The Importance and Relevance of His Resurrection - The Supernatural Now | Aired on July 16, 2017

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today on the supernatural now your dreams are coming alive your visions are coming alive your contracts were coming alive organs in your body are coming alive everything is coming alive why because we preaching the resurrection right now [Music] [Music] with apostle fear mobile devout oh hello everyone I'm a pasta Guillermo Maldonado and I welcome everyone to the supernatural now God is supernatural he cannot be known outside of being supernatural he is above and beyond science he's above and beyond the natural laws the natural laws cannot apply to him so my friend I want you to prepare because I will be preaching and teaching on the power of the Resurrection what is the important and the relevance of the Resurrection today the important in the resurrection today is because if Jesus had not risen he would have been it would have been like another philosopher like another preacher like another religious leader he is risen he is alive but what about you what about can I can I say to you and prophesy that all things were coming alive in your life your dreams your vision because when the power of the Resurrection is preached miracle signs and wonders are happening when the power the resurrection of the words in other words Jesus is alive and is ready to bring a comeback into life dreams and visions in your life let's watch this powerful message second part of the series the power of the resurrection mr. Hansen declare the power and this I will call it the importance and the relevance of the resurrection the important is that we have faith in that which is alive what is now present time your faith is now because his resurrection is rest because of his resurrection your faith is not in a person that is dead he is alive the majority of the believers believe in the resurrection as a tradition and something like all historical not of the noun and I want you to understand the difference between what Jesus did in the cross how can you apply it into your life and his resurrection there's two differences number one his death is historical is a real fact is undeniable is eternal it is done his resurrection is revealed in the now his death is historical fact his resurrection must be a revelation to you in the noun number two the death made us saved he in his resurrection we come into his power people stay on the cross and the cross is the first part of salvation ask them to understand that I'm saying that you say that you've gone to heaven awesome but don't stay there you must come into the power of God why the resurrection is so key and important in Christianity why Christianity is founded and abate is based upon his resurrection 1st Corinthians chapter 15 verse 14 and if Christ has not risen then our preaching then is our preaching vain and your faith is also vain see the importance why we understand the importance of the resurrection because Christianity is based on that it's sistene his base is founded on his resurrection number to write it down his resurrection Colossians chapter 2 verse 14 and 15 blooding out the handwriting's of Ordinances that was against us which was contrary to us and took it out of the way nailing it to the cross and having having spoiled the worst spoil mean display making a show public show having spoiled principalities and powers he made a show of them openly triumphing over them in it [Applause] what's the status of Satan now he is defeated is the throne his disarmed and his destroy Jesus through his resurrection establishes Dominion power and authority over Satan and power now you have the power you have the authority over sickness disease okay listen his resurrection is the extension of Christ's Kingdom Jesus is the king a king who Oh Lord question what did he conquer he wouldn't be king over what nothing but we know he rose again his peak over Satan his our Signet this siege over poverty is diabetes cancer his king so we know now his king because he came [Music] and I want you to write this down the legitimacy of his kingdom is confirmed in his resurrection in other words his kingdom will be illegal if it had not risen [Music] his resurrection testified the other throne of the previous Kingdom the manifestation of a throne now is here how do you know Jesus overthrew Peyton because people got healed people got deliver people got set free people if you came today there's gonna be a manifestation that Jesus overthrow Satan clean up so it's about time that you receive your miracle it's about time that you receive your healing every time time you see a person being here that's another sign an overthrow that's a sign that the previous Phenom was defeated destroy every time you see an eye being open every time you see an oppression being delivered every time you see somebody being set free you said oh goddess a manifestation that Satan's Kingdom has been overthrown it's is this feeling is this harm it destroyed so what's the point the point is Jesus our King Satan in his kingdom for you to have a 40 and power to raise the dead his resurrection is the realm of miracles signs and wonders March 1617 we can preach the resurrection without power without there no science following these signs will follow those that believe in the resurrection that is the reason you must have revelation of his resurrection you can believe something that is not revealed to you your dreams are coming alive your visions are coming alive your contracts were coming alive organs in your body are coming alive everything is coming alive why because we preaching the resurrection right now so Jesus is saying to you Jesus is saying what do you need something was dead is coming alive now something that was dead maybe your family maybe your marriage was dead banana when this is the power of the Resurrection is everything [Music] Christianity a Christian faith is based on three things number one the death of Jesus Christ on the cross which is proving and it's historical fact pay for our sins number two his resurrection that is revealed now and number three his power which is given to us now how many of you on the power of the Resurrection how can we appropriate the power of the Resurrection this is the way we're going to propriate it listen to me you must have revelation of it otherwise you will have knowledge of the resurrection but at a historical fact not something that has life and every time you're gonna pray for somebody every time you believe something you will hesitate to pray because you're not believing that is Allah I want you to see this video I am a personal financial aid from Lesotho a pastor of windows change ministries in muscle desert I went to Miami to the conference of a post Maldonado and I gave some testimonies after they left South Africa of the things that God was doing in our church and I remember he was talking with me in his office and even as we said son what is happening there do you have any selections there any creative miracles that kicked passion in my heart that came desire in my heart to say God is not enough only to say healer without seeing he means only to say you are resurrected without seeing people coming back to life I believe that even this miracle this event took place as a catalyst to the hunger that apostle Maldonado ignited in my spirit [Music] my resurrection there was this lady that has been in our church and remember this this day that she called me and told me pasta I have just lost my son through heart attack and he's in the muck she asked me to go there with him just to pray for total soul and the next day we went to the hospital where we met and we were taken to the mock or hospital where they about three nurses were working there they pulled out a shelf and the body of Tata was there and they put on the stretcher I asked everybody to - to pray but suddenly as I began to pray I remember that we have been talking in our church that God will do marvelous things in business days even the reason of the date the healing of the terrible diseases the saving of souls in a very very very amazing way so suddenly I began to a certain spirit began to rise within me to say I'm going to pray for this boy to come back to life and I began to release the resurrection power my prayer has directed in releasing the resurrection power I was just going around and closed my eyes but suddenly about 10 minutes I had a noise and when I opened my eyes Tata's body was up and I saw the glory and so many angels around [Music] this huge glory the voice came out of nowhere and told me go back to earth your time is not yet over Tata stayed for two days and we know and we understand that is back home back through the power of the Lord and I remember as he was up then he jumped out of the stretcher and then he was asking where am i and then I said you are at the hospital can you tell me where you come from said you know I come from this place that was full of leiden but there was this voice that was continuously saying to me go back it's not a call back act and that voice also said to me go back to earth and pray for sick people heal them and help them to survive evangelize and take the gospel of Jesus to the people who need it then we know that the preacher of the gospel the ratio of the dead the deal of the snake it's real it's not just an idea but it is the reality of heaven glory to God for the life of the dear man he's a mock in front of our eyes that God is real than his a life Father in the name of Jesus I pray for every person that we watch this video I ask now for the Holy Spirit to the people's eyes illuminates to understand the power of the Resurrection revealed Jesus is alive [Music] Jesus is alive every person and all that is touching this video now to raise the dead matthew 10:7 the Bible says go preach subpoena kill the ship brace the dead in the name of Jesus I pray revelation of the resurrection to come to your heart revealed to them that Jesus is alive to race that there signe shall follow leave in the resurrection [Music] release over test [Music] defeated and right now father name of shisha I come in every person that is watching and the resurrection to race the dead be activated let's Ranger say I am activating now resurrection well [Applause] [Applause] forty-four years he's had migraines I remember he came from North Carolina right Oh South Carolina - South Carolina and tell me what would you're looking for why you came here to the des ministry I'm looking for a healing and a road for us to be suffering - how long 44 years migraine custom-tailored are what happened today I knew [Applause] oh jesus is my resurrection don't you feel when he prayed for you just like a wave of newness just a different person just Jesus never again come on give them it from South Carolina should be here 44 years of my great 20 years this lady was deaf from her left ear she couldn't hear they pray for her we test her and for the glory of God Jesus has healed her okay let's test you we're gonna test you right what ear was the one that you couldn't hear the left oh okay this one was the good one okay repeat what he's saying one two Apostle this is Elizabeth she came with a walker she could hardly walk but God has many years she had to use it challenge on gangrene in her toe they were gonna remove her toe she had hardly any movement but now she's moving her tall like it's normal she's feeling the power god she's had pain in their body for five years now it's gone but did you have what's wrong with you talk they wanted to amputate the toe they say it was dry gangrene in it I could hardly move it but now I'm moving this - can you push your Walker come on push her now turn [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] if you were touched by the program today please call or write to us now our operators are standing by that was very powerful my friend if you're watching the Bible says that the old men without Jesus are dead I was dead and everybody's dead without Jesus Jesus is not another philosopher is not another prophet Jesus is the way the truth and the life and if you're watching right now and you're saying I want to believe I want to check I want to be changed maybe you're a person that you were trained and educated not to believe in God maybe you're watching now and you're going through a tough time and you are you you you you needed a miracle now my friend if you never given your life to the Lord this is the moment in time that you can open your heart to receive Jesus as your personal Savior not a dead Jesus but a Jesus king Lord that is alive now I want you to repeat this prayer out loud with me whatever place whatever place you're watching maybe you're watching at home your office your factory maybe maybe you're a business and you're saying I am tired I need my life I know I need something and I know you need Jesus repeat after me out loud say father God I recognize that I am a sinner I repent of all my sins I confess say I confess with my mouth that Jesus Christ is my Lord and my Savior say Jesus come into my heart now say Jesus come into my heart now and repeat out loud I believe God the Father raised jesus from that I believe Jesus is alive now safe I believe Jesus is alive now amen and amen if you did this prayer thank you my friend and welcome to the family of God god bless you and I just want to mention to you if you need healing in your body if you need a miracle Jesus is the miracle worker so can I pray for you if you need a miracle remember what I said God is supernatural Jesus is supernatural so stretch your hands and I'm gonna pray for your father in the name of Jesus I rebuke every sickness I rebuke every disease on the people's on the people's body right now father blindness disappeared glaucoma there's a lady being healed a glaucoma there's someone here is being open now in Jesus name I pray for a heart condition there's a heart condition being healed now in Jesus name heart condition be healed now there's a knee I see a man with a knee condition being healed now and Jesus name father release new cartilage release new valves there's someone you needed a new valve and your heart is being it's being created right now in the name of Jesus God has created new organs maybe if you need new knees flesh bones are being created now in Jesus liver maybe are you waiting for a transplant liver transplant of a kidney maybe whatever organ in your body be releasing your body now in Jesus name I thank you lord I give you praise and I give you honor I see a child there's a child five years old there's something missing in your head and your brain and God is creating it it's like a cell something in your in your head and you're in your if something is being created in your brain and Jesus name father release the direction father those that are that they thought their dreams were dead I command those dreams and visions to come alive now dreams and vision come alive now I thank you Lord and I give you praise honor and glory amen and amen I thank you very much I encourage you to keep watching the supernatural now you will see teaching preaching testimonies a move of the Spirit there not must fear full of the presence of God god bless you and you can call us you can give us a call let us know that you're watching the show and and let me know if you receive a miracle in your life god bless you see you next time intimacy is the place where you open your heart and God opens his to discover how to pursue the Lord in a new level of intimacy and fellowship we want to present you these powerful tools by apostle Guillermo Maldonado a new DVD series fellowship and intimacy with God and his latest book daily encounters with God a supernatural devotional you can get this package for a limited time for only $29 visit King Jesus ministry org or call us now at 877 two eight six five five eight five also you can write to us at p o-- box seven seven one three three zero Miami Florida three three one seven seven [Music] [Music] carrier of the power and the glory of God King Jesus TV access the supernatural anywhere [Music] [Music] the previous program was paid for by the friends and partners of apostle veer mo Maldonado and King Jesus international ministry
Channel: Apostle Guillermo Maldonado
Views: 10,757
Rating: 4.9422383 out of 5
Keywords: ana maldonado, apostle guillermo maldonado english, apostle guillermo maldonado in english, el rey jesus, guillermo maldonado, guillermo maldonado english, guillermo maldonado english books, guillermo maldonado english podcast, guillermo maldonado english sermons, guillermo maldonado english videos, king jesus ministry, pastor guillermo maldonado english, the supernatural now, youtube guillermo maldonado english
Id: pUqHG8s6G6E
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 27min 30sec (1650 seconds)
Published: Wed Jul 19 2017
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