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thank you [Music] my queen my queen [Music] beautiful wonderfully made Heaven's angel so strong even in struggle yeah when life comes like a star from every angle she rises above it all the backbone of every home nothing compares to all you do the true meaning of every family hey [Music] where would we be without you you bought us Martin Malcolm and Obama yeah and Jesus too [Music] Simply Amazing [Music] honest and helpful educated she [Music] she's completely [Music] [Music] strength is amazing life inside nine months she's carrying back to work cause the family she's carrying in society don't give a her just do but she prevails and stands tall Champion a true woman [Music] nothing compares to all she do yeah the true meaning of every family she's the clue where would we be without you yeah [Music] [Music] you're my [Music] life no price could be put on how much is worth yeah so valuable she's the soul of the Earth [Music] [Music] it's strong [Music] [Music] foreign [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] hello and welcome to let's talk with Bishop RC Blakes RC is an author empowerment teacher and the proud pastor of a new home ministries of New Orleans Louisiana and Houston Texas his message circles the globe his conversational and candid approach to challenging content makes him a relevant voice to all generations get ready for a life-changing transformational conversation [Music] foreign [Music] Blakes and here I am again here I am again on another Monday night let's talk with RSC Blakes well it's Monday if you're watching this in uh the United States of America and other parts of the world and maybe Tuesday and maybe you're watching this at a later date so whatever time it is hello I'm so glad that you came back to to see about us I want to deal with something uh today that um that I think is very very significant and serious in in the life of most women or in the lives of most women and that is having the power to walk away you know I want to talk about the power of a woman that can walk away because there Comes A Time in in many situations where um you've exhausted and you really should not get to a place where you've exhausted yourself your resources or uh whatever but most women get to a point where they've exhausted everything [Music] trying to make a relationship work and you know we get into this mindset where where you know we women think rather uh I gotta fight for my relationship now I do agree with you that there are times and seasons in in certain relationships that we have to fight through certain things but if a relationship is is based in constant struggle constant striving you're constantly fighting for the life of this relationship that would be the equivalent of you know having to do CPR on a person every day to keep them alive you know number one it's they're not going to live number two if you try to if you try to keep this alive every day having to perform CPR on a person it's going to kill you relationships are not designed for one party or for that matter even both parties to have to constantly fight to make it work a relationship is not a context for misery it should not just be a context for struggling and striving and fighting the greater part of a relationship is supposed to be enjoyable it is supposed to be mutual it is supposed to be um uh synergistic we're supposed to be on the same page moving at the same Pace going in the same direction do we have hiccups that we have to overcome certainly we do I'd be alive to say or a liar to say anything other than that but you know 95 of a of a healthy relationship is the enjoyable part the other five percent is US struggling and fighting working together to accomplish our goals you know so if you've been in that mindset I think you need to rethink that because some of you quite honestly are there now you're just fighting and you're the only one fighting and as I just said even if both of you are fighting that may be an indication that maybe the two of you are just not equally yoked but how much worse it is when you're the only one fighting and the other person is just looking at you fight and you're struggling and striving and they've told you you know in some cases I've seen where men have told women I don't want you I'm not going to this is not going anywhere and there's some part of that woman that just can't let that man go and she she hangs on and hangs on and hangs on and she turns forwarded and she you know she turns 50 and he told her back in her 30s you know I don't want you like that I don't see his wife I don't I don't you know I'll keep having sex with you if that's what you want but don't think that this is going anywhere and she's still hanging on 15 years later so I want to talk about the power of a woman that can literally walk away now you already know this this uh stems from you know my personal experience with my wife and how you know I was confused and I didn't think I wanted to be married and I said to my wife wife after some years of dating I don't think I want to be married um I think you probably need to move on and to my surprise she actually did that it was later I discovered that uh she was heartbroken but the way she moved on and as quickly as she moved on I said well man I wondered this woman ever really love me she was able to do it so quickly you know and it it really late I learned it really had nothing to do with her love me she loved me and she was heartbroken but the beauty in the story is that she loved herself more moving on is a self-love move you know you're just sitting there taking this abuse taking this disrespect you gotta you gotta find the power to move on now let's go to Genesis chapter 21 verses 14 through 17 and I just pulled these this block of verses out because the story is you know it's just too long for me to read the whole story but I'll give you the back story Abram is an old Abraham Abram is an old man in his 80s you know I think somewhere in his 80s are close to 90 or something like that and God says to him I'm going to make you the father of many nations and I'm gonna give you a son but not only is Abram an old man his wife is an old woman and so his wife has this Slave Girl by the name of Hagar and so she hears the story about I'm gonna give you a son and you have you know and she laughs and so her solution for God's promises why don't you just take my slave girl and make a make a son with her and we'll call it a day and so Abram obliged and he did exactly that he had a son by the name of Ishmael with Hagar the slave girl and so God being God came through and did exactly what he said he was going to do haggar in her old age got pregnant and had a son by the name of Isaac well now Abram has his wife and he has a concubine effectively that are both living in his home both of them have sons now that Sarah has her son she says this woman can't be in here she's disrespecting me you know you know how it is probably making up a whole lot of stuff she and that boy got to go and God said to Abraham let them go and so now Abram has to put his son Ishmael and the mother of his son the mother of his child out and Hagar has to walk away from Abram now it's interesting you know when we think about what we're talking about it felt like Hagar was was leaving her support system it it felt like she was leaving home all that she had known but here was the reality Hagar was walking away from slavery Abram was inviting her to leave slavery and maybe the spirit of God has me on here today talking to somebody who feels like your enslavement your broken Consciousness is your support system it's your home it's your it's your happy place I don't know how you could assume it's a happy place as much misery as it's causing you but maybe you say how can I do this and maybe the real invitation is for you to abandon slavery so let's go to Genesis 21 14-17 since you have the back story so Abram got up early in the morning and took bread and a skin of water and gave them to haggar putting them on her shoulder and gave her the boy and sent her away and she left but lost her way and wandered aimlessly in the wilderness of Bathsheba when the water in the skin was all gone Hagar abandoned the boy under one of the bushes she left him in other words then she went and sat down opposite him about a a bow shot away before she said I guess you know as far as you can shoot an arrow for she said do not let me see the boy die she couldn't stand watching him die they're out there and they're Starving in there you know they're parched they they need water and as she sat down opposite him she raised her voice and wept and heard the voice of the boy and the angel of God Called to Hagar from heaven and said to her what troubles you Hagar do not be afraid for God has heard the voice of the boy from where he is resting and when you read on you discover that God says even though you were put out of Abram's house and all of these kinds of things I'm going to make you son a king and you know everything's going to be amazing I'm going to do this for you I'm going to do that for you and could it be that while you're trying to hold on to the old dysfunctional Norm that God is trying to take you from enslavement to royalty maybe your maybe your elevation to a place of royalty Queen Consciousness is in your willingness to embrace the pain of moving on from a dysfunctional Norm you gotta what choose your pain I always talk about that are you gonna are you gonna you know continue with the pain of being disrespected being ignored um being a side chick you know whatever the case may be just for the sake of holding on to what's familiar or are you going to embrace the pain of of disconnecting yourself from a toxic system and actually healing and actually evolving into all that God created you to be you got to choose your pain and so you know though it seemed harsh and though it seemed difficult because haggar she really didn't have a choice but because haggar walked away um she really walked she walked out of but she stepped into she walked out of slavery and she stepped into royalty and and when you look at uh the Arabs and Palestinians where all the oil and all of this stuff is well that's those are the people The Offspring of Ishmael Abram's other son Isaac was The Offspring from him came the the Jews and out of the Jews came the the Christians and so forth and so on you'll see but when you think about the power of a woman to um the power of a woman that can walk away um there are a few things that you're going to have to navigate because usually a uh a toxic a toxic man is not going to let you go just that easily sometimes I mean it's as serious as they threaten physical violence or they perform physical violence that's not to be um you know missed um but in most cases it's it's this it's the psychological game to to actually walk away from a toxic relationship you're going to have to overcome guilt tripping you know after all I've done for you I was talking with one of my dear daughters that's in Mordecai Mission the mentoring program that Lisa and I conduct once a year and um she was talking about how her particular man is just tries to guilt triple you mean to me all I've done for you you're gonna walk away from me and so I just asked one simple simple question what has he really done for you and she had to pause and she had to kind of snicker because he's not really done anything but the Mind Games make will make you believe that somehow you're doing somebody wrong that's presently destroying you then you'll have to overcome the love bombing when you try to walk away they'll become everything you ever imagined all over again the same way they baited you in from the beginning is the way they'll they'll reel you back in again with all of the love bombing just doing everything you you know you can imagine uh to you know make you feel valued and respected but it never lasts it's because it's just a ploy to get you reattached and then you'll go through you're gonna have to fight through the gaslighting where they make you feel like you're losing your mind you know that it's really you you're the problem you're the reason this relationship doesn't work I really do love you that's why I put my hands on you that's why I hit you because I love you so much and you made me do that and and you're sitting there and you scratching your head you're like oh did I really do that I did I did speak you know I did speak out of turn is this such a thing in a relationship I did elevate my voice you're being gaslighted and then you have you know we talk about all of this in my my latest book um you have the flying monkeys where they send people you know into your life uh to reel you back in you know mutual family and friends they'll send in what's going on where what what you're doing you trying to destroy your relationship he's a good guy they know absolutely nothing about the abuse that you you know endure in private but he'll send them in to do his bidding so these are some of the things that you're going to have to be aware of and understand that you're going to have to overcome uh when you make up your mind that you're going to walk away now let's get into it I think I have one two three four uh what is this five six actually have six points and I'm not going to be long I say that all the time but I am a black Baptist preacher so y'all know how that goes number one the woman that has the the woman that has the power to walk away gives her soul her mind her emotions she gives her soul the space to heal walking away for a woman is an opportunity for healing toxic relationships can have you know usually create deep emotional wounds that take time and space to heal so when a woman walks away or goes no contact as we talk about in my book me my mind um biblical perspectives on narcissistic abuse when a woman goes no contact she can start to focus on her own healing and her own recovery rather than being constantly pulled back into the toxicity of the relationship you see you're trying to break you're trying to break a soul tie um in while staying in the same environment and you know let me see if I can find it one there's there's one um well look over here in Ecclesiastes chapter 3 verses 5 through 6. it says there's a time to throw away stones and a time to gather stones there's a time to embrace and the time to refrain from embracing there's a time to search and the time to give up a thing as lost there's a time to keep and there's a time to throw away you got to recognize the time because when it's time to throw a thing away when it's time to give up a thing as lost when it's time to no longer embrace it means that you now need the space away from this individual that you may heal one person said um you can't heal in the same environment that made you sick overall going no contact from a toxic man can be a very difficult and painful process it's usually more painful for most women than it is for most men because most men red men rarely get to a place where we really love we don't allow our hearts to love so easily now when a man does love it actually hurts him worse when a relationship doesn't work it actually does believe it or not now women are hurt more frequently because women are built to nurture women up women are built to love and and so when it does not work women typically have invested more of themselves into the situation so it's not it's not easy for women many times too it's a painful process to pull away break away walk away from a man that she feels like she loved because the love in her always makes her believe she can love him enough that he'll learn to love her back which is a horrific lie that the feminine Soul tends to hold on to but it can also be walking away can also be a necessary step for a woman's mental health and her well-being you got to look at yourself and you got to be able to be able to say to yourself I'm not good I'm not healthy this is not working for me and see what it does for you when you pull away from it it cleanses your appetite you you don't realize how much of an effect bad eating let's think about it from a physical sense you don't realize how much bad eating is is affecting your sleep your emotions your overall feelings your health until you pull away from Bad eating and you start eating halfway decent come on now when you start eating halfway right you separate yourself you walk away from the bad food and you start eating halfway decent and you realize the energy you have and you realize the inflammation if you're at a certain age that's in that that was in your joints from eating so much fried stuff and all of this kind of thing you don't feel the pain anymore you realize the acne clears up on your face because you've walked away from your appetite for bad food well likewise when you walk away from a bad man or a toxic relationship it cleanses your appetite for bad men now what's the mistake what's the common mistake most women make they'll walk away from one bad man and before they can Purge the palate they go and find the exact same kind of man in another pair of tennis shoes see when you walk away you need to you need to experience a season of being alone so you can heal come on now the the next thing that happens is that your mind gets renewed you you begin to rethink what you really want what's your dreams are what your vision is what you deserve what you actually desire and then you begin the Journey of what self-care when you were tied up in that relationship everything was about him but now you're able you have the space since you walked away and now you're you you you've taken space to heal now you you're getting into self-care you're finding what calms you down what you know settles your anxieties and what makes you feel good now when you think about it when a creation is broken it must be returned to the manufacturer to be remitted you know if if a product goes bad many times stores will say don't return it to us send it back to the people that made it you know so when a woman's heart is broken uh she needs to get back to the Creator to the Almighty she needs to get back to God to heal because God is the creator of the what soul the heart in second Corinthians 6 17 he says wherefore come out from among them and be separate saith the Lord touch not the unclean thing and I will receive you you see healing is in the Embrace of the Almighty healing is not in the Embrace of another man right healing is in the Embrace of the almighty when the when the soul when the heart has been broken we got to return the heart to the manufacturer and let the manufacturer fix the heart glory to God now number two when a woman when a woman has the power to walk away not only does she give her soul the space to heal but number two she allows she allows the man and this is an old sequential order I'm just randomly giving you the points as I thought about him she allows the man Clarity regarding her value you know um it was after Lisa walked away and I always valued and respectedly so that's why I didn't string her along and said you know I respected her so I said I don't think I want to get married I think it's best you probably move on because I knew she wanted to be married and I knew I loved her and I knew I valued her but when I when I when I look no longer had access to her it was then that my appreciation for her went through the roof it was then that I came to this understanding man this is my wife for life this is the woman that I can be faithful to for the rest of my life and now here we are 27 years later you know wow but if she did not if Lisa had when I said okay I think I don't want to be married uh if she had like why please please if she had gone through all of those things I don't know if we would even be friends today it was Lisa's strength to walk away from me that forced me into Clarity mode sometimes separating from a man who is toxic or who doesn't value A Woman's Worth may help him to see her true worth now everybody all Christians don't agree with me you know I'm just not a I'm just not a fanatical type Christian and I'm very practical and I believe that God is very practical and so I'm not one of these people that says the people well you know man's beating you up and you know a man doesn't want to work and he's laying around spending all the money and ruining your credit hanging there pray about it wait on I'm just not that guy I'm just not that guy I never tell people that you should get a divorce because I I do understand and appreciate uh you know the values that we share in Christianity relative that's center around marriage but everybody that went to the altar didn't come out with a marriage some of y'all just came out with wedlock and so what I do is I suggest to men and women actually more women than men obviously that when things are not going right you don't have to necessarily get a divorce because ultimately that's a decision you you have to make between you and God that's not something I can counsel you on or tell you that nobody should really tell you you need a divorce that's something you got to figure out on your own but I one thing I do think can be very helpful in a situation where you're married to somebody and maybe they're just missing it they're not doing their part is put some separation there and you say okay now look I'm not feeling what what you got going on right now so look you stay here I'm gonna go over here by my mom for a minute until we can figure this out because sometimes separation allows a man to get the kind of clarity especially when you're separating from a position where you're saying I'm not promising you I'm coming back here now I love you I'd love for this to work but it ain't gonna work unless we really get some things fixed you know now if you just pulling off trying to think you go impress somebody uh to you know over two or three days and then they're gonna come big and no you got to be in a mindset where you're serious and you put the distance there and you allow this person to have an experience the clarity regarding your value when you feel unappreciated disrespected there needs to be some space because access disguises value just like absence makes the heart grow fonder access breeds contempt we we usually lose appreciation for the thing we have access to sometimes we have to separate the value we are from the individual before the individual can can appreciate the benefits that we bring or that you bring as a woman because we're talking about women Matthew chapter 10 verses 13 and 14 this is the Amplified listen to How it reads if the family living in the house is worthy welcoming you in your message give that house Your Blessing of peace that is that is a blessing of well-being and prosperity the favor of God but if it is not worthy if they don't receive you and they don't honor you take back your blessing of Peace whoever does not welcome you nor listen to your message as you leave that house or city Shake the Dust of it off your feet in contempt breaking all tithes because if if a person is not deserving or worthy of the blessing that you are you can't just keep casting your pearls to swine you got to put some distance there so that they can see the value that you really are because sometimes people are just not clear and distance allows for reflection now when a man is used to having a woman in his life he may take her quite often we do he may take her for granted or he maybe he won't fully appreciate her worth separating pulling away walking away from this man can create the distance and the space for him to reflect on the relationship and the value that the woman brings to his life um my great my grandfather God bless his heart today um my grandmother my mother's mother and father my grandmother served my grandfather I mean like um nothing I've ever seen I mean she would run his bath water he would take three baths a day she'd run his bath water she cooked for him she'd bring his food to him and his Lazy Boy while he's sitting watching and watching television she'd iron his clothes have his clothes laid out for him I've never seen the closest thing I've seen I mean I've just never seen nothing like it and my grandfather did not appreciate my grandmother my grandmother never left my grandfather at least she never chose to leave him but my grandmother died early she died in her 50s she was a domestic and she died on the job while cleaning um other folks house she had a heart attack and when my grandmother when my grandmother came up missing when my grandmother did not return home my grandfather's life fell apart he didn't know you know he would call out her name and would say all kinds of things he didn't know the value that my grandmother brought to his life until my grandmother was no longer there come on now well you don't need to die you just need to change locations when when somebody is not appreciative or respectful of the value that you bring you got to be strong enough as a woman to choose yourself and to walk away it's important to note however that a woman should never separate from a man with the intention of changing him or making him see her worth separating should be done for her own listen to this her own well-being and self-respect not as a way to manipulate or control the man ultimately a man's recognition of A Woman's Worth is his own responsibility and cannot be forced or controlled by her when you walk away be serious about walking away now if he wakes up like I did and you're still available or you still want him and you feel like he's sincere return but this is not a manipulative tactic no no when you walk away you're seriously choosing you and you're you're taking the necessary space to to heal and allow him to realize you know what he had in you and hopefully in your mind it's like hopefully he'll be a better man to the next woman now number three number three uh she is able when a woman has the strength or the power to walk away she is able then to ponder the error or the error errors of her ways the errors she's she's made the mistake she's made because as long as a woman is in the chaos of the situation she cannot really see the mistakes she's making it's not until she walks away that she can actually learn from what she's gone through see don't just take the pain and the shame away from the situation take the wisdom in the lessons and Ponder your behavior your behavior why did you get into this what whatever you learned from this and take the lessons listen to what Psalms 119 71 and 72 says it is good for me that I have been afflicted that I might learn thy statues I didn't just go through this I grew through this don't just go through it grow through it don't don't just take the pain the shame take the lessons and the wisdom it says it's good for me that I've been Afflicted that I might learn thy statutes this is why younger women in a lot of cases should really pay attention to older women who are trying to tell you you're making a mistake now if older woman's life has no fruit on it and she's still out here doing the same thing you know she 50 years old still out doing the same thing 20 year olds are doing well you probably you know disregard that but see like because my women whose lives are together and they're telling you you making a mistake here you need if I were you I would rethink this these women have gone through it and it you know you you're gonna either learn through harsh experiences or safe instruction if you've got women in your life that are trying to give you safe instruction why choose the why I choose the curtain that has hard experiences behind it you don't need to experience that and have all that trauma show up on your countenance and age you before time and ruin your health and mess up your emotions and have you full of anxieties when when you can just sit down and listen to folk who've gone through it now uh look how listen to what verse 72 says the law of thy mouth is better unto me than thousands of gold and silver here here's how it reads in the passion translation the punishment you brought me through was the best thing that could have happened to me for it taught me your ways the words you speak to me are worth more than all the riches and wealth in the whole world now there are a few things that happen that will happen in a woman's life when she's gone through it she's come out of it and she's walked away from it she's able to ponder the era of her ways letter A she realizes the era of pursuing relationships before she's established her self-worth most times women will discover that I jumped into this relationship before I really developed my self-worth my self-esteem this is why I invested more of myself than I should have into a situation that was not you know reciprocal letter B she learns the era of living beyond or living without boundaries because you didn't establish boundaries you allowed certain things to transpire in your life these are things that you come out of this learning when you walk away from it and you look back in retrospect and you start pondering the things you you learn from it you realize that I should have I should have established boundaries I learned you should you know you learn the importance of boundaries when you separate from a toxic person you may realize that you always needed to set clearer boundaries in your relationships to protect yourself yeah if you had had boundaries that would have never gone this far you know uh you would have never gone that far with this individual but you don't see these things until you you know you're out of it you know and I was thinking about just the you know understanding the importance of boundaries for a woman and then the thought came to my mind you know how may a child how may a little kid walk through um wild carnivores can you imagine that a a child walking through a field of carnivores lions and tigers and bears the answer comes back boundaries fences Gates walls a child can walk through a field of wild animals when there are boundaries boundaries are there to protect you but how many women have lived their relational lives with no boundaries and wonder why you continue to get devoured let her see she realizes the era of trusting before verifying that it's a setup you just you know you running off with your emotions and you're trusting somebody that you've not verified I say to people all the time trust is not something I can give you or you can give me I can't give you I can't gift you with with trust trust is something that you have to earn over a period of time listen and the author is unknown it says never blindly trust anyone including yourself always question everything but these are lessons that you can look back and Ponder and learn once you've gotten out of it while you're in the chaos of it all you're dealing with too much to even think this deep now number four she learns the woman that has the power to walk away to walk away she learns her own strength because presently there's some of you that are watching and listening to me now and you're like there's no way in the world I can do it I just my heart can't take it I just can't do it but when a woman finally pulls the trigger to walk away from a toxic man she learns that she has always been more than she was made to believe she could be she could always do more than she was made to believe she could do her conditioning taught her to be a dependent but our separation teaches her how strong she actually is she realizes that she's stronger than her feelings she she realizes that she doesn't have to be governed by her emotions and her feelings she can be intentional she can feel attraction and still make a wise decision she can she can be sexually attracted and still say no and still choose the best route for her personally how does she learn her own strength she she learns that she can make decisions for herself many women feel um incapacitated in terms of making decisions for themselves and they I don't know what I'd do without without my man well if you got a man is you know out for debate anyway uh letter C she she learns that she can provide for herself men and women are stuck in relationships because they they think they got to stay there for the money not understanding that once you get out of that situation God's going to open up all of the doors your creativity and opportunities for you to realize that you can actually take care of yourself and in letter D she learns that she can find happiness by herself she learns her own strength now number five she recalibrates the woman that has the power to walk away she recalibrates her soul she moves back to the Creator's default you know when I used to work with uh PCS I I work with apples now uh but when I used to work with PCS I would get man viruses on the thing all the time and there were days that I would just have to go back to the manufacturer's default to clear some of that stuff out of that you know they just bring me straight on back to the manufacturer's default and and a lot of times as a woman it's not until a woman walks away that she can recalibrate her soul and she can return to God's original order for her come on now you know God's original internal settings for her you see you've allowed the fingers of all kinds of toxic men to have access to your soul and these toxic men have changed the settings and now you got all of these viruses and all of these bugs gone off in your psyche and in your mind and in your emotions well when you walk away and you you you you separate yourself from the chaos you you allow your soul to be recalibrated I like the way David says it in the 23rd psalm verse 3 and this is the passion translation it says that's where he restores and revives my life he opens before me the right path and leads me along in his footsteps of righteousness so that I can bring honor to his name she restores her self-respect she she recalibrates her soul she comes back to the place where she respects herself just the idea that you walk walk away from something that uh you're you you know you don't deserve is going to be a huge boost to your self-respect she she sanctifies her sex life when you can walk away from that Soul tie and and purge yourself sexually so that you're no longer under the you know almost like the spell of of of the sex in this situation and then she reclaims her independence yeah you see the toxic relationship pulled you away from your Independence but now that you've walked away from it you're able to reclaim your Independence and then number six and finally and I'm done the power of a woman that can walk away she gives God space to bless her you see as long as you're tied up in a in a situationship that dishonors God disrespects you you tie God's hands but when you break out of those you know bonds toxic bonds and you walk away from that and you you create a space for God to step in you discover how much how quickly God can be good to you you create space for the Almighty to bless you God will bless you with peace of mind God will bless you with the strength of power through God will bless you with a new circle of friends God will bless you with Independence God will bless you with the necessary resources you need God will open the doors for housing and everything else you need God will open up avenues for um you know career opportunities entrepreneurship and ultimately God will bless you with a man that deserves you but you got to have the strength or the power to walk away from a man that does not deserve you and so there you have it there are six things that come about as a result of a woman having the power to walk away may I pray for you heavenly father my prayer for everyone listening to me right now is that you will mend every broken heart there's some dear God who have already made this move some who are contemplating this move some made this move and got caught up again and came back and now they're feeling most miserable behind this message God all of them meet them where they are and give them a sense of peace and let them know to God whatever the situation is you've given them hope and the future they can recover come on now Hallelujah they can recover and they can survive and they can thrive and I speak peace to their minds I speak wisdom to their hearts courage and confidence to their souls in Jesus name amen amen amen amen listen I've enjoyed this time with you now don't forget that um we're getting ready uh this weekend we're getting ready to officially launch me my mind you'll be able to find it on Amazon you'll have access to the audible version of it you'll have access to the electronic version of it and stay glued to my stay glued to my um social media in terms of Facebook YouTube uh well yeah YouTube community and Instagram because relative to the electronic version we're going to do something special with that for I think like 48 to 72 hours so I don't have the specifics right now but I'll post it once we're clear on exactly what we're going to do but I want you to help me to blow this book out of the water this is a book that the world needs me my mind biblical perspectives on narcissistic abuse and how to overcome it oh look you know help me out with that now um go to my website sign up for my mailing list I will also be sending the information about the book launch and all of that through our to our to our mailing list community so sign up for that check out all of the online programs while you're there and uh don't forget to go by Amazon and pick up look at all of my other books all of my other books while you're there if you need counseling if you need counseling better help counseling is available to you and if you look in the description there's a link specifically for RC Blake's Ministries that I have that leads to better help counseling if you go there and you search it out and you feel like it's something that will work for you the link going through my link will afford you 10 off of the cost of their counseling and uh in turn better help will make a deposit into RSC Blake's Ministries for the fact that I referred them to you now I think uh I want to appreciate all of you who have sown given into our lives Lisa and I we so appreciate you and we love you so much we thank God for you and we do not take it lightly now I think I'm done and I just want you to remember this one thing you're on top and you're going higher God has more in store for you So Lisa and I will see you at the top and before you leave make certain that you like this video share this message Jesus name amen God bless you until next time [Music] we here at RC Blake's Ministries want to thank you for spending this time with us today RC and Lisa are always honored to have you with us don't forget to reach out to us by visiting our website at while you're there you may join our mailing list and receive a free download of the laws of manifesting your vision by RC Blakes also look at all of the online programs by RC you may find all books written by RC and Lisa once again all of us here at RC Blake's Ministries want to thank you from the bottom of our hearts and as we always say see you at the top foreign [Music]
Channel: RC Blakes, Jr
Views: 697,962
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: rcblakes, rc blakes jr, queenology, rc blakes youtube, blakes, pastor rc blakes, bishop rc blakes, rc, rc blakes relationships, rc blakes videos, robert blakes, father daughter talk, r. c. blakes, rc blakes narcissist, pastor blake, THE POWER OF A WOMAN WHO CAN WALK AWAY, HOW TO WALK AWAY, HOW TO TAKE YOUR POWER BACK
Id: 2pptqzOjuDM
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 57min 21sec (3441 seconds)
Published: Tue Feb 21 2023
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