The Power of Intercession!

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beloved of god you know how much the lord loves you you know think about this your very hairs are numbered he thinks about you more than that there are stars in heaven and sands on the seashores i think it's awesome you know what a god we serve to love us like that you know so thank you today for joining me oh i'm so glad you're my friend i'm so glad you're my partner after the lord will just reward you over and over and over again you know i've been teaching this week on freedom from bondage and today i want to teach on the power of intercession because i you know sometimes i don't think we all including me realize the amazing intense glorious power that is released when we intercede you know so lord we come to you in the wonderful name of jesus our wonderful savior and lord i pray you'll give us truth today that will change our life give us a deep understanding that will change our destiny in jesus wonderful name bless each one lord listening right now bless that one watching me right now lord meet every need in that life today in jesus sweetest name and god's there people said amen and amen you know usually i read names and i say hello which i'm gonna get back to and doing you know anyways but i i have so much information to talk about i really want to get straight into the world so ephesians 6 18 says praying always with all prayer i mentioned that yesterday but i just want to go from there with all prayer and supplication in the spirit and watching their unto with all perseverance and supplication for all saints notice how many times it says all in this verse you know all prayer and then all supplication and then all perseverance and all saints now there are seven revelations of prayer one of them is intercession so when the bible talks about all prayer it talks about confession it talks about supplication it talks about adoration or worship it talks about intercession it talks about communion or fellowship with the lord intimacy with god it talks about thanksgiving and it talks about praise so there are seven i'll repeat them maybe somebody just said i wish you to beat him you know these are seven glorious headlines of prayer revelations of prayer number one is confession every time someone prayed they confessed who god is and they confess this word like moses said lord you said you know and the apostles did the same in the book of acts and other wonderful prophets and saints of the old covenant that prayed that way and we see it in the new also and then you have supplication let our requests be made known and then number three of adoration worship worship prepares for intercession then that's that's number four intercession which i want to talk about today number five communion intimacy with god almighty and number six thanksgiving and number seven praise that is what the bible means by all prayer so the part of prayer is so powerful that movements in heaven when we intercede movements in heaven are now released because of our prayer so movements in heaven are restricted by movements on the earth and i said it before but i think it's good to say it again so movements in heaven are restricted by movements on earth a great scripture on this is ezekiel 36 37 now when you look at the book of ezekiel and there's many other uh portions about that but you look at ezekiel 36 verse 37 it says thus says the lord god i will yet for this be inquired off by the house of israel so god wants them to pray certain prayer and then he says if they pray here's what i'll do to do it for them i will increase them with men like a flock so here's god's will that god wants to increase israel like a flock but he won't do it till they pray so i will be i will be inquired of by the house of israel and wins once they do it then i'll do it and here's what my will is i want to increase them like a flock so god makes a decision in glory waits for you and i to intercede when we intercede he he fulfills it if we don't it's not fulfilled i said something yesterday in the car i said you know i think many are going to get to heaven and see how many plans god had for them that were never fulfilled because then they never prayed for them then they never interceded for them so the bible says something powerful that sometimes i think we miss the full meaning of it in matthew 18. and i've we've read it and we've heard it preached and on and on but i think we really need to look at this amazing truth here verily every time the lord said verily he was saying pay attention the truth i say to you whatsoever you will bind on earth this is the part of intercession whatsoever you bind on earth will be bound in heaven movements in heaven are restricted or released by movements on earth so whatever you bind on earth or release on earth god will do the same in glory so whatsoever you bind on earth will be bound and whatsoever you lose or release will be loosed in heaven this is powerful and sometimes intercession needs a companion someone to help you intercede you know the welsh revival began with two men who got into agreement and again and this is verse 19 again i say unto you if two of you shall agree you know the lord knows that sometimes we cannot intercede on our own so he says if two of you will agree you know isaiah had to agree with king hezekiah when the assyrians came against jerusalem and hezekiah said to his aides he said go to isaiah and ask him to pray ask him to agree with us so we see this often in the bible we see moses you know what he also needed with aaron and er he needed people to agree with him because there was a battle raging and sometimes when the battles rage we need someone to intercede with us for our families or situations so if two of you will agree and then and we don't need to take any more than two by the way okay on earth as touching anything it'll be done so you bind and you lose but sometimes you need help and that's why the lord said that together verse 18 and verse 19. so but intercession intercession uses the word you know i've been i've been talking about ephesians chapter six but i've gotta show you the connection here you've gotta see the connection so if you look at ephesians 6 17 and 18 it says take the helmet of salvation and the sword of the spirit which is the word of god praying now you know when when the bible was written there was no verses it was just all one sheet you know so he said take the sort of of the spirit the word of god praying he connected the word and prayer together did you did you did you did you see that do you see that do you see that chad so when he said the word of god he went on in the same breath and said praying praying so prayer needs the word so we cannot separate verse 17 from verse 18 and ephesians chapter 6 and like i said when the bible was written it was written on parchment before that on skin and clearly it was no verses a french man was the one who divided the bible many many years after the bible was written so now we need the word and so it's he says take the what he's really saying is take the word of god as you pray he says so take the sword of the spirit which is the word of god as you pray now here's what he was saying to us this is very important the word of god is used in prayer okay now if people use the word of god against the devil without prayer they will lose the battle prayer is the instrument of the word did you hear what i said okay prayer is the instrument that uses the word not our mouth it's prayer through our mouth did you get that chad huh so it's when we pray it's like prayer is the hand that holds the word it's prayer that holds the hair it's prayer like the hand that holds the sword you know which is prayer and we cut the devil's neck with it but prayer literally causes our hand it's like think about your hand being prayer and the word being the sword you know and now you use it well you need the hand of prayer and then amazing that always the hands are symbolic of prayer you know because the hand of god is released as we pray when we pray his hand you know goes into action basically so this is very very important and very revealing that the word of god has to be connected to prayer or it's under work and prayer must be connected to the word of god or it's not gonna it's it's gonna work the minute we do that and this is look this is what moses did let me let me show you an example of it do you remember when the lord in exodus was very angry and he wanted to just destroy israel and moses prayed so god is saying now get down in verse 7 exodus 32 get down your people god had always said my people now he changed his mind he said your people have corrupted themselves and then he said leave me alone i'm going to destroy them this is all in that amazing chapter exodus 32 so verse 10 leave me alone that my wrath may wax hot against them moses beside the lord verse 11 said lord why does why dot thy wrath wax heart against your people which you brought forth out of the land of egypt with great power and then he says in verse 12 wherefore should the egyptians speak and say for mischief did he bring them out so now verse 13 he uses the word he said remember what you said to abraham remember what you said to isaac remember what you said to jacob do you remember lord what you said to your servants to whom you swear by your own self and you said i will multiply your seed he is using the word he said you said i will multiply your seed you can't destroy them now because you said you you will multiply that in that powerful and then you said lord all this land i'm going to give you into your seed well lord surely you said it already you can't change your mind now basically what he was saying to him and verse 14 is one of the most amazing verses i think in the whole bible and the lord repented of the evil which he thought to do but what caused him to change his mind his word not moses it was his word moses knew exactly what to do because moses couldn't just do it on his own he knew the world would do it i pray you're hearing this so you won't do it the word will do it but you have to speak the word say father you said yes and because you said then it has to happen now that's amazing that god would give us humanity you know human beings as children the power to actually say that to him the authority to say that to him lord you said that's why i say prayer begins with confession you know and do you know what happens do you know what what happens when we do that this is one of the most remarkable portions of the word in psalm 35 it says we release angelic power when we use the word it says plead my cause o lord with them that strive with me david is praying for those who are fighting him fight against them that fight against me take hold of shield and buckler and stand up for my help draw out also the spear and stop the way against them that persecute me say unto my soul i am thy salvation let them be confounded and put to shape that seek after my soul let them be turned back and brought confusion he is interceding reminding god of his promises to him that divides my hurt let them be a shaft before the wind let the angel of the lord chase them let their way be dark and slippery let the angel of the lord persecute them now this is something you know and and if you if you put the whole psalm together and where he says plead my cause oh lord now this is a very interesting way to start a prayer like fight for me lord plead my cause lord your formula you're not against me i'm yours lord now please fight those who are fighting me but it's relationship that is the connection here you know and because he said plead by cause the lord he showed this a relationship and no relationship can be a true relationship without promises being made so god had made promises today but to protect him otherwise he wouldn't pray plead my cause lord fight for me because he knew he would god would and then he says let them be like chaff before the wind and let the angels chase them let the angel of the lord persecute them so angels are released when we intercede and don't you remember what happened um in in in ezekiel well when the angel was told to go and place a mark on people who were interceding because angels are released through intercession and i'll show that scripture in just a moment so intercession touches heaven and attacks health oh my my my you need to write them down you need to write those words down intercession touches heaven and attacks hell and intercession speaks to obstacles and destroys obstacles listen here intercession speaks to the obstacles in your life and destroys them that's what intercession does and intercession is sacrificial it's prayer warfare it's shameless persistence i want to repeat that intercession is sacrificial when we intercede we are sacrificing ourselves for someone else in prayer it's prayer warfare it's shameless persistence like we persist in with there's no shame in we're bold and intercession drives the enemy out of our land and out of our homes and that is found in jeremiah i'm going to show you again about angelic uh deliverance from isaac from from ezekiel but let's just go to jeremiah quickly jeremiah chapter 31 this is one of my favorites by the way verse 16 he says thus says the lord refrain thy voice from weeping your eyes from tears because they've been interceding god says i heard you your work will be rewarded and and and your family and their meaning family shall come again from the land of the enemy so when people intercede for their children or loved ones we know that the enemy will release them from his land they will be delivered from the land of the enemy now i told you earlier about ezekiel so let's go together to the book of ezekiel and chapter 9 and here we see angelic you know help coming to those who intercede so it says in verse 4 and the lord said unto him go through the midst of the city through the midst of jerusalem and set a mark upon the foreheads of the men that sigh and cry for all the abominations that are done in the midst thereof so the angels were released right here to go and place a mark on intercessors and later we see something powerful so here again angelic power is released through intercession just like in the psalms but there's something wonderful oh this is so priceless and that is ezekiel again book of ezekiel one of the most amazing books on the bible wow isaiah and ezekiel very very powerful books so ezekiel 22 and you may know the verse but i want you to put the whole thing together in connection you know connecting it all together 13 31 ezekiel 22 30. i sought for a man among them that should make up the hedge and stand in the gap before me for the land imagine god almighty says if one man would intercede just one man would would come before me and and like moses used the word in intercession i would not destroy the land if i would just find one man who would stand up and make up the hedge in other words keep the wall up you know that's what the hedge is keep keep the wall from you know crumbling but i could not find one he said it's not my my will to destroy anyone i'm looking for intercessors to stand in the way so i would not do it he says but nobody showed up so therefore i had to judge israel so intercession is the most perfect form of prayer and think about this this is what breaks the curse you know proverbs says the curse causeless will not come we can literally reverse the curse with intercession the reverse occurs on someone who's who's bound to you know drugs or alcohol or filth or whatever in our homes our loved ones or even a friend we can literally take that to the lord in intercession and we can reverse the curse on the life the curse causeless we can break the cause of that curse will not come then that's what it says so what do we do well we have to renounce uh the enemy we have to cast him out and yield to the lord you know so in in romans 6 16 the bible tells us very clearly that we become slaves to the person we yield to so when you yield to the lord then he is in charge of of your life it says no you're not that to whom you you you yield your your self-servants to obey his servants you are to whom you obey whether to sin unto death or obedience unto righteousness so we it's time we say to the devil i'm done with you renounce it all and submit to the lord and submit to his way and submit to his righteousness and get on your knees and intercede and then you know you know the weapons of our warfare are not carnal you know in second corinthians 10 mighty through god to the pulling down of strongholds we can change people's minds through intercession yes you can absolutely chad just went you really can't because the bible says listen and many haven't you know haven't really read this whole portion beginning at verse three of second corinthians said though we walk in the flesh we do not water after the flesh the weapons of our warfare are not carnal but mighty through god to the pulling down of strongholds casting down imaginations every high thing that exalts itself against the knowledge of god bringing into captivity every thought to the obedience of christ and having and watch this having in readiness to revenge all disobedience when your obedience is fulfilled in other words intercession can change people's minds to become obedient rather than disobedient to god so we read this portion we need to read from verse three right through verse six and not stop with verse five with well you know most people stop with verse five no it says having all having in a readiness to revenge all disobedience how in intercession interest when people intercede disobedience has stopped in people's lives and obedience begins that's why it says obedience fulfilled so think about you can change the mind of your son you can change the mind of your daughter you can change the amount of someone you love from drinking from doing drugs from running around with women or men or whatever and doing worse than that but i'm telling you god has given you the power i think it's time you take what is yours yeah all right so today let's make a decision let's challenge the devil's authority okay let's challenge the devil's authority over our children because luke uh you know chapter 10 verse 19 says i give you power over all the part of the devil serpents and scorpions nothing will hurt you so jesus gave us that power and peter in 1st peter 5 verse 8 he says resist the devil with faith so i think it's time we should we should do it you you and i get on our knees and challenge his authority over our you know over our kids over our loved ones over our families over our future remember what it says in james 4 7 resist the devil he'll flee all of this happens when we intercede father in the name of jesus let this word penetrate their hearts today let this this mighty word lord be used in their life lord bring it to their remembrance when they forget and i pray and i agree with you right now i agree with you in jesus name that the needs in your life will be met the needs in your home will be met the needs with your children will be met the needs in your family grandchildren and loved ones will be met all of them and i agree with you that every plan of satan will be destroyed and every plan of god established in jesus name would you say father come on always say father destroy the enemy's plans and establish your plans for my life say that come on say father in jesus name destroy the enemy's plans for me and my family and establish your plans for me and my family in jesus name amen simple huh now as you get on your knees and intercede watch what god will do it's going to be powerful all right it's time to give and sow your seed for the lord's work and ministry and remember seed is so powerful when it's done as the anointing is flowing so when the when the grounds are moist you know for the seed ready to receive the seed and this is when the word is being preached things are stirred up you know in the atmosphere so the best time to sow is when you hear the word don't wait till tomorrow you know or some other day do it when the world has stirred your heart and the atmosphere around you so now you sow your seed expecting harvest just expecting a harvest no different than farmers except a harvest they go to sleep and say it's coming for sure okay now god almighty is going to give you not only the harvest he's going to give you the seed back that you sowed you give seed to every sower you know so do it and watch what god will do with you you can give to many ministries right now just do it right there online on the platform you're watching me on you can go to or you can simply text your seat so simple anywhere in the world you can take your phone your cell phone and you can text be h m and then you go to the number four five seven seven seven it's there for you on the screen so simple and then god will bless you oh he'll bless you and bless your loved ones and bless your future with financial blessings and security tomorrow healing service make sure to join me tomorrow for a beautiful healing service from a studio in orlando blessings much love thanks for being my partner shalom you
Channel: Benny Hinn Ministries
Views: 24,279
Rating: 4.9475408 out of 5
Id: E5sRJmI1Dfc
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 29min 24sec (1764 seconds)
Published: Thu Apr 22 2021
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