Keys to Long Life || Apostle John Kimani William

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[Laughter] oh man [Music] oh [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Applause] foreign [Music] oh [Music] foreign [Music] oh [Music] [Music] is [Music] oh [Music] oh [Music] [Music] [Music] foreign [Music] [Music] man [Music] my god a good time [Music] oh oh [Music] me [Music] come on [Music] [Music] [Music] foreign [Music] oh [Music] [Music] come on [Applause] foreign [Music] [Applause] foreign [Applause] oh [Music] foreign way [Music] we're oh [Music] [Music] [Music] is [Music] [Music] is is thank you jesus [Music] [Applause] [Music] foreign [Music] [Music] [Music] we bless your holy name you have done great and mighty things [Music] is [Music] [Music] [Music] m [Applause] [Music] [Music] oh [Applause] [Music] [Music] who is [Music] [Music] oh [Music] [Music] my [Music] [Music] jesus [Music] is me [Music] [Music] oh [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] okay [Music] [Music] oh [Music] oh [Music] [Music] foreign [Music] [Music] foreign [Music] [Music] foreign [Music] oh is [Music] foreign [Music] [Music] [Music] oh is is [Music] hey [Music] yes [Music] is [Music] [Music] foreign [Music] [Applause] [Music] yes [Music] yes is [Music] [Music] [Music] yes [Music] [Music] oh [Music] me he was a man oh oh [Music] today [Music] so [Music] [Music] m [Music] [Applause] we presented we praise you [Music] [Music] foreign um foreign foreign [Music] [Music] [Applause] foreign foreign [Music] we give you praise our god we love you jesus blessed be the name of the lord let's give jesus a clap offering of praise we give you glory lord we worship you you are highly highly exhorted there is no one else like you lord let's settle let's say be the name of the lord thank you jesus hallelujah thank you worshipped him god bless you we can take our seats [Music] [Music] for the last two days some of the causes that cause premature death other causes ambassador caused premature death apart from the ones i shared in a dua combat they are they are natural sicknesses they are sicknesses inflicted by demonic forces they are people who die through criminals and many other ways but we are here to declare that we refuse to die prematurely in jesus name kanasama declare i refuse to die prematurely jesus name to some of the responses sms because in this lunch hour i want to share with us on the keys to long life kings to long life to long life we refuse the spirit of premature death it is very sad that there are many many people who die before their time and it is not in the will of god as much as we may watch and think it is the lord who took a person sometimes that could be very far from the truth [Music] chukwua praise the name of the living god [Music] why didn't he send me a few messages um praise god my name is sita shinaniki soma jinayake i really thank god for a servant apostle i was a devil worshiper and i can confirm with what he preached today at the launch our service i used to work with some hospitals in order to give human sacrifice i want to mention into details but may god rebuke and expose every doctor working with the kingdom of darkness bona sifuesana in every profession to konawa to wenge the bigger number of of uh people in any profession are good people who love their work and they discharge their duties faithfully atawende koaskali siwaskari whatever kunas kariwengiwaliona praise the name of the living god you can say that again apostle my mom had been sick and we take her to a government hospital but doctors are sending her to every expensive chemistry in laboratory and they insist she must go there it has been very tough for me bias hospital in a s [Music] our baby when in a coma the baby died and never told a parent for hospital build to increase may god have mercy for those doctors in kenya palestine [Music] supported the machine billy hospital inaudible slab let me read one more or two more um when i was in school we need actually when i was in school in india in 2019 i was approached by a hospital and they followed me here they needed me to be sending patients for surgery even if not needed and i get a hundred k per patient some health workers in kenya cell patients for unnecessary surgeries india rakhini kosabu [Music] premature death swept almost all my mom's siblings i am an agent of my generation my grandfather's house the pattern continues oh lord i rebuke and i destroy every demonic cycle in my family ian jamie anasema the family has been swept by the spirit of premature death malaysia kenya praise the name of the living god now even visualization because we may not have enough time but uh you can continue asking god to continue touching people especially who are entrusted with our patients that they will have a heart of mercy they will find mercy now to you can do more harm than good and i have said here in the church nanikawa device because we believe in divine healing but we also believe that god can use the channel of a professional doctor to bring healing as they treat you god will heal and we see even in the bible people who are told by god i'll heal you but take this and this concussion that help to bring healing in your body praise the name of the living god economy or whatever gonzo once you have the right diagnosis then you can get the right treatment and this is a research that is out there that there are so many people who die because of misdiagnosis and they end up dying and uh i don't think it's good for you to go to uh uh uh uh for a surgery without a second opinion bishop it was a surgery case rakhini kamambia go for a second opinion now i can't end for the second opinion anything that even requires very heavy and expensive medication first confirm that the diagnosis that has been done is a collector diagnosis there was no plan b it was only plan a and plan a is a surgery otherwise a second opinion praise the name of the living god so and also when we take our patients to the hospital let's pray because some of these praises can be demonic altars that causes a premature death cover your loved one remember them in prayer some of them they can tell you that in hospital they fight a lot of spiritual battles live around their physical condition they can tell you that they cannot even sleep because they feel a lot of fear and every time they they they try to sleep they are forces that want to come and take their soul praise the name of the living god may god deliver us from every spirit of premature death in the mighty name of jesus may god continue to raise our brothers and our sisters in the medical fraternity who have a calling from god and they have a heart to serve god's people in jesus name i give you of a testimony of a two arista who came here in kenya waliku in a group and then they went in one of the remote places and when they went there they found this kuana you know when they go there maybe they are being entertained but there are there's somebody else here help help press with uh with a with a with a wound that is releasing a lot of stench that's even me i cannot do this for a million dollars i am not doing it because of money i am doing it because of the love of christ in my heart in the mighty name of jesus i have told you many times that what i do in ministry i cannot do it for any amount of money in life praise the name of the living god they are things that are precious more than money praise the name of the living god hallelujah the souls of people are more precious than money you are calling your divine assignment is more precious than money jesus himself said my meter is to do the wheeler of hima who sent me praise the name of the living god and now we get to our messenger i'm sharing on keys ah keys for long life kuna mambo and bio praise the name of the living god in the book of john john chapter 5 and verse 26 uh job chapter 5 and verse 26 are job not john job chapter 5 and verse 26 the bible says you will come to the grave in full vigor like shivs gazada in season ah let me let's leave the same in neo-living transition you will go to the grave at a ripe old age like a sheaf of grain harvested at the proper time this is the will of god for each one of us that we should go to the grave at a riper older age praise the name of the living god high on your mapenzi abuana attacking there is a portion of scripture we usually refer in the book of psalms chapter 90 if you read from verse 3 some people think it is a blessing in that scripture but it is not a blessing it is a cast we refer to psalms when we say we are supposed to live for 70 or 80 years but i want to tell you that portion of scripture is not a blessing it is a cast you turn back people to dust saying return to dust you motors for you a thousand years are as a passing day as brief as few night hours you sweep people away like dreams that disappear they are a grass that springs up in the morning in the morning it blooms and flourishes but by evening it is a dry and withered we wither beneath your anger look at this we wither beneath your anger we are overwhelmed by your furry uh you you you spread out our sins before you our sacred sin and you see them all we live our lives beneath you are alive ending our ears with a groan 70 years are given to us some even lift weighted but even the best ears are filled with pain and trouble soon they disappear and fly away so when we are referring to the scripture that we are supposed to uh to live for 70 or 80 years you can look the context of that scripture it is talking about god's anger against mankind because of their sin and their weakness that have shortened their lives [Music] when god loves you he'll satisfy you with a long life praise the name of the living god may the lord satisfy you with a long life we defeat this spirit of death that is hovering everywhere in the mighty name of jesus and we cramer the blessings of god in the mighty name of jesus of living a long life number one serving god's purpose for your generation one of the keys of living a long life is when you are serving god's purpose for your generation the bible says in the book of acts chapter 13 and verse 36 concerning david and you know david is somebody who went through a lot of challenges this is this is not a reference to david for after david had done the will of god in his own generation he died and was buried with his ancestors and his body decayed can we read another version uh for when david had served god's purpose in his own generation he fell asleep he was buried with his father and his body decayed he saw his successor praise the name of the living god over the mantle was but we understand from the scriptures also that david was a purpose-driven person in the book of uh uh psalms 57 and verse two to no no david is calling upon the lord and crying to god to fulfill his purpose i cry out to god messiah to god who fulfills his purpose for me so david lived a purpose driven life he pursued god's purpose for his life i am here to announce that when you pursue god's purpose for your life he is going to preserve your arrival in the mighty name of jesus i remember once god gave me a word and he told me if you go where i sent you and you do what i have called you to do i'll protect you every time you obey god's calling and you pursue god's purpose for your arrival praise the name of the living god hallelujah ginabanai persifa and i have testimonies i have experienced the the protection of god samis praise the name of the living god like in reverend aku pandora narok wakati poenda pale tukachukua pika pali kiselian ah what angalyana he's on the organizator praise the name of the living god because you are enjoying the grace of serving god's purpose in your generation praise the name of the living god so far no more i am gifted he was not gifted enough will confuse her the counsel of your enemies in the mighty name of jesus and that is where the bible says in proverbs 21 and vastate there is no wisdom there is no insider there is no prana that can succeed against the lord praise the name of the living god god is able to protect you from wisdom of man against your destiny praise the name of the living god he can protect confused her the camp of the enemy praise the name of the living god because you are forecaster to serve god's purpose in your generation okay what about you tonight you are pendua nevis in ecclesiastes chapter 6 the bible says i have seen another evil under the sun it weighs heavily on men god gives a man wealth possessions and honor so that he lacks nothing his heart desires but god does not enable him to enjoy them and a stranger enjoys them instead this is meaningless [Laughter] [Music] [Music] no longer will they build houses and others live in them or planter and others eat for as the days of a tree so will be the days of my people my chosen one will wrong enjoy the waxer of their hands may that be your blessing in the mighty name of jesus in the mighty name of jesus i'm not praying for a wrong life with suffering i am praying a wrong life to enjoy the blessings of god to enjoy a little heaven down here [Music] praise the name of the living god may god change your story in the mighty name of jesus christ but may god change your story release your faith and declare i will live a long life in the mighty name of jesus that is full of god's blessing in the name of jesus ah for the blessing of the lord make the literature and added no sorrow in the mighty name of jesus receive the blessing of god may god reverse in the mighty name of jesus you are pain into joy in the mighty name of jesus you are government of moaning into a government of praise in the name of jesus ricca baganda mashanda baganda baganda declare i receive a wrong life in the mighty name of jesus that is full of the blessing of god in the mighty name of jesus praise the name of the living god sometimes praise the name of the living god that we see the second the bible says let love and faithfulness never leave you bind them around your neck light them on the tablet of your heart then you win favor in a good name in the sight of god and man trust in the lord with all your heart and lean not on your own understanding in all your ways acknowledge him and you make her your path straight do not be wise in your own eyes fear the lord and sham evil praise the name of the living god the bible says this will bring you health to your body a nourishment to your bones honor the lord with your wealth with the first fruits of your crops let's jump to proverbs 16 and verse 31. proverbs 16 and verse 31 the bible says grey hair is a crown of sprender it is attained by a righteous life so the second key is the fear of god the fear of god praise the name of the living god hallelujah akwamba uh uh the bible says when you live or you are over wicked you can't shorten your lives unaishi maisha chapter 7 and verse 17. uh yeah when you are over wicked when you are a fool do not be over wicked and do not be a fool why die before your time praise the name of the living god so when you are wicked you die before your time so when you walk in the fear of god the bible says it will bring life to your bones you know the word of god is a blood of life when we continue partaking the word of god and obeying the law of our god it gives life to our bodies and that this is not the normal rifa this is a life immortal wakupigana narayana living god that is why we need to obey the word of god that is why the bible says honor you are father and mother it is it is obeying the word of god it is god who has commanded us that we honor our parents and when we do that then we enjoy a long life praise the name of the living god montyoti and anatomy praise the name of the living god so there are people who are serving their purpose but you know you can serve god's purpose but you are wicked one and perceiver look at the example of the sons of elie their argument was to serve in the temple but you see they were in their divine purpose but they were wicked in my career in my calling praise the name of the living god. so when you serve god's purpose serve god's purpose with faithfulness proverbs chapter 10 and verse 27 proverbs 10 and verse 27 the bible says the fear of god the fear of the lord adds length to life but the ears of the wicked are cut short that means the fear of the lord is a key to long life because the bible says the fear of the lord adds the length of life but the ears of the wicked are cut short praise the name of the living god hallelujah shall you know you can be born again sunny but the kind of life that you live surely you don't fear god there are people who are in the house of god today but the kind of life they live praise the name of the living god hallelujah there is a kind of lifestyle that you are supposed to leave pursuing god's purpose obeying god's word walking in the fear of god praise the name of the living god hallelujah these are keys that can add you long life because of our time i want us to pray and then we are going to continue in the mini kesha tonight up it is my prayer that god is going to give us a long life not a long life to do the things that we want to do but a long life to fulfill god's purpose one of the covenants i have made with the god when you are serving god's purpose praise the name of the living god angels are assigned to protect you praise the name of the living god praise the name of the living god when you are serving god's purposes oh my god may god raise men and women who are saying i am little order to serve you a purpose in my generation in the mighty name of jesus i am not just here for myself i am here for you lord in the mighty name of jesus that i may serve you a purpose god is raising a mighty army men and women who are going to say lord i am here for you for the bible says unless a can of wheat falls down and it dies it appends a loner but when it dies then it is able to be a much fruiter die to silver in the mighty name of jesus and tell the lord i surrender to fulfill your purpose in my generation in the mighty name of jesus life is more than money life is more than a good car life is more than a good house in the mighty name of jesus we are here on other for a divine assignment in the mighty name of jesus i connect you with your assignment i connect you with your mandatory in the mighty name of jesus high decline declare as you connect with your assignment with your mandatory sicknesses are going to die in the mighty name of jesus oh my god in the mighty name of jesus recommend gundam ashanta for the bible says the fear of god is going to add the reigns of your life but wickedness is going to cut short hiwa days in the mighty name of jesus can somebody declare i receive their keys to long life the key of serving god's purpose the key of obeying the word of god in the mighty name of jesus the key of the fear of god in the mighty name of jesus i will eat the word of god reika maganda for the word of god is the blood of life i will obey you in the mighty name of jesus chandra it is the will of god that you may live a long life wherever you are declare in jesus name that the blessing of a long life is my portion today in the name of jesus uh ricca baganda bashanda [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] the spirit of death the spirit of premature deva i want to declare in this altar you don't have any power in the name of jesus of every child of god who is pursuing their divine purpose and and desiring to fulfill their divine destiny i declare you are defeated in the mighty name of jesus every one of them are persuader to fulfiller rika maganda their god-given purpose i am here to stay i am here to fulfill god's purpose for my who is driven by god's purpose for my life i surrender to the lord i surrender to the lord i surrender to the lord to fulfill my purpose [Music] [Music] somebody is receiving the touch of god i don't know where you are but i feel there is a heavy menstruation now god delivering people from the spirit of dada and oppression in the name of jesus every spirit from hell released to cause the spirit of premature dead i rebuke you in the name of jesus every demonic orchestration from hell in the name of jesus to take riser premature i rebuke your power i destroy you holder come out go now in the name of jesus in the name of jesus the god who answered by fire is our edema the god who answered it by fire the god who answered it by fire is our edema is our [Music] the fire on your body is divine covering uh however you are right against every arrow against every sickness against every attack of the enemy in the name of jesus receive the covering of god receive the protection of ghana in the name of jesus in the name of jesus in the name of jesus i see a mighty army that god is raising they will not fear in the name of jesus christ [Music] in my generation in the name of jesus in the name of jesus in the name of jesus [Music] [Music] [Music] the bible says in proverbs chapter 3 from verse 13. there are so many keys in the word of god case for long life the bible says blessed the man who finds number one wisdom the man who gains understanding why for she is more profitable than silver and huge better returns than gold she is more precious than lubis nothing you desire can compare with her look at verse 16 long life is in her right hand in her left hand are leeches and honor where are the riches and honor and long life coming from they are coming from wisdom and understanding praise the name of the living god there is a time i explained about knowledge and then understanding your ability to comprehend and wisdom your ability to apply praise the name of the living god hallelujah can you receive the wisdom of god in the mighty name of jesus and the ability to comprehend the mysteries of the kingdom in the name of jesus do you know there is a way you can comprehend and understand the mysteries of the kingdom and you come to a place where you don't fear death praise the name of the living god because i know we have a big problem your comprehension and understanding the mysteries of the kingdom and how god's operate do you know how god is able to protect you well now praise the name of the living god hallelujah [Music] when awakened [Music] do you know how god can protect you when you comprehend when you understand that is why the bible says blessed verse 13 again verse 13 the bible says blessed is the mind who finds wisdom the man who gains understanding give us in king james version or new king james version happy is the man who finds wisdom and the man who gains understanding then go to verse 16 verse 16 the bible says length of gaza is in her right hand in her left hand reaches in honor praise the name of the living god what pendulum is praise the name of the living god hallelujah you don't have to fear in the name of jesus i set you from fear from the fear of death in the mighty name of jesus [Music] hebrews chapter 2 and verse 15 yes praise the name of the living god since the children have fresh and blood the children of god he too shared in their humanity so that by his death he might destroy him was the power of death that is the devil and free those who all their lives were held in slavery by the fear of death i am not a slave to fear [Music] the bible says them that shall know they are god they shall be strong and they shall do exploits when you know you are god and how god can protect you and vindicate you and fight your battles his power to heal his power to deliver his power to sustain praise the name of the living god uwagawate utaundoka can you declare i am free from fear in the mighty name of jesus and wisdom and understanding is my portioner in the mighty name of jesus i am free from fear every form of fear the fear of deva the fear of certain sicknesses the fear of tomorrow in the mighty name of jesus the spirit of fear and we declare we are free from fear in the name of jesus every form of fear in our lives in the name of jesus the fear of copenhagen heal the mighty name of jesus the fear of tomorrow the fear of poverty the fear of sickness in the mighty name of jesus the fear of weakened people in the mighty name of jesus is not our portion in the name of jesus hallelujah you cannot fight in a battle from a position of fear atamongu wakatia gideon aliquana jessie kubwa or divorce or any other power the spirit of death from a position of fear you cannot fight how many know when fear strikes attack by the name of the living inaudible you can only fight from a position of faith and faith in god and in the power of his might praise the name of the living god may your faith continue to grow research in a sema wakati akovi nintena imani java crystal irian gazetta miami praise the name of the living god that is why you know jesus that are going to believe god for greater and mighty things are in this season release your faith and declare i shall not die i shall leave her and declare the praises of the most high god in the mighty name of jesus declare this sickness is not my portion confidence is [Music] he is not my portion he the mighty name of jesus fighter by fader in the mighty name of jesus and receiver your freedom he the mighty name of jesus yes let god arise let every enemy be scatter now somebody receive your healing receive your freedom every oppression of the enemy be broken in the mighty name of jesus we are free from the slavery of the spirit of fear in the mighty name of jesus in the mighty name of jesus heal the mighty name of jesus [Music] you feed on media and news and the things you read in the news once okay you give away enemies by a media now you know media always negative and that negative could be only two percent of what is happening 98 percent there are so many good things that are happening around us [Music] praise the name of the living god [Music] but you can feed yourself on 2 percent [Music] praise the name of the living god do you know me [Music] praise the name of the living god [Music] [Music] to the fullest in the mighty name of jesus because jesus came that you may have life and have it in abundance abundant life is your portion through jesus christ receive it in the mighty name of jesus live one day at a time in the mighty name of jesus and because our edema lives we shall face tomorrow we shall see tomorrow and our tomorrow will be greater will be better than today because the light of the raichus shines brighter and brighter until the full donor in the mighty name of jesus declare my right is shining brighter and brighter things are getting better in the mighty name of jesus uh watch aqua mini tariffs our body declare over your life things are getting better in the mighty name of jesus remove negativity in your mind if there is nothing um as powerful rika maganga shaka maganda is a positive minder as a changed minder as a man thinketh i take captive every daughter to obey the word of christ for i shall believe the report of the lord in the mighty name of jesus and so i take captive every daughter in the mighty name of jesus i bring down every high finger in the mighty name of jesus and i shall believe the report of the lord receive the grace to live a long life in the mighty name of jesus and may you leave an abundant life in the name of jesus through jesus christ our lord and savior in jesus name amen [Music] we always give you an opportunity to support the work we are doing to connect with the blessing of god through serving god every time god is blessing you he has his kingdom in mind that even as he blesses you you're also going to be a blessing to the work and to the purposes of the kingdom you can prepare to give your offering tonight but you can also give your offering any time from now our pay bill numbers are 80 71 0 1 you can send your offering through the pay bill number 87101 and 8071 000 you can also use and peso numbers zero seven one seven nine double four three four four zero seven eleven one twelve one 12 0 7 0 6 26 26 26 father i pray for them that have been giving throughout the week and them that are prepared an offering of worship today being a friday i want to release your blessing in the name of jesus even as we continue to serve your purpose in our generation we give you glory we give you honor in jesus name we pray amen god bless you they'll be with you see you in the dominican [Music] i know that i can make it i know that i can stand no more [Music] [Music] [Music] my life easy [Music] joy comes in the morning [Music] who will wipe your tears away and if your heart is i broken that i can make it i know that i can stand no man i want may come my way is [Music] [Music] you don't have to worry and don't you be afraid the joy comes in the morning and troubles jesus is just raise your hands my life is [Music] oh with him i know i know may come away my life is in your head yes i know that i can make it there's no supposed to worry i [Music] [Music] way [Music] [Music] foreign [Music] hallelujah is is [Music] is [Applause] me foreign foreign hallelujah hallelujah yes foreign [Music] i'm no longer [Music] me me [Music] is [Music] from my enemies [Music] [Music] into a family [Music] you have chosen me [Applause] your blood flows yay just be clear to be [Music] [Music] i can face tomorrow because he lives on fury's god because i know he holds my future life is [Music] because tomorrow is [Music] [Music] is because at least i can't fail tomorrow because he lives all fear is gone because because is [Applause] [Music] is [Applause] [Music] is [Applause] they call him my jesus an empty grave easier to prove for us and for me oh god i'll save your leaves goddess and his son they call him jesus he came to love he landed i see he lived and died is say [Music] yes it is it's because i know oh he holds my future
Channel: Apostle John Kimani William Official
Views: 22,906
Rating: 4.8920135 out of 5
Id: U9tlCQGiJN8
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 123min 57sec (7437 seconds)
Published: Fri Sep 17 2021
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