The Possessed Suits of Armor (Zelda Theory)

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of all the giant powerful armor-clad enemies and video games the two-handed axe wielding metallic giants named iron knuckles are some of the most memorable from their presentation to their fight mechanics they're one of the most intimidating enemies out there especially if your six-year-old me just trying to beat the spirit temple in ocarina of time for the first time because my sister called me to chicken to do it anyways like with many monsters from the Zelda universe their entire existence is pretty much a mystery as is they're completely shrouded origin iron knuckles are also oftentimes confused for the very similar dark nuts who are also you know large humanoid armor clad knight like enemies I mean the confusions understandable but while these enemies do have their similarities their true natures could not be more different and before I get into the meat of the video I just wanted to throw out there that my last video covered dark nuts and their potential connections to linked yes you heard me correctly the hero linked himself and I'll actually be spoiling that video a bit in this one to make some of the points about iron knuckles that I'll be making so if you want my full theory on dark nuts before going into this video then click on that tiny little button in the top right of your screen to go watch it real quick then come back of course or or follow the link in the description below also make sure you're subscribed to the channel if you haven't done that already for all the epic Nintendo stuff to come but that's enough of that let's talk higher notes [Music] the knuckles first appearance was in ocarina of time just kidding I lied their actual first appearance was way back when in the Dark Ages when horribly pixelated sprites were referred to as good graphics back in the 80s in Zelda 2 The Adventure of Link which is arguably the best Zelda game ever made sorry I lied again iron knuckles are recurring enemies and even bosses that link has to face in his adventure ultimately they served to replace the darkness from the previous game Zelda won as the new night like enemy for the new game their second and exponentially better known appearance was in ocarina of time when they appear in the spirit temple as these giant emotionless axe swinging enemies but between their two appearances there are some pretty major changes in design that took place the first is more like a classical looking Knight in fact their original design is very similar to that of the original darknut what with the horned helmet cape and sword and shield combo the second and final appearance design is more akin to a Middle Eastern Knight with the patterned cloth and pointed shoes they also lose the sword and shield and instead fight with a massive two-handed double-bladed axe that's probably used for more than chopping oil so the first question we're gonna look at is this one right here what's the difference between the old iron knuckles from zelda 2 and the newer ones from you know every other appearance I think it's the difference of affiliation the first iron knuckles we see in Zelda 2 are highly enough and the ones from Ocarina of Time and onward are Gerudo knuckles if you will they're similar to each other in that they're you know big arm are wearing enemies but they're not necessarily related to one another to explain that answer I'm gonna go out on a limb and suggest something that may sound kind of weird at first but bear with me it'll make sense I believe the term iron knuckle that we refer to these enemies by is less of a statement about that kind of enemy and more of a reference to that enemies rank or level here's why I think that in the official handbook of zelda ii the iron knuckles are referred to as being quote an iron warrior chosen by the king end quote it also states that they can take many forms but I personally believe that's simply a reference to the different levels of difficulty they spawn at as evidenced by the different colors they wear orange red and but I want to focus on that first part they're chosen by the king the King which king when you take into account that Ganon is the king of evil and you know higher knuckles are kind of evil it may be tempting to assume that this king of the book is referring to is actually Ganon the king of evil but the book also refers to quote the king and quote when it references the Kings tomb which is the burial site of the old king of Hyrule with these enemies also being local to Hyrule Castle it's safer to assume that the king that shows the iron knuckles was none other than the king of Hyrule himself then why are they attacking link you ask oh I don't know Ganon's corruption or maybe as a test for the hero or something like that the Hylian knuckles hostility towards link is not as important to this theory as what they are which is chosen highly in warriors now the next logical question would be does this mean that they are the fabled Hylian Knights of legend well as I talked more in-depth about in my previous darknut theory the Hylian Knights are actually a group of people whose Knightly heritage is passed by bloodline as in you are born into it not chosen I believe the Hylian Knights are the dark nuts which actually fits here because iron knuckles aren't related to anyone they're chosen into the positions not born into them like the Knights of Hyrule are there's similarity to dark nuts instead of the other iron knuckles from other games is due to the fact that these iron knuckles are Hylian not Gerudo so that's the Hylian knuckles in a nutshell elite chosen warriors of hyrule now let's talk about the real reason why you're here the Gerudo knuckles which are a much different beast now this is where things get real interesting and just a quick disclaimer I'm going to piece out everything we know about the Gerudo knuckles and then give my guess as to what it all means but be warned this is a pretty wild theory you might want to buckle up so firstly the iron knuckles from ocarina of time are only found in the spear temple and ganondorf's castle in the spirit temple pots are constantly flying around the place and it's generally considered to be pretty haunted but by what I'll get to that later as you fight the iron knuckles of which there are only three in the spear temple their armor falls off revealing a rather slender more feminine form beneath and the final knuckle is actually straight-up revealed to be a brainwashed nabooru and for those of you who don't know who she is she's a garuda leader who awakens later on as the sage of spirit kind of really important to Zelda lore the witches behind her brainwashing and most likely the ones behind the haunting of the spear temple in general are known as the twin sisters Coe take and combing or together as twin rova these crazy 400 year old sisters are revealed by Navi to be Ganondorf surrogate mothers which would explain their you know evil nature and devotion to their son ganondorf's reign they directly admit to know burrows brainwashing and even threatened to repeat the process which link of course puts a stop to by you know sending them upwards in a beam of light to heaven because he killed anyway because they were responsible for Naboo Rose blank brain it's only natural to assume that they were behind no burrows iron knuckle status as well which means we can apply this to each of the other iron knuckles found in the game now could a pin and twin where of his connection to the iron knuckles I'll get back to that in just a bit let's talk about Naboo when she was in the suit she did some pretty awesome stuff right like she possessed superhuman strength apparently summoned a weapon out of thin air and even had a completely different voice but unless the iron knuckle suits were made by Stark Industries this needs some explaining it's obvious that her physical abilities were greatly altered and improved when she was in the iron knuckle armor outside of it and don't get me wrong Garuda women are pretty tough studs but I find it very hard to believe that Nibiru possesses that kind of raw strength on her own swinging a weapon of that size and being able to smash through those stone pillars is not something anyone of normal human capacity can do I think that much is pretty obvious so where did the augmentation of her physical strength come from her brainwashing I don't think so but that means it must have come from the iron knuckle armor itself there's another individual in particular that I think can help shed some light on this whole conundrum in the game Oracle of Seasons the big baddie for this adventure is known as general owned ox onyx and even though he's only ever referred to as a general and never a knuckle or iron boy looking at his armor he should look pretty familiar because it's literally exactly the same as Dorito knuckle armor from ocarina of time just draw in a different art style I mean there's the pointed toes the printed cloth the same plated armor and even the same color and this isn't just some cool looking armor the developers wanted him to wear no they specifically recreated Gerudo knuckle armor in a completely new art style and in case anybody had any questions solidified the Gerudo connection with the symbol on his chest where otherwise he has no connections to the Gerudo they were obviously getting at something here if you look at the other Oracle game the Oracle of Ages the antagonist in that adventure is known as Bharat who is most likely a female Gerudo since she's dark skinned has red hair and the Gerudo symbol in multiple places on her armor there's already a hint of something bigger going on here involving all this Gerudo symbolism but spoiler alert the nail in the coffin is the fact that at the end of either game it's revealed that both antagonists of these games were summoned by you guessed it twin rova who we know is both a powerful garuda witch slash with Jazze and responsible for the iron knuckles of ocarina of time pretty interesting stuff right but there's a really specific detail I want to zoom in on and highlight the only thing non Gerudo in this entire picture would be general onyx or rather whoever's in the armor even though this armor is clearly branded Gerudo armor if you look closer and not to get needlessly racial owned ox does look to be more fair-skinned than most of the garuda we normally see he's also a male further lessening the chances of him being a Garuda as a male Gerudo in the all-female race of guru doze is kind of a big deal so why is he a non Gerudo here wearing Gerudo knuckle armors serving twin rova showing off a pretty obvious Guerrero symbol on his chest what does this tell us well what if the point of every Gerudo knuckle armor we've ever seen isn't who's wearing the armor but the armor itself alright I hope you're ready because things are about to get real crazy up in here at the end of the game Oracle of Seasons general iron knuckle onyx reveals to the player that his true form is that of a dark dragon from the dark realm he claims he was summoned by twin rova now what is the dark realm you ask great question because it's not the same thing as the dark world we all know and love you know the one with that catchy theme the our creme has only ever been coined one other time in the Zelda universe and that is in the game Spirit Tracks the most popular Zelda game of all time in the game the dark realm is where the demon train is and where the demon king maladies makes his escape in summary I believe the evidence we have in the game would allow us to conclude that the dark realm is the realm of demons and twin rova has been summoning entities from its depths as we see from onyx is true dark dragon form I think twin rova has been summoning these demons or entities from the dark realm for a while now explaining the spirit temples haunted status and they can either infuse them into the temple itself or into suits of armor that we know as iron knuckle suits the thing is these demonically powered super suits need a host kind of like an Iron Man suit you know from that one movie or whatever and if you place a brainwashed host in a super suit well you've got yourself a super-powered super soldier who will obey your every command which is why we see brainwashed people being used for the suits furthermore the fact that garuda women were used for the suits in ocarina of time and the non garuda man was used in Oracle of Seasons this proves both that the suits need a host to operate but also that the suits though affiliated with the Gerudo or twin rova do not necessarily need the host to share the same race twin rova probably just used whoever was around as a host and in the Gerudo desert that means garuda women this could also explain why the Gerudo knuckles voices are so different than what their hosts naturally sound like because what if that isn't their voice you're hearing but the voice of the suit of a demon from the dark realm and that is my crazy theory regarding the super powered iron knuckles of the zelda franchise what do you think am i onto something or am i really just insane one thing I will briefly mention before wrapping up is that yes there are iron knuckles in Majora's Mask but commenting on their relation to Ocarina of times iron knuckles would mean I have to comment on how I believe the entire realm of termina is connected and I'd rather just not get into that in this video because it's already gone on long enough so for now at least they will remain a mystery hey guys thank you so much for watching be sure to LIKE this video if you enjoyed watching and check out some of my other stuff while you're at it as always huge thanks to my supporters of what I have so many new faces welcome to call in F Ezra a nice tone just inside gaming jac Simmons Felix K plushie 101 Kristina Adams spawn guy Tim flash K and Thomas McClure Q guys are so amazing and I so greatly appreciate all the support that you're giving me I recently rolled out channel memberships and the response has been amazing if you're interested in getting your name up here at the end of all of my videos and some really cool emoji to use in the comments and a really cool badge by your name click the join button below or go to my patreon link via the link in the description below support starts at just $1 also in the description are links to my social media pages so come on over and say hi that's all I've gotten this one so I hope you have a great rest of your day stay safe everyone this is mass antena bandits signing out [Music]
Channel: BanditGames
Views: 142,589
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: zelda, ocarina of time, theory, iron knuckle, darknut, zelda theory, zelda lore, zelda mysteries, secrets, zeltik, masked nintendo bandit, ironknuckle, majoras mask, breath of the wild, botw, botw 2, sequel, analysis, trailer, explained, story, mysteries, nintendo, release date, nintendo direct, news, timeline, game theory, spirit temple, kotake, koume, twinrova, gerudo, arbiters grounds, ganon, ganondorf, dark nut, legend of zelda, hd, guide, playthrough, game grumps, animal crossing, new horizons
Id: 9iP8gPi_vE8
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 13min 31sec (811 seconds)
Published: Sun May 03 2020
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