The Best Nen Users In Hunter X Hunter! (Tier List)

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okay good evening everybody Welcome to an impromptu out of nowhere Hunter Hunter related stream uh this was this was unplanned to the nth power this was pretty high uh to the nth power ah there we go yes yes there we go I'm just going to wait for a couple of people to filter in here and then we'll go over what we're doing today I mean the title kind of gives it away what we're doing today we're going to be making a tier list of various nen users from the hit popular anime and manga series Hunter Hunter I don't know if you guys have heard of it it's kind of like one piece except instead of pirates it's well there actually are pirates in Hunter Hunter there is a part of the story where they have to fight Pirates they're not real pirates but they're Pirates you know so yeah the chat is exploding already my God that came out of nowhere hello everyone yeah um so today was uh a day that I had like five different things to do and then all of that got cancelled before noon so like I was supposed to do a I was supposed to do just a bunch of streams today and it ended up just like everybody cancelling and then I was supposed to go uh actually to like a trivia night tonight uh but one of my friends got sick and they were like yeah let's just cancel that and I'm like Okay cool so we're we're doing this instead I've been reading well not reading but I've been watching a lot of Hunter Hunter again I I probably do that at least once a year I go back and watch a lot of Hunter Hunter so I'm like you know I've been watching a lot of Hunter Hunter content from other YouTubers and I'm like man I could really go for doing some Hunter Hunter content like a stream or so so I found this nice little tier list I did not make this I just found this nice little tier list on uh not every n users on here uh if you're familiar with the manga none of the princes or anything from cocken are on here here uh this is basically just Anime but there will be spoilers for both anime and manga cuz I'm probably going to inevitably talk about something relating to the Hunter Hunter manga so just giving you a heads up there uh we have some simple tiers over here we have sa A B C D and then just trash I don't know who's going to end up in the trash tier but we're going to have to see uh just see where it goes I guess uh we got some interesting choices on here I mean obviously you got gong kilaa maroom like all the all the notable ones kopika but then you also have like some of the Shadow beasts not all of the Shadow beasts like leeches on here porcupine and Owl but worm and Rapid dog are not and I'm like come on guys worm was like one of the best characters in The York New City Arc why is why is he not on this some of the Chimera ants are some aren't like the Chimera ant that fought against shaar is on here bokei I'm like all right cool he's on here I guess worm had a scary ability if worm was on this tier list I'd probably give him at least a c i mean it wasn't a bad ability he also kind of survived uo's punch for a couple of minutes so there's that zazon no zaz's on here zaz's on here some of them might be kind of hard to see some of them are more like like I'll tell you what nun Naga threw me nobunaga's on the third level between Neo and one of the ortho siblings that's another random pick to be on here but it's it's nun Naga when he's using NS so you can't even really see nun Naga there but he is there okay um don't let this tearless sway you from the fact that bunge gum has the properties of both Rubber and gum we'll get to Bungie gum trust me we'll we'll get to figuring out the properties of bunge gum when we get there um but dude yeah so we're just doing this tonight because I needed something to do and I was watching a lot of Hunter Hunter so let's just get right into it I suppose I'm drinking ing uh a new flavor of bubbly that came out uh it's pineapple bubbly so there was one box left in the store I think we're going to get a snowstorm or something because like everybody was shopping in Walmart today at like you know 2:00 on a Tuesday so like yeah it was like pretty insane in the store today it was one of those things where I came in and just grabbed everything I needed and walked out because it was like really busy when is the charity stream December 23rd 1 p.m. that'll be the charity all right so we're starting off with uh the nen Exorcist abangan from Greed Island so this dude right here now abangan he's he's a net Exorcist okay so his abilities aren't he's dedicated himself to removing nen that's really notoriously hard to get rid of okay so he does not really have battle capabilities probably outside of like the four basic stuff like he can use Ren and and stuff like that to augment his physical attacks but his Focus is is exorcism and probably the most notable thing that abangan was able to do was that he was able to remove the nen chain that kopika planted inside kroo that is the reason now that that is actually once again we're getting into the manga territory because kroo and hisoka eventually fight in the manga and he's had the nchain removed at that point so he can use his abilities again okay so yeah exorcism is really rare too I think in the story we've only seen three characters that are canonical nen Exorcist we see abengane we see Hina who is one of the Chimera ants she's down here and then we also have an unnamed Exorcist that uh tries to remove the nen from gone after he uses the uh the the um contract uh against Pito and uh we don't get her name but uh so there's only like three of them so there's only like one in the in the hunter Association only has Apparently one Exorcist to call on so this is a really rare ability also abeng was able to neutralize gen's uh bomber power which is like once again gen's bombs were apparently like unable to be removed and he was able to do that so I'm going to say like honestly I'm thinking a tier obing G you got to understand the thing that really sells it for me is think about this karika made his nen chains specifically to restrain the Phantom troop you saw how powerful how much nen and hatred went into that power to the point where kopo would stake his own damn life on this ability and abengane was able to remove that from kroo so that is pretty damn impressive I am saying I'm debating now okay from my experience with tearless the first person up always is difficult to rank because like I haven't gotten into the flow of the rank ranking yet so like the first couple of people I rank I might change later down the line because we haven't really seen where I'm placing everybody el else at at this point I think a is fair just because being able to remove gen's bombs being able to remove corp's chain and uh just the Rarity of nen Exorcist at all is is pretty he deserves at least an A okay all right so next up we have baze baze is a manipulator we get to meet her at the beginning York New City she dies pretty quickly into that Arc but she has a pretty decent ability that allows her to manipulate anybody she kisses for 180 minutes so about 3 hours um and we've seen this power uh basically be like when she activates it they will pretty much do whatever they whatever she orders them to do she uses it on the butler at no's mansion and the butler just like uses like he just throws himself in front of bay as a human shield when a bunch of like like uh people are shooting at her and he just dies so she's literally just like use like be a human shield for me and he's like okay and then and just gets gunned down and just dies right there so it it's a pretty unique ability but she has to kiss the person in order to activate it which means if there's any nen user worth their that knows that she can use nen they are not going to let her get close enough to them in order for her to kiss them okay like that is like any nen us like cuz she uses the ability on a butler and she uses the ability on some random guy that was like messing with her on the street you know it's just like I'm a big tough stupid guy and baz is like okay and just like kisses him he's like I'll do whatever you say mistress you know and she uses it on squala who was a n user but she also use she also relies on like her sex appeal to make it work like I'm a sexy lady and I'll like kiss you and like a lot of like especially guys are like cool with that like yeah all right sure oh my God and then that's how she activates the power but as we saw there's a pretty notable weakness where she unless she activates that power and uses someone to help her fight she is pretty much completely like defenseless um now granted she did get gunned down by Franklin who was a member of the Phantom troop but like she really had no ability to like protect herself other than using that power right so yeah no she's not even as strong as boa because boa is able to turn inanimate objects into ston baz literally and she's able to use the Ability from a distance baz literally has to like physically kiss you on the lips presumably to activate the power okay and also it brings up a question of whether or not like does it do the does the person in question have to be sexually attracted to bays in order for it to work you know what I mean or is it just anybody because she only uses the ability on men she's only used the ability three times and each time was on a man um you know so I don't know for her I'm going to say c for right now just because like yeah I mean like you know it's a really powerful ability when it's activated but anybody that's smart enough is is not going to let her get close enough to activate that power okay who's next boso all right dude boso is an interesting one because he has a nen ability that is apparently so multifaceted it it's like a Hau nen ability like he where he writes out nen uh Inus poetry and then whatever he writes down becomes true like he writes out a haiku like I'm not good at Haiku so I'm not even going to bother but like anything I punched will burst into flames and he like crushes the ha coup home and punches a chair and it bursts into flames and he mentions that the better the ha cou is the better that the the ha cou actually flows and is Well written the stronger than n ability if it's something really weak and kind of cringe then the power isn't that great but it still will work so even if he writes a really shitty High coup and it's like you will burst into flames if I punch you and then he punches somebody they might burst into flames for only like a couple seconds but it'll still happen all right unfortunately we didn't really get to see him use the power all that much because most of the York New City Arc he's just kind of hanging out being a bodyguard for neon and doesn't really get to fight anybody throughout the entire Arc we only see him use the power when he's demonstrating the ability at the no strad mansion that's pretty much the only time he uses the power isn't that kind of subjective it's well a lot of nen is subjective in the case with a lot of nen it's how you interpret the power so it's it's it might have been a contract that boso made where boso has a really high standard of Haik cou so if if a if a haiku he writes is shitty in his opinion then it's not very strong but if it's really if it's a good Haiku in his opinion then it's stronger but he's limited by his own cognitive biases you know what I mean so that's kind of the whole thing with n that's why it's such a good power system um yeah but it's honestly a really good ability if it's like hey I'm not really good at Haik coup but if I write a really good one oh my God I'm I'm crazy powerful yeah bosho is still alive he's on the black whale right now he's part of the group heading to the Dark Continent um so he's on the he's on the ship it's just that we haven't really seen him he he rap battled a guy during the uh like the um uh banquet that they had on the first Sunday on the ship but that was pretty much the most notable thing that BOS did he had like a rap battle I I don't know if he won or not he might have I I don't know but that was boso H he's tough I'm going to put him at C for right now next to baz okay uh who's next uh biscuit bisy okay biscuit Krueger so she is very well known for training gon and kilawa her powers seem to be way more focused on like she's better at training because her actual n ability is uh basically summoning she's a conjurer that summons a masseuse named cookie that literally is just really good at all sorts of like uh you know remedies and skin care and massage and like like making sure your hair is really well maintained and just keeping you in like now it's a really good ability if you're worn out because she can use a power that's like piano massage and she can like Revitalize you if you've just been worn out from training so it's a really good power there and she has this ability where she just becomes super buff and strong now she mentions like she doesn't even really know how that power worked it's just because of the way nen operates she was like this really I mean her true form is like super buff and she lifts like crazy Super Macho and very muscular and she mentions that like yeah I just really wanted to be small and like cute and then just over the over the days I just wanted that over and over again and my body slowly changed to meet that appearance so it just kind of gives you an idea of just how nen really works based off of your motivation and the things that you want and things like that but bisy on her own in terms of physical power is absurdly strong and she has an extremely good support type net ability okay so I don't know what type I mean it's clearly conjuration to get cookie but then it's also like enhancement abilities of how physically strong she is you know it does seem a little bit more like a specialist ability now I'm thinking about it a cool aspect of emotions affecting nen absolutely that's a that's a definite thing of of nen it's such a multifaceted ability um she's also good enough to teach gon and kilaa yeah so I I am feeling a tier for bisy right now like she's a strong physical fighter that just happens to have a really good support ability her ability doesn't really have any combat capabilities on its own but it's kind of like hey neither did abengane he doesn't have any he doesn't have any combat abilities his ability is like that yeah that's good okay next up is bokei boki boki bokei panic uh boki was the Chimera ant officer that fought shaar and his ability is just a generic manipulator ability where it's very similar to shar's Black voice where he stabs a receiver into somebody and then he has like a joystick and he like Maneuvers that so it's kind of the exact same ability as down AR's like cell phone uh but biscuit doesn't have combat ability yeah she does her combat ability is she turns super buff and beats the out of you uh yeah she definitely has combat ability but her her net ability is a supportive one yeah so I'm goingon to put him down in D honestly cuz his ability is pretty generic it's pretty it's like the most generic manipulator ability you could really think of like his ability is he has a receiver that allows him to control people you know uh but he's probably not even close to as strong as shaar using that ability also he has to Lug around like this big like joystick it's like an old like arcade machine joystick setup he has to carry around you know um see he only exists to teach you how uh manipulator abilities works yeah he's the one that teaches you the power that like first come first serve from manipulators that's pretty much it it's just a really dull kind of ability honestly like you know it's just yeah so who's next uh okay so this is actually bonolenov bonolenov the member of the um oh I forget the name of the tribe he's part of but it's the tribe in Hunter Hunter that implants like the piercings inside of their own bodies so that it has like um the holes that they dance through it's like the you know the tribe that does that and so he's a member of the Phantom troop not one of the strongest physical members of The Troop uh but pretty strong and he uses this ability he has two abilities well okay he has two abilities that we've seen excuse me one ability that we's mentioned but he hasn't actually shown yet in the manga so his first ability that we actually see here in the image is his prologue ability so his ability is all based off of dancing and using um the tones and the air and the sounds that come off of his body when he dances and so the first ability is the prologue ability where he just turns into like he like it's like a a figure that Dawn the um the tribal uh like outfit like the tribal Warrior outfit where he's from and it has a mask and it has like a spear and he charges at an enemy and like stabs them okay and so that's prologue now he used that against the Chimera ant and it didn't take them down and so then he used a stronger ability called Jupiter which literally summoned an image of the planet Jupiter that boom crushed the out of of the Chimera ant he was fighting so it's a pretty devastating we don't know know if that was the strongest move he had um I'm I'm implying that he probably wasn't uh but it was like a giant just a bam just like a giant rock to like Crush you in the shape of Jupiter basically uh he also has another ability called battle canabo metamorph metamorphosis and he mentions this during the succession War Arc where it's an ability that allows him to transform into pretty much anyone uh but he also admits he's not very good at it like well he's good at it but he doesn't he's not really good at how he can use that to like uh they're trying to find Hoka so he's like he even tells kroo like hey kroo I have this ability that allows me to transform into people but I'm not really great at that kind of stuff like tactics and figuring out how to use it in the best capabilities here so he basically asks you know uh kroo like how what what do you want me to transform into so I can go and find Koka kind of a thing right um so Bon bonolenov um pretty good combat abilities being a member of The Troop and also having a little bit of a support power on top of that that allows him to transform into people uh that's really good as well I'm feeling like bonolenov is the first be I feel like that's a good place to put B there I think that's a good setup there not enough screen time to go higher I think that's fair though I definitely think it is how many people are watching this right now 750 man for impromptu stream out of nowhere this this this worked out pretty good all right cool um okay so who's next uh bler bler is the blue lobster Chimera ant that has Gatling guns in his claws I got to admit I really like this guy I really like the dude is he a particularly strong n user not really but I like the fact he's a lobster Nam Blaser that blasts you with his Lobster cannons I I like like that I like that he's not s tier he's not s tier unfortunately but he's not trash either oh man if there was only a tier higher than S then we could put bler in there I think I'm going to probably go D tier his ability is not very creative it's basically just a bunch of guns that he can shoot you with I mean it's you know they're nen bullets they're not bad um there are limits he can't bust through the the bulkhead walls downstairs he can blast through like a car pretty easily he's he can like like just a Swiss cheese a car with no issues but when it comes to like a really durable door he can't break through that so uh I'm gonna put c h maybe C or D I think D I think D is good all right here we go ch2 oh ch2 buddy my goodness all right so ch2 actually has multiple net abilities uh he actually has an ability that we've never actually seen so Chu uh he has first ability is called tag and he sends his opponent into another like little pocket Dimension made of nen and the game is a game of tag and if you catch him you're allowed to leave but we don't really know what happens if the time elapses and you don't catch him uh I don't even know if honestly Chu ever even thought that far ahead because he's kind of an idiot so then moral traps him and then he comes up with another ability that summons a crossbow kind of like a crossbow Wolverine clock Gauntlet on his arm and he got really excited about that and he's like I got this new ability and it's like yeah but the bolts that you're going to fire from that crossbow are going to be slower than you so why would you want that ability and moral basically told him you know I'll tell you why you're going to lose here it's cuz you're an idiot and then he loses then he runs off and purportedly gets another ability and then uh goes to fight against uh Zeno as he's leaving the palace and then Silva just shows up out of nowhere and crushes him um he does I think it's called Monroe walk he does have another ability he does name or it's named later but we just no idea what it actually does I think we just know the name of it and that's it um I don't know if it's related to Marilyn Monroe or whatever but that's the ability he he has um Chu is an example of a guy that is so so idiotic when it comes to and he just thinks of the first thing that pops into his head without actually stopping and trying to come up with a good ability he's like I want an ability to where they have to play tag with me now I want an ability that U makes a crossbow now I want an ability like he just doesn't stop and think for 5 seconds about how the ability is actually going to work or the logistics of set ability or the weaknesses or ways it could be exploited he's just a really just just spur of the moment kind of character all right so I'm going to put him in trash I'm sorry Chu you really suck if you would have Chu if you would have stopped for an hour and thought a little bit more about these abilities maybe you could have come up with something cooler oh man oh but hey Chu there you go all right all right so who's up next guys we got the leader of the Phantom troop croo lucilfer and I actually have back here I actually have the um Bandit secret I have it right here um it's pretty cool actually I can look inside of it I can tell you what's in it I can tell you what what actually the secret of kolo's n ability is it's um it's actually a cookbook turns out he's into cooking this whole time it was a cookbook who knew who knew all right uh domain expansion ch2 all right so I mean like I'm pretty sure everyone's going to agree he's going an S tier right I could just pop him in there right now the thing is like kroo not only has a bad ass ability that allows him to steal other abilities but the thing is also uh he has a bunch of supplemental powers that go along with it he's got the bookmark that he reveals later to have access to more than one ability at a time although he does mention during the hissoka fight he has more restrictions because of that okay uh but he can now use his abilities without the book staying open constantly so that was one drawback he almost he literally literally when he wanted to use a stolen ability he literally had to have the book open at all times so that takes up one of his hands while he's using it so he had to um he had to do that but dude the ability like he literally was able to kill hisoka by going around and stealing abilities that were perfectly suited to fighting him um now there are some limitations with this like he had that one ability called um oh what was it Gallery fake uh no not Gallery fake that was copies he had an ability that allowed him to um manipulate objects but it wouldn't work on living people because the original user of the N ability uh viewed people as didn't view people as objects obviously so it wouldn't work so he was kind of limited to using the power based off of the original user's perception of the of the power also um there if if the original user dies he loses the power apparently neon uh who has the fortune telling ability apparently she's dead at some point she just dies and the name disappeared from his book so now he can't use the fortune telling power anymore sun and moon or order stamp that was it order stamp was the power yeah so in order to use order stamp Now crollo is really smart in in like circumventing these restrictions cuz he's like okay I can't use order stamp on a person or on a corpse but what I can use is use cop's ability to make a copy of the person and the copy of the person is something that will work with order stamp so it's like he had to like figure out a way to com combine all these abilities to make it work right um but yeah dude he's yeah how the hell did she die we don't know cuz tagashi does that he'll just be like oh yeah this happened off screen that happens a lot in Hunter Hunter actually more than you think um yeah but anyway uh yeah that's CR I mean being at s tier I think that's pretty fair for him okay we got faton coming up next so faton Porter has the power of pain Packer so he takes all the damage that he was kind of like exerted on himself during a fight and it apparently has a a few different ways that this power is uh shown like the way that we see it against zazon is it comes out as rising sun literally a giant Sun that burns everything around around it like all of the Phantom troop member had to get the hell out of there cuz he was like about to drop a huge like Nuke right in the middle of the damn building so uh he even mentions though afterwards like like if you would have dealt me more damage this would have been a quicker fight you would have died quicker if you would have dealt me more damage implying that there's an even greater form of this technique uh faton is one of the Phantom troop members that has some of the most like impressive raw physical strength outputed on him uh okay so I'm thinking s tier right now A or S one of the two I mean like he was able to summon a miniature version of the Sun that just nked zazon in one attack uh and he's also a psychopath which also makes his uh Power maybe a little bit more um useful there um H I'm thinking I'm thinking if he should be an S A or S I'm thinking maybe a yeah I'm thinking s should be like the absolute strongest you know and I feel like kroo in a fight would be able see that's the thing like kroo under the right conditions can pretty much beat anybody if he goes around and collects the necessary amount of net abilities that's like it's like you know completing a puzzle I feel like with the with the right amount of prepar preparation and N abilities on stock he could beat I don't know like here's the thing if kroo had the necessary amount of abilities could he have beat marim that's a question if croo had enough time to like understand maro's abilities so he's like all right I'm going to go away for a while and I'm going to gather the necessary amount of abilities that are going to work perfectly against this dude could he have beaten him because I'm still thinking no I'm still I'm on the cuff about that yeah yeah I'm not even with that it's really narrow Ah that's tough cuz like he could get all these abilities but like yeah time just benefits marim more yeah cuz marim gets stronger when he devours more people oh yeah yeah yeah but that's that's why I kind of need like can we get like another tier on top of this the marow whm tier well we could just we could just reorganize like we could do like maybe I could put faton over here like uh below abangan you know something like something like this maybe you know maybe like something like that yeah Maro is just insane broken you know how we have a trash tier we have yeah we need a Maro tier we just need a straight up maroom tier 100 puppets with rose bombs you know what maroom canonically was defeated by a nuke like he came back from being nuked but that's only because like poof and Yi were there to give their bodies over to marim if marim was just left there he would have died and he died anyway because of the nuke you know kroo what if kroo just makes a bunch of Puppets puts nukes in the puppets and sends them after Maro him I think he would be smart enough to come up with that I think I think in that situation he might be able to do it yeah yeah yeah merum was defeated by nuclear radiation he was defeated by radiation yeah yeah then kroo wins like croo would not fight fair he's kroo do you think he's like I'm going to fight you in a fair and balanced manner no he lured Hoka to Heaven's Arena just so he could utilize the entire crowd as his advantage that was not a fair fight that was not like all right everyone you know 10 count whoever gets knocked down for 10 seconds wins go and actually no that was a fight to the death but he utilized he utilized the arena to fight you know with him you know uh marim cannot survive World War II you know yeah yeah all right anyway who's who's up next we're going to get off on a tangent about that we'll get we'll talk about that more when we get to maroin who's up next flutter okay flutter has a really solid reconnaissance ability uh satellite dragonflies allow him to have a bunch of drones like invisible drones that he can send all over the area I guess they're not invisible they're if you can see nen you could see them but they're they just look like dragonflies so he has like a shitload of these things that he could send in around an entire town and he could see through all of them like uh like through the com um compound eyes he has so like multiple computer monitors at all times he can like see like a 100 screens at once um that is a good ability it's it's a reconnaissance ability it's not a combat ability I'm putting him in B in terms of reconnaissance Powers that's like one of the best ones you could possibly think of you know that is a really powerful ability it's just that it's not power it's not combat based you just got to keep that in mind we're doing best net abilities we're not we're not basing it off of like you know strength because if that was the case then like you know a lot of these guys would be down in trash by now um yeah what's the best criteria I didn't really this was kind of a last minute thing so I didn't really think of like a criteria but I would say basically the criteria is for what the ability is and how the ability was created so in the case of like ch2 he doesn't think about anything before he creates the power so he's way down in trash uh so I would imagine creativity is going to play a role but also just like hey for the function of an exorcism ability and the Rarity of it Aben is pretty high for the function of a support ability plus having some physical power biscuit is pretty high yeah the dragon flies can be achieved by using n not really because n taxes you immensely nen has to you are the center point when using n all right so the advantage of using satellite dragonflies is because you can send them out on a long range because while using n you have to actually send out your aura around you and even zenom that is exhausting uh kite who was mentioned to be a master of n um you know uh he's like all like I can I can extend it to maybe 80 meters or something now miro's okay this actually gives you a pretty good idea of n maroom when he used his n covered the entire Palace and then some the palace plus the outside of the palace was covered in maro's n and that was insane okay however I think think the range of the satellite dragonflies is still greater because the range of satellite dragonflies was able to cover an entire like major city like the capital of East gorto he had these things covered in in dragonflies so yeah I think I think it's worth a at least a beater all right what's next we have uh yeah also n can overwhelm the senses FS mentioned that too if you have that going on all at the same time cuz like you are the sensor you basically open up a sense around you where everything that enters you know that can be very dis like overwhelming to your senses satellite dragonflies is literally just like drones with cameras that you can send out that you can see at all times okay anyway what's up next yeah I would say satellite dragonflies is better than n unless you're maroom it's better than n okay next up we have Franklin Franklin has a very oh it's 50 meters it was just 50 still long range okay Franklin pretty simple emitter ability he just uh turns his fingers in machine guns so his fingers literally he literally had to cut off all of his fingers at like the first knuckle and then uh he replaced them with chains and then they all pop off at the same time and he's just like but they Shred the out of you when they hit all right there is um there is some raw power in this ability and he had to cut off the top of his fingers to make that happen all right I'm going to say he's a phantom troop member those those from what we saw with those bullets they would shred you they're a lot stronger than like bler blaser's cannons have nothing I mean yeah Franklin's they're way stronger than bler all right so it's either C or B but I'm thinking B I think like I I I want to do the Phantom troop some justice here right I don't want to just like you know not put them up there like you know whatever so I think I'm going to put I'm going to put um I would to put Franklin B I think that's pretty fair yeah the americ way yeah it's like yeah um yeah unless your maroom could apply to a lot of things honestly yeah yeah maroom could pretty much do anything and it's like his own League you know what I mean it's like yeah that reconnaissance ability is pretty good unless you're Maro yeah that supportability is pretty good unless you're Maro him okay what's up next genr all right genr he has two abilities one is countdown where he has an ability that he has to touch you and then plants a bomb on you now there is a caveat to this where he in order for the ability to work he has to explain to you how it's deactivated so but that's that's by Design because genr is a sociopath he's a sick that gets off on that but also like he is telling you how to how to disarm it he's literally telling you its weakness which increases its power he literally tells you if you want to dis that you have to touch me and say I caught the bomber but because he's telling you its weakness when it finally goes off it's way stronger cuz he's telling you how to deactivating it all right then he also has Little Flower which is just a generic bomb ability like he touches you and you blow up keep in mind that has less power and it's also an actual explosion because the way gone got around that was he doused genthru in gasoline and then he's like oh I can't use little flowers now because I'm covered in a flammable liquid so if I use little flour I will catch on fire from the fumes of the gasoline so little flow literally is creating combustion it's not like magic nen fire that doesn't apply to no he's literally creating an explosion he's literally like bakugo with his little flower technique um yeah so oh man and G by the way here's something else to keep in mind it was explained time and time and time again in Greed Island in a one-on-one fight between gone and genr with no preparation genr is stronger genr has more experience genr is stronger the only way that gone was able to win was because they gave uh Tara's group stalled genr and his group for two weeks while biscuit and kilaa and gon planned this very very elaborate very down to the micro second plan with a shitload of preparation time to defeat him all right that is how they beat gen through without that trem it was three weeks oh damn my my my knowledge of hun Hunter is not as good but three weeks of prep time and even then gone still got up pretty bad all right like even then yeah uh so I don't want you I don't want you to say something like oh he lost to Greed Island gone therefore he's like d tier no no no no no no no the circumstances that fight were very very planned out not an ordinary kind of fight that you can imagine right and goone almost lost an arm well he did lose an arm no not almost he lost an arm there they were able to get it back because of Angel's breath but G 100% lost an arm oh man also tells you just the crazy power nen is capable of where it just can repair blown off limbs like that um yeah uh gon went full Batman and Bar L one exactly yeah he went off plan yeah well that's a good example go went off the plan and he got his arm blown off there you go yeah they they had this whole plan and gone was even like all right I'm sorry bisy I'm gonna have to do it even though it's going to be a risk and he went off the plan and he almost immediately got his arm blown off like if gen through would have grabbed his arm like grabbed his chest or his chin he could have blown off goon's head gone was taking a serious risk with that it it it worked out it worked out but it really showed like you're playing with fire here kid all right you're walking on a tight RPP with this guy okay without the plan gone would have died absolutely 100% unless they had that plan if gone just rolled up to genr and fought him genr would have killed him that the not even and gen through is a much of a psychopath and a sociopath to make that happen all right he would have not have given a about murdering a child he would have done it with a smile on his face all right so uh I think he deserves to go and at least be holy crap you know I think he's pretty damn good all right who's next uh gido the top guy oh my God all right so this is a dude that is an enhancer who decided that the best way to use an enhancement ability was to get a bunch of tops then use manipulation to control the tops to slam into his opponent you know Wing explains and hisoka explains later like nen like enhancers don't really need to think Super like they don't need to think a lot about their superpowers all right enhancers are just really simple straightforward kind of people uh it's surprising that Chu is not an enhancer actually maybe he was and that's just why he sucks so bad he was an enhancer that kept trying to do Conjuration abilities but um oh yeah and a mission too like yeah yeah GTO was trying to do some really elaborate like he was an enhancer that was trying to do some really complicated ability when he should have just focused on like like he could have just like you know he was on one leg he lost both of his legs so he was on like a prosthetic leg he probably should have focused all of his n abilities on just himself becoming the top that way you get rid of the manipulation you get rid of the emission just focus on your enhancement turn yourself into a top and slam into your opponent really good you get the same basic effect and way more nen um way more nen uh what's the best way for me to describe this um nen economy I guess your n economy is really good I guess yeah just turn yourself into a Beyblade why control by I will use my power to make a bunch of Beyblades it's like just become the Beyblade sir oh man output n output yeah n efficiency nen economy I like nen economy it sounds like you know like like some like RPG term or whatever yeah that's why they were able to become much stronger than normal true but he was overthinking it I think it was like I said well that's the point if he became the Beyblade himself and that's how he fought he didn't use the other tops if he only focused on that that would actually be a pretty good ability cuz he was wasting net on manipulation wasting net on emission just focus on enhancement dude you're already you lost your legs you're already a top to begin with that would actually be a really good ability if he just focused on that yeah so I'm putting him in D tier he sucks all right who next gone all right so where are we ranking gone um I really wish there were two gon on here gone that was you know like post Greed Island Chimera ant gone and then adult gone but there's only one gone yeah you know what I think a lot of people okay as some people are saying s but I think a lot of people are understanding gon is not even close to being the strongest nen user in this world World okay like literally when he sacrificed everything everything he gave up everything and made a fate worse than death at that point he was at a point where he could defeat Pito and yes Pito did say he could even challenge the king but to be fair we didn't really see how that would go down Pito did not say oh my God gon is so strong he's even stronger than the king in this form didn't say that that Pito didn't say that Pito just said he could challenge the king all right didn't say or he could threaten the king it didn't say oh my God G in his in this form is 10 times stronger than mirim or something all right he destroyed Pito actually you know what's funny he did destroy Pito wrecked uh wrecked peto's but Pito was still able to get an attack on gone even after the fact yeah yeah okay so but that's that is literally using a power power that sacrifices everything like go cannot use nen now like he just can't all right he just is not able to use it and it's like that's because he literally burned everything using that one power gone might just like be out of the series from here on out he's just done he's just like okay gone you literally traded in your main character card to defeat Pito you are no longer the main character of this manga karapa is now that's kind of what go did honestly if goone was no longer in this story that is the end of gone story arc I'd be 100% cool with it I actually would be he traded in his main character status to beat the enemy now he's not in the story anymore and you know what I'm fine with that I'm I'm actually fine with that being the consequence of it you know gon is shank's level I mean like with the power maybe yeah that was part of the contract I I want to defeat Pito so bad I'll I'll suffer a fate worse than death I'm no longer the main character of my series no go don't do it yeah I would be okay with seeing gon again like go back together with Leorio and karapa and and and kilawa that would be cool to see him again but he's no longer in terms of like battle capabilities he's no longer relevant yeah oh boy this is tough kid gone you're making this tough on me uh you're letting your feelings of his decision I'm not letting his feelings of his decision it was a good I mean in that point in order to defeat Pito I guess it was the right decision but he lost his net I'm not basing it off that I am thinking of his like J J Kenan stuff I'm just thinking like physically where is he in terms of power like like like taking that form away from it like how strong was gone uh just in the Chimera antar before he used the contract uh could he have defeat defeated Hoka could he have defeated kroo I don't think think so I don't think he could have defeated some of the top tier users so I'm thinking of honestly putting him in either a or uh A or B I mean we'll we can reorganize [Music] these yeah F you have to look at the context see that's the thing why I mean even if I sat down and tried to come up with a criteria that would be tough because there's so many different facets of nen he has a basic ability but it's an enhancer ability all enhancer abilities the best enhancer abilities are all basic as uog had a super basic ability it was just a really big punch but it was a punch he mentioned that pretty much no one on the planet could survive unscathed and he was kind of right okay yeah I'm going to put him in B for right now I think B is good can he learn nigan he can't even use his Aura right now his AA doesn't even come out when he tries to use it so the idea is he can't relearn nen um and G even Jean even told them like hey you just went back to normal it's probably best not to get greedy it's probably best just to stay as you are you know kind of thing yeah I'm sorry we do get super chats here adult gone is hacks he got all the power he'd ever accumulated later in life meaning it compounded his strength making him stronger than he'd ever actually be in his natural Prime I think that I think that can Al be understood like kind of like an idea that he's compressing everything together do we have any other things here royal guard and Neo are all s tier to me and maram his own tier I could see Neo even soing the Phantom troop by himself thoughts do you mean Neo versus every single member of the Phantom troop at once God that's tough that's really tough for me and there's also a lot of members of the Phantom troop we don't know anything about as well yeah I don't know about that I'd have to think about that uh good meeting you at techco I just want to ask you how do you feel about how popular anime has gten love your content you know I am really happy that anime is now super mainstream you know it was pretty mainstream when I was like in Middle School when I was getting into it uh in the if I was like a teenager in the 90s it probably would have been pretty tough to get you know anime I mean like when I was in school English dubs took forever to come out you know what I mean like you know if you wanted to watch an episode of Bleach with the iron cars you had to wait like three years for that episode to come out I watched an episode of Dr Stone the other day that was simoc casted English dub with the Japanese release that blows my mind you know what I mean so I I'm really happy of how anime became so much more mainstream now Hunter Hunter let's go yeah at this point what's your opinion on my her Academia I like my hero Academia I don't want to get off into a tangent but right now where we're at in the manga the fight in the manga I'm really enjoying it yes um but all right I wanted to take a break there just to read some super chats uh is Dr Stone is simal dubbed yeah yeah it is it was incredible comes out every Thursday morning in case you're want to go check that out all right uh what do we got here uh okay uh what what are we uh we leaving going here we leaving going on B okay I think that's fair we'll leave going on B uh who's coming up next we got Hina Hina is another Chimera ant she's actually the most human looking Chimera ant and uh she also has uh exorcism abilities it's like pretty much the only thing she has she was able to exercise uh Knuckles hakaw the chapter 7 bankruptcy she was able to exercise that from ch2 which is a strong ability it's nowhere near as strong as like karapa chains or the the N contract that gone made nowhere near that um out of all of the exorcism Feats hers is probably the least impressive because the hakaw is just not as like strong as those abilities uh oh man he's SOA coming ladies and gentlemen I think we just kind of want to get through um I think we just kind of want to get through Hina here um in order to get to Hoka I'll put Hina at C cuz she is an exorcist but you know we don't know what the upper limits of what she could exercise is you know and and whenever she does exercise then she kind of like her stomach expands kind of like she's pregnant and then it slowly deflates over time okay here we are we have arrived at Hoka all right first of all we need to figure out what his n ability even does so his ability is bunge gum that has the power of something and something but I just don't know what it does it's like pot of greed H it has properties I know it has properties but what kind of properties tagashi why don't you reveal this power already oh my goodness properties of chocolate ah oh no properties of of uh metal no latex and Candy oh man honey and lime lime in coconut he puts the lime in the coconut oh man it's tough all right all right have you seen hisoka's backstory I actually have read the Manga it was a while ago but I did read the backstory manga with hisoka uh it's about what you'd expect it to be um okay so his power is one of the ones that's very multifaceted it's a very basic ability Rubber and gum but the ways he uses that in this story are ways that you know he always is one step ahead of his opponent okay the only time Hoka has ever lost a fight straight up was against kroo without him just getting bored and like wandering away uh you know like that that was kind of the situation with hisoka um and like I said kroo had to go out of his way to beat Hoka that was not an easy win for K he had to acrew a lot of n abilities to make that work cuz fighting Hoka he knew would be a pain in the ass and it was all right [Music] um but he is one of the strongest n he is time and time again kind of referred to as one of the best users in the world um he's very creepy yes but we're not ranking the characters B based on their creepiness cuz if that's the case in creepiness he would be an S tier uh you know um he inspired Frankie's strong right he did he truly did uh don't forget and he has texture surprise that was able to you know uh he has able to cover random things to make it look like other stuff so he's very good at subterfuge and he's really good at misdirection he is like a magician after all he he does no legitimate like magic tricks that can like misdirect people uh he also literally had a power that restarted his heart after he died he literally was dead dead as a doornail as Machi said yep dead as a doornail he's gone heart stopped and everything literally used his nem to bring him back to life I mean he literally brought himself back to life with his power I feel like s tier needs to be he needs to be at s tier he needs to be he brought himself back to life he was dead for like 3 hours and he came back to life oh my God I I think Ester is Fe is fair and you know what it's another thing too where if you were going to put that fight between kroo and Hoka let's say like they fought 50 times in like parallel Dimensions kroo is not winning that a 100 times I know people got pissed when I said like when Usopp fought Luffy out of 100 times maybe Usopp wins a couple of times out of that a lot of people are like no Luffy's winning a 100 out of a 100 fights there okay all right whatever but yeah sure I'll give it to you on that one but Hoka versus KOLO that is not a he that is not a kroo Stomps 100 out of 100 fights I'm dying on this hill all right maybe he wins the majority but isoka is getting his wins in in that scenario absolutely oh man okay postmortem nen only applies when you're dead right uh well no I mean he might be stronger now that he has postmortem nen yeah uh kroo said he's 100% sure of Victory well he can't see the future now can he oh wait he could wait a minute he might have been able to see the future at this point well I don't know because at some point the fortune telling thing disappeared so maybe he had that ability before he went to go fight Hoka maybe he didn't I don't know H uh yeah based in only the creativity ability use n and not just how strong one is Hoka is the n user he's also really strong too though like physically and he has enhancement Powers with the cards themselves he is a transmuter transmuter is right next to enhancement so enhancements definitely a thing um and uh conjuration which he doesn't really use the conjuration AB no I guess he uses conjuration for texture surprise I guess he basically uses conjuration for that so he's really smart though with how he utilizes his nen transmutation making it rubber and gum elasticity and uh the the stickiness of his gum he keeps it with transmutation but he has enhancement for the playing cards and he keeps um and he keeps conjuration for the texture surprise he keeps it to his wheelhouse he knows how to use nen very well yes oh man so yeah I think I think s tier needs to be there okay who's next ealo uh I'm getting hungry I need to order food soon all right ealo is next um living Dead Dolls he's able to manipulate corpses by crawling inside of them and manipulating them and then he has this ability where he can transform uh their arms into air guns that he can fire these little flea bullets however the flea bullets um can only be used when he Is possessing a body okay so if he's not possessing a body he could still use the air gun but only as like an air gun like he can load he can load like little fragments into him but I don't think he can use the flea bullets unless he's got a body to incubate um and he has a lot of other abilities like just being an octopus but that's because you know he's an a chimera ant that's not because of his n power that's just because he's a chimera ant um yeah and if the corpse is too mangled he can't do to it that's right um he even mentions that like he he sees the corpses that were mangled by kilawa and he's like I can't use these kilawa really kilawa really up these corpses kilaa really shredded these corpses heads I can't I can't use these at all you know oh my God he like shredded there there's like there's like nothing left of their gray matter holy crap I think the head I think at least the head still needs to be intact the head still needs to be in good condition in order for him to use his ability um yeah um C how do we feel about how do we feel about high C there Hi C I'm going to put baze down here I'm going to put baz down here Hina little up BOS I'm going I'm going to do a little bit of this for C tier like organizing C tier a little bit here um for B tier I feel like maybe this might be good for B tier I think I'm I'm I give I give gen through a lot of credit he's a psychopath but I give him a lot of credit for his n ability uh I think it's a lot stronger than you know you might think just because he was defeated by gone yeah I'm actually really happy with this Arrangement here I'm gonna put bler in top te put bokei here I think that's good I'm I'm happy with [Music] that he can use the abilities of those he takes over that is right he's able to use the other nen powers of those corpses he takes over that might make him low be because that itself is really good any power that allows you to use other powers is really good you know I think putting him up here then might be good just because of that power that is really good he was able to use the entire ability of of satellite dragonflies when he took over flutter all right who's next we got um Itachi IA Itachi's ability oh I mean Lumi sorry yeah uh blackhaired older brother that you know was really powerful sorry you know default to Itachi all right illumi's Powers um he has three sets of needles one set of needles he can manipulate his appearance one set of needles is the one like the little sewing needle he implanted in uh kila's head to manipulate him uh very toxic dick thing to do by the way and uh also he has the abilities that allow him to turn people into needle people so basically he kills people and makes their corpses work for him like marionet kind of thing um him and Hoka kind of have a love uh like like love haate kind of relationship kind of a give and take sort of relationship really uh where right now ilumi was actually contracted by Hoka to kill Hoka so that's kind of what they're into uh yeah he could change his own appearance really well too I I think Elum and a tier is fair but I have a feeling if they two okay kroo fights Hoka kroo wins you know the majority out of a 100 fights Hoka fights Zumi I feel like Hoka would win the majority out of those 100 fights I I think I think isoko would win yes no I don't know if he can use other people's net abilities with the needles I don't think we've seen that power maybe he could do something like that but I don't know if we've seen that he use the needle abilities on just other like random civilians like just normal Joe's that didn't really have nen Powers Yeah Sasuke is just diet karapa um yeah I think alumi and S tier though I mean he's he's also kind of psychotic that scene where he was on top of the roof and he was just like I must have this [Applause] power he's just like letting it all out and like the a is just oozing off of him I'm like all right dude yeah I don't think we've come even close to seeing his full power when he's on that holy he's going crazy uh I give a Lumi ass I think he's worth it also member of the Phantom troop right now he took over uog spot okay uh kuto kuto uh youngest not the youngest U I think he's older than uh aluka uh but um youngest child I guess that they would acknowledge uh of the zic family he has the power of the um uh what's it called uh what's it called there's a couple of characters like uh it's gami something gami uh to manipulate paper um yeah uh so he has a power that allows him to track other people using paper and confetti can also take the confetti into oh no he is he is the straight up youngest even younger than uh aluka okay all right I mixed that up anyway oh alaka is older than kuto okay all right anyway also has an ability that honestly was pretty underwhelming for me he took all the confetti and like swirled it around and then used used it like a tornado to rip off one of the Chimera ant's arms so it was like a lot of prep time only to like you know cut off one of their arms which is like all right and then eventually killed them using another technique like that but it just compared to a lot of other net abilities of the zics why paper of all things yeah that's another thing too um yeah uses net emission to receive data from the paper pieces it's really better I honestly I think it's better at reconnaissance cuz that's also the way they found abangan during um Greed Island was using K's ability uh was ability to find him and he was also able to track the members of the Phantom troop without them knowing which is also kind of a kind of a thing so yeah I just feel like in terms of if we're rating it on power I feel like it's a sea like bottom of sea but with the other aspects of the power that's not just physical strength and like cutting things up I think it's B and I think it's a little I think I think you're right I think it's slightly better than the dragonflies slightly better than that um and also kuto is pretty young so like the power will grow a lot stronger later on if kuto is the youngest member of the zix uh yeah that's that's the power in its probably like weaker state right now yeah it's so slow though well the attacking power is slow the tracing and tracking reconnaissance abilities are just plac ing the paper on somebody and apparently it's pretty indistinguishable like you can't tell it's there uh yeah also you could look into kuto you know like playing with the the ant like not going full power CU kuto inherited a lot of bad traits from uh his mom kikio where it was like oh kind of the arrogance of like and because there was a moment there where Koto was like yeah I'm stronger than a lot I'm going to show how strong I am to the Phantom troop and then he shows up and just like oh they're really powerful oh damn all right yeah do they have paper bombs I mean like could they do something like that maybe but we haven't seen it so I can't rate them for powers that they haven't shown like they would probably have paper bomb abilities like Conan I mean like maybe eventually but like I I don't think we didn't see anything like that so I can't I can't rate it on a power they hypothetically might have um yeah we haven't seen it yet yeah okay costro is coming up next then we got kiloa all right I'm going to order some food here in a second all right costro uh real dumbass with his power he's like I'm an enhancer but I'm going to make a power that hinges on manipulation and uh uh manipulation and conjuration yeah that's really great it's it's so funny that so many people like Wing is explaining how nen works in the different types operate on each other and immediately we're like costro is a trained nen user that forgot one of the most basic nen abil one of the most basic nen lessons if you're a manipulator don't try to do transmutation if you're an enhancer don't try to do Conjuration it's pretty simple all right uh and he also but okay to be fair though he wasn't exactly weak all right he he wasn't weak he won a lot of fights at he Arena and he even kind of know I feel like hoko was kind of with him kind of manipulating him a little bit there he wasn't really going all out either um you know Hoka you know he lost an arm but he knew he kind of hired Machi in advance because he was kind of like yeah I'm probably going to lose some limbs during this fight I better I better hire Machi to fix me up after the fact yeah he did have six straight victories in the 200s before I mean after Hoka yeah that's true I feel like putting him in a is too much I don't think Castro Castro going in a is is too high um his enhancement was strong enough to tear off limbs that is true but like you know there's like everybody pretty much above B tier can do that um maybe putting him at top of CA might be good you know like doing something like that top of C cuz you know it's like one of those things where it's like you have a strong nen user but he went up against Hoka you know what I mean it's like you could have a really strong nen user go up against mirim they're going to get their stomped in and it's not really even going to be a fight all right that doesn't mean they're weak it just means you can't you're not in the best of the best you're not at the highest tier okay there it just means there are literal sometimes figurative and sometimes literal monsters in the world um by the way I'm using literal on he uh literal and figurative in the sense of like Hoka is more of a monster than marim was by the end of the story um I'm gonna head out soon before I go can you rate faton from Phantom troop his Rising Sun is one of my favorite abilties well we already rated faton and he is top of a tier right now so have a good night tohaa have a good one man um can you leave this up I'll leave this one up yeah sure I'll leave this one up yeah yeah it's it just means like it means Castro was not set out to be a a like one of the greatest nen users of all time although I think Wing did say that if he would have mastered the tiger bite fist with enhancement he might have been in maybe the highest category of enhancers maybe if he didn't like squander his potential but you know what the great thing about nen is he can go back he can go he can go away and train and get rid of the whole double that's the great thing about nen it's like as long as you're alive wait did hisoka kill him wait a minute did hisoka just I think he just straight up killed him I think costro is dead yeah but okay had hisoka not killed him he could have went away back to the drawing board and he could have tried something else yeah costro yeah costro is dead all right yeah you're not you're not restarting your heart on this one Castro oh yeah yeah he so could killed him all right all right all right uh I still don't think I get that comment from Wing I think just Wing meant that he was a really naturally talented enhancer he just squandered his potential same thing with gido he focused on other categories that made him lose focus on his enhancement if he would have just focused on enhancement and the tiger bite fist it would have been really powerful yeah no postmortem for costro all right all right we're up to kiloan now so I'm going to I'm going to give you guys a moment to think about kilaa uh I am going to order some food cuz I'm really hungry right now should have ordered some of it before I did this but I apologize what am I in the mood for guys what do I what should I order there's not a lot of places around here I live out in the sticks I'm thinking I'm thinking a burger right now Red Robin would be good ah Red Robin's good but they're burgers are so I mean they're Burgers I I love that Royal Red Robin with the little egg on top that's so good pizza dude I could go for some pizza right now I could Chomp down on some pizza right now I could order some pizza and that that's actually a food I can eat on camera too I can eat that on stream because if I get something kind of too like sushi or something that might be a little bit I could eat sushi I could do that I don't know um Taco Bell can't go wrong with pizza it's been a while since I had pizza I might just do pizza uh below faton and above bisy barbecue got that good Q ah pizza's good right now man you know what else oh you know what else that pizza place around me makes they make a really good grilled cheese they have this thing called the adult grilled cheese it's like grilled cheese with uh meat in it and like some really good oh onion rings from that oh man God I'm hungry I'm I'm I'm oh man all right I had pizza last night I might go with that I don't know this is welcome to my life Welcome to every dinner time for me when I'm not cooking it's just me sitting around for 20 minutes like what do I want do I want to go drive somewhere do I want to cook do I want to order do I want to acar cheese does sound good I think I might go with that that's something I can eat here all right all right let's see onion rings oh yeah onion rings that's that is really good onion rings is some good all [Music] right uh cooking is overrated I I made um some really good like I made I love making breakfast at night I love making like eggs sausage some really good buttered toast I love making that at night it's really good all right let's see oh my God where's oh there it is okay you disrespect Sanji I do I'm horrible all right what do they got here uh the adult grilled cheese oh damn that looks so good oh yeah grilled sourdough pulled roast beef frizzled onions mozzarella proone cheese blend and swiss roasted garlic aoli and a side of aju ah oh my god oh do they have the um uh do they have onion rings they might not have onion rings it's okay if they don't though can go french fries I think they just have uh french fries do we want uh guys do we want french fries or chips hold on how many monitors do I have just two I'm using this on my phone hold on a minute oh God this very important this is very important chips or fries I don't know I'm spelling fries right but I don't care chips or fries let's do the poll what what am I getting with this grilled cheese fries fries always fries always getting fries all right we're getting fries getting fries oh we can get another side oh dude we get we get fries with the fries get double fries I could get a salad it I'm ordering a salad too I'm getting a salad salad with my my adult grilled cheese with fries I got to add something healthy on top of that let's get a salad all right okay another one bites the dust Another One Bites the Dust Another One Bites the Dust hey gonna get those fries Another One Bites the Dust I was rewatching the end of JoJo's part four the other day when Kira died yeah he was an all right it's order ORD in shouldn't take too long to get that all right okay uh I'm going to go up and get a drink and just like a little snack some the munch on and then I I'll come back down and then we'll do uh kilawa uh what what uh where are we thinking about placing him uh Kila Queen uh yeah wait a minute wait a minute wait oh here it is here it is okay what what do we what was the consensus for kilo I missed most most of that ah go away ah go away all right kilawa I think was a yeah I honestly think kiloa should go above go honestly yeah kiloa being an a I actually am agreeing with that actually agree that a a a a yeah yeah yeah all right well let me just uh let me go grab another drink and I'll be right back whoa was the uh with so many tabs open when I do the charity stream I am doing three monitors with that charity stream I am hooking up three monitors for that uh confirm my order okay cool I'll be right back for all right okay got some snacks got a little little granola bar we got some wasabi peas my favorite little thing to snack on uh okay kilawa you know what kilawa I think you're stronger than gone I'll give it to you there's always like an underlying thing throughout the story that kilaa might be like in terms of current n ability cuz like gone obviously with contract and you know his potential is immense but also his Kila was too kiloa I just finished rewatching The zic Arc and like Zeno and luki both kind of agreed that kilawa is the most talented zic born in like centuries all right so like yeah um putting him at low a while gone is sitting in B I kind of agree with that once again I think the feat of aen Gan um you you know being able to remove Kari CU nchain I I think that's something very notable not putting him Kila is high a you think he's stronger than faton I he's definitely not stronger than faton so if Killa was going to high a fitton's going to S there's no way he's stronger than faton uh low a not even middle a I really like that abangan feet yeah I I really feel comfortable putting Killa here stronger than bisy I don't know man I don't know is he stronger than bisy I would say no bisy has a tremendous amount of experience at her disposal yeah bisy Rex kiloa also that's not a great comparison because as kilaa said in the story he is really bad at dealing with older women he's not great at it bisy is not is an older woman that is actually really good at like just pushing kila's buttons and he just doesn't know how to deal with it you know what I mean um yeah I don't say as he is right now look look if we're looking into some hypothetical future which we're not but if we were looking into some hypothetical future like kilawa at age 30 versus bisy as she is right now in age 50 kilo winning I would say sure but like he's like 12 at the start of the story he's like maybe like 13 14 at the end of it that's the thing about goonan kilaa they have a tremendous amount of potential because they're just kids when they learn n like Wing is like they're like one in a hundred million that they're able to know all this crap all right that they're able to pick up on everything like that you know you know future gone and future Killa would be like s tiers that's the idea that's what makes it so impactful that gone gave up his nen in order to um defeat Pito that's what makes it so impactful in that story because you understand throughout that story how much potential gone has with nen and he threw all of that away so he could defeat one person yeah I'm happy with kilawa at low a yes yeah okay who's next kite oh my God kite I actually have um you can't see it the trees blocking it but I do have crazy slots over here actually I'm going to pull out crazy slots hold on all right in my mouth is a roulette wheel with numbers 1 through nine get a different weapon for each number I'm the great mad clown known as crazy slots oh my God I love crazy slots so much all right crazy slots there he is there he is all right okay kite he got he got I might have to restructure this tier list now that I'm thinking about it I feel like there's a I feel like we need some extra tiers on this tier list can I edit this hold on a minute let me let me take this off for a moment I want to see if I can just edit this tier list because this is kind of important here if I can do that I don't know this website's weird with that sometimes sometimes you're allowed to do it sometimes you can't um can I add one I can I can I can good good good good good all right we need to we need to revamp because this was just a this was just a tier list that was added like this was just the basic default yeah um hold I'm keeping track of my food while I'm doing this um all right so we're making some new we're making some new teers we're going above s what what we're going to make um what should go above s okay are we talking about succession war or just 2011 anime so it's the characters are just from the 2011 like the like the characters on the tier list there's no characters from the succession War Arc but if a character has done something like once we get to karapa kopik has shown stuff in the succession war that will be accounted for this okay all right oh that's a good one all right so we're going to go with oh wait no no no no we're gonna we're going to make a new we're going to make a new row here all right all right here's what we're going to do we're going to add a row above new row we're going to call this next row God uh maybe not god tier double s plus I don't like using SS because of reasons you know I'll go s+ or we could go like you know I don't know amazing something star hunter tier triple yeah we could do that we could do the triple Stars yeah use op I could do op we'll do op op tier op tier okay and then I'm going to add one more row above that and that's going to be the hacks tier all right now are we adding I think that's okay I think that's good I don't think we need to add anything lower um do we need anything higher do we need anything lower we have sa a b c d trash do we need anything else like should I throw an e tier in there or something below trash like worse than trash like you know we do have mid tier we do have mid you know the abyss is there anybody that deserves that much though even Chu does Chu deserve that bad you know yeah okay well this is what I got let's go back to the screen here oh what's what panel did I use ah there it is okay so this is what I added in we got trash dcab BC I me okay I don't know how to count or or do letters trash D CB a s and then I added op and then I added hacks all right I'm just telling you right now the hack tier is pretty much right there for meim maroom is pretty much there for hacks and that's kind of it all right all right now do we have to rearrange anything here is the point that I'm trying to make here um let's see yeah I I basically had to make a maroom tier all right uh let's see Neo is going for ha he might be in that one too um do we want to put KOLO in do we want to put croo or Hoka or ilumi or any I don't know about aumi but do we want to put kroo in op cuz I feel like he might qualify for that he's so good might too honestly I feel like moving up KOLO to op might not be a bad idea yeah because his a his power is the ability to steal other powers and use them really well yeah yeah all right we'll rearrange this as we go okay where's kite in that regard putting kite n so kite we only saw how many of his abilities with his crazy slots we saw three of them uh technically four actually technically five um we saw no I think it's only four we saw the Scythe he made a really big Scythe that cut up a bunch of ants and like destroyed an entire Forest we saw the gun that shot uh the um uh one that Chimera one that one with the the horse body I forget its name uh yunju I think um he had the ability he used against Pito but unfortunately we didn't see what it was it was like a mace or something but we didn't really see what it did then he also had an ability that Jean mentioned that allowed him to I I I think the implication was he had an ability that came up on the slots that was the number three that allowed him to reincarnate into another body cuz that was his ability that allowed him to come back cuz that's kind of what jean said wasn't the mace the one that doesn't appear the mace appeared it's just we don't know what it did I don't think that was what made him come back h i mean the way Jean explained it was that there's a number that comes up on the crazy slots only when he's guaranteed to not die and I that was the number three was the number that came up when he fought Pito and that's where he died so I'm assuming that was probably the number yeah it might have been a baton it's kind of dubious as like it's like a staff or like a baton or like a scepter or a mace not really sure what it is yeah if it was his ability that allowed him to come back back from life to reincarnate himself it's pretty damn good any ability that allows you to come back from the dead I think deserves at least s tier I'm sorry I'm eating on stream but I'm hungry so you know I thought it was a magic wand like kite's a magical girl well he is a magical girl now like canonically yeah kite was never eaten by God sorry kite was never eaten by the queen yeah that was the thing that was confus confusing yeah yeah the Chimera ants reincarnated when they were eaten by the queen kite's body was never fed to the queen we see kite's body later yeah his ability I think was something along the lines of I will reincarnate into the nearest like the nearest organism capable of giving birth to like a humanoid which was probably the Chimera ant Queen it's very confusing I'm not even going to deny it it's very confusing yeah he has an ability that will only activate if he really doesn't want to die yeah that's what it is it was very vague it was not very specific on what it was it wasn't like Jean said kite has a n ability that allows him to reincarnate but I really don't see any other mechanism that allowed him to reincarnate that was like not his own ability it doesn't make any sense the only way that he can reincarnate into a chimeran is if they ate him he was not in the stomach of the of the queen we see his body later it's used as like a a puppet corpse thing for Pito yeah so yeah ah I I I'm under the impression it's Kit's ability I'm I'm leaning in on being Kit's ability maybe you disagree with that maybe you think it's the Queen's ability something like that but I I'm going to go with the implication in the story with the hints that we've been giv the very few hints we've been given I I think it is a a part of kite's ability also kite had a habit of saying like you know it's a bad spin every single time he rolled something and he we only got to see out of uh wait was it numbers one through nine so nine abilities and we only saw three of them and one of them we didn't really understand what it could do all right so that's still like six other abilities that we didn't even see all right I think low s is pretty good here yeah he didn't want to die uh I think Pito used his n ability to turn him into a puppet uh Pito using their ability like he that did happen but the only way my point is like for him to be reincarnated the normal way as a chimera ant he would have had to been consumed by the queen and that did not happen so that's the thing unless tagashi like messed that up but maybe he did maybe he didn't but um yeah okay so uh we're going to leave him at s tier maybe that'll change but what's up next we got oh nove nove is a really good ability I love no's power he is one of my favorite like that might be the net ability if I could have any net ability in Hunter Hunter that might be the one cuz I love I love teleportation Powers I love the ability that he has to make little like warp points and then he can like walk into them and like the actual door and he has this little po pocket Dimension this little hotel that he made this little like four I think it's like a four or five story apartment building that he made where he could just hang out and people can just chill in there and they can set things up and they can bring things into the world like this little pocket Dimension he has control of so good oh my God I I want to put him in S I think I nov's power is so good if he didn't have like a mental breakdown halfway through the Chim Anar he would have been way more useful uh but yeah no was right behind faton I kind of agree with you his ability must use a ton of Aura and he still pulls it off he never seemed tired or exhausted throughout the entire time he was using his power you think it would could cause like a tremendous amount of Aura consumption but he was able to pull it off a lot of times yeah yeah he even has scream he has like scream where he just like traps you in between dimensions and just just like like it's like the it's like the hand from JoJo part 4 it just wipes you out of existence Jesus Christ he did get tired he got tired when he was infiltrating the palace that was more like mental exhaustion and uh he got like mentally broken when he was like doing that I don't think when he was just like when he was just using his power zipping around town he didn't look like super exhausted doing that um it wasn't until he started getting into um the palace is when he started really feeling the mental fatigue he couldn't teleport more people dude he could teleport like the entire group into the palace so his upper limit is like eight that's still good that's still a good amount of people how many people could he teleport himself moral gonan kiloa ealo um Mele olone nove no no no knuckle knuckle and shot that's like eight eight people he worked like eight people that's pretty good damn eight people Transportation ability and a pocket Dimension ability and an offensive ability he can't teleport he can teleport 10 people that's that's de that's damn good 10 people that's pretty damn efficient I would love to have a teleportation ability I could teleport up to 10 people that'd be awesome yeah well probably 10 at once he was dropping ants into the room and then Neo was just killing them so I don't think that counts probably like 10 people at once and by the way I don't know I don't know if after they're killed I don't know if they count as people anymore CU they're corpses at that point so maybe when he's like sending the people in there they're getting killed by Neo maybe they don't count as part of his occupancy limit anymore you know what I mean yeah no's paranoia got to him but I'm not ranking him dude actually you know what this is something I've always been Amazed by with nove even after he suffered a complete and utter mental breakdown to the point where all of his hair fell out his nen ability still worked perfectly fine he could still use the nen power exactly like he used to he just also had a mental breakdown on top of that and that always blew my mind because the idea is like nen abilities kind of are affected to your personal and physical state you know what I mean like your mental state affects your nen Powers even under that stress he's still able to use his power just fine so I'm going to say that's that's better for no's capabilities if anything yeah absolutely oh yeah you're right yeah I now once again I don't know if that's something tagashi just overlooked for convenience's sake like oh man we really need know if to use his powers here but like he was in a state where you really question how the hell was he still able to use that power yeah I'd straight up say s tier honestly I want him to put I want to put him in s tier he was teleporting entire squadrons of ants okay so his number is higher than 10 maybe it's maybe maybe after he suffered the strain and stress of the events of the castle maybe he could only do 10 maybe when he was calm and collected at his Peak maybe he could do more than that yeah oh man I kind of want to put him in S I kind of want to put him higher than kite maybe even higher than alumi uh how do we feel about higher than alumi but lower than Hoka I don't know fair I think that's fair we might be bumping he's isoka might be bumping up to op I don't think no would be an OP but Hoka is getting very close to getting bumped up to op give kite some love please um yeah I like it lower than a Lumi all right I'll do that I'll do that for right now okay next up knuckle I love Knuckles power I made a video about Knuckles power uh Knuckles ability is like Tashi is a genius like his power is interest rates I'm going to take the concept of interest rates apply it to nen in this adorable little like mascot thing and then have this I mean like what other Series has such intricate abilities Beyond Hunter Hunter for like that like Knuckles ability is kind of confusing if you don't really understand like interest rates and accounting and math um and especially G had like a brain exhaust like like I don't understand how this power Works uh but damn is it such a cool Power yeah I know I know jjk a lot of people say jjk has powers like that too it's like yeah yeah yeah but man JoJo's yes I don't okay I don't know a lot of later stage powers of JoJo's I haven't even read all of stone ocean so I couldn't even tell you the stands that show up there but yeah probably a lot of n abil probably a lot of stand abilities and JoJo's are pretty pretty esoteric as well um yeah it makes it so that knuckle can fist fight and still not hurt you yeah because then when all happens is if it reaches the limit where you go bust then you just your your nen just gets turned off you don't you don't die or anything you just you just go into a state of force zetsu um knuckle knuckle being an a how do we feel about knuckle being right smack dab in the middle of a he's right in between biscuit and abangan the thing is it does have a weakness because the stronger the opponent is the longer it will take and you have to it takes it only increases value every 10 seconds and he has to be within a certain range of the enemy he can't just hit you and then run to the other side town and it keeps a crewing interest that's not how it works there is a range in fact I think I think Tashi had to reccon the range later for purposes of the story I think it used to be like 50 meters and they had to change it to 20 or something like that um knuckle should aisy should be higher if knuckle is an a ah no knuckle's not below kiloa I don't think he's below kiloa yeah I really wanted I I so wanted his power to to activate on one of the ants his power never activated didn't activate on poof it didn't activate on Yi it didn't activate on the king I'm like a man that would been so cool if they activated his ability on the king you know I would have just loved to see how big APR would have gotten on on marim it would have been it would have been like a Thanksgiving Parade float or something it would have been like the side you could see it from orbit with the amount of nen that would have been acred on like look how look how big yeah he used it on UPI it didn't it didn't activate on up it didn't trigger the um IRS um biscuit is s so knuckle can be high a well what about faton then faton could be S if we rearrange it like so maybe something like that I still have the poll up from the I'm going to end the poll here thanks for voting for fries Daddy Why Did You Eat My Fries I don't think see that's the thing I don't think biscuit in s works works I'm hold on a second like that doesn't seem that insane to me that doesn't that doesn't seem ridiculous to me putting knuckle above kiloa I think his added experience uh more multifaceted ability would work pretty good Adventure Time tier list win I don't know [Music] there we go I agree so far all right we can keep that up um what's next up we have copi so copi I think is physically the weakest member of the Phantom troop in terms of like arm wrestling copi is way down at the bottom um has an ability that's once again a non-c combat one that allows him to copy anything he wants he has Gallery fake so he's able to touch a thing of wasabi peas and make a nen copy now his n is insane because he can make like 50 copies of like a building like a 10-story building he can make 50 copies of a 10-story building and he knows exactly what's going on in all of those copies that is incredible that is just insanity he could do that so his end is that guy's end is ridiculous he can make he could basically make his own town his own City whenever he once now it is it doesn't last forever lasts like I think I I think it lasts like 24 48 Hours something like that and then it dissipates um because there was a set time limit on how long he could keep that up I think it was like 48 hours or 72 hours still that's ridiculous you know yeah it's 24 hours okay it's 24 hours 24 hours you can make 50 copies of a 10-story building and he knows what's going on in all of those buildings at all time that's a pretty damn use if that was a spell in D and D that'd be broken as all right yeah I'm thinking fat Ton's gonna get the bump to S pretty quick here I think faton is getting up to S very quickly if you know if if you know flutter has this really good reconnaissance ability and flutter is a b faton could be a feel like I feel like destructive power faton might be there of course we're not ranking just purely undestructible is it a better n ability because noves is so good yeah that's another question altogether but if we're going to put copi in a once again this is not strength I'm not saying copi is physically stronger than kiloa I'm saying the ability is you know better than kilawa in terms of that power in terms of what they are capable of given the fact of what their ability is not about what their physical like power how much like how big of an explosion they can with their nen because some powers like cop's power isn't that he doesn't do that um yeah I'm okay with a I'm okay with a here all right yeah uh who's next uh is that no oh it's kopika we're up to kopika oh boy oh my God kopa okay if you actually think about this kopa kopa really does feel like um in in the world of Hunter Hunter there's like a uh like an OC character you know those really broken OC characters people make you know in like bleach you know You' be like or like in Naruto be like my character in Naruto has like access to all of the different chakra natures and they can use them all at once you know it's like uh they're super powerful at all of them you know that feels like kopika oh kopika is a conjur but he also has a specialist ability that allows him to activate 100% of every single net ability however he can only use this when his eyes are red but then he later learns how to turn his eyes red whenever he wants what's the downside oh um the downside is for every second he stays in this form where he's essentially God he loses an hour of his life which granted is is is a thing but like that's basically like yeah I could just go into this mode where I'm basically in I'm one of the strongest n users in the world with very minimal training he's only known nen for less than a year and he's already having this crazy hack ability now now granted if he stays in that ability for let's say 10 seconds that's 10 hours off of his life if he stays in that no it's no it's a day no it's a second equals a day or a second equals an hour I think it's a second equals an hour um let me double check that actually really quick somebody let me know somebody's let me know the ratio I think it's every second he loses an hour so that means if he stays in that form in Emperor time for 24 seconds that's a whole day but like he doesn't need to half the time he's so goddamn strong he could probably finish most enemies like most regular enemies not like higher tier but most normal enemies are probably going to get their asses kicked in less than a minute anyway you know what I mean and he has 100% in all categories now granted if he had to stay in this power which he does by the way later on during the succession War Arc he has to stay in that form for like I think he there is an upper limit I think it's like an hour and a half if he stays in Emperor time for an hour and a half I think he just loses consciousness he just it's too much he just overwhelms his body and he just loses loses Consciousness um but if he spends an hour okay so an hour is 60 Minutes 60 seconds to an hour I got to use math here okay so 60 seconds to uh I suck at math crap all right if it's if it's a second for an hour then that means a minute is 60 hours which means it's uh H it's okay take your time God damn it uh 60 hours so 60 time 60 right so 60 time 60 is 3,600 hours how many days is that 3,600 divided by 24 that's 150 days holy so if he stays in that form for 150 days that's that's like half half a year almost half a year not quite yeah okay so that's half a year right but also kar's young he's like a teenager when he uses the power so it's like if he lives to the rip old age of 70 he could pretty much use this power all the time he doesn't really have to worry about the problems like that's honestly that payoff that that that downside is a downside but considering what he gets from it holy my food's almost here oh man and on top of that not only not only does he have maximum capabilities in enhancement transmutation emission conjuration manipulation and the specialist category he also has individual abilities he has an ability that allows him to steal other abilities he has an ability that allows to heal him he has an ability that can chain the Phantom troop he has an ability that can be planted in other people's heart that one isn't only for the Phantom troop and he has a power that's dousing that's basically like I could just see whatever's going on I just have like the ability of like radar in whatever area so many broken goddamn abilities H I did not pay attention in math class you're right I didn't oh man and detect lies he could just do that too oh wait when did he use that what the dousing ability he used it to track neon and he also used it to detect Lies when at they were at the Mansion for that test for the noad family yeah he has that ability too and the stealing ability we see during um the succession War Arc he has that power too all right I'm going to go pick up my food I'm going to be right back oh my God k [Music] oh no no no no that better not have happened they missed my address again God damn it that's the second time that's happened oh my God uh oh wait no wait no no no no no no no no wait a minute wait a minute wait a minute oh no no okay no no no they're good they're good they're good they picked it up from the place and now they're heading to my house oh my God no I say that because that happened once before when we did um when we were doing the last episode of One Piece D and D the last episode of One Piece d and d i it was like a 4-Hour stream I was very hungry I ordered food to be ready for the end of it and then I go outside and it just wasn't there it just wasn't there I'm like what the so I I was I was mad that day uh I think they passed my house or something I don't know I never got that food I never did find that food but they're good they're good they're all right oh my God I looked at I was looking at the wrong icon on the phone oh my God all right why does that happen um I think it's because there's another house that's in my little development that has the same number as my house so sometimes that happens but I don't think they even got the food it was it was weird that day I don't know uh but whatever it's okay what did you order dude I got some really good grilled cheese got a really good girl cheese oh man but there's that moment where I'm really hungry and I go outside and I'm like where's the food oh no not again no um didn't know you liked Hunter Hunter I do I do like Hunter Hunter okay where is kopika going you know what I feel like for everything karika can do I feel like op is fair I think it's fair I feel like putting him in op you know hi s yeah I mean like his powers are so ridiculous all right he now granted he made a contract to like he he'll die if he doesn't get the thing you know what I mean like he doesn't if he uses the he can't use chain Jael on anybody but the Phantom troop but every other ability he can use on anybody so it's not even really much of a restriction he he's like oh yeah I'll come up with five broken of really useful abilities but I can only use one on one group of people oh yeah that's a huge contract yeah oh man he's literally God 10 months for two hours worth of power yeah but he doesn't need to use the two hours for most opponents less than two hours would like like a couple of seconds would probably be good enough when you saw okay how long did that fight between kopika and uog last all right because karika dominated that fight dude brought a shovel to that fight he knew he was going to win how long did that fight last what like 10 minutes all right let's highball it how long did that fight last two minutes I think it was a little longer than two minutes we can highball it let's say 15 minutes okay that fight was 15 minutes and uoge is literally one of the strongest enhancers in the entire world when it comes to enhancement abilities specifically the entire world I'm giving him more credit I'm saying 15 minutes okay okay so that's 60 seconds that's that's 1 second per hour okay so 15 minutes divided by all right hold on I got this 60 time 15 all right wait no not that oh God okay hold on a second all right how do how do you do math uh okay 60 time 15 yeah 60 time 15 that's 900 seconds and that's divided by uh Alexa 900 seconds is how many minutes 900 seconds is 15 minutes oh wait no it's hours wait how many hours is 900 damn it 37.5 days thank you 37.5 days all right so that's 15 minutes 15 minutes and that's highballing it it was probably lower than that honestly but okay he gave up one month of his life to defeat the one of the strongest if not the strongest enhanced in the world and uog had literally Decades of experience and training uh kopa learn nen six months before this oh my camera my camera went down not my camera where did my camera go oh no what happened did I break my camera hold on a second device not available what happened did my camera break there we go teeking one shot the camera boom okay now my food is almost here all right I'm gonna go get my food now all right all right all right you m the you punch the table Yeah I have a little input over here all right I'm going to go get my food now for reies for reies reies okay Kar because nen turned off the camera yeah yeah all right I'll be right back math killed the camera for me precious sustenance precious things that could sustain me and deflated one of the strongest members of The Troop only silence remains rip math rip way better than gear second yeah all right I got to move all this crap out of the way because I want to eat all right uh kopa going in hacks is good oh we got an easy one leech I'm gonna okay leech is in D honestly leech is like his ability I I'd say it's good enough to not be trash if nothing else all right all right I'm going to put guys hold Bandit Secret here you go hold Bandit secret for me all right move this back Barry here you go I also have this little marim thing this little maroom and kogi thing I have over here it's cute all right H I was so scared for kopika yeah like the idea is that like you have to understand you know uog people like were out there like oh yeah he was defeated by kopa he was like one of the first Phantom troop members to die dude was one of the strongest enhancers in the world he trained for decades to have that power okay he had the ability to just Crush mountains whenever he wanted to okay um yeah and actually funnily enough the um oh wait no what was I thinking uh okay when uog was affected with the leeches shizuku couldn't get the leeches out but she could get the um poison out so the leeches actually gave him a little bit more trouble what the hell is this oh my salad I also ordered a salad I forgot about that I was like what is this what is this strange thing I also ordered a salad uh yeah he was not equipped to deal with chains they oh they didn't cut my sandwich in half that's okay that's okay I can deal all right all right so can you read this word no I can't bomber and B tier for bomb no he deserves to be better than that all right all right um we have leol or hog yeah but he prefers to go by leol so I'll say leol all right so leol has his ability to rental pod so he can rent net abilities from people there are some stipulations to this um he has to perform a favor for somebody and then the person he's doing the favor for has to respond affirmatively like you know you did a favor for me and or no it has to work like he's like oh you owe me something leol has to say you owe me something this isn't free you owe me something and then the person has to respond affirming affirming that like okay sure yes okay then the abil is activated and then he stores it in his little iPod his little early 2000s iPod where then he can pull it up whenever he wants uh and activate it I think for an hour okay and then while it's being activated the original user cannot use it because he's like renting that power off of the original user um so it it's like Kos he's a specialist and I like how a lot of Specialists all go about like a similar thing where most Specialists will focus on stealing other abilities because they're Specialists cuz why wouldn't you um there are some like just like with any ability that allows you to steal stuff there's a bunch of like conditions you have to meet um in in response to that I think kopa actually has one of the easiest ways to steal abilities um why I know you today uh Briggs was busy uh I don't know exactly when we're going to do it next if we're doing it tomorrow or another day this week or if we're waiting till next week I'm not really sure um yes bungee gum does have the properties of both rubber then and gum yes so it's a stealing ability I'd say putting in an a tier would not be a bad idea I feel like putting that below kite though yeah he borrowed the ability from Gran who is a friend of moral and um I think it's also a thing like you can't that the original user can't die because if the original user dies the N ability I think might just disappear no no that's not true it's the reverse of that when kroo is using the ability to steal it with Bandit secret if they die then n ability dies unless it's under very rare circumstances because I think there was one ability that K had that a person was dead and he still had it um but other than that they disappear with rental pod I think they still get to keep it cuz flutter died and then he was able to use flutters ability yeah yeah yeah yeah kroo had one ability where there was a postmortem nen buff yeah grilled cheese I have to go cut this in half I'll be right back sorry I know the stream is all over the damn place I have to cut my sandwich in half I'll be right back this is a great stream this is an amazing stream are you not entertained are you not entertained this is the best live stream I've ever done in my life every five seconds I'm like hey guys I'll hold on a second I gotta go do something all right all right all right all right all right um I'm Gonna Leave Leo right there right now who's next who the hell is this guy who is this oh it's Leorio Leorio huh all right well he's an A M got that warp punch thing that was pretty cool punch Jean in the face I should put him as hacks just cuz he punched Jean in the face so [Music] good all right all right I think we're want to put him in C um yeah like like honestly below boso like he's barely C because once again not a not a real Combat type you know Jean actually mentioned that that ability would be better for surgery than it would be for like attacking which I think is why I think Leorio developed it for surgery but he used it just to punch Jee just because he could M mhm H yeah that's a good point that is a good point that warp punch ability it wasn't meant to be used like that if I put it in if you look at it like an ability for his doctor skills as Jean clarified later it might be up to be or it might be up higher but this is best nen users yeah best nen users Oh you mean like rate no I'm not ranking the characters I'm ranking their abilities and how they use them yeah um he can punch your heart Jean can copy it just by seeing it yeah and there's also like other abilities where um very similar to Le oros somebody mentioned that one dude the one pirate guy in Greed Island had an ability that was pretty much the same thing um yeah yeah yeah it's not we're not doing a combat based one that's why I'm thinking okay I think he deserves higher than a c for that reason cuz it's an ability that is actually really well suited to him as a doctor but we haven't seen much of it so I think bumping it up to maybe like okay last tier of B maybe because it is an ability that's really good for him being a doctor or top of SE top of C cuz Castro really squandered that that potential man top of C is fair okay who's next Machi all right okay what's next after this uh meleoron okay okay Machi Machi Machi all right everybody loves Machi how many people love Machi raise your hands for machi I'm gonna while you do that I'm gonna eat some more grilled [Music] cheese not me get out all right here's a fun thing we've never seen Machi like fight like not really like she restrained gon and kilawa during York new which is not really that much of a feat considering they didn't even have their abilities yet and um she was she's good at tracking people she's good at healing people with her nen stitches but we're not basing this on combat I'm just saying that we've never really seen her fight you know so that's not we're not basing it on combat and her nen stitches are one of the better abilities given the fact of what she can do with them just saying that she does definitely probably will have combat abilities we just haven't seen them you know if we were doing like strongest Phantom troop members and just pure power then yeah she wouldn't be she wouldn't be high oh we've seen her do stuff just not really straight up fighting H all right I want to put her an a because her nen stitches are even even hisoka mentioned it's like the it's like one of the best abilities you can have like for herself like that ability is like perfectly suited to her it's like her stitches are to her as like hisoka's bunge gum is to him you know what I mean it's like just you figured out the best optimal ability that you could possibly have like there's no ability you could have picked better than that kind of thing you know grilled cheese gets more screen time than Dragon it does yeah yeah she's a transmuter right yeah I believe so same as uh same as Hoka she's a Terminator right she's a Terminator right yeah she is actually I love her last name it's Machi Co machine she's a machine without Machi Hoka would not have an arm that's true canonically he would not I love that he's like yeah I'm probably going to lose an arm today in this fight so can you come and Patch me up afterwards and she's like yep you got to pay me though she charges outrageously for her Services too I can't remember how much money it was but it was like it was like 500 million for one arm and like 700 for the next arm I mean like it was an absurd amount of money it's in Jenny which is in Yen which in even in American dollars it was something like $500,000 she charges but like wouldn't you 60 and 72 million so if you calculate that out hold on so let's see what the uh let's see what that is so 60 plus 72 that's 132 Alexa 132 million yen is how many American dollars 132 milanes 97465 would you uh would you pay $97,000 to see Machi um that's pretty damn good then again her abilities allow her to like you know how like if somebody has an arm cut off like we can reattach it but you got to go through an extensive surgery and you got to go through a lot of complicated rehab for that Machi can literally do it like this like she just snaps your fingers and basically just you're fixed muscles Bon nerve ending she even reattaches your damn nerve endings like perfect and you're like ready to go afterwards pretty much so I mean she can charge whatever she wants for her Services you know what I mean yeah I I think putting her in a tier is good uh Mel oron's next okay so he has two abilities he has perfect plan and God's accomplice basically the same kind of ability it allows him to become completely not intangible he can't phase through matter but when he activates it he's not only invisible it's like he's imperceptible all right even to somebody like Maro him he didn't really get a chance to use his ability against maram because marim knocked him out before he had a chance to even do it but if he did use the Ability even on somebody as strong as him it would probably still work uh the idea is that you can't be detected at all uh even like lowers your perception of people around you you can even go up and like physically like he could have went into God's accomplice and then went up and like tapped Miro him in the face Miran would just be like huh what I don't know what's going on here huh you know like that would be basically like that it's a really good power but he has to hold his breath while using it um but you know he's trained himself he holds his breath while doing it and he's also a smoker so is that maybe maybe a uh a condition I'll hold my breath while using this power but I'm also a smoker so my lung capacity is not the best my I have to yeah [Music] hm yeah it was even mentioned by knuckle a little later like if you have the boss's lungs you could hold your breath for like you know maybe an hour or two but it's not happening if you don't yeah all right so let's say it's a really good power B tier I feel like putting him right below gen through might be an okay place to put him I think High B is good for him everyone's kind of saying High B I kind of agree with that yeah he could take others with him that's good it's still the same power though it's just that he has to hold his breath it's the same conditions both times in Hunter Hunter smoking is like going to the gym for your lungs toughens them up you know what I mean yeah h yeah you're right about that you are right about that if he does bring somebody like nove not nove but knuckle or somebody that's really strong then yeah they could basically get a free one shot on pretty much anybody they want like the only reason why that plan kind of got like as soon as they began the invasion Zeno's Dragon died like air raided the entire castle and that caused some problems to get where they were going but if that had not happened you'd think he could just run in and just run right up to UPI and just boom you know and then think he's going to got and G I mean that does happen but yeah for one shot potential that is really good so many people if you believe lead you're exposed though yeah but if you show up to the fight and you're already invisible they don't know you're there area of effect abilities are yeah they're not really effective there with area of effect Powers but if you show up to the fight and you're just going to one shot they don't they won't even know you're there you just get a free shot yeah they could smell him because of the smoke but when he went into that fight he specifically didn't smoke anything he's specific Al stop smoking because they knew they could smell the smoke yeah so he just has to not smoke before he goes into a fight yeah yeah imagine this ability in D and D undetectable is that an ability in D and D like a ninth level spell probably uh and he was also on edge because I'm not smoking yeah they can only smell him in between breath they can smell so if he was yeah I mean it's really kind of hard to hold your breath while smoking a cigarette so he can't really do both at the same time he can't do as his ability and smoke at the same time but let's say he was let's say he smoked and then held his breath they wouldn't be able to smell the smoke on him but they would be able to smell the smoke he just exhaled all around him like that that he' be able to smell but yeah he wouldn't he wouldn't be doing that at the same time yeah I feel like I feel like because of that that ability he should go up a little higher his power see that's the thing like under the right circumstances he is really good his power is really good ah he's not really ethereal cuz he can't pass through walls that's what I consider like ethereal or intangible he's still a physical thing that can still get hit I'm gonna I'm gonna keep him in s tier because damn that is a good power when you team up with people the ability just to become completely undetectable like the ways you become detectable are very specific like welin was able to detect him because welin was a wolf that had highly specialized scent because Mel oron even went to extra efforts to put on like unscented deodorant and try to remove as much of his his smell as possible now welin was still able to smell him because he's a freaking wolf right but like most people he encounters aren't going to have the sense of smell of welin right yeah we're not talking about power though yeah in terms of power he's on foot soldier level but that's not what we're raing we're raing like what his ability can do yeah yeah he should have held a knife he should have had some kind of weapon on him that's not a bad idea he should have had like a really good knife or something like a gun something he could have used on him wouldn't have helped but it's something he would have had all he had was a hood and a pack of sigs yeah and even welim couldn't track him great he could kind of tell something was up in between breaths but he couldn't track him perfectly so it's like if well if like if uh Mel oron's right here and wen's over here Mel oron will excel and then reinh Hal and then he'll leave and then welin will be able to track him to the point where he inhaled but then he won't be able to follow him further than that so yeah H maybe a spirit gun or something yeah okay I'm going to leave him there he's a really good one um who's next Melody Melody I mean her power is not like some kind of One-Shot kill ability where she like sings a song and everybody just be uh but you know like she has the ability to calm emotions she could probably agitate emotions too it's just we've never seen her use that but you know we've from what we've seen we've seen her be able to hear from really hard like far distances Away really good support ability for that and she can also play a song to calm everybody down and distract them in the process for support abilities that's really good support abilities really good there I might actually put her even higher than Leorio oh wait no maybe B tier B tier or C tier we don't know what the Sonata of Darkness can do we don't know what happens we know what happens when she played part of it she turned into her present form but we don't know if she can just play that and just oneshot Hoka I mean maybe it does but like we've never seen her use it offensively yeah at least B yeah I agree I agree I'm gonna put her higher than uh dude I might what do you think of H what do you think of in between kuto and uh Franklin it cursed her and killed her friend yeah but we don't know if it has like if she played that song in front of mirim it would like one shot him or something I mean that's that's completely conjecture we can't we can't go on that yeah blow Franklin all right I'm good on that okay maroom time the king all right so everybody under consensus that hack is the right place to put him all right are we are we all under consensus on that one I literally made that tier I might as well just rename that tier the maroom tier because that's literally the tier you know yeah yeah yeah yeah what was his ability Aura synthesis he can eat and the the more he eats the stronger he becomes but his normal net he just has like natural Mastery over all types of nen to begin with you know like his just by being born his nen is so goddamn strong it can like obliterate anything around him he's able to handle uh Neo's strongest attack he takes the zero hand like it's nothing he gets a little scraped up from using zero hand that's pretty much it yeah I don't see nanika on here yeah she's not on here that was not on the list this is just a default list I saw she would be also on the on the uh the hacks tier if she was I just she wasn't included um yeah and and also all the stuff happens maroin by the way is like less than like a month old when when all of the fights happen he's like a month or two old and he's able to do all that we saw which human cuz we the way we've seen it with most Chimera ants uh it's usually like a single human serves as a as a like the uh the template for the next uh Chimera ant I wonder if if there was a specific human was it gyro maybe oh it might have been gyro was it gyro cuz gyro no gyro was eaten but gyro turned into an ant and we see him we see him later in the manga we don't see him in the anime but he shows up in the manga wandering through town we're going and kilo R yeah yeah gyro was reborn we didn't so it's not him H so I wonder I wonder which humans served as the main basis for marim I wonder interesting yeah the manga teas that gyro would meet him in the future yeah well maybe he will all right so for right now maro's and hacks the only way we know to kill him is to use a nuke which is really nice um in Hunter Hunter because it teaches us that like just because they have this power system of nen and there's so many wacky powers that nen can do um there are still like modern weapons that can still kill you like even if you're like one of the most broken nen users in the entire world if you get a nuke dropped on you you're still going to die like that doesn't make you impervious to to like like modern weaponry and stuff like that you know uh if marim ate all of the royal guards yeah I mean like he would be but miro's story isn't about him like I'm super strong tough guy just for the sake of being a final boss it's it's a very fascinating Story the direction that Togashi takes him subverts a lot of anime tropes and I really respect him for that rock paper nuke yep you can't beat the nuke it's the poison that killed him yeah it's yeah so it's a nuke it's the rad it's the nuclear radiation off of a nuclear weapon that killed him so it's a nuke yeah ni nen catch this nuke though all right we got moral coming up next moral um is probably an S tier same as nove I'm actually okay with putting him a little higher than a Lumi like he sooka and then moral right behind him that's not bad oh no moral is not being moral is definitely higher than b tier are you kidding me moral is like a trained veteran moral is insanely his ability is really versatile same thing with Machi same thing with Hoka moral has the absolute optimized ability for him that much better than bisy uh yeah I yeah I'm actually okay with that I don't I actually am really okay with that yeah yeah he can't stand up against a nuke though damn it we should put another tier and just put nuke in that tier the nuke tier oh yeah yeah also if Leo is an S tier yeah moral kind of has to be an S tier too nove can survive a nuke okay well he Dodges the nuke he doesn't doesn't take the nuke and walk away fine he Dodges it but I know what you mean yeah all right um who's next neon okay it's literally an ability to see the future and from what we understand the future the way the future telling works is she writes a series of poems the poems will tell you what's going to happen each day of that week or each I don't know if it's every day of the week or every week I think it's every week and she writes you a a few verses and every verse is like a different week now the way that the fortunes work is what is told is going to happen but it also tells you how to avoid it so it's like you will be in a car crash this week so don't drive on Tuesday that's kind of what it is it's like as long as you don't drive on Tuesday you won't die all right like it's okay so you don't drive on Tuesday and then it doesn't happen all right so really good power in order to activate it you need to know someone's name birth day and blood type I think those were the three criteria so some of the Phantom troop members actually couldn't have their Fortune Reds because some of them didn't know what their blood type one didn't know what their birthdays were um because they were from meteor City yeah Neon just randomly died she just died off screen we don't know what happened she just died maybe light went crazy because he lost all of his money and just ended up killing his daughter at some point that's Grim as hell but that might have happened that actually considering the state we see light in near the end of uh during Greed Island he's like broken down and like oh my god I've lost all my money oh what am I going to do maybe one day he like loses it and just goes into neon's room and like you you you were the cause of everything you lost everything because of you you know oh yeah yeah she had to be written off because if she did not get written off or a kopika might have killed her to get that ability away from K that also might be a good option of what what happened yeah kopika might have just killed her because like I can't have KOLO going around reading the future that's not good that's not a good thing to have you know uh either way dark I love either way dra I know dark but either way oh no it's okay Brandon it's okay I just found it a little funny it's yeah say it's all right yeah yeah yeah either way dark yeah oh yeah yeah if kopika found out that kroo was released from his um nen from the crappie because uh restriction the first thing he might have done is kill neon like all right I can't have him going around reading the future that's not good he can give himself his own fortune telling anytime he well wait yeah he can well no wait a minute could kroo make his own future red because could neon read her own future I don't know if she couldn't do that or if she just chose not to do that because there was there was she didn't really like to read her fortunes after she wrote them it doesn't work on the user that's why she had her he kroo had neon used the ability before he stole it so he had his fortune then he stole it he could use it on the other troop members so it wouldn't work on the user so kroo can use it but still kroo using it with the other spiders can kind of like through connection he can like if if Nobunaga is always hanging around KOLO and croo uses the fortune telling ability on Nobunaga that's also going to tell what's happening to CR you know he can kind of read through the context clues it's not good to have that ability all right that ability is too broken yeah okay where is it going though I mean it's a power to see the future it's got to be at least s tier it's a future sight ability it's really good and she can predict the future up to like several weeks h i I mean honestly guys like it yeah it leaves you vulnerable but it's not like I said it's not an attack-based nen you know you're unconscious while using it yeah but only for a couple of seconds it's not the kind of ability you would use in the middle of combat it's not like when you're getting shot at you're going to be using this ability all right yeah I'm thinking op I'm on it's it's a power that could see the future that's good all right the only real the only the biggest drawback of this because the the restrictions aren't really that big of a deal someone's name birthday and blood type like who doesn't know that I mean I guess some members of the like that's not a restriction that causes you to like hurt yourself or anything like that that's just that's just just like a really basic kind of restriction yeah all right I won't put it in op but I will put it in a I'll put it at least higher than meleoron I even put it I really like noes I'll put it in between meleoron and noves how about that you don't know my own blood type mine is o positive um yeah yeah wow okay so most people don't know their blood types apparently that's fair all right fair enough well I guess some people aren't going to get their Futures read huh all right what's next Neto all right Isaac Neto oh boy it's Neto time 99th hand oh boy so once again the fact that he had had to fight against mirim who's so broken in hacks and also Neo was beyond his you know uh Prime uh not that Beyond is beyond his prime Beyond is actually in his prime but Neo was beyond his prime who just happens to be the father of Beyond you know how it is yeah I know how it is anyway if he used that 99 type bodh SATA unlike anybody else they would get their ships their stomped in so fast and then he has the zero hand which is just a a laser beam just a highly concentrated laser beam not as strong as a nuke but pretty damn powerful uh oh definitely op he's definitely going op in fact I'm thinking about putting him high as tier op for right now I mean I don't really think how much I don't like unless we put him in hacks along with marim I don't really think but marim did kick his in you know his power wasn't strong enough to break marim it was a nuke that broke maroom all right I think top of op is fair for Neo you know what I mean yeah I think that's fair because it was very clear maroin was stronger than Neo in terms of just nen combat marim was tougher marim could have taken several zero hands and I think would not have died CU he took that one zero hand hold on let me pull up something here let me pull up a thing uh yeah let me show something here okay okay this was marim whoa wait wrong panel okay this was marim after taking Neo's strongest attack point blank after he had time to meditate and charge it that is how much damage he had he took zero hand Point Blank giant off laser beam that is how damaged he was he's he's hurt he's hurt definitely he's got some scrapes he's got some bruises he's got some flesh peeled off but I think he could take uh maybe like two or three more of those and I think he would still be kicking I don't think I don't think another one of those would put him in down I don't think three of them would have put him down maybe four five starts getting to the point but like oh man now I don't think he's at 99 health I would say at this point he's at like 90 maybe it took 10 that was the entire fight up until then but marim is still at like 9 91% right now he's his health is like it's still in the green it's still firmly in the green yeah yeah yeah man nukes are powerful man holy all right so yeah he can't be in hacks but op anybody else got hit with that attack kroo Lucifer got hit by that zero hand he's dead he SOA gets hit by that laser beam he's dead kopika gets hit by that laser beam he's dead all right like yeah maroom is just so ungodly broken hacks hack hack h h h h Jean I think would be dead too that is the laser beam of Destruction yeah all right why is kopika an OP tier because he's kopa oh my God I saw something while we're looking at hold on let me pull that up too I want to pull that up too because I saw I saw a meme the other day that was karika related that was really funny to me uh where is it yep here it is it's it's a really shitty screen cap but I want to show it to you so there was um there was a 1999 anime of Hunter Hunter right there was the original Hunter Hunter anime well I guess somebody got confused during the hunter hunter anime and like assumed that kopika was uh a girl was a woman cuz like somebody shared that the other day that they like they animated kopa with boobs and just like oh clearly clearly kopika is a woman so they they animated her in the original with him in the original with boobs yeah yeah so there we go I mean I thought kopo was a girl for before I started watching Hunter Hunter and I just saw the promotional material like what the characters looked like I assume crappo was a girl I assume that yeah I think we all did but there you go I guess canonically in the 99 version yeah there we are okay okay anyway back to it uh Nobunaga this is him using n so that's why the big character for n is there but yeah Nobunaga definitely one of the stronger members of the Phantom troop I'm actually thinking about putting him up like right below faton FX is coming up and FX FX I think is right after uo game FX is the physically strongest yeah still haven't seen noaga hatsu no we haven't but we can assume I from what we he discussed with kiloa it's a really precise powerful sword swing because the way he talked about it was you take one step towards me I'm going to cut you in half and it's going to be less than a second you're just dead and and kilaa reaction to that was like yeah he's going to kill me like the idea is you get close enough to him he's just and you're dead you're dead so fast you don't even know you're dead all right so we can at least do that ah all right yeah we oh yeah that's right we did see some more with him in the um in the most recent chapters when they explore that room yeah yeah and he can regenerate his sword that's pretty good too I think I'm going to keep him right there for right now we might come back to Nobunaga who's next oh the ortho siblings weird addition to this okay the ortho siblings are SI they brother and sister excuse me brother and sister that have the ability of uh darts where the sister places a tag on somebody or or or conjures the tag and then the brother plays a game of Dart and every time he hits the board then the person gets stabbed and then if he misses the last Dart then they both die so it is a highrisk ability if he up on the last Dart then he just they both die um but it's really it's an ability that kiloa didn't really avoid he kind of was able to he was able to kind of avoid it not really the dart still hit him it's just he was able to use his electricity to like clamp down on it immediately um but he still got injured a little bit he got injured a lot from it yeah this one is I'm I'm trying to think B tier for this one yeah D I mean it's a very gimmicky ability too but they are able to do it at a really long range because kilaa wasn't even anywhere near them when they use the power maybe maybe up here and be here cuz that the range definitely does give it an advantage you don't have to be close to the enemy to use it it's so clearly trash it's not trash it up kiloa pretty bad it's not a trash ability ch2 was a so that's why he's down there all right but that ability was able to mess up kiloa a bit Yeah kiloa collapsed after that he lost a lot of blood he was kind of afraid he was going to die there ealo saved him yeah but he is a top ranked Dart player so he Pro the odds of him losing on the last throw would probably be pretty low cuz he is literally a professional Dart player if he was like a novice if it was like me having this ability where I'm playing pool and it's like or bowling it's like I have to bowl a perfect game for my n ability I'm not a bowler know darts is broken all right who's next Al all right you know what Al fun fun cloth captures anything or anyone and traps it in a cloth like this big and they can't get out noaga couldn't escape he trapped one of the members of the Phantom troop and Nobunaga could not cut his way out of that he was just stuck in that in that cloth it was a good enough ability that c wanted it KOLO stole it because of how good of an ability it was if croo would have captured Zeno in that cloth the implication is Zeno couldn't have escaped it it's very good utility very good it went bar for bar with the zix yeah you're right I mean if it's going bar for bar with a zic I'm thinking s tier I really am it traps anybody regardless of how strong they are he could have trapped marim in his cloth yeah unless you have like a very specific ability that allows you to negate other abilities which honestly in Hunter Hunter we haven't seen that many of those we haven't seen a lot of abilities that just negate other abilities like if you have a conjuration ability it doesn't work anymore we don't we don't really see a lot of those we don't really see those in Hunter Hunter nove and oh no uh meleoron and Al strongest combo it's actually pretty good yeah that is actually really hacks now he has to get close enough to you to trap you though so as we saw when kroo used the power and kroo was experienced using it against Zeno Zeno made it so kroo couldn't get close to him so kroo had to give that up he tried to capture him with it but he is he realize like there's no way this is going to work Zeno is too skilled I am not going to trap him with this cloth I'm I'm just going to give this up I can't do it I have to figure out another way to fight him um you're pay you're putting too many people in s i mean there's a lot of is he sooka not s is moral not s is nove not s I mean yeah kroo didn't know how to use the Ability yeah he did because when he opens the book there's an explanation on how to use he knew how to use the power it wasn't like I don't know how to use this cloth I don't know how to use this I'm just going to throw it at you and hope it works it's like no he knows how to use the Ability his power wouldn't even make sense if he didn't learn how to use the abil ability yeah there's a lot of broken powers in Hunter Hunter this is what we have learned today yeah I think kite is the only one that shouldn't be there I'm rethinking kite I am I'm rethinking kite and I'm honestly rethinking Hoka I'm honestly thinking about pushing Hoka up here and kite down here what do you guys think of that pacote is up next yeah let's talk about her for a bit um not really a combat power Sharpshooter that doesn't have anything to do with nen she's just a really good Mark Marksman um so memory bullets she can load her own memories into bullets and fire them into people and she can read memories like really well too not like only what you're thinking at the time she can read your memories so you're just going to ignore that salad uh I don't have a fork to eat it I'll get to it later I still have half a sandwich I haven't eaten that'll be after I finish this um oh kopika he's only able to use the power for an hour but it's like God power it's like complete and utter Mastery of all nen for one hour most fights would not even last an hour with that context like once again defeated uog one of the strongest enhancers in the world in like less than 10 minutes it's like yeah oh Leo no Leo okay sorry you were saying Leo sorry about that yeah like I think kopika belongs in op I I'm I'm really kop is so broken now Leo though maybe we can drop Leo down I think Leo maybe here Leo I'm trying to man this is quantifying n abilities is really hard all right how about we keep going through the rest of these and then maybe we can organize stuff later um okay pakunoda a behind kilaa she could steal she can read him she can read memories she can fire her memories that's kind of it and then she just has generically good nen like roundabout you know I think kila's ability by the Chimera antarc like where it is right now in the story is a little better than pakun noas I'm I'm comfortable putting her below kiloa as he is now a lot of people saying B well if she's going in B I'd rather put her below gen through how about here I love that hi b as long as she's a I'm fine damn it it's three hours max for Emperor time and he can activate and deactivate it whenever he wants yeah like I said most fights with Emperor time are not going to last more than five minutes unless unless kopika is going up against a member of The Troop or kroo or hisoka that is not going to last longer than that I think be is good for her Palm so her original ability is a divination ability where she can uh she actually like cuts herself and then go bleeds on a crystal ball and then she can kind of read uh what's going on around her um so it's a pretty good divination ability and when she turns into an ant she gets her uh she gets to basically turn her hair into armor and like weapons like she can weaponize her hair H now with her would you be okay with her being below kilaa here this is post Chimera this is Palm as she exists at the end of the story so she's a chimera ant can you add aluka so Maro doesn't have to be hacks alone yeah yeah yeah yeah I I'm okay with a maybe a maybe B tier if she was just a human a tier I think is fair if she has the chimer ant in enhancements yeah above kilawa oh wow I was putting kilaa a little bit higher because I want I didn't want him to be at the bottom of a all night but he's also not nearly as strong is like he's not like like oh Kila was should be at s like no Kila was doesn't belong in s um I'm I'm okay with that it seems to be a good consensus on that not above Kil yeah okay FX is next all right so FX my first implic my first idea is to put him way above faton strongest troop member below kroo uh I I mean Hoka wasn't really a member so you can't really count that um and I guess El Lumi well Lumi is technically a member now but yeah um in terms of utility he is an enhancer and he does have he does have one of the sickest names for an ability out there which is Ripper cyclotron so he's got to be S tier just for the name Ripper cyclotron and uh you know he just has to wind his arm a bun a bunch of times and it gets stronger each time and it's so this is what I mean by enhancers okay enhancers don't need to think outside the box here you're an enhancer just think of something simple and effective gones jaen and fx's Ripper cyclotron man that is all you need all right you don't need to think of something like FX I need to I'm I need to conjure a giant Sphinx in order to Aid my no it's just like just wind your arm and punch really hard you're an enhancer bro that's what you do all right yeah that is a really solid enhancer ability it's really good yeah gone didn't even come up with a name for his yeah Nan's ability is definitely nen but it's like nen from the Dark Continent um you know what when he was winding up attacks the Chimera ank that was facing him was like like FX was even edging him on like hey come on man don't you want to hit me I'm charging up my attack don't you want to get close to me because the more he winds up the attack his Aura is just boom boom boom boom boom and like every time and that chimeran like oh no oh no I can't even go close to that you know what I mean and also like FX is aware FX is aware of like yeah while I'm winding up the attack that leaves me vulnerable I think FX is kind of like wanting that that's kind of the point to power it up even more because he's basically making himself vulnerable while he's doing that yeah going and B is honestly fair when you really just discount the adult for me as he severely overkilled that he did not need I think it was 15 or 16 rotations he did not need to do that many I think he even said like I could have probably done half of that and it probably would have been decent Overkill in terms of Neo was probably an enhancer right he was an enhancer that used conjuration which is interesting but he was Neo so he was able to make it work um but in terms of other enhancers Beyond Neo thinkx might be the strongest well it was uog but he's dead now so it might be it might be FX FX is certainly the strongest enhancer in the troop right now like in arguably I think that's true yeah yeah just come on come at me bro come on come on yeah he's like yeah I always mess up the count yeah all right who's next oh Pito all right even after taking that absolute Beatdown from adult gone P's nen was still active to make a puppet to attack adult gone okay Neo could definitely have killed Pito that was pretty much pretty goddamn confirmed so Neo could definitely kill Pito could Pito have killed kroo I [Music] mean getting a lot of yeses here getting a lot of yeses and one hell no uh leorio's down here at toacy either way I think she belongs in op actually we don't know P's gender EI either way they belong in in op I believe and and they have Dr ble and Topsy Cara and all these other kinds of Puppets that can manipulate people she uh they sorry uh they were able to manipulate pretty much an entire town of soldiers uh to attack it's a pretty powerful ability op is definitely warranted I'm just I I'm thinking putting it right below Neo is fair Pito gender is pito yeah that's pretty true no Pito does not belong in bottom S no way Pito is a budget Necromancer yeah yeah strongest Royal Guard easily yes all right who's next uh porcupine yeah that's the thing they included leech and porcupine but not rapid dog and worm sad very sad I'm putting porcupine here actually I'm going to put them better than GTO you know gido really gido's kind of in the same category as Chu down here where gido honestly I think might belong in trash but gido gido's at the bottom of D tier yeah we're doing we'll do we'll do porcupine at IND D yeah although no worm lasted longer than him uh he died and then uh worm was alive for a little bit longer and then died yeah worm would be S yeah yeah gido was a little crafty I'll give him a d tier just for his craftiness but beyond that yeah all right next up is poof show poof what was Poof's ability again oh yeah he could uh divide himself he could manipulate people with his scales and he could divide himself to like the mic not the Micron level well no he could the thing is though he specifies that if he makes himself small enough he won't be able to see anymore I think he said I think the way it works and correct me if I'm wrong I think he said the smallest I can make my segments and still be able to see is about the size of a bee if I make them smaller than that I can but I won't be able to see out of them anymore I think that was the limit and he could play a sick violin you're right about that damn that violin song he can divide himself pretty well he did trick moral I mean once again I think all the Royal Guards need to be an OP um but where are we putting him here in op um H the real body cannot be smaller than a b that was it yeah yeah I mean honestly putting him right there I mean yeah uh Kila had him shook kilawa had him shook you mean Yi I know y kilaa shocked Yi H let's just do up now let's just get the royal guard out of the way let's just do UPI um now UPI he had like a rage like a buildup he builds up his uh anger and then it explodes in one big attack that's kind of his thing um Up's op as well yeah I mean they're all op just because of the tremendous the god amount of nen that's spewing off the royal guard um I mean I could just put them all in a row here I'm pretty damn sure that outside of Neo all three of the royal guard would give these remaining three in s tier I mean op tier a run for their money like Hoka versus yupi would be a metal fight maybe hisoka would win but I don't think it's a guarantee there dude that would have been awesome to see he so like Hoka shows up in uh the palace and just starts fighting Yi oh God or sha that would be great Yi is not beat Tier the shape shifting is an an nen ability that's his thing as a uh magical beast chimer and man people are really lowball and UPI on this and people really want y to be like a tier B tier I'm like oh he's still broken as hell all the royal guard are broken as hell Ro like sensing the Royal guard's Aura was enough to make a seasoned nen seasoned Hunter like no like just break down and that wasn't even the strongest one that was just Sha's aura okay uh Razer okay you know what I'm not even exaggerating Razer is like I I am under the belief Neo said he wasn't I Neo said he wasn't even in the top tier of n users anymore because he's old you know back in his day nen he was like one of the top three nen users in the whole world probably I am a firm believer that Razer might be one of the top nen users in the entire world FX did not want to fight him and FX is like the second or third physically strongest troop member and even he was like ah like if you're going to say top n users in the world like Jean is one is another he's all right if we're putting if we're putting Razer and a s tier uh no not hack if on Greed Island I'm not even talking about the uh the ruler ability to send people away I'm not even talking about that I'm just like FX in a straightup fight was kind of like I don't want to fight this guy yeah Green Greed Island runs on his Aura he's in charge of every emission spell in the game every time someone uses a company on that's Razer doing that um he's very op I'm thinking of and I'm also thinking I am thinking about putting him right below CR even maybe a little above croo Razer KOLO fight that would be epic could Razer beat UPI you know I think he has a pretty damn good shot at it I'm not even exaggerating like I I really think he does I think he has a really solid shot at beating a royal guard he is really strong he was we saw him in a dodgeball game all right that's all we had it was a good thinking of Jee to put a fast travel in his game yeah that's good you want to make sure to have fast travel in your game otherwise it just becomes annoying oh boy I think we're gassing him I don't at all I at all he had so much nen to run the emission system he had the nen for the devils and he put the nen back into himself and uh they beat him at a dodgeball game and it's like even after the fact it's not like Razer was like exhausted or something from the dodgeball game you know he was like pretty pretty in good top physical condition oh man um if he beats poof and UPI he beats Pito combat what when was it ever confirmed Pito was the weakest combat wise because Pito with Topsy Cara is really strong Pito by themselves without using any of the nen puppets uh sure but Pito with Topsy Cara though yeah yeah he seems like an enhancer just a really well no he's an emitter he's an emitter because he's in charge of the emitter he emits his nen to make the Devils oh this is tough I'm actually debating putting him now in between poy and yup poofy and yup he's an emitter but he's that strong damn yeah I know he's an emitter and he's that strong enhancement I know I know yeah if poof is like the weakest if we're if we're going by we're not going by strength but we're going by ability like poof has a really good ability the the uh breakdown ability is really good I will say in terms of complexity of ability up is lower than poof and Pito in fact in terms of complexity of ability now Pito has a lot of stuff going for them a lot of stuff with Dr blle and everything yeah um I'm gonna leave that there for right now oh real Vault uh the wheelchair guy from the heavens Arena he has a rocket powered wheelchair he uses nen to propel wheelchair okay and sadaso saso might be out of all of the heavens Arena dudes oh my God he all he does is supercharge a wheelchair he has access to this crazy power and he uses it to supercharge a wheelchair to could beat that guy you're not wrong you're not wrong man real velt wow at least gido tried something clever with the tops it didn't work but he tried saso lost an arm so he's like I'm going to make a spooky arm that if I trap you with the arm it like freezes you in place real vault is like wheelchair go vroom that's basically wheelchair go vroom vroom that is is basically his ability oh God I feel like I feel like real Vault might be the worst n user in Hunter Hunter now I can't believe I'm saying that I can't believe there's somebody lower than Shu I don't know man what's worse Chu who doesn't think about an ability and just comes up with the first thing that pops into head and it's a shitty ability or a dude that had some time to come up with an ability had a special wheelchair made and came up with just nen thrusters that was it that's his power nen thrusters he had time to think of that yeah he had tools but those were tools he had to have built the tools weren't n related he had a he had some electrical whips on his chair that's not something that he conjured that was just something he had built into the chair like real Val had time he could have come up with anything I have ADHD so let me trap myself in an empty room for 8 hours in a non- combat situation better use a weapon slower than I am all right all right jell you've you've you've convinced me on that one you've convinced me on that one holy [Laughter] oh by the way real velt also could have accomplished the exact same effect using just like a battery he probably could have just gotten some some gasoline in that chair probably would have had the same damn effect oh my God okay that's fair that's fair who's next saso all right I feel like sadaso out of all of the heavens Arena dudes they they had the ability that worked the best it was he lost an arm during the initiation so he actually thought about this and he's like okay what if I have a ghost arm so he has a ghost arm and if he wraps you around in the ghost arm you're just immobilized you're like frozen solid okay you can't move all right so and the ghost arm can move it can extend it's like invisible I don't think you're supposed to see I think if you have I think you could see it but if you don't have gu you can't see the arm that's pretty good he might be the best out of all you know what he's the first one out of this group I'm actually considering putting into the C tier like siso he managed to be the best out of all of them I'll put him in the lowest rung of C there you go buddy you made it you made it you and your group made it to C congratulations man oh man oh yeah yeah it's below boso definitely he's no boso I'll put him in C more of a Pity if anything else all right um what's next shaar um shaar also very basic manipulator ability honestly his ability is not much better than boki's it's just that he has a better better control over it he has his black voice he can use autopilot which is really good autopilot is really just really powerful but it like hurts his body after um I feel like he fits between Franklin and maybe below Franklin below Franklin above kuto how about that below Franklin above kuto is probably good for sha yeah and it's it's it's interesting because shaar is like a smart guy he's like a really intelligent member of the spiders and his ability is pretty basic but then again maybe a manipulator maybe that's like just the best kind of manipulator ability you don't have to be don't be really clever with manipulator abilities maybe it's like the best thing to do is make something that allows you to you know plant a receiver into somebody and control them with a cell phone that's maybe just the best way to use manipulator abilities you know don't have to be fancy about it yeah sha knock got offscreen by Hoka yeah hence why he's one of the lower ranked ones on this list yeah he's better than boki I'm putting him there I'm giving the autopilot gives him a bit of a boost boki didn't have autopilot should have enabled autopilot man um one needle and you lose he actually has two I think he has two needles when C used did he had too shizuku yay I love shizuku she's my favorite spider um so she has a vacuum cleaner the vacuum cleaner is actually really multifaceted it allows her to absorb to suck any ability around her that's non-organic uh she can even drain the blood out of somebody she can literally open up a wound and just suck out your blood and just kill you damn she's good uh but she is not physically that strong strong but you know that matters that's not what we're ranking but well even in terms of using n she's not strong is what I'm saying it's not like enhancement it's conjuration but a really good conjuration it's like the noves room kind of situation yeah um she did have a little bit of trouble against Pike in a straight up one-on-one she's also a little bit she's not she's not the smartest sometimes well not not that she's dumb she's just very forgetful um if Razer was so strong why wasn't he sooka interested in fighting him for real he probably was we just maybe didn't hear him say it but he probably was we we got the impression several times during that dodgeball match hoko was pretty uh pretty aroused I know he like caught the ball that one time and he was like bleeding and he's like I'm just like oh god dude tone it down Hoka you're causing problems yeah I think that's good it's really good at sucking it's good at disposing of bodies it's good at doing that combat and it apparently can fit anything it's apparently a bag of holding she can apparently fit anything in there I feel like it should be higher than be because like shar's ability pretty basic Franklin's ability pretty basic gone these are all characters that have fairly straightforward kind of ability shizuku put some serious thought into that power I'm thinking of putting her in between Machi and uh copi I think that's good I think a maybe s not so much but that was a pretty clever ability it was it it put some thought into that you know yes it could spit stuff out pretty sure vacuums usually have a push feature all right shoot oh shoot oh man shoot I didn't really care for shoot I mean okay when he fought Yi that was cool but like shoot he has a lot of anxiety man he has a lot of lot of lot of problems okay um Hotel raia he okay how does this work again he has a bunch of hands that are floating around him if one of the hands hits you that body part that he touched just gets sucked into the hotel refia and then if he touches a certain portion of your body like over 50% of your body the whole body gets sucked in something like that he has to kind of like get a certain like majority of your body until he gets sucked in but once you're in there I mean you're trapped for good I mean you're not getting out of there um I think it has to be his actual hand oh if it has to be his actual hand that's not good no the floating hands don't activate it oh man that does suck ah shoot man it's like a worse version of the funf fun cloth wait a minute that is basically what this is It's a shittier version of the funf fun cloth with way more restrictions good for hunting animals yeah he is a beast hunter isn't he yeah man that does suck shoot shoot are you gonna make me put you in D tier I mean guys I mean damn that's actually a really restrictive power now I think about it he has to get up close and personal with you he has to actually physically touch you to make it work even saso had some range he can fly if he balances on a hand and he can fall off the hand too it's not a really it's he can levitate it's not a great form of levitating but he could technically levitate he does have Mobility it does give him some ability Mobility it's a really strange it's not the main focus of the ability but I'll give him C tier just for that um he's above Bay yeah he can fly I'll give him some movement speed I'll put him right below Castro how about that he can he can trap people's body parts if he gets close can trap their whole bodies if enough time passes and he touches you enough times and he can fly on the hands yeah his really his ability is really not that crazy powerful when you really think about it there's other abilities that do the same thing just better Silva from what we know about Silva It's just he's a transmuter because all the zics that have white hair are transmuters so him and Zeno and kilaa are all transmuters he he has these giant energy balls that just boom just blow the out of anything around you um he just basically turns his Aura into like combustive force and just incinerates anything around him um he's probably using some emitter abilities too yeah it's probably transmutation and emission double sunde yeah it kind of is he gets energy balls yep energy balls I'm thinking he didn't oh oh by the way he was also able to kill a member of the Phantom troop though we know nothing about that encounter and he did fight kroo the fight didn't end conclusively but he did fight K he fought K and he didn't have his ability stolen that's important to know though it's pretty much impossible for kroo to steal anybody's abilities mid combat so that's not really a good comparison kolo's abilities pretty much make it impossible for him to steal a power while he's fighting you I mean yeah by that logic he has to be stronger than alum what if we just put him there what if we put him right here above alumi but below moral yeah Silva stronger than moral I think you could make that argument they're both about the same same age they have really good nen it's just we got to see a lot more of morals nen we got to see the real versatility of morals nen but you could argue um maybe not necessarily as diverse as uh morals but still Silva's an emitter I thought every white-haired zict was a transmuter like kilawa interesting h I thought the uh I thought the rule was all the blackhaired um zulic were manipulators all the white-haired ones were transmuters H might be misremembering something either way emitter or transmuter it doesn't really matter overall giant energy balls he throws at you he is really effective I mean he's he's the head of the zic family I mean damn I guess Zeno is technically the head but you know he was also able to one shot um CH so that's that's a standard that's a good standard um he killed Chu so he deserves to be S tier he deserves to be hack steer for taking out ch2 honestly if there's no surviving Witnesses it still counts as an assassination I mean kind of if I just wipe out the whole city lock then yeah it doesn't need to be they might have reconed it in the data book that does happen occasionally in this series all right I'm gonna leave him right there for right now because I feel like moral has more diversity than Silva um Silva might be able to do some really wacky stuff with his ability but we just haven't seen it and he's killed a phantom troop member so yeah and I think he's stronger than alumi all right um next up we have oh um hold up I know this one I know this guy's name it's U starts with an S um I'm not looking at the screen I will remember this I'm not I'm not looking at the chat I will remember this guy's name it's very important um huh oh God he's an important character he's kind of like an important side character in York new too ah don't tell me I know this one no it's not this is a this is a lantern situation all over again isn't it yeah I give up squala it was squala damn it I forgot squala all right yeah okay I remembered boki's name but I forgot about squala damn it all right anyway he's a manipulator he can control dogs he can like tell a dog to go and fight for him or bring him food or just be a good little doggo and go for walkies um he's really nice to dogs though he's not mean to the dogs he's he treats the dogs like his family pretty much so he gets some points for that not a n ability just general animal kindness I think C's good I might even put him above how about above Soso but below boso because the I mean it's kind of limited what you can really do with dogs I mean it's not like you're giving the dogs nen you're just manipulating the dogs with nen so the dogs are still dogs you know what I mean it's not like I give this dog the ability to breathe fire and this this dog can breathe underwater and this dog can fly and this dog can turn into metal you know and this dog is hyper intelligent you're just manipulating the dogs that's all you're doing you know what I mean yeah dogs could do that if they just train them properly yeah but it takes away all the train you know how long it takes to train a dog to like go over there and open this door and pull a cart into the room and sniff it for poison that takes some time the manipulator ability just allows you to do it right away so that that is you know it is the same basic thing with with training but yeah he's nice to the dogs let's and he died let's give him let's give him something postmortem nen squala he brings back seus he goes to he goes to the underworld and uses his ability on sebus now he's strong all right who's next um oh satono I remember that guy's name I remember that dude's name and that guy is significantly less important than squala that's the guy that creates the little balloon dudes that attack them in the mansion and immediately all they they all get gunned down by Franklin Franklin shreds this guy's net ability in like 0.2 seconds it's it lasts a little bit longer than that it lasts a little bit longer than that it uh takes a couple of seconds for him to shoot through all of them but it pretty much shreds all of them yeah they were really weak they were really weak and they were really stupid they behaved like like um really basic enemies in a video game where like attack the enemy closest to you and they're like you know like shoot the enemy closest to you it's like a really bad Ai and like a PlayStation game or something that you can exploit the out of you know something like that yeah he has his ability was to generate 11 MPCs 11 really bad really badly programmed 19 90s SNES uh you know characters basically that was his power I will put him at the top of D I will put him at the top of D tier yeah he can't even really control him precisely it's just like he makes a bunch he's like attack these people that's it the NPCs were weaker than normal people he summons 11 Minecraft villagers not even see I don't think he deserves it I think oo could kick this guy's ass I really do I think even squala dogs could probably kick this guy's ass squala controls enough dogs to go and attack all the Balloon Guys and then squala beats the out of him there you go I think I think squala could beat this guy oh man he summons 11 inflatable Halloween decorations yeah all right who's next we're getting to the final final thing here um subone Riders High okay she has the ability it doesn't work on her specifically she needs somebody else to help her but that's the whole point of the ability she can turn herself into a bunch of vehicles that run on nen that's actually a really cool ability her ability to turn into a motorcycle and then a Manet was on it she was faster than kiloa using godspeed that's insane so it's a very specific ability it's not a main combat ability it's a very good support ability and you have to have somebody else to help you but if the conditions are met you have a wicked fast motorcycle you have a wicked fast jet probably a submarine I always thought she could turn into a submarine she can pretty much turn into every vehicle she has a vehicle for land she has a vehicle for air vehicle for water vehicle for probably going up or down you know she probably has vehicles for like all sorts of types of terrain that's the whole point um yeah she could fly she could fly and she could fly better than shot can I think B is probably good for um for subon suon all right where's she going though she higher than knuckle below knuckle is that land see an air I hear she needs a friend she wouldn't use the Ability though unless there was somebody there to use the power she's not going to turn into a motorcycle unless there's somebody there to use the motorcycle you know what I mean yeah she's all terrain yeah lower yeah uh maybe in between copi and shizuku yeah putting her above Machi is kind of yeah because the speed you could pull off on that thing is insane below kiloa uh I think putting in on a is already kind of stressing it so maybe at the actually maybe at the very bottom of a that might actually be the best place for her yeah bottom a works okay uoge uog might have been the strongest enhancer in the world like he might have been he mentioned like my big bang impact at full power no one on this planet's walking away from that unscathed you know it like I'll tell you what if marim took full power Big Bang impact probably wouldn't have killed him probably would have done maybe I don't know I don't know how that would have went because karika had just insane defenses and all the with with you know karpa's power yeah I feel like if mirim took a full power Big Bang impact from uog I don't think he would have walked away from that just like that was nothing feel like he would have spat up some blood or something um he's definitely higher than FX definitely higher than FX so the safe bet would have put him at least here but I feel like he should be higher than that above he okay you think he's op tier you have to disconnect the ability from the fact that he was defeated by kopa who has so many hack powers in this series I don't think he's in op I don't think he's in op I think he's down in a somewhere maybe somewhere around here maybe higher than ilumi lower than Silva something like that maybe Zeno's not on the board Bard yet Zena was coming up though he was cocky but we're not rating your Cockiness we're rating how good your ability is and he used his ability pretty well he was an enhancer he was pretty straightforward he punches that's he optimized his enhancer ability you really can't say anything else about it yeah that's true he's definitely above thinks below he's so I'm okay with that that's not bad he was really strong like dude I'll do the same thing I did with Neo with the zero hand um let's like let's take some people from a tier here like if El Lumi got hit with a full power Big Bang impact he's going down he's going down from that you know moral takes a full B full power Big Bang he's getting up from that all right kopa power empowered him yeah with all the crazy broken that he has oh yeah knuckle is very dead if he got hit by that oh yeah oh yeah he's right below him yeah his destructive Powers seems similar to UPI that's not wrong yeah we're not taking just strength into account when the ability is not strength based we're taking into everything so it's kind of hard to quantify it it's if the user is an enhancer how good of an enhancer ability do they have enhancer abilities the good ones by their very nature are very simple in the case with uog he was an enhancer so his whole ability was I punch things really hard so the only way to really gauge his ability as a n user is by strength because that's what he is other people like shalar was a manipulator so his ability isn't going to be combat based other people like subone was I think subone was a specialist was not about attack power it was something else but enhancers are very simple very straightforward Fighters you know he was a perfect enhancer yes all right uh welin welin had that like centipede ability black centipede such a weird ability for welin to have he shoots missiles out of a rocket launcher on his back and then they launch and they turn into centipedes that then grow on you if you become no no that that grow the more confident he is and the less confident that welin is that they shrink such a weird power I'm not even saying ranking yet I'm just that's a weird ass power what made him come up with that oh man long stream yeah I know it's already 10 o'clock damn ah you can't Dodge it either when it hits you it hits you you can avoid it like the way marim avoided it like if he fires a missile and you're not there it'll misfire but if he fires it and he has a line of sight of you when you when he fires it it's hitting you no matter what doesn't matter if you Dodge or jump or go away it'll it'll follow you till the ends of the Earth sion's a conjure yet she can turn her body into something that's weird um wellin I think it's a good ability how about we put his ability he's better than the ortho siblings um trying to find other abilities to compare this to um B tier yeah he would have died before marim did yeah probably H it's a fairly unique ability it is I think putting him in like midb is okay uh zazon is next zazon had queen queen shot or something it allowed her to whoever she stung with her Stinger turned into like a cronenburg like antum hybrid zombie like they weren't really Chimera ants they were like weird like oh God please kill me and know was like a really up version of like a zombie it's 3:00 a.m. and I'm so tired we're almost done now we got five more zaz's power though like it could make an army but the individual creatures I mean they weren't super powerful oh yeah she also had the transformation to turn into a crocodile for some reason she's clearly a scorpion but then she turns into a crocodile I don't I don't know what the I don't know what the connection was um yeah her powers were more physical so what are we thinking here C like honestly her ability is really forgettable like here I think C's good for zazon really I guess it's ugly on the inside are you saying crocodiles and alligators are ugly you better get out of this chat right now we don't want to stand we don't stand for that stuff around here crocodiles are beautiful all right one to the right okay Boop there we go I'm gonna crocodiles are marvelous sir or Madam hold on a minute you look into the eyes of this crocodile and you don't tell me that that's that's that's precious oh look at the little guy sa sa sa all right we're almost done now we have Zeno old Grand papy Zeno um he can literally drop an air raid on wherever like whenever he wants and you just have to pay him enough money you pay him enough Jenny and he'll drop an air raid on whatever country you ask for that's his assassination service Neo called him up Neo literally calls this dude up and just like hey Zeno I have a job for you I need your uh dragon dive special it's like all right well we're it's going to cost you old man it's like yeah I'm older than you yeah okay old man yeah all right um it's G to cost you one billion Jenny to drop that Dragon dive all right I'll transfer it into your account all right meet me on top of the Dragon it's going to be fun click like yeah oh man I'm putting him right next to Razer been watching since 2018 Palm's right here she just is in her uh special outfit her debonaire outfit after she transforms he's definitely stronger than Silva the the sheer range of that power is incredible and was able to pin down kroo Zeno is badass man she looks like a vampire which she kind of was all right gorino is next uh he has the white gorilla and the black gorilla the white gorilla is able to switch places with I think an enemy and then he can switch places with the black gorilla or vice versa one of those it it is like Razer himself even said hey that's not a bad ability nurture that ability well it's pretty decent like the ability to switch places with any enemy and the ability to switch places with the nen beast at any time and the nen Beast itself are pretty big and bulky they could beat the out of you you know what I mean and not bad pretty respectable ability also he made it into Greed Island I mean you know it's pretty all right not too bad yeah i' I'd be all right with putting him in a solid B I'll put him I'll put him up there uh you know what I'll put him up here I'll put him above bolov I'll put him above goone I'll put him above Franklin you know what I'll put him above uh I I think very highly of gen's ability I'll put him right below gen through but I'll put gorino right next to gen through I'm I'm I'm confident with that yeah Toto Boogie wogie I don't know Toto is that a character from jjk probably a character from JJ JK yeah it's Toto from jjk who is Toto oh is that the dude with the um was he on my calendar hold on who the who the hell is Toto oh it's that guy oh that guy has a power like that that's cool I like that dude D's badass okay all right cool there we go he's Toto's ability all right who's next uh Kess does anybody remember K's ability asking for a friend Kess has the ability to make um it's called Silent worker or fly on the job he he basically makes like a radar device to track people um the way that genr said it's basically an escapable you can't you can't avoid it it's a tracking ability that just works really well like radar um he's a scout it's a scout ability it's a really good scout ability you can't really avoid um which is fine I that's what he made it you know that's pretty good that's a pretty decent power I don't have anything wrong with that it's pretty okay I forgot he existed yeah I don't know why he's on here either they put him on here but they missed a few others but okay I'll take it I like Kess Kess was all right really good scouting ability where's flutter at flutter is here I'm going to put that ability right below flutter just because flutter I think his his satellite dragonflies are a bit better and more range but uh he just basically generates like a radar scope monitor thing that he could just be like it's over there you know that's basically his power I'll put him near the bottom of B in fact I'll put him at the bottom of B I'll put him right behind ealo all right last one tesera he can jump really high click okay everybody well I hope you enjoyed this video this was fantastic um really really great really great un promptu video that took about four hours me to film um but you know I'm happy with these These are pretty good maroom is of course in a league of his own Neo is closely behind Royal Guard following shortly thereafter Razer is way higher than I think many people might understand but I think he deserves that spot Zeno deserves that spot kroo hisoka kopika they're all broken as they all go in op um kite being at the top of a I think is good yeah this is all right Jean is not on here I know Nano was not on here um yeah okay hold on a minute hold on a second give me a minute give me a minute give me a click all right yeah this one's probably good okay all right here we go uh which one was it again there we go all right here we are there we go I don't want to make marim all by himself I don't want marim to be by himself guys that's not cool all right I think we all agree nanika who literally has the power to destroy the world if if they wanted to deserves to be in hacks category actually you know what that's better that's better okay there we go valid all right honestly if we're being 100% there should be another category Beyond this where all the calamities from the Dark Continent should go like like I or nanika should go in that Byron should go in that zobe disease Pap hell bell all those should be in a tier even Beyond maroom really if we're being honest but I'll just leave it at that I'll leave it at that um yeah yeah Hells Bells oh okay well that was a video that was just random I literally just like hey I need to there's I have time today I have everything else that was cancelled I'm just going to do this instead and it took four hours so thank you for hanging out with me tonight I had a delicious grilled cheese I'm going to go eat the rest of that now and maybe my salad I have my salad um that's good not like we're ever going to get to see the Dark Continent don't I mean like you're not wrong but at the same time it's it's sad I know uh maybe we will guys maybe we will see the Dark Continent someday maybe one day we'll get there you know uh we could be we could be optimistic right yeah okay uh tashi's Health though at the end of the day is more important like we can't we can't sit here and be like tagashi write more of this it's like if your health is that bad you know it's a pretty dick thing to say that like you know this is more important than your health so no um you know maybe maybe someday though I don't know I mean I know uh his wife talked about maybe like finishing it or you know the ideas and stuff like what happened with berserk but um you know I I would like to see it someday yeah but it's a truly an amazing story okay um do all the princes NBI I mean I'd have to go back and reread on what some of them do um but yeah I could do that all right well anyway that was the video K SAS SRA also a good one to do for a break week There's No One Piece this week so you get this instead so there you go uh thanks for watching everybody and uh you all have a great evening signing out bye
Channel: Tekking101
Views: 167,005
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: tekking101
Id: lzZDEqr7VWU
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 228min 32sec (13712 seconds)
Published: Wed Dec 13 2023
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