The Power of Visionary Leadership | Dr. Myles Munroe

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[Music] thank you for joining us for another power packed message from dr miles monroe provided by monroe global incorporated and we transform followers into leaders and leaders into agents of change we hope that this message is a blessing to you as you advance your life and discover your purpose now let's go into the message so i want to speak to you on one of the most important aspects of becoming the great woman and man you were born to be i want to talk to you about the power of visionary leadership write it down the power of visionary leadership we want to focus on the the key to becoming an effective leader as a woman or as a man the power of effective visionary leadership there are two animals on earth that god identified himself with and these are two most important animals and there's a reason why apparently god identified himself with them because he created them these two animals are both leaders the first one is the eagle if you read the constitution of heaven you call it the bible you will find that throughout that document god keeps identifying himself with the eagle he never says that i am the bird of paradise he never said that i am a pigeon he only identified himself with this massive powerful bird called the eagle you will find in the text of the constitution words like this i will pay you up on wings like an eagle in another place god says of himself i like an eagle will stir my nest and i shall put you on my pinions like an eagle in another place god says and just like an ego only gathers around fresh blood even so the lord will stir you he never identifies with the pigeon the second animal that god identified himself with is the lion the lion is also the leader of the animal kingdom so the eagle is the leader of the bird kingdom and the lion is the leader of the animal kingdom even though the lion is not the largest animal in the jungle he's not the most powerful he's not the most intelligent he's not the the biggest animal and yet the lion rules the jungle the lion is important because the lion destroys all of your excuses for not being the leader you don't need to be the biggest to be the leader you don't need to be the strongest or the heaviest or the most powerful or even the most intelligent and yet you can be the leader so the lion defies everything that they taught you about leadership and that's why god himself identifies with the lion he says i am the lion of judah not the dog of judah not the giraffe not the elephant of judah he identified with this creature that he created and my question is why did god identify himself with these two animals so much the answer is because he put in these two animals certain qualities that make them different from the others and those qualities are identified as leadership characteristics that's why it's important to study the lion and to study the eagle as a matter of fact these two animals became my personal friends because it is these two animals that help me to understand myself and to understand god's plan for my life and to understand how i'm supposed to live and there are two words i want you to identify with these two animals the first one the lion is the word attitude the lion is the leader of the animal kingdom because of his attitude the lion has a deep sense of confidence and courage he's not afraid of the elephant or the giraffe he he eats the hippopotamus he he destroys the bulls he he somehow has this confidence that he can eat any animal no matter how big they are no matter how strong they are the lion has an attitude of self-confidence the ego identifies with the word vision everybody say vision what makes the eagle dangerous is god placed in the ego a capacity in his eyes to see from a distance in detail the eagle is the only bird on earth as a matter of fact he's the only animal on earth who can see 50 times better than a human the eagle can see five miles away in total detail it's called optica vision and that's why the eagle is the king of birds he he doesn't have to sneak up on his prey to destroy he can see the prey five miles away where to prey don't even know he's being seen and by the time the prey discovers he was being seen it's too late because the eagle shoots like a bullet the power of vision is the success of the eagle i want to talk to you then about the eagle he's the king of birds because of vision and if you are going to become the leader that you were created to be not only do you need the attitude of a lion which we will discuss when i come back to visit you but for you to become the leader that you were born to be you're going to have to have an understanding of the qualities and the power of vision first let me define leadership again for you so that you will have a working definition of what a leader is because you were born to be one young man leadership is defined as the capacity to influence others through inspiration generated by a passion motivated by a vision which is birthed from a conviction produced by a purpose it's a long sentence but each word is important leadership is the capacity to influence other people through inspiration not manipulation so true leaders never manipulate people they inspire if anyone tries to control you they are not a leader that includes your husband anyone who has to control you is not a leader it might be your boss it might be your teacher in the class it might be your pastor they are not leaders anyone who tries to control another human is not a leader they are a dictator an insecure wimp true leaders never control people they inspire people and how do they inspire people because of their passion their passion comes from what it comes from a vision that they have they believe in their vision so it creates a passion in their lives where does the vision come from the vision comes from a deep conviction that the person has about why they were born they believed they were born to do something important that's called conviction and where does that conviction comes from it comes from a discovery of a purpose for your life that you are not a mistake that you were not just born to make a living and pay bills and die that's why leaders don't think about paying bills and worrying about money the leaders are are people who've discovered something more important than a paycheck leaders are driven by a sense of purpose and destiny they believe that they were born to correct a problem to bring healing to humanity to change a community to transform a society to impact their country that's leadership that's why most people today are not leaders they just want to make a living leadership some of you pastors are not leaders because you entered the ministry to make a living you call it a call we know it's the cash you got to ask yourself a question today why am i in the ministry why is there a passion for what i'm doing am i willing to die for what i'm doing [Applause] leadership is about a conviction you can be a preacher all your life and be useless leadership is not about personal ambition it's not about private advancement leadership is about a deep conviction about your own purpose in life that i was born to fix something i was born to deliver people from something i was born to make a difference in the world not just make a living are you a leader or do you just have a career let me say something very interesting you may want to remember this leaders can never retire if you can stop doing what you're doing and still be happy you are not a leader because you cannot retire from yourself and a leader is one who have discovered herself she has discovered who she was born to be he had discovered what he was born to do and you cannot retire from yourself conviction passion vision i could talk about each one of these components for the next 10 years and never go home wouldn't you like that but i'll talk about one of them today i want to talk about the one we call vision but first i want you to write this down i want to give you what i call the process of leadership how to become the leader you were born to be everybody please write this down first number one you must discover your purpose for your life without that you are not a leader secondly you must discover your conviction that means you must believe in your purpose thirdly you must see a vision of the future that is birthed from your purpose and your conviction that vision then should give you a passion for life where you want to pursue your vision more than your own security and that vision gives a passion and the passion inspires other people to believe you now when you inspire other people they allow you to influence them once you influence people with your passion then they call you a leader so leaders do not look for people people are attracted to leaders and that's why every great leader in history never looked for followers why do we like nelson mandela why do we feel so excited about martin luther king jr's life why i'll be so inspired and impacted by mother teresa why are we so impressed because they inspired us therefore they influenced us and we we call them you will never find nelson mandela calling himself a leader he has never said it the people call him a leader martin luther king jr will never call himself a leader he was just a little preacher from a small church but the world calls him a leader you see leaders don't call themselves leaders they're too busy pursuing their vision so leadership is a result not a pursuit now what's the key in this process two words the key to becoming a leader and i'm giving you the secret until i see you again is purpose and vision until you discover your purpose which should produce a vision for your future you are not a leader leaders are driven by vision and this is why every politician every preacher every parent must have a vision if they're going to be a leader of their families and their companies and their churches and their countries we we are not leaders because we have titles we are leaders because we have vision and this is why it's important for you to ask yourself a question do i have a vision for my life here's a statement i want you to remember the greatest gift god ever gave man is not the gift of sight but the gift of vision i repeat the greatest gift god ever gave man is not the gift of sight but the gift of vision what is the difference between vision and sight interesting question well first of all sight is a function of the eyes but vision is a function of the heart site shows you what is vision shows you what could be sight is limited to the present vision is unlimited to the frontiers of the future this is why sight should always be the servant of vision you should never live according to your eyes followers live through their eyes leaders live through their vision sight is limited to what the eyes can see but vision is limited only by the imagination of your heart and this is why leaders are never disturbed by the present no matter what the conditions are they are always at peace because they don't live from the present no leader should trust his eyes there's a statement made in the constitution of our country for those who are religious it's the bible here's what it says in our constitution for we walk by faith and not by sight the word walk means to live listen to those words for we live not by sight but by faith now faith means belief leaders do not live by what they see with their eyes they live by what they believe in their hearts and this is why leaders are never easy to live with because they don't live where you live you live in the present they live in the future a leader is always out of his mind she is always somewhere else that's why she's a leader they don't listen to noise in the present they hear the call of the future true leaders do not trust what their eyes show them they believe with their vision tells them the bible says the just shall live by faith not by sight so when a leader has no money he never panics she never becomes depressed why because she knows this is only temporary i see plenty [Music] leadership demands being out of your mind and this is why you think it's easy to live with a leader it's difficult because to a leader the present is not reality to a leader their vision is more real than the present i challenge you young man to believe your imagination more than your eyes let me give you a few challenges about vision versus sight sight restricts you to the present but vision releases you to the future sight captures the present vision captures the future site deals with what is but vision sees what could be my question what could papua new guinea be is there anyone in papua new guinea who sees another papua new guinea don't answer the question just think about it when i sat with your prime minister yesterday i asked them three times what is your vision of papua new guinea because the leader must have another picture i always judge a leader by their vision not by their programs many pastors that i have met they don't know what i do when i talk to them but i be analyzing them right away sometimes i ask them three questions and after three questions i can assess who they are right away and sometimes i ask them the most difficult question what is your vision for your ministry and most of them answer wrong they say things like to win the lost at any cost that is not a vision and that's why the church is not growing i ask pastors what is your vision and they answer me to win people to jesus that is not a vision that's no picture of the future in actual fact that's not a vision that's a mission and there's a difference between a mission and a vision as a matter of fact every pastor in this auditorium have the same mission that's why it's called the great coal mission not the great coal vision to win the losses every past this mission that doesn't make you unique when i talk to business people i ask them what is your vision for your company and they say things like to make a profit that's not a vision that's every company's mission to make a profit no wonder why your company is broke bill gates never desired to make money i was in his driving force steven jobs who created the opera computer he never pursued money if you spoke to him before he died and you asked them what was your vision his his answer would be to put in the hands of every human on earth the power of the internet that's the vision visionaries deal with the future how do you measure a true vision how do you know if a vision is real i'm going to give you the answer ready write this down because many people wonder what a vision really is and what is a true vision first true vision is a human cause that's worthy of self-sacrifice true vision is a human cause worthy of self-sacrifice in other words a true vision is when you see a future that is so important to humanity that you are willing to lay your own life down to accomplish it and that's why true visionaries never live for themselves mr nelson mandela had a vision of a south africa without apartheid a vision where everybody was equal and there was no segregation and there was no racism he had a vision of a country that where everyone was equal he saw it and he went to prison for it sacrifice do you see something young woman that is worth starving for religious people disturb me because they always think about their bellies they want to eat all the time they want a nice car all the time they want a nice house they want offerings these are not visionary people i came to this country and i never asked this woman for a cent i came here because of you i came here because i'm driven to raise the mindset of third world people to believe in themselves i came here because i believe you are great leaders trapped in a follower if you give me nothing it wouldn't matter because you are not my support abba father [Applause] leaders are not driven by personal profit they are driven by a cause that is so noble that they're willing to personally sacrifice for it are you a leader young woman think about it a true vision demands sacrifice number two true vision is a view of the future that is more noble than self-preservation i want to say this slowly true vision is a view or a picture of the future that is more noble than self-preservation and what i mean by that is a true vision is when you see a pitch of the future that is more important than your own survival and this is why people like mahatma gandhi when he saw a vision of india being free from british colonial oppression one man decided the future of india that i see is greater than my own life so he went to prison and he told them i will not eat until my people are free he began to starve to death in the prison and the british tried to make him eat and he he refused to eat he crossed his mouth and he starved for the sake of his people are you a pastor with a vision are you a businessman with a vision are you willing to finance your house to make your business successful leadership requires sacrifice the reason why there are very few leaders in this country is because most of us want to preserve ourselves we don't want no one to hate us we want to be loved by everybody we want to be accepted by everybody we don't want to rock the boat we don't want to disturb the community don't want to disturb tradition you are useless you cannot be a leader without breaking traditions leaders are nuisances true leaders are always a problem because they are always destroying the gnome they break up tradition they're always bucking against policy you cannot go to the future by maintaining the present so leaders go to the future well you know dr monroe you know our church been around for 500 years you know and i cannot you know uh change the policy you know and and our tradition our tradition oh shut up no wonder why you got two people in your church you cannot go to the future if you don't leave the present leadership is about movement you can't lead where you are let me put it another way you cannot lead people to where you are because that's where you are lead means you leave where you are and you go to a place you've never been are you a leader number three true vision is not selfish ambition you know you ask people sometimes what is your vision and they say oh to to build a big house by the water that's not a vision that's ambition you ask people what is your vision to build a church for 250 000 people that's not a vision that's an ambition what is your vision oh to become a multi-millionaire by age 40. that is not a vision that is selfish ambition no wonder why no one's following you true vision never benefits the visionary it benefits other people if what you are pursuing only benefits you it is not a true vision so leaders don't live for themselves they live for people they become the servant of humanity so the greatest is always the servant of others this is why true vision always serves the people let there be leaders in this country rising up out of this conference who will see a papua new guinea that is greater than their private personal ambition number four true vision is not for selfish promotion it promotes others another example of nelson mandela a good example his vision of south africa never promoted him he wanted to promote the people of his country he wanted to set them free and give them equality and give them access to opportunity he did it for them that's a true vision papua new guinea you are in a very critical moment in your development your country is becoming very attractive the global community and they are coming for your gold and your oil and your gas and your copper and your agriculture and the question is will you have leaders who are more concerned about you than about themselves because if they have selfish ambition you will not benefit from your own resources true leaders promote the people not themselves number five true vision never destroys people it builds people a true vision will never destroy humanity and this is why i have a problem with people like the late bin laden bin laden had a vision but it was not a true vision because it destroyed humans the great mind of muhammad i read the quran it's a beautiful book it's a religious book of course not a constitution and muhammad writes in his book that anyone who is an infidel must either be killed or made a slave what kind of vision is that an infertile means anyone who's not a muslim his vision was there's only room in the world for muslim anybody else should be killed or made a slave of the muslim what a vision you can't compare him with yeshua and i was reading the bible one day and and i saw the first terrorists in the bible they were worse than bin laden there were two of them they were terrorists they are in the bible and both of them were disciples of jesus can you imagine two of his disciples were terrorists one day they were walking through a village and he was with them and two of them came to him and said to him master uh we we found some people in the village and they are worshiping but they are not worshipping like us sounds familiar then they told jesus call down fire and burn them up that's terrorism they were worse than mr bin laden you see at least mr bin laden instructed his coords to fly some aircrafts into a building and killed three thousand people he instructed his cohorts to strap bombs on their bodies and walk into a marketplace and pull the cord and destroy innocent people at least he did that that was okay but these guys actually asked god to kill them they were worse they told jesus to call down fire and burn innocent people up what an attitude of leadership true vision never destroys people adolf hitler had a vision of europe being under one government like the romans in and he believed that he was called by providence to be the leader of the third roman empire and he killed millions of people to fulfill his dream that's not a true vision a true vision never destroys humans would you like to hear jesus's response to the terrorists okay both of them were called james and john i think they were from papua new guinea maybe they said call that fire and burn them up why they don't worship like us no different from what's happening today and there are terrorists in this room some of you passes a terrorist you drive past the muslim mosque oh lord point it up why are you telling god bring the building up man you're terrorists you're no different i got you that's not leadership you don't pray for the destruction of people and jesus responded first he was shocked let me quote what he said it says and jesus turned to them and said where did you get this spirit from that's in the bible his first answer was a question where did you two guys get this spirit from now the word spirit there is a small s it means attitude mentality where did you get this mentality from me says killing people and that's why even though i respect mr muhammad jesus christ's philosophy is superior because he doesn't kill people who doesn't who doesn't agree with him where did you get this spirit from he said and then he said these words i did not come to destroy men's lives but to save them even though they worship differently at the moment even though they are still searching you don't kill them in the midst of their search and then he made a statement that pastors never preach on he said because i have sheep who are not of this fold how come you don't preach on that he was telling james and john your attitude is terroristic i don't kill people i save people and all of them are my sheep and some of them are in another fold still trying to find me they can't find me if you kill them so love one another love your enemies because they are simply temporarily insane they are your brothers they will come home eventually [Applause] true vision never destroys ladies and gentlemen men and women i want to define for you now what vision is we know what it is not so what is it number one vision is a conceptual view of the future now this word conceptual sounds like a big word it simply means picture picture vision is a picture of the future secondly vision is a visual manifestation of your purpose your purpose is your assignment for your life vision is when you see it in pictures thirdly vision is a glimpse of the reason for your existence i have a dream i see the day coming when little black boys and little white girls will walk hand in hand in the streets of alabama i have a dream that a man will be no longer judged by the color of his skin but by the content of his character i have a dream martin luther king saw something what do you see about papua new guinea not the one you in is there a leader in your government in your country who speaks like that i have a dream a papua new guinea i see a country where the streets are paved and people are happy and education is for everyone and health is available and peace raising our castles and people are happy in their homes and there is no strife and no broken homes and no crime i have a dream if there's someone with a dream or do you simply want a job we need leaders young man we need leaders young women pastor businessman we need leaders not just entrepreneurs but leaders this is your country and you don't like what you see now people laying on the side of the streets young people without jobs unmarried pregnant girls what is your vision we need some leaders here we need people with vision where there is no vision we need leaders i was sent here to disturb you what is vision vision is the perception of your divine assignment vision is the conception of your preferred future would you prefer to see rather than what is vision is the capacity to see the invisible and believe that it's possible vision is seeing beyond your eyes and living in your imagination that benefits everybody else are there leaders in papua new guinea esther was a beautiful young girl she was in her twenties and she decided to save a whole island and the whole country are there 20 year old women here who got a vision of papua new guinea like esther and that's the new that i could lose my life i could die but she was willing to sacrifice her own life for her people do you just want to dress up and wear makeup and and wear dresses or do you want to change your country what a woman esther was nehemiah had a job he was a a waiter serving drinks but he saw a vision of his country and he couldn't stay on the job anymore true vision makes your job uncomfortable he had to leave his job because of his passion for his vision and he rebuilt the walls of his country papua new guinea needs leaders i want to give you before i close the most important principles of leadership on how they relate to vision these are important the first principle of leadership is purpose you must discover your sense of why you were born i call it your sense of destiny secondly your passion your passion is your personal motivation to pursue your purpose you are willing to sacrifice for it and then thirdly your principles your principles are the standards and values you will not violate in pursuit of your vision and i want to say to all of you that principles protect purpose and passion and number four leadership requires the principle of vision vision is a picture of your destiny it's seeing your future in technicolor vision is the very purpose for leadership the only reason why a leader exists is because of vision so where there is no vision there can be no leader and where there is a leader there has to be a vision so if somebody said they are a leader and they have no clear vision of the future they are not a leader they are a manager and this is why we must capture vision vision is born but then leadership is born when vision is captured leadership without vision is simply management of goals leadership is what gives meaning when vision comes vision gives meaning to leadership it explains leadership if i ask you why should i follow you your answer should be vision it explains leadership it makes leadership legitimate this is why if you want to follow someone your first question is not are you intelligent or are you powerful or are you wealthy the first question is where are you going and if they cannot answer that question you go somewhere else you cannot follow someone to nowhere so leadership gives meaning on legitimacy from the vision vision also provides the direction and the force of leadership and the reason why leadership exists is because of the vision so you must capture a vision for your life and your vision should benefit human humanity when you sit down to write your vision check it to see if it benefits other people if it doesn't benefit other people it is not a vision it is personal ambition all of you came to this earth to improve humanity's life you got to find out what that is that you were brought here to bring to us there's a gift that you're carrying that we all need and i say to you women here in papua new guinea your culture have not allowed you to become all you were born to be and some of you men got problems with women in leadership you are sick esther saved the whole country deborah delivered her people mary gave us jesus what's your problem as a matter of fact let me say to all you pastors right up front look at me in my eyes right now look at me god depends on women so much for leadership that he doesn't make the church a woman a man rather the church is a woman let me say it slow jesus christ is the husband the church is his bride and he left the world in the hands of his bride take a deep breath brothers that's why i married my wife i'm a smart man i married a smart intelligent woman who's got so much leadership quality that she becomes my wonderful teacher ladies and gentlemen do not suffocate other people's vision including your spouse you know this afternoon i'm going to talk to the men this afternoon but let me just talk to the men in front of the women for a second a lot of men think that women were born to cook food for them to be in the kitchen where is that in the bible sit up straight look at me when you read the constitution that's the bible you'll discover that the cooks in the bible are not women oh the other man [Applause] you don't believe me right okay let's prove it abraham had a son son of his name what was his name isaac has he got two sons who were their names jacob esau okay isaac is god's promise son and isaac is about to die now when a man is about to die he wants the best of everything before he dies so isaac is on a dead bed and isaac says you know something uh i'm about to die i know i'm going to die i won the best meal before i die his wife was right there oh come on guys sit up straight now talk to me [Applause] isaac said i don't want you to cook woman you can't cook i want my son to cook he cooks the best meal he says well amen the cooks let's find out jesus christ went to the cross died rose again in the resurrected body he was sitting on the beach watching the disciples in the boat and he said to them caught anything they said no he said put the net on the other side and they realized that's the master so peter jumped out of the boat i began to run in the water and it says and jesus was on the shore cooking for them come on guys clap with me [Applause] all the men who want to be like jesus hold your hand up please all right that means you gotta learn to cook thank you very much give god a big hand he was a cook [Applause] women are leaders and they have vision stop oppressing them let them have dominion male and female have you ever asked your wife what is your vision no you never because you just assume she ain't got none and that's why you are broke come on ladies clap for me just a couple seconds here get it out [Applause] i am a wealthy man today because of my wife her ideas are amazing everyone was born to be a leader so get over it it's a new day in papua new guinea everybody clap come on man clap with me shout yes [Applause] hallelujah you're supposed to be partners in life your wife is not a domestic servant if you're a king she's automatically a queen dummy all the men clap for the queens in their lives right now come on man clap loud let's say the queens know we love them all the queens clap for the big kings around them come on ladies [Applause] leadership begins and ends with vision write it down leadership what begins and ends with vision the reason why leadership is born is because a person captures a vision of the future and it ends when they fulfill that vision and so leadership is about moving from the present into the future it is impossible to lead to nowhere leadership actually supposes a destination if you told me to follow you you must be going to a destination matter of fact leadership without a destination is not leadership is simply motion leadership without a destination is activity without meaning leadership but our destination is simply movement i've heard it said and i agree if you don't know where you're going any road will take you there if you aim at nothing you'll never miss leaders know where they're going they have a destiny they have a future picture they know what they want to achieve and they know exactly what they want to do they have a perceived and conceived vision they see the future he who leads without a vision is simply taking a walk leadership without a vision is activity without meaning leadership without a vision is the abuse of human talent and resources some of you pastors i warn you be careful you could be very abusive of your people because of you collecting their offerings but ain't taking them nowhere you are a thief leadership is about a destination not about a program give us leaders oh lord if your government collects taxes but doesn't take the country to a future that's abuse of people's resources if you collect offerings in your church and have no future vision for the people that's abuse of people's resources if you've got musicians playing for you every week and you've got people at the door being ushers but you ain't taking the church to the future then you are abusing those people's talents leadership is not about maintenance it's about movement leadership is found in this statement written by jesus christ if the blind lead the blind he says they both fall into a ditch you know when you fall into a ditch you can't go nowhere in a hole and most companies are like that right now some churches have been that way for 10 years a whole they ain't growing they ain't expanding they ain't going nowhere they're just present it's a hole and it's because the person in charge have no vision if the blind lead the blind they both fall into a ditch if you feel like you are stuck as a country or stuck as a company or stuck as a church the problem is a lack of vision and so my admonition to you as we close this session is this the most important component in leadership is not power it's vision today you've got a question to answer do you have a vision of the future do you believe the pictures in your mind i love you so much that's why i came from around the world to talk to you because you're getting older you've got no more years to waste living for yourself find something to die for young man go to school and get your education to prepare yourself to change your country young woman go get your degrees from university to prepare yourself to make a difference buy books and read them educate your mentality transform your thinking begin to prepare yourself for your great contribution old man cancel your retirement and get back in the race because abraham started his vision at age 75. sarah was 75 when she began believing again may today be the day that a leader was born in papua new guinea sitting in your chair thank you once again for listening to this message as we hope that it has been a blessing to you our goal is to show you new paths and opportunities so that you can discover your purpose it is your love support and partnership that makes monroe global possible please visit us online at for more product partnership or to join us at one of our live events around the world you
Channel: Munroe Global
Views: 70,401
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: myles munroe, dr myles munroe, munroe, myles, munroe global, motivational, inspirational, motivation, inspiration, kingdom, leadership, purpose, character, speaker, author, consultant, bahamas, nassau bahamas, the bahamas, food for thought, educational, learning, self help, personal development, album, speakers, teach me, planning and change, crisis, Azusa, conference, global, teaching, ruth munroe, charisa munroe, mylesjr, myles munroe jr, next generation, the legacy of purpose, legacy, prayer, success
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 71min 14sec (4274 seconds)
Published: Sun Apr 25 2021
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