The Power of Repentance||Apostle John Kimani William

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Oh Yodas Yodas your days [Music] [Music] [Music] you [Music] [Music] [Music] you [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] my [Music] [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] yeah [Music] yes [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music] No [Music] kubodera whoa [Music] manga where name-o [Music] sorta hakuna winging it oh I'm cooling [Music] Oh see [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] we worship your name [Music] [Applause] [Music] ow [Music] [Music] owning your knees he I MIG watch [Music] Oh warning easy MIT [Music] achoo [Music] I ooh a catty [Music] Oh [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music] oh yeah heeey [Music] [Music] oh yeah [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] matambi moon caribou tappy our job da da da he ma be down why I can t I need some people [Music] [Music] yeah [Music] yeah [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] to do [Music] [Music] Oh [Music] [Music] [Music] see [Music] cheap [Music] [Music] I mean if we're gonna come here one minute walk on I can't be late to 90 minutes in an opportunity to visit [Music] see [Music] yes [Music] cool [Music] sooner [Music] whoa [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] so [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] Budi Budi washee-washee [Music] woke up a [Music] I see could you talk us [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music] we give you great celebrate Jesus because he's working in a forgiving God he reigns for evermore hallelujah thank you Jesus soon aku Sifu Mungo a.22 now Kosovo we went in where my boo walk away to to knuckles evil [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] I see by mu [Music] [Music] [Music] we know [Music] [Music] yes we give you praise our God we love you our King we are here for you have your way in our lives even as we continue to wait upon you even as we could you - pretty for you a mossy Oh God forgive us Krenzel so my father in Jesus name we pray amen god bless you worship team god bless all of you from wherever you are watching from welcome to our lunch our meeting today in Jesus name Leon is sick we appeal II hear my own beer - Yessica coming Wamba - gah - cockatoo Katya maka we are praying for the other half of the year we in the beginning of our decade we are praying for the next 10 years we have a pandemic we are trusting God for a breakthrough in the mighty name of Jesus a and there's so many other issues that we made drag to present before God this is a good season and there is a God in heaven who answers prayer hiccup enemy in the land now Kuang goes like Attica my MBA Toba now come a villain devious Emma a sous le oh nice a my combi in a chikuwa' Imani neurofen or Eric Ouisa who taught Abba in alpha varies iguana Nanak a semi-coma Cunha Pengy noir to anise Emma Jana Iroquois nice acquiesce ook Rani leone cote Ubu peggy noonan a comma to Napa Tessa wakati lock-in ESO le Samia combi tuna Papa Bear a sake Hatta to sukira a Mamoon grata to sukira Kwanzaa Bobby Imani Noah - mangy mongrel Chiba mohombi Kwanzaa Baba memoir BIA occupy galley Mara Mariana moja Mongkok patio Paco Kwanzaa Bombay Mumbai Oh Paco Mara else Mia tano la Commedia spiritual protocols Amazo una vez aku observe Notah capital akira nacho tucumán griffons ama you tekapo commercial thani Kuya now Cindy casaba vicuna Mambo uma tango Lisa Kuhne am cingi Oh Marissa Quaker and that is why men like David who was a man after God's own heart he said I'll enter his coat with an Skippy ha Eritrea Wamba do Neffe komurasaki Matangi an Asuka Rani and that is when a member says in Psalms 104 anta e with a password thank you so poofy capala Marisa wanna pass Wadena quoi me thank you vaca Tina you see a typo Kufa in saya a kinda Perez iguana key to Chauhan's Arizona Nizam be sake Aliona woof wacky knocking for tekapo and abrasive Onizuka Rani - Vic atta kowai porky mercy to the honor Lambie and it is seen the separate us from God and hinders us to receive the blessing that God has ordained for us Pupukea Wamba see you a two-unit a common robbery ki-moon granitic asana novena Semak Wamba he is pleased with the prosperity of his servant boom when a pendejo now an easy way to meet you Archie Anitha man Yacouba rocky kabocha co2 Nautica Qin Jia karate Morocco vacati une époque a hajima God is also receiving his purpose for your life Nikhil implemented Aneesa Tito and a fry a Keanu keema tamizha mucosal Yakub Memon with a fresh wah-wah Katya Tana kousouli a rope and an away away Naja me now Kenya limit amia Roberta moon wanna Bacchus kookaburra key an attack asana a quick easy occupy a jumbo macho echo cydia Kwanzaa bamboo at agility o tukufu were Katya Mapo una de Alicia Makka Saudi at him lucky knee la CIMA to you agency na ha - ah ambassador Nassau see pika et tu cabeza Kofi come hurry back bokya repo sonic on Gaza - owatta leo misuk really pentascale show it a quani sequin bow now raise the quita aramta achieve because kombucha business a Macumba ha - chewy gin see yahoo Amba rocky Mirotic a typhoon do - um they're nakiri ah ah kun hua nan I drew a map NZ Ababa and I join in any Moomba me and AH katakana Jack walk at you Rojo among furniture minimum granitic afonya in the next 10 years katakana Scirocco grave ok materia aku Fania on busy at the Columbia sour sour nama pansy nom pango woman because a Tupac a c'mon go I'm a goof Unga Munga bf an Athenian bacio Haku an otaku Vanya a pan ku fungal ninja appogiatura aquatic he took away the Pupukea yaa leum by oh yay when you a Amakusa dia kutina so Trudy catechol repentance because see qui le o men secure repentance and I'll do a very quickly cup yeah a soup with Lisa my combi by the way repentance is a change of mind and then a change of heart that resort to the change of conduct or character resorting to their putting away of sinful activities in our life Cobra in Anza Morocco nice mi pana Mabuhay a minivan afonya Hyannis ad yen anything a mission a moon meet hwacha so here warm Owasso in a coup de quoi Moyo amber Poonam were because Muhammad ayah Jana token Daniel mourned you Bettina tambien SAS amore Anakapalli anna nicola anima body Rico yeah kita BIA Fujioka kwacha damn be nama bomb abaya so it's not a ritual it means you turn around or you turn away from your sin nan is a Macumba repentance because we are talking about the power of repentance repentance is so powerful because it takes away the judgment of God meaning in a in a way sound or material moon to a my share to to Yagami to Haifa it is a simple art of repentance offered by Veda with a genuine heart in a result other key for a superior REM you on a Buick where ERISA yeah como estas Elena cuando Mia Nyjah Miyako Kwanzaa Bobby Amato Mumia tender where we Nam okay walk on Jezebel ah ha ha can you care I can't Amavasya Tia Carrere Rua acaba Magoo Nia I can funda academia there is a wanna know Barry award to a to Armenia Mumbai come on Mariah Huna Makia Nana move our equipment cheaper Tiana Rama who work at you at that corner coochie-coo a shamble an apple like cinnamon were Cosima Namir channa now Yahoo Kumu Julia aha because her - Cosima break in a semi combi in the Book of Psalms a hundred and thirty year combi mangu and our Goku wasa Babu yeah Kusum a moon guanaco per a hundred and thirty bus full of Sam's moon whanau Goku but with you there is forgiveness therefore you are feared moon when away circus mm - Paco say me Quan Yin is a measure our economy agony he be on TV opening Elijah Ali Riza aha be NVIDIA mph onimaru namun KU meh meh meh a mangu an algo por quá sebab Yakuza may the power of repentance takes away judgment now if his suit akuto a combi scene will never go unpunished in the book of Proverbs chapter 11 verse 21 in a tuna shawarma moon who had a watch a zombie byakuya Kumu be sure of this the wicked will not go unpunished but those who are righteous will go free mangu Azima a Tulpa mugambi dear justice the arcade he was satisfied remember twitter mafia comma here's a king he is a judge and he is Allah given that your justice yakky he was satisfied razzuma otaku mode Bambi crash justice chapter 11 chapter 8 verse 11 in a Phoenician wamba when the sentence for a crime is not quickly carried out the hearts of the people are filled with his schemes to do long although a wicked man commits a hundred crimes and theories the wrong time I know that it will go better with god-fearing men who are Reverend before God young - Emma Peter who fires am busy now Jessica naquadah Babu God is long-suffering hot Okuma dandy Erica una fauna Jambo by ax man Barack when Andrea visooli rapini Mong Cubano a taku taku Tamara our kuia da me at the kudiye kudiye Maria Jamie Haku Dakota Maria tyfa come on come to acquire bambi akka - boo do a secure peace the judgment and the Justice of God ransom among coup d'etat Kuja couid on Sookie who work in afonya what - Indrani Adame Mikasa Baba mangu ha cheerio Kumu work at him Winkie Mara mojo una forum be unana mom well Henry of is Uli be a Sharia koinonias eka we recovered O'Connor hacia Paco Nvidia mangu a makeup Ariana Nizam in a war who Rocco academic we don't wanna be a zombie and bio ha kunam - a maid - Pia economy - boo-boom whatta Kuja when you come so the power of repentance is because repentance will take away the judgement and there is why come a very nice amos abugidas engineer the night aji there Conesus and in the morning i shared over testimony now by the any kana kaanum told me to Mia another testimony katika Emiliano here V Raymond Williams idea now come Familia quoi Nene work at academyofone at the second manga camellia nige a politically beat iike Yakama Barbara hi Joe ah mama a requirement to qualms channel I come from 1 to 2 a Kwanza were PD atomo he pietà more bye daya come to per now moonwalk ammonia shaky Leo I'm nacho Gideon and autumns chana keen afonya wait a sec naka for Thalia pakka cornea Wamba to make wanna open ah Gina Ruggiero na marengo in the acquaintance from guca katika Michelle Bica from guca that is why there is power in repentance because there are people who suffer Marengo in a fund iike unitary book where kappa de una mohombi Yukina ina latina Khamenei judgment and vitamin C karate working in a - in a zone where you meet Papa I talk humor only yes Samia mojo nanny judgment una pelea de una semana tuna Mungo Oh Moo goo Java from Guam Arango una with Kyra Scripture left right center how general protocol Zacky know that scene will never go unpunished na hoona Chi Hamasaki - Akiva the poster Cunha Mambo - super to acquiesce Rukiya - no Eric were discouraged because of unanswered prayers not to Fujiki Moya - Vicki R mangu ha cheapo mommy company CC had to funny they're gonna seize speed - they're gonna cease hot air Messiah - yeah could you Lisa he cheetah he toka huapi Nene now is a qualifier me me me me now is Akua ear upendra Noir sassy wongu meaning OS Akua in fine you Aquatica Muji me Murano Ghani ya know s Akua yeah - you Aquatica tyfa yeah Nvidia tyfa ring gear category mitotic emery joining a pinochle semi combi Kuna ina October tano ambasa universe aku fauna Niko Bellic Oaxaca number one is repentance for salvation you can leap ain't is a sinner to ask God for salvation that leads to eternal life in the book of Acts chapter 2 and verse 38 we see that kind of repentance when Peter spoke in the day of Pentecost and the Bible says Peter replied repent and be baptized every one of you in the name of Jesus Christ for the forgiveness of your sins and you receive the gift of the Holy Spirit there is no sinner who can receive the Holy Spirit the spiritual protocol sees you repent you are immersive oh you are willing to forsake you are seen and you are sinful way of life this is the repentance that leads to salvation and every born-again believer should have that kind of repentance or you keep that kind of repentance at some point in your life you say Lord forgive my sins because I desire to follow you I desire to receive salvation salvation comes because of repentance so that is one kind of repentance now get him to UM by an attack akuto boo damn be Pengy Naraku didn't a man boy a jammy an otaku to Buddha miss at IIFA lastima 1z now we're way way away I talk you remember Ali Abunimah by akattak Ajami now even when your house Jakob Ari Papa annihilate our Kovu how was he really kiyah and that is why my share to Kanazawa na mangu me jamorama him oh i know there are people who are casualties because we are en de campeones Vita via Kyo nam I shall hire a akazawa that is where one of us Kevin will repent akuto ama pepper where is Charles were continually Shiraz WA requested agua anyway how aqua Kwanzaa remember care who you yes ooh and I wanna to Mia Gina rocky and his wife personal repentance is important at our Katrina semi-coma we wear the for Amma Vanessa mwamba it is a helmet of salvation so how do you fight if you don't have the helmet of salvation you tell me so how do you fight if you don't have a belt of truth how do you fight if you don't have the brief deep breath of righteousness ooh Tommy's one and for you to have right standing with God you must confess your sins because the only provision for the remission and for the forgiveness of our Caesar that is provided it is by the blood of Jesus that was shed in the cross of Calvary and that is why through that atoning sacrifice of our Lord Jesus Christ it makes it possible for everyone who repents to receive forgiveness the second kind of repentance is the identification repentance you identify with the scenes that has been committed by other people in the church in the government in the family in the nation when Nehemiah was praying Nehemiah chapter 1 and verse 4 you can repent on behalf of others when I had these things I sat down and I wept for some days I moaned and fasted and prayed before the God of heaven then I said O Lord God of heaven the great and awesome God who keeps his covenant of love with those who love him and obey his commands let you hear be attentive in your eyes open today to hear the prayer your sovereign is praying before you day and night for your servants the people of Israel I confess the sins we Israelites including myself and my father's house have committed against you let me say that in this life you are not an island you are dependent on other people from your family members from your tribe the community you come from the city the village where you live I'm trying to say those people around you they can affect you either directly or indirectly and that is why it is important for us to know how to identify with the things of others and be able to repent before the Lord but Ababu DOM is in matenda like Attica Jimmy una Reza kuta Xena quirky sleazy Paco was a bubbly dam we are Co kazama kotarou Hibernia saba sorry what ISA people in a semi acquire for the law nine Hebrew seven nine one might even say that levy who collects the 10 paid the 10th through oblong because when America's attic met Abraham Levy was still in the body of his ancestor walk at acuña aminifu cottage amil kanika Mooji Amma inchi walk welcome again rabona Baraka in a resigned at Aqaba za z fo moja rock any bureaucratic una war cuz i be a new hockey amumu catechol jammy Pataca Mooji bastiana in a race acquainted wakizashi feeling to me that means that God is fair because karma he lon enough whatta to vizag even a rocky me Baraka besides your moja then goddess fear so la semana chuyia Wamba Kuna Manuel Meza query phaona ba-ba-ba-ba-ba ba-ba-ba Habana Babu Amma ba-ba-ba-ba key not only receiving new testament in a semi peninnah ways akazawa Yaakov are we - - bracha me I recall funk-rock umi akka wakka túcume Fupa there we have concern even I pray that we it is anyone a choco choco bellezza lira nah Isaac Isaac Irizarry when Abra so Billiton a shawarma kiria macho Abram re Vanya hata Watoto REO karateka me papa Hodges Oliver Wally schirra key category hockey bio a primer is tender Nancy sepia resume - Julie say my babuji - Waratah hungry aku me come Hokuto very funny me Kimura final war who were inaudible yahoo Sharat ii warrior buddha Mihrimah vajrapani Maga no name is emo bastard asymmetry otaku a Yarema of who was on a brand new channel Twitter poor animal be a timid arrow Yakama Timoteo now my money he earned on Yakko and by Hyuna Viki a mate oka koinonia kroy's Iroquois Dani America Eunice necessary money : Yakko for this reason fan you are gift into flame which reason now on akuto Motoko kana Baraka socialism odorizzi grandmother - Nene that is why some of us we try to find our teeth into frame but we are not able to find our gifts into flame because of where we are coming from there is a book I've written on spiritual capital for your destiny what to anger to the power copy to a kilo now a sassy way to navigate una Babu Zito rock indie comic make cocoa jammie mmm to makea mangu bassy well kana Baraka me partyin - oh well what - me what - Misha we do a Mongolia liquid conga monokuma leakin more geometric Africa Wynnum zoom goo remainder America hotel II wanna who PD who you ma jam Africa another human xunhua Cosima Kira's SICU goo Goo's among Guzzi now on a Cana where palm on guna suka yaki see mama guna coca now I require a fungus acaba kappa roger computer no Akiva call Terry Botwin a fungal William zoom when akrura Marini see commodious acquis attacker can be among goo on where you are not fair una - Mia who you Gemma Anika Ramallah in a min requirement for gonna battle my fungal Mumbai Colombia me minimum 20 hockey now away ha - Cosima common robbery angle manemma Kwanzaa Bhagwat Ezequiel a o Baba Yakko I may wake up in Yahoo now where a Nepali honesty mama bears alguna to makea rocky new eumseong goo yay Nimue pinatas I see China Baba Yaga Baba Yaga Baba Booey Aki water I'm a power to me she come back ammonia who you are - see Bamba Liam - Mia now I undo your mom about tuna pasaquan Daria am I on fire or cattle mooing Guinea to where they could you is a mess Wally what about weighing in a way to we are first generation believers economy to wing in a violation coup d'etat kamongo video mijito now Alan Sasha kunam single receiver who cheat week a ransom upon a identification repentance and cry to God who will be Aparna angrily a member ali m f annual never sang come on a merry near the kia Eamonn an otaku a member mfinney critical jamia key not a CEO body mfana by aki Nana fuga Marengo cat acum sa-l and she is a believer because you're not an island is I am sitting emoji in Assam aji quasi I'm sorry were Kwanzaa Nene mu now in Fatiha hockey gwangalli Yuma listen to me you who pursue righteousness and who seek the Lord look to the lock from which you are cut into the quarry from which you are healed well animal we are you hi - Emma Nene una rata Hachi namu Amida Buddha wanna angry on Yuma olie polie ORP yo Kiana carrera para creek wanaka sorrow Korakuen Ishida Krieger AMA sukizo afonya Toba and bio tonita identification repentance you identify with the seeds of your father's watching it's a heavy vamp visible bussaco has AZ cuckoo Superior Qin Jia Ming Guney - aqui fire papaya walk over gamma unit wisdom Sara ban and and a big Unni Roberto by a walk off in a saviour Jaco in CPT Roku yamir la barrio patio similarly rocky microphonic evocati Kamui Kaimuki Wakata Kannamma resume Wangari Yamazaki Zomato karate now taking essentia karma Hajime toka weary wacko Khun Ishida palpable to Nasima identification Oh Peter Guber Akira kata kamikaze Akko second Kings chapter 219 what they were Mooji what he went there AirAsia welcome abiy mihari - nice - amapola Kuna keifa maria caba bouhanni Kuna kira kira Spanier kimmel a piranha Cathy kimochi Sesay you always accuse mmm in America Neiman's aficionado do hoon and a big Unni that can you attack America ricotta Camus Chi hoon attack America katikut alpha now we're way Redeemer who deal nama boy Ari yamaneika cat Academy Yakko if you want to shine in your family we came a hurry when you are Queen here if you want to shine in the city if you want to shine in the nation now we give a hurry when Kenan by Machine Rock wikia la semana wavy or deal naman Boyer shaytani Ana - Mia - Surya wah - cat Academy otherwise bagua Camarasaurus Bingu nuna and Aquaman notification guna Camarasaurus the kidney Myesha hiya Matisse Oh Shi de Lazarus Requena McGann schewe Fedor de vino' Ramon aqua Hanna chikuwa and a pig and Inagua a Coulomb a combo mmm guca larezo a resume Oh Joey Jean see ya identify naman Bo ya Murph Anwar now in Guinea and that is why a believer should not take it for granted when you see a witch doctor in the neighborhood when you see prostitution in your neighborhood don't take it for granted it will affect you you must take it before the Lord in repentance another man among welcome sa ma ma to achieve our here damn that's him a party Queen Emma quani were finally identification repentance what topic was about me are you down first above Italia khalipa schewe kiss ah see we should not be not of our surroundings we should not be you not of where we come from we should not be ignorant of the things that happen in our city in our nation and our is why Khun wat Winnipesaukee area macaques Oh Lucy chickie Luciana common is our work at you see a lot of injustice in the land well catalona broken covenants in the land work at you Nona prostitution recipiency homosexuality nani posturing in the kikuchiyo Teresa bid camera in a tango competition yeah bozo nama momentum and feet Aparri wanted to be line and I see petition to naquadah Babu there are things that defile the land and once the land is defiled it occur it becomes unproductive it can even permit its inhabitants sooner fire cocina BD McKinney the land is des fired so he United two Netanya identification lis pendens this is in unit a to watch Annie and echo haka vo to Melissa the other repentance is repentance for sanctification repentance for sanctification what could he be in a semi in the book of first John chapter 1 and verse 6 give us 1st John chapter 1 and verse 6 if we claim to have fellowship with him yet walk in darkness we lie and do not live by the truth this is speaking to believers was 8 if we claim to have fellowship if we claim to be without sin we deceive ourselves go back to verse 7 but if we walk in the light as he is in the light we have fellowship with one another and the blood of Jesus his son purifies us from our sin if you read this verse about there this is talking about continuous purification these are people who are walking right but if we walk in the light as he is in the right we have fellowship with one another and the blood of Jesus his son purifies us from all sin verse 8 if we claim to be without sin we deceive ourselves and the truth is not in us in us simply let me say purification is a process that continues in the life of a believer as you continue to have fellowship with God you are out the blood of Jesus to continue purifying you dealing with the foreign nature of sin in your life and that is what helps the believer to experience the power of God that is what experienced healthy believer to activate their potential and to become oh that God wanted you to be that is what the Bible says in the book of Timothy chapter 2 2nd Timothy chapter 2 verse 20 that in a ranch house there are many vessels there are so many believers in Raja house they are articles those articles they are believers not only of gold and silver but also wood and clay some are for noble purposes and some for ignoble verse 21 even man cleanses himself from the errata what adhirata they are not believers they are the servants of God he will become he will be an instrument for noble purposes made wholly useful to the master prepared to do in a good one so as a believer as a man and a woman of God if you desire to become a vessel of Honor Ukraine's yourself this is a continuous repentance of seeming to deal with a foreign nature and every evil that is in your life happen you nambia bonacieux musa dagh nehemiah wongu geot a waffle we enjoyed a Nyong'o was about to meet one to figure kill a kimochi a zoo natira tinnitus idea convict a joke emo Entei that continuous repentance am bio tonita otakus o2 Nazir acute Akasha na da Bao Zhu Neng goo Goo's aramta cattivo so scientific Asian is a process ambolyn endorheic amo me neo an oppo ender air ku tambura Oh da fu aqui na kabhi iguana Nizam a nice efficient in a later Cooper delicious knockoff Ananias Chris or the other kind of repentance is repentance on sins of omission repentance on sins of omission sins of omission Nagini me Zera zombie o matenda kokuto tender Bharati you know they are sins we commit una firebombed want whenever he oh he need an oozy fine okey Vanya mfana ram lakhan hakuna van be tuned afonya because there is something we were supposed to do but we omitted for example okey doke appengine wanna Gary Masika motto motto anatomic and an e not ow how you see key how's Ricky why - occupied yup oh what a Karissa Olivia Nene vicuna - Amazo a turnip a so Kokua who a mom of Ronnie Haase Kathy come with away - if you read The Book of Jonah chapter 2 from Aswan Jonah how come - oh sure Artie huh qualifier zombie yaku tender Makena kanazawa requirement Kotaku tender when Danny never from the inside the fish Jonah prayed to the Lord his God he said in my distress I called to the Lord and he answered me from the depths of the grave I called for help and you reason to my cry wanna meet John annamaria mangu because suburban amamiya wanna nice on a knee make attack when de Lappe crazy name of the Living God hallelujah I require a Natasha she an akattak when I mean ever Korean backup wanna alchemy to Ma da cunha mama moon we meet one be a to faii tuna poke otaku Fania peony zombie now I use MVP away now Oh Camilla it was a poor Irasema woe unto me if I don't preach the gospel all wrong when it was accompanied in Jilin is a me dear come home eight waa-waa-waa to a now on the Mia now can't I hyoni dami sins of omission achoo and in a path of afonya Jambo Fran una Kotaku fauna so he also depend not only because of the things we have done but also because of the things we have not done and we were supposed to do them player lessness is a scene somewhere said I'll not see by not praying for you we were somewhere else Emma Nancy poem bear nizami little animal fire because that is my colleague I am supposed to intercede for you if I don't do it it is a scene now academ wingy tsitsikamma autumn issue among if we desire to work light with God we must repent the sins of omission the sin of omission one of the kind of judgment it brings upon somebody's life is that you are ejected come a veeram yesterday and wanna Mordecai come on over purga Rama who Kotaku see mama do how are you who do you are clearly now oka catechin you my own family quadric atacama who mangu at a food Imzadi mihari Peggy me like anywhere e9u Morocco Tonga Mia Esther Divya Tonga me across Oahu a fire on me that kinugasa Babu a co positioned a fine Yeti Tendo hit a calculator walk over now a simple fire evenly done they even people who refused to give their money because they seen it is their money they don't know that God has blessed you for the purpose every time that God is blessing his people he has his kingdom in his mind now that you are who you nakimura ki makisu DeYoung we attend alia can see a greater see mama who you are down to IE PO a reformed guanaco barry key at the fuku miku Torah Nishida Mumbai cumbia pranayama Franny una semana pepper in a longer paper gun in a cumbia who say the ecclesia mangu now mumbai McQueen OA for such a time so that you may be able to meet the need kouno cotton economic on suburbia kaziri moongra mania mania nakum ELISA Mungo Anakapalli coupon aqui Romanian beyond afonya rockiness uni per person in mechanicing Agana seat Akiko mañana Larissa resources manga cambia Pence's d risotto Xena's Oita chica quoi he cos nee materia rocky me Zico nawat so the good news near karma move away party on Ibiza yeah cos yaki but the bad news near quasi paisa Zico Novato now are to Aquino occupy a kiwa 1s Emma he Nyong'o now at Auto on goo namu k1 ulam when given it as ideally Behati ninja penalty can be a comma the our sins of omission an attacker you see mommy one day makisu Tijuana to Nigeria autumn issue among Guan upon cuca her to Jewish attorney who the futa Mutunga ji condo at Hawaii K every time you see a servant of God becoming a casualty there are people who are supposed to pray for that servant of God who are not praying as he ought to pray I know I have a responsibility as an individual as much as people are praying for me but I know in my position my prayers alone are not enough and that is why men of God right Paul was saying pray for us that we may be delivered from evil men and we can man because not every man has faith Paul was saying I've been trying to come to you but Japan has been opposing me not once not twice we receive a position from the forces of darkness but there are people who are supposed to intercede for the work of God to intercede for the purposes of God and when they don't do it it is a scene deposit somewhere Cosima me me seat afonya danny bako cosa warmbier sins of omission demolition of semi combi you can also do a repentance for restoration because there are people who get saved they walk with God they suffer free but they fall at at some point in time they need to go back to God and make a repentance and plead with God that they will be less toward back 1 2 Umberto Eco Navi power 1/2 a liquid metallic you on a Molly McKinney wanna Archer Giovanna wanna resign de Barras awana want to boo now I wanna be upon an irritation and we know very well that the Bible says the gifts and the calling of God they are without repentance or they are irrevocable Manu Aki quita Akiko pawa Nevada body Rica yay Hathaway comedy Rica so well Cupid irika uno as efika Mahalo now semia panna Nina Rudy Bona Mira Jesse this the pre repentance for the sin of omission is different from restoration because restoration Muto Anna reservoir at the sea of guava mikata Co can see mo muto a mikata emiru deeper Warfel hard anarres a kumbaya freaking video leave your country come on Yvonne me lucky me mom when our copper Quan Suburbia Kusum a balloon aways a camaraderie among go na mangu acha college Asia quirky tena naka co2 Mia many of us we know the story of Kathryn Kuhlman when there is genuine repentance ochio not a mutual affinity to Fran I can go Katya kaiju on a moon watch Anakin be we must know the power of repentance quiero mucho otoshidama so jarate Kyra one Gujarat Oh Nico Casa tua goofy at Papa nakusoo quiet papa now Zito munafa or nevere a burrito boo-boo for mineral amoebas anavar Magoo Nia and a fast an aroma and a Tamiya communication whoever say my name em Sammy on a VM for me one in a billion Adama and talk equality and a room of a psych eval me and a catch in ecology vu a nato oquawka wotty and I want BIA pattern if you go on Sakuni moon wananga DNS Emma Nina V Ian delay so Killian bachi working on Tanya hot owatta miss you a common watch when a manga series annual afonya repentance is powerful if it is done with the weight it deserves because repentance is not just repentance there's a career mana Maribel come tamanho da same oh Jesus I paint no chimera rocky my kunai jambon away Zakopane you cannot repent casually mama many a night I'd even an authority you confess you receive a prayer only topeka surrender Makka pakka Makka Moo now I'll catch you refine your vampy Akko memory I bicker confess your sins one to another so that you may be healed so ransom Oh chewy he's a mini Montagna mateo knows Itoh Gani una etapa now where's ecology schewe nanny way as though I have never seemed near any kanakamma hot I even be a - Tanika me patty Pato restoration it'll take a mayor who's Ito ambough Hajduk wavin be economy Naida worshipped him Twinkie Coquina key for P Giacomo Havana the militia caucus a Maia combi repentance is a divine principle of a kingdom for salvation and progress Toba that is why when John the Baptist said repent the kingdom of God is at hand when Jesus came Jesus came repent why it is a kingdom principle that brings salvation and progress in our iives if you want to move to a higher level you offer a repentance of sanctification one be a bona super moon fil jamia ahmadiyya kimmieb wanna meet Ecosse come on video refinery sia being witty Queen Alyssa nanotech a.m. - ma battery Theory come to me she bikini kaneki Wango honky - Mira Utica so una campaña hue combo Hashima or to make a qua Casio 10 Gemma yeah completely 102 cover that is when we have a revelation of repentance others accumulate the Quaffle be good as a man - were the casabas Akita Casa de binary to me a raunchy Ashima meter to Quantico service a Papa because I want to do identification repentance because of the things the Holy Spirit is showing me concerning my family the Holy Spirit er knows the past the present in the future and he can take you back in the past now kinesia memory of Anika and it is identification repentance that fresh out the info inheritance kamekona rhythm buyer Rama Chuukese anima buyer he refine your catechol Jimmy yelling fire cata kimochi yo - yo Attica - when we offer identification repentance we are flashing out world Chavo who all live in buyer the accusation of the enemy navasana Cosima shaytani hanga taka Romani Oh women - or what - boo because once once you repent you destroy the regality of the enemy so the devil is against mankind to understand repentance because when we repent he will roost ground that is where the Bible says do not give the devil a foothold now I can smoke when attack are in a foothold mihari PACU cheek area as we real what a test there are two nomicon schewe an afonya who Sierra wait Oba that is where the virus is the god of this world has blinded the minds of the unbelievers simoom gone from where Morocco this gospel is a gospel of repentance he is a God who forgiveth all our sins and heals all our diseases where there is repentance there is healing healing of your body healing of your business healing of your career healing of your colleague where there is repentance there is hearing there is restoration there is the reverse where there is repentance bounnam abomination a moment in a citizen in a the king you talk about poopoo Zita Yuka Zita on coca-cola he see you just resist the devil and you free because you know he does not have an illegality work at the militant on BMI pepper unit or future energy Shakir member Frank that kidney when you destroy the regard T of the enemy he must free and go Larry Walker to kill me awhile to deliverance aida oda son a mammal to who you a combi aquarium a shocking good noir to a Concha de da Cunha takakuwa Mia my boy Ali mfana Yummie from Gurion shaytani Blanco Janna final at this way and a communica nationally member not to miss you angry Nimitz you bear that in hakuna Dominica Angelia shaytani nene nehemiah and igg korea it may pick a simple prayer of repentance of confession and then your life is free to Novato mashayikhina Wow working from Lemuria the minute Oona mom Gaza only to pooh-pooh Japan Guinea McGann I doubt a mummy Okoboji his own gurus it hands a coup talk there is power in repentance can you call upon the name of the Lord as we come to the end this D is very foundational for our prayers for our progress in the next 10 years today is very foundational because everything that has been holding you back can be dealt with today and you are going to release to receive a speed anointing to your destiny in the mighty name of Jesus in the mighty name of Jesus Unum embrace evoke a taquito sha la mia jerusalem or oppose allah wa kitto vucic Akiko Katayama or Azima - carcetti tofu - mommy Ivana - Sammy hyah yes in fuerte tina naruto kappa butta chili wa camera sassy okie anda karate morocco to know a circus Hakuna Matata new england seek really oh i wish to nikana an evening meeting maybe before we come to the end of this prayer we may start doing three meetings in a day instead of two I feel there is Grace to bring deliverance to bring freedom to release a speed anointing in the next 10 years in the mighty name of Jesus if we can follow these tips that I'm taking you through when were sick we ll create your own time at the Comanche only sahi see mommy iguana not ubud Amazon kimochi yo caca you need to repent for salvation come and eat Jimmy identify with the things that happen in your family in your village in your city Cunha marinas a toccata chronic Aneesa lucky me I USA Connie Kwanzaa Babu Gomez alfono agiza Sikh anomic a farah c kkona mambo main kisi mashiki Riario fan wa conceived aqua namu - Akua choke wanna qui otoko camisa de tuganda mezzo rocky neva katakana condom - and by Anna Maria wanna see Italian atua seen away so mokuzu area a neo Harry Quinn oka camisa clinica Kwanzaa Bob my ground has been destroyed we destroyed the regardless of an enemy even in our nation may God reigns people were going to repent the innocent blood that has been shed in this nation the corruption that has caused many to suffer there are people who are worried in poverty today because they are people who have taken the resources that could have helped so many to make their lives better when onomatopoeia Hospital Yoshio Baraka Otto's Epona Tschida that seemed will never go unpunished Itachi erotica Kishida Oh Tajiri Ishida liliana member attack Iowa Toma consumable judgement hard Akamai the petition a High Court now Supreme Court there is a God who is a judge and scene will never never go unpunished he will visit your family no attitude Kuno what I wanna do - sighs cause baba baba sow worry Pato a GD Pangea embosser has he fight now coop wynacocha number two Rumi in a kwacha name I wanna be a promotion away as we are assured by the worship team into a session of worship as we cry to God for forgiveness and for mercy moongra NAWAPA Kwanza babu an awasum a hey Wacha Sachi when you value a key and a party walkie Tambu a tepee who ambulatory I'm sorry Bonnie Adhamiya crystal yes ooh wanna pata sama the kitumba's own a woman and Seema comercio damu yahooeys come and see um Sara babaco to make you happy when you need to get test one Arana don't get test when I'm a paper here are you from guru a me Longo the kidney was about me a damn we are key to nepata walkover Kwanza ba ba da Miyake we can walk free because repentance takes away judgment lord I thank you I give you glory god bless you they'll all be with you Kishore is a queen emoji - nothing in a theorem Tecate Fujiya akka wear the shoe cartagia-- my share - catechol general su na VIU's a she can't I gotta pee Nikita mommy Shalom come a co damn we are go get come a co now we are high as soon come I see oh damn we are go get some ah honey get part RP come I see out and we are go get come come I see you w go get soon o compositing come I come I see [Music] my [Music] come I see [Music] ha [Music] feel we assumed [Music] yes a marsupial Azima wanna to pay hakima a name you know every crisis breaks the tradition 9 a letter innovation a crisis token I'm here gamma is equal to a Pakistani ransom itis idea could break tradition here chimera symmetry akane-san evo2 obey not to connect in angles among GU these virtual services to definition you see and alia to TV AMISOM we echo and then iran Vijaywada in asia connect with the grace of prayer when the worship is going on you are praying you are interceding you are kneeling before the Lord and our cutting up OPD command sizing me auntie Becca engi sometimes just need to reason as you intercede thank God maybe you are somewhere in a room thank God maybe you are in a car driving you can continue to intercede una semi here identification repentance o God have mercy upon my family upon my father's I know the eraser if or tossa I know Lord there was innocent prior to a shed ransom ah - choo agency of connector with these virtual services because the conviction and the assurance I have from God is that God is going to perform so many miracles in this season that we are praying God is going to visit people releasing petition release the anointing like Inazuma - joohyuk Wamba mom work on mihari to KO and we connect with what is going on so as we continue the services even in worship you can get into prayer you can worship as you pray and goddess will bless you in jail s make the most of these 10 days as much as they are feel they are going to change the next decade in Jesus name god bless you Kishan new barakatu kannada tato it is a Friday da Cunha's week once a common America Somalia Lanza was a commoner Saturninus Ibaka's a nanny then our mini Ke$ha tomorrow to be a time of deep intercession in the spirit Kwanza Tata Nano su picasa Saba OC moonwalk by Ricky relieves yourself intercede as you worship or go on your knees and ask God for His mercy in Jesus name there is divine mercy that takes away the judgment of God in Jesus name [Music] or combining a part our P come I come I see [Music] come I see [Music] come on [Music] see ya soon [Music] is she due [Music] [Music] but [Music] but some aha [Music] be good come I see oh come I see [Music] see [Music] come I see yo come [Music] my [Music] my [Music] [Music] boy [Music] [Music] no money [Music] she [Music] Bianca's head meeting y'all go sis your Gaza Wow [Music] me oh wow [Music] Oh [Music] Oh [Music] [Music] Danny [Music] Oh [Music] Wow can you aku more nipples a quiet kid my uncle will hold my hand lead my way who take a bear Bubba Kim I see call me [Music] but today [Music] [Music] [Music] my she came one corner walk I [Music] yeah [Applause] [Music] [Music] to the place where you want me to go [Music] Oh [Music] less value I'd say [Music]
Channel: Apostle John Kimani William Official
Views: 27,556
Rating: 4.8622589 out of 5
Id: 3A2_z54E7bY
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 121min 50sec (7310 seconds)
Published: Thu Jul 02 2020
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