Baptism into the Body of Christ || Apostle John Kimani William

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[Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music] my [Applause] [Music] i'll pray [Music] jesus [Music] [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music] hey [Music] how great is our god we see how great is our god now we'll see how great yes how great he is our god as he manifests today we'll say how great [Music] is a god oh how great is our god is going to be evident and all we see are [Music] is [Music] is [Music] [Applause] [Applause] [Music] [Music] jesus [Music] we'll see [Applause] [Applause] [Music] jesus [Applause] [Music] say [Music] [Applause] my heart is [Music] [Music] how great is our god just declare our great our great our great [Music] and my heart be forever singing how great a great [Music] [Music] yes you're a maker you are alpha you deserve all the worship [Music] you are amazed [Applause] [Music] you are [Music] you are oh yes lord we're here to declare that you are amazing [Music] you are [Music] you've shown me my vera you are you wanna make sure there is nothing impossible with you come on say you're omega you are a [Music] [Applause] [Music] you are [Music] [Applause] [Music] there is nothing [Music] [Applause] [Music] me [Music] [Applause] is [Music] [Applause] [Applause] there is [Music] [Music] you are [Music] his name [Music] we have [Music] [Music] we give you glory we give you [Music] [Music] yay [Music] [Music] foreign [Music] there is nothing [Music] impossible with you there is nothing impossible with you there is nothing impossible with you [Music] there is nothing impossible with you somebody help me there is nothing safe there is nothing impossible with you there is nothing impossible with [Music] there is nothing impossible [Music] [Applause] [Music] impossible with you [Music] there is nothing impossible [Music] [Applause] [Music] because you make a way where there's there is [Music] [Applause] there is nothing there is nothing impossible with you [Music] there is nothing impossible with you sit again there is nothing there is nothing [Music] impossible with you yes our god there is nothing impossible with you what's more is your voice there is nothing there is nothing impossible [Music] there is nothing impossible with you all there is nothing totally nothing impossible with our god all things are possible all things are possible i your mambo unanimous [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] what a beautiful [Music] behind the sins may the lord bless you while i'm about to make facebook or youtube we welcome [Music] the purposes of god kartika anatom yakuza is he punishing us not god is not punishing us [Music] sema do you not fear me says the lord will you not treble at my presence who have placed the sand as the bound of the sea by a perpetual decree that it cannot pass beyond it and though its waves toss and flow yet they cannot prevail though they roar yet cannot pass over it but these people as are these are and a defiant a deviant and a rebellious heart they have revolted and departed they do not say in their heart let us let us now fear the lord our god who gave who gives rain both former and latter in the season he reverses he reserves for us the appointed weeks of our of the artist your iniquities have turned these things away and your scenes have with the held good from you now zakumar yo fans verse 25 then good and ali took ali kusudiya to kawaii you are iniquities have turned these things away your sins have withheld good from you verse 26. for among my people i found wicked men they lie in weight as one or set snares they set they set a trap they catch men ninga panda took to do this and don't do this and they do the opposite villain above your man beware what is happening rebellion of earth when i am sick i cannot stand here to lead prayers question depending on intensity yet we are sick we are working in rebellion friends you added you are lovers by embracing babylonia the land of merchants but you still were not satisfied what a sick art you have says the suffering lord you do such things as this acting like a chamber like a shameless prostitute you build your pagan shrines on every street corner and your altars to idols in every square in fact you have been worse than a prostitute as so eager for sin that you have not even demanded payment yes you are an undertrans wife or text in in strangers instead of our own husband um is because of sickness exactly and i said a sick person cannot defend themselves you are sick i am sick we cannot grasp what we have been promised yeah remember the companion lotte when guinness took awkward icu in garages but we are working yet in icu kamachoyamungu kulingan ambao kambele zako genesis chapter 34 illiteracy to naona akwamba juana cobo one hundred could attain that like january genesis 34 25 through 29 then to summa to western columba there is nothing we can do in a semi-genesis 34 25 but three days later when their woods were still sore two of jacob's son simeon and levy who were dinner's full brothers took their swords and entered the town without opposition then they slaughtered every male that there including amor and his son shekem they killed them with their sword then took dinner from sherchem's house and returned to their camp meanwhile the rest of jacob's sons arrived finding the men slaughtered they planned at the town because their sister had been defiled there they seized all the flocks and the ads and tongue is everything they could they could lay their hands on both inside the town and outside in the field they looted all their wealth and plundered their houses they also took all their little children and the wives and love and let them away as captives angalia wane watua willie mewa willie wanayandakuli zianda dayao kwanzawa nainggia kathika ali amargano our defend their city awan gawesa can defend their wives and their children and their property brothers how many of us seated here listening or watching you are sick that's them to me schwab nakatomiya statistics it is only by the grace of god we are going to get our promises do nothing bear wenger to now but we are sick men are in the church but they are sick men are seeing us but they are sick for how long are we going to remain in sickness but spiritually we yet we are sick when gina took awkward i see you in the things of god may the lord have mercy now we have rebelled against your will we have rebelled against your purposes lord we have gone astray we come back to you lord that you may search our hearts that you may heal our diseases so my father you searches our hearts [Music] [Music] help us so my father we have worked in rebellion oh my father we have rebelled against you lord we come before you my father we come before you lord for our ears so my father i seek to hear gospel my father my mouth to my father i have mama to my father we have spoken ill things to my father isaiah have mercy lord we plead for your mercies lord we plead for your mercies lord for our rebellion oh my father has with the earth then good things to my father you had planned for us and good things you had planned for us so my father have been with the held of my father because of our rebellion because of our rebellion oh my father that which you entertained for us we cannot have it have mercy lord have mercy lord have mercy lord we have not defended my father that that which is ours legally because we are sick oh my god our mercy lord have mercy jehovah macarena [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] have mercy lord have mercy lord forgive us so my father that my father we may become that which you created us to become in the name of jesus christ in the name of jesus christ o lord in the name of jesus lord have mercy lord have mercy [Applause] z2 [Music] [Applause] [Applause] founder [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music] [Music] with the power [Music] like you let me die from all that is [Music] [Music] touch me lord [Music] in my life use me lord [Music] like you let me die from mother is [Music] this is love your speech is oh that foreign [Music] foreign [Music] [Music] foreign oh oh foreign foreign [Music] foreign [Music] [Music] [Music] we can do nothing without [Music] [Music] foreign [Music] all the you can do better than that for jesus he deserves all the praise [Music] put your hands together for jesus uh [Music] foreign [Music] you [Music] son of god foreign foreign [Music] oh is foreign is is oh foreign foreign so [Music] [Music] again dizzy [Music] [Applause] [Music] hallelujah foreign hallelujah [Music] [Music] hallelujah hallelujah hallelujah hallelujah [Music] hallelujah yeah hallelujah um hallelujah [Music] [Music] [Music] welcome to [Music] hallelujah foreign foreign foreign hallelujah me um [Music] foreign [Music] foreign [Music] um foreign [Music] [Music] [Music] um where here [Applause] you where are we whoever where are we [Music] we give you praise our god we love you jesus we magnify your holy name hallelujah we give you praise thank you jesus blessed be the name of the lord thank you lord hallelujah amen god bless you we can take our seats receive the invitation in jesus name hallelujah when there is an invitation that is coming on your way when we are praising don't miss the visitation of god in jesus name are you praying amen now mini aquamba um maybe by next sunday i will let you know how we are going to finish this season of prayer because we must finish in style praise the name of the living god and receive the blessing of god the bible says better the end of a matter than the beginning the baptism into the body of christ and i've seen many times watwaki miss barakazamungu because they were not positioned the right place at the right time but i know i have even written a book on baptisms bibina sema in the book of hebrews chapter 6 if we can read from verse 1 if we can begin there the bible says therefore let us leave the elementary teachings about christ and go on to maturity not laying again the foundation of repentance from acts that lead to death and faith in god instruction about baptisms the laying on of hands the selection of the dead and eternal judgment who i'm sorry appearing and god permitting we will do so happen on a combat instruction about baptisms so it is not one baptism but many or a number of baptisms that a believer is supposed to go through them praise the name of the living god napoleon i said my combat these are elementally they are basic they are primarily zina fakua zakwanza hayan yuma foundation kwanzaa mcclisto there is instruction about baptism maybe my question is how many baptisms do you know angelia gilani praise the name of the living god namaji praise the name of the living god ginabanai perversifa any say my combat i wish in this service one service accounting or the baptism of evil cause a water baptism which is very very important wakati were covered challenged quidogo is going to open a door we need to do a major baptism means to immerse or to barley praise the name of the living god hallelujah praise the name of the living god now yes christo jesus is a good model of water baptism now yes i would like to be baptized so that i may be able to fulfill all the bible says seek fast the kingdom of god and his righteousness because to kiwa kartika maishaya you need a right standing with um philippians uh chapter one and verse nine if we can lead very quickly the universe subject here leo verse nine and this is my prayer philippians let's go to 29 for it has been granted to you on behalf of christ not only to believe on him but also to do what but also to suffer for him you remember the disciples of jesus christ they were frog the bible says they rejoiced because they were counted were they to suffer disgrace because of the name of the lord quesable the suffering that you suffer are not in vain in christ praise the name of the living god and i can tell you once you receive christ as much as this is a territory that causes you to suffer because of the name of the lord praise the name of the living god waka timur then james and john the sons of zebedee came to him a teacher they said we want you to do for us whatever we ask what do you want me to do for you he asked they replied let one of us sit at your right and the other at you are left in glory angeria sualy ambaro yes you don't know what you are asking jesus said can you drink the copper i drink or be baptized with the baptism i am baptized with obvious rasima you but the bible says if we don't share in his suffering we can no shia in in his glory we cannot be able to reign with him poor ana sema is it in philippians chapter 3 and vasa from verse 10 anasema that uh i want to know christ and the power of his resurrection and the fellowship of sharing in his suffering becoming like him in his death paul and i said my quanda me means and the fellowship of sharing in a suffering what a prayer yeah come upon us i want to know christ and the power of his resurrection and the fellowship of sharing in a suffering becoming like him in his death so paul kamawanawazebedar poor akwa akwamba dio nitashiriki nayaya katika tukufu rakini pia niko tayali nishirikinaye they went through a baptism of suffering and many of us we run away from that baptism from baptism into the body of christ this baptism is very important because as i have earlier said our god is a god of order and because he is a god of order there is a way he would like us to operate in the body in the context of the body of christ praise the name of the living god so there is a way you can miss your blessing if you don't operate in the context of the body of christ and that is the understanding of diecast to receive this morning which i believe it is important for all of us to understand how we are supposed to operate in the context of the body let's begin by reading the book of ephesians chapter 4 from verse 4 and ephesians chapter 4 from verse 4 the bible says there is one body under one spirit just as you are called to one hopper when you are called so how about being a semiquamba there is only one body and there is only one word there is only one spirit just as you are called to one hope when you are called and then the bible continues to say is that one lord one faith one baptism in the book of um hebrews imam about instruction about baptisms that means there are many but here the bible is referring to a specific baptism that there is one lord there is one faith and then there is one what one baptism this one baptism referred here is that we are baptized into only one body yes one amiri mingi cannisterotic and then verse six the bible says continue one god and father of allah who is over all and through all and in order one god and father of who of all who is over all and through or and in order praise the name of the living god happening we operate in one body and that one body is a body of christ praise the name of the living god hallelujah now evo our understanding yeah how we are supposed to operate in the context of the body is what is being emphasized now many times we need efficiency or from verse 11 maybe we can lead from verse 11 and after sequential the bible says it was he who gave some to be apostles some to be professor to be evangelist and some to be pastors and teachers to do water to prepare god's people for the works of service so that the body of christ may be so that their abomina kingdom seekers may be built up it is so that the body of christ may be built up until we all reach our unity in their father and in the knowledge of the son of god and become mature attending to the whole measure of the fullness of christ then verse 14 then we will no longer be in fact toaster back and forth by the ways and brown here and there by every wind and teaching by the cunning and craftiness of men in their deceitful scheming might give us for the message let's go to verse 50 now the bible says instead speaking in truth we will in all things grow up into him who is the head that is christ christ is the head of the body and from the head what happens verse 16 from him from the head from him the whole body joined and held together by every supporting ligament grows and builds itself up in love as each part does its work i want you to see here that christ is the body is the head and from him the whole body is joined and the bible says and held together by every supporting ligament grows and build itself in love as each part does its work praise the name of the living god now you know uh in the head that you had is a command center in the command center the inaudible command from the whole body praise the name of the living god so i just want you to imagine your combat um camera video business if a branch is cut off it will dry disconnected praise the name of the living god that comes from the body so the body grows because it is held together and it is intact in its operation praise the name of the living god natasha said my combat when a believer now is born again the baptism into the body of christ is a baptism by the spirit of god not a baptism to speak in tongues but as a baptism that immerses you into the body and joins you and connects you to become part of the body praise the name of the living god hallelujah quite wonderful the baptism into the body possibilities an existing uh uh um part of the body that is already functioning and connected to the whole system of the body that means always abnormal you know when i perceive let me read one more portion of scripture then i can be able um to maybe arrive a little more in the book of first corinthians uh chapter 12 we can read from verse 13 first corinthians chapter 12 if we read from verse 13 the bible says for we were all baptized by one spirit into what into one body so it is the spirit of god that baptizes you into one body whether jews or greeks slave or free and we were all given the one spirit to drink now the body is not made up of one part but of many if the food should say because i am not a hand i do not belong to the body it will not for that lisanna caesar to be part of the body and if the ear should say because i am not an i i do not belong to the body it will not for that reason cease to be part of the body if the whole body were an eye where would the sense of healing be if the whole body were an ear where would be the sense of smell being but in fact god has arranged the power in the body every one of them just as he wanted them to be if they were all one part where would be where would the body be as it is there are many parts but one body praise the name of the living god hallelujah the eye cannot say to the hand i don't need you and the head cannot say to the feet i don't need you on the contrary those parts of the body that seems to be weaker are indispensable and the parts that we think are less honorable we treat with special honor and the parts that are unpresentable are treated with special modesty while our presentable parts need no special treatment god has combined the members of the body and has given them greater honor to the parts that are lacked eater so that there should be no division mark that in the body but that its part should have equal concern for each other if one part suffers every part suffers with it if one part is honored every part rejoices with it praise the name of the ring sorry we have read too many scriptures but you can see all of them they are trying to communicate the message about the operation of the body and this is the operation of the body of christ praise the name of the living god and the bible says that there is no part even in kono whatever the same way we treat our body praise the name of the living god hallelujah can somebody clear today i am part of the body of christ in the mighty name of jesus praise the name of the living god we are supposed to operate her as one body why am i teaching this message today when the holy spirit was putting this message in my heart one of the strong points and the first point that the holy spirit put in my heart is that my people cannot be able to grow as much as they are seeking me and they desire that i may use them if they are not positioned and connected to the body and understand the operations of the body they cannot be able to manifest their potential praise the name of the living god so what happens when we don't uh acknowledge the body of christ and we feel as if independently i can operate fulfill my praise the name of the living god it's abu nomo so wakati watu anakosa who are connected namuli visually nikuma nishiyaka number one the bible says the body grows the flow of the nutrition praise the name of the living god frost into the whole body so god has a system of nourishing his body and this system is the same system that we see in our physical bodies praise the name of the living god that there is a system of of of nutrition that is why even in our body whatever summer biology system category digestion system of the nervous system because baba could assist them ambassador they are integrated into the whole body commonly never system it is one system company digestion system economy of indian [Music] and raising the grace and releasing the blessing and it happens that if you're not positioned well in the body you can miss the blessing like if something is happening today in this church and you are not part of it praise the name of the living god there is a way you miss the flow of the blessings that god is releasing praise the name of the living god because god does not release blessings because you are just around there he raises the blessing because you have become part of the system and you know you can be here as a member today and you miss the blessing and somebody else there may be in the church without walls because they are receiving every instruction praise the name of the living god and they are obeying those the instruction like you can you can you can see the people who have become part of the prayer festivals praise the name of the living god by receiving every instruction by obeying every instruction you find the blessing of god is throwing praise the name of the living god because there are two ways you can operate in the body there is a way you can operate in the body and i believe this is something we have discussed in our leadership and maybe in the few days to come we are going to see how we are going to implement that we need even to acknowledge members of this church who are not able to attend here physically but they are part of this congregation because they have connected themselves to receive a divine instruction from this part of the body when i swear because we know in the days we are living and it applies spiritually people cannot be limited by space and distance praise the name of the living god i have prayed for people here who tells me apostle i am leaving like this week i was praying for a lady who god gave a big job in new york and she is going there with her family god opened a door for her and she's going with her husband and children and one of the things she said apostle i am going but remember i am part praise the name of the living god hallelujah if she is in new york and she remains connected to the body here god will continue to bless her and to nourish her and to lift her in our career and for her to fulfill her divine destiny but you see somebody can be here in the local church but the way they treat the congregation is like ah oh now your mom be apostles praise the name of the living god so you you can cease to be part of the body praise the name of the living god so the kind of system the way body of the body of pereza there is somebody who can be very far but they can still continue to be a member in this church and do everything that we are doing praise the name of the living god they are also people who can be able also to connect themselves through partnership the bible has told us in the book of corinthians when one part suffers of the body every part sir prays the name of the living god and when one part is blessed the whole body job jaw rejoices that means when the body one part of the body is rejoicing that means if there is a grace that god has released in this order this part of the body is rejoicing because of the rich outpouring if the rest of the body acknowledges they don't need to be members but they can say one part of their body is rejoicing because there is an outpouring and they connect they will still receive nourishment from that part of the body that is rejoicing praise the name of the living god and that is why we connect with the ministries that have graces and servants of god who have different graces and we still tap into those graces because that part of the body i acknowledge because they are rejoicing because of the blessing of god and sometimes god will release a blessing in one part of the body and you cause the rest of the body to rejoice by connecting with that blessing praise the name of the living god that does not mean they become members of this church but they are acknowledging because we are one body there is a way i can be able some of them are able even to connect without speaking to me personally when i perceive her because this is not my personal business connector praise the name of the living god because there is one baptism that is why the bible says one baptism one spirit one body our father who works in all of us praise the name of the living god and because it's god who is that worker there is a way when somebody connects they can be able to receive their portion of blessing praise the name of the living god so there is a way i'm supposed to acknowledge the body as i operate from morocco church like you have seen people saying this is the only church that can be able to take people in heaven praise the name of the living god that is a lie i need even as i preach here i should be able to respect and honor the body of christ worldwide praise the name of the living god and i should appreciate that this is not the only church this is just one part of the body we are just positioning the body and sometimes we receive blessings because of other people there is a way we can stand here and the church in akuru is receiving breakthroughs because of us here our intercession and our prayer is causing the whole body to rejoice praise the name of the living god hallelujah 29 first corinthians chapter 11 and verse 29 uh first corinthians 29 in a semi for anyone who eats and drinks without recognizing the body of the lord eats and drinks judgment on himself that is one of the powerful scriptures and bio in natural combat that we are supposed to recognize the body of the lord let's read that scripture a new living transition for if you eat the blood and drink the cup without honoring who the body of christ you are eating and drinking god's judgment upon yourself that's very powerful that when we partake the road stable here we should always remember because when we take the road stable the blood represents the body of christ that was broken for us senility praise the name of the living god hallelujah so when we eat the road stable we are supposed to acknowledge that that this body is not one congregation and we should be able to honor the body a church that does not honor the body will miss the blessing of god praise the name of the living god in there is a problem huh because the coordination from your head in a faquambia heishimu the other part of the body love them and take care of them praise the name of the living god so what katie said a mental problem coordination praise the name of the living god and as a church an independent to a political article environment whereby we honor the rest of the body of his i'm sinning when i look at a small congregation i honor them i honor the pastor i salute them i know they are part of me as long as they are paletting you know the same spirit they are in the right doctrine i know it's not about the numbers praise the name of the living god hallelujah god is using them in their own special way always they are important and they ought to be treated with the respecter and with honor and with the dignity praise the name of the living god if you meet with the servant of god it doesn't matter mega churches to bully the small churches praise the name of the living god hallelujah foreign it's not to bully any other ministry in fact utter defend the whole body praise the name of the living god is defend the whole body praise the name of the living god hallelujah renaissance crystal and i know to some level god has given us grace and we have been able to be be a blessing i remember even uh usana namakanis there are times we could extend our supporter maybe to mbci pastors maybe even to the pastors in this religion and we could give our support christo a show ground we set a monday for the servants of god to be coming here to collect some food and maybe some literal cash and we supported them praise the name of the living god why because we acknowledge the body and once you start positioning yourself well in the body and you behave you receive more grace praise the name of the living god but when you misbehave i don't cure mushrik now you don't even honor the programs of the church you don't care now praise the name of the living god so that the nourishment can flow now if you don't treat my body with respect i'll judge you that is what the bible has said that when you eat the body you eat the rose table and you don't acknowledge the body you don't honor you don't respect the body you eat to your own judgment tonight you are taking a kangaroo [Music] we are in the verge of a great revival praise the name of the living god praise the name of the living god hallelujah as much as you can be a very good hand you need the body as much as you have very good eye you need the body praise the name of the living god how can we say we need one another and we need to operate in the context of the body of christ praise the name of the living god our god is the god of order kwanzaa makanisa makuba mega churches is gonna problem yeah cocosa order you know what universe faith free praise the name of the living god it causes the blessing of god to throw into your life praise the name of the living god but when you disconnect yourself foreign record the attendance that is why the bible says we should not forsake the gathering together is that in give us that scripture in hebrews praise the name of the living god you can still connect with the services and say i'm part we're giving out our uh i'm not able to attend the service but you keenly i met her let me read this one let us not give up meeting together uh some are in the habit of doing but let us encourage one another and the more as you see the day approaching so the word there is let us not give up meeting together assam are in the habit of doing uh paula address independent now praise the name of the living god the king power cassette we should not forsake the gathering together because that acknowledges that i am still i am baptized when you are immersed into their body you become one praise the name of the living god hallelujah and you operate as one i'm not saying this operation should be legalistic that you must be there every other time but number one it must be intentional it must come from the heart with understanding they work even outside the country and some of them have been working for years but they have remained steadfast to following the programs of the church and sometimes they even know more than some of us know here what is happening here in the church what is happening the more you disconnect yourself the more you miss the blessing because god desires to maintain order mayonnaise may be in their denomination and they decide to walk out and the way they walk out they had the body hawaii animator i have been called in the context of the body prison not in the context of my gift even the gifts the bible says when they were given they were given to build not a denomination but they were given to build the body so i should be careful that whatever i am doing i am not hurting the same body i have been called to build praise the name of the living god yeah um praise the name of the living god those who are very cross especially in leadership we discuss a lot of things and personally there are things i always say that we cannot be able to do this because we cannot afford to hurt the same body we have been called to minister there are times we have gone even for nbci meetings and i have already said in mbci i'll not raise partners because if everybody become a partner of this ministry and i drain the rest of the body of resources will kingdom seekers become the body of christ it will not become the body of christ especially the more god gives you grace and he lifts you he expects you to treat the body with a lot of honor and understand that you have been lifted by god not in the context of your ministry not in the context of your denomination you have been lifted in the context of the body of christ you know hallelujah come on we are raising funds for the church in nakuru county because there are programs we are doing together as a church in akuro county we are supposed to invite even a few members to participate but to me what i do is i understand that is part of what we are supposed to do so i just take a portion of the resources god has given us and we support that cause for the body of christ because that is part of our mandate and i know there are even pastors who struggle to give in those platforms because they feel kani the body is a pool a pulling away aquamba whatever you do to the body i will reward you watch because nbci to me i'm with wang and i remember like the first meeting we went in here on monday you know we had so many challenges sometimes even opposition we did not receive a lot of support but i remember waka truly i think on saturday nights i don't remember which day uh over five hundred thousand i remember on that sunday praise the name of the living god it was a confirmation that once you go out there and serve my purpose the body is one pool when i came back someone gave a check and this person was not a member that time you could write a check of more than one million someone gave a cheque of 1.5 million three times the money we praised the name of the living god and i was very much encouraged and i came to understand that when i serve god in the body matter where and i put my resources there god is going to reward whatever we are doing for the sake of the body we don't have to be strict about the nomination of barriers and we try as much as we can to support even other ministries that are not necessarily kingdom seekers fellowship and the reason we do this we do this because i am trusting god to lift us more but in the context of the body understanding that when i am lifted with resources these resources are not resources praise the name of the living god just for the local church here they are resources that can be able to carry out the agenda for the nation the agenda for the body of christ and even to lift other small congregations you don't have to say them but i won't like to say you have my blessing when you are invited in another congregation to support them work on a fundraising work on [Applause] the same way i'm serving the body there are people who are going to be raised financially and they are going to be a blessing to the body but do it as the spirit of god reads do it because you feel that is the will of god praise the name of the living god god gives grace to the humble sometimes you just send you a donation and you tell them i'm committed to my local church but i send my donation sometimes you can go there but go with the right attitude and the right spirit praise the name of the living god as long as you understand this is part of the work of the body praise the name of the living god those who are gracing and you are going out there to serve serve but with a lot of submission don't be a wrong ranger don't disconnect yourself because now you have tapped enough grace and you have written enough notes and you are also actively involved you are treating the body with honor i remember i was speaking with a uh one of our friend pastor after kesha on friday akane lisa poston pango yeah sansa uh because and i allow them to remain part of mbci like in colombia i see a future where the ministry may open churches internationally where the ministry you remember even before we build this cathedral there is a time i stood in the autonoma there are times we have missionaries praise the name of the living god we reach them and we bless them and when even they are out there we know they are out there and there is a team that is interceding for them praise the name of the living god and standing with them in prayer because their impact is our impact the work they are doing there it is for the good of the body and for the good of all of us i am looking forward to those days of germany that is one of the reasons to nazisha our bible school to start praise the name of the living god in the context of the body praise the name of the living god in the context of the body you are the most anointed praise the name of the living god most anointed you don't have respect your respect your believing semicomba if you don't do it you bring judgment there are people who have been taught even when they go for mission they go and respect the local church and they ask for the blessing to do their missionary work when they do that the grace of god will be upon them but when they feel they are too big they have come here with a lot of grace and anointing and they are there to show off your twitter that is that we were baptized into the same body one body one spirit one lord working in all and over all praise the name of the living god hallelujah so come to position yourself and to become part of the body of christ in this local church praise the name of the living god what wale i thought even if you feel god has sent you here for a season to prepare you submit now say me i am here come and see the pastoral team tell them i'm here i came from the city i came from because if you don't respect the body there will be judgment over your life you are scuttling if you're not gathering you are scuttling you must be either gathering the body or scattering the body i pray that god is going to use you to gather the body of christ in jesus name praise the name of the living god and when you talk about other churches and other pastors please talk about them with the respect with the decency and the quran foreign nicaragua namuri water sasa ukawe nangufu that is what the bible says when one part of the body suffers the whole body is suffering that means there is a problem with the coordination from the head here but so when one part of the body suffers the whole body suffers how comes that one part of the body can be suffering and part of the body is rejoicing it should not happen we should not rejoice praise the name of the living god hallelujah we should not rejoice i remember i was speaking with a member of a church who ministered somewhere nanika more encouraging i feel that you can even be more useful because i see that congregation needs you praise the name of the living god giving people the right advice that is not selfish yes you use test i remember one time somebody came with an offering apostle i think pastor cooley house a office [Applause] pendulum there is a blessing to do the right thing it doesn't matter how much it will cost you do the right thing one of you even from when we were in greyhounds there are times we would stand in this altar and pray for the servants of god pray for them pray for them by name because when one part of the body rejoices the whole body rejoices praise the name of the living god let's not idolize it let us remember to pray for the rest of the body let us not be selfish let us do the right thing we are here to do the right thing praise the name of the living god hallelujah let us always remember that the spirit of god baptizes us into the body and when you become part of the body as the body grows hallelujah you receive your portion of nourishment praise the name of the living god you don't receive your nourishment outside the body and you are part of this congregation be actively involved and when you are actively involved and you are positioned to do your part as a body growth as a nutrition as the graces as the blessings are released you receive your portion praise the name of the living god very soon we are going to allow the people who feel they want to be members of this congregation especially in places where there are no churches qatar other nations where you feel you'd like to be a member of this congregation we are going to come up with those structures you know when there is a crisis um uh it it it breaks traditions now crisis you are covered in a brick tradition as long as they submit and they follow they connect god is going to bless them others are going to be just partners because if this part of the body is rejoicing their grace is god as has this there they can connect as partners and there are so many who are going to be members of other churches but they can be able to connect with their grace as we rejoice here god will cause others to rejoice because they are part of their bodies they also belong to the same body praise the name of the living god the people who labor to see their grace to see the growly to see their breakthrough they should be there first if they are positioned but you see you can be a member but god knows you are not positioned if you just become a member by name you don't give you a tithe judicani encourage that growth that maturity and bio inaugurated in a place that yakumba is a person without being coerced without being forced i can purpose our honor god through tithing that is the church i desire in ghana record when god is raising you financially remember the context of the body be faithful also to make sure the body is sharing the portion of your blessing especially the ten percent because you it is i am not part may you receive your baptism into the body in the mighty name of jesus the spirit that baptizes people into the body of christ be upon you today in the mighty name of jesus did you know that there are blessings that need to be commanded you don't pray for them you don't fast for them the bible says is this something 133 how good it is when brethren dweller together in unity praise the name of the living god how good and presenter it is when brothers are live together in unity it is like precious oiler powder on the header running down on the beader running down on aaron's header down upon the corner of his robot it is as if the deal of harmona were falling on mount ziona for the lord bestows his blessing uh even life forevermore the bible says when brethren come together and they are united there is a flow of the anointing but there is a way you need to position yourself as the anointing because god is the god of order as the anointing from frost from the head you are also in your position to take that anointing and to receive that grace his you aim to murder i love it when i s that connection is very important it causes the anointing the grace as it froze it touches your life also and you find there is growth so that you don't see people being blessed and you wonder there is a baptism into their body praise the name of the living god can you declare and declare lord from today i receive your spirit in the name of jesus the one spirit to be baptized into the body speak to god speak to god speak to god sheikh khabar gandha reika baganda bashanda if you are disconnected declare i am connecting myself again rika baganda bashanda i want the anointing the grace out when it froze out in the name of jesus i want to receive my portioner ricca baganda bashanda rika baganda bashanda baganda kunawatu mungwananda koinuwa that can you tell the lord i reposition myself in the mighty name of jesus church without walls position your server if you are there as a partner position yourself to connect with this gracer if you are there as a member connect your server and declare i am part and parcel of the worker that is going honor in this altar in the mighty name of jesus chandra those who are here and you are not yet decided make up your mind in the mighty name of jesus baptize me into the body in the name of jesus forgive me where i have not respected the body in the mighty name of jesus respecting my local congregational respecting the wrestler of the body of christ in the mighty name of jesus acknowledging uh that this is this is not the only church in the mighty name of jesus i am not the only minister of the gospel reika maganda their other servants are in the body of christ [Music] he is one lord the same body the same spirit and one lord over allah [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] because it is the same body that is suffering in the name of jesus not it's like you're not part of the body if you are part of the body now [Music] [Music] in the mighty name of jesus [Music] foreign [Music] thank you jesus [Music] if you truly are a member of this church be a true member and a little one not because we are going to follow you but because god knows that you are here and if this is where he has led you to submit submit with all your heart get involved in the programs participate in a small or in a big way attend the services if you cannot be able to attend a weekday the sunday attend the weekly services attend the evening service those who are in different nations and you'd like to be a member we have been discussing we are going to put up a structure we are even going to have a minister to minister to the church in the diaspora connecting with you knowing your needs praying for you standing with you in the mighty name of jesus praise the name of the living god lazimat to we align ourself so that we can be able to receive the blessing that god desires to release in this part of the body and as we continue to receive the grace and the blessing let us continue to honor the rest of the body of christ and if there is one part of the body that is suffering let us also continue to stand with them that are suffering and crying mourning with those who are mourning and telling god have mercy upon that congregation and upon the rest of the body of christ we allow those today to partner with us as we rejoice because of the grace that we see in this ministry this is a doing of the lord and you can be part of the body elsewhere but you can still connect with in partnership and share in the grace that god has released in this altar when we understand how god operates and we position ourselves we are in a better position to receive our blessing we receive the covering spiritual covering when we submitter to a local church congregation we receive a spiritual covering sometimes the attack of the enemy the bible says the the the devil is a like a rolling lion you know how ryan's a hunt they always segregate they take one animal aside and pursue they are not able to pursue animals when they are together looking for whom to divorce but when you are submitted to a congregation the grace the covering you may not see it with your physical eyes but there is covering that comes from the altar and that covenant can protect you from the arrows of the enemy especially we are living in a pandemic there is a way we can experience the covering of god because of submitting to the relevant authority and we experience the blessing of god though we are in a pandemic that is my prayer for you today in the name of jesus and i want you to pray this pray after me lift your hands and say lord jesus christ forgive me where i have not honored the body of christ forgive me today today i dedicate myself into the baptism of the spirit into the body of christ that i may be connected to receive my blessings in the name of jesus i also receive my covering and my protection that comes from the altar in the name of jesus today lord i position myself active rib to receive my blessings in the name of the father and of the son and of the holy spirit amen receive the baptisma of the spirit into the body in the name of jesus be connected receive the covering uh receive your portion of grace receive your portion of blessings uh in the mighty name of jesus in the mighty name of jesus may your grace be a portion in the mighty name of jesus may you are covering the evidence in the mighty name of jesus against you now we prosper in the name of jesus nina in the name of jesus don't disrespect the local church in the mighty name of jesus don't even dishonor the body of christ all over the world uh remain in your positioner and continue to honor in the mighty name of jesus the body both locally in the name of jesus and robbery father there are people you desire to lift them up as they take their position now father i read their grace that ought to be theirs because of their submission now because of their positioning now i pray my father their blessing their gifts of god that which you put in my heart that you desire to listen to release oh god as your people submit to the body i release it now i unlock it over the eliza because they are starting to shine now in the name in the name of jesus in the name of jesus in the name of jesus you are business will be protected in the name of jesus yes shakka baganda ray kabaganda i unlock your blessing in the name of jesus in the name of jesus receive [Music] [Music] in the name of jesus in the name of jesus he the name of jesus yes sir yes sir yes sir yes may your blessing locate you now may your blessing look at you now may your blessing locate you now dear your position your silver hit your body now may your blessing locate you locate you now locate you inaudible one spirit may you a blessing locate you now locate you now in the name of jesus in the name of jesus in the name of jesus yes oh my father let their blessings locate them now in the name of jesus in the name of jesus because they are positioned in the body let their blessing come let their victory come let your face shine upon them lord let them find favor before you let them also find favor before men in the mighty name of jesus i break every spirit of delay what if they are harvester have been denied yes [Music] within a short time i will manifest the blessing and the harvest of your labour natalie i am looking for that which can you have come to a place of manifestation may your in the name of jesus in the name of jesus christ they have invested uh in the kingdom i pray now in the name of jesus let me a blessing manifesto in the mighty name of jesus in the mighty name of jesus in the name of jesus i declare their blessing their promotion will manifest within a short time and i declare and declare no one is going to stop your blessing in the name of jesus because the door that god opens there is no man who can cross [Music] our position but as long as i bless you and i command you a blessing and your promotional to manchester in the name of the father and of the son of the holy spirit amen we give you praise to god [Applause] we give you praise oh god thank you jesus christ do what you're supposed to do come away anyone busy come on cookie serving an area and i worry about i've been serving in this area of ministry for a long time i need to change very soon we are going to give people an opportunity to change their departments and get into other departments you you may not have in one department forever a time comes for god to move you from one position to the other and if that time comes it's good to allow people and give them that freedom because one department can equip you to serve effectively in another department one department can be your starting point and god can raise you to serve in another area of ministry praise the name of the living god for the first time you want to give your life to jesus or you're a backslider you know i'm gonna call you you know i'm gonna call you please lies upon your feet rise up on your feet eliza thank you thank you there are many thank you even in the overthrow even in the church without walls you want to give your life to jesus you want to receive a baptism you cannot receive a baptism into the body before you give your life to christ you receive christ and then he raises the spirit up to baptize you into the body to connect you to graft you into the body so mary poppins just pray this pray after me say lord jesus i repent my sins and i ask for your forgiveness i pray that from today you're going to give me your holy spirit to be my helper and baptize me into the body of christ in jesus name i pray amen father i pray for everyone who has prayed that prayer i release the baptism into the body by your holy spirit that they will be connected and they will become one with the body of christ and their blessings will start to flow in jesus name we thank you and we bless you in jesus name we pray amen amen amen there is a number you can send on whatsapp or sms one ten triple five triple zero so barricky without walls please don't just be there without being connected to the body and you have that opportunity you can become a member of this church doesn't matter which part of the world you are in those would be interested uh we are going to use our ss mess number zero seven eleven if you can give that one number zero seven eleven one twelve one twelve because what we know that number is also in the call center those would be interested to join us members from different nations you can start sending your name and your phone number to us and we are going to start putting arrangement on how to be able to continue reaching out to you i know there are different places in the world where you cannot be able to access a church or a good spiritual church that can help you to grow in your salvation those who like to remain as partners sharing in the grace of god in this altar you are free to serve in your local church congregation and remain connected to the grace of god in this altar i want to be accountable i desire to do the right thing so that i may also receive the blessing of god as a minister and also in the vision and in the mandate that god has entrusted to us further as we worship you through giving we pray that you may bless every giver and that our offerings are going to be acceptable to you in jesus name we pray amen you can use our paypal number 80 7101 80 7100 napier unaweso to me our m person numbers zero seven seventeen nine double four triple four zero seven eleven one twelve one twelve zero seven zero six twenty six twenty six 26 26 mara tattoo zero seven zero six and then twenty six mara tatu uh tung epender ku apana fast aqua church without our team service online and also in nbci tv father i bless all our online viewers and listeners and i want to pray them that you have connected with this altar that father they will never miss their blessing it doesn't matter the distance in the name of jesus those who have continued to partner with us oh god and they continue to celebrate the grace of god in this altar i also pray they will continue to enjoy the grace of god and the blessing of god in this altar father i pray that there will be order in the body of christ even in this season in the mighty name of jesus not only out there but also inside here my father that we are going to position our server because of what you are just about to do we give you glory we give you honor in jesus name we pray amen god bless you thank you for your offering thank you for your support the lord be with you we have another service at 3 p.m to 5 p.m you can plan to attend physically or virtually in our social media platforms and also in our radio and in our tv our bariki-san to apigee our online viewers mccoffy uh you
Channel: Apostle John Kimani William Official
Views: 29,511
Rating: 4.9124727 out of 5
Id: MYFe9QYCyv8
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 188min 0sec (11280 seconds)
Published: Sun Sep 12 2021
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