How to have unshakable faith during times of crisis - April 26, 2020 | Apostle Guillermo Maldonado

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so I want you to open the scriptures if you may go to the scriptures please and Habakkuk chapter 2 verse 4 we're gonna be talking about the unshakable faith this faith that can now be shaken if you go to her back okay first let's go to Hebrews chapter 12 verse 26 Hebrews chapter 12 verse 26 and we're gonna go to 228 and this is what the Bible says whose voice then shook the earth but now he has promised saying yet once more I will shake not the Earth only but also heaven in the next in this decade you will see things falling from the sky that's what this versus in the next decade you will see a collapse on the satellites in this next decade you will see things that you never seen before so God said I will once more shake not the Earth only but also the heaven verse 27 and these words yet once more signifies that removing those things which can be shaken such a things that are made are those things that cannot be shaken may remain every shaking comes to see what is of God when the shaking comes anything that is not of God in your life will be removed people places and things will be shaken verse 28 and this is the powerful therefore we receiving a kingdom which cannot be moved let us have grace whereby we may serve God acceptably with reverence and godly fear let me speak to you today last week the next 45 minutes you already three take took three or more minutes so I'm gonna speak to you about this unshakable faith if you are at home I want you to say unshakable faith you know the faith let me open this statement to you throughout the crisis guys how you use me to bring the Rhema word for this moment and to establish the people and the present truth and the Church of Jesus Christ is looking for answers unfortunately message of encouragement do not bring answers but what they do is pacify those answers and until you give the people answers they will never be free because the Bible says you will know the truth and the truth shall make you free so God is using apostles and prophets in the end time to answer some questions to men and to us into the church in this crisis I believe it is very dangerous to live without a present truth because it's very dangerous we have seen in the Church of Jesus Christ and this now message of faith also will bring to you a perspective perspective is nothing more than the way you see things and the times we live in in we have to bring God's perspective into the people God's perspective is how God see things how God see things problems and issues and circumstances in life so we see that we live in a in a time where faith have been replaced substituted by many things like positive thinking like optimism faith have been replaced and reduced to something natural we see believers frustrated because they haven't seen the result of their faith and we have seen people because they walk in an eighth replacement not in true faith when crisis comes you make sure you got the true faith yesterday that yesterday's faith doesn't work in today's economy for sure and and because the challenges we are facing are now bigger your faith is not working and the reason is that if your faith is not working is because you do not have a now relationship with God that's what your faith come from then our faith comes from your relationship with God now if you say I am struggling to believe you are saying I don't have a now relationship with God this is a time that the Bible says Habakkuk chapter 2 verse 4 the just shall live by this faith this is a powerful the lordís revealed to me something so powerful I've been literally soaking in the word in the revelation about faith there's so many things I saw before and and this time when I went back and I said oh my god this is so incredible behold his soul is it's which lifted up is not upright in him but the just shall live by his faith there are one two three four there are three I would say three keys to walk and to operate and to live by faith in that verse I will not teach him now I will teach it at eleven o'clock there three keys to operate and to produce your faith so the corporate Church if you ask me now has treated faith as an option in other words not as a lifestyle and I know they're not walking in faith because they not committed to belief in other words they say if it happens is God if it doesn't happen it's not God that means you were never committed to believe anything so the child of God has an option in the times we live in in to walk by two ways two options by faith or by sight so there's something in history we here at the point in history that when everything has to be by faith and the just has no another option and this is a commandment by the way our commandment is when God gives a commandment is to say you don't have no other option but to live by your faith we are in a prophetic age where we see prophecies being fulfilled before our eyes and the purpose of this check whenever you see the shaking now is to reveal who you are and to reveal what you believe what who are you in this crisis in this new economy who are you I can tell you who I am the I am the remnant of God and the remnant is the one that is believing until the end so nobody has a now faith unless you have a nano world that is something to post right there no one has a now faith historical faith the faith you used to get your children get healed the faith you used to get the miracle in your finances it doesn't work anymore because the problems are bigger now the problems are the circumstances the difficulties are bigger so nobody has a now faith unless you have a now world and I can go testimonies of the testimonies that how my walk of faith has been many times um the majority of times God asked me things that had no make no sense and God asked me things to do because in the Bible every time God asked a man of God to do something make no sense because faith doesn't work with your reason and if you go in through the whole testimony I remember when God said to me I want you to build built me a house a prayer a house of worship and then he said and I said God I do it I just I didn't think it twice and the problem is I needed 30 million dollars in that time and I only had a word and no money so I just went by faith and I acted on faith I'm moving face and I saw in 28 months how God provided so much money that I did not have so I have bought and sell not money I have moving I went to countries by faith in other words I just purposely put my faith into it so if I define faith today I can give you testimonies after testimonies after testimonies blessed be God for that powerful unshakable faith blessed be God sometimes when I I remember I I want to present the gospel to one of the presence of the earth of the unites and I have moved in faith I didn't understand but God gave me that faith to do it I can give you testimonies and my finances I can give your testimonies how I pay my pair of my house I sewed and I believed for five years and I never saw that mortgage going down but I kept believing and I said god I see my house pay off it's paid off I know that so I keep believing there's a certainty when you walk by faith is a certainty that's what the Bible is the substance of the things of for there's something a security in your heart that you know that you know what you know that you act in in faith one of the evidences that you acting in faith is that you have you I will say you not reason things in other words you know start thinking about it so this is so powerful so we understand my introduction is that today in today's economy the past faith doesn't work and so many people are replacing faith they're frustrated because I said nothing is happening yeah of course because it's not faith so I would say I'm gonna give you certain definitions of faith and this is so powerful because when we go went go into it I can give you so many definitions of it I can give you 50 definitions of faith but let me give you some faith is a means to know God in other words is a mean is a way to know God people that know God don't struggle to believe if you know God in other words faith is they mean to know him faith is a mean to access the spirit dimension faith is a mean to access the supernatural phase is a means to by means by by by we can perceive the spirit dimension faith is a means to give to men to walk in the supernatural faith is a means to believe the unreasonable and the impossible in other words faith has been given to you and I like this one faith is the ability of God given to men this is so powerful for men to believe above and beyond the natural that is the key I want you to write it down faith is the ability of God given to men to believe above and beyond above and beyond impossibilities above and beyond the laws of nature I love above and beyond reason so faith is the ability given by God to men to believe something that doesn't make sense faith and and why if you ask me today and I want you to write it down at home again keep connecting if you ask me today and you say apostle why the necessity of faith in today's economy number one this is very powerful number one because faith is the ability to believe God I'm gonna say it again faith is the ability to believe God you can't believe you can only believe God by faith I'm gonna say it again it sounds so simple but it's so profound in other words faith is given to me and to you to believe God have you heard that expression I am believing God but what does that mean to you when you say I am believing God are you really if you believe in God because people you cannot believe God you can only believe God by faith in other words you can't believe God by your education wisdom of men opinions traditions if you try to believe from your tradition you won't be able to do it only by faith that is the meaning that is the mean that is the the way to believe God so you say why we need the necessity of a today because you can only believe God in crisis you can only believe God by faith number two this is powerful the supernatural is a reality by the way of our faith to live today above the reality of what is happening you need the supernatural and the supernatural is real to us by the way of faith faith is a reality of the supernatural number two this is powerful number three faith is a portal a window to the supernatural in the supernatural dimension is where everything is already done and the supernatural dimension is what we need to be to live above and beyond so we need those three things we need those three things we understand now so if I get into more into faith I would say is the ability of God to believe God in other words everybody says or I believe God I am believing that meaning that I am I am seen when I'm saying I am believing God I am saying I am believing the what I see what I hear beyond my senses I am believing God for a miracle I am believing God for healing I'm believing God for Supernatural provision what you are saying you are saying you are believing above and beyond so faith is a walk so let's go to 2nd Corinthians chapter 5 verse 7 the Bible says you see the definition you see the introduction now you see how faith is a supernatural walk look at this so we walk by faith I want you to say at home and repeat it out loud and everybody other studio say we walk by faith yeah but that you sound like you you still sleep ok yeah I can hear your home ok we walk by faith not by sight say it again we walk by faith not by sight I'm gonna say it again we walk by faith and not by sight say it again what does that mean what does that mean let me break I'm gonna start breaking down all the definition faith then if is a walk because faith is a walk faith is a supernatural walk faith is a supernatural walk because the war walk means to advance you if you walking you are advancing we walk we advance from faith to faith Romans chapter 117 from from faith to faith in other words when you walk in in faith when you walk in faith is a supernatural walk faith and this is so powerful therefore the just shall live by faith and then he said charlie by faith 117 got revealed from faith to faith in other words is from one level of faith to another level of faith every day we must believe something bigger every day challenge your faith I'm gonna sow seed that I never saw before I'm gonna believe something that I never believed before I'm gonna do something that I because faith is a walk if you're not fear is containing you fear doesn't let you walk faith is a walk in other words doesn't there's no such a thing as faith stagnant and you say I'm walking by faith but what are you doing are you moving are you advancing so faith is the starting point of the supernatural and this is so powerful if you never walk by faith you never walk in the supernatural
Channel: Apostle Guillermo Maldonado
Views: 32,653
Rating: 4.8861046 out of 5
Keywords: guillermo maldonado, ana maldonado, king jesus ministry, el rey jesus, the supernatural now, supernatural encounters, erj, kjm, apostle guillermo maldonado english, guillermo maldonado english sermons, how to have unshakable faith during crisis, faith messages, the supernatural, believe the impossible, guillermo maldonado and the supernatural, praying in tongues, christian messages, prophetic messages, coming of christ, apostle maldonado 2020, second coming of jesus
Id: 0PGzczZGhKc
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 19min 50sec (1190 seconds)
Published: Tue Apr 28 2020
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