ULIIC - Rank 14 Warlord Classic WoW PvP Elemental Shaman #7
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Channel: Uliic
Views: 34,110
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Elemental shaman, wow classic pvp, elemental shaman classic wow pvp, elemental, shaman, classic wow, classic wow pvp, warsong gulch, alterac valley, elemental shaman pvp 60, Uliic, classic wow shaman pvp, elemental shaman pvp classic wow, shaman burst, wow classic shaman burst, Blizzard, world of warcarft, wow, classic elemental pvp, 60 elemental shaman pvp, elemental pvp wow classic, elemental shaman 60 pvp, elemental shaman classic montage, Uliic elemental shaman, HWL, Rank 14
Id: VwWo8fpAHYw
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 5min 4sec (304 seconds)
Published: Sun Sep 27 2020
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