The Power of Repentance

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I want to share a message on the power of repentance the power of repentance I'm going to use Spanglish and be switching from English to Swahili many times when I go to hotels and you find the greenness you find them they have a key that can open every room but for you you are given a key that can only you are open you a door only so there is a master key that can open every door and in the kingdom of God the master key that can open every door for your life is a key of repentance many times people underestimate the power of repentance but repentance is very very powerful even when Jesus came he said repent because the kingdom of God is at hand John the Baptist had earlier come and he was speaking about repentance never underestimate the power of a repentant heart praise the name of the Living God the Bible says in the Book of Psalms 51 and verse 17 that the sacrifice that God do not despise is when you have a broken spirit and a contrite heart a contrite heart means a heart that is remorseful a heart that is sorry about what you have done the Bible say that is a sacrifice that God will never despise when we go before the Lord with that Conte with that broken spirit and we have a contrite heart or a repentant heart that is a sacrifice that means if it is a sacrifice that God not despised it is a master key you may go with other sacrifices and they may be rejected una vez then another musing in a nasty kostikova maryam Lango Rohini una po n de nada be who you could to de la Habana bass here de birria Toba it Ifugao malanga or teka teka mahisha Yakko wanna see few asana hallelujah so we can say that repentance is a divine principle of the kingdom of God number one for salvation and also for progress it is not an event it is not a one-time thing that you need to do in your life it is a kingdom principle number one for you to receive salvation there is no one who can receive salvation without repentance economy tanizaki kiowa Kovu be de cuenta bears iguana nakooma be a bona nina tjuta cosas Bobby Adama Sango Nanak Wamba Mungo nissim a quasi ba-ba-bam be nama kusa an by anemic afonya Lakhan appear number two for you to continue progressing because especially sanctification is a process here aware aware the quandary a tactical fan may who attained area was the bob we akuto boo one as a few sana there in stagnation catacomb Oshawott wingy so many believers even ministers of the gospel they have stagnated hmm one of the reason you can stagnate in your life is when you don't know the power of repentance repentance can keep your momentum in the kingdom praise the name of the Living God you can keep your momentum in the kingdom through repentance bonus asana I remember someone who was then to give me a prophetic word and the bustle told me that God wants to bless you and he is going to lift you in a great way but never forget always to go before the Lord with a repentant heart you know the devil is our kusa praise the name of the Living God and you know we have the fallen nature in us we cannot be able to lead to to to to to to to to leave to the standards of the holiness of God Banas vasana hallelujah and so because of what foreign nature you find that every other time they are things that you can do that the enemy can point a finger in your life and those accusations they may open legal grounds and those legal ground may cause the enemy to call you back or to put obstacles in your life but when you have a repentant heart when you have a broken spirit when you go before the Lord and you have a contrite heart the Bible says that is a sacrifice that God will not despise so today I want us to get to the Word of God and we are going to share on the power of repentance I'm going to contain connect repentance with so many things some of us we need to we desire to receive divine visitation a time of refreshing they anointed of God but when I look in the Bible I see that every blessing of God is intertwined with repentance Kirra Boracay among goo-goo non-gmo ganesha guanaco - boo-yah combat to Napa - boo tuna from Guam Longo vaquita Baraka and bio mangu Amakusa dia touka weighs equip at the Bible says in the book of Mark we can build it begin the book of Mark chapter 1 and verse 15 we are going to take a number of scriptures very quickly the Bible says the mark chapter 1 and verse 15 the time this is the words of Allah Jesus Christ the time has come he said the kingdom of God is near lip pen and believe the good news praise the name of the Living God hallelujah jesus said that the kingdom of God is at hand and the only way you are going to receive the kingdom of God is through repentance 1 asif hasan minhaj italian is attica wat when de Canas ani Lackey niku savannah true repentance katika messiah now your DNA to adeney you are a member in a church you can do everything else in the church but not repent and we are saved that repentance is a master key it is going to open even doors for you your other sacrifices to be accepted huacachina tubu in a from Guam Longo atacama Kuna Dubuque walnut oil in a from Guam Longo it is abusing in azoty Utica so Toa Z where Z kuku Balika never mom tota a memoir macho afonya Kyra key to catechol Falmer mangu rocky near Savannah Moya hakuto boo at afikomen Ariel is a guanine among Guanabara key quani me mama - I got a commission go Goomba Hayek Wamba Kyra a macho working a from Guam Longo knew okati Oconomowoc atubu katika mahisha Yakko bonus vasana repentance is so powerful that it is saved a nation Nineveh was delivered because of repentance repentance is so powerful that the king was delivered because of repentance our have when he was remorseful God has already declared judgment about King ababa but when he was remorseful and repentant God we did you the judgment praise the name of the Living God it is repentance I believe that made David great praise the name of the Living God hallelujah and it costs or to be rejected because Saul did not have a repentant heart but David had a repentant heart he filled in sums chapter 52 chapter 32 sums chapter 51 you're going to see prayers of repentance by David praise the name of the Living God hallelujah maybe we can lead one of them Sam's 51 you can see that David was a man after God's own heart and David understood the way through to God's heart is only when you are repentant jiya Occupato who in Giachetti komoi o among gu new okati wear em when away o KO na Moyo wat Oba another mine Psalm 51 verse 1 have mercy on me O God according to your unfailing love according to you a great compassion brought out my transgressions praise the name of the Living God hallelujah David was going before the Lord and he was seeking for mercy and I think this sums 51 was written after Navin came to David when he had committed an Atari praise the name of the Living God like any kombucha Wamba Saul I require matenda llamado Goku Rico dowdy Cunha gana macho year to bikini Haku bottoms amicus public when amitabha rocky need out yea cabeza Queen Delia Kwanzaa Bobby Amato BA re mo are equal and average among GU anima BIA o God have mercy on me O God according to your unfailing love according to a great compassion brought out my transgression wash away all my iniquity and cleanse me from my sin for I know my transgressions and my sin is always before me against you you only have I sinned and done what is evil in your sight so that you are proved light when you speak and justified when you judge surely I was sinful at bad sin if ooh from the time my mother conceived me surely basics you desire truth in the inner past in a putz you teach me wisdom in your innermost Prince krantz me with hyssop and I'll be cream wash me and I'll be whiter than snow let me hear the grandness let the bones you have crushed rejoice praise the name of the Living God and then in verse 17 let me read verse 16 and 17 verse 16 the Bible says you do not delight in sacrifice or out bring it you do not take pleasure in burnt offerings the sacrifices of God are a broken spirit a broken in a contrite heart O God you not despise one a safe ways an LVAD to our GI a'queen deity Kamiyama mangu acajou acaba giambo una mezcla Quinn Garrity Kamiyama mangu new okati una en aquella na unum Wamba moon geun Samaha Wathan be nama kusa a moment India DoDEA Far Away combi EAA Kwanzaa are equal when a German David is talking about iniquity and I don't care julia key fumble a batch of arequipa taku token Danny Ottumwa yamame Akkad Yannick minissha lamba you know he comes from the tribe of Judah and you know Judah was a man who was taking even prostitutes and sleeping with him never would David Eric wanna chew a combi Kotoka Caesarea Kuan Yew cat Academy yanggu Cunha who EW ammonia now keiki manifest what Pandora to sip awkward the Bible says that God desires truth in the innermost priests many times you can go before the Lord and you want to cover up your sins you want to cover up your shortcomings you don't want to expose your heart before the Lord and tell God it is before you and you that I have seen I know I have felt it in this way and in this way I know some of you the Holy Spirit has sent me to remind you because you are tired of repenting and you think by being tired of repenting you are perfect you are not perfect praise the name of the Living God no Joe Newton has a cafeteria commander Kendrick Ubu sana Nina come when you're done by Kiera wakati they're gonna be Benson in the book of first John when we if we say that we have not sinned then we'll make God a liar mom wanna could you have easily now that you have come around him by food yeah night IG aquarii he desires truth from your innermost Prince the Bible says in the book in the book of first John in chapter 1 if we can read there very quickly first John chapter 1 from basics if we claim to have fellowship with him yet walk in darkness we lie and do not live by the truth but if we walk in the light as he is the light we have fellowship with one another and the blood of Jesus his son purifies us from all sin if we claim to be without sin we deceive ourselves and the truth is not in us if we confess our sins he is faithful and just and will forgive us our sins and purify us from all unrighteousness if we crave we have not sinned we make him out to be a liar and his word has no place in our lives praise the name of the Living God may God reads the grace of repentance upon the chacha in the mighty name of Jesus because as we continue confessing and repenting before the Lord he you continue purifying us and cleansing us 1 oppressor feh do you know one of the things why the devil does not want us to repent because we have the pole sure believe about life I can assure you you have a potential to live a godly life but the enemy want to block you from repentance because he knows through repentance God who caused your purifying you and cleansing you the fountain of the blood of Jesus will continue flowing upon your life making you better and better rest pouring the glory that you have rose because the Bible says in Romans three and in verse 23 that all of us we have seen and we are fallen short of the glory of God so as we continue in repentance the blood of Jesus who continued cleansing us and purifying us and the glory of God will be restored in our lives praise the name of the Living God may God restore his glory in your life through repentance in the name of Jesus praise the name of the Living God let me show you an or mention of a number of things that comes through repentance man we re and biobot ikana vacati to Napo in the real ketubah number one I say them they we have the ability and the potential to godliness when we continue in repentance and confessing our sins and being the most severe done they are not right then the potential by cleansing we receive the potential to live a godly life a life that is free from sin the power of sin will be broken in our arrives praise the name of the Living God una nuova 22 me Akhenaten on Vienna Rua latina in good we have an the body in a twin Dinah - Harris V bias on the village well daddy who's Emma rockin Bakunin we Avandia boyo - Harris ambarina - Frannie Akama - Gia combi Mimi attic Amanda mio cocaina Joakim basick ozawa Rocky me c'mon Jeju accomodate key s to continue CEO kookaburra bonuses on seokwon a holier-than-thou attitude Co Co fikriye Tia combo any boricua Kovan Guinea apana the key is to continue independence praise the name of a living God Nick when the ref c'mon be bona ha Tajin in a jute economy my father every time a baboon man Final Jam barber denied a conviction that took my shaco where the Barons iguana you are repairing the power of sin in your life now move on and there partying gufu here Kushina you zombie letting you attack upon feature una fumika who can that a better semana the Bible says he who covers his sins will not prosper and there are so many people today they cannot prosper in the church their ministries their businesses their families cannot prosper was bubble America mihari what Cacho canapa - boo well canonical manichaean Draya could to boo me me pneumonia zombie not Akane come here mom when happened s1 now queerly trace the name of everything God hallelujah mom wanna chew a war fully on Danny a co the Bible says while we were yet seen us praise the name of the Living God he loved us i recoup end up when you are worse than the way you are today praise the name of the Living God and he loved you sanika to an you Nikita - Iike me me oh hi Chuy vajrasana anatawa coati and age raucous Rosa consult a I know not how war foo bonus Rosanna Ambo me Canadian oil tomato mayonnaise Yana a no no a chalky fungo a macho me talk while Jamie mo Missouri wa al akhirin another Quechua Nana takaku say be a an otaku Takata Coquina kin-fung go praise the name of the Living God reckoning Jack you Torah and the master key is repentance praise the name of the Living God is when you go before the Lord repentance mean you want to turn away praise the name of the Living God una TECA quiaca watch a ogia if you don't repent the cabana show mokuba rely on Gia nah cuckoo cuckoo men back oMG Mary poppendieck Mario floret on how wealthy toka marry Paris but when you are repenting you are telling the devil yes I'd be better but I want to tan bad this is not the direction I want to follow praise the name of the Living God but when you cover up and you don't repent he you continue pushing you deeper and deeper and deeper praise the name of the Living God that is why scene begins begins very simply as a lot and then you choose Oh finally Dada me and then after choice it becomes a habit and then after habit you get to a place of addiction after addiction it becomes a body after bondage you get to a point of no return you are not able to come out of it there are people cry because of the things they do they hate what they do but they are not able to come out of it praise the name of the Living God it is because they ignored the conviction in the first place when they were being convicted repent and receive the power to overcome the sin repent and receive the power to overcome the sin but they continued praise the name of the Living God here's what Columbia Y padania while you a mini Utica Pocock and Dani and Graham the Joe query now query towaway Cahoon Bacchus a mass easier to Hawaii come to mama Toyota instruct awamiya here your take attend iZombie name - muah what pendra Valbuena where the queen is like a toccata fungo bat away away away how tacky like in you machine rock you talk praise the name of the Living God may every bondage be broken in the mighty name of Jesus we release the captives in kirinyaga County in the mighty name of Jesus may take a water while you take one of em be waiting on a fine Yokohama or paint Yokohama winking on a futa bang Kiowa pedi bangy when you know Ana Cunha Pompey one area my Jersey how otaku Tata praise the name of the Living God hallelujah another amparo anatomy ho chi Chi Chuan a newer matenda afonya yeah ie boo like any journey I'm a Rudy what's the bamboo is a point of no return praise the name of the Living God hallelujah name a Kotaku optimal Azam be katika generally so Cristo in the mighty name of Jesus Christ praise the name of the Living God mong-koo an appendage one I want well and win a better sake now on a quite genuine Nasir a genuine yaku to Boone do and La Paz Elijah a teeny watch any to Boompa hop Ababa the occasionally Chalkley upon in the rain berry a panna nearly akuto quiaca same Ababa not ikkaku yuca injeolmi mystic equal Fattah praise the name of the Living God hallelujah let me tell you as much as we are living in a very wicked world today with all kinds of evil desires we have the potential to live a godly life praise the name of the Living God motorcycle me a comment well squishy Muhammad rocket fo una Mesa if it was not possible to live a holy life the Bible the Word of God would not have told you to be holy as I am holy the reason God tells you to be worried because he is holy he knows you are the best capacity you are the potential praising him of the Living God not by your own power Fraser name of the Living God hallelujah but by your own will see o Pango usako rocky my kakuta kakaako racemic wanda utaki queasy muhammad Agata Okita queasy muhammad okati foo naman granny como una suta pasta Bobby ah da Masako non-cotton Zacapa tiago vu here queasy muhammad a cattivo praise the name of the Living God
Channel: Apostle John Kimani William Official
Views: 16,177
Rating: 4.8936172 out of 5
Id: d__kgzaofc0
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 25min 23sec (1523 seconds)
Published: Fri Oct 11 2019
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