The Princess Diaries 2: A Royal Pain In My Ass

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hello troublemakers welcome into another movie commentary monday please tell me i can rent this oh thank god i don't have to buy it 399 419 after tax just for you anne here we go why why i just got hit with like deep regret and the movie hasn't started this is not good oh boy a graduation right now oh she's pregnant wait who the [ __ ] is that was that her teacher bro they never developed that love interest in the first one what and now she's she's carrying his baby [Laughter] wow their use of cgi is up like 500 percent in this video oh it's the hitman watch out and hathaway turns away just slits their throats he's also in the tiger suit stabbing him from behind bro i gary marshall film don't rub it in my face i already regret this well it's me that's how you start your diary post well it's me who else would be writing in your [ __ ] diary oh you're just friends timmy tim because he went off to tour the country with his band you know what i'm actually glad timmy tim and and hathaway are just friends what what is this this is like concept art dawg i've never seen a movie have concept art in it oh my god [Laughter] i'm dying right now this looks like a ps2 game graphics this is so bad oh my god just don't just don't have that you don't need to see the plane landing just don't have that shot in the movie oh my god i've seen anime with better [ __ ] visuals i'm so glad i did this movie that was the biggest [ __ ] fail i've ever seen in a movie oh [ __ ] i'm light-headed oh hey julie you know you never responded to my dm i kind of had high hopes queen oh he still got his earring dog you didn't take that out bro it's been years it's been years there's an age where you can no longer wear earrings as a man granddaughter princess mia is this a [ __ ] church why are they chanting in unison what the [ __ ] yeah [ __ ] how many times you gonna tell me you directed this gary i get it i feel like you're doing it to antagonize me [Music] i saw that you probably saw it in the past that's so raven she sees the future she knew she was gonna eat the cake like a day ago so sorry oh [ __ ] welcome to the movie captain kirk excuse me excuse me that's not the split stag chris brine step on my foot anytime what what you got fetishes you got foot snapping fetishes oh dear oh your hand is part of me i am thank you so much cue the dark music this guy's a [ __ ] they might try to take that away from you oh i hope not someone like me i jesus dude gary gary i'm gonna talk to you actually gary died dad i'm gonna talk to you from beyond the grave that's a raven can you help me or does that is it can you only see the future can you also talk to the dead i don't know your powers i haven't seen your show in a long time with the music you can figure out that this dude is a villain right he's holding the crown careful someone might want to take that away from you that's foreshadowing right there that's all you gotta do when she walks away you don't have to have him go um someone like me who would also like the throne i get it you're the villain jesus welcome back to eggs with elsie i'm elsie kentworthy hi elsie mia and uh please you don't don't curtsy like that not like this how do you like it then like this maybe no no i didn't mean like you know this no no how do you turn off the curtsies enough bowing back to your chores oh yeah good thing she had this special phrase to tell them to get back to work and to stop bowing how do you turn off the curtsies enough bowing back to your chores if only ann atheway had that information sooner but there's no way that she could have known how to get them to stop bowing and to go back to work i feel like she's gonna get sacrificed if this is a horror movie there's a slasher waiting to sacrifice her the hitman maybe grandfather of color great joke gary good directing so another genovian of the royal bloodline became eligible to assume the throne what shut up i feel like julie andrews struggled so hard to say that line like as a classy actress she's such a such a bad joke watch how much she struggles to say it she's fighting it so hard isn't princess mia fast in line to ascend the throne granddaughter should be given the same rights as any man yeah you're an idiot during which time she must marry or she forfeits the throne of janet one year she's got to get married what no stop speaking out loud oh my god anne b can you be quieter oh but you don't have to do this mirror you don't have to become queen [Music] go talk to ravens see what the future holds you should be our king i agree you should be our king what what kirk captain what are you he's the obvious one he's he's obviously the one that me was gonna end up with but she's the rival son okay okay okay okay this movie got a little bit better i agree i would gladly take a bullet for you don't hit on her she's mine [ __ ] gid breath space space get some space yeah that's right back him up hit man don't you dare touch the queen she man i offered to have him hung by his toes in our courtyard oh i knew it ah just kill him hung by his toes that's not really an effective method of hanging i guess the blood would eventually rush to his head for so long that he would probably die that's a long death it's a long death you know what i like his style yeah very nice shoes i'm glad you like it what were you so [ __ ] excited about very nice shoes i'm glad you like it she likes shoes how do you believe this girl like shoes kind of a let down after the jewels i'm not gonna lie kind of hoping for a new best friend in this movie i'm getting married to who i don't know yes prince william is an option i i i absolutely accept he's not eligible because he's in line for his own crown if he's not eligible can i kill him i just love to look at him me too hey julie that's your type redheads i can dye my hair like him could you photoshop this any harder god with the 3d modeling that they did before with the airplane coming in to this bro the first movie must have lost money because this budget is lower well he looks decent he kind of looks like the male anne hathaway their babies are going to look exactly like anne hathaway he hits his head on a rock and dice they were smitten while playing badminton where's my kitten [Music] what's the [ __ ] point of that wait are we doing a musical montage we are what is he giving him cool you know film it's nice what's in the film canister this is nudes it's a sex tape oh how long have you known each other they weren't really clear on how long that montage was it's all in the span of one day this movie's not doing anything that i really expected to i'm kind of into it those two dudes don't want to be here watch this again watch this i'll zoom in these two dudes they're just so unenthused like can we [ __ ] go and the 30-day deadline expires and the throne is ours the 30-day deadline expired oh it's been nine months no wow do math dylan it's been 11 months so she had a year to get married at the start and now she's only got a month left so that i was wondering how long that uh that montage was i guess 11 months have passed this is interesting here too and the throne is ours and you're sure my father wanted this he's questioning it you sure my dad wanted this okay so chris pine doesn't necessarily want the throne i thought he was devious all the time i thought it was gonna be like frozen where he's gonna like pretend to be interested but not actually be interested well fine is pine gonna pine after anne don't click off the video please forget i found her i'm not here it wasn't her it was a ghost [Music] oh in less than a month you will no longer be queen i think it's time we bring our friendship out of the shadows i would kneel if it weren't for my knee replacement what he's proposing julie you fell in love with the man with an earring oh god get my pierce did you just elbow her in the tit okay sorry got it i got it you know what i'm okay so yeah those characters are so useless i thought they were going to be like her best friends or something this is for your table thank you beets and potatoes ew we have a chicken situation in the throne room [Music] oh no a chicken's loose hilarious the disapproving security guard did you really give up a chicken was loose wow what a black mark on the royal family bro i'm ready can we get some [ __ ] going i feel like this movie hit like a mad lol oh my goodness what's this assassinates the horse one more false move and i will put a knife through your throat oh if you hurt my girl you will answer directly to me i have diplomatic community in 46 countries including puerto rico fear is not in my vocabulary perhaps but it's in your eyes oh what a line what a line oh hitman you hit him man got him you forgot something you should have just shoved that snake down his throat and sloshed it in there and just you would have just choked to death what are we doing what are we doing [ __ ] jim carrey on the keys thank you how's your dachshund maury right ladies mia mia's doing well they just spell it out you see mia like finally connecting with the people asking about like specifically what's what's going on in their lives cut to julie andrews mia's doing well why is she here what is her purpose she hasn't done [ __ ] she's received the road scholarship andrew has a phd in anthropology from oxford alyssa was in the peace corps andrew would you like to get a drink i have a feeling they're going to start her my horse is bigger than your horse i would absolutely love to excuse us you know her horse and she's very huge what the [ __ ] you just sent your fiance off with someone who has a ton in common with him i just saw the entire movie in like 20 seconds there i saw how the i felt like that's a raven where is that so raven i saw it though it was in my eyes i was like oh saw it do we even finish i don't think we need to i think we're done here i'm back here okay so they're getting together and then the other dude the fiance is going to get together with that new girl two earrings [Music] if k-pop stars were white why would i be jealous of not fall in she better not fall into that look you first oh they're gonna get the [Music] get your foot onto the [ __ ] ground do i want to know i kissed him and i got wet eagle is leaving eagle is leaving in hush shut the [ __ ] up dog what is this i feel like they add a bunch of characters for comedic relief although they they're just not they just don't have any importance to starter really whatsoever well maurice it's just you and i where's the hitman i know where he could hit that royal pup that was very nicely done miss lily pleasure to meet you the prettiest girl is riding in the [Applause] stand how do you feel today my dear honestly joe not that great now would you feel better if you call me joey no joe good come on joseph the [ __ ] was that would you feel better if you called me by my embarrassing full name joey no okay good thing that's in the [ __ ] movie stop the carriage joe kill him kill the kids would you like to be a princess today you're a tiara and you can wave and march in the parade why don't you all take tiaras oh look at that okay she did something good watch chris pine be moved watch us get a close-up of chris pine just like hugging orphans what a vulgar low despicable political trick [Music] forward march it's just that drum roll doesn't lead into this song whatsoever well i've hired him to be the architect on the project this is funny physical comedy it's like the symmetry to this you have twins on the side who are like big dudes and you got this little dude in the middle this is funny i laugh a lot funny but intriguing at least can you [ __ ] walk in a straight line she's busy lenny squiggy zip it lily those people are so useless all three of those characters they're such they're just a waste of screen space is this my party no this is princess mia's party oh what is the what is the point of that random girl is this my party no oh they do like set up for jokes but then don't actually execute them they don't pay them off hey raven everybody everyone oh that is so raven [Music] [Applause] princess army has to go potty oh i slide into julie andrews dms a work of art with its own rare design julie schnelly would be in good hands and he cares about the country i just want us to stop trying to sabotage her that's who is that why is there a shot on her there was one on her before as they were talking before too would you like some help he's not the one she's marrying is he would you please try to keep up her gata he's trying to steal the crown did you really recap the whole movie up to this point just in case the audience checked out like two characters who have lived with these people for a whole year wait is she marrying him no she was just with her fiance you idiot how did that feel oh princess princess yes uh nothing i'm just supposed to watch you she gonna dance with the hitman he comes from the [ __ ] we just come from the shadows we're just chilling over there that's a window did you come in through the window have you been thinking about us no no joseph porn it's the monarchy i mean why is this movie just filled with shots of people listening in to a conversation but they don't they don't participate in the conversation whatsoever she's not gonna have anything to do with this conversation or scene or anything bet bet it's not important for her to know it's just like the director wants an excuse to cut away from the action he's throwing pebbles just hits her in the forehead do something impulsive for once in your life you're getting married do you want a regular bachelorette party or do you want to stroll in the moonlight with your almost prince charming what for your bachelor party do you want to spend it with your friends or with a man you'll never see again [Music] she's taking off on horseback with another man during her engagement party [Music] sometimes i put chocolate milk in my cereal ew oh what dog i've tried that it's awful i i love chocolate milk what are these other secrets you freak i haven't danced with you since your birthday that's a fact it's not a secret secret is is that i still want to [ __ ] you [ __ ] you [ __ ] you pine she engaged dog we stayed out all night dude [ __ ] you you have a fiancee with a video camera what you're really low maybe you shouldn't be [ __ ] spending the night with another man during your engagement party maybe that's not you a little bit still maddie's such a naughty naughty princess dramatically turning off the tv so how big is his dick i still think this marriage is a good idea what are these shots what are these shots the dude kisses his fiancee trying to win her back and then you cut to a goat and then to a cat what are you doing the reason people are able to predict things myself included is because you give them visual cues so if you see someone listening into a conversation usually you're trying to tell the audience that person has that information and they're probably going to spread it what's the point of showing someone listening into a conversation and then doing nothing with that information what's the point of showing the reaction of the goat to a kiss what's the [ __ ] every second that you put into your movie needs to have value that is my stomach holy [ __ ] i'm hungry no privacy she knows this she knows she's being watched always why would you go off and have a dalliance with someone else on the eve of your wedding you you chose me and i accepted and a gentleman never backs out from his word man this guy is so interesting this guy knows she doesn't love him he doesn't love her either but for her sake he's gonna marry her because he knows she's good for the country hi trevor that's not a baby is it that's not a baby okay close up on it close up on it cut back it'll be covered up cover it up now you're gonna suffocate that baby oh [ __ ] uh this is why this is why i didn't want to do this movie he's back he's [ __ ] back i look like a moose but a very cute moose make all the boy moves go [ __ ] you [ __ ] you dude i was just saying i hated you in the first one don't come in and make me laugh you [ __ ] make all the moves go ha that's funny [ __ ] you i don't know i'm i'm like entertained and also angry make all the polymers make all the boy moves go wow [Laughter] what the [ __ ] why is stan lee here is mia a super [ __ ] hero is she captain marvel anna hathaway she's catwoman but that's dc dc marvel crossover avengers vs justice league what deborah's riding up the road on a bicycle sir oh he needs my horse my bike is yours how am i supposed to hurt sheep with a bike see be funny if later on they cut back to dude actually trying to hurt his sheep with the bike that would be hilarious that's how you execute the end of that joke just like an extra credit scene doing something just like [ __ ] trying to pedal and a sheep are just everywhere a baby improving is one of the best jokes of this [ __ ] movie a one-year-old doing improv i'm going to need a minute or two thank you your highness that's not funny why cut to that why add that in i gotta change trevor's diaper what is the focus of this shot who's that baby okay that's that's the mob honey i'll be right back i gotta change trevor's diaper please why there's it's just packed with such unnecessary [ __ ] you ever get open like a chip bag and the chip bag looks so big but in fact like the top 40 of it's just air i feel like that's this movie you open it up and you're like oh there's only 60 plot in here 40 useless shots everyone deserves a chance to find true love right including us ah thank you [ __ ] you dog saving me from doing the proper thing for once in my life i won't be getting married today sit sit they're gonna walk out this is ten times more interesting than an actual wedding have you been to a wedding they [ __ ] suck and king rupert they are in a church this time i i'll let that slide chris pine's gonna roll and be like unmarried woman i gave up my right to the throne there is another error no there is not do it look lovely on a posted step don't you walk away from me sir you wait in anger he literally said you would look lovely on a postage stamp to his nephew in anger that's what he said not [ __ ] you get back here your father would be disappointed in you but instead you are beautiful you're a beautiful man all those in favor of abolishing the marriage rule say i he's got a mullet aye holy [ __ ] your vote shouldn't count it's less than one percent of people that can look good with mullets less than one percent that's just science just because i didn't get my fairy tale ending doesn't mean you shouldn't oh they're gonna get married joe and [ __ ] the queen am i too late to ask you to accept my hand in marriage yes i found someone else it's like this 25 year old european model now the queen's getting married the queen is getting married yeah to joe imagine being that actor you could call back for the sequel and your first line comes with like three minutes left you married the mother of the main character and you still can only get one [ __ ] line the whole movie watch her kill the fiance who got ditched it misses it hits him and burns him alive i'm in love with the queen to be this is all part of his diabolical scheme to win her trust and he's still king anyways air is a plot the double betrayal get that foot back on the ground we talked about this is that is that bree larson why do you need to know i [ __ ] it that was the girl that was in the peace corps that i said he was gonna end up with he just puts it on his own head i'm taking the throne now cut to black princess diaries three come back next time anne hathaway versus the church solemnly promised so to do [Music] he just has blood there's just blood on his cheeks she winks at him it's so hot that's his pants one of them tries to stab her joe joe takes the blade for her queen of genovia all right i'll cut back to that guy in the field on the bike come on come on no i know it's not happening the director's trash oh great she helped the orphans i kind of hope this takes us through her entire life and we see her as an old woman an old queen with children no okay cool yeah who would want an emotional payoff like that instead i'd rather see a dog go down a slide consider visiting genovia the next time you're planning a family vacation consider visiting genovia filled with friendly peppy people come see us genovia awaits you it's not it's not a real place what what is genovia a real place the princess diaries kingdom sounded too good to be real it's not real of course just because genova isn't a real place doesn't mean that it can't have a tourism site what what is this visit genovia alright guys second movie better than the first one it's not good it's not good but it's it's an improvement all right guys come back next week for another movie commentary monday [Music]
Channel: Dylan Is In Trouble
Views: 1,613,363
Rating: 4.9641256 out of 5
Keywords: the, princess, diaries, the princess diaries, the princess diaries 2, movie, commentary, reaction, review, recap, dylan, anne, hathaway, anne hathaway, the princess diaries 3, soundtrack, netflix
Id: qhuexHQ1CeU
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 29min 38sec (1778 seconds)
Published: Sun Apr 14 2019
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