Dorry & Brogy Storm Into Egghead!!

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[Music] goth and dog hope everyone is feeling fantastic today teching 101 here alongside my co-host Barry the brick before we get into today's one piece topic however I feel like it would be pertinent to remind you all that there is in fact going to be an exam this Thursday February 88th at 2 p.m Eastern Standard Time uh do not tell me that I did not warn you about this exam because I did last Thursday in fact with the one piece review at the very end I said there was going to be an exam a test on the Vinland Saga manga so don't come to me crying that you didn't do the required reading did you think I was joking about that uh-uh it's happening there's going to be an exam on Vinland Saga this is going on your final grade you're the one that signed up for this class did you think there wasn't going to be required reading assignments you're the one that pushed subscrib so that's how it's going to go there are exams in this course okay so uh I hope you're all ready for it I know some of you are I'm not saying everybody hasn't but you know there are somebody there's somebody over there that has a giant stack of Inland Saga manga has a pencil on a piece of paper and an energy drink in front of them like I'm ready teching I'm ready to take this exam all right so let's just follow by that person's example um if you're late to the class if you're late for the exam on February 8th 2 p.m Eastern Standard Time right here on the teching 101 Channel if you're late I will dock points that's just fair to everybody else that's involved here but uh yeah hope you're all ready for it okay cool so read the whole Finland Saga manga we'll be fine all right awesome so moving on today's video topic is going to be talking about the mighty Giants although they are more than just Giants ladies and gentlemen Dory and broggy the blue ogre and the red ogre have now achieved a legendary status they will be in the pantheon next to elbaff the war God for time and memorial for thousands nay millions of years after this after the one piece planet has been completely destroyed and fr fragments of it are just floating around space amidst the Stars Dory and brogy will be sitting in the Great Hall drinking an endless tankered of mead you know that is how epic Dory and brogie truly are and they are now properly back in the manga yes we saw them earlier at elb taking out the trash alongside Shanks that was very nice of them in fact to help Shanks take out the trash um but now they are heading toward Egghead to assist Luffy the Sun God and they know he is the Sun God all right so what does this mean for the story okay well number one first and foremost it means we're going to Alba baby oh yeah everybody get your Viking swords ready that's not required you don't have to have a Viking sword but uh you know having one would definitely be a bonus absolutely ceue up your favorite Norse heavy metal uh whichever one you listen to here um okay so I already talked a little bit about this when we saw them at elbaff you know earlier with Shanks okay and by the way I don't think Shanks is with Dory and brogy right now not to say that Dory and brogy are just by themselves because they were in that big Viking long ship okay and Dory and brogy sure they're Giants but a ship of that magnitude maybe it makes more sense to have more than just the two of them you know uh you know navigating and you know uh you know being the Helmsman and everything steering the ship and everything in fact old Viking long ships had the ores you know like a bunch of ores that like row row you know that kind of stuff right so maybe oo and Kashi are there maybe some other you know members of the Giant Warrior Pirates like some veterans from the crew are also there that are rowing the ship and bringing it to Egghead um I would like to see oo and Kashi again they were really fun and it would be cool to see them all reunited and kind of bring in the band back together okay remember the Giant Warrior Pirates um like there's different iterations of them you know like Lord Mountain beard and fall beard like the old Giants we saw in big mom flashback they were the captains you know like 150 or I guess well since big mom's flashback was already like 60 years ago maybe closer to like 200 something years ago they were the captains of that crew oh wait a minute 200 or so years ago also might have been around the time that the Iron Giant attacked marijua maybe that had something to do with that maybe we'll see a flashback at some point who knows anyway Dory and brogi were the leaders of the Giant Warrior Pirates uh a 100 years ago when they were both around 60 now for Giants that's like that's like your late teens early 20s uh they were young Giants at that point and they already both had bounties for 100 million each so if you're thinking to yourself maybe that Bounty of a 100 million that's a little bit low considering that there're supposed to be these great Giants keep a few things in mind number one they've been training on an island for a hundred years beating the crap out of each other every single day multiple times a day in fact okay so the training Arc for Dorian brogy yeah the straw hats two years try 100 a 100y year long training Arc and like I said they were like around 60 years old then they're around 160 now that's around 50 that and in the context of the one piece World being around like in your 40s and 50s that's like the Prime fighting moments of your life okay that's when you're like the most powerful like kak Curry was in his late 40s okay and no one would say like oh kter Curry he's over the hill he's weak as [ __ ] now no so this is like peak of their life in the one piece World also coincidentally I think Oda just recently turned 50 so maybe oda's like when he was 40 that was the peak and now he's 50 he's like no 50 that's the peak fighting uh age you know what I mean so they've been training for a lot and also um just the fact that the Giants at that point were more I mean they were very dangerous they were going around and pillaging and murdering and everything like that but if the Giants throw their hats in with the straw hats a Yono Fleet and they're getting involved in the legend of the Sun God and everything like that and especially right now if they're attacking like uh you know Marine Vice Admirals an admiral is there and even one of the garos say like if brogy takes out his axe and brings it down on Saturn like even if it doesn't work um he's definitely getting a bounty Spike you know what I mean if crocodile can go from like 81 million to over a billion Dorian brogy could certainly go from 100 million bounties from like a century ago also you got to account for inflation maybe there's Bounty inflation so 100 million berries a 100 years ago was maybe 500 million now or something like that maybe that makes more sense but anyway it doesn't matter their bounties are going to spike because they are now active again the Marines were even freaking out like oh it can't be them they were disbanded over a hundred years ago uh the new Giant Warrior pirates that hudin and uh Ro rad and Goldberg and girth are all part of and stansen um that's like a completely separate thing because like the mainstream Giant Warrior Pirates ended with Dori and broggy staying on little garden and then the remainder Giants not all of them but a good chunk of them were captured by the Marines and then that ties into the whole mother caramel story which ties into big mom story and all that kind of stuff right okay so I talked about that a little bit before I also want to just address this again something had to have happened to get them to leave little garden meaning somebody had to have gone to little garden to tell Dory and bragi about what's happening okay I think it has something to do with the Giants lore their mythology their religion worshiping the Sun God okay now as far as we know during the time skip or right after the time skip when the straw hats rejoined up at sabot and they continued on their journey and we see the decks of the world we see Dorian brogi still on little garden still brawling so they didn't leave during you know the time skip they were still at little garden when the straw hats reunited after uh after the two years okay so at some point from like the Fishman island arc I would say like at some point maybe around hake or wano cuz wano took up a lot of time there was like several weeks during the wano arc waiting for the fire festival and everything at some point someone had to arrive at little garden and tell Dory and brogie like hey uh the Sun God is back and maybe Ragnarok is happening soon so the great God elb has deemed that you two need to stop this duel for right now and the elb is definitely pleased and you need to come back to the the island of elath because shit's going down all right so it could have been oomo or Kashi we know after the events of en's Lobby oo and Kashi just returned to elb they didn't go immediately to little garden to get Dorian bragi uh because Usopp or I guess s King now now s King knew Usopp and Usopp told him about everything so that's how s King was able to relay the message to oo and K at any's lobby but was like oh yeah no Dory and brogie they're still alive they're not captured by the Marines they're on little garden that's an Island full of volcanos and dinosaurs and everything and they're just having a great time just brawling right and so oo and Kashi are like oh okay if their duel is still going on then I guess we'll just go back home and just wait for them if we know that that's what's what that's what they're doing right but uh maybe after returning to elb and hanging out for a bit maybe Odin or Thor or Loki or somebody had a prophecy or some such about like the end of the days like the big battle is coming which you know you could definitely hearken to that war that doflamingo thought about with like the throne Wars you could equate that to like Ragnarok you you know for certain that the Giants are going to have some Ragnarok Mythos they're going to have some great War where everybody comes together and like everybody's fighting and brawling and the Giants are there and and E is there and all of the garos are in their demon forms like there's just massive battle you you know that's going to be somewhere in their religion okay and they worship the sun god which means they worship NAA which means they basically worship Luffy okay so somebody told them they went back to elb to hang out they had to they had to take a shower you know it's been a hundred years since theyve bathed really you got to hang out there get some new armor get some new weapons Dory had the Terry sword and broggi had uh I I originally erroneously called it the uh the Berserker axe which is a really cool name but it's not that it's actually the Bruiser axe okay different different kind of Axe they were destroyed when they used their technique to destroy the giant goldfish to allow the straw hats to escape and then they just with their Shields and I think their Shields eventually broke so then they just started fighting with their fists you know what I mean over the last couple of years right so they had to go back to elb they got some better armor they got a new sword a new Axe and then they helped Shanks take out the garbage and then it was moving on like all right we got to go pick up Luffy we got to go save the straw hat hats okay now this is going to be absurd because we saw the size of that ship compared to the battleships of the Marines and we saw Dory and brogy just hacking apart Marine battleships now there are a hundred of them there are aund something battleships okay now plenty of them have been destroyed at this point by the paive Feast of Mark 3s and then Dorian brogy of course so you know there's less than that now but there's still a buster call going on and they're only attacking from the northeastern part of aead that's where Dorian fry are arriving that's like the original Escape Plan cuz it's like a it's like a straight shot to elath from the northeastern end of the island if you just line it up properly and then just shoot off then you'll eventually reach elbaff okay you know I was thinking oh what if uh what if Dory and bragi managed to get everybody out like like they escape and they go back to elath but then what if the Marines just follow them dude you know what I would welcome that I would want that to happen I want to see the this Marine Fleet follow them all the way back to elath and then the Marines have to fight the Giants I want to see that I don't think they will I think all the Marines would be smart enough I think even Saturn might be like all right they're going to elbaff next I mean you know Saturn views human lives like insects to him but he might be he might just view it like you could throw as many ants as you want at elb they'll all get annihilated so there's really no point in going we could try to fight the Giants but you know this is one ship and granted Dorian broggy are some of the strongest giant Warriors ever I would argue they might be the strongest that El bef has to offer after that hundred years freaking time skip of a training montage um maybe oan is stronger maybe Thor and Loki because they're the Royal Giants maybe we don't even know there's a character named Thor yet we know Loki exists so I'm assuming Thor is there it'd be weird if there was you know not a one piece parallel to Thor but who who knows um either way I don't think going after elbaf uh the Marines like even with their Fleet right now because it's a big ass Fleet they mobilized this giant Fleet to attack Egghead you got a bunch of Vice Admirals you got an admiral you got uh one of the Goos say too but even so I mean going right up against elb I would love to see them try that [ __ ] that would be just awesome okay because I think there there's a reason the government is not allied with albf I'm pretty sure not now there are some agreements with ALB because there are giants in the Navy however as Saul mentioned cuz Saul was not from he was a giant but he grew up somewhere else in the world and he mentioned that elb is the the it might be the homeland of giants it's like our ancestral Homeland and everything but not all Giants come from here from there that's a very specific kind of giant that are all about you know like the Norse teachings of like Warfare and like praising elbaff and everything like that and like bathing in the blood of your enemies and all that kind of [ __ ] and Saul wasn't all about that he was like N I grew up somewhere else somewhere where apparently he got a Southern accent I I don't know but other Giants we saw like John giant was actually I think an orphan that uh mother caramel found and then sold into the government you know and he became the first giant that was a marine Soldier we see like uh um uh oh lacroy uh who was another giant like we see a bunch of these Giants during like Marine Ford and stuff maybe some of them came from Alba but you know the Giants don't like control the other giants like if a giant wants to leave elb and join the Marines I don't think like the other giants like they might a particular opinion but they're not going to like stop them from leaving you know what I mean just like zo like the minks can leave whenever they want they're not stuck on zunisha that there's not some policy that prevents them from leaving the island you know they can go and live wherever they want right that's just their Homeland okay same deal with the Giants but just because there's Giants in the Marines doesn't mean that the world government is allied with elb in fact I'm pretty damn sure they're not um because the Giants like why would they need to Ally with the world government the whole point of allying with the world government is so that you can have the protection of the Marines in case like Pirates attack your Island do you think the Giants are weak enough there like oh man I hope some Pirates don't attack us I don't know what we're going to do plus it seems that Shanks Shanks is territory is elff or part of his protected territory is elb so for that reason and a bunch of other reasons you don't mess with elb okay if you go and poke elb you're not only pissing off an entire Army of giant Warriors that have been fighting since the day of their birth ready to go but you're also pissing off red-haired Shanks so when you factor all that in together kid attacking elbaf right away uh is really stupid when you really think about it like even if Shanks wasn't on that island and kid opened fire he would have to face down an entire fleet of giants I don't think he would have made it out of that okay even if Shanks wasn't there should have listened to killer once again we know that the man named Killer murder machine killer is the smarter guy on the crew that's the most like sensible when it comes to like hey maybe we shouldn't attack the giant Island you know maybe we shouldn't piss off one of the Emperors of the sea screw it i'm blasting you know it's like all right okay you do you man that's how it is okay oh here comes Shanks oh boy here we go all right yeah all right so don't think Dory and brogie despite their legendary status are going to be able to like kill Saturn or something though it would be cool to see him like you know you know dory's like I'll hold him off he slices Saturn in half just like like a gooey onion and then he just like Paces himself back together and Dory is just like what and then Saturn's like you Giants you and then he like uses his psychic power and Dory like maybe he doesn't you maybe they try oh maybe Saturn tries to restrain him but the Giants are able to like push through it a little bit because like they can't be held down or something um if Joy boy was a Buccaneer that means he had giant blood in him I don't think Joy boy himself was a giant the straw hat that we saw at marijua was pretty big but not big enough for like Dory to put on uh and Dory is just like an average size kind of giant uh you know I think I think it's like 18 meters is like average I think they're a little bit above that Dory and broggie are slightly above average right um but that hat looked like uh maybe somebody like Kuma could have worn that hat very comfortably so Joy boy was probably a Buccaneer right and so if Joy boy was a Buccaneer and you know Saturn detests you know the Sun God and everything like that probably also has very strong opinions for the Giants and so also the fact that the Giants maybe aren't allied with the world government and they are one of them and wano are kind of like one of the last bastions of like you know the world government's reach hasn't quite gotten there yet and it's not because the government just doesn't want them it's because they physically can't like the government just even with their power well maybe now with the mother flame but before they they couldn't like manage to get um you know the Giants subjugated right although even if they tried to use the mother flame on elb would that even work because number one elb is a huge island but also they got the yrail they have the giant tree we saw it we we've only seen little brief uh glimpses of it not in full perspective and everything like that but we are pretty soon we're going to see it you know I think Dory and Bry are going to grab the sunny Chuck it on the long ship all right everybody let's go get on take out some ships along the way and then they're off they're sailing they got a bunch of giant power like row row just zooming through the new world and then we're going to see it in all of its Glory at a distance we're going to see this giant tree we're going to see the tree before we see the island right like usopp's going to be looking at it he's be like all right there's elbaf Usopp it's just like where all I see is a giant tree sticking out of the ocean and then as they get closer with the curvature of the Earth you're going to start to see like the islands oh my God and then Usopp and Luffy are going to be doing a dance like I just want to see Usopp reunited with Dory and broggy it's gonna be great dude I would love to see because usopp's freaking out right now because it's the Buster call and everything I would love to see dor and brogy show up and then Usopp instantly gets his confidence back he's like Dory and brogy are here all right everybody let's kick some ass and take some names you know like I would love to see that and I would also like to see Dorian bragi acknowledge Usopp as a brave Warrior of the sea dude has a bounty of like 500 million right now he's taking out some strong enemies he has conqueror hockey if if if the Battle of Oni gushima is any indication right now of course it comes down to whether Usopp accepts himself as a brave Warrior of the sea that's kind of the whole point but this could be the moment this could be the moment cuz usopp's dream is one of the more not uh not that it's nebulous cuz it has a very specific goal but like Nami has like a physical aspect of it where Nami has to finish a map of the world and when that's finished she will be you know she would have achieved her dream usop is more of just like when I am accepted as a brave Warrior and when I think of myself as a brave Warrior that's when I will be one you know what I mean maybe it's the acknowledgement of his father or maybe just the acknowledgement of the Giants but either way it's very likely that during the arc at elb Usopp might have a battle oh maybe there's like a tri maybe there'll be some kind of like Giant Warrior trial that Luffy and Usopp and and Frankie will want to do and then maybe maybe at first Sanji and and Zoro are like yeah we don't need to do that but then maybe like Sanji will say well maybe I will and then zoro's like okay well if you're doing it I'll do it and maybe the straw hats all participate in this like giant trial or something like that like that would be kind of neat I don't think all of them would I I really don't think Nami or Robin or U or maybe jebe would really care too much about that I think they would just like Chopper Chopper might Chopper might be like yeah let's do this guys yeah but maybe maybe Nami and Robin uh Brooke I don't know Brooke is kind of just like ah giant Warriors I don't need to do that that seems like a pain it seems like a lot of lot of lifting and sweat and I'm just going to be over here you know what I mean but then you definitely going to have Luffy and Usopp definitely going to have um Frankie I think would be the guaranteed three that would do some kind of giant trial you know what I mean like that would be really dope okay so we'll just have to wait for that but uh oh man this is yeah that's a video I guess that's a video already but man it's just so weird you know cuz I remember dude I remember getting copies of shown and jump like the magazine at like Walmart back when it was like actually published here in America and it was like a slim down version of Shonen jump and I remember bringing those ma uh the the Shonen Jump magazines to like middle school and I remember that's the first time I read the little garden Arc was like in uh the shop class I remember I remember distinctly like going to shop class doing whatever we did in shop and then we had some free time and then pulling out shown and jump and then reading the little garden Arc in Mr Lamar's uh shop class so I'm like and that that was back in like 2006 you know what I mean so like um yeah 2005 2006 me reading about little garden and then now here we are almost 20 years later Dory and broggy are back and they're doing [ __ ] it's just like it's it's moments like this in the one piece story that I absolutely love cuz it connects like the the present like adults almost 31-year-old me with like my teenage self you know what I mean like reading one piece for the first time and I'm like Giddy and just like a you know it's like awesome so uh yeah that's the video Dorian broggie are back and it's going to be epic as all hell um yeah that's that and remember exam Thursday February 8th 2 p.m Eastern Standard Time just show up to the channel uh they'll the the exam form will be available at that time you can download the exam we'll go over it and everything like that um but that'll be that'll be what we're doing so uh yeah hope everyone is prepared this will be teching 101 signing out have a good day
Channel: Tekking101
Views: 80,035
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: tekking101, one piece, dorry, brogy, giants, egghead, elbaf, warrior, nika, sun god
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 23min 13sec (1393 seconds)
Published: Tue Feb 06 2024
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