Spiritual Warfare - Apostle Guillermo Maldonado | March 17, 2019

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to open the scriptures because last Sunday I thought a serious on spiritual authority if you didn't come please you must get this serious because if you don't last Sunday lesson if you don't you won't be ready for what I'm gonna be teaching today the Lord said to me I want you to establish my people in my authority first before they go to war I'm gonna say it again somebody had a child you must know who you are and you must know what position you exercise in spiritual authority if you don't know you're gonna be in trouble we don't want you to be a spiritual you are we don't want you to be a casualty of war get this serious it's this is powerful this is for you and this is another one serious a mixture of love if you didn't get it please get it quickly okay so you're ready touch your neighbor and tell them I am ready for war if you didn't come last Sunday you must get this series on spiritual warfare I am a little disappointed because I told you last Sunday I don't want you to come alone bring someone there's somebody that is sick there is somebody that is dying there's somebody had children with autism there's somebody that needs Jesus and I told you this series this year you so blessed to be in this house to hear this kinds of series last Friday it was incredible for the young people it was powerful era it was life-changing if you did not send your children please don't because they begged me to do the second part and I will do the second part this Friday I'm not gonna stream it because many of you are waiting for Jesus to see Jesus if you see Jesus come today to preach to King Jesus ministry good you see Jesus bye-bye the Internet so please I want you to send your children and I want you to be ready for this morning I want you to change your countenance because you and then war mode such an Haven tell them I am in a war mode no no no but you sound like you you really friendly are the devil okay you have to say I'm in a war mode I'm gonna give you a revelation I'm gonna give you a revelation if I told you please bring people this world is going crazy it's going bananas there's so much need think about people don't come to your service with a nice car you know God has blessed you please think about your family members that don't know Jesus making a commitment make him to make a commitment to come to them maybe Church of God can I hear an amen so please next Sunday I want you to come and that's what sometimes I prepare myself for days and weeks fasting and praying to give you the best revelation to empower you for victory and then you come here so casual and that sometimes I said you know what I won't preach for the next three Sundays so because I want the people to respond I want the people to obey my instruction this is what Jesus said Jesus said if you are my sheep my sheep he said you hear my voice when I tell you if I am your pastor you will obey what I tell you if you don't obey my instructions I am NOT your pastors jesus said you know the voice what Jesus said if you obeyed my voice for voice means instructions in other words my teachings anybody in this house that practice and obey what I teach them this is what you're gonna see what you just saw on the bullet I wish I could hear an amen on that to hear that so if I tell you please commit to evangelism commit to evangelism I know that if they announce today that we're going to be visiting people did they announce it ah they didn't announce it so that was supposed not right so he was supposed to be done because many of you there's such a battle in the spirit right now there's such a battle in the spirit that we must be to give them we must be united and and sometimes most of that you cannot fight alone you need a mentor you need a disciple called disciple to fight to pray these are the times you cannot live without one day without praying you can because the times that we're living in there's such a I perceive the spirits very agitated there's a conflict going on there's a spiritual conflict going on and you can be casual coming into the house of God and you can even a dance and give a shout touching everyone tell them don't be casual casual is let's keep got a little trace no you give God a praise touching Evan tell him you don't be casual I don't want to think a friendly Christian here so as we welcome you next Sunday promise me and follow my instructions how many of you will commit to bring someone I want to see your hands I want to see your hands please follow my instructions if you don't do what I say I'm not your pastor you here - I'm here to pass on you but I need you to obey there's so many people is not for me is for people that are suffering afflicted with pain and they need somebody your neighbor your family member can I hear an amen okay so now we understand we're gonna get into spiritual warfare lift your hands before the Lord and I want you to say spiritual warfare say it come on okay so let's talk about my introduction as we get close to the end of the age we will experience the most fierce battles in the spirit that you never seen before and you will see that is the reason every single believer is involved in this spiritual conflict we need to locate where the war is in other words many of you have war in your head let me go what people say Amen how many of you have been having thoughts of quitting one two three the rest of it is not how many of you have the other thoughts about doing and disobeying God in Samaria I want to see your hands is that you know as a person listen it's a person with our body we must locate where the war is how many of you have war in your emotions only the women the rest of men doesn't have any war okay I want to see you heads you don't live by emotions when you in war this war is not emotional this war is a spiritual but the enemy uses emotions to put you down how many of you have been discouraged that is 80% with this kind of revelation and empowering it I give you can you imagine those secret friendly churches there's no power can I hear an amen people so we must locate where the war is how many of you have been having war in your finances I'm gonna live my three hands how many of you let's locate where the war is huh how many of you have been having battles in your body your physical body one two three okay did you see did you locate where the war is and can I say something to you if I open the spirit dimension to you in this moment if I open it to you this is what you're gonna see you're gonna see angels I already release them this morning change you need to sit down son you need to be there working the thing okay there's I I release angels you will see angels and you will see demon powers talking to the people you see provoking causing accidents sickness in their bodies if you see them right now we must locate where the war is is it your mind is that your family how many of you have and your family not because the ground there but the mother-in-law told you something no no I'm talking about that you feel that Eamonn powers are attacking your family I want to say your name then you said what happened because as we closer to the end the enemy knows that that his time is short so he must take with him anybody because he hates the people of God I'm gonna give you a balance in the spirit as an apostle an apostle will always bring a balance to the people in the revelation do you hear me are you hearing me okay this is the balance the balance is this that take are you here with me okay there's a balance and the balance and the spirit must be kept and the moment we're living in because there is a war we we look at we you must locate where is the war who is causing the war in your head who's causing that war if you don't have discernment yes what I will do that if you don't have discernment it will be easily to be deceived there are thousands and millions of people today they're not in church anymore they are PO stating from the faith the Bible calls our faith that good pilots I said that good come on lift your hand say in other words you must fight it for your faith your faith in Christ so the enemy there's a battle going on and this is what the Lord shows reminded me and this is important to tell you with this teaching I will expose the enemy [Applause] [Music] that's why you must brave for me because as I expose the enemy is not gonna be happy no I'm serious you say you know I want to put the fear of God in you you need to cover me and pray so because this is Sookie and this is what the Lord said to me in order for compassion to be balanced how many of you have loved I just finished series of love how many of you have you practicing love how many good deeds not to earn salvation have you done but feeding the hunger praying for people delivering the Coptic I want to see your handsome well do acts of love what is a serious I thought in love do you practice it so the Lord said to me and this is something I want you to bring the balance he said compassion and love has another part and it's not complete until you have the second part he said you have compassion and love for the people but you have hates see that part seeker-friendly no they will say no you have to have perfect hate against the devil and this works somebody have to choke them you must take depression your compassion is not complete until you have perfect hate for poverty until you hate poverty you will have poverty now let me let me help you until you hate you hate autism you will not be able to destroy it until you hate until you hate until you hate deception until you hate that until you hate bitterness until your hate unforgiveness until your hate fear father in the name of the Lord Jesus Christ I need the musician Sonny the musician I need bread sit down sit down lift and pray in the Holy go row Cheetara yes i'ma pray in the Holy Ghost militant be militant in this house I am training you to be militant what do you mean to be militant like be impressive one two three go father I release tongues of war until you hate until you hate this afrien eeeh until your hate have lacked all the time until you hate not to have enough money until your haze that's right it's in your body until your hate sickness until your heylet's compassion is not completes by the latrines say with me dear father no you need to be militant even in your voice dear father I am running at our tent this morning I ask you to give me hate hate against the devil and his words my compassion is complete now you know yeah I receive compassion for people love for people and hates hey louder hey against the works of the devil I am told to destroy the works of the devil in Jesus name give him a big thick big big big big big trailer trumpeter sound on the trumpet be militant in this house I will teach you to fight in this house I will train you to fight for your merit to fight for your economy to fight for the to fight be a fighter you get up and fight don't have that self pity party it's not time for the self really funny it's turn - thanks touch your neighbor tell them I am up fighter touch of warrior tell him of a warrior [Music] you need to be declaring all the time don't wait for me to tell you my god I feel the spirit might on me I said I feel the spirit of light on it I said I feel the spirit of mate and somebody say why the spirit of might because the spirit of might is the power of God in the area of war [Applause] you would push walls you like Sansom you would I said you were pushed poverty you will push sake you will push containment you I want to see the militant in you I said I want to see the militant onion sure three people the rest of the people were like lift your hands the Bible says the Lord has wring your hands for war means our hands for war come on see your hands this is not a sticker friendly church this is the church that is this is not a hospital this is not a associate club this is the church where you're trained and equipped for you tell the devil I I am fed up you take getting hold of my husband I will fight for me I will fight for much Wow [Music] [Applause] I can see of militants here put body haha children yes sure stand up I'm gonna release a powerful revelation here I give it to the young people are you ready I'm gonna give it to you this is what I will give to you anything that is of God is worth to fight for [Applause] anything that is oh god is worthy it's worse to fight Oh how many of you have things you got promises you've got prophecies you've got you've got children you've got family is that worth the fight huh you've got economy it's worth the fight fight for your dreams fight fight fight for your vision right how many of you have things of that it are you willing to fight for I want to see your hands I want to see your heads I say I want to see your hands [Music] how many of you have dreams visions of promises economy business your noise power family and you know it's worse to fight for tchau tchau shop [Applause] can I say something to you to compliment that victory is not a victory until you have a fight you tell the devil my victory over my mind is here victory over my finances come on come on militant where the militants here well the Miller well Dassault where the Warriors [Music] the spirit of light is upon me the spirit of night is upon me the spirit of night is upon me - upon me brutal Oh enjoy it like [Music] why are you watching them you said this is a party [Music] is upon me disappointing proponent the spear of mine they clearly astronomy every single dollar just have you seen that is up top God everything is all done I fight so I packed for everything that is of God I fight war war war an instrument tailoring an intramental [Music] you cannot be in this position you're selling the devil you intimidated you must be like [Music] so cold well it will not [Music] but to the people to us [Music] [Applause] everything that is not God this one to fight for eyesight in the spirit with the blood of Jesus in the name of Jesus revelation I just gave you your naked [Music] [Music] I can see many of you are out of shape in the war I'm gonna say it again many of you if you are a shape in the war when you do this that is not a position of a soldier you had a shape of a war you must get in shape my brother you have to lift your head you have to move your feet come you are gay from the war move your mouth [Music] [Music] sorry I haven't get into the message [Applause] many of youth you were street fighters right when you come to church suddenly you big hit seeker-friendly you Street Fighter you with anybody and now come to church you drop me like be the example take your hands up three fighter [Music] I already gave you the line you didn't hear me [Music] let's eat ha ha Roboto here a bishop a reverse I got 10 more minutes I got 10 more minutes I got 10 more minutes 10 more minutes got 10 more minutes how many of you have located your wor what is it okay take your tea oh my god I feel the spirit of might upon me okay listen to me listen to me I'm gonna release a very powerful statement and I want you to write it down what is this spiritual conflict what is the cause what causes it - who are you fighting against three where are the weapons of your army what's the true status of the enemy can I hear an amen people who is behind your circumstance can I hear your people I'm gonna answer all these questions in the next Sunday's to come and we're gonna tag-team it with some of my efficients because when I see that you don't obey I tell somebody else to do it I want people that really appreciate what I'm giving them can I say something - I'm gonna give the second part tonight I'm gonna be preaching so it's gonna be they're powerful but listen to this this is the wisdom for you what is the purpose of this spiritual conflict why are you always fighting what about was fighting my mind emotions kids children the car house family and if you don't have in one area you're gonna have it another word but there's a fight I want to see the militant you're faced with Allah do you do your Navy SEAL face listen to this so I'm gonna answer these questions what's the purpose of this work I'm gonna release this powerful revelation the purpose of this war why this conflict is victory is the victory this is the purpose you're not fighting to lose you're not piling too loose [Applause] somebody said you must be crazy no because you're not fighting to lose because Jesus already won the victory [Applause] and then what are you fighting for to enforce what he already won on the road somebody's child that's powerful that is incredible so the purpose of the victory the purpose of this war is to is the victory and then somebody said I have the victory I am free I feel my finances now changing oh I saw the business growing I got the victory you think that is enough the purpose of the victory is occupation in other words once you win the which with victory in your head you will say now I can think like Jesus not in depression occupy if God gives you victory in your business you do not as writers in your tongue is occupied any victory that gives you in any area is for you to if for you to what in other words you tell the devil I am NOT closing my business I'll occupy this territory the devil thought that he will remove you from this ministry but you came here too [Applause] come on come look chapter xix what is that verse by the way this is not what I was going to teach but the Lord is taking me in that direction how many of you are receiving Luke chapter 19 verses 19 verse 12 lift your hands before the Lord oh I got the victory in my mind I am free now where for a while you must occupy why you must occupy it because from your occupation you have a territory and from that territory your events such a labor telling this territory is mine baby tell him tell him like who this is my baby tell him that doll is alive verse 11 and he added a parable added and they said and because the thought of the kingdom no I don't think it's the verse that I'm going to look for the verse what Jesus said occupied while I come I think its first can you look for the verse 13 13 lift your hands say come on occupy say it come on he caught in other words got it giving you a victory you will have the victory how many of you are fall short you're gonna have victory over your finances how many of you you gonna have victory over your marriage I want to say how many of you huh you will see that husband coming to church very humbled I want to Jesus and he said unto them and he said unto them be seeker-friendly have a coffee till I come habits McGary night until I come he said please have a good time watch the movie till I come I need the militant Church say something I'm missing I want to hear the militant Church those are watching by the internet those that watching Monday in today sit down sit down sit down occupy till i come occupied that's your top till I come out your time all right on the path till I can't occupy till i clock occupy till i come [Music] [Applause] I know the translation says do business well I come in other words the Lord said there's a war in this spirit and there you fighting for a territory you don't fight the air you're occupying a territory God hosta sang you there and you have a victory and they just said well let's go to the war in Iraq and then the United States said let's move the troops what you occupied you are bending the victory occupy is to business till I come in other words the kingdom of God you occupy through business touch your neighbor tell them I will do my business I will occupy I will okay you don't get it you I sound business and money and many of you said I rebuke it in the name of G okay listen listen occupy Tilikum so the purpose of war I'm finishing I didn't enter in the message the holy spirit took me another one but next Sunday at the same time no this tonight tonight you can't miss it because you will know who's behind that problem you will know who why that person is deceived the purpose of of the war is what many of you have arthritis his picture um four scenes what Jesus already paid Jew the purpose victory is occupation and many of you said oh I come a little Church I kept my little business I got my little survey I got my little compass I got my little discipleship I got my my I got my little I got my little little territory I got it so God gave me the victory and I'm good I lost some loss I don't want a big house I just want a little house because I already got my own change your face to a minute and face go like why because the purpose of victim of war is victory the purpose of victory is ah to patient and the purpose of occupation is expansion [Applause] Charlotte God you gave me a territory in my mind to expand my mind you give me a territory to expand my house repeat you give me a territory to soul to expand my business you don't want it right [Music] oh sorry my time my time [Music] in other words the kingdom of God the kingdom of God is always an expansion mode in other words God did not save you just to occupy a chair in the church let me go where people help me how did not give you that business just to say I am prosper filled with the Holy Ghost blessed and millions are dying every day and God says I give you the business to show to it many of you said oh I'm happy I finished college I occupy now my mind has her intellectual inheritance and the Lord said now I give you that gift to it you need to change you need to change your mentality God give you a ministry to expand that's what you see this ministry is never is ever expanding we never stop to win souls because I I refuse to stay here just to occupy and warm Ventus approach I refuse to be one of the bunch I refuse to be just another believer that occupied worse every for nothing you are here to exit expensive pension pension USM expansion your decide Watson expand your house repeat expand your net expand your business [Music] this is Volvo mom this is powerful this is enough for you to take it home and think where is my war located at who is behind it can I say something to you the spirit world this is something I wanted to tell you there's a spiritual conflict now and in this sphere around everything is happening in the natural dimension is caused by the spiritual dimension there is an impact influence an interaction of the spirit world and the natural dimension this first wall is is when the invisible impact the visible impact of five senses behind that killing in New Zealand there is a spirit that's very dimension is influencing the will and the mind of the people just now last Friday I taught on purpose to the young people and I said when you don't know your purpose death is more attractive one of the members of King Jesus ministry he used to come sister it was not member but he used to come here he committed suicide but that is not the only one because people take lightly the spirit realm there's Dean's after you and after me that's what must occupy can I hear name in the sphere Worrell has an invisible impact that visible the invisible the five senses we cannot see here only by perception in discernment the doctor said to you oh we can find the physical cause for your sickness that 150 percent is a demonic force behind that signal and then you and me and other people go and go to look for something an instrument that the doctor has to detect physical symptoms and if you don't that doctor doesn't have perception neither determine he can see beyond cancer I have prayed for people and I the moment I command the sphere cancer to come out they the cancer dropped on the floor because the cause of that cancer was the demonic force the cause of what happened in Israel and the Palestinian there's demons behind that they hate Israel behind what you see many of Apple stating their upper stadium from faith there's a despair of deception but if you don't have the sermon you don't know who you're dealing with or what you're dealing with if you have discernment in the and-and-and-and-and perception you will perceive something is happening the doctor said there's no there's no physical cause how come this they said there's no cure because what what provokes that spirit hides from the human from the human eye instrument can detect it only perception can detect it only determine this was the day sir you must have discernment we can't pass her without discernment you you must know what what your children's are about your thinking can I say can I say a deep but a simple powerful truth and this teacher John my son writer for the university and put it in a plaque when you know when you know who you fighting against when you know the real spirit world their demons and forces behind it you will never mad at people you will never mad at the usher you will never matter me and everyone in this building has open doors to the enemy and he if he has legal rights he can leave can I say something to you Ephesians chapter 4 verse 27 finished I finished with this this is powerful I feel the Holy Spirit here there's so many people that that that the veil is dropping because you never saw before you were so mad you wouldn't be bitter today against another person if you knew that a persons without body used that person to hurt you that's why you must be mad not with the person against the spirit he uses he use words to hurt you if there's so many things to hurt you it wouldn't be more mad at your mentor and your pastor you've learned the devil you must hate neither let me finish with this next Sunday we'll continue tonight neither give place to the devil neither give place to the devil what is the devil status he is an illegal subject meaning an illegal subject means that has no right he has no right to touch her body he has no right to touch your finances that's what I taught you you exercise a4e like I told you last Sunday to fight you say you have no right but he still got three powers that got aloud the power to tempt the power to persecute and the power to accuse listen to this Ephesians 4:27 as long as he has in the spirit world there's laws if you violate it you will you will authorize him to put a sickness in your body if you authorize him you are authorizing given Bleeker he hasn't all right here's his object he has not right unless you authorize it and do not give that there was a dog you well go do not give the devil an opportunity to lead you into sin by holding a grudge not not sure in anger harboring resentment and cultivating bitterness that's powerful right so come on I am saving you from a cancer I am saving you from from up from a bankruptcy I am saving you from a pig trouble us your Papa hear me hear me do not give any place let's go to the regular translation King James I'm sorry I've taken too long notice four thousand people waiting outside neither give place to the devil wait why place a territory Lourdes I'm so proud of you you came here destroy you came here messed up and God after you two sons died it's for you to be crazy but the Lord deliver you but this is what you need to do Jesus already pay the victory and then you said if you pay the ritual why doesn't let me break well she has to come here and fight she has to come here and fight and she said I have to release anything because she has grudges against God she said it she was blaming God God why do you allow this to happen but you say God I'm sorry I was blind if he has a place in her mind the next step but she closed up territory she closed it now she see I'm so proud of you you hear she closed the territory so now listen now she occupy her mind she's not going bananas she's as strong now expending the kingdom of God supporting her husband to show in the kingdom to go and listen to this listen to this listen this is power are you here receiving anything I am totally out of the sermon that was gonna breach occupied and don't give the devil a place somebody hurt you let him go because he will have the legal life to attack you forgive the person behind the person that hurt you was a demon force hate him not the person come on put your head together my god I feel the power got it here can I say something to you and I finished with this when you do not tithe when you do not tithe and bring offering to God you give him you authorized him to attack your finances if you don't have the sermon pastor Frank people don't have discernment they said my car broke down I got sick and I pay a bill of twenty thousand dollars and then you start adding all things that had happened and you have an accident you almost died and then you said why he will do anything he will cause things and circumstances to go to your finances but the Bible says in Malachi chapter 3 verse 10 he said he will rebuke the Devourer he said he will rebuke the Devourer keep reading verse 11 verse 12 and then he said I will rebuke the Devourer I will rebuke the Devourer for your sakes and you shall not destroy the fruits our children are fruits John your daughter is in the university in New York and you can sleep quietly and in peace because you honor God and he can touch your fruit come on can touch your fruits can touch that transaction that business so I'm gonna ask this morning you honor God remove any legal right that you had given to the devil because he cannot live I pay for a person one day many million and I say you come out and then the demon through the person said to me I won't because she gave me legal rights and I say Lord what was the legal right she said she went to see to watch a movie on terror and that day that woman I'm not saying not to go to the movie but that day maybe she was not pray up she was not covered with the blood she was in disobedience and that demon of fear came upon her when I when I said you must repent before God repentance remove any legal right if you don't repent you will have issues in your finances if you're not at either you will have issues in your finances you must repent I asked you this morning so that person was set free repentance will always remove legal rights to the enemy you became addicted to pornography because one day you went to social media and you saw something that you were not supposed to see one time is enough for that demon to come there's somebody with HIV watching me online you gave a legal right the moment you do you give them legal right so today I want you to lift your hands 11:20 everyone in this building lift your hands and everybody in watching by television lift your hands before the Lord hallelujah I want to hear the sound don't give me the same sound lift your hands toward Jesus people how many of you are willing to remove any legal right to the enemy if you have bitterness if you have unforgiveness if you have any type of sin let your hands I fell at your hands don't look at me any door any place you must say Jesus I repent as we worship as we worship and humble ourself and repentance I said are you hearing what I'm saying I saw worship and humble lift your hands come and pray in the Holy Ghost [Music] remove their lily Guericke on my brain the Holy Ghost I want everybody to pray in the Holy Spirit every eye closed oh look at me every eye closed and I want you to pray out loud as you pray listen as you pray the Holy Spirit will bring things to you that the enemy has gained legal rights and then you repent quickly quickly quickly as they worship those aren't watching by the internet I need a thing here or oh come on come on lift your hands as we humble ourselves and we worship God we recognize we have given the enemy legal right maybe your children can you pray and behalf of your children I ask your children pray if you have any legal right you say God I pray and behalf of my family especially the priests of the home pray in your behalf Lord show me the Holy Spirit will show you the Holy Spirit show you where was the entrance where was the legal right break break come on come on and then you repent you say God I repent I'm sorry law it wasn't your rebellion it was your sedition it wasn't dishonouring your parents was it dishonouring your wife was a dishonouring God any legal right come on if you haven't maybe give the tithe to the Lord say God I have not been consistent with my tithe and offering I'm sorry that's why the attack on my company I have been stealing from you I'm sorry Lord come on come on I can't hear you [Music] okay Bacchus on Ibaka come on I can hear you I can hear you I can hear you those that are watching my internet I'm gonna lead you into repentance as we pray rose Sheetal Ibaka Sheetal Ibaka is shittily because Shiva father in the name of Jesus everybody lift your hands over Jesus about Carter ever I want you to let your hands quickly do you have any legal right if you do children husband wise the enemy will not leave your finances until you repent he will not leave your body until your repent maybe you've been eating badly maybe you that was the toy maybe you're not being resting maybe somebody curse you maybe somebody and you believe those curses come on I want to see your hands up hands up pray in the Holy Ghost as you pray in the Holy Ghost you will see things that's what this fear rejection is in you that's what this fear rejection isn't you that's what rebellion is in you because there's a door there's a door there's a door come a prayer solid openings go see Todd Ibaka come on lift your hands before the Lord three feet up to me out loud close your eyes lift your hands those are watching by the internet and television say with me father God father you need to say it louder today I recognize that I am on a war in my personal life family finances sciences health help children ministry ministry and right now according to your justice say louder I must be right must be right before your eyes I remove you need to I want the devil to hear any legal right in my life and for that I repent i humble myself rise i humble myself I recognize I have giving the enemy the enemy legal right and some areas of my life of my life today today I read I won the devil and help to hear it I [Applause] repent with all my heart to steal the tithes and offerings I repent for having grudges and unforgiveness against other people I repent louder I repent for not extending my gift my life I am called to occupy I am called to expand today I will expand I release man forgive me Lord wash me with the blood of Jesus I am justified to say louder by the blood of Jesus like if I have never sinned as if I am washed I am cleansed in the blood of Jesus I am justified I am justified I am separated separated for you use thank your Lord from now on I close every single door every single day every single place that I have been given the enemy giving you Satan Satan come on you change your posture say hey hey come out of my life demons in Hell come out of my mind Dimas inhale come out of my finances come out of my body come out of my children come out now in the name of Jesus say in the name of Jesus I am free I am free now I take possession on my territory I take my position say louder tell our in the spirit I take authority over every demon of hell I am free I will fight everything I would fight for everything that is of God right now victory is mine taught it victory is mine I declare Jesus Christ defeated Satan on the cross and I am the believer to enforce his victory amen chop chop ha
Channel: Apostle Guillermo Maldonado
Views: 98,979
Rating: 4.8343196 out of 5
Keywords: ana maldonado, el rey jesus, el rey jesus en vivo, erj, guillermo maldonado, king jesus ministry, king jesus ministry live, kjm, live king jesus ministry, live sunday preaching, live sunday sermon, live sunday service, preaching about faith, preaching about prayer, preaching on faith, preaching on prayer, sunday preaching, supernatural encounters, the supernatural now, sunday service 2019, devotional 2019, spiritual warfare, what is spiritual warfare
Id: 5kk6HQtTxOU
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 68min 34sec (4114 seconds)
Published: Tue Mar 19 2019
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