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three things very quickly please listen you'll be seated shortly but for those of you who are here to write your prayer requests please you just have two to three minutes to do that quickly and we're going to be doing everything at the same time so please do well make sure that um your prayer requests are ready because soon we'll be instructing the ushers to collect them we'll be praying over them here and for those of you who have sent your request from all around the world we have at least as at the time i got the information it was about maybe a little over ten thousand prayer requests from around the world so we're happy and from any nation just connect by the spirit of god praise the name of the lord now i want to do something very prophetic please listen um i'm going to i'm not sure that they are even aware but i'm going to call pastor scholar just for a minute or two i just want him to speak over this house and then when he's done we'll call this prophet of prophets he truly truly is a prophet of god and i want you to be sensitive the miracle service is already you can see the staring personas just came and blew this place up and um as they make declarations i want you to receive it with all your heart believe it prophetic words are powerful they sustain the ability the bible says and without him was not anything made that was made hallelujah words are powerful are you ready pastor allah please let's honor him as a counsel receive with all your heart in the name of jesus [Applause] thank you lord jesus lift up your hands everybody can win 30 seconds just pray from the depths of your spirits and tongues obviously the river is so steady of this place to this place tonight louder go deeper deeper [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music] [Music] in jesus name everybody lift up your hands as i speak i stand under the grace of apostle who is the angel of this place to speak obviously the presence of god is very mighty here when jacob finished oh thank you holy spirit when isaac finished blessing jacob and esau thank you lord jesus that set the order forever he said to his soul that i have made him your lord and it will remain so then when jacob was praying for the two sons of joseph the bible says dost when he finished speaking he said dust is set in frame before mana see by the water of the mouth of jacob manasseh the first born ephraim the second born was set ahead of his first born because of the prevailing anointing in the atmosphere i want to speak as someone who has received grace and i speak to every brother and son of my voice those who are here and those who are watching from across the nations of the earth i speak over you isaiah 60. get ready to say loud amen arise and shine for your light is come and the glory of the lord is risen upon you darkness may cover the earth gross darkness the people but over you will the lord arise and his glory will be seen upon your life gentiles will come to your light kings to the brightness of your rising you shall lift up your eyes and see they come from afar to you your sons have brought from afar your daughters and those at thy side and your eyes shall rejoice in this because the sheep of passage will wait for you the islands of this world will sink your praise multitudes of camel recover your land instead of shame you have double honor for brass you have gold in the name of jesus christ your son will never go down again everlasting shining belongs to you your part is the one that shines brighter and brighter onto the perfect day in this city of abuja you are limited your grace is mighty on you it is visible to everyone who comes around you in the name of jesus it's your season of light it's your season of shining in jesus name health is yours prosperity is yours abundance of revelation intimacy with the spirit of god in the name of jesus christ tonight you are baptized into the glory of the father and as we step out of this place when the apostle might have ministered to all of us everyone who meets you will see that something has happened to you i call you blessed in the name of jesus christ before you call god we answer this land will be a fruitful land to you in the name of jesus christ you have come as a light of a nation and this nation will bow to you in the name of jesus your mouth is filled with songs of praise your eyes are open your steps are ordered your eyes are open your steps are ordered your eyes are open your steps are ordered in the name of jesus christ god bless you in the name of the lord hallelujah thank you hallelujah must be [Music] are you celebrating grace lift up your hands whatever you may be watching from all over the world i declare that what money cannot buy is release upon you situation beyond doctors beyond science science and wonder is taking place in your body now receive your deliverance receive your deliverance july 2 23 you see i will restore everything that i've been taking from you is restart your head is restored your marriage is restored everything that i've died in your life is rising you are moving to the next level thank you father thank you father thank you father as you are leaving this meeting today signs i wonder everywhere you are returning back to this other with testimony thank you father in jesus name [Music] hallelujah press the name of the lord please be seated for a few minutes i'd like you to be very sensitive i know that there are so many people all of the the overflows down outside please just um god will give us our own place soon in the name of jesus i i want to encourage those at the all of the extensions please just make do wherever you are you can receive i know that all the overflows are filled outside and everywhere but wherever you can find a place to just stand for as long as you can hear your faith can reach and the lord will do wonders in your life in the name of jesus christ one prayer whilst you're seated father visit me yet again lift your voice and pray thank you jesus just just a few things that i will share and then we'll have the opportunity to minister to the seek and pray over our requests and the lord himself will visit us in jesus name [Applause] i'm so glad and honored that personal came to lead us in that moment of worship and praise joy joy is a very joy is a very powerful mystery in the realm of the spirit joel chapter 1 from verse 12 very quickly please joel 1 verse 12 the bible says the vine is dried up and the fig tree languish it the pomegranate tree the palm tree the apple tree even all the trees in the field they are withered because joy is withered away from the sons of men the bible says with joy shall you draw from the wells of salvation it is important that we remain ever joyful even as we expect to receive from the lord joy is very powerful in fact the bible says psalm 126 it says they that sow in tears they will reap in joy praise the name of the lord second chronicles 20 and verse 20 just to charge our hearts and then we pray ii chronicles 20 the bible says and they rose early in the morning and went forth into the wilderness of tekoa and as they went forth jehoshaphat stood and said hear ye o judah and ye inhabitants of jerusalem believe in the lord your god so shall you be established it says believe his prophets so shall he prosper two instructions for your establishment that there is a pathway that leads to your establishment and there is a pathway that leads to your prosperity believe in the lord it says ii timothy chapter 1 verse 12 the bible tells us to believe in the lord it says for the which cause i also suffer these things nevertheless i am not ashamed paul says for i know whom i have believed i know whom i have believed and i am persuaded that he is able to keep that which i have committed unto him against that day have conviction he says you want to be established you want to find stability you must believe in hebrews chapter 1 the bible says for without faith out impossible that he's alive he can see he can hear i don't want a god that cannot see cannot hear how do i know if he has that power the bible quarter of listen to me brothers and sisters every time it is doing don't get into limitation god you are wondering the bible says they limited god in the wilderness the bible is full of god's track record like pastor nathaniel said record of keeping your word we're not the first to need miracles it says the thing that was is and it's the thing that will god has lifted people before god has ton nights today before god has brought men out of dungeon into the place don jones into the place of notoriety this is not the first time he's doing wondering what to do about your situation no be find a way of looking beyond the limitations i believe i believe that you are lifter i believe you are a storer i believe you you believe god did you know many believers would come into such an all change my life can he turn my situations around we're talking the god of the bible here the king of the universe even the ancient of days someone shout i believe in you shake on belief say i believe in you there is nothing i do not believe god can cannot do i really believe him [Music] the bible says blessed is she that believes for unto her not unto them unto her their a performance which was sort of the lord out of the womb would you dare believe greetings you've heard the testimonies we can believe him he's told us to believe him he's told us to trust him he says that they that trust in the lord they are like mount zion that cannot be moved but they abide forever so believe in the lord the prophet said so shall you be established then he says believe in his prophets now this is very interesting believe in the lord you will be established but believe in his prophets it says so shall you prosper exodus chapter 14 please and verse 10 and verse 31 and israel saw that great who did it people feared the lord and then so he servant moses it's not enough to believe god alone you must believe the vessel that he will use to bless you the bible says they believed in the lord and they believed his servant moses exodus 19 and verse and the lord said unto moses oh i click cloud that the people make and be forever you to know that you are to know that you represent me so come let me speak in a way that they will hear me so that the next time you speak they will know you are sent that they will believer believe in the law so shall you be established but believe in the vessel and the vessels that he will use find a way of believing that there is sufficient grace to turn your nights today in this place it says you have turned my morning into dancing he says you have turned mice into jesus when the lord turned again the captivity of zion damn that dream the one thing that jesus kept challenging in the lives of the people was their faith faith their faith faith oh faithless generation he would say peter satan desire to sift you like wheat he says but i have prayed for you that your faith failed not and when thou art converted he said strengthen your brethren i believe that god can lift i believe that god can give speed codemost came to jesus by night and said rabbi we know that thou art a man sent from god for no man can do these things except god be with him there are results that men cannot produce frame of men to move beyond certain realms of results is only marvelous in our eyes if it is man's doing it's natural before our eyes god does not just want to heal and to deliver he wants to place something upon our lives be the increasing of the spirit when you're in this atmosphere listen god makes you to walk in god's dimension of results you have to understand this the grace of god is powerful when it comes upon you it begins to define the possibilities around your life very easy things would look difficult when your life it says come unto me all ye that are weary and heavily with a promise i will give you rest you hear the testimony of the dear man of god from cameroon it does not take time for god to change a man's story most times is that we come doubting we can't lift me up and letting that is going to be happening here let your heart be connected be connected in truth your prayer request is a token is the and the bible says what things so ever ye desire when he pray he said believe that thou receive it and what things so ever you desire i may not know what it is that you have come here believing god for and then listen do not let anyone tell you that god is not interested in bringing and breathing glory out of your life i have said it again and again whilst we do not serve god just for things we love him more than things we love him more than however he left space for us to be glorified him father john 17 he said he lifted up his eyes to heaven and he said father the hour has come it says glorify noun thy son that thy son may bring glory unto you galatians 1 24 and they glorified god a man can use his results 29 and verse 8 he are glorified scripture says when he bear much fruit much fruit much fruit by the time you leave this place with his life begins to change the saints are glorified so whilst we lift him he lifts us also whilst we lift him he lifts us also while we honor him he honors us also he says he that honors me i will honor he that despises me i will lightly esteem are we together bible says grace and peace be multiplied savior then he says according as his divine power have given us all things but pertain unto life and godliness all things all things healing liftings all things favor jacob said the place he would hold on to god and said he said leave me for the day breaketh and he said i will not let you go until you bless me he said thou shalt no longer be called jacob but israel for as a prince you have and you have prevailed he touched the whole of his tie and face to face and my life is preserved and the bible says the sun arose very prophetic session right now where we are going to be praying god is going to be lifting burdens lives will be turning around just like that at the instance of his word and at the instance of his power please listen to me god is dependable god is reliable god is dependable god is reliable god is dependable god is reliable there is somebody outside you have a problem with your right ear i don't know if he's therefore completely completely deaf or partially deaf i'm seeing the power of god open that right ear right now in the name of jesus christ now here's how we do it very quickly because we have to conserve time i'll be ministering to you by the spirit of the living god especially for those of us who are trusting god for healing the power of god will touch you already in this atmosphere a lot is happening the moment the power of god touches you i'm going to request somewhere in the course of the service for a few of you who have been healed and you're going to make your way please for those who have been healed and would want to testify ushers and protocol you can allow i believe in deliverance so deliverance in it is the separation between you and the obstacle that impedes your progress [Applause] it's not only spirits that stand in the way mountains can also stand anything that can move must move the name of jesus christ power of prophecy powerful it can make what has no your life to happen by this time tomorrow he said and a foolish man said my this happened time the windows of heaven was opened please shake away unbelief you may not be but i assure you there are mountains that need to be cleared out of your destiny [Applause] some of you are business people some of you are walkers they are just some of you destiny and your family zechariah chapter 1 verse 18 he says son of man what's yes thou and he said four horns these are the horns that have lifted of themselves against jerusalem against israel against judah so that no man don't lift up his head but psalm 3 said many are dead that rise up against me it says many are they that say where is your help but it says but thou o lord you are a shield for me my glory he calls him the lifter the lifter god does not bring down he [Music] lifts my glory you lift my hand but thou o lord had a shield for me my glory that lifted up my head but thou art lord i had a shield for me my glory you lift my hand [Music] but thou o lord had a shield for me my glory the lifter up of my head that after the service they will look at you and say is saul also one of the prophets what happened to you is all also one of the favored ones is this lady one of the lifted ones too let me tell you something when a grace is not on you is not on you it's as simple as that you may act like it's there but grace speaks when it comes it is focused it sounds loud and clear [Applause] when the grace for speed comes on you it shows that it's on you when the grace for restoration comes on you it shows that it's on you when the esta anointing comes on you it shows that it's on you and esther obtained favor in the sight of all them that looked upon her 2 verse 17 and she obtained favor even before the king more than all the virgins thank you for lifting thank you thank you for lifting thank you thank you for lifting my [Music] thank you for lifting so expect to be healed expect to be lifted expect that the egyptians you saw hey la parratos that these egyptians you see that you will see them no more forever listen somewhere in the course of this administration i'm going to ask personal to come up again this is trumpet you see is a very dangerous weapon [Applause] [Music] he's going to sound that trumpet that trumpet will come speaking one word talitakumi that everything that was there listen i want you to believe what i'm saying this is not entertainment we're very serious people the shofar will not just be music you have you've sung you worship god but this is a weapon of warfare that as it is lifted i am telling you that anything that has died the sister of lazarus said oh by this time he's thinking he said i am the resurrection and the life lazarus he said come forth breakthrough come forth long-standing testimonies come forth listen i'm going to request that you will sound that chauffeur seven prophetic times now listen please can you get his my chords please very quickly for him by the time he sounds it seven times we're going to begin to pray just for two or three minutes everything that must cut her from your life every planting you came for a miracle service please be intentional about your portion hallelujah and then i'll begin to minister to you by the spirit of god that everything that is not of god it must go seven serious prophetic sounding of the chauffeur listen it is a resurrection chauffeur this sound is going beyond your ears is going to everything that is dead in your life dead kidneys death situations death finances you believe that seven prophetic chauffeurs businesses that have been dead body parts [Applause] yes sir [Music] here [Music] [Applause] hey [Applause] [Music] let your faith connect [Music] [Applause] [Music] now get ready after the seventh shofar you are going to begin to pray [Applause] lift your voice and begin to pray release your voice [Applause] lift foreign r foreign [Music] god [Music] and at the blast of the trumpet i want you to shout that name jesus and listen to me the moment you shout that name jesus accept god is not god if there is any power holding you down please i want you to bring those under the anointing outside here the bible says upon mount zion there shall be deliverance and then holiness and the sons of jacob shall possess their possessions there are families there are people under all kinds of devilish influences this is the house of god this is koinonia are you ready at the count of three shout jesus inside outside you who are following from whatever nation it doesn't matter as you shout that name there's such fire that is coming from this altar and in the name of jesus christ everything that is not of god must let you go are you ready thank you jesus one two three shout jesus every power holding your destiny down bring them out every spirit that will not let you go in the name of jesus give way right now this way right now his way right now right now the lord is opening my eyes i'm seeing chains on people's feet this is what i'm saying this has limited people's progress but in the name of jesus the bible says it was the lord that caused aaron and moses to advance i stand by the god of heaven right now everyone whose feet has been tied down in the name of jesus by the road of the higher priests that happen in the name of jesus break praise yes [Music] in the name of jesus in the name of jesus christ what you this is this is a symbol of a platform for access but i'm seeing it locked this is what i'm saying god wants to open gates now there are destinies there are families hear me there are businesses that have been locked up the bible says to open the gate are you ready to shout jesus as you shout that name again i declare that this date we break them in pieces one two three be open and further effector of our families get [Music] [Music] [Music] hold on hallelujah who is stephanie stephanie i'm hearing the name stephanie i'm hearing the name stephanie we're going to pray for the sick shortly but i'm hearing a name stephanie the lord is ministering to me a name stephanie where are you your family is about to experience where are you from stephanie where is your mom what is wrong with your mother i want to pray because i'm seeing the spirit of death on your mother but i stand in the name of jesus every manifestation of death i cancel it right now hallelujah [Music] hallelujah [Music] of hallelujah see you one more time prophetically [Music] hallelujah [Music] and feel this hallelujah for all of you in front here i declare in the name of jesus every spirit that has held you bound will speak by the road of a higher priesthood let them go now release their destinies now in the name of jesus christ release your destinies now everything you have stolen release it now in the name of jesus my dear where are you coming from stand up what's your name my name is stephanie i need to pray for you is your husband here where is he he's in a butcher but he's not here i need to pray for him the month of may is a month of breakthrough for your husband i don't know you but i'm speaking by the spirit of god in the name of jesus christ let this world come to pass in your life in the name of jesus christ [Applause] ebenezer i'm hearing a name ebenezer who is ebenezer ebenezer i will pray for you but this is not the ebenezer i'm seeing ebenezer [Music] [Applause] in the name of jesus christ by the power of the holy spirit let there be a supernatural miracle for your family i stretch my hands in jesus name i stretch my hands in the name of jesus christ we're going to do something prophetic please can we have the prayer request if you've not submitted you'll just wave it let me see now ushers you will do this we're going to do something prophetic personality i hope you are not tired i plead you are not tired we are going to stand on this request and blow a shofar prophetically the bible says the shouts of joy and victory shall not depart from the tent of the righteous once that is happening please lift your voice and begin to speak over your request father this that i've written in the name of jesus i will never have to write it again if someone pray please you came to pray this is a miracle service lift your voice and pray outside all of the overflows down to the basement pray i will never have to write it again please very quickly pass them ushers just pass them to the last person by the aisle pass it to the last person by the aisle and then ushers will receive it someone is praying don't be distracted hallelujah praise the name of the lord please let's let's make it fast i want to pray for the sick now i just sense a very strong healing anointing i want to pray for the sick please lay your hands you're trusting the lord for a miracle lay your hands right there if it's a part of your body you cannot touch just make contact with your chest and believe god i am serving the god of miracles i know yes i know we are serving [Music] [Music] just make contact with you i want to pray please let there be silence i want to minister to the sick now there is a strong anointing now this is what will happen oh my god people are already being healed now this is what will happen i'm going to release the healing power of jesus christ there are miracles happening there are devils of insanity that are living people right now listen the moment i minister it doesn't matter whether i call your case or not when i ask you to check yourself the moment you see that the power of god has touched you please um we'll find a way of clearing maybe here or somewhere in the aisle pastor gabriel you can help me on that now the moment we have that kind of situation very quickly i would request you to run and come and meet any of the pastors here and they are going to speak with you i saw pastor jakes here you may please help me just join pastor jackson pastor gabriel they can be there and they will examine you will take a few testimonies let's disgrace the devil in this city and in this place today we are going to stamp the fact that jesus is lord as we worship in your presence holy spirit's gentle touch is flowing [Music] jesus we believe [Music] jesus there is healing in your name [Music] [Applause] there are shouts of adoration loud shout in this room the moment that happens the healing power of god is going to begin to flow honestly i don't know why he does it sometimes but he's a it's a sign and a wonder right now a loud shout i don't know why he does it but this is a ministry of signs and wonders the moment that shout comes from the congregation here the power of god will come on someone and the healing power of jesus will begin to sweep across the length and the breath of this place thank you lord jesus christ [Music] we're ready to pray now agree with me in the name of jesus christ shouted loudly man in the name of jesus in the name of jesus my god miracles are happening in the name of jesus in the name of jesus i command every devil of infirmity every spirit that is back of any kind of disease be gone right now in the name of jesus my god now i declare be healed be healed from the crown of your head to the souls of your feet i'm looking at someone you came with crutches i'm seeing in my vision someone who came with crutches lift it up and begin to walk now lift it up and begin to walk now by the power of the holy ghost lift those crotches and begin to walk in the name of jesus lift it and begin to walk there's a miracle happening there lift it and begin to walk my god miracles are happening here lift it and begin to walk look what is happening help her help her let me have your attention in the name of jesus blind eyes be open now let's ease be open now [Applause] every blood condition hiv genotype issues change now in the name of jesus [Music] the lord is showing me someone with a lower back condition around your lumbar vertebra the power of god is touching you right now the power of god is touching you right now there's someone you don't smell right now as i'm praying me may your sense of smell be restored that's i think if that should be your left your left knee i don't know if it's a kneecap or something with your left knee right now the power of god is touching you be healed in jesus name one two three four five six i'm seeing six ladies with some of you have multiple lumps around the breast area right now check it that devil is gone that devil is gone every growth in your body it answers to the name of jesus right now my god i just saw a creative miracle there's someone you removed one of your molars check it now you're going to see a miracle there this is what i'm seeing in my vision check it now in the name of jesus let there be a creative miracle for you let there be a creative miracle for you [Music] there is don't feel embarrassed there is a lady here literally what the bible calls the issue of blood whether it's your circle or not this thing has embarrassed you for a long time it just comes is your blood anytime anyhow i want you to check yourself right now you will find out that that demonic flow has stopped [Music] someone i'm seeing again the vision of the right ear of someone my god miracles are happening in this place very soon i'm going to ask you to check yourself and come to the front there's someone you don't even see well from where you are you couldn't see the stage very well but in the name of jesus receive clarity of vision right now clear is your vision right now in the name of jesus now hear me whether i mention your case or not i want you to check yourself right now check yourself right now you'll find out that there is a miracle run to the front run to the front there are pastors here to receive your testimonies celebrate them people are coming out are you seeing miracles happening coinonia i see miracles everywhere miracles everywhere miracles everywhere right now i see miracles everywhere miracles everywhere miracles everywhere right now i see miracles everywhere celebrate jesus [Music] [Music] unto you we ascribe all the praise lord you reign and you rule unto over we ascribe all the praise lion up to the raid line up to the rain lion of judah my god miracles are happening in this [Music] place one more time celebrate jesus yes sir what's happening there my god this is amazing for the past three years i had an accident with my two sisters but the devil was after my life my two legs were broken on my hip your two legs two legs broken yes so i was coming here expecting thank god that god is going to heal me i went for surgery and i see that christ in so many hospitals on one leg then the other one i was asked to bring 4.3 million to to replace my hip because it's like a stone and what happened now it's very light now unlike me check yourself she came here with the crutches she came with the crutches i came with the clutches because my hip here is like a storm okay gently walk walk without the crotches [Applause] [Music] careful careful look at me madam the lord who begun this miracle you don't have to lift it don't worry in the name of jesus i declare i stretch my hands and i prophesy perfection perfection in the name of jesus can you be seated for a few minutes my god let's disgrace the devil in the f city jesus is still lord over abuja yes please go ahead please help him with the mic [Applause] you gave a word of knowledge that there was somebody here with a lower lumbar pain and she was the one and for three years she's been going through this situation let me hear from her i've been putting on a lumbar a closet a lumbar corset for how long for three years for three years and right now run run come on coinonia unto you we ascribe all the prayers [Music] right [Music] is you're right hallelujah my god it will never return to you madam look how surprised the woman is listen a miracle is not just just like personal said this is not just about joshua salman this is god that walk in the midst of his people madam it will never return to you again yes sir apostle another amazing miracle still the word of knowledge you gave accurate lumbar vertebrae so this is another case what's your name idea i'm quality victoria how long has this been look for a week now my back has been making bodies check it now yesterday i couldn't i couldn't bend bend now bend now do what you couldn't do anything [Applause] that grace comes on you you will never be the same in the name of jesus yes same miracle at her back okay for the past 12 years or 13 or so i had an accident my god are you seeing what god is doing in this place i've been having pain i could shout jesus like there's no pain around my lower vertebra right now right now my roommate knows about it even yesterday i had an accident when i was six years i feel kneecap pain and right now run check yourself [Music] what has happened hold on i want to know what is happening to this our mother mommy yes ma'am praise the lord i have been suffering from this attractiveness for how long mommy for almost 15 years right now right now i had new operations since then the other leg is painting me my knee hit my my vertical people on here who is feeding me but i couldn't even walk and come this way but now i could see them hear me look look at mommy look at mommy look at mommy carlonia [Music] jesus [Music] very simple songs yes please quickly quickly we we just hold on god is doing amazing miracles we just pulled them together yes sir kneecaps all of you knickers how long went to my nail cup for that seven years more than seven years four years i started an accident on friday i came i came in here yes and right now all of you [Music] so do what you couldn't do [Music] look at look at the ladies even surprised in the name of jesus christ you are healed you remain healed forever may that anointing come upon you you will never be the same again in the name of jesus yes please very quickly bone condition heal sometime last year i slept and by the time i woke up i realized that i had this very sharp pain at my hips i could not even and right now when you said when you said you should place our hands at that place yes completely gone yes sir yes sir it will never return in the name of jesus christ yes please very quickly next miracle quickly last year i was injected in my dream and immediately you were injected in your dreams yes i went for tests and they discovered that i had hiv you had hiv yes i even came for tests last week had the medical they confirmed that that thing was still in my blood but immediately you mentioned it i have a blood condition i felt power all over my power all over you you believe in jesus come and stand here let me see the devil that to put hiv in your body stand up listen in the name of jesus christ take her to the medical stand right now i stretch my hands hiv you are a spirit come out of this body now now in the name of jesus christ listen hear me my bible says wherefore god had highly exalted him and given him a name that's the name person not begun to sing he called him yeshua do you know what that means the lord l.o.r.d with anyone here having any bone condition hear me and any blood condition whether it came by dream in the name of jesus the way it came let it return back to hell i said the way it came let it return back to hell yes please apostle 14 years back being fourteen fourteen years lower back gone completely both of you and for him four years four years in the name of jesus christ it will never return to you again by the power of the holy spirit yes please very quickly 2013 when i gave it to my twins when you get back to your twins when i gave it to my twins it's like something walking through my tooth to my body something walking into your body when i see that will be going so i started receiving my healing on tuesday we'll wait for prayer yes yes today when i came here today i have a eye problem i'm always i cannot see fire you cannot see fire right now what happened to you i saw everything that is [Music] yes please very quickly praise the lord forever all these are testimonies my goodness by the way hallelujah help me bless and appreciate steve crown he's hiding somewhere here bless you blessings to you i love you yes please go ahead over three weeks plus now my neil has been spending me and it was swollen it will go it will come back immediately you mentioned it i can move the legs completely move the legs any pain it's gone completely it will never return to you in jesus name yes please very quickly apostle this is an amazing testimony yes sir sir please i want her to say it go ahead very quickly my dear lord on monday i have i've had issue of weak bladder before i was treated with bladder yes on monday it came again i was feeling pain passing urine i could not audrey for two minutes i would be wind on my body and i was feeling hold on hold on come come with you we have doctors here we are professional doctors weak urine weak um yes i was feeling back pain as well i bought drugs i was taking the drugs so you can you can win on your body yes no changes so on wednesday i went on youtube i listened to your message night of prevailing prayer i prayed and i slept off the pain subsided i was scared of coming here today bomb her husband encouraged me i came around around where is the husband he is in he's in lafayette he's a pastor in lafayette so i came and i started i was scared of coming i was even scared of drinking water so that i would not be passing you in so i i waited i was praying can you hold on please can you imagine this kind of demonic thing that a married woman sitting down and she's afraid to drink water because imagine that embarrassment for this purpose was the son of god made manifest yes my dear what happened now so so i as i was praying and i've been praying that i want transference of spirit that is in the work of the of the apostle of this commission that i wanted to work in me immediately we shouted you so i saw myself on the floor when i stooped up i went to toilet i saw that there was no pain and i the urine was normal i put no pain again no pain at all no bad pain again no back pain to the glory of god the medication failed you see let me tell you something people of god you never know the value of the power of god personal until you are in a situation where medicine cannot solve now look at a married woman like this you can't take water because of weak bladder that demon my sister i pray for you in the name of jesus christ god who gave you this miracle it remains permanent in your life forever god bless you yes please nico pugh nico praise god the lord hallelujah i want to thank god i was come here by very sick my daughter brought me here i have diabetes for over 20 years normless all over me i baby i everything but i want to thank god i cannot even walk when i come here but now all depends walk walk are you seeing our mother walk [Music] whether it is arthritis diabetes high bp everything goes now never to return to you in the name of jesus christ apostle you spoke about lump lump how long 14 years it's gone you checked it oh come on please don't trivialize the hand of god [Music] that means everything that is in your life that should not be there we clear it out of your life now we clear it out of your life now in the name of jesus christ you won't believe it personally but i'm just having this feeling that we should sing that song again there is nothing you cannot do my dear people i hope you are not tired don't don't [Applause] [Music] we're going to sing that song again this time around with understanding 14 years only the god of heaven personally sings so much about that god [Music] i wish i could sing it you are good you are kind but you are more than thee celebrate jesus us for words trying to describe you [Music] is [Music] m [Music] hey [Music] you are [Music] oh [Music] [Music] foreign [Music] [Music] the right to your holy name [Music] thank you [Music] and you will do it twice [Music] [Music] you are [Music] you are hallelujah it will never return to you again my sister in the name of jesus christ yes please yeah he was brought straight from national hospital he had back pain he was brought from national hospital yes he fell under the power and um yes sir madam is that your son yes how old is he he's 11 going to 12. he is a sickle cell patient and he has been in the hospital for the past six weeks so one of the nurses she's america america team here so while on admission she came to me and invited me for this program so he was you see you see why it's good to be filled with the holy ghost even as a spirit filled these are the kinds of professionals that god is raising in this end time not just people who are skilled but filled with the spirit of god yes madam so she one of the nights that the temporary crisis was more she came and prayed for close to one hour so she encouraged me that this sunday i must not miss it so friday he was discharged so when we came and then from nowhere pain started again so i called her she took him to the sick bay and then she gave him injection painter after a while she brought him so while you are saying we should when you say we should shout the name of jesus that we should place our hands in wherever we are having peace so he put his hands on the back and then before then he sheltered the name of jesus he fell then later i brought him up again and then when you were saying check your body i was asking him are you still feeling that back pain he said no [Applause] what's his name somewhere somewhere look at me walk [Applause] do you feel anything any pain completely please put the mic on say after me say in jesus name in jesus name i i somewhere i declare i declare by the blood that i am free forever and the church of god said amen for this boy not only is he healed of this back pain we cause sickle cell anemia in the name of jesus christ you can see clearly that this my dear son come here look at this boy this is 11 years old not to embarrass you madam i hope you're not embarrassed but you can see that this is no personality is even crying please help him give him the handkerchief listen some things are emotional and they are is a painful thing this boy is a stroke he suffered stroke any human agent that is part of this boy's suffering i bow my knees to my god may the ground open and swallow them 11 years listen this is why god sent us here only god knows the prophetic destiny on this boy's life satan does not attack what does not affect him i assure you this is a mother you may not know she said in 2018 madam he had a crisis stroke look at me my dear son i pray for you may god who called us may he lay his hand on you in the name of jesus christ may he turn you into a sign and a wonder i speak to your body from your head to your toe begin to grow normally you are a proper child we agree as the house of god together with all the graces represented in this house you are a proper child you will begin to grow properly god bless you madam thank you let's celebrate them god is demonstrating that distance is not a barrier my god something has happened so we have a testimony online you gave a word of knowledge about somebody that he choose his mother is coming yes also we have it here so he said my crown is back he just checked from where sir he is online somebody sent a message online listen online we are family to all don't don't allow distance no we are family i'm still praying let there be a release of miracles even online in the name of jesus christ 10 years long disappear 10 years more than 10 years more than 10 years has disappeared [Music] [Applause] but i don't want my wife to know about it i noticed that one of my scrotum always come big and once it comes like that i would just go to hospital and get a drug it will leave me and go down and today i can't stand for an hour and i cannot sit for long i just like moving but today when i pray at the reason of the prayer the first prayer i just felt that my body became light saturdays brought me here i am an evangelist and i look at my life that i am down in the spirit my spirit life is dead i told my sister that brought to me i was at eight o'clock this morning only for me to come back to go and pick somebody down says they deny me of the city i struggled to enter again i said they said i should go to downstairs as you go i said i don't want to watch tv i want to see the man of god one-on-one let him mention my my my problem what happened to you now sir i can touch it i should always when you're talking he said we should not if you cannot if it said something you cannot touch don't lay hands on your chest cannot put my hand in my but that's what it is condemning me he said put your hand in that scrotum i put my angers up just less than a second and the teachers look at this brothers and sisters listen to me again i want you to discern the message behind miracles miracles reveal two things number one the love of the father miracles are a letter from god to creation using the object of that miracle to demonstrate that number one his love number two that he's still alive are we together now you may not know what it means for this couple but we thank god for this miracle evangelist in the name of jesus christ i pray for you ah you go to the media they will give you some of my teachings listen to them and get your spiritual life back on fire in the name of jesus christ you may want to take a pause a bit from preaching that you are not preaching anything if you are not growing spiritually so leave the issue of invitation for a while and go and settle with god flog it out with destiny until your fire comes back then you can go and preach i pray for you god who did this miracle may he empower you to reproduce the same kind in the lives of people in jesus name my god we have oh dear yes sir so apostle he had a dream some months ago and from that experience his hand became numb so he had no feeling on his hand but today how long sir tell us about it i was sometime in april so i had a dream that i was kind of i fought so i woke up and noticed that this side including my back a little bit here was paralyzed kind of okay but i could move okay yes i can feel it yeah it's almost like it's not there but today i can feel it lift your hands down up just down i feel it correctly you can feel it correctly very right now i know that demonic thing goes back to hell in the name of jesus yes sir praise the lord apostle this is my first time of coming here you are welcome every time i see you trying to stretch out to pray for me it has happened more than countless times day before yesterday was the same thing what happened what happened to you now today you called my name and you called my husband's name and you prayed for me and then i used to have this in pain by this side it was developed this year but as soon as you pray for me i'm telling you to god be the glory i can't feel that pain in the name of jesus christ this restoration is permanent i don't know if i should say this here but i'm seeing something now there is a man please don't feel i don't mean to embarrass you you're not here you're in the overflow you are with your wife there has been a serious problem in your marriage and both of you are considering a divorce the lord is telling me to speak to you that a divorce is not the solution both of you need to be prayed for you just need to be prayed for and counseled and god will grant you grace and everything will come back if a spirit is responsible it doesn't matter how many people you marry the same trouble will reproduce itself again i don't mean to embarrass you but i have to obey the lord this is a word that god is speaking you're not in this auditorium i'm not saying you should come out but this is already and every wrong counselor every demonic ahito ahitophel that is standing near people to give satanic counsel in the name of jesus christ may they be out of their lives forever but please hear me respectfully speaking as the spirit of god is ministering to me for that person that couple a divorce may not be the solution you may need to if you identify the people you can meet the protocol and i'd like to see you and then talk and pray with you but a divorce blindly like that may not be the solution praise the name of the lord let's see how many a few more that we can take and then we'll do a general prayer we have this request here personal is going to be standing on this and he's going to be blowing a trumpet a shout of a king on this request you will marvel and wonder i'm about to show you a scripture shortly please if you are yet if there are people who are yet to submit their requests you can do that very quickly we'll walk with time yes sir praise the living god i get issue of blood for four years now four years they do a pressure for me last year for oh my god she said i get cast a bloody god whatever they go now the problem is saying anything that they give me blood as they give me blood god give me blood for hiv i still got hiv where the man of god is praying he tells me touch that place that time that appears that he stole me while where where i hold the place i don't feel defense again i'm not feeling defense again i'm not sleeping again again oh my god did you hear what this woman said we have to pray for our doctors in the name of jesus christ they said you have hiv where did they give me blood every time blood infused how would an infected blood a hiv infected blood give me blood every time where the blood they come may god separate you from evil amen i'm saying it from the depth of my spirit anywhere trouble is like me you know go there for you and for your family you are exempted supernaturally now we're not pleased we're not we're not downplaying the doctors that have treated i i don't want to believe they did it intentionally but this woman is saying she has the issue of blood and the you of cervical cancer is that true madam where are you coming from i'm from boston i'm a junior brother you came from niger state yes sir with the issue of blood yes right now what has happened to you no no blood no pain it's gone completely yes it seems everybody stretch your hands towards this woman we must cause that cancer and cause that hiv this woman should not die are you praying we're believers and we're anointed pray as if you are praying for your wife or your mother or your sister father this woman will not die we speak mercy the accuser of the brethren will curse you oh we plead the blood yes in the name of jesus cervical cancer you come under judgment be healed now in the name of jesus christ amen and amen madam look at me in the name of jesus we declare that cancer dries from your body now number two we declare that hiv dies from this body number three this issue of blood that has stopped will never return again may you live a normal life in jesus name i pray who is this boy i want to know what happened to this boy um good evening good evening how are you what happened to you jayden is my son like oh he's your son yes he has been having knee pain like at times he doesn't sleep at night he'll wake me up and i'll be up all night massaging his leg my pastor told me one time that i shot an arrow of paralysis how old is he he's seven what happened now right now he he just told me mommy my leg is no longer pinning me boy how do you feel i feel fine what's your name jayden jj jayden i'm happy you are healed i'm happy you're fine run run run oh come on in the name of jesus christ it will never return to you again and as it pleases the lord my god and my maker may he use you [Applause] may you become a mighty man in the spirit let's see if we can just take tutu don't worry don't feel bad my dear people listen to me you can register your testimony and you have it we have to walk with time but then don't go i will have to speak over your life i know that there are many people uh but but let's just take maybe two again yes please she couldn't see very distance well before she came but right now she can see clearly what's your name holy cheese my name you're welcome thank you what was the situation um i was diagnosed of glaucoma and astigmatism so i couldn't see this and what astigmatism okay but i couldn't see this stage clearly you couldn't see the stage clearly okay when you said we should touch i would forgot if i was my younger sister that placed a hand on my eyes and as we were praying you know i now took over and then when i opened my eye i could read the media on the man's back in the name of jesus this miracle remains permanent i stretch my hands and i declare it is permanent it will never return to you again in jesus you called out her kiss and um she got healed instantly um i noticed i've been having um but this burning sensation on my right breast and around my nipple region it started like three days ago after i had a nightmare so i just left it i ignored it i felt it was normal so i had to tell my doctor my family doctor i called him and then i told him about the issue and then he was actually thinking it's actually breast cancer because before now personally i've had that encounter like something told me a voice spoke to me at night that i'm going to have breast cancer so i rejected my doctor and then he said tomorrow i should come to the clinic for proper okay to check whether you have the cancer or not well while the man of god was praying and then ministering to us i felt the burning sensation i felt relieved and i felt touched by god no cancer i repeat no cancer in the name of jesus you can still go ahead with your tests in the hospital but in the name of jesus they will not find any trace of cancer in the name of jesus christ you are healed you remain healed in jesus name yes sir also you spoke about somebody that her ear was blocked the right popped up since 2000 yes in 2012 my right here i know acenos is like a blockage like if you swim you understand like when water enters your ear then it will pain in me so the pain started again last week but i didn't really bother to take drugs like i was just in pain what happened now so when i was right here to be honest i started living with it so i didn't even think of it so i just said okay let me just check so i thought it was no longer paining me and i was getting close put your hands there in the name of jesus christ i stretch my hands towards you it goes never to return it goes never to return please what's happening there madam she wants to testify no she said that the name of this man was was called ebenezer was called and that's why she came out with him are you is he your husband husband and wife just come let me pray for you i'm sure that it's just it's just a wife's passion to make sure stand up stand up we respect your faith and we'll pray for you what do you do don't cry don't cry madam what do you do you're an instrumentalist that's what you do for a living i i play talking trump okay stand up i want to pray for you madam don't cry stand up god has honored your faith i stretch my hands upon you both and in the name of jesus the lord who is the helper of men may he help you because i'm looking at your life and i'm seeing that you need a lot of financial miracles i stretch my hands and i pray may god who is the helper of men open doors for you now receive that grace you will return with strange testimonies may those be open for you your name is ebenezer it means god the helper of men experience that help in jesus name i pray amen okay praise the lord hallelujah 2018 after my exam in school i fell down from a casual tree you fell down from a cashew tree i landed with mine with my neck praise the lord let's a man amen that's all right praise god let's listen to him so we can conserve time uh-huh when you say that we should hold our hands so i held my hands on my neck i felt a good sensation and completely it's gone check your neck in the name of jesus we declare a supernatural miracle now very quickly we may not i'm not sure we may be able to take more testimonies but um this is what we want you to do please um after the service for those of you who are online you can you can just write and send your testimony or media department to collate it and i promise you that over the next few weeks we're going to announce them for those of you who have received miracles i'll just pray and seal the miracle and then i'll request that you pen down your testimonies do well to let us know we have to walk with time because there are still some other things we have to do and i have to speak over your life praise the lord but for all of you who have received these miracles just lift your hands father we thank you you have done well and we honor you in the name of jesus christ these miracles remain permanent in the name of jesus christ everything the lord has done now in your life let it abide let it last in the mighty and matchless name of jesus god bless you please return back to your seat rejoicing okay hold on hold on there are cards that are given to you there are few men of god giving you cards please do well to collect one before you go you complete it and then you pass it but god bless you let's celebrate them very quickly hallelujah now [Applause] please pay attention we want to step into a very very prophetic moment right now two scriptures that have changed my life that represent the covenant of answered prayer in this ministry please all rise if you don't mind this is a very prophetic time now in isaiah chapter 37 we read from verse 14 to 16 you'll find the same rendition in second kings 19 14 to 16. either of them please give it to us media help us the bible says and hezekiah received letter from the hand of the messengers and read it the bible says and hezekiah went up to the house of the lord and he spread it before the lord 15. and hezekiah prayed unto the lord saying verse 16 o lord of hosts god of israel that dwellers between the sheryl beams thou art the god even thou alone of all the kingdoms of the earth thou has made the heavens and the earth he took the issue of concern and spread it before the lord philippians chapter 4 and verse 6 the bible says to be anxious for nothing it says but in everything by prayer and supplication with thanksgiving it instructs believers to let your requests be made known don't assume god knows it let your request be made known are we together this is a mysterious instruction that god gave me from the onset of this ministry and i can tell you we have received unimaginable testimonies turnarounds miracles no matter how we try to prophesy we are limited with time and knowledge no matter how we try to minister to lay hands on people there's only so much it's already time and we have to respect your time but this is a very accurate representation of your desires you have come before the god of heaven i'm going to pray over these requests and when i do that we really thank god and we appreciate god for the gift of personality with us truly i just felt stared in my spirit that pastor not is going to stand on this request prophetically while we're praying i told you that this trumpet is more than an instrument of music is a real instrument of war are we together the bible says when the lord is coming listen to me it says is the sound of a trumpet that will announce it trumpets are now seasons are you hearing what i'm saying now trumpets are now seasons i need you to have a revelation of what we are doing we are not superstitious people we work based on the principles of the word it is the voice of the trumpet that will announce the coming of the lord that means is the trumpet that will announce the coming of your breakthrough is a trumpet in this that will announce the coming of any good thing because every good and perfect gift still also comes from above so if a trumpet announces the coming of the best gift every other gift can be announced by a trumpet are we in agreement stretch your hands and let's pray [Music] everyone stretch your hands i will bow my knees do you mind sir in the name of jesus christ please stretch your hands while praying don't kneel you don't have to kneel just stand stretch your hands agree unto thee that answers prayer shall all flesh come shilla kataprandike barutia exodus 14 these egyptians you see today that you see them no more someone pray connecting from around the world pray [Music] impossible miracles oh god testimonies by the spirit of the living god are you praying for some of you these are dead sentences [Music] for some of you these are threat letters legal cases political aspirations business limitations career limitations yokes of ancestry because [Music] [Applause] jesus the son of god i believe in you i believe in you you are jesus the son of god i believe in you one more time with faith in your heart the name that is above every other name jesus the son of god i believe in you i believe personas please be sensitive listen to me personality is prophetically blowing over this request as is blowing we are standing in agreement [Music] announcing new seasons announcing new openings [Music] new new doors new doors and sad prayers yolks broken these egyptians you see today you'll see them no more forever [Music] you see them no more forever you see them no more forever in the name of jesus now keep standing everybody father we pray connecting to one with all the graces in this house oh unto you that answers prayer shall all flesh come [Music] we have come with open hearts oh let the ancient words and changing we [Music] father we agree these are requests that have come from all across the globe the united states europe asia africa nigeria abuja the fct here at this miracle service the first in this city lord we agree that every request written down here let it return as testimonies [Applause] in the name of jesus christ every issue of concern written here for you and for your family members may the ministry of angels be activated over this request in the name of jesus christ for some of you before you get home you will meet the answers waiting for you for some of you by this time next week you will return with here some testimonies hallelujah i want to speak over your life i will do the altar call but listen to me personally can i request that you do a song just allow me enjoy myself in this place celebrate jesus and you receive the prophecy my god all the brothers in the house [Music] i [Music] precious [Music] [Music] [Music] melody people [Music] one more time one more time good morning [Music] [Applause] [Music] is [Music] i see you right there [Music] is [Music] you're [Music] you are amazing [Music] is [Music] [Music] hallelujah hallelujah [Music] now be prepared to receive i want to speak over your life second chronicles 26 and verse 15 says uzziah became mighty because he was marvelously helped god is able to help men i decree and declare over your life by the spirit of the living god the kind of help you have not seen from january till now in the name of jesus the christ of god i declare it upon your life help in business helping career helping your spiritual life help in your finances in the name of jesus [Applause] [Music] psalm 79 verse 11 the bible says that god would preserve those who have been appointed to die there are human beings who have been appointed to die they are walking on earth whereas they had finished when you read the book of esther you will see that they use divination to choose the date where they will fight and heal the jews in the name of jesus for everyone and every family here appointed to death that whilst you are walking on earth in the realm of the spirit it has been concluded that on this day you will die i declare and declare death passes over you death passes over your loved ones we rebuke the spirit of death oh grave where is your victory all that where is your sting be banished from god's people in the name of jesus i speak to you that the fullness of your days you will fulfill in the name of jesus when the lord turn again the captivity of zion i want to speak to someone truly there is a grace that turns people's things around [Music] [Music] [Music] is happening in your life [Music] [Music] [Music] is [Music] [Music] in the name of jesus every situation that has become an object of mockery in your life i stand by the god of heaven and i declare between now and the end of this month in the name of jesus which i am in the name of jesus that situation is done for your good now and the king sent for joseph and they brought him out of his dungeon let me call for your destiny help us wherever they are in this city men and women ordained and anointed to hold your hands i stand by the road of a higher priesthood i prophesy to the north the south the east and the west wherever the helpers of your destiny are i command them to appear in the name of jesus we will shout hallelujah we will shine praise the lord we will [Music] praise the lord [Music] are you ready for the next prophetic word the bible says and then the hand of the lord came upon elijah and he ran on barefoot and overtook the chariot of i have down to israel i want to release the grace for speed speed is a reality in the name of jesus i decree and declare inside outside all of the overflows and those following online from today step into a supernatural dimension of results speed for you speeding ministry speed in business in the name of jesus christ [Applause] esther chapter 2 and verse 15. the b part says and esther obtained favor in the sight of all them that looked upon her verse 17 and the king loved esther more than all the virgins and the bible says that he took her to be queen instead of fasting i decree and declare whoever is sitting on what belongs to you i stand by the god of heaven i push them out of the way and i declare you i am through push them out of the way and declare you are enthralled push them out of the way and declare you are enthralled [Applause] i use the presence of person nathaniel here as a prophetic point of contact for all those who are called into the worship ministry [Applause] there is something about the grace of god upon this man of god songs that never die songs that last the first time you'll be hearing me saying this i saw on him a grace that was on both feet and was undone and was on wrong cannoli let me tell you this this man had certain graces it was more than skill is a grace that immortalizes their songs their songs don't seem to die praise alone we have all benefited from the songs and the sounds of worship from this precious man of god he has become a gift to the body globally but i will tell you if you will talk with him personally his passion is not to be the only one there his passion is to see that as many people who can be drawn do you know many times when i hear people say all kinds of wonderful things about me i appreciate it but let me tell you if you fear god and you walk with god your real glory is not your lifting alone your glory is that in your lifting god uses you to bring many the bible says in bringing many sons to glory but the challenge with this generation is there is a lot of pride what do you have i'm anointed you're anointed jesus died for all of us it's true but you go and find out why the foundations in heaven are named after 12 apostles satan is not there find out why in heaven we sing the songs of a woman called miriam what brought her son to join the list in heaven it is not human worship impartation happens on the platform of discernment something prophetic is about to happen here i'm going to plead personally i'm so sorry i've stretched you today but i'm going to ask pastor not to speak a grace upon all those who are called into the worship ministry praise the lord we're tired of songs that we just sing and forget as soon as you are coming off the stage you can't even remember what you sang again no we need songs that are deep i believe that there are many people god wants to raise there are many other people that god is raising steve crown is here blessings to you great man of god there are many other great people who are here listen to me the days of superstar christianity is over god is bringing us to that point where if you are privileged to be the custodian of a dimension of grace the goal is not to stand and just the goal is that you become the conduit to bring many people into that experience and god is bringing the body of christ to a level of maturity where we are concerned about the corporate body more than individual achievements [Applause] and it's an honor for god to be using some of us to model this new wine and this new wine skin that he's bringing mutual respect love honor and yet you do not deny when you see god at work you don't act as if it's not there are we together i'm going to ask him i truly love him from the depth of my heart and i have descended the fountain of the grace that is upon his life please do not think we are wasting time here it's a miracle service because there are some of you here we are waiting for your songs god has shown you in the secret but no matter what your personal encounters are or paul even if you meet jesus you will still need ananias [Applause] so he's going to make declarations honestly i believe in impartation i truly do with all my heart is a transference of possibilities you can carry what you did not come to church with is it all right if i give person my personality mike in one minute to just declare we need listen we need new prophetic wealth of worship songs that will be used like ladders to accent deeper dimensions in the spirit sir please [Applause] a few years ago my mentor my late pastor said to me that god was putting a sound in me that would go around the nations of the and earth our songs will be sung around the world and 2013 in unilad in the gathering just like this we began to prophesy that the sound was rising from the desert lands to the distant lands and today we see sounds coming from this part of the nations to the ends of the earth so father today i stand on this altar in agreement with your son your servants because they have received the righteous man in the name of the righteous man i declare that the reward of the righteous man will accrue to them every grace that you've put on me for the music ministry the anointings [Music] a prophet of god said to me you won't blow the trumpet that god you will be the trumpet that god will blow through and as you blow the heavens will be open father i release the anointing for shifting atmospheres the sound that causes heaven to open i release it to every willing and descending heart here tonight a wise man said what you respect you attracts for everyone who desires and truly honors his grace and the law of impartation is such that it multiplies when it goes i decree that this anointing will multiply in the name of jesus i decree more nathaniel basses and greater in this place will rise let today be a landmark that there was a miracle service on the 25th of april 2021 that was the day the lord chose and anointed me in the name of jesus may you hear the songs of the lord at night may the lord put his praise on your lips above all may he give you a heart that pants after him and not after fame let your worship and songs flow from your experience with god let it not be an end in itself let it be a by-product of a vibrant relationship may you sing the revelations and mysteries of god in the name of jesus freely have i been given freely i give in jesus mighty name i prayed amen was you praying listen let me tell you something this is a miracle service you know most times when people come to receive from me they focus on the grace for encounters the grace for the miraculous the demonstration of the spirit but there is a grace that god has put upon my life be sensitive i have hardly seen that grace transferred to people i have sought the lord in tears for a long time why that grace it is difficult for people to receive of that grace and i wanted to know if the problem was me but the lord told me no it is a grace listen carefully it is a grace for access and visibility this is a mysteriously powerful grace a grace that can pick you and is a i call it a hear ye him anointing is a grace that gives you visibility [Applause] i have prayed this grace prayed this grace i don't know why for some reason but tonight may god grant us grace to try again and then the grace for favor see the proof of favor is not money the proof of favor is the loyalty of the hearts of men if all you have is money you are not favored so father i pray from the depth of my spirit for as many who will have the discernment may disgrace for favor that by the election of grace you have placed upon this life in the name of jesus who is the son of the living god may that grace listen to me i know what i'm i listen i'm praying this from my heart you have the humility to receive it will change your life i declare according to exodus chapter 3 and verse 21 and i will give these people favor in the sight of the egyptians and it shall come to pass that as ye go ye shall not go empty i stand by the god of my covenant and i declare from today may the grace for favor rest on your life help them please may the grace for faith will rest upon your life take that grace take that grace take that grace in the name of jesus christ help that woman please [Applause] may the grace for access and visibility the grace that can open gates gates of nations gates of the hearts of kings in the name of jesus christ every territory that has rejected you rejected your ministry rejected your value your business by this oil and fatter can't be opened by this oil effect doors be open in politics be open in business be open in ministry be open [Applause] [Music] [Applause] hear me anybody that fights you goes down instantly and anyone who says over their dead body for you to rise may their prayer be answered i pray for you in the name of jesus whatever has refused to walk in your life by the word of god the scent word we command and we compel it to begin to walk o may yell help us begin to speak about you at the gates the gates of your destiny the kings of thai and said on we call them to sing your praises they will speak about the wonder of god upon your life in the name of jesus christ we're wrapping up the pandemic has brought a lot of financial hardship on people and families steve crown come you have stood before god and you have humbled yourself here i stand by the apostolic if it is god that has sent me i stretch my hands and i declare i shift you step into a new level of visibility you are not bowing down to a man i speak to you by the god of heaven who anoints man he is the one who set in the church apostles and prophets and evangelists and pastors and teachers in the name of jesus you and your ministry everywhere across this city and across this nation may strange does be open for you strange visibility for you in the name of jesus christ may my god honor you in public the honor that god has placed upon my life and upon this ministry in the name of jesus i take off that honor and i bless it upon your life god bless you sir the lord increase you the lord honor you everyone in ministry here i stand in faith with pastor scholar god's prophet pastor emma's famous pastor nathaniel bassey there are few people that have had access to baba de boy like him and many of you saw recently god gave me the honor and the privilege to have access to this our father of faith listen to me we didn't invent this grace we are also recipients of it [Applause] from the abundance of that which god has released you see let me tell you this what god gives i say it again god did not send us this is not church thing my ministry thing those days of childishness are over this is a grace for the body if the body is not corporately edified even if we are excelling we are failed are we together now this issue of ministry my church mentality we must fold it away and look at the corporate good of the body if koinonia is excelling and the church in abuja is going down we are all failing together this is beyonce administratively you pay attention to the what god has given you but your body must extend beyond the shores of your own church to the body of christ this is how we win hallelujah who is seth come you are the set from josh come and stand here your life is about to change [Applause] please stand up [Applause] what are you doing abroad uh i was schooling but i i remained there i just came in for for some jobs okay what do you do i'm i'm an audio engineer but i work with a security company i want to pray for you there is something that wants to fight your glory this is what i'm saying don't be embarrassed i want to pray for you this thing started from saint john's just i want to pray for you because the lord is going to lift you there is a dimension that you would have attained right now but for some reason things just went down but i want to pray for you who is this wife god bless you come and stand near your husband the lord is giving you a new song i'm prophesying to you in the open two of you i release grace now in the name of jesus may this fire and made this anointing bring you again to the place of visibility [Applause] mr seth yes sir there is an oil you have neglected go back to it it's an oil of worship there is a ministry god has given you don't fail in it go back part of your prosperity is tied to that wife look at me i speak to you by the spirit of god is god that brought you to the life of this man you are a powerful force together and i'm standing in the open and i'm speaking to you in the name of jesus between now and the next four months look at me there are songs that are going to come out of you again you watch and see what these songs will do in the nation i bless you in the name of jesus god bless you please return back to your seat i pray again for you everyone by the power of the holy spirit everything you have as a product a document whatever it is that came as a point of contact in jesus name we declare life upon it for those trusting god for jobs between now and the next one month i call upon my god who is also your god return with strange testimonies in the name of jesus christ now very quickly i want to make an altar call i want to make this altar call it not only pays to serve jesus it pays to hand over your life to jesus so many people inside outside i know there's no space even at the the pathways there please no movement no movement you are here and whilst you had pastor not blow the trumpet the chauffeur whilst you heard me minister the word of god the holy spirit began to speak to you that is time for your relationship with jesus to be serious two categories of people those who are saying apostles have never made this decision sincerely for jesus and those who are saying apostle i gave my life to jesus christ but for some reason my life has gone haywire and i confess that i need jesus aside from those inside here up the balcony and then around the pavement all other overflows right up till outside you will just walk to your projector stand outside but you are in here and up the balcony don't wait for anyone to be the first i want you to leave your seat boldly and come and stand here it's time to come to jesus forget about who you came here with you don't have to kneel stand because of space apostle i'm not sure i'm born again join them join them join them he say ye must be born again come run to jesus christ are you celebrating them please those coming from outside if it's for the altar call allow them if it's for the altar call allow them come apostle i want to come but i'm ashamed of my friends the bible says if you are ashamed of me before men i will be ashamed of you before my father join them join them the lord bless you it's your name in this book of life is your name in this book of life is your name is your name you're coming please hurry up quickly quickly we have just a minute [Music] someday we are going to stand before jesus when this life is over come quickly let's celebrate them if you're coming please rush and if someone is standing up to come don't stop them don't stop them allow them to come to jesus keep coming we will wait our time is gone but we'll wait for you [Applause] when you hear him knocking [Applause] [Music] hallelujah [Music] if you're joining them come quickly we have just a minute and we're done [Music] i congratulate you all of you and those who are out in the various overflows and the hundreds and thousands falling online i salute you for many of you you're making this decision for the first time and others you're renewing your relationship lift your right hand and say this after me passionately jesus is here say lord jesus one more time say lord jesus i love you with all my heart and i believe that you are the son of god tonight i come to you just as i am i declare that tonight i believe that jesus is lord a savior and king over my life i believe that the power of sin satan and the grave is broken over my life i receive the abundance of grace and the gift of righteousness and i declare that i reign in life from today and forever i am a child of god amen keep your hands lifted father we thank you for these precious ones and all those are the overflows and as many who are following from all around the world we will never cease to be passionate about the global harvest we thank you for this harvest i pray that the grace that keeps me that grace keep you the grace that builds may that grace build you i commend you to god and even to the word of his grace which is able to build you up and to give you an inheritance among them that are sanctified i decree and declare that from today your life becomes a sign and a wonder in the name of jesus you go forward ever and backward never in the name of jesus christ now thank you for making this decision very quickly i want you to follow the gentleman who is holding that placard please follow them they will lead you to a place just have your details and you'll be back to your seat let's celebrate them very quickly hallelujah now just a few announcements and then we're done thank you for your patience announcement number one school of ministry students we sincerely apologize because i know that um the abuja campus has not really aside from your orientation we've not started by this week you'll receive an sms and then hopefully we'll begin our lectures we're just trying to tidy up logistics and then number two please i want you to know that you have access to the ministry to our materials our media stand is there you can work after the service and you can have access to our materials they are free and then number three please take note of all our official lines for the finance department for our protocol and logistics department our public relations have these lines handy so that you can use them and then to avoid scammers unfortunately we have this group of people all around who continue they are hell bent on making sure that they pared us joshua salman with all kinds of charitable projects i'm not on social media anyone prophesying to you online is a thief and a liar and an agent of darkness praise the name of the lord so be wise and please avoid them have you been blessed tonight please rise up on your feet thank you i decree in the name of jesus that your weak beginning is blessed the mighty hand of god is upon your life you go from glory to glory you go from grace to grace the good hand of god is upon you everything that does not represent the counsel of god let it give way you are a sign and a wonder the victory of jesus is at work in your life in jesus name i pray after the grace please do well to greet those around you on your way out the grace of our lord jesus christ the love of god the sweet fellowship of the holy spirit rest and abide with us now and forevermore amen god bless you and see you next week
Channel: Salvation TV
Views: 18,101
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Keywords: online sermon, apostle selman sermon, apostle joshua selman sermon, new sermon 2021, apostle joshua selman new sermon, youtube sermon, sermon on youtube, apostle joshua selman messages, apostle joshua selman nimmak messages, koinonia, apostle, joshua, selman, nimmak, prayer, apostle joshua selman, apostle joshua selman 2021, koinonia messages, download apostle joshua selman messages 2019, how to grow spiritually, god, how to desire greater glory, powerful prayer, prophetic prayer
Id: JhEyXF6nUpc
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 140min 58sec (8458 seconds)
Published: Mon Apr 26 2021
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