KEYS TO SELF LOVE by Dr. Myles Munroe

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and you can write this down the most important pursuit in life is to be single totally single set up with me say it again loud together the most important thing in life is to be totally single say it again the most important thing in life is to be totally single I know you don't believe that yet so I'm going to prove that before we leave here number two singleness is the foundation of all relationships say that with me singleness is the foundation of all relationships and that includes you and your boss student and teacher parents and children citizens and politicians friends colleagues and of course in relationships that are more intimate like marriage your singleness is the foundation of all of those relationships how you get along on your job is totally determined by your singleness number three singleness determines the quality of relationships personally socially and professionally I want you to take this to heart please if you're having problems on your job getting along with people that's a singleness problem if you always seem to have tension with people in your office or on the job as a plumber or always having fights and stress relationships in in your department or on the police force or in the hotel whether you work that's a sign that you are suffering from a singleness problem if you're having problems personally with your spouse that's a sign that you and your spouse are both perhaps struggling with a singleness problem I want to prove that tonight from some facts based on Scripture let me first of all begin with this concept the most important relationship in life is not inter personal relationship most of us probably focus too much on getting along with other people matter of fact this way I get single bars and single dance and single boat rides and single everyone trying to go to the places so he can get along with someone else or find someone else and I want to suggest to you that that is not your priority your most important relationship is not inter personal issue but it is intra personal relationship your first and most important relationship you should develop is not with other people but with yourself that is called intra personal relationships and why is this so important because the most important person you should desire to know is not other people but yourself and the average person in this planet know very little about the truth about themselves they keep putting on other people's images we live other people's expectations we we allow society to create us and instead of having a self-concept we have other concept that means we have a picture that people want us to look like and the third point is important self-knowledge is the key to all relationships even knowledge of your strengths may be important to you but also your weaknesses are important you have to know where you are weak because if you don't know where you are weak in your own self that will become a hindrance to all relationships you have you need to know but you have to manage I think I'm all of us know some things about ourselves that we deny we sometimes want to say that someone made us do certain things when in fact we decided to do it because of tendencies and we need to manage those things we must be careful that we don't blame other people for ourselves and point them before the most important person for you to love is not other people but it's you if I was to say my most important point tonight this is it right here the most important person for you to love is you say that with me the most important person for me to love is myself say it again the most important person for me to love is who myself I want to prove that also tonight because that is part of your conditions of stress we always talk about loving our neighbor and we even misquote the scriptures in this regard but let me just give you something let's look at the scripture for a minute where we get this idea from Jesus was asked a question by someone it's a very important question and to understand the question you can understand who was talking the person who asked the question was a Pharisee a Pharisee was a religious leader of that day Pharisees were trained in all the laws of Moses and the prophets there was 669 laws write that down you remember that that the Pharisees tried to obey in other words they studied the whole Old Testament especially the first five books called the Pentateuch the books of Moses and they extracted every single law or anything looks like a law they extracted it because they wanted to obey them so they could be righteous before God so there was 669 laws when they counted them up now that's a lot of laws to try and remember I won't talk about trying to keep now wonder why they were always frustrated because they were far you see that's why they call it a sad you see they were sad you see they were trying to do this stuff that was so tough and I think it's very interesting one of them came to Jesus and asked a very important question and I think if the kind of question you and I would want to ask - in other words look I grew up in my father's Jewish house I've been to the synagogue I took theology I'm a Pharisee and I've been trying to get this thing to work for the last you know 50 years of my life look Jesus you seem to be very small okay can you tell me out of all the 69 laws it was a question which one is the greatest - to keep in other words if I was going to keep one law more than all the others what's the most important law for a human to keep before God that was a good question because 6 times 16 is just too many to remember and I won't even talk about trying the key so can you boil it down for me Jesus just break it down just just give me the the main one and his answer blew their minds he didn't say don't give me the Daltry don't steal don't lie don't curse don't wash it by the gods you didn't say that he just said the most important law is this to love the Lord your God with all your heart and all your soul and all of your mind and then he did something the man didn't acts the man asked him for one answer and that's important but he gave him two answers to one question why because he couldn't answer that the question with one answer because the question required two answers now notice what the answers were he said first of all you should love God with all your heart your soul your mind your strength but then he kicks and he says oh and the second one it's just like the first not a man didn't ask you for the second one there's only one question but he see jesus said look the second one is connected to the first look God with all your heart your mind your soul is trained a lot of us find it easy say we love God we worship we keep you know I love you lord I praise you Lord and you know do you're faithful to church and you always go and nothing to these meetings and prayer meetings and you know you go witnessing them and God said okay that's fine over the second part I know you love me but he says the second one is just like the first one which means they are equal this is deep he said and the second one it's like the first one in here it is you must love your neighbor as you love yourself and then he says all the 669 laws are in this one law if you keep this one law you don't need the 669 love God love yourself love your neighbor now I want you to read that voice very carefully he did not say love your neighbor first and that's what we keep making a mistake we keep trying to love people we know the prerequisite let me break it down for you I read I did a research on this verse when I was in school in university it's one of the verses that I researched with my professor who's going to be here next week dr. Jerry Horner he was the leading and still is from the leading Greek scholars in the entire United States he hoped he helped to translate the NIV Bible he also translated this new spirit Bible this this guy is good he'll be with us next week make sure don't miss him being here you will go advanced like that when you read the Bible the guy is good but in his class at university I remember him we went to this whole chapter and it shocked me when he gave us the meaning of the root word that Jesus used which is it says love God which means to pursue and focus on God's character and God's nature and God's qualities when you love someone you want to pursue them you want to understand them you want to get to know them you want to be with them why you want to understand how they think what they need what they want with the desires are he they do that for God pursue God with all you might get to know God's qualities his characteristics his nature what he's like stay with God so you can know God but then he says love your neighbor as yourself and here's the words that are used here in the original Greek it means to the same degree love your neighbor to the same degree that you love yourself in other words the same measure that you love yourself is how you will love your neighbor Jesus says the implication is loving God to result in self-love and then self-love qualifies you to love other love put it another way you can only love others to the same degree and measure you love yourself write that down very important stop trying to love people first this is why you got hurt if you don't love yourself you need people to love you and when they disappoint you the whole bottom falls out because now you don't feel loved again if I love me and you don't love me I am still loved so if you keep your love for me I still satisfy because I love you before you met me and I met you so if you leave me I still love me so crisis a look the key is fall in love with yourself first but that's not enough he says and the same measure you love yourself is the only magical of other people so write this down it's one of my favorite statements from I was sixteen years old and it goes like this it is more important to love you than to love me in other words when anyone asks you or tells you they love you your response should not be I love you - wrong response according to the kingdom of God that Jesus is establishing he said when they tell you I love you your response should be but do you love you why because if you don't love you you cannot love me so you lie in other words it's more important for you to love you then they love me and I got to make sure you love you before you try to love me because you can lovely what you love you so you better love you plenty am I getting through see this is why we are difficult to other people we try to get them to love us so we can feel loved because why we so manipulated by people it's the sign of self-hatred give us I'll do anything view no hold it hold it don't you ever do that and that's why I didn't work out for some of you because you went in looking for love and whenever you go and looking for love they can control your hundred percent because they could threaten to take it back anytime loneliness is a manifestation of self-hatred we put another way please write this down seven ways to self-love please this is good stuff write this down this is fresh from manor of heaven number one self-love is a result of self-discovery I need another seminar to teach that all by itself you got to discover yourself first or you'll never love yourself number two self-love is a result of self sauce what I mean by that is you have to discover where yourself was sourced where did you come from you cannot love yourself if you don't know where you came from because sauce determines value oh boy in other words if I if I used if I took a piece of rock and I cut it in half does it become anything else no it's just a piece of a rock again and if I cut it again what it becomes a piece of rock again in other words whatever it was originally no matter how I break it down that's what it is so if I took a diamond and I cut in half what I get two diamonds cut it again I get what four diamonds so now you see it maintains the value so if you don't know your sauce you don't know your value number three self-love is a result of self-worth you can never give yourself worth you don't know where you came from and you can know your camera if you don't discover yourself and discover your source in other words you are suffering from other people's value of you and that's why you need them to keep giving you value or sometimes we create value of the things we collect that's why the fashion industry controls your life and you broke and oppress because you keep trying to buy things to give yourself value because you ain't know how much you were this is why you collect cars with big names and dresses with fancy you know brand names and shoes with brand names and you want to live in a fair one because that whole thing has to do with a lack of self love it's you need to collect things to give yourself value that's why when you lose them you really go crazy self-worth number four self-love is a result of self esteem esteem means how much do you estimate you cost or worth what is your estimate of your value and some people is it is so low they sell themselves on the street got a prostitution sometimes they sell themselves sophisticatedly in their jobs or even sell their selves in a relationship that they know they shouldn't go that low but they don't have any estimation of the true value and so they sell themselves cheap on the altar of compromise just to have company around them what a tragedy you shouldn't marry anybody to make you feel important forget it self-love is a result of self-esteem when you realize how much you are worth you fall in love with yourself let me give an example if I gave you a plastic ring out of a cracker jack box and then gave you a $10,000 diamond ring and give you both of them which one would you really love the most you're not amazing which one would you want to know where it is all the time you don't give it a plastic ring it which one do you put in a nice leather pouch and you know you put it on in a private place maybe an inner you know it in a safety posit here I'm in the plastic I see self estimation makes you treat yourself with leather pouch experience don't touch this I just can't go anywhere I am diamond the same plastic I can't be seen just with anybody come on talk to me see it but it has to do with yourself esteem self-love that's why Christ says that's the most important love on earth not the love for your neighbor number five self-love is result of self-concept concept has to do with pictures that word concept means idea or picture how do you picture yourself determines how you treat yourself and that picture comes from your discovery of where you came from you know a diamond is a diamond is a diamond every day and they say roses or roses the rules in other words once the thing is it that's what it is I'm so your picture of yourself doesn't come from other people but we keep getting it from there oh you look nice well listen I don't need you to tell me I look nice I told myself that this morning before I left and if you never told me I still know I look nice but I'm cool man me I live meself in understand me see self-concept you don't walk around allowing people to paint you how you should feel about yourself you supposed to know who you are you know I was thinking tonight man was preparing to come to talk I said you know Jesus Christ would not have gotten along well with most of us he was opposite to what my mother and father taught me in the same island as a little boy they said son never talk about yourself and I think I came from the British oppression colonialism where we were taught that we were nothing you know so so my mom refunded boy stop talking about yourself stop talking about just that boy you know yeah be considerate and stop talking about yourself now now you see that may sound nice but that's stupid that's what causes low self-esteem when your child says well mommy I'm good at this portal show you're good you know yeah stop that stop you know talking big about yourself and they would correct you from feeling good about yourself now here comes Jesus he would not get along with us every day all day the guy was into himself he had a picture of himself that was almost irritating and it was irritating that's why the Pharisees who has low self-esteem attacked him on attack because he kept using this word I and that's where my mother said he never used that word son stop saying I remember that some of you look at that guy his eye was constant I am the bread of life I am the water of life I am the door I am the way I am the truth I am the resurrection I am the Sheep gate I am the way I am the life I am the bread I am the water I am the resurrection I brother you a lot of I yes I am that's why I don't need your opinion to tell me who I am my ears would mesmerise me about Jesus write this down I never just just changed my life at 18 I wrote it on a team he never spoke negative about himself number two he never accepted anybody's opinion of himself because when you have a sense of self-concept your own picture that other people's opinion don't touch you their perception don't touch you you got to be very important to be able to say to yourself I am if you don't know who you are will tell you who you should be and there's your problem have you ever seen people this one of the signs of self-hatred is when you take people shopping with you all the time oh I'm in trouble now see but I'm gonna say it see is it let's go shopping okay okay okay Beach are you going to prom with that that that part is okay you know you won't France that's fine but when you go to a store and you put on something you like and then you come out of the dressing and say what do you think and she says hmm you go take it off now that's stupid that is crazy if you like it honey that this isn't my body forget what you think I love me I like this clap clap clap praise God but that's a sign of self-hatred see what you want to dress the police the person it's a sign of self-hatred and I know I have seen some things that people wore that other people liked but it didn't look good on them I see some things I told my wife sometime she didn't see yourself leaving the house today I know that no one would come over the house looking like that but they were dressed for other people self-hatred number six self-love is result of self identity once you when you know who you are you fall in love with yourself number seven self-love is a result of self value how much do you value yourself that gives you your love for yourself if you believe you are valuable you fall in love with yourself just like that ring that diamond or plastic so discovery of your identity determines your attitude toward yourself and that determines the measure of love love yourself and that determine what you can love me I think this is a very important night because we've been asking the wrong questions you should never ask someone do you love me that's the wrong question first first question but scuse me do you love you that never is axed and that is the question and if they are shocked by the question leave fast because right away you know they'll even know what you're talking about see this is why marriages don't work people going to marriage looking for love you don't go to marriage looking for love you go to mad because you're ready to love yourself and you want to share that with someone else that's all you're looking for none you got it already it's very important number number seven self value and here's some point I want to make here self love is the source of true singleness I think you're feeling it already that's why I always tell people you a single yet singer is the most important relationship in the world because singleness is being totally in love with yourself first single this means that you love yourself so much if no one loves you you still happy singing this means that your best friend is yourself you can spend all David yourself and take your supper for dinner oh come on I feel like shouting all by myself and believe me I could do it all the time even as a married man take myself a dinner and order stuff for myself love myself that's why my wife is so safe because I love myself I will say that too deep okay ten manifestations of self-love this is a measure I just down this will tell you if you love yourself okay so you can measure it when you go home study this for the next three days come back every session and remember this is what we want to focus on if you're going to be single and affluent and an influencer you get to begin with self-love here's how you know if you love yourself number one self-confidence total confidence and by the way when people who don't love themselves meet a person who does love themselves they always consider them arrogant because the insecurity is intimidated by their security and so they call that arrogance it's not arrogance they just love themselves number two self-love is manifested in self-respect if you believe you are a diamond you just put yourself in any situation go with anybody you know where anything your self-respect it's a sign of self-love you got your breasts out with no bra and a thin c2 blouse that tell me a lot about how you feel about yourself you ain't got to tell me nothing I could see well come on clap anyhow I praise God yeah you shouldn't be that cheap around the world selling yourself free and no one paying for it a one watching looking at you you just lowered your value it's a sign that you have no self-respect number three self-love is manifest and self-assurance a self-assured person somebody who seems so assured they almost intimidate you their bowl they are confident they they are not afraid they just believe they just know and they make you feel afraid that self-love number four self-love is self-assertiveness when a person has love for themselves they assert themselves like they don't do it to try and be pushy assert means that they believe they got something to offer so they offer it and that could be advice Direction input then other words look you know you do it let me let me give my advice and you may product push you know self-love being manifested it is someone saying look I know what I believe and I know and whom I believe and I got something that you could use number five self-love is manifested in self motivation when a person loved themselves they are internally motivated they don't depend on people to get them going when you love yourself you manage your own feelings you decide what to do every morning yourself you don't need no one to give you no schedule you make your own shipping in life when you love yourself when you love yourself you believe that you are so important that you need to plan to give your light to the world today number six self love is manifested rate is down in cell values self value means a personal love themselves place value on their lives so high that they don't come down to meet nobody they bring people up where they are they value the things that are important to them number seven self love is manifested itself giving this one is very key notice Jesus said he said you can only love your neighbor if you love yourself in other words you can't give me what you ain't got for yourself so self love provides you with the equipment to give yourself to somebody else without expecting anything back you put you put it another way if I don't need you to love me and I love you if you don't love me back that don't matter to me I've been too fast me try to get I love me I meet you I love you but I don't need you to love me because I love before I met you so with all your love even though I love you doesn't take away anything from me cuz I loved you before I met you so I don't love you to get love from you I love you because I am full of love of myself that's why Jesus Christ could die for us and we turn our back and Kristen why because it wasn't a matter of needing love back you don't understand though he knew that he was so valuable that you needed what he had and whether you receive it or not didn't matter because he had it before you even received it or not receive it self-love is able to give itself without manipulating people number eight self-love is self affirm self affirmation self measure me when you love yourself you tell yourself you love yourself you don't go around saying what do you think no no no that's what I think I like this self affirmation means you can graduate yourself but what I did that was pretty good and some of y'all got ideas but that a listen you know I'm just like my daddy my dad is an amazing daddy my daddy did this I wonder men and galaxies and then my daddy says that's good come on clap my dad that's good and then he made you he said now that's very good see when you have a little love for your son god is what God is love that's why you tell himself out that's good if you wait around to be approved by everybody that's a sign that you have self-hatred you need other people to give you value you know if you love yourself when you didn't do a good job so you tell yourself that's not as good as I could be I'll be back self-love gives you the confidence to be able to give yourself away and affirm yourself this is why self loved people are not manipulated by anyone this is why criticism runs off their backs like water on a cat it's not because they can feel you know it's just that their feelings are not out for manipulation number nine self love is manifested in self forgiving now this one is very deep the average person Rome have not forgiven themselves for a lot of things yet and sometime you think you do but you keep carrying this weight boy what I did five years ago how to know that that's and I'm you carry this thing all the things I did last year man and you can listen when a person loved themselves they actually have a good victory themselves and say you know that was dumb what they did last week now you know better than that miles why you did that stop doing that yes miles okay see they can they forgive themselves we walk around trying to get people to forgive us when in fact being forgiving ourselves now remember you can't do for others which haven't done for yourself so if you ain't forgiving yourself you can't forgive me number 10 self-love is manifested in self investing okay if I gave you a diamond ring would you pay to secure it that's a $50,000 diamond ring you just put it on the under floor no you would pay to get some kind of security for that right you'd even pay maybe for what you call them box safe say yeah you pay monthly for safe deposit box why because it's valuable but what he would invest in something that is valuable now you wouldn't get a safe deposit box for a plastic ring or the cracker jack box in other words investment is a measure of value I love myself so much that I read at least I try to read four books a month and keep investing in myself come on I think I have something important off of the world so I keep expanding my mind expanding my concepts learning new things so I can learn how to be more effective I keep investing in my said well I love myself then I make sure I eat good food and I try to pay live extra to get healthy food in a set of drinking you know just the the juice Drake I have a drink tip the pump you know so the pub drinks also and it might mean an extra but I love myself see and I'm certain best in myself cause I want to be strong and always ready to go you know at age 50 for men you want fight them and in other words when you want to know something you invested so yes a guy sucking on cigarettes I tell me right away the guy to love is Long's self-love determines what you invest it invested go back to evening school to take a course that you didn't get because you love yourself you decided to go lose 20 pounds because the doctor said this ain't good for your heart and you love yourself so much you can invest in getting up here in the morning there's extra jogging you know stop going to the all-you-can-eat section you know either invest in yourself why because you love yourself some folks should let themselves go and that's a sign that they don't love all of themselves sometime they love the intellect didn't love the body where is yourself love you talk about singleness right this now this is very important every human was created to influence the world and I want to to just bring these three words to you tonight and let the others pick up on these words I wanted to write definitions down I did a lot of research for you the last few days okay single isn't influence this talk would happen when you fall in love with yourself what happens after that well here's a thought every human was created to influence their world so when we talk about influence as a single that includes you but I get some answers for you today influence is defined as the capacity to impact one's environment that includes the people and circumstances through presence performance personality and competence right those words now if you want to be an impact in the world before you die you need those words in your life presence performance personality and competence you become an influencer when those four things are developing your life now presence means that when you walk into a place walking into the place could have an impact as a sign that you have influence secondly performance performance means you are so good at what you do that you demand respect so you become an influencer you know if Michael Jordan says let me say a few words of a basketball anybody should say why because he has proven by his performance he knows the game so he has influence over that whole area number three personality now personality has to do with your person that you allottee the person that you display how you walk how you greet people how you present yourself physically visually smiling confidence not being brash having dignity physical dignity that's personality and this last one is important competence if you meet somebody with a PhD in physics of a sudden they have influence you get a PhD in anything you have influence when you walk in the room why you took the time to get competence in that area that's why they say knowledge is a source of influence and the more knowledge you get the more information you become you know this past week hello sweet TD jakes 5,000 people yesterday I spoke in Atlanta with Eddie long just got back and you know he they had about maybe 7000 unborn ever invited me one to Washington TD jakes want Atlanta yesterday and they both said we invited you because the material that we wanted you have the content is what they use so they flew me from my country and pay me to come and give them my content now when I get a content from same books that you ain't reading and they think I'm smart it's just that buddy watching TV I'm reading for the past 39 years you could be on the phone for two hours and become stupid just talking dumb stuff you know shut the phone down and pick up a book and read a chapter you never knew and let your mind be expanded and your company's increase some of you on a job right now and the job is being threatened my suggestion is to to beat them to the punch start not to punch paper I mean to the punch ah stop be careful that's Toki you have to start thinking now what can I do to cut that off and get some companies in some other areas what are you doing to diversify your education knowledge what are you really good at that people respect you for when you walk in the room they say boy that person can do that or who do they call on when they need certain things that's a sign of influence very important influence is earned please write this statement down it is earned over time and I wrote this very specifically and carefully so you can write this down influence is earned over time through the consistent commitment and dedication to a personal goal and a conviction and a discipline or a cause at the expense of self-preservation pitch right now is a long sentence but it will help you in 20 years in other words influence is earned over time when people watch you and and see you invest in refining your own self in a Nelson Mandela for example can fit this very easily Nelson Mandela was a lawyer he graduated from a school in London went back to South Africa and he had a problem his conviction was that everybody was equal his people are not being treated equal so his conviction created a consistent commitment that took him in prison in other words he wasn't concerned about his own self-preservation he believed in something so deeply he was willing to pay a price for it now paying the prices would earn you influence if you go true heaven come out people with respect you that's why he came with a prison on Monday and was president on Tuesday well he already paid the price for influence in the country why you impressed with lawyers or doctors think I spent 14 years trying to get a specialization in medicine somebody walks in there he tells you take your clothes off yes sir okay come offer the guy got influence you're like here I won't take my clothes of anybody but these guys they get clothes off you know it's the influence over those preparation of those years and the price and the cost that he put in that makes you influenced by him I can see I use the imagination I can see Levi make it we do a lot of time take your pants off I say yes sir take your pants off but you see they pay the price why they were dedicated and committed to a specific goal or a specific discipline that earn them the right to have influence what have you done long enough the victory would be influenced by you and respect you for something haven't done anything yet and you change jobs so fast we know what you specialize in matter of fact most people either jack or Jacqueline Jacqueline of all the trades you know master nothing you have to master something to gain influence and that's why we here this week now won't you just write this this next statement down this is very important one single listen success I'm going to give you a secret here and if you learn what I'm going to share with you it doesn't matter what happened to the stock market if you learn I'm going to share with you it doesn't matter the oil prices I'm giving you the greatest secret of how to overcome every environment how to do becoming single how do you become an influencer well write this down influence power will produce leadership and that maybe as a sanitary worker or someone who is a housekeeper in the hotel they can be leaders in their areas it may be someone who sells perfume in a store they they know a thousand scents they've been there for 50 years they know how to everything smells they don't know if any perfume that's the competence so don't you think of leaders as being Prime Minister it could be someone selling shoes who have a thousand shoes no every one of them in that store they know exactly what they like what they do with admit it up they know they are competent but the problem is folks will stay there working long enough to become competent influence produces leaders number two influence power will result in personal success and everyone in this auditorium wants to be successful personally I know that I have no question about that I know you want to be successful that's why you breed every morning wake up every morning you want to try one more time to be successful I'm going to give you the secret to success right now here's I become successful the keyless influence is value say that with me the key to influence is value say it again the key to influence is value if you get that you don't you on your way tonight if you want to be influential you must position yourself to become valuable at least a number Tory if you want to be successful do not seek success seek to influence it is the influencer that attracts finances you know Larry King last night chose to interview a guy who never graduated from college with a degree in business his name is Donald Trump Donald Trump is a real estate agent who became a real estate guru the guy is worth billions okay but he started as a real estate agent like in real estate he's still in real estate the stock market fell apart last night drop 509 points to big banks collapsed insurance company about to fold up affecting the whole world and Larry King calls as a real estate agent to give advice on his show last night and I said didn't thought about it I said Wow why did he call this guy influence the guy won't half of New York and I ain't got no money I read his book you should read all his books he got some great books Donald Trump books just buy them he gives some secrets of how to kind of build wealth without money and he says your first enemy is fear you look at the price too much and this guy is worth billions he said last night he says I saw one of my houses 100 million dollars less 90 says a hundred three billion dollars for one house in Florida my god oh I wish I was the broker I'd retire in the morning one hundred million dollars one else this guy but now I can call him why because he's been in it for years and he has become competent and so they call on him because he is influenced Polly to the point number four seek to become a person of influence sick becoming a person of value the more valuable you become the more influential you become okay pastor miles how do you become valuable I'm going to tell you now I've become valuable here's how you become valuables very important value is determined by the worth you bring to life these are very important statements what is what is value the worth you bring to life the less worth you bring to life the less you are paid the less worth you bring to life the less they value you remember that a salary is someone's value of your contribution if you don't like your salary don't ask for more money wrong issue you got to produce more value make yourself more valuable that may mean you got to go to night school and get an another degree in something that may mean you got to shut the TV off stop watching all those front of your sword raphson stop now investing in some unique areas of the knowledge that will give you more baggage of that company some asking for money money is attracted to volume you ever heard this I've been here for 50 years and that consultant came here for 50 hours and make 10 times what I'm making they cheating they're cheating you've been a 50-year but you've been doing the same thing same value we're getting quiet now see I'm trying to give you the secret to become valuable because as a single person is it you gonna marry me bring me some value I don't want no deficit I want to asset if I'm gonna marry you lord have mercy help me and it begins the first of all self love and self love the secret to worth let me explain it to you write this down very important what is determined by your significance oh this is so critical how significant are you to your community the determines your value I was called by the administrator of the hospital here in our country the main public hospital and she said we'd like for you to serve as the chairman of the Hospital Foundation board I said I'm so busy I can't take another assignment she says look we just want your name if we put your name on the letterhead we could ask for money she said she was that's it it's a foundation to get money for different equipment in hospital not what she was saying look you are so body but just your name the worth what word do you bring to someone's life do you step up when you marry someone or do you step down when you marry somebody do they take you up see this is where the rubber really meets the road you talk about influence how much influence do you have how many you bring to me worth is determined by what significance now here's the answer how do you become significant here's a guy who you know this guy never took a course in leadership far as we know he never took a course in business management far as we know the guy's a golfer but he's a leader all over the world and he attracts over 200 million dollars a year just by in London his name to companies now what made him so successful put those words down against his name that I gave you earlier influence what competence who plays better than Tiger here performance you Hey just show him a show him the green that means the golf course just show me show them the cross and he perform for you personality when the guy a truck when he come hey come on others smile animal in concentrate the guy has personality he brings trauma to life just like I do see personality crates influence and then presence when he walks on the car three thousand people show up to watch golf for the first time in history just as presents turned the green into gold how does it look when you show up crab grass oh I gotta go oh man my dad's going anyhow if it is just about attack at least let me get a secret can't give a secret to to significance oh you wonder de okay like I mean a second offering all right write this down you can put Tiger within all these princes I'm giving you number one how to become six significant number one you were created to dominate life but in an area of gifting you have to understand that first the influence that you have in life comes from your gift so if you haven't found your gift that's why you have no influence thank for a minute number two the gift that you were given were given to solve a problem on earth you born with a gift to solve a problem or to meet a need on earth you have to believe that because that's beginning of your significance if you believe you only born to work and pay bills and die that's exactly what we do for you we'll bury you and forget you but I have come to tell 6.7 billion people sent by the king of kings and Lord of lords that you are not a biological accident you came to earth to do something so special and society doesn't want you to find it Society does it because Society and your culture have already peg holes for you to be in the holes that they created and then I want you to violate their norm that's why all great people of influence become abnormal people you cannot fit when you find your gift Tiger Woods found his at four-and-a-half years old I read a story my goodness he was saying his daddy gave him that first Christmas gift and his father took him out on the course and when he hit the first ball his father says you got a gift from that day he kept on buying him golf the material little golf shoes little golf balls little golf you know in the Ross he says got me just he kept on refining that gift number three very critical your gift is your area of significance you've got to find it before you leave this conference every session we're gonna be working on that if you define that gift and I don't know how old you are I really don't care Abraham found this gift at 75 your gift is not your job most of the times and sometimes your job can smother your gift because they tell you what to do not what you really were born to do and so you're a victim of the organization you know in bombers fake ministries we try to give people freedom to exercise their gifts in all the departments we tell them look this would be one done go ahead and develop and I push people sometimes they don't big date did they become overwhelmed by that they don't know what to do because they come out of situations where they didn't have to think for themselves and I try to create a culture of freedom hey and you solve that problem and it demands for you to make demands on your potential because I'm trying to define your gift I'm trying to get you to identify what your strengths are write this one down number four discovery development refinement and serving of your gift to the world is the key to your significance I'm going to peat it again the discovery then the development the refinement and then serving that gift of the world is the key to your significance and when you find that gift you get to develop it you know the books and the seeds we got out here and not for us to sell your products they are filled with refinement systems every book that we've written is that people have an encounter with their own gift and to find God's will for their gift and to identify God's will for his kingdom for you to function in that gift because that's your significance and in that is your value and that's what it tracks well let me show you another thing that's very important people are attracted to your gift not to you personally write that down please you know almost as you Vickie and all of us who are you know sometime in public all the time people really end up it's not us they like so we got to be careful that your gift I remember Jesus asked a question one time a lot of folks decided to join his organization one time up over 70 and he became very nervous and Jesus asked him a question why are you following me and before they could answer you told the reason is it not because of efficient brevet fed you yesterday in other words your guys into me y'all enter my gift people will be attracted to your gift dr. Simmons is here today he is a pediatrician I think that's what they call you guys obstetrician some trician okay and okay now I mean people flocked him over the years by the thousands he don't go look for them they look for him why they come in for the gift they don't like him personally I mean some may get you know appreciate his prisoner but they it's the gift they come for and guess what they give you money for your gift and that's why the secret to wealth is your gift if you're going to be an influencer first you got to love yourself loving yourself will help you discover your gift when you find your gift you become valuable now you got to develop it refine it that means you got to change some of your company your keep it got a focus specifically on a program start feeding yourself good material getting in the areas where people are in your area of gifting get to know people in your area of gifting get relationships you know take some courses go on some seminars and the gift you want to develop and find it you got to refine it sometime you get a leave your job to come to a seminar to build your gift the future is not in any job the future isn't the person who's holding the job so don't be married to a job they take it from you tomorrow and if your value come from your job you better never get fired let me repeat it again very slowly because behaviors to understand it sometime if your value comes from your job you better pray they never fire you you are more important than your you are more important than the position they gave you that's why they get taken anytime they want let your value be and who you are in God discover that you are valuable they can never take your gift they could take their job but they can't take your gift you know I am amazed that someone like pastor Barbara over there you know I know Barbara now was about twenty nine thirty years and the day I first met Barbara she is a hospitality whiz didn't you to ask her she says pastor I want to be in hospitality you know she could sell spit over a restaurant just sell stuff she she she will make you buy by a hospitable spirits gift some folks you know that the Chinese says he who does not smile should not open the store what they're saying is you ain't got the place not only don't fool with that business we need to appreciate the gift the gift is wood attracts our wealth and once you find your gift you'll always have money I'm gonna put it to you right now write this down your gift makes you valuable and that's the heart of singleness start looking for someone to marry and discover yourself first and focus this week on Who am I what can I do what is my gift what can I bring to the world what can I make a difference in the world with how can I bring improve us to the world that's what we want to get in your heart this week I got a little I got a little a little suggestion for you unmarried people write this down your gift attracts wealth and affluence you know when you find your gift you attract people perhaps across a prospect I'm telling you if you ain't valuable people avoid you and then use you that's all they use you and then avoid you but if you have a gift you become attractive and this is why people who are successful in their gifts can be very careful to manage their relationships dear are many women I'm sure try to connect with dr. Simmons in that office I'm sure that thousands of the years why when you get a gift people attracted to the gift and they figured a gift that plenty money you know the man oh yeah I meant so I'm a smart guy see ah this is interesting I tell y'all this is when she stories dinner like it closes down okay I was at the elevator in Washington DC in this beautiful Hyatt Hotel and Morris cyrillic was having a meeting there this is a two weeks ago and I wasn't speaking at that meeting I speak in all of his meetings and I'm you know I always do but I wasn't at that meeting I was at another conference in another place and so I was standing at the elevated my wife and I were there and all these people in the conference all them know me because I speak at those meetings often they all knew me so they ran to me they said making all this noise and I'm getting excited and everything some of them bought books me to sign and it wasn't my conference I've just living in the same hotel and this guy stood by her side made his talk I said dr. Monroe you shouldn't be at this elevator I said why he said you shouldn't be here I said why he said no you shouldn't be here look at all these people they arresting you I said they arrested me I love these people that's what I live for I look for the people I'm here to strike people he said no no no he said my father and the other speakers the VIP they're using the VIP elevator in the back you should go in the back used to get the elevator I said but I am NOT with that conference he said but I think she's good use of the I people have said people don't bother you you know I said not then he says by the way where where's your security guards you just walk on my hotel like this I mean you know people like you don't walk around whereas your security guy where's your your protection and I said my wife is my security guy the people start clapping in the lobby yeah don't nobody I said that and I was right and I mean that because I don't trust no woman I'm a gifted brother gifted when they see me with her they don't look at me he don't fool with me I'm happy I'm telling you your gift will attract even some demons come on talk to me the Apostle Paul had a beautiful young lady Bible said was following him beautiful lady prophesy and I did she posed have some of the reasons for was a influential guy and after three days the posse know something I think your attitude your motive can be rate and pause it you full of the devil how prophecies were right she promised I correctly Paul says but their motive demonic your gif attracts wealth and also affluence then you have a gift and you ain't married you can pick a juice no one notices me well I'm giving you a secret now they can't find your gift you dressing up spending $20,000 on a hairstyle and the bill said she ain't got nothing to offer I don't want sleeping no you no horse here I wonder I wonder we think I want a gift well I'm gonna get the trouble down right ahead it's a single stuffing 2008 we could be Connery here this is what you say what is your gift later in your face that attract people now the fact write this down very important probably as a teen a very familiar verse verse 6 it says our man's gift makes room for him where in the world for the second part is exciting and it brings him before kings not you the gift brings you in the presence of people and listen I like that if you ain't married you want to be bought in the presence of Kings because you figure anyone in that room you straight you start if you keep attracting poor people check what you show and what kind of give you show up or give poor people hey I was telling the folks on radio this week when they interviewed me I said you know that they was talking about what I talk about your known radio station this week Freddie Freddie yeah Freddie I thank you man Freddie okay I said you know my mother taught my sister yeah it's a three cheer Allah I have seven sisters and I was a little boy hear my mother say if any man you don't look anything don't even give him the time of day and I couldn't fatal for a long time until it made sense anybody and some ladies look around and say hi no brother no no no no no I'm not a day the brothers calling him dog a dog has gone there who are you attracting who is your gift bringing you before hoodlums wild women wayward women always come into you strange men always be attracted to you what are you showing what what was the gift but if any at all what are you showing write this down your gift makes you more attractive than your looks and I'm sure that Vicky will tell her story Michelle went before the week is out she'd tell your story how she met her husband but you know it's amazing you know my wife was attracted to me because of what I was involved in the vision is she came to our concert and you know she wanted him to to meet this poison this nice-looking guy at one time I decided I answered no no more I decided that when she woke me one letter that was a lovely letter you ain't going nowhere brother she caught my knees he she said he's the best thing I ever met you're the best matter of man I said woo and talk this woman again not the way she saw gold leaving come back here you know who do you attract that's an important statement you could you can wear thousand million dollars worth of clothing and attract nobody except maybe your gift your gift will bring you in the presence of prospects bring you the precipice place so bar will be careful they come into the restaurant we cannot you here use a manager this lady I like this picture I got this picture for all of us it's a positive woman strong affluence means means that you are rich but write this down it means to be rich in personal confidence to be affluence means that you are rich in personal motivation you are rich in the sense of value you value yourself an affluent person is also rich in them in the sense of significance they feel that they are important to life that's what gives them the sense of affluence an affluent person is also one with a sense of destiny they have a feeling that they were born to change something in the world an affluent person also has a sense of generational responsibility I have to do something for the next generation I can't live for myself that gives you influence and affluence number eight on affluent person also has a sense of material comfort in other words they know how to make do until they can do better that's why they keep attracting more they manage resources properly and affluent person is always in charge of their lives I want to pray for you tonight I said a lot of things tonight it took me a lot of years to prepare for this one session because I had to learn these things myself I am an example of everything I'm teaching here tonight I still live on an island seven miles wide I live ten minutes from the place I grew up in low-income area mostly folks I grew up with they still there under the same tree playing dominoes and the only difference between me and them is I decided to pursue my gift refine it you still get your gift you were born with it and that's the good news no one has to give it to you so there's no excuse god never told Adam to be seed full because he already had it he said be what food for bring forth what's on the inside here's some of our food tree a mango tree will never ever bring forth oranges so whatever your seed is that's the fruit you're supposed to bring forth this there is a primary passion that you have that makes you single singularly influential and I pray as a god what should we do tonight he says I want you to release the seed pair it in people because that's the key to your singleness your influence and your are fluence your seed attracts your wealth and it keeps you free from economic crisis it's matter of fact no matter how bad the economy becomes what the Simmons will still see them babies no matter how bad economy becomes you can still need that lawyer see when they when we find the seed it protects itself from the economy you can't really fire a doctor because he takes his medical knowledge with him when they fire you what do you take let's pray can you pray for yourself for a minute first of all forgive yourself just try that the other things you don't like about yourself repent it knows two big breasts two big legs both into tall got long hair my eyes and right when not as tough we don't like about ourselves that makes you dangerous because you can't love anybody else either ask God to give you a revelation of where you came from you came from him you came from good stock you ain't no wrong you are a god can I ask for a miracle tonight Lord can I ask God to deliver you from your upbringing for that's a miracle can I ask God to live you from your neighborhood the one you were born in where they they conditioned you to think a certain way can you ask God to set you free from your parents words that I still shouting in your mind that you ain't nothing you'll never be anything now you fifty sixty years old and you still get in words you're just like I told you you gotta say no you are who I said you are tonight you're still great can you ask him to give you love for yourself tonight then she never had before ask him to give you enough for his image in you ask him to forgive you for devalue in his image whatever that was no my sister can you can you let us leave this first night preparing for tomorrow putting it all on the altar the night can you do that let's put another voices I can Jesus he has a toughest thing I saw the spirit if you want to make that change tonight to fall in love with yourself then I'm gonna I'm gonna challenge you to make some hard decisions it really doesn't matter which church you come from what family you came from tonight is about you about both and of a gift oh my god father do it tonight blessed be your name if you'd like to to get a revelation on where you came from who you are you'd like to connect with your gift I want to ask you to come and stand with me right here in front just come up you're seeing that you won't take your name excuse me let me get by this is a night of stirring up the gifts I'm going to pray a prayer that was prayed over me start the gift the secret to your future is in the gift that you carry it's not in your correct on your education it's not in who you know is in your gift and you don't need no one to give you know no breaks in life and in order to try to sweeten your gift makes room it opens doors and I have never once asked anyone to invite me anywhere never once because they look for your gift can you come a bit closer please thank you Jesus when the Lord speaks to you you should make a decision I learned it that's why I'm very obedient and the law convicts me I'd move right away sometimes the Lord will convict you on certain things and different people on the other things if you got convicted once tonight you should be here just on anything that will save this session if he caught you in any area just come right now don't even think about it is the Lord yes yes yes I surrender that area to you I want to I want to love myself the Bible says if you hear his voice and then amazing because he knows that we hide their hearts may be here if you hear my voice it says don't have young hot maids mine yeah he stopped thinking I ain't going up there I wanna go to see me thinking thinking I don't know if he happen if you sticks to you just responding this conference is for all of us nobody people with problems all of us have problems but we are not a problem we have them maybe not yet we want God to solve them and he solves them by a surrender self-love I want you to tonight listen to the words of this song I let this song they come your prayer I want you to just bow your heads close your eyes and let let us become a prayer and as the Holy Spirit deals with you go ahead and do what he tells you let me tell you to cry i'ma tell you to kneel you may tell you to pray loud you may tell you just a moment take just just to listen but whatever it is let him change yourself tonight you will sell yourself cheap no longer tonight God's putting you back in the diamond case your age have nothing to do with your value and in fact the older you are the more pressure you're supposed to become to the world the God reveal your father to you that's missing the darkness where everything is no I face the power of still I did not know a police where Jesus Skol said his greasewood it will provide the Oh I'm running to the first we're home you're lost in the curse illusions they never come true I know where there's a place Oh Oh Oh come on Oh right Oh Oh Revathy hola Heavenly Father I want to love you teach me how to love you teach me how to pursue teach me how to understand you I want to know your nature I want to know your character I want to know who you are I want to know you I want to love you more I teach me Lord about me show me my character show me my true nature let me see who I really am give me a revelation oh why am i came out of you I'm a piece of you I came from my father you are my father I have your essence I have your nature I have your qualities I have your character I am worthy of know I am worthy of value I am important to the world I have something to give I love me I love me because I love you I am in your image if I love you I must love me and if I love me I must have every other image thank you Lord for speaking to me tonight forgive me for devaluing you by devaluing me and tonight I repent I changed my thinking I am important I am valuable I am special I am an answer I have a solution I came to the world to make a difference I am full of love I am full of love I am full of love and I love myself and I love myself and I love myself and I reject every negative thought about myself I renounce every negative word about myself on this one I am brand-new I am reconnected to my original self I am in the image of God I am a new creation old things are passed away tonight I am a new creature I have found myself and from this day Lord I promise to learn to love myself more I'll put you right on your hand feed up to me Heavenly Father start up the gift within me by laying on your own hands stop my gift show me my gift reveal to me my gift show me what I was born to be what I was born to do what I was born to serve I declare my gift is being stirred up now in the name of Jesus father in Jesus name right now I pray for a kingdom miracle Lord set everyone free from their past oppression and I release the gift within them by they've already invested in me by your kingdom that I started giving it back and their ideas of the brain today on signify the gift and welcome north and impact the generations a father wake up their dreams of all three for your back to life father attend tonight be the big on the same affluent and influential let the world never forget that we were here before we die and may you receive all the glory for this new beginning in Jesus name and run shout amen Alleluia giving praise tonight let me get I want to do couple things as you leave today I want you to make em if you're going to come to every session some of you didn't plan to do it but this is too important of a few days for you not to be in this covering of this meeting
Channel: Sonia B Dorsey
Views: 846,370
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Dr, Myles, Munroe, International, Bahamas, Faith, Ministries, Kingdom, Love, Principles, Yourself, Keys, To, Self, Hatred, Looking, For, Jesus, God, Religion, Government, Get, Know, Don't, Depend, On, people, to, love, you, World, hatred, Your, source, is, your, value
Id: HWcKC7ACv6g
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 89min 26sec (5366 seconds)
Published: Thu Jan 05 2017
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