Sunday Service with Pastor Benny Hinn!

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jesus be all the glory and all the majesty and all the praise welcome welcome welcome to this beautiful healing service i am believing god with you for wonderful things today tell your friends right now we're on live here from orlando for a beautiful time in the presence of the lord and let's believe god to touch you i will be ministering today on healing the message on healing i am expecting many of you to be healed today i really am i don't just say that i'm expecting many of you to be healed today so welcome and please share this with your friends right now let them know we're on live and in just a second we're going to have you right on this screen behind me but go ahead and right now uh darling or do what it says and let's have a blessed day wonderful jesus i worship you and i give you praise lord for what you're about to do among us to you belongs the glory god almighty i give you the praise blessed be his holy name forever and god's people said amen and amen matthew chapter 8 you take your seeds and thank you matthew 8 16 says when the even was come they brought unto him many that were possessed with devils and he cast out the spirits with his word healed all not some healed all that was sick that it might be fulfilled which was spoken by isaiah the prophet sake himself took our infirmities and bear our sicknesses so as i minister the word i want your faith to rise i want your faith to come alive that god will heal you today because see the bible says he healed all now god's precious word in matthew 9 verse 6 it says but that ye may know that the son of man hath power on earth to forgive sins then saith he to the sick of the palsy arise take up thy bed and go into thine house and he arose and departed to his house but when the multitude saw they marveled and glorified god which had given such power unto men [Music] god almighty healed now just all that came to him but he refused none he refused none that man was a his friends tore the roof of the house lord him down and it says and when jesus saw their faith he said your sins are forgiven that's the greatest offer god can offer us your sins are forgiven that is a greater miracle than healing please hear what i'm saying the forgiveness of sins is greater than healing and a greater promise than healing and if you and i believe god forgives us why are we having trouble believing he heals us thy sins be forgiven thee said that's the greatest miracle of all the forgiveness of sin is more difficult than healing yet god gives it freely now that man who was lowered did not even say forgive my sins he did not say i repent of all the things i've done jesus offered him forgiveness without the men asking and they questioned it how can this man forgive sins but that ye may know that the son of man has power to forgive sins you shall rise up and walk but then he said what is easier is it easier to say your sins are forgiven or to say rise up and walk now he didn't say it because forgiveness is more difficult no in their hearts healing was more difficult to them it was more difficult not to god so you laying on that couch and you sitting in that room he was saying to them i'm offering you what is more difficult because you have all sinned but you in your own hearts and minds see receiving a healing as more difficult but i'm going to tell you what the bible teaches the bible teaches that the greatest gift that god gives us is forgiveness the greatest miracle is salvation so we see something beautiful here we see that man has two natures he is spirit and his matter he's a combination of heaven and earth because in these words we see a miracle we see that man who is a twofold nature receiving both forgiveness and healing [Music] so when david calls upon his soul to bless the lord he said in psalm 103 bless the lord o my soul and forget not his benefits who forgives all your iniquities and he heals all your disease what a powerful declaration today we hear a lot about your sins are forgiven repent receive jesus your sins are forgiven and people easily accept it now but they have a problem accepting healing today 2 000 years ago they accepted healing a lot quicker than they did except forgiveness they accepted healing much faster two thousand years ago because why because they saw the lord heal the sick and their faith was alive so they came to him to be healed of all the infirmities and there's not any mention in the bible that that crowd was asking for forgiveness that man at the pool of bethesda never once time one time said forgive me for what i've done jesus offered him healing freely he said will thou be made whole what an amazing offer will thou be made whole and the man who is healed goes and tells the pharisees when they said why are you carrying your bed it was a sabbath he said well this man told me to get up and walk who is he well i don't know he just was here he did not even know the lord's name and jesus offers a miracle to a man who did not know him who later accused him that he healed them on the sabbath yet god did not punish him for telling the pharisees anything because god's gift was done in love now if god healed a man who did not know him how much more will he heal the children who know him and the message of healing in the west anyways is dying not many people are preaching healing anymore like they used two years ago and i'm here reminding you that the bible has not changed about the promise of healing healing belongs to god's children and healing belongs to the unbelievers who do not know the lord like i heard so many years ago from tiel osborne i just came back from india and i saw people healed in india were not christians and i said to tell i said how can god how is it that god heals the unbeliever he said he heals the unbeliever because of his mercy and he heals the believer because of his covenant i've seen god heal so many people who were not believers i've had people in my crusades who told me they they don't even want the healing please take it back one man publicly said please take back the healing i will lose my insurance i don't want it he said that on the microphone twenty thousand people heard him and so did these men who were there he said please take it back pardon i don't know why he was there but he he had a dramatic healing if i recall and they had been paying him to stay home and do nothing the insurance company and he's he told me very clearly said i don't want it he said why did god heal me i i don't want to please take it back that's well i'm not the one who healed you i cannot take it back well he said you tell god to take it back we were all stunned stunned there was a man who came to one of my early meetings years ago in canada who was covered like uh i'm not exaggerating when i tell you from the neck down with metal looked like a robot wrapped in steel and metal and when he came in in the back he was walking so slow with crutches he was in pain all over his body and dear danielle a lady from austria was a bold woman who worked with our team i've always had people that helped me find the healings because i did not lay hands on the sick i rarely really did in the ministry because god healed them while they were just sitting there and this man walked in the lobby of the evangelistic center on young street the crowds were also massive on monday nights and he walked in and she just came up to him in the lobby and she loudly said in jesus name be healed and he began to vibrate all over the place and they tore his braces off he walked into that service screaming and shouting for joy and so when when cbc the canadian network tv network heard about the miracles because they they gave me front page uh coverage in the toronto star and the globe and mail and all the newspapers carried the meetings live sorry not live i should say front front page and so you know it's just the word got out and cbc news came wanted to do a story and they came to the meetings with our cameras and all that and we let them in and they said please give us a list of the people that we can talk to said okay and i gave them that young man named philip what was his name he was a fellow from israel of all things and arab from israel and so they called him and they called me back they said well this man said he was not healed i said i don't know what you're talking about i just talked to him a few days ago he most certainly is healed i said let me call him i called him on the phone and said phillip because i did not believe that they even called him so i called him i said did you get a call from cbc news he said yes i said did you tell them that you were not healed he said well i had to that was the first time ever i saw a man lie like that he said i had to i said why would you do that he said well brother benny don't you know i would lose my compensation i said listen here i said you mean to tell me that you lied to the news so you could keep your money he said well of course he said if that thing gets on the news my company will find out and i lose my compensation he said why should i you know tell anyone i'm healed i said philip [Music] if you do not tell the truth that sickness will come back on you oh no he said god will never do that i said oh yes i said i said if you will not walk that life of righteousness and i said that problem will come back a year later he was back in that brace you don't play games with god like that but god offer god offered him a miracle free yet he he was greedy for the check he was getting from the insurance or whatever company was paying him today the message of healing is not being heard because people maybe don't want to talk about it but there's more sick people today than there used to be back in the 70s when i started think about how many people have died just in the last few months that we've heard about that we've heard about the week sitting in this room it's time to believe god for miracles cancer has not gone away heart disease has not gone away arthritis has not gone away with all the breakthroughs in in in medical science it's still there more people are dying young people with cancer than they did 10 years ago and everyone wants to know about health and health and this and that i'm giving you something free of charge you don't have to go and buy all these vitamins and buy all the stuff you buy so you can get well god can touch you like that and then yes it's it's good to eat right it's good to take nutrients it's good to take vitamins it's good to take care of your body that you can keep what god has healed i've told people many times as said listen after god heals you don't go and do this the same thing you did before start to take care of your body now eat right he forgiveth all your iniquities nobody has a problem believing that because they want it so bad but he heals all your diseases every one of them and isaiah foretold the deliverance of god's people when he cried in isaiah 33 and was and and that was was fulfilled when the lord came to earth isaiah 33 and verse 24 is a beautiful verse and a great promise it says and the inhabitants shall not say i am sick and that's what happened when the lord walked the earth they were healed by the multitudes of them and the people that dwelt there in shall be forgiven their iniquity because he not only healed them he forgave them so preaching the gospel and healing go together and and when we receive both then we're able to prove to others he is the messiah because the bible makes it very clear do you remember in matthew 11 when john the baptist sent his followers and they asked the lord this question although he that should come or do we look for another that's what john the baptist said send them to ask and jesus answered and said unto them go and show john again those things which you do hear and see the blind receive their sight the lame walk the lepers are cleansed the death here the dead are raised up and the poor have the gospel preached to them so both healing and forgiveness offered to the crowds at the same time and when people receive both they are declaring you are the messiah when they accept both yes lord you're the messiah hear what i'm telling you we give him his proper place and proper title when we accept forgiveness and healing because he said are you the one that should come or do we look for another meaning messiah are you the messiah he said you go tell john the sick are healed and the gospel is preached to the poor these are the two signs of the messiah so when someone says to me i don't believe jesus heals i want to ask them do you believe he's the messiah then or not that's a very powerful question to ask anybody and they'll say yes well why don't you accept whom he says he is the forgiver of sins and the healer of our bodies the great physician he's the savior and the great physician he's the savior not only of my soul but my body i've seen more people healed in my lifetime than you can count i've seen more miracles in my lifetime than you can even count so it's too late to convince me it's too late to convince those of us who've seen miracles the miracles i saw in catherine's meetings before i was ever in the ministry will amaze you i mean amaze you the miracles i saw in my own meetings my first meeting in montreal canada a lady who was bent over like an arch bent like an archer her head was equal to her hip god straightened that body right in front of all of us people were screaming when that happened she was screaming her son was screaming crying the people were falling on their knees confessing their sins when they saw the woman's body just straightened his eyes his eyes and my eyes and marie dawn and chad back there we've seen miracles that will amaze you and i mean amaze you in the crusades we would see wheelchairs so many of them it was like a traffic jam empty wheelchairs one time when steve rock and alvin i think was cincinnati or indianapolis they they began to sing rise and be healed and 40 empty 40 wheelchairs emptied i think within minutes i was in sacramento california i see a girl on a stretcher steve barack is singing precious lamb of glory and the lord said go now i jumped like superman off that platform i can't do it now i'm too old but man i jumped like a one that had wings on i didn't go down the stairs i just jumped off that platform and i ran over there i said get up in jesus name and she jumped off that thing coming flying and they were singing right at that same time precious lamb of glory god's bones wonder sorry and the choir i think was a thousand voices or so the electric feeling in that building was too it was amazing the power of god she was jumping everywhere and that girl there in venezuela who was crippled from the waist down god healed her when my brother henry went into that crowd it was so dark back there you could not even see the crowd take your healing he said and she just jumped out of her stretcher she was also on some stretcher back there we've seen miracle after miracle the god we serve is the god of miracles and i am believing god with you today to receive your healing too and again he entered into capernaum after some days there was noise that he was in the house i'm reading mark chapter 2 and straight away many were gathered together in so much that there was no room to receive them no not so much about the door and they come unto him bringing one sick of the palsy which was one of four and when they could not come nigh unto him for the press they uncovered the roof where he was when they had broken it up they let down the bed within the sick of the prosely and jesus healed that man i just showed it to you earlier in the gospel of matthew lord god i give you that praise for your mercies are great thank you jesus for your mercy for your mercy jesus came to destroy the works of the devil saints in first john 3 8 it makes it clear and that is the will of god healing the sick is the will of god because jesus is the will of god in action by the fact he healed the sick it was god saying this is my will now salvation and healing if you want to be forgiven if you want to be healed there's only one way i know and here's a name through faith in his name paul at this time peter i should say was speaking those words when he said and his name through faith in his name have made this man strong whom you see and know yea the faith which is by him had given him this perfect soundness in the presence of you all that crippled man at the gate beautiful there was healed gloriously [Music] and 5 000 people accepted the message of salvation that day we find it in acts 4 verse 4 and you look at verse 12 of in that chapter and again we see neither is the salvation in any other name so here peter declares he's healed because of the of the name of jesus and then he declares in verse 12 neither is there salvation in any other for there's none other name under heaven given among men whereby we must be saved he was healed through his name and now salvation offered to the crowds through his name so the name of jesus heals and saves and this is very important of the highest importance in fact because salvation cannot be complete until our bodies will enjoy the fullness of redemption the fullness of redemption in our redemption healing is offered because the health of our body is the fruit of salvation it's the fruit of salvation like i said earlier many will accept the message of salvation today yet some will just reject healing today because no one is teaching it they have not heard it and because they haven't heard it there's no faith to believe for it and i think happy is the person who comes to understand that it is god's will to save and to heal so here's the key as thou has believed matthew 8 13 as thou has believed so the scripture brings before us one of the principal laws of the kingdom of heaven not only does god give or withhold his grace but god gives or withholds according to faith see god does not give or hold back he only gives and holds back according to our acceptance so in other words someone cannot be saved if they reject it as many as received him as many as accepted as many as received him to them gave you power to become sons of god so salvation has to be accepted so it's not that god gives and withholds that's not his nature god gives according to the portion of faith according to faith god withholds according to faith so he said in the word the lord said to us very very clearly he said as thou has believed according to your faith so he gives only in proportion to our faith the bible says but what is what is faith what is our faith is that something we produce mentally no no no no it's not something that we convince ourselves in believing this is one of the most amazing revelations god gave me years ago jesus said for verily i'm reading matthew 17 20 i say to you if you have faith as a grain of mustard seed you shall say unto this mountain remove hands to yonder place natural move now let me just read one more one more verse because i'm going to explain it to you and i need i need like your full attention on this because you've we've heard messages on faith over and over and over and i think they they keep one thing out usually that kind of uh takes the steam out of it and this is the confidence we have in him stop this is the confidence we have in him not about him this is the confidence we have in him in him means i am in him and he is in me and his presence so permeates my life there is no doubt jim did you get what i said it's the presence of the lord it's the presence of the lord you know rich cook wrote that song jesus your presence play for me your presence makes me whole not my mental created faith that i believe a promise no it's not about the promise it's about the one who gave it it's about the one who gave it please hear me i this you're gonna you've gotta grasp this anyone can give you a promise [Music] but do you know them do you really really know that person who made that promise because people can promise you all kinds of things and often they break the promise why because there's no relationship there's no fellowship god almighty gives us of himself he is our faith faith is a person named jesus i trust him completely completely with my soul i have never seen him but i know him and i trust him come eternity having not seen him i trust him how because the holy spirit has made jesus more real to me than my own life when catherine said in that day he's more real to me than you i was stunned because no one had said that before that in a service that i attended nobody not any of the pastors that i listened to ever said those words and they were great bible teachers great some of the greatest people i i'd ever heard teach the bible were some of these pastors in canada when when i was saved but not one of them ever said in my i'm sure they did somewhere but i didn't hear them that jesus is more real to me than you are and catherine stood there and said he's more real to me than you and something lived in my heart i said i i cried lord i want to know you like that [Music] faith is impossible without relationship with the son of god that you trust him to fulfill what he said abraham had a question what will you give me sing i go childless read it there in genesis 15 what will you give me he had a question and he was questioning whether he would ever have children [Music] god said come on count the stars and it says he believed in the lord he believed in the lord means there was a relationship now he believed in the lord please listen it's not about what god said it's about him he believed in the lord in the lord means he believed in the integrity of the person who spoke he knew his heart it's not about taking a verse out and said well he said but do you know him do you really really know him do you have a relationship that is tight the reason people question is because they don't know him there is that peace there's that security there's that assurance when you know him so jesus said you believe in god believe in me in me in me not about me in me believe who i am let not your heart be troubled you believe in god believe in me in other words relationship do you believe my heart do you believe that i'm someone who doesn't lie to you do you believe that i'm someone who gives you what i say i will do and the only reason people some sometimes are not healed is because they are begging for it you don't have to back someone that you know you don't beg people you know you just go there very comfortably and ask and you know they can't say no because they love you they love you i never had to beg my mother i never had to beg my dad and i would have to beg someone that loves me and i love them i just know they're going to do it there's no begging in relationship here's what i'm telling you there is no begging marie do you do you beg your mother to give you something never chad do you do do you have to beg your your family for their love no do you have to beg your mom and dad please love me no how about you jim because you know them they're they're not gonna refuse you your mom would literally would have given you everything you asked for you did the same there's no begging in relationship jesus has made us a promise i am the god that he left thee how do i receive it in his presence in his presence this healing okay now lift your hands to you jesus your presence makes me whole so simple so simple i've watched people in my crusades struggle [Music] and they receive nothing [Music] and i've watched them when they just relaxed that's beautiful bruce thank you when they just let go of the begging and the agonizing and the asking over and over and over again they just let go and trusted him [Music] and they sensed his presence and the sickness was gone how beautiful just relax just be free from that stress of asking uh jim thank you i now i need your your attention just for about a few minutes now because i want to pray with you i want to pray with you that god almighty will bless your finances you know we are living in amazing times for the church dangerous times for the world and people right now are all uh in the world are worried about the future and i don't want you to worry at all dear marie can can you please sit down now i yeah i don't want you to worry at all i i want you to to to listen to me now and hear the word of the lord the bible is very clear god says in his word in deuteronomy 28 and verse 12. i want to i want to read that to you because this is a great promise and god almighty has given us his word and the lord shall open unto thee his good treasure the heaven to give the rain unto thy land in his season and to bless all the work of your hand and thou shall lend unto many nations and thou shalt not borrow thou shalt not borrow now the word of god is very very clear that he will bless you in such a manner that there will be abundance in your life and your future you know when you when you look at the at the world there they they fear three things even the unbelievers they fear death they fear disease and they fear poverty these are the three great fears in the world but i don't want you to fear any one of these the bible says fear not for i am with thee god almighty says don't be afraid in in fact the lord said when you see the these things happening on earth which you are seeing now he said fear not instead look up your redemption drought nigh so any christian who lives in fear is not living the christian life properly because we are not to fear lack we're not to fear disease we're not to fear death because jesus conquered all of that all of that so the bible makes it very clear that we are to trust and obey the word of the lord in in proverbs chapter 1 [Music] and verse 33 write these scriptures down please proverbs 1 and 33 listen to what the bible says but whoso hearkeneth unto me whoever hearkens to me shall dwell safely and shall be quiet from the fear of evil he that listens to me will never fear the bible says god doesn't want you to be afraid of what tomorrow may bring whoso hearkeneth unto me shall dwell safely shall dwell in safety and shall be quiet from fear of evil so the world lives in fear we do not live in fear we live by faith and we live in faith now please let me show you one more scripture because in proverbs 11 and verse 28 god commands us not to trust in money but to trust him to trust him because people sometimes trust their investments they trust themselves in making sure their future is secure so they they invest money or they look for ways to make sure that when they're old they'll have money the bible says this proverbs 11 28 he that trusteth in his riches shall fall he that trusts in himself shall fall but the righteous shall flourish the righteous shall flourish look i believe in being wise of course i do i believe in being smart of course i do but when your trust is in your genius your trust is in your ability the bible makes it very clear here in this wonderful verse he that trusts in his riches or his abilities will fall i remember talking to a man that invested 40 million dollars in a phone company and lost all of it 40 million in some company a phone company and lost it because he thought he was smart enough to make the right decision and he failed in his decision you know people may succeed here and may succeed there but if they're trusting in their own self along the way something will go wrong i have not seen the righteous forsaken i have not seen his seed begging for food or bread the bible is very very clear if you trust the lord you'll never lack never it's impossible to lack and the bible says this it says it says when god's blessings come there's no sorrow with them there's no bondage with them they come with joy when the blessings of god come they come with joy but when someone makes his own decisions there's no joy there's fear he's worried every day about is it going to work is it not going to work he's watching every day okay did it work did it not work and his heart drops when the market drops he's trusting in what humanity can give him our trust is in the lord i have not seen the righteous forsaken i promise you like david said i'm saying i've not seen the righteous forsaken never never it just doesn't happen i've known people many people not just one who lived that life of faith who were not preachers they were people who just loved jesus and god never failed them never failed them some of them that used to come to occ some of them that came to my old beautiful meetings in canada in the in the old days lived to be in their in their 80s and their 90s never lacked one meal never lacked anything in their life they were not wealthy millionaires but they had no lack they had not one day of lack in their life and they would tell me stories about how god met their need supernaturally because we all have needs everybody has needs but when when we we live uh in fear when we we're we're not trusting the lord really when we live in fear so god says whoever hearkens to me will have no fear it's impossible to have fear and promise after promise it just says what god looks for is righteousness in in our life so when you read proverbs 14 verse 11 or proverbs 15 verse 6 or proverbs 22 4 it talks about how righteousness brings blessings brings prosperity time after time after time after time all right let me just show it to you come on proverbs chapter 14. you know i'm telling you i'm giving you the word of god i'm not giving you my own opinion this is the precious word of god the house of the wicked shall be overthrown proverbs 14 11 the house of the wicked shall be overthrown he may have money but it doesn't mean a thing but the tabernacle of the upright will flourish because he's righteous he's upright then in chapter 15 verse 6 well known but we need to hear it again and again and again in the house of the righteous it's treasure but in the revenues of the wicked it's always trouble he may have revenues it doesn't say he won't have it it just says he has trouble with it and trouble means he's going to lose it it doesn't mean a thing when someone has money i have known people with money who were so miserable and lost it like that i've known them believe me i've known them now the word of god i'm just giving you the word of god in proverbs 22 verse 4 what a beautiful beautiful promise by humility and the fear of the lord that's all we that's all we have to have humility and the fear of of the lord it doesn't even say by by intelligence doesn't even say by education i know a lot of people highly educated who are miserably poor they don't have a thing to show but the bible says by humility and the fear of the lord are riches and honor and life so what is god looking for in our hearts be humble before him fear the lord live a righteous life that's it how simple is that god's word so precious and then you know you read uh something so so amazing that that people i think ignore it says don't labor to be rich we christians are commanded not to work to make money not to work to be rich look we all have to work of course otherwise we won't eat that's what the bible says too but if i focus on i'm going to work hard that before i die i have so much in the bank i'm going to lose it it says in proverbs 23 verse 4 labor not to be rich cease from your own wisdom put your trust in the lord it's so simple to prosper your trust is in the lord because you are to honor him and he has a covenant with you and his covenant promises you will prosper you say well you're preaching something simple thank god it is saints let me be blunt and honest the rich out there are not blessed those rich people out there that you listen to or know about when the economy starts to struggle down they go we've seen we have seen it already and they have no peace and joy in their life but the bible makes it very clear if we trust the lord if we obey the lord if we fear the lord by humility and the fear of the lord rich has come very easy and there's no trouble with it there's no trouble with it and finally the bible tells us something else in proverbs 13 and i know you know this verse by heart i'm sure many of you but i think it's important to see it one more time because it's god's precious word a good man leaveth an inheritance to his children's children you'll have enough to have money to give to your grandchildren because it says it's not about your wisdom and about you knowing how to make money a good man leaves an inheritance to his children's children someone that god is pleased with how i just told you i'll say it again humility and the fear of the lord that's it then there'll be riches there'll be honor there'll be life so if people are afraid of disease or death and disease and poverty the answer is quite clear humility and the fear of the lord because the promise also adds life there's life in it if i'm humble before the lord and i fear him he promised me life it's as rich as honor and life well that includes healing doesn't it because life means health too so how do we get blessed humility and the fear of the lord it's so simple and then it adds in this amazing verse not only will you leave an inheritance to your grandchildren but it says that the day will come when the wealth of the sinner will be given to you and i know that's been a little messed up this teaching people are looking for money many many many so they they give believing god's going to give them the wealth of some big millionaire out there it's not about that it's about humility and the fear of the lord it's about living the life as a christian as a righteous man it says the righteous they're the ones that god will trust with that treasure yes it is important to give to the lord's work but why do we give do we give because we're greedy do we give because we're selfish no we give because we love him more than our own life we give him because we trust him we give him because we believe his gospel must be preached we give him because his word says give we delight in his cause we delight to serve him that's all we want is to be acceptable in his sight a true giver is one who puts god as a source he's saying lord i trust you i trust you for my life i trust you for my future i trust you with my finances i'm not giving because i'm greedy i'm giving because i adore you i am giving because i love your word and i love the gospel and i want to see people saved and people healed and delivered that is what it means by humility and the fear of the lord now lord bless them some worship please behind me the lord bless them you promised in your word i have not seen the righteous forsaken i've not seen his seed begging for bread now lord because they love you they're going to obey your word right now because you said dear jesus you said give and it shall be given unto you you said this is your command to us to give and today we give with all our love we give with all our hearts we don't give because of some selfishness in us we give because we love you with all of our hearts and you promise that you would reward us for our love reward us with the harvest we give you praise but i may cause them who love me to inherit substance your word says i will cause them who love me to inherit substance hallelujah we give you the praise you can sow your seed right now the information is on the screen for you for those watching us on our platforms benign ministries you can so right on the platform you're watching me on you can go to our website or you can just simply text bhm 4577 seven you can just do it right now or just simply follow what it says on the screen god almighty will bless you as you sow your seed god almighty will never disappoint you he will open unto thee his good treasure the bible says hallelujah and as you give and as you sow i'm going to pray right now that god will bless you with the salvation of your loved ones too and i'm not done yet because in just a few moments i want to talk to those who need the lord jesus as savior but i want you to trust god to bring salvation to your homes in these last days you promised to do it now for those of you that don't know the lord the time has come for you to give him your life for god so love the world think about these words for god so loved the world that he gave his only begotten son that whosoever whoever believes in him will not perish but have life eternal the bible says all have sinned all have come short of the glory of god the bible says the wages of sin is death but thank god there's a gift but the gift of god is life eternal through jesus and those of you that don't know the lord it's time you say yes to him just come to jesus give him your life today would you pray this simple prayer after me just say dear lord jesus i need you i believe you are the son of god i believe lord you came to earth and died for me on a cross and i give you my life right now i come to you right now lord and i confess i'm a sinner i confess i need you for i believe you are the son of almighty god i believe you came to earth and died for me and rose from the dead i believe you are centered on high and right now you're seated at god's right hand and i believe you're coming back to earth again and now lord i give you my life cleanse me with your blood come into my heart and save my soul and i declare you as my redeemer a savior my lord forever i surrender my life is yours forever amen and amen thank you for praying with me thank you for giving your life to the lord the rest of you thank you for giving to the lord's work i appreciate that so much may the lord bless you reward you put our address back on in case they they want to get hold of us chad on the screen please yeah pray the lord will bless you and if you need prayer send me an email pastor benny bennehen dot org past benny thank you for joining me i'll be i'll be back to you in about two weeks or so with another glorious healing service with people with us we're gonna have a large audience next time and join me daily at 1pm on the east coast and join bhi the benihan institute is growing we are over 3 300 something people already and many of you can join and i teach on mondays and thursdays and i'm adding more more classes soon with more teachers and only for 25 a month you can be a part of the benihan institute all right much love to you and don't forget i told you i'm going to do a special zoom only service from my home for you sweet from my own studio from you for you sweet people that want to join us and just let me know by email that you you really want this by by just sending me an email at binihin passover all right have a blessed day shalom [Music] you
Channel: Benny Hinn Ministries
Views: 15,592
Rating: undefined out of 5
Id: 7Dm12LJ2f2M
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 66min 27sec (3987 seconds)
Published: Sun Oct 03 2021
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