How to Start a t-shirt Business for Free | 2020

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hello guys welcome to my channel my name is Becky oh and in a previous video I talked all about how you can sell your own merchandise to make a little bit of extra money on the side but what I didn't do is go into specifics on how to actually do it and in that video there was a lot of comments just how to actually do it how to design what platforms I'm using so today I'm gonna show you inside of how I designed my t-shirts and how you can do it too so if you want to check out that original video about some other side hustles you can do fairly easily or ways I make passive income feel free to click this video right here alright no further ado let's get into the video so this video is gonna be for somebody who is interested possibly in creating their own merchandise as a passive income stream for you so I'm going to show you in the software that I use to actually create the design and then also what I use to actually sell the t-shirts on demand that I don't have to do anything after I make the design I uploaded it's on there for sale and then I don't have to ship it out I don't got to do anything so everything is 100% passive income I make money while I sleep with this so this is something you can also do if you're creative or you aren't because you can just pay somebody do it you can use a software like Photoshop or any other platform if you're familiar with that but today I'm gonna show you a very easy one that is super beginner friendly house super easy interface that anybody can use alright let's get into it alright so you're gonna go ahead and go to and then you're gonna click here create a design and then you're gonna click poster and that's gonna bring you to a new page here where you can start designing so I'm just gonna create a little t-shirt design it's not gonna be anything expect anything nice this is just off the cuff real quick so you're gonna want to add some text so I click to text and then add a heading so I'm gonna make that bigger all right I'm gonna just do like I'm gonna do hustle hustle and I want this to be pretty prominent on the t-shirt so I'm gonna change the font to something that's a little bit bigger so if you want to search a type of font you can search like display for example that's gonna be big fonts so this one looks pretty good yeah okay so alpha slab 1 I like that one and it looks I've actually used it before for t-shirt so that looks pretty cool all right so I'm gonna make this bigger so it fits the t-shirt all the way as best I can all right and then let's make sure that centered okay so as you play around with camera you can it'll tell you where things should go like this is saying it's Center now this is the center of the actual page but since this is at the top of the t-shirt doesn't matter but you can play around with it to see the little functions all right so I'm gonna add some more text so I'm gonna add another heading and I'm gonna make this big again and let's see I think I think with the environment with coronavirus and all that I'm gonna do quarantined I think that's kind of fitting for the time quarantined quarantined hustle hustle quarantined I don't see we'll see when we get finished all right so that looks pretty decent so over here you have different elements elements is just like different pieces like shapes or different graphics you use or frames stickers charts that's like things you can put on top of your t-shirt so I'm gonna do a line because it's easy this is just a basic line and then I'm gonna make that the length of the word here let's enter that a little bit just so it looks and then duplicate it so this little plus button is duplicate so that means you're gonna get two bows and then we have two of the exact one then we're just gonna make sure that's centered on each other and it is alright so now I'm gonna I think that looks pretty decent so now I'm gonna change the color and the font I'm gonna make that into a bright red that looks pretty good and then I'm also gonna make that text bright red yeah that looks okay for now uh-huh all right we're gonna change this font I'm kind of looking for like a grungy font so you can kind of scroll through here and see kind of what you want just for the sake of time of this video I'm just gonna go with gaggle inks I always go with that all right so I like that one I'm gonna make the lines now a little bit shorter to match the letters here all right that looks okay so I'm gonna make this a little bit shorter and pretty much all your I mean all you're doing is just kind of whatever you think looks good if you're somebody who's not creative whatsoever I mean I don't consider myself creative I don't think this is anything super difficult but if you're somebody that's like really like I can't do this you can find somebody to do this for you on fiber up work for pretty cheap to make your t-shirt design so I'm gonna group this together so I can kind of maneuver a little bit more and I'm just gonna kind of play with it until I have what I can old like all right so I kind of positioned that into something I think that kind of looks cool since we kind of have this Hustle theme I'm gonna duplicate this because I kind of like it like that too but I'm gonna add another element here and we're gonna do money because that's what mostly my channel is about so here's a bag of money so you can use this you can just be creative but I mean you can make this us see you that would be kind of cool you can put this on top of something I'm just gonna put this on top and see how that looks all right I think I'm gonna put on top of the L so I can you can highlight everything to move it down I mean it's pretty it's a pretty easy interface you'll figure it out alright so I'm gonna change the color I want that to be kinda like connected yeah that looks ok so I'm gonna change the color now so let's just I'm gonna do white it's gonna be black color here you can click a new color that'll be like a light alright now I'm gonna make the hustle letters white because the t-shirt is gonna be black I really only like black and white for t-shirts for whatever reason for the most part so yeah that's pretty much it so I'm just pretty much showing you guys how to do it this is obviously not like some amazing looking t-shirt but essentially what you're gonna do next is you're down loaded so make sure you have the right thing clicked you're gonna do a PNG that's a high quality image file and then you want to make sure it's transparent so you don't show the white part on the t-shirt so you're gonna download that and then next you're going to go to to screen once you have your design picked out and you're gonna go to start designing once you have your account created so you're gonna create your account and then now you're gonna start designing all right so now you're gonna pick what kind of article of clothing you want I'm just gonna do a basic hoodie that sounds fine and I think this long-sleeve actually had to change I'm gonna do it a hoodie a long-sleeve shirt okay so now you can pick the colors I just like I said I always do either black or white so I'm just gonna stick with black for this example and then now I have my t-shirt here design alright so there you go you can adjust the size by doing this obviously you can't make it go outside of the box it's just pretty much common sense as well but um there you go you have your little t-shirt and you can preview it here and you have a little t-shirt I don't actually like that money bag on there so I'm gonna alright there you go and then you can preview it here then you have your t-shirt so I think if I were to go back in here I would make the quarantine a little bigger so it reaches until the age and if I was actually gonna sell this t-shirt I would definitely go back and forth and try to make it look as best as possible but this is just as a tutorial how you do it so now you're gonna go through the steps and just set your price so it tells you here what they recommend and then this is also how much your profit is so for a $30 t-shirt 30 almost thirty one dollars you're gonna make eleven dollars per sale and then in the UK you're gonna make 10 euros and 99 cents so that's pretty much it you go through all the steps and then from here you can pick some other t-shirts that also has your design on it so you can look here so let's just take a look at just a basic t-shirt you can look at the different options you have and just pick you can do leggings which I really like you can do socks just switch it up and add some things so I'm gonna just click continue okay so now you're on the next page and you're gonna add a title of your shirt you're gonna so what inspired you what it's about here is once you have your title it's gonna formally a URL for you and then you can decide if you want it to be public or not so I'm gonna just pretty much cancel this because I'm not gonna sell this t-shirt because I don't think it's just not that great of a t-shirt but I mean it's okay but I'm just gonna go back now to I'm just gonna show you my my storefront so you can kind of see what I did if you haven't already seen it all right so I have a site hustling on family right here so I'm gonna go to the store [Music] alright so here's the site hustling a family store at least they're all the designs I created on different platforms but you like I showed you you can do it on camera for free or you can use the paid service to use all the features it is there is a little bit of a fee but it's totally worth it if this is something you're making money off of use my link in the description if you're interested but you can just see like the designs are pretty much the same like I used the same design just black and white and change the color you know I have a lot of mothers on my channel so I wanted to do something for them mother Hustler once again I kind of like the white version better from this design single taken hustlin got on leggings less money less Monday more money so what I'm trying to show you is you can take one design that you make in canva for free and have multiple different t-shirts for you so eat sleep hustle repeat I mean these are all just designs that I just thought of and decided to make a t-shirt and now they're available for anybody that wants to support the site hustling family and this is something you can also do as a side income for you stuffer men how so hard I make money moves this is probably one of my favorites honestly some of these I don't I like more than others but yeah there you go that's pretty much how you can make your t-shirts for free on a website like canva and then put it on a website like teespring so cheese spring I'll tell you my experience with teespring on the camera let's go so my experience with teespring for anyone who has never used teespring before it's a print on to man t-shirt or apparel website so essentially once you have your design uploaded and it's on your teespring website you don't have to ship it you don't gotta track anything you don't got to worry about payment everything is through their platform so it's a really hands-off method to sell merchandise if you have an audience or you just know people that would like your merchandise so if you're somebody who doesn't have an audience that's okay you can find a niche that's specific to something that you're gonna do you're your teacher or apparel on for example cat lovers or vegans or whatever you can target these people on Facebook groups Instagram groups also on YouTube or on reddit there's so many options where you can promote your content even on these marketplace Craigslist eBay Amazon I mean the list goes on and on and you don't actually have to touch the merchandise I never actually touch the merchandise itself I create the designs I uploaded and then it's for the world to you know take if they would like it alright so hopefully that inspired you to create your own merchandise your own t-shirts and if you would like to support the site hustling family it feel free to check out a t-shirt below we have also leggings and socks the bugs and all kinds of fun stuff and I love you guys reppin the clothes the site hustling family but if you want to create your own t-shirt today feel free to let me know some your ideas I mean message to me picture of it I would love to see what you come up with all right I will see in the next video bye guys [Music]
Channel: Kat Theo
Views: 658,721
Rating: 4.9506269 out of 5
Keywords: How to Start a t-shirt Business for Free | 2020, t shirt business online, t shirt business at home, t shirt business, t shirt business start up, starting a tshirt business with no money, t shirt business no money, print on demand, how to start a tshirt business, how to start an apparel business, how to start an apparel ecommerce business, how to start an apparel company, no money business ideas, no money business, Free business ideas, t-shirt business
Id: rI_gXs7I4oM
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 15min 14sec (914 seconds)
Published: Mon Jun 08 2020
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