars right off the back if you have the right creativity then you reach the right market we also have shower curtains down here we have bath mats um I was on lived other day on Instagram and I had gave the idea to everybody why don't you make a children's uh a line you can have children's bath mats you can also have children shower curtains they both match these are both products that you could probably sell probably a little bit more than the average t-shirt and make a killing off of it right so that's the great thing about prettifying all of their catalogs I'm not going to go through the rest of them but those are everything but you can search by products but the great thing about Krita fires you can also search by print providers and so the great thing with printer Phi is printed by has a software they have the app that you can put on your online store but then when orders come through prettify they have several different customers arts art they have several different print providers that they outsource the work to right so if we look here we we have this company called print heat right and this looks like there are a company that's in Canada we come down here they have monster digital okay then they have tribe socks so I guess this company does off socks they have some Europe I don't know if that is opt on-demand right so the one that I use for my specific brand is dtg2 go and basically dtg2 go I believe they have a few different locations around the United States it might be four or five locations that they have but basically this does wonders because when they get a ton of orders or say somebody's out in California and they place the order that order might get routed to the closest state the California so it gets to the customer quicker so that's the great thing about dtg2 go also I have found that they have done a great job with my t-shirt so you know the quality of the t-shirts are pretty much you know standard um they work out it has good quality people like them I don't get many complaints for my customers so that's why I use DTG to go but you can come through here and try several different companies the other great thing is YLC wo y see they have all of these phone cases so if you wanted to add phone cases to your product line you might have a popular shirt and then you can add a phone case to go with it that's an opportunity to sell more products in your store right so they have all those different providers that you can scroll through and look at their products like that um also you can sort by like brands right so you know you have different t-shirt brands different hoodie brands that you can kind of see which what eat come each company has and you can add them to your store as well so that's how you go through you kind of sort through the product product catalog on phirni 5 but then let's go through let's kind of talk about the process and how it works so if I come over here and I click on my store what I'm gonna do is click on add product alright and then say for instance I'm gonna go ahead and use this Bella canvas 3001 that's my favorite t-shirt my customers love this t-shirt so I'm gonna say okay I like the Builder canvas 3001 let me go ahead and try to print on it so I'm gonna click on Bella canvas 3001 and it's gonna take me to this screen and it's gonna say retail fit it has all the specs over here on the right hand side this is actually a unisex shirt okay and then after that what I can do is be like okay which provider do I want to use for Bella hammocks for 2001 alright so I'm going to come down here and I'm just going to go ahead and choose start designing vtg to go is what I use the price of the t-shirt starts at eight dollars and forty-five cents shipping is four dollars they have from small to three XL and they're saying that it's taken about an average of four days to produce the shirt and then right here saying that they print on the back front the neck the neck the left sleeve and the right sleeve the great thing that I like about dtg2 go is because they do have the ability to be able to print on the sleeves I do a lot of sleeve fritzsche I also print on the collar so that's a great option to have and then it shows all the colors it looks like they have about fifty colors for this t-shirt so what I do is I'll click on start designing and then basically what you'll see is kind of like a blank mock-up of the t-shirt and so you'll see like these rectangles and squares and these are where you can print on the shirt so you can put it on the front you can print on both sleeves you can also do a neck label and then you can put on the back if you want so you could print all over the shirt and that's what I really like about it so the next thing that we would do is click on add your design and what I'll do is I'll choose my device but we'll just kind of start from scratch and then I'm gonna choose this PNG file that is on my computer so I'm going to choose that I'm gonna click on open and then it says my file is uploading so let's go ahead and let it do its thing all right so boom basically this goes ahead and ends up uploading to the shirt on the front now the thing about it is I have some white in this design so what I'm gonna do is go ahead and change the color so I can come down here I'm gonna choose black right and then it ends up showing up on black but if I wanted to choose this color like a dark grey like a print on that I could turn on the green if I wanted I can do like a pink if I want it sorry though sorry so yeah I picked all three colors but I'm just gonna go ahead and go with black right so I'm gonna say I'm gonna print this on a black shirt and what it allows you to do is you could kind of move up and down you could change the size of the print right you just want to make sure that the reservation resolution is good you can see right here it says high resolution but what I'm gonna do is just make this a little bit bigger I'm gonna move it up to the top right and then as I scroll down I can choose like this alignment so I'm gonna I want it to make sure it make sure that it aligns evenly from right to left so I'll go in and I'll click that it aligns it up and then we're off to the races I'm gonna move myself over to the side so we have this right but if I had other prints that I wanted to do on the back or the slaves or even the neck label I could do that as well so what I'm gonna do right now is I'll go ahead and I'll click Next all right so once we get to this screen this is the product detail screen so basically it gives us the mock-up of the front the back it has the different colors that I've selected um and it just gives me that idea of what everything looks like and then I'll go ahead and I'll click Next again after that this is where we basically come in and we put like for the title of the shirt so I'll say family over everything from you um t-shirt right and then I could come down here and I can choose like all of my product description so basically it has like this the fault description in here but I can go ahead and I can just change that up to the wording um and move forward also if I want to I can add a size description to the specific product page and this is very valuable because a lot of people want to know okay how big is a large a small extra large right and so this kind of gives them some more guidance to look at before they go ahead and purchase I'm down here at the bottom you can kind of tag it the way like your story is so if you have different collections and you have like maybe a tag where you have t-shirts and then your store you might have t-shirts go into a specific collection it's a easy way to be able to manage the way that your collections are set up on your store and so you can go ahead and tag it right so you can do that you can click on next and then here this is the powerful part so basically this is where we can see how much we are getting charged and then what we want to charge for our t-shirts so for small for this specific t-shirt is costing me eight dollars and forty five cents when we come down here to a3 Excel it costs me eleven dollars and thirty nine cents so then we need to choose our retail price and this is basically how much we are paying or is how much we are charging our customers to buy from our store so this is the upsell price so I like to charge twenty nine ninety five for my t-shirts right so I'll choose 29.95 and what I'll do is I'll come down here I'll choose the three XL let me go ahead and paste it oops and copy that we come down to three XL let me paste that in I'm going to do that for a two exhale exhale large medium and then that takes care of everything let me collapse all the bigs so you'll see that okay eight dollars and forty five cents on charge of 29.95 I'm getting a profit of twenty one dollars and fifty cents which is a seventy two percent profit if somebody gets a large if somebody orders a three excel it cost me eleven dollars and thirty nine cents I'm charging twenty nine ninety five the profit is $18 and 56 cents I'm getting a sixty two percent profit on that so those are really good numbers right and that is the power of being able to do the print on demand although the cost may be a little bit higher than if you did it yourself you still have that convenience you don't have to fill in fulfilling anything on the back end so after that what happens is when click Next the changes are saved and then after that all I would do is click go and publish to my store I would choose the collection where I want to put it maybe in my standard t-shirt collection I will hit publish and then after I hit publish it comes over to my store right so I have the family over everything I have a neck tag the 29.95 all the customer would do they were like oh I like that shirt they jump as hard as far let me go add it to cart checkout after that it goes to the print provider GTG to go they take about four days to go ahead and print it it gets sent out to the customer I never have to touch anything on the back end that's the great thing about that so what I would suggest Joe if you're somebody who are just getting started or you might even want to add different products to your product line this is a great way to go remember what I said as well this is an opportunity for you to not only sell t-shirts but you can sell so many different products as well right you can ask so many different things to your store and you can increase your margins increase your revenue just by doing that so that's the power of print on demand that's the power of print if I if you want to go ahead and start with print if I click the link below sign up for a free account you can go ahead and get started today and you'll see how it can help your business later on in the future as you start selling without having to spend money upfront and then also fulfilling on the back end so with that being said y'all be blessed and into the next video I talk to y'all so [Music]
Channel: T-Shirt Millionaires
Views: 27,350
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: printify, printful, print on demand, shopify, ecommerce, t-shirt, t-shirt business
Id: agnmeWjkKuY
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 17min 39sec (1059 seconds)
Published: Fri Apr 10 2020
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