How to abide in the presence: The Presence of God Revealed.

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we're going to go to the scriptures psalms 27 4. psalms 27 5 and psalms 31 20. we're going to go first psalm 27 4. and this is what the bible says one thing i have asked the lord that i will seek seek and inquire for insistently required that i may dwell in the house of the lord wait a minute somebody said that's the church yes because in the house of god the presence of god must be oh but god is not an ability don't don't give me another theology the psalmist says if the difference between any house any church the question is is the presence of god in that place so that's why he's saying i will insistently seek god's presence in the house because in the house of god the presence of god is and then he said in his presence all the days of my life not only when i have a problem and then he said to behold and to gaze upon the beauty the sweetness attractiveness and delightful loveliness loveliness of the lord and to meditate considered an inquirer in his temple this is so powerful verse 5 one thing for is for in the day of trouble he will hide me in his shelter and in the secret place of his tent he will hire me he will set me high upon a rock there's a revelation i want you to write it down for in the day of trouble i am not coming in the mood of teaching neither preaching i am coming just to follow the presence i don't know how long i'm gonna be teaching that's what i'm very worried about those that are watching that i don't want you to miss the foundation i have to teach you something for you to have uh knowledge that way whatever experience you have with the presence you will be able to maintain it but if you don't have any biblical things can you look at me for a moment if you don't have any biblical foundation why the presence you won't be able to sustain that experience just for a moment and then he said he will hire me he said for the day for in the day of trouble i will hire me he he will hide me in his shelter in the secret place where is the secret place the presence of god and hire me and he will put me in a rock put this in your spirit and in your heart in your day of trouble you should always seek the presence this or the moment we must seek his presence because we are in a crisis globally so he said in the day of trouble you should you must seek his presence nothing will stop you or can't stop you to to be in your presence to seek his presence so number one number two psalms 31 20. i can go in those verses and stay all mourning but again it's not preaching there's no teaching i just want to give you the biblical foundation of the presence psalms 31 20 in the secret place of your presence so you know there's a secret place and that secret place is called his presence you hide them from the plots of men you keep them secretly in your pavilion from the strife of tongues the best place to be hide in or hidden in [Music] in time of christ in times of crisis and trouble is his presence even from the judgment the criticism even from the attacks of tongues against you and against me you know the best place to be is to be hidden in his presence can you lift your hand say yes lord in other words god wants you to the day of trouble it's not time to go away from the church there's no time to be in rebellion it's not time to to be talking it's not time to to be mad in the day of trouble when christ has come to the world you must be hidden in that presence so that is just just the introduction so if you notice there's some signs signs in the entrance of the ministry of the church because the lord said to me i want the people to expect something create an expectation you will see it in a minute create an expectation for my presence you saw signs outside the points that in the premises of this property you will find the presence of god and then you say how do you know i have a covenant with god when i started the ministry and i say lord if your presence lift from my ministry i prefer that you take me home because once the presence is lifted we're going to be a house of men we're going to be we're not going to have the supernatural we're not going to have any covering we're not gonna have any life we're not gonna have anything we're gonna be just a social club so we're gonna look polish we're gonna be nice air conditioning a big building for what if the presence is not here can i hear an amen so the moment you enter your soul the moment you enter in the promise and the premises of the building you will see that you are in the presence there are lots of testimonies like this young man now he's a doctor he wanted to commit suicide he came here uh depressed and he came through this south side of the temple the moment he came with his father now he's a medical doctor he came with his father he said the moment my car entered in the parking lot he said i felt the presence of god fell on me he said i was using drugs i wanted to commit suicide and then he said the moment i went into the parking lot i felt the presence and then he said i went into the temple and i i was weeping all the services i couldn't explain it why because the presence is here so what i'm saying to you is from this moment on and from this sunday on any service you come to this ministry to this church you must bring that expectation god is here and the moment you enter through the door you say to yourself my miracle just began did you see that see that's for a purpose that's what the lord said to me create an expectation in my people for my people to come not just to see a man not just to look for the weaknesses of that man you come for the presence of god and what is going to happen at the day of trouble you're going to be hidden in the day of trouble he will protect you even from tongues talking against you can i hear any man people so we understand that let me ask you some questions there is what i call what the bible calls it the mysteries of his presence there are mysteries we don't know at all we don't i don't know too much i just know the little bit i know is what the holy spirit has revealed to me about the presence and these are some questions they're valid to ask number one what is the presence number two how the presence comes to the service what is the purpose for the presence to come when it comes this is important for you to learn this is important for you to learn and all of us to learn when the presence comes what the presence is there for number three why the presence of god lives from a place or from a person why how can uh when is the president stagnated in a church why the presence lived and and this is a very powerful question okay how when the presence thicken when the present is stronger why what do we do how can we administrate his presence now when you understand now you understand the present and many of you said many people in church don't know the presence as a matter of fact some people feel it and some other people they don't even feel it physically they don't understand because they don't understand the present not because they're bad people they just they're just not being taught they're just not being the presence of god has not been revealed the presence of god is not something you study the presence of god is something that is revealed to you how many of you this morning want the presence of god to be revealed to you lift your hands and say holy spirit come on say it louder holy spirit reveal your presence today reveal the presence of the father the presence of the son open my eyes to understand one thing i desire is to be in your presence amen can you put your hand together now we understand keep connecting those that are watching by the internet keep connecting now what is the presence let's answer some questions and mysteries that are hidden today we don't know exactly how to respond when the presence come i see for example worshiped teens that they bring the presence because of the worship but they don't know what to do with it so we need to know what is the purpose why does he come now the question is this what is the presence of god again i'm not getting into teaching i'm just going to give you a taste of the foundation biblical foundation what is the presence of god the word presence in the hebrew is the word panim p-a-n-i-m which means face genesis chapter 3 verse 8. in other words when you are in his presence you are face to face with god panim is in his presence now and they heard the voice of the lord and walking in the garden of the cool of the day and adam and his wife hid themselves from the presence why did they hit themselves because they were in sin when a person is not living right when a person has sin iniquity when the person is in sin they're not living right when the person is in rebellion against the word of god when the person is not right in their homes family when the person is not right in relationship they will hide from the presence because sin brings conviction the whole the presence bring conviction that's what people when you're walking with people that are not living right they're going to go from you because you are living right can i hear amen people so you bring that conviction so it says they hid in the presence in the lord and among the trees in the garden in other words they were afraid when people is not right with god in two areas in your relationship with him maybe is broken true when you're not right in your walk with him in obedience maybe you're in disobedience when you're in disobedience you don't want to be in the presence that's what people backsliding people they don't want to come to church the last place that wants to be is church because when the presence comes it brings that conviction that you are wrong i wish i can hear an amen so they hid from the presence because they were wrong they sin and sin and iniquity isaiah 59 2 will do two things well god will hide his face but your iniquities have separated you and your god and your sins have hid his face from you faces presence you don't feel it you don't sense it i will be worried if you don't feel the presence for a while i will be concerned because that is a sign you backsliding because if you don't feel the presence you're talking about god is not present with you in that moment amen so sin today we don't talk about that in the church but sin and iniquity he said i will hide my face and and and he said i will not hear your prayers i don't know who you've been praying to but his ears are close to the person that is not right in their heart if you have unforgiveness if you have rebellion if you have bitterness anything in your heart god you cannot god will say i hide from you that's why you don't feel the presence can i hear an amen people so the presence this is so powerful and i'm getting deeper and i feel the presence thickening i want you to open your mind this is for spiritual people this is for remnant because the majority of the people that just want to come to church to hear a message to supply their needs and god says you look for my for my healing but you don't want my presence because you're not right with me can i hear any men people so the presence of god is the revelation of the person of god himself write him down it's the revelation it's the revelation of the person of god himself we are not in his presence until something of him is revealed to you you're not in his presence i am his person okay the question is what did you feel oh i feel god was healing me i i feel god was minister bring me peace that means he's revealing himself as the prince of peace but if you don't the presence come to you to reveal the person lift and say the person so the person of god so this is so powerful so we are not in the presence until something of him is revealed so the presence of god this is very powerful deep and very simple definition of the presence of god the presence of god is the person of god being present i'm going to say it again is the person of god being present in a person or in a church in a building in other words and somebody said yeah but god is said everywhere presents yes but not everywhere revealed not every well everywhere manifested oh i went to that church and and they got nice word yes what my my my respond how do you say my responding my backup no that's i don't want to use that word but but my not support but what confirm [Music] validation what confirms my message is not how good my message is what validates what i'm preaching and what i'm teaching is not how well spoken i am it's not how good charisma i have is the presence of god in the message can you lift your hands and say yes lord no matter how well i preach no matter how much i shout if the presence of god is not present meaning the person of god the glory of god is what god does the presence is the person so hear me people and we're getting into a deep waters here ii chronicles 16 15. this is so powerful so the presence of god who's the person of god brings breast being presence okay listen to this god the father is in heaven jesus is sitting down in the right hand of the father the holy spirit is here on the earth so god is presence through the holy spirit the holy spirit is the visible presence of god on the earth
Channel: Apostle Guillermo Maldonado
Views: 40,075
Rating: 4.8855276 out of 5
Keywords: guillermo maldonado, ana maldonado, king jesus ministry, el rey jesus, the supernatural now, supernatural encounters, erj, kjm, the presence of god, worship, what to do in the presence, the presence of god manifested, king jesus live, apostle guillermo maldonado, pastor maldonado, pastor guillermo maldonado 2020, christian messages, messages of power, messages about god, faith messages, sin, repentance, jesus christ, el rey jesus miami
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 20min 24sec (1224 seconds)
Published: Tue Aug 11 2020
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