The Power Of Sacrifice || Prophet Passion Java

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[Music] pathetic our receive this program of profit passing Java this program will bring you prophetic impartation replication and revelations that will change your life forever to encourage and inspire and motivate you to keep marching towards your destiny now [Music] receive this fresh word from profit passion as it flows from the vials of heaven to saturate your soul prophetic hour with profit Bastion Java between and in God is that when you take a knife to cut a limb he doesn't fight you if you are slating is slicing it slowly it doesn't produce any sound you know that right because opposes they don't operate in the realm of voices or sounds they operate in the realm of the word so they will never say anything that's why Jesus was representing the Apostolic and the John the Baptist was representing the prophetic that's why John was the voice crying in the wilderness preparing the way of the Messiah so when he wrote cut the head of the Prophet with the voice jesus answered Pilate but when you went to a rowdy did not say in word because I'm the word how can I speak if you have silenced my voice and if you understand what I'm talking about so every apostille is the prophetic and every prophet needs the Apostolic you can't be complete without another anointing that's why no bed can fly with our two wings no bed can fly without two wings you need one wing which is your calling and the supporting calling and if you are in the prophetic today you should receive the apostolic yes opposed to announced and established prophesy and fulfill you should give the grace to operate in that dimension if I forgot the law says there are seven people here that are going to receive this seventh dimension of speaking in tongue tongue number seven the tongue that when you walk into a place somebody's over Jew in their prophetic you speak in a tongue and what God said will come to pass I'm gonna demonstrate it here tonight a people with prophecies that have not yet come to pass but they were supposed to have come to pass in June in July in August in October in November I will declare before end of this year China Mikado Viviana Messiah day before end of the same but you are supposed to touch your prophesy and say this is what God yet spoke in my life are you ready somebody tell your neighbor it shall come to pass whether the devil doesn't like it whether he hates it it shall come to pass every prophetic word is coming to pass I feel it in his column and so when they build the temple it was divided in three segments right there was the outer coat am i right and do what the inner Court and the Holy of Holies in the outer coat there was nothing there prophets that prophesies in the outer coat you will never be known around the world you can be sharper than a prophet within the wall of Wallace but nobody will talk about you and some of you in the outer Court we need to put into the whole of valleys what makes you big is not prophecy what makes you prop big is who did you prophesied do you hear what I'm talking about wood did you prophesied too so if i prophesy this guy nobody will talk about this maybe his family maybe you caused some six seven people but if i prophesy to Donald Trump it makes me big in America so if you prophesy in the outer Court nobody will know about you if i prophesy in this room without cameras nobody will know about us but if we prophesy and take the video and put it on CNN the whole to know about us so who are you promising to weigh are you standing while is your prophesy if we are in the outer court nobody will know about you you will be extra deep like Pradeep but nobody will know about you are they step number two their prophets in the inner court they are prophets in the inner Court they are in-between those are the people that when they do business it's just normal business it's okay some people know it to a certain extent hurry Krakowski dobrze had the keys of [Music] glory in the inner court these are prophets like Olmos yes they are in the Bible yes they prophesied but people just there's a professional like now some of you don't even know the book of neroon right or what's in the book of now because they are in the inner Court do you know is in the outer court those ones that the Bible says and the Satan men say to Joseph do you know the name of the settlement no he's in the outer Court but a Moses in the inner court we know about him Jordan is amid webs noise we know about Jonah but we can compel John in Ezekiel even though you don't even know what prophecies like yo give you know his echo is bigger than him why Ezekiel is in the inner court but we prophets that tie in the whole of Wally's when we talk of Moses Abraham doesn't have a book in the Bible but because he was in the world of Woolies he is the father of all of them yet he does not have a book in the Bible Adam doesn't have a book in the Bible but Adam is a father is bigger than all of them why Adam was in the whole of Wallace so where you are determines your level in the prophetic howl abraca social Ahmadi Akatsuki Behati ie they it's very important to know where do you operate from but when you enter in the world of Holies there was better skin you know as a pager a you know burger what do you say Persia do you know many know it there's more animal it looks like a rabbit but it's a long tail that animal is a mystical animal you can Google but it or other animals when a snake bites them they die including a lion if a snake bites a lion the lion who died are you then butterbur yeah what do you got is a badger badger dies for five seconds then it comes back to life the blood of a badger I don't know whatever name is that that one it takes poison is affected they need to use itself so when God spoke to Moses to build the whole of Wali's if they take the Badger skin and cover it so that no snake the snake is the devil can enter inside of it nothing can harm it it's a well protected why because in the Hall of Ali's we are not only talking about the presence of God we are talking about the glory [Music] Moses yet the presence of what it was not the glory of God that parted the Red Sea it was the presence of God so Moses in chapter 33 he said I beseech you God show me thy glory he wanted to operate in a dimension in the whole of Holies because he knows once I get in the world of Holies the devil can't affect me my anger issues will not affect me that's why he too died premature because the devil penetrated into him and he end up hitting the rock in the state of speaking to the rock are you there but other the pages came God says you take God's hair and put it in the why God's hair God says just on the mouth part I need a voice to speak with because the God is representing the Prophet when you get in there I need their voice to speak I wish you would hear what I'm talking about come to people so this is a ship as you can see these are God's advocates when I'm flocking the ships I go in front of the ships then I lead the way and the ships of all I don't know if you understand but if I'm floating the gods I can't go in front they will never follow I have to go behind and make sure I control all of them I don't know if you understand because apostles they operate with the doctrine so they have a path to follow which is a dolphin and the green represents the doctrine of also don't be toasted to and from with the wind of doctrine prophets they are not moved by the doctrine stay tuned you are watching the prophetic hour [Music] we have a free book for you titled how to conquer water spirits by profit passion to download our latest books and find books for free please visit profit passion calm and click the button on top that says store welcome back you were watching the pathetic our profit passion apostle's they have doctrine they walk in one path so the limp represents the Apostles but the God represents the Prophet where we read here the bypasses in Chapter number of chapter number 10 verse number 1 Samuel took a vow of oil everything was prophetic then when he was anointing DVD - what a warn of oil the warnings of God meant a vow is a man-made which means they didn't expelling debt because it is for men anything made by men is expelling debt that's why God rejected the song but when it came to Samuel David David sinned modern so and causes is a man out of my own heart because his kingship was from God but his kingship was from human beings but then he poured oil which is the anointing and imparted himself the prophetic which is the realm of God's the court is the prophet that means he now here's the ability or you the anointing is the ability and the God is the voice the prophetic he has the prophetic ability he has the voice of God but something is lacking so he said when you depart from here you shall meet three men why are they going the same they are going to be carrying one you be carrying three gods you don't need the God I already gave you the prophetic the other one will be carrying a bottle of wine what is wine they are no anything you don't need the anointing already poured it upon you but either one will be carrying three loaves of bread you are lacking the weight so the major problem of the prophets is to it they will lack the word so when you meet these three people they'll give you the word because many people in the first dimension they have the Prophet anointing that's why they keep messing up and goes to use them because of the ability they have some they operate in the second dimension they have the voice of God so they can prophesy any time and still they'll mess up but once you enter in the teddy dimension of the world you become a clean prophet and God is a raisin people that will not embarrass his name God is raising people that too much which perfection in the prophetic so that the errors that Elijah did in the world they will not do the same errors the errors of job they will not make the same errors the errors of the people that I read in the Old Testament in the New Testament you will not repeat the same error because God is completing the assignments from the beginning of the Minister of Elijah Elijah Moses is a Kyo nam oppa everyone in the world when God brings back the spirits they are coming to perfect the errors they made in the past so God is putting you in that 8th dimension which is the word of God so he says two loaves of bread to be given to you that all the bread and the new bread the Old Testament in the New Testament I am completing the work what medium was is to fail in the Old Testament I did not give you the glory God I want to see you you can only see my back so I am not yet complete because you have not seen my face so God took the same Moses in the Old Testament and brought him in mark chapter number 10 and Moses saw the face of God he saw Jesus face to face to complete the back and the front so that now you can operate in the glory of God i prophesy over your life today may God put the glory in your spirit for the prison suffering cannot be compared with the future glory we shall be rebuilding you the glory of the former shall not see past the glory of the former's on the surface of the future I pray for the glory the boat glory the Shekinah glory the glory of God rests in your lies a climatic aura Ikeda be Island station saruman Demaryius Yokosuka day in Jesus name Amen glory I talked too much where was I or the gorgeous you can see and the lamp so this is the prophetic and this is the Apostolic let me break it down thank you can you travel become a president unless is inaugurated by Obama can he become a president it is a president that is to ordain a president to be a President Koroma has occurred hey when it comes to a king anybody in the streets can't come and become a king you have to be a prince to become a king so there are people that when God wants to make you a king he connects you to a king vests for Moses to become a father I needed to be adopted by far and FRR to raise him to become a father so the main question is how can you so become a king in Israel unless a king ordained them the first king in Israel is not so because when people cried that is not a criteria of a king for the first time they cry to have a king like other nations meaning Israel yet a different King they did not cry to have a king for the first time they cried to have a king like other nations do I make sense to somebody meaning they had a spiritual King they did not have a physical king that's why when people cry to God we want a king when the king like other nations somehow began to cry and God came down to comfort him do you know what God said they did not reject you they rejected me meaning he was rejected as a spiritual King so it is somehow now we know needs to raise somebody as a prince to becoming King I'm talking about so the Bible says God selected his so to become king and to be a king you need a crown and ancient crowns day the six I don't know what do we code two pointers the pointers that points up whatever they vote on the crown in a crown is like this those things going up what a devotee but we know what I'm from Valley as long as you know it we are good it is six pointers going up and his soul moved in five cities and when it is the fat fifth the city was sorted there is a man of God in the city the sixty city that men shall show you where the donkeys are meaning going into six cities he have gone through all the land is about rule God prepared him fast then took him and placed him in the hands of Samuel and if Samuel said don't worry about the donkeys why the donkeys have been found right but your father is in worry something is it something your father he's worried about you I izapata Lucy as a son and now I talk to you to be my son I are not here let me read something first so much of the tent and they came either to the hue and behold a company profits met him and the Spirit of God came upon him and he prophesied among them and it came to pass when all that he knew him before thought what behold he prophesied among the prophets then the people said one to another what is this that is come upon the son of chief that it become upon the son of kish is so among the prophets question mark and one of the same place untied and said but who is their father therefore it became a prophet is so also among the prophets do you agree on the question the question is what is he not the son of Kish then the next question is was a father who is his father our nephew understand they know that the son of kishka not prophesy that means he transferred to another father that any opposed him to prophesy today is the day in the realms of the Spirit that God is disconnecting you from your physical bloodline I prophesy with my eyes open with my eyes closed i prophesy over your life God is breaking the backbone of your spiritual kiss is it breaking you out from the kiss of your family you no longer belong to your house God is transferring you to a new house and that house is for the house of the prophetic I stay tuned you are watching the prophetic hour [Music] if you would like to speak to the Prophet for a private prophetic session register for a one-on-one phone call with him please visit prophet fashion calm and click the button it says one-on-one the top of the page welcome back you are watching the prophetic a prophet passion [Music] the Bible says when God came down he said among all my house none is like Moses to other prophets I speak in reduce I speak in that species but when it comes to Moses I speak to him Festivus I transferred the same grace when God was speaking to you in that speeches in dreams individuals to take we take you out from that position we pull you from the outer courts we pull you from the inner court we bless you in the Holy of Holies mangog and a decade upon taha by rabbinic ice until the broccoli he grahas Kadabra marinara miranda has sakata hagen kaha stove aha - Coco Coco Coco Chevy bbbbb at SIA Cote in dukkha disturb rock dividing station Oklahoma Skeeter Bryan God is breaking every American Court in which were born under he is disconnecting you from your bloodline any demon that was coming through your blood it will find you no more you no longer belong to your family this fire in the house right now and every demon will not stand right now Mia how to keep a high we never know Sally heavy on the say hi hi shaky kappa on say hi hi super at the equity will aspire fire the holy ghost [Music] [Music] the fire the plants is upon you today you are being disconnected to be connected I release the image of the Holy Ghost the anointing of the Holy Ghost the fire of the Holy Ghost Mira Katya Katya kitty because to deforestation in the name of Jesus from today you have cross over to the other side you are now a new creation wina malanga malinga mercy baba anga Barrack Obama Han Damas agree agree he scored a bra unda bacha bazi mandir adubato go chica barrow CP riccati Akasha Maha in the name above every name Mahadeva hast the divine station Mahadeva I saw angels moving among you with scissors and I saw a human breaker cause being cut from your from your belly buttons God is disconnecting your lives to connect you with a fresh prophetic life the cord will feed you with the prophetic anointing the prophetic food Zee Kaaba gosh kimba ma Hungama psychotic what you Mariko God does what mama eats is what gets in you through the you merica court what spiritual what what happens in the spiritual is that in the spirit we eat the world the words of our assignment the fruits of the spirit as I connect myself with you this day what I have been fed in the spirit will get into your system megadose Tabaka debounce Allahabad hey Garo Sangha Baraka Enzo's to touch your lives right now just me acaba de Hazuki Doubront Okies Allah high in Nam acaba Sidibe active on the leader Brosky is Allah Monday in the name above every name in the name of Jesus somebody's out amen I was praying in the morning in my vision I saw myself giving you this jacket the Lord is making you a commander in the realms of the spirits going to command the realms of the spirits in the realms of the Spirit God is doubling and tripling the prophetic anointing in your spirit get ready you about a prophesy sing put the bike I see there being is like they were revved I see there being release your eyes the Lord is removing there was a look in your eyes are not is removing it the party bin met straight you are being taken from the valley and God is putting you on top of the mountain sighs Isis sighs I [Music] Bhansali a divided station Depot's elite applicants when it will be a beautiful year for you but you arise above the ground you shine in the light of God who sprayed all over you it is your time in your season say Shalom McGinty guy Deakins talk about de Bain de bomba Mahama CBB rock best ddddd by octo owns a lady across rudy niden station of the aden station eek plastic Tina clock up make egg size I click a Tosh PNT clear instruction alien station rebe on stain a Cleveland stuck up being steak egg sick up lady instruction EAGA boss brightly be on station egg divine station this day you will not forget it for what the Lord led me to do for you is more than binky it goes beyond emotions it goes behind the willingness heart but God ever remembered you I'm gonna give you my watch [Applause] and God is changing seasons for you and is making you to operate in the realms of the spirits you shall Co fire from the heavens and it will come down the court from your mother is being disconnected the spirit of your mother that was spoken over your life is being disconnected and this very day you are being connected directly to my spirits no weapon formed against you shall prosper the Lord Jesus shall lead your path you can be a king psycho audubon Takasugi de NOLA marito ABI mama Angus Akira normal I been caustic divine station a caboose active and Ikeda bus it deboned akisto by reading Sally abracada Akash Candida by Zuzu's Isis at lady be intestine Cadabra he rigged a stroke a Clinton station ich Mi'kmaq Cecchetti Anglet is typically ugly grahas Calibra a branagh mulatto a Breanna makuu stickability AK Vince torsion ik Max ik Achtung guy a king thinking tattoo to congee critique deep artists taking haha' in Omaha Yamazaki Mahan Coco Mika Angus atop a minimal octo Mary Hungama Summa Mary gastic diva ident station kate mara gastic deepest ocean Agabus me ha baba he was Santo Hyrum astok divine station the case had been broken every words spoken there will not come to pass it is done says the law [Applause] that feed log I prophesied about I saw them gathering I saw them speaking words that your business will collapse by June next year that you disconnect with your children that you will live a miserable life but God's Word is above every word God's Word is above witchcraft words now says the Spirit of the Living God I break your paths I disconnect you I remove every sought I I make you free today the light of Jehovah's or sign in you on you through you and the world shall be blessed by thee Mike istick divine station Inc opposed in deulim acidity in Jesus name it is done stay tuned you are watching the prophetic [Music] to invite profit passion to your church please visit profit passion comm and scroll down to the blue button that says invite profit passion welcome back you are watching the pathetic dollar profit passion I saw an angel touching you and you are being disconnected from your past I'm talking to you I don't know if you have been in a specific place but I was taken and I saw a tree by my right I began to see numbers I saw a two and I saw a six and I say three I saw two six three I saw a Christmas tree what is Santa yes it is called Santa the Lord is disconnecting you with every carnation of the pass at your location because I was taken to Georgia and I was taken to your house and the Lord spoke to me and he says tell you that the past is being broken every thought tie is being disconnected from your life the Lord is saying I'm about to do a new thing in your life that if told you will not believe there is a major grace that God is releasing upon your life and that which you went through the law says I'm gonna touch your daughter and your daughter will not go through the same part because today I put two in a new dimension not so you go by the blood of your tribe but my light shall shine in you you will go by my lights as my word says in the beginning was the word the Word was with God and the Word was God and him was life and that life was the light it is the same light does so sprayed all over you and my light will move from you to your family I will bless you I will bless your house there will be no leg in your house I bring photo restoration and grace over your life I will raise you up and I'll give you your own house I'll make you own your own house I'll make you have your own business I raised you as a prophetic voice get ready to prophesy get ready to speak my word to my people for my prophetic is upon you says the Spirit of the Living God God is giving new tongues right now I see the angel tongues embracing you is like the Ange of tongues is hiding you right now receive the languages of the Spirit receive the languages of the Spirit receive the languages of the Spirit in the mighty name of Jesus I transferred in a Malik Tommy Hungama Singham aha today today mingled a baby a caseta para katika perak river sigh open your mouth and begin to speak those words those words all come out with fire and the power of the Holy Ghost so straight through you says the spirit of the Almighty living shaken Kali Ziga activated station the coup de Baca Dyke Ibaka tippin's I D Kappa Cobra hast leader Brian Joseph come learn on sort of riccati equation of Monday color brown represents long-suffering and it's not a mistake you put on brown today letter represents tears cry that's why when John was wearing later he became the voice that was crying in the wilderness the Lord is saying today you are crossing over to the other side today you are crossing over to the other side there shall be no suffering in your own house there'll be no suffering to your kids that's why you're wearing the brown belt in your waist area we ever came out from you will not go through what you went through God is establishing your business and it's so provide for the 40-50 generation to the signal arisen from you saying that depo will try to attack you for the last time but I have given you grace this is your time for victory if I be a prophet you will come back here with a tangible testimony I see you building and helping us to extend this edge God will embarrass you with money but you give you more than you ever thought of God says it so be as if you are dreaming and your mouth shall be full of laughter because I'm about to do a new thing in your life that if told you will not believe and so try to cross over to the other side says the spirit I transferred the priesthood anointing over your life the spirit of the prophetic over your life I disconnect you and your family from every tribe ah cases they are broken today we announce the blessing of Abraham over your life we go spread your wings you shall be a blessing says the spirit of the Living God god bless you I need everybody right now to find something to sacrifice before God in this atmosphere I saw the angel was telling yesterday by the name Azrael standing at the corner there and I knew that this is time to sacrifice and I already sacrificed on my behalf and I'm still going to sacrifice more but I want every to find a sacrificial seed in your heart be it 10,000 be it your shoes be it your watch be it your weave I don't know whatever your cause sacrifice I am NOT saying give an offering I'm saying give a sacrificial giving sacrifice is something you can't afford to give but because it's a realm of sacrifice Sookie so find something to give right now when the Prophet jokes his jokes are prophetic find something to give right now can we have something from the worshipers day li brickowski namaha say god bless you maka baraka dia Coachella Mandy Missa kobato's navaja debajo Salaam Andy Mimbres acaba hottie god bless you come and give and make a covenant with God with your sacrifice Limbach a t-bone Salah Havana Hideki god bless you lead the Roudebush Abraha ticket of a hottie god bless you quickly come quickly come quickly come quickly come quickly god bless you Linda red abbas Deborah he grahas Kody Bronco bless you era de bazan dollar abba pasha god bless you nanda baba yaga warren emotion very deep abiy kacica god bless you Oh bless you and I'll take god bless you in the name of Jesus god bless you you know you're supposed to give you here existed you give now Macha de bas de bahadin station me la chrome the Masika ha ha decade Abraha to everybody lift your voice and began to pray Sutra basaltic atiba Toki stop uppity the case in your house have been ended today the loss end is upon you 2020 you smile like never before we have the grace of the Holy Spirit it is done in the name of Jesus find the sacrifice in your heart a toy has been open for you must seek hora debajo de Chaka mehandi Lika moussaka Baha Takeda behind a linen or moussaka boho salaamed area can see a casita leave two hands obviously Jesus I ran a must so Tyler Gustav aha God blessed Jesus God blessed Jesus if you're swiping you go to the big day the people that are watching [Music] I then the whatsapp group ragazza god bless you [Music] but listen [Music] I went to LA there was a need of money when I said Melanie I mean I need the nickname the Lord led me to succeed to first opinion I gave 60,000 and I gave $24,000 to my father Bishop Jones then my father caught me we were just enjoy I was the Joseph I don't know it was they didn't Jackson as they're not sure if I was with him we were watching some history ships with two eyes like a God with six with six legs things like that I remember that day and my father called me relevances well they need to get here right now talking about it with piece of diligence wants to see you right now I said I'm on my way so I made my wife you know about me I just getting a gooey shop buy something and go so my wife needs to do makeup and prepare stuff like that so we rush to the hotel feel fast I think he was you at your dream right then fast bus rushed [Music] restaurant Las Vegas which I believe is the most expensive restaurant in America and we are about 16 people I gave 63 days ago and I gave 24 thousand two days ago I have to give right now a seat just specifically for fish objects whenever you meet greatness don't miss a chance so I'm debating why should I give 5,000 10,000 so when I kadia go there my wife sometimes my wife says [Music] maybe five and immediately the holy space bug to be Elysees so a seed of 30,000 right now so they took the seat Haller a chick like every dream the seat after that I said the bill is mine and I don't know what is yes how much is the bill nine thousand four hundred years [Music] I fought with my father said I'm gonna take over that money whenever I'm with him he doesn't pay anything he knows that only when I say anything he doesn't take anything when his drinks he has more than enough water more than I think they already know when I walk with their Benelli and after every one minute I'm I'm offering something we fought fought so obvious and when I will be the best so I won when the check came now I need to give nine thousand four hundred plus tip [Music] sometimes you just have to jump into the deep end and this is my secret I want to share with everybody what motivates me to give is the day I'm going to die and I repeat what pushes me to give without hesitating is the day I went to die we are all going to die my grandfather was deep but he died whether you're poor or you are a billionaire you're going to die when are they gonna leave everything I'm wearing a Gucci wear a more uniform you're going to Dan Solomon says it's vanity of vanities so all these things are valid so the question is if all these things are funny - why are we on end do you hear what I'm saying why are we here if it's valid it's because the lay your treasures in heaven the life you are going to live for life forever and Ava and Ava is not here on earth so this is a land of opportunities for you to build a better life there lay your treasure in heaven I want to pray with everybody right now because of your sacrifice because of your seeds that are so high rubato boshy tada if you sue you have something you are led by the Holy Spirit to give from your heart don't keep the betting and thinking twice what is a shoe before God what is money before God what is a car before God what is a ring before God god bless you god bless you don't think twice when the Holy Spirit leads you to do something to it I don't know what I'm talking to but do it even those that are watching online make a sacrifice well as I think it's a screen of us wanted to see how he can send he was giving a ring or something like that so you can reach him being brother bass at Hawaii as we sing I'm gonna give everybody one minute if he is to have something in your heart that our Lord is leading you to give give it I didn't say everybody give $10,000 God is a lady make even $1 know it's you and God is God speaking to you god bless you leaves of gravity Quezada and this lady contributed to the buying of this chase may God bless you for that Namah suitable you know some people they don't know in the gift that I know that they give Limerick idea who shot a model area Cosima nice and tidy we are going to pray publicity and if your lady and you give your ring don't go back to your husband sir I gave the Prophet passion they gave me the house of God right forgive the Prophet you're gonna get me cute amen Libra Castle you demanded idiot [Music] Oh I'd say whether sacrifice [Music] - just where's the sacrifice come in boys a signal worshiping [Music] that's me [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] from ages [Music] yes that's me [Laughter] [Music] to [Applause] [Music] [Applause] to below draw below downtown oh yes too [Music] drop me [Music] I'll tell you [Music] father I pray you look at the hands because they have obeyed you let them be blessed for my sake let them carry that mental the prophetic if they have done some wrong if they have sinned I pray in the name of Jesus the blood of Jesus to cover each and every one of them they are forgiven right now and I pray that you shower them with the prophetic blessing and I pray for the prophetic anointing to cover each and every one of us in the name above every name I pray in Jesus name somebody thought a [Music] glory listen some people be thinking I'm going to wear these jackets I'm gonna take this shoes off right now I gave this jacket is about 1.2 thousand dollars and my watch is 20,000 I gave twenty one thousand two hundred if we combine this all it may not even be half of it why am I saying this I want to educate you when God leads you to give don't calculate don't overthink flow and I'm your father I need to lead by example I don't know if you understand what I'm talking about and I prayed that 2020 be a year of harvests you you you you you are going to take over in 2020 your ministry so take over your Crusades will take over your prophetic will take over what ever suffering you went through this and I know you went through suffering your patronage blesses many souls around the world to give board to partner with prophet fashion ministries please visit prophet passing calm and click the button that says give
Channel: Prophet Passion Java
Views: 11,942
Rating: 4.8450704 out of 5
Keywords: benny hinn, td jakes, noel jones, steven furtick, michael todd, todd white, uebert angel, shepard bushiri, Jesse duplantis, Kenneth copeland, Kenneth hagin, the breakfast club 105.1, Chris oyakhilome, Emmanuel makandiwa, billy graham, Reinhard bonnke, hillsong, bethel, deep prophecy, prophet passion, passion java
Id: Xzfxq0zrk6E
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 60min 5sec (3605 seconds)
Published: Wed Mar 11 2020
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