The Power of the Resurrection - Apostle Guillermo Maldonado

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I'm gonna be speaking I'm gonna start now and I will continue next Sunday talking about the resurrection power everybody lift your hands and say with me the power of the Resurrection you need to say like you like your God is alive say it again I just want to mention something to you if there's anything dead in you it will revive this morning anything did you dreams your contracts finances marriage organs they will revive today you need to be an expectation so today we tell them it will revive today ok maybe you never heard this message is part of my book the power of the kingdom but there's so much revelation God has given me beyond what I wrote in the book of the kingdom of power if you don't have it you can go to my book and you see more in the resurrection but this one is going to be very powerful there's much revelation in it and you I want you to get it receive it and apply it that's the wise people when you receive something and you apply it you live it you walk in it the Bible calls you wise so are you ready for it ok the power of the Resurrection let me give you an introduction of this message I would say the importance of of what we face that we fail now is in the presence let me put it this way the important is that the power of the Resurrection is that we think our faith is in something that is alive now your faith is now because his resurrection your faith is not in a dead person but isn't it an alive somebody that is alive the majority of the believers believe the resurrection of something traditional as something that is not historical and I mean I'm something historical but not as something now and if he had not listen our preaching would be in vain also of faith will be be the Bible says for witnesses and with miserable of all men that's what the Bible says now without the resurrection Jesus would have stayed in the status of another prophet in another philosopher can you can I hear an Amen if it wouldn't be for him it wouldn't be for Jesus I mean for his resurrection we can say now we wouldn't be celebrating his resurrection and let me put it this way we live in an era of the replacements you see replacements in the church today and we have replaced a historical God for her now God and how do you know we haven't searched that believe that historical God not in the Jesus now the risen Christ to believe and and that Jesus can manifest now in many circles of Christianity and religious of the world Jesus is regarded as a historical figure a philosopher a prophet a good man a teacher but are not as a resurrected Christ and his miracles now are a myth a legend and Christianity teaches his life and his life his life without his principles without his miracles what I'm saying to you today is this so the church is a custom to live without his power therefore we don't we can supply human needs now because if you believe in a historical god i know jesus healed but if you don't believe that jesus he'll now we're in trouble because we need to supply the human needs now say with me now multitudes of people are seeking an answer they'll seek an answer for the problem their sickness their affliction the cancer the diabetes their sickness and and disease oppressions and they go to the psychiatry they go to the doctor they go to different things and they can find any answer and they if you offer them listen to me if you offer them a historical Jesus nothing nothing can be done because he is not in the history he is here now can you put your hand together religion and I want you to write it down because I wanna I want to open your eyes to understand the power of the resurrection religion cannot bring Jesus into the now that is the difference when you tell some religion people oh can you pray for me I am depressed they will say oh well God is with you they can do self-pity prayers but they can't change anything because their God is in the history and in our God is alive now so religion cannot bring Jesus until now there are impossibility and perplexities in the world today that only can be met by the a resurrected living Christ in his power so you understand that's my introduction there's some things that I was preaching to the young people on Friday and I was telling them I said there's impossibilities there perplexities sicknesses diseases things the science can't do anything so they need this resurrected and Christ is alive in us so understanding understanding why religion can do anything for you couldn't do anything for you so we can do anything for me so we understand now what is the resurrection and I want you to write it down the resurrection the meaning of the word resurrection means to raise again to resurrect again to come back to life to come back from the grave and the death I'm going to say it again to race again to resurrect again to come back to life to come back from the grave and the death so Acts chapter 2 verse 24 I want you to see a chapter 2 verse 24 and you will see how Jesus how the Bible says whom God has raised up having loosed the pains of death because it was not possible that he should be Holden of it in other words it was impossible listen for death to hold Jesus oh gee it was impossible without his resurrection we can have a heaven now without his resurrection you can bring heaven into your problem into your crisis and into your impossibility I want your eyes to be open well what is the resurrection and I want you to write it down for a moment the resurrection is the continuation is the continuation of the life of Christ in the now I'm going to say it again every time you speak on the resurrection is the continuation of the life of Christ in the now in other words you can talk about the resurrection and talking about the past is his continuity on the earth his life being manifested on the earth today number two it is his resurrection it is his resurrection life manifested now through you in other words people need to see his resurrection power manifested manifested displayed through you and through me so his resurrection is the manifest of presence and power in the now I'm going to say it again if you serve a resurrected Christ a living Christ is his life it's manifested here and now can I hear an amen so you understand what the resurrection is coming back so I want you to see a testimony and one of my persons that I trained and I taught how to raise the dead this morning the spirit God said to me I want you to activate all the church to raise the dead [Applause] so I just show to three people that they get happy and the rest of it they don't want to raise the dead so if you die now touch your neighbor and tell him if you die now I will race you back you didn't I didn't hear you okay so the Lord said to me I want you to want you to and I want you to see is that as the thing ready is the video retic and somebody asked okay so I want you to see this testimony from Lesotho Africa and I want you to see it how this was prepared and even we went to - lets go to Africa we sent a team because I trained somebody that through my book was trained to raise the dead he went back and he raised a young person 19 years old he was he died two days in the morgue they put the certificate death certificate in the hospital and then they it day he was there my son went and he raised him back from the dead is it ready it's not ready can you tell the people in charge of the the testimony that should have it ready okay so I just wanted to mention that but this is I want you to understand so you know what resurrection is is the continuation of the life of Christ in the now it's this life power and presence being manifested through us it's not in other words Jesus the miracle signs are wonders he did did not stop when he was on the earth now his life continued in you in me in you in me manifesting today can I hear an amen so now I want you to understand what happened in the resurrection this is very powerful what the resurrection prove to you to me and to the devil into the world there's something that the resurrection proved as I just told you if he had not risen he would have stayed in the status of another philosopher of another another religious leader but he rose again so I want you to know what he proves business legal terms I want you to know that this is what happened Jesus Christ first I want to see what he approved number one his validation of the father this is the first proof this is the first evidence his validation of the father Psalms chapter 2 verse 1 and 3 I want you to see some substitute verse 1 I want you to write it down what the resurrection proves what was it what really Jesus proved when he roasts again he was proven to who to you to me that you understand I don't serve I'm not serving a dead God and his resurrection was not something like oh yeah he rose again because it was God no he rose from the dead as men as men that's what he makes so powerful I admired Jesus so much I love Jesus I respect him because he rose again as men so I want you to see what the father saw the validation of the father prove his resurrection this is what happened why do hidden rage and the people imagine vain things versu can we read together the kings of the earth come on read a set himself and the rules of the counselor together against the Lord and against his anointed saying talking about Jesus keep reading come on read it together I'm high verse 4 and shallow the Lord shall have them and what ok verse 5 keep going keep going please quickly and shall speak to them in rap and what ok verse 6 verse 7 and I see clear a decree lik look at me touch your neighbor attempt don't sleep on a pond so now I see somebody sleeping can you put your hand together and wake up alright ok I will declare who's saying that to who the father is saying about his son I declare the decree why did decree the Cree is an order as a command is a command the judge of the universe is talking he saying I declare in heaven why he's declaring that because through courts judge Jesus a religious court and the secular Court Church two courts judge him now he said they found them they found him guilty he and his own their own judgment and they said they said he is guilty so Jesus said the only way to prove to them and to this humanity that I'm not guilty is coming back from the grave lemme lemme come on shout so this is the legal terms two courts Justin he's guilty he's guilty crucify him this is what happened and then the father said wait a minute I declared the decree I declare a ID create command and then he said the Lord has said unto me unto Him unto Jesus you are my son this day I have begotten thee what day what is the command he has to change the verdict or to secular and religious court and he said to do that I have to declare you my begotten begotten means to race back and to take it out of me come on people I began means things I raised you back and I take you out of me from inside of me from my womb from my belly I take you out verse okay listen to this so to court so God says you are my begotten I have begotten thee so write this down his resurrection is his vindication by the resurrection God overthrew meant their date you know comprendes by his resurrection jesus said I would prove to you that I'm not guilty what I did said he said I went to the cross and pay for humanity for the sins of humanity and I just want to prove to you secular people religious people that I'm not guilty and my vindication come from My Father I'm gonna speak to some of you that you've been accused you've been persecuted you'll being rejected a vindication is on the way if you believe in as resurrector Christ a vindication is on the way God will prove your enemies that day wrong somebody has a child on the back God has to prove your enemies not a wrong now else I touch it ever tell him shot so write this out his resurrection is he bending his vindication by his resurrection God overthrew men's verdicts in other words if he had not risen everybody would have said he's guilty lawyers say something or my lawyers here the church ought to say something so home I got Jesus so what the resurrection proved he proved that he was not guilty she proved they went to the cross to pay for your sin and my sin and without number two what resurrection prove his resurrection proves his credibility Jesus resurrection proves his credibility what do you mean his credibility what he claims to be when he was on the earth he claimed to be the Messiah he claimed to be the Son of God he claimed to be the way he claimed to be the life he claimed to be the resurrection he claimed to be the son of God he claimed to be the law of Lord he claimed to be the king of Cain he claimed to be if he had not risen you would have asked Jesus what you claim to be it's not real and what do you say today yes what he claimed to be is real my god I feel apart on here tell what he claimed to be is real what does it tell you if he's alive if it's alive now goddess is it that is reviving everything in you reviving dreams reviving visions reviving marriages reviving organs in your body reviving everything put your head together give him a big sigh poor lawyers he proves his credibility without his resurrection he has stayed in the same statuses of a lot any philosopher religious leader and a prophet he said I'm the son of God oh yeah it's like I'm telling you now I'm the mayor of Miami proving nobody's gonna believe me what's my support what is behind me so everything he threw now he what he claimed to be 2000 years ago he is real it's true put the head together it wouldn't be any difference between Buddha Muhammad my Ghandi Confucian mmm-hmm and all the list it wouldn't be any difference his credibility write it down his credibility was also in the miracles and signs of wonders he did okay and somebody say yeah but I've seen in the Bible the thousands of people died and rose again yes but there's only one that lived forever laughs earth came back from the dead but only one rose again to live forever oh my god I need to I need to have a Pentecostal attack here so Acts chapter 4 verse 33 so go acts 243 so you see thousands of people died of the Bible in there rose again you see many people in the Bible Jesus rose laughter for back from the dead but no one lives forever so acts 433 and with great seeker-friendly great entertainment via possible grace social help [Applause] with a great concert come on Charlotte lift your hands here great great power it gave the fossil witness of the resurrection of Jesus Christ and great grace was upon Denmark if you're talking about grace you're talking about power don't give me any grace without power oh Jesus Jesus is here whatever you need you're gonna raise that dead you're gonna zoom miracle with great Wow [Music] [Applause] right the sound if he had not risen from the dead that man his identity was not true oh Jesus you didn't get it number one his credibility his vindication number three his resurrection proves that death is temporal write it down his resurrection proof that death is temporal why are you afraid to die it's temporal what do you mean four inches up to 15 verse 54 it proves that the tomb is empty and death is temporal death is swallowed up in victory [Applause] many of you you know what's the root of fear you know why many people fear they fear because the main root of fear is dying death so at the end if you lose your job you connect that with something with death if I lose my job I'm not gonna pay my rent they're gonna send me in the street and somebody's gonna kill me in the street see the connection when you have fear the main fear is the fear of death but thank God I think I thank Jesus jesus said don't be afraid because I overcame death if you die you just be transported to another world to my present put the head together ho ho does anybody ask if the decimal is already can you put your hand together people to tell about you what they have whatever they have you can put it can you put a testimony if you have it can you let your hands before the Lord Jesus I wanted to hear testimony because I like to preach but I like to preach with demonstration are you talking about demonstration well let's go the mystery but apparently it's not there okay number three so it proves that death is defeated by God death is defeated so when when some the doctor said to you all that thickness look like cancer fear comes to you say wait a minute this is the Vedic their cancer we're not going to touch my body neither my children in the name of Jesus why why because Jesus defeated death somebody needs to fix what I'm saying over there Brian move and do something number four lift your hands before the Lord shout to the name of said it tell her jesus is alive Jessica do you have the new song it's gonna be prayed okay you ready I said are you ready okay let's go he was he was activated when he read one of my books at a whole in a moment I receive an impartation I'm gonna let him do the talking now he went home after three days that the grandchild had died he went in there he spoke life into that child unlike a power of Jesus Christ that worked I rose from the dead and now he's healed testify about on the 23rd of December 2015 I had a call from my daughter to say that there's found a son floating in the pool at that hand it was one year and eight months old the doctors and the nurses of the other meeting with us and it says there's nothing they can do my daughter she's afraid of water here and she told the doctor if there's nothing you could do I'm ending this child into Jesus's end right now to say our several sex was like a funeral service we meet and we cry three days later it means in his room in our believe in God but at that time I couldn't even breathe I look at this child full of tubes covered with foil I took a bottle of oil and I basically sprayed him from ear to toe head to toe and I said lord I believe in you I believe that you raised Lazarus from the dead I didn't see it but I wondered supernatural touch on my grandson he was wriggling in lungs that pop everything at home he was drinking the nurse asked me what did you do Esther Jesus alive now [Applause] give him a little dance come on one two three go [Applause] [Music] hey Jesus okay you didn't have the phone take you see okay my god I feel flour got here okay lift your hands and say his resurrection proves now they now his credibility what he claimed to be his identity is true he is the lore of Lord the Son of God if he's alive now I am Alive in my body my mind my spirit my soul now look [Applause] prove his credibility proof that deafness Emperor number I'm proving a point I'm here in the courtroom presenting his case his resurrection proof that he's alive now and he's coming back right there is a little Pentecostal shake up his resurrection proves the hey Zola Acts chapter 1 verse 3 he's the light now he's coming back if he had not risen why are you waiting for him to come back hey Acts chapter 1 verse 3 to whom also he should sell follow after his passion by many follow up roofs being seen of them forty days and speaking of things pertaining to the kingdom of God our showers preaching in India I was preaching in India and there was a girl that her ovary one of the one of ovary was removed and she was Hindu Breman which is a high-class people and she was sick with the sickness that is one in a million and she bled I mean blood came out of her and his her father was ready to give blood from his blood because she was going to be without blood it was very weird sickness as I was ministering and I said Jesus will appear to someone here he will show himself alive Jesus appeared to her and Jesus said she was not a believer and Jesus says see my nails the mark of my nails see my hands that I am Jesus [Music] append I said I am to the hula ID he goes I am Jesus and then he said I will create I will kill you now and I'm healing and created a new offering your body the blood stops for 11 years she went to many doctors she was completely free Jesus showed himself alive so if you want him now he can show himself alive to you now the Jesus appeared to me Lord today from us a Jesus appears to me he chosen to take you see cannot so for Ibaka Revelation chapter 19 verse 10 so what is on the same number three that Jesus he proved that he's alive now his power and his resurrection is making all things alive now reviving everything business organs anything that you need oh you didn't hear that that doctor okay listen sis's oho so his resurrection through to to secular courts religious and a secular prove his identity through the death temporal prove that he's alive now in his coming back okay but listen to this so but this is the way he proves that he's alive now his testimony Jesus has the testimony what's this a system Oni and he fell into his feet to worship Him and he said unto me see do not worship Me that's one way to say it I am NOT a fellow servant of the brethren that have the testimony of Jesus Jesus has a testimony lift your hands to say Jesus has a testimony say it worship God for the testimony of Jesus is the spirit of prophecy what does that mean what does that mean the testimony of Jesus is the spirit of prophecy prophecy has to do with the future he said his testimony he talking about that his future and revelation chapter 1 verse 8 the Bible says what is this testimony this is what his testimony I want to see what's Jesus's testimony revelation and I am the Alpha and Omega in the beginning and the end [Music] Tesla lore listen which is which was you [Music] [Applause] which his was and is to come me Oh nineteen put your heads together give it a big break his rest after Altos his head rot Oh sweetheart what's the testimony of Jesus okay we here I'm here preaching and I say Jesus said can I go to King Jesus Peter said yes Lord please come but I want you to come in person okay come here those doors open and then he comes here and I says Lord do you have a testimony to share with your sons and daughters ah anybody has a testimony here in search do you have a testimony if you don't have a testimony you're not born again do you have a testimony lift your hands if you have a testimony okay so I've got to have the testimony anybody saw our Jesus healing it but it's all Jesus delivering all Jesus trust me Jesus restore my marriage ha Jesus got afflicting me all those demons oh I said Jesus can you testify please and Jesus come over here and then the two angels over there waiter waiter please keep let me testify and then he said I just want to mention to you and tell you by testimony well why did you testimony then he said I was dead I went to hell I took all your sicknesses on your TV ah and it was three days and three nights in hell and I prove to you now and I proved to the sexual of course a religious court that I'm alive now I claim to be the Son of God I am here now I claim to be full of lord I am here now tell that touch Pilate he was wrong Delta devil he was wrong tell that hell that he was wrong I am Alive now if I'm alive now you alive now and everything you took become alive everything you do become alive pray for the sick cast out demons break that dead because you've got the rest director [Applause] my god I want to run how on a run cheese us did you finish Lord did you finish look do you want to know more how I took all their sins I overcame death the tomb couldn't hold me death couldn't hold me famous couldn't home I'm gonna preach I block I like to preach like rock oh Jesus Oh gimme gimme TV man give me a couple of key there man saw me see Jesus not the god you serve that's the goddess or you raise the dead is anybody of your family members dark rites the back [Applause] [Music] then when it was [Music] let me tell you how sit down I can see the lawyers of hell hell objection objection objection what is your objection objection well what's the name of the judge will overrule over give me a hammer give me my dear give me a gimmick witty calm I feel uh give me aa a gabbo gabbo whatever you call it GABA whatever Hey objection you can't raise him from the dead wait a minute what did he do wrong nothing what is the good he pay all the sins of humanity he he for our your sickness all your disease what else is that I heal this prick I gotta get up somebody has the top if you don't because in the resurrection you've got a religion if you so rejoice a top rap all the resurrection you've got a religion [Applause] [Music] I'm gonna do what the Lord spoke to me the Lord said I want you to activate everyone to raise the dead raise the dead if you have any family member that died let's pray not it's not going to happen but if it happened you're going to command the spirit of death to come out how do you raise the dead always erasing of the dead the sovereignty of God is involved every eye closed every eye closed every code I don't want anybody to get distracted always in the racing of the Dead I have seen the day race three times in my own life and I have seen in more than 100 times through my sons and daughters that I raised people from the dead so this has to become normal into the church any believer can raise the dead any believer any believer you don't have to be a reverend you don't have to be a personality you don't have to be a star everybody lift your hands toward Jesus I need I need I need I need anybody I can hear it I need I need a music to my ears to flow I need a piano oh I need it I need a violin somebody taste it up come on I want everybody to lift your heads to the king of kings and the Lord of lords cambree a ribbit Sara Dakota I will activate you every one of this building and everyone that are watching by the internet I'm going to come out close closer no far closer if you're watching my Denton I want you to stand everybody stand stand what I'm doing now what I'm doing now many people that will die in the future the life will be extended because you know how to raise somebody from the dead family members friends that one time and let me explain to you about the racing of the dead before activating every time I erase the dead the sovereignty of God is involved meaning he has the power of a death in life I have pray for people and they didn't get healed I pray for others they got healed but it's not my business I believe with all my heart it was God's will to take him home nothing I could do nothing people prayer could do because it was his sovereignty it was the best for that person so one time I went to South Africa and the Lord said do you gonna see us somebody raised from the dead and another time and I saw a person coming off of the dead and another time I went and somebody died while I was reaching I pray for the person that person did not come back to life every eye closed just listen with your spirit and I said God why and the Lord said because my sovereignty is in law you do what I told you to do and I make a decision was gonna live is gonna die and it's gonna be with me but it's not your job to ask question God in questions God you just saw God my job is to go and raise the dead many of you will go to funeral homes and you're going to enter and you're going to raise the person from the grave on the from the box from the from the literal hands of Jesus no one no one lives in the power of the Resurrection no one you have it ready no one walks in the power of the Resurrection unless the resurrection is revealed to I want a camera here I can be talking over there I need to come on you Carlos I need a camera here listen I don't wanna not want you to get distracted guys he's so easy to distract it that tells you you're not concentrated in God don't don't pay attention to the people or anybody to the musicians you're showing God because God will appear to you Jesus would show himself a lie to you no one can walk in the power the resurrection I have seen hundreds of churches and ministries they don't pray for the sick they don't cast out demons they raise the dead they don't do any supernatural act because the resurrection to them is a historical fact it's not a living truth and the spirograph said this morning he said I want you he said I want to reveal to my people my resurrection if you don't know Jesus in his resurrection you know them in the Bible and his historical figure and that is awesome why you need to know them in the now if you don't know them and they're now your life will stay in the past and the Holy Spirit the precious Holy Spirit he's the one that revealed the truth about his resurrection to his people I'd say VRE close you didn't you pay attention see the problem Frank can you get the camera and get him back leave here see that's the issue when I'm talking they don't understand what I'm saying lift your hand so with Jesus someday I want to I want to everybody to pray in the spirit I want you to stare up there's an explosion of power it's about to fall on you to revive everything I [Applause] was just uh praying in tongues out loud [Music] shabbu sorrowful yes cheetah piranha Aravosis Aqaba Reseda sorry boo cosas que lleva casa silva koto river customer here Ishita love Acosta yeah River she terrible cost one help [Music] lift your hands repeat after me those that are watching by the internet and those are watching by television I'm gonna ask the Holy Spirit to reveal the resurrector Christ in you another historical figure but the Living Christ in you if you're watching by television if you watching at your home an explosion of power it's about to fall everybody's brain in the sphere [Music] repeat after me father God God you need to say like your life father God today I confess Jesus Christ as my Lord in my Savior I confess that Jesus died went to the cross went to hell and three days and three nights in hell and in the third day he was roast again Jesus you prove that you are alive now you prove that this is temporal you overcame death you prove that Satan is defeated you prove that my sins are forgiven Jesus you are alive and now I feel you in my head in my mind and my spirit on my body you are here now Holy Spirit reveal his resurrection to me here we are closed [Music] holy spear hegel hegel he's revealing in your spirit the resurrection of Jesus if it's not alive if it's not revelation to you you can't move in the power nothing will come alive in you unless the resurrection and then you come up pray in tongues out loud I can't hear you you're very very very gentleman you can the power the resurrection you need to be alive Holy Spirit reveal unto them reveal unto them the person of Jesus Christ those that I hear those are watching at home reveal the person of Siva he's seated at that my hand of the Father all power and authority has been given to him they go haigo haigo haigo haigo haigo haigo haigo preying on Eagles receiving now now revelation something is happening into your stomach don't be happening to your stomach revelation is coming alive revelation is criminal our very people are living cooking yes yes yes no yes no yes no yes no yes yes no yes sir reveal them now and we've gotten lift your hands [Music] you never song the song lift your hands up high I cannot feel the power in this place I'm gonna pray for you for you to be activated and the power of the Resurrection volume oh please outside and after I break you will have the power and authority to raise the dead the Lord said it to me you believe it [Music] say with me Oregon today I am activated in the power of the Resurrection I believe jesus is alive now and his life continued in me to cast out demons to raise the dead through heal the sick to open the eyes of the blind the ears of the Deaf right now I am activated a cycle life our race detector I have the power and I have via fooling I will clear the spirit death - come out come out come out yes you don't have nothing in me yeah sickness cancer diabetes you have nothing in me I am full of life and power and Jesus name get on the back south let me ask you do as you pray in tongues aloud father in the name of Jesus I release us you told me this morning I release the power of the Resurrection on your people for them to cast out demons every believer were tapped of him heal the sick cast out demons raise the dead and father I release power and authority to raise his head hey go hey talking in the trunk heading on sago dango dango dango dango dango
Channel: Apostle Guillermo Maldonado
Views: 136,036
Rating: 4.7732472 out of 5
Keywords: ana maldonado, apostle guillermo maldonado english, apostle guillermo maldonado in english, el rey jesus, guillermo maldonado, guillermo maldonado english, guillermo maldonado english books, guillermo maldonado english podcast, guillermo maldonado english sermons, guillermo maldonado english videos, king jesus ministry, pastor guillermo maldonado english, the supernatural now, youtube guillermo maldonado english
Id: zLV-d1EcpNw
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 52min 32sec (3152 seconds)
Published: Tue Jun 13 2017
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