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oh lord please help me with the church yes you need to go back to where you are we are through with this one jesus so you are seven candles representing seven churches in asia oh there's so much to say here oh for example now look at a new guru look at a new look at a new group for example i try to talk to our leaders i say do you know when jesus looks at dominus he just sees one church he doesn't recognize because what you call branches another is like a tree with his branches and you are counting 200 trees because it's not 200 branches one tree of course the whole church said universal is one church stock lesson all made up of all genuinely saved brothers and sisters but then this is how god looks at the church he looks at the agriculture as one church looks like catholic church does one thing looks at dominion as luncheon but that is a lower level of understanding there is a higher level he looks at a city a new city a burden lagos ladies and gentlemen i want you to hear something now and he sees one condom that he planted there to give light to the whole city the people who are operating the church pastors are busy talking denominations talking whatever creating their own empire this is what jesus taught me the lord said there is only one church in that village all these are the different arms branches or like parts of the body the ministry can deal with alone can't handle god's plan for nigeria but we have a unique role and that's why there is nothing like business secret ministry we don't do that here everything god has showed us we armed any resource anything that has helped us here we go out and arm other members of the body of christ with it because that's the only way this work can be done it doesn't have a clue what the church is he thought jesus called us to come and build empire of the father [Music] of the kingdom we are family we are [Music] that's what drives the people who give don't give because they have much because they give because they love much [Applause] and i don't mind saying i cannot deny and say that that's why god has blessed us beyond measure too so i call myself one man god has blessed but also poor and what makes me poor my own brethren my own bread their poverty is my own problem the fathers so you can't see me boasting about money i don't have no because i'm not giving but because before it comes what will take it i in line when god blesses you ladies and gentlemen men and women of god you know like i told you yesterday that in the last prayer he didn't say my father which he said our words i want to go to prayer for provision he didn't say give me this day my delivery what did he say give us so when you are believing for prohibition you are making budget for your church make budget for mission make budget for a few other churches that are strategic they might be in the rural areas doing some amazing work that you want to help so when you're praying for don't just pray for your own narrow vision understand that god has a greater plan than that thing that you're doing that we are all in a team i'm not saying you can help everybody but you have to know i said because you and your children students because a righteous man lays inheritance for he said he's go and check what jesus left for us he's not bankrupt go and check what abraham left abraham's blessing is no bank account but he will produce things that are generational in nature you have to see why and you have to make them part of the habit let them not think it's just you there's a whole family called on this thing ministry is a team sports it's not like badminton one person that one is like football the enemy is an organized team so we must function as a team i'll explain to two out of the seven but let me tell you what is seven now ephesians chapter one verse twenty one let me read from twenty maybe it will make okay twenty so it can make sense which he wrote in christ you know this thing you have to start from earlier verses paul was writing about this revelation that we must have as believers what god wrote in christ when he raised him from the dead and set him at his own right hand in heavenly places okay fire are both principalities and powers and dominion and every name that is named not only in this world but also in the world to come now watch verse 22 watch and had put all things under his feet and gave him to be heard over how many things all things to the church who is head to the church jesus head over some things head over how many things that means he has to be consulted that's why there is such a thing of being led by the spirit because the communication line between jesus and us is the holy spirit and then his word what are you thinking lord check your bible and then listen to the holy spirit what do you want us to do check the book then listen to the holy spirit he has given to be head over all things to the church now see the word he used there is the word church everyone said church then in verse 23 he uses another word to describe the same thing which is his body everyone say his body and then the church which is the body of christ is also the fullness of him that feels all things ah i was asked to bring you those words as to bring this letter like john was given i read it to the churches in south east and the church is global the nigerian church and the global church so two images of the church revealed here one of them is church then the other is his body i think all of you should clear to the other side because you might not get there again if you go to chapter 2 verse 19 see some other pictures given yes please first now therefore you are no more strangers and foreigners but fellow citizens with the sense and of the household of god verse 20 and abused upon the foundation of the apostles and the prophet jesus christ he said being the chief cornerstone you see what i told you that he's the foundation stone okay verse 21 in whom all the beauty oh so the church is a building the church is god's workmanship it is represented by two things one a building second it is called a husbandry now farm a pastor is a farmer that farms and grows human resources for the kingdom there are farmers that grow chicken there are farmers that grow cow there are farmers that grow goats there are farmers that grow plants and crops and the whole principles of ministry is found in the farmland i i wish i wish i wish pastors ladies and gentlemen when do you look for harvest when you plant seeds no every farmer has patience and invests and waters and nutrients but later harvests come then the farmer received reward for his suffering don't go and start a new church church with just a few months of you you're already disrupting them to buy you a car because you saw the person riding a jeep and all that you see you have to be very careful you are just busy copying prosperity not responsibility money for the believer is money with a mission money for the believer is money with a mission business for the believer is business with a mission academics and education for the believer is education for a mission you didn't just get degree for nothing politics for the believer is leadership with a mission if you don't have one don't get in there in whom all the building fitly framed together great unto a holy temple okay did i say something about building so here is a building it's called god's workmanship god's beauty god's husbandry if you go to first corinthians 3 you will see what i'm saying here is a temple okay this building yes i didn't finish this building is 20 or something in whom all the beautifully framed together growing into what so this building don't join them here just stand here this building is a temple that's what you're building and what is the purpose of that see it in the next verse yes verse 22 in whom ye also abused together but for a habitation of god through the spirit you see the purpose of the temple moses built tabernacle david with solomon built temple in the new testament now god said he needs one not done with wood or block or with any of those things done with human beings living stones shallow monster is made with dead stones normal stones you get most systematically with acacia wood and curtains new testament is to be done with living stones and peter fespita peter tells us what they live in so they say ye are the lively stones so you see now you every time you read a most of us and this would where i was raised you read first corinthians ye are the temple of god the only interpretation you get is the individual application you tell yourself i am the temple of god you are not you are just a building block in the temple the temple is when we are built together is corporate the temple is not one believer you are a living stone and other believers are leaving students brought together to make the temple okay i hope i didn't punch your tires see the point all those scriptures you are applied to yourself has corporate application there are two dimensions to the revelation of the church there is the revelation of who we are in christ as believers i'm the righteousness of god in christ i'm a child of god then there is a revelation of who we are in christ as the church there are two kinds of new testament realities you need to teach believers there is new creation realities there is new testament church realities the problem we have is that we have only preached the individual component of the redemptive plan what god would do for me how he will heal me how he will save me so when we bring the cross out of the benefit anything at all we just take the individual part and it's not bad sir please come let me show them what i'm saying i'm not saying you as an individual you're not the temple of the holy spirit your body is the temple of the holy spirit but this is the reason why you are when i touch your hand who did i touch me when i touch your leg who did i touch me when i touch your ear who did i touch me is he correct when you come to shake hands with pastor david usually it's my hand that you shake but who did you shake hands you don't say he came to shake hands with his hand that is why they also call you the temple but you are just like the hand and maybe me i'm the leg i'm not even big enough to be a leg not one person the whole dimension can't even make the leg of jesus maybe we're just one of the toes because other people have a part in that body is somebody hearing what i'm saying so the body of christ exists in two forms it exists in universal form and it exists in local form and the local form is what you need to understand for you to be able to function well universal form is also very important to the church in ephesus rights even if there are 200 cells 200 branches 200 denomination is one church right so new testament church realities many believers don't know that so they don't know who we are they only know the individual side of christianity they don't understand the power that the church has as a body and let me tell you this the lord said this to me he said the power of the church is yet untapped because all that you guys teach your people is the individual component of redemption and so with that you're only able to tap just about 10 percent of what i provided he said what you are doing is that you are playing a temple look at nigerian church with over 100 million people we can't even produce a governor in a state we can't even produce anything we can't even influence the registration why is still individualism or denominationalism we have not tapped the power god bless you sir god bless you sir god bless you sir okay okay so these are the seven images of the church now here you have the church the ecclesia you have the body you have the temple of god's building god's workmanship oh you have a family you have the bride i think brides you come first family yes you have an army then you have a nation i hope you know what peter wrote you're a chosen generation a royal priesthood and you are what a holy nation in the old testament god used a nation who are these people the people of israel in the new testament he's using a new nation who is that god's people that doesn't mean he abandoned israel no somewhere now they will roll back into the program as the time of the gentiles winds up and they will take back center stage and it's already beginning to happen but now that new nation is the church we are a new race of people we are not evil we're not yoga we're not white we're not black we're a new race but we are called out of these different nations of people to become god's people do you know that jews were called out from iraq the land of chinese where abraham came from is the land of iraq do you know some of the wives that some of these jewish leaders married were africans that's the second wife of abraham even the maid that he got a child from was an african higger and later the other bronchitis was in africa but the moment they become called out people there are no more africans there are no more iraqis there are no more arabs there are no more middle uh eastern they are jews they are covenant people so new testament god was the one saying this they said that jesus died gave his life on the cross this is revelation chapter 5 the same thing jesus sacrificed his life on the cross to redeem us out of every nation i thought this one you will be there give me chapter 5 that's 9 10 11. the song a new song you're ready to take the book to open the c thereof for you were slain he died on the cross so he can redeem those to god by his blood out of everyone say out of so what is it out of every kindred tongue people and nation to create one new nation where were the jews redeemed from out of egypt to create a nation where was abraham called out from out of iraq the land of the chinese the land of babylon to become the father of a new nation come out of thy kindred thy father's house onto a land i will show you jesus did the same thing he redeemed us out of in nigeria loyalty to ethnic nationality is not allowing the new nation god wants to build to happen in southeast in southwest in the north everywhere so there are agitations ethnic agitations where is kingdom agitation is not going on because where he called us out of is where our loyalty is abraham was called out of babylon the king of that place is nimrod but if he remains loyal to babylon israel will not have a match god will find somebody else so we can't become the entity that god wants us to be because we have loyalty to kindred loyalty to the tongue or language we speak no attitude and all kinds of things i can't deny that i'm a black man for example my skin would even announce it but in function i must be understanding part of the global church and but there is no rest there is only a white black if you truly believe in jesus and the holy spirit has done those surgical work of new breath in your life you are my brother and no boundaries separates us [Music] the hello is very low i have touched something hello i've burst your bubbles as church as a nation or the last revelation if we get into it you see that we are supposed to function as a government there is nothing that's why we talk about seven spirits of society all the things you see from military to education to everything and it is under that revelation of the church as a government that we realize that we actually the embassy of heaven on earth and we are ambassadors sent on foreign mission to represent our king and we don't go there to implement the policy of the foreign government that we are living in we are there to implement the policies of our whole government that sent us our mission we don't conform to this world but we are transformed hello okay i'll do something maybe somewhere in the morning somewhere somewhere about this i'll have to give you this because it will change the equation it will change the equation all of you need to go to your seats just one man as a thought for them to be thinking all of you go to yourself and thank you for standing here all this way but this guy is the body everyone said the body do a study of your body do a study whenever i travel abroad one of the places they take me is where i go to watch human anatomy dried up dead bodies and i dried them and they are in such a way you can see different they see the complex thing god put together to have one body and that's how the churches they say chapter in the bible that dealt with it is first corinthians chapter 12. paul just took about 11 verses out there about just a few verses to list the gifts of the holy spirit so people think it's about the gift but he didn't spend the rest of the chapter explaining how the gifts function their dynamics how you even get word of knowledge how you get what he turned his attention was on the body and the complete mechanism that god put together to create the body of christ the path i want to bring to your attention is this part we read it in a vision he said he is the head over all things to the to the church which is his body jesus is this we are this because if we want to discuss our relationship to each other we should be in first corinthians 12 discussing how the different organs and cells coordinate but between us and him this is what it is he is the head we are the body maybe you are not seeing this guy so what are the functions of the head we see vision eyes we see discernment nurseries we see communication ma mount we see hearing then we see the brain decision there are five major functions of leadership so jesus had plans jesus had decisions jesus had purposes but guess what he can't carry any i didn't say he wouldn't he cannot carry any of them out without his body i did not say he would because until the lord got my eyes clear on this subject i will say no no god can do without us lord will do without us god almighty can do it that's why he hasn't done nothing about nigeria god will never do it whatever he has actually do he will never do it he would rather if we refuse to do it he will have patience he finds somebody that would do it our replacement but god will never come down to do it never once he intervened and came as a man and even that time he had to do it he has to come here as a man he didn't do it for heaven as god ladies and gentlemen even if this is all i'm able to explain to you about the revelation of the church the agency that implements god's plan on earth is his body my head thinks i want to drink water guest is my body that will take me to the water see it is another arm of my body the hand i would take it and then feed it to the head that wants it into it's like david he was a leader king and he said i taste for the waters from jerusalem all he had to do was say it out of his mind three of his mighty men broke through the garrison that was the strongest forces of the enemy were occupying the land of jebus they are called the jebusites they are some of the strongest from the anakins giants they broke through and when they got close those people looked out for because jerusalem is a mountain a high elevation you can't it's fortified they look there and say visible they broke to found their tunnel went through it broke through fractured water and brought it to david and when david saw the water he said i can't drink this is no more water is blood this is the blood of the men that jeopardize their life just to meet the need of their king this is how it is between us and jesus he wants something done we as his body we break through all obstacles knock down everything pay whatever price to get it my body wants to go to market my my head wants to go to market he has made a decision i need to buy some things in shop right my head can't drive will not drive the car it's my body that will take go to the car hold the stairs change it get get it there my body will put the fuel many years ago i would say lord come and do it come and do it your people are not moving move take take over he said i will never take over it will violate the ordinance of heaven as far as this earth is concerned god has given authority to man and god has given the mandate to his body which is the church and that church is the fullness of him so when the church functions as a church corporately you see the fullness of christ in oppression you see jesus in full oppression look at when it comes to the nation first of all let prayer supplication be made for all men and for those in authority we don't pray for those in authority satan will overrun the place why we are busy complaining this is what the lord said to me it shook me and i have no finish repenting from it he said whenever you people my people are complaining about the state of the nation all that we are asking in heaven is what did you do about it and this is why they are believers who blame god for why things are not happening because they think jesus is the one that will do it he will not the body is what he gave the authority and the responsibility to execute his plan on earth so election time they don't have voters card they're not even involved but they are the ones praying and complaining about how the nation is sinking and they want jesus to come from heaven and re-election look at the american election the christians were busy discussing prophecy trump prophecy prophesying the other side was busy planning strategies and finally executed to the court after prophesying they expect god to come down and implement the prophets let me tell you another thing you see the great commission that god gave us it will not be done unless we do it if you think jesus will come and do it you wait forever we have delayed 20th century he didn't come because we have not done it because he said this gospel of the kingdom must be published in all the earth as a will then it is not antichrist that will make it come it is not where are the signs of the age it's not earthquake that will make it he told us all these are beginning of sorrows it's not uh tsunami that will make it come there are signs of the time but it is not discovered that will make it come it's not wars and rumors of what i would make it come he said they are all part of it but there are just signs pointing to the mention but this is what you must look out for when this gospel is preached in all the earth as a will then the end will come then whose responsibility is it to be to preach the gospel everyone say i say i'm my brothers say i in partnership with the other members of the body so why didn't they come we even got to 2000 2 millennium has been spent in church 8. he didn't come the time for him to come has come what is this he waiting for do you know what peter wrote new testament peter the apostle he said there are certain things we do that hastings the coming of the lord and there are things we do that delays the coming of the lord it's very important that we pray for souls we pray for our nation we even pray get up and go after soul you should develop plants what is a church existing that has no mission that has lost the reason why it's even in existence it nice is to feed the pastor you know i exist to make people reach so we are getting all the truth money said too carbohydrate good truth but we have lost the mission for the we now have the means we've lost the mission and now the means we destroy the man whatever god tells us to do we remain undone until we repent and obey god because he's not coming to do it he has finished his own work and the father told him sits at my right hand still when we finish our work he will tell him get up jump mount that white house and descend to go and get them if we don't pray for our society and this is the frightening part the lord said to me i gave the church responsibility so because of that i gave the church authority but with responsibility and authority comes accountability so god holds the church accountable for failure to discipline nation when you look at the condition of any nation god is looking at the condition of the church in that nation every person is talking about government like in our country everyone is discussing buhari as if he's the only person they don't even talk about their state governance they don't talk about their local government that's talking about federal government federal government when you go up come up here like john the beloved was told to come up and you listen to jesus do you know what jesus is discussing he doesn't discuss all this government he's discussing his church what are they doing this is what i want look at them see what they are doing there is even no can you imagine your head and the body is doing a different thing what are you going to call that is that a madman or what what kind of situation is that the head says i'm testing the body wants to play football the head says i want to go to shop right we have to buy something the body said i don't have time for that i need to sleep that's where we are now ladies and gentlemen we're going to let you go because the night is first spent but you need to go home and cry you need to go home and pray you need to go home and do some serious assessment we need to rediscover what the church is we need to rediscover what the church is we need to rediscover what the church is
Channel: DC Airforce TV
Views: 97
Rating: 5 out of 5
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 39min 0sec (2340 seconds)
Published: Sun Oct 03 2021
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