How Link is Related to Darknuts (Zelda Theory)

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octorok Spock ah blends moblins lizalfos Keese henyk sees Lionel's you know what all of these famous enemies from the Zelda franchise have in common they're all monsters like non-human monsters like hey I'm a pig person or I'm a bat with one eye kind of non-human we've all grown to know and love these monsters well love destroying them in glorious combat engines but for those of you who are new to Zelda or have only played the newest game breath to the wild you may not know that there's a particular enemy in particular that's particularly non-monster meet the dark nut these massive humanoid-looking enemies are clad head-to-toe in several layers of massive plate armor and normally wield massive weapons used for the art of a massacre sometimes they even have shields to the first time you fight a dark nut in Wind Waker or Twilight Princess it's as a mini boss of a dungeon because even though more experienced players can defeat the giant Knights pretty easily if you don't know how to fight them they can prove to be deadly opponents indeed these tough boys have made several appearances across the franchise from the original Legend of Zelda to Wind Waker to Twilight Princess and in today's video I'm gonna explore everything we know about the dark nuts in order to connect them to our one and only hero himself if you're doubtfully squinting at the screen right now just wait until the end of the video the evidence will surprise you and by the way for the more savvy of you watching this I'm specifically talking about dark nuts not their closely resembled cousin the iron knuckles if you guys would like for me to talk about the knuckles let me know in a comment after the video and also real quick before we delve into the content if you're not subscribed to the channel yet make sure you are with that Bell icon for some exciting new content coming right here to the channel actually I made a channel update video about some really cool announcements and thank-yous that's live right now so if you've got the time please be sure to check that out after this video the links to it will be in the description and on the screen right now and that's enough of that on to the content one of the first things to note about dark nuts is both how similarly they appear across the games but also how differently and we probably need to cover this before getting into their potential connections to the hero himself the dark nuts from the Minish in the Wind Waker when their helmets are knocked off reveal that even though they have humanoid bodies they have straight-up Anubis like jackal heads instead of you know person like heads pretty monstrous indeed but I said they were human-like earlier right right because in Twilight Princess when you knock their helmets off guess what they have human heads I mean unless their ears are very neatly folded back into their chainmail and their snouts are being squished by those masks so what's with this head difference anyway well before we get into their differing appearances we first need to determine what exactly dark nuts are or rather who exactly they were before serving the forces of demise the most common theory for the dark nuts true identities or hidden pasts is that they were none other than the Knights of Hyrule also known as the Hylian Knights but we're unfortunately corrupted by demises hatred there is actually a lot of evidence to support this besides the fact that you know with their intelligent martial arts are more weaponry and human-like forms they kind of stand out from the other monsters of Ganon's army in general in Twilight Princess they're only found in the temple of time and hyrule castle itself which are two locations that would probably realistically be guarded by Hylian Knights given that the former location guards the master sword and the latter guards you know Princess Zelda and the Hylian throne of royalty which is what they are sworn to protect as Knights they're also very tall which is a similarity they share with the armor sets present throughout Hyrule Castle in Twilight Princess and do make note that these are armor sets that are set on display and not statues like we see in other games yet the dark nuts are the only people tall enough to wear them besides Ganondorf from the hero shade but I'm getting ahead of myself speaking of their armor well one it isn't the armor present on display throughout the castle and it doesn't bear any super obvious Triforce symbol anywhere on its surface there are multiple very loftwing esque designs present all over their armor and at the tip of their swords which is the bird that is commonly used to symbolize Hyrule or hylians in general and really how much more Knightly can their armor be they have multiple pieces of heavy plate armor covering head to Oh face covering helmets a layer of underlying chainmail and a lighter sword for use in close quarters combat even if dark nuts weren't called dark nuts we'd probably end up calling these guys some sort of Knights because of their equipment alone in Wind Waker which does admittedly feature that jackal-headed dark nuts which I will get to in just a sec they each wear and drop a very significant piece of equipment called the Knights crest based on their name and a description given by an NPC in-game we know that the owners of said crests were Knights and these Knights crests are well known by the old man named Orca on outside Island who states that the crests in order to be gathered or held must be obtained by a courageous knight that possesses not only courage but power and wisdom as well if that doesn't alarmingly link the Knights crests to the fabled Knights of Hyrule I don't know what does the only question that remains is are the Knights crests that dark nuts where stolen or do they actually belong to the dark nuts themselves well to me logically speaking since every Dark Knight and Wind Waker has a knight's crest and has clearly been intelligently trained for combat I think it's more believable to think that the crests belong to the dark nuts rather than you know every single darkness just so happened to steal every other Knights crest and just so happy to be trained like a knight don't you think so given their armor design and nightly equipment and training we see in both Wind Waker and Twilight Princess and their locations as enemies I tend to believe that dark nuts are none other than corrupted Knights of Hyrule I mean we even see directly that the Knights have been corrupted before like in the game for swords adventures when you have to fight the four corrupted Hylian Knights that were even transformed into monsters a cool little possible extra piece of evidence to further support this would be the fact that the dark nuts original Japanese name Totten aku ends in a katakana symbol which is what the Japanese used to indicate the borrowing of a word it's possible that the original name was meant to be dark night instead of dark nut but on the same note the Japanese name for the similar iron knuckle is Iona ku meaning either the iron knuckles may have been actually named iron knight or iron nuts or the dark nuts may have been dark knuckles or dark nights anyway as confusing as that was I just thought that was a neat little piece of naming conspiracy so the dark nuts are probably corrupted Hylian Knights that's cool and all but what's that got to do with link great question really thanks for asking it's long been hinted at and even confirmed in more than just one of the games that link is actually a descendant of the Knights of Hyrule who are a devoted people group dedicated to the protection of the royal family whose lineage is passed down in their bloodline the most commonly acclaimed piece of evidence to support this would be the link from a Link to the Past or more specifically his uncle you see when zelda uses her telepathy at the beginning of the game to contact Link's uncle and by extension link himself it's revealed that she was actually trying to get ahold of the Knights of Hyrule who were the sworn protectors of the royal family since link is a member of the Knightly bloodline he was contacted as well as his uncle secondly in the most recent installment of breath of the wild link is again straight-up confirmed to be a member of the Hylian nights since zelda claims that his father was also a knight other instances we can deduce links connections to the Knights of Hyrule would be like an ocarina of time when it's explained that Link's mother was running from the current war with her baby in her arms many fans presume links father was a knight fighting in battle at the time and probably passed away as a result tragically so since link is oftentimes associated with the Knights of Hyrule and the Knights are stated to be descendants of the original hero and the Dartmouth's are probably Knights themselves what if link is actually related by blood to the darkness we see across all the games I mean it could help to explain why dark nuts are so bad to the bone but another question that may come up is if the dark nuts and Hylian Knight armors we see are always so you know huge then how could the normally short link be possibly of the same bloodline I actually do have a guess at that and be warned this next portion is pretty speculative stuff okay so you know how in Twilight Princess the hero shade appears to give the hero of Twilight some pointers on how to swing a sword and Hyrule historia went on to confirm that the hero shade is actually the hero of time from ocarina of time did the height difference strike you as odd I mean look at the shade he's massive he Dwarfs the hero of Twilight by several feet at least using link as a comparison the shade is actually right around the same size of a dark nut and his armor though bearing different designs is structurally strikingly similar to dark nut Armour what would that plumed helmet chainmail layer and circular shield but how is this height possible if he's supposed to be Link's ancestor the hero of time from ocarina of time who is clearly not that huge in-game and by the way side note but important note the hero shade is a shade not a stalfos he's a ghost or Spectre of the hero of time I don't want to make this video a twenty-plus long video so I'm not gonna take the time to go into the differences but if you'd like a more in-depth look on the shade himself and my theory as to what happened to him feel free to check out this theory at the card on the screen or by the link in the description below but anyway what age do boys normally stop growing 1819 I mean me personally I stopped at the ripe age of eleven but I was always just big for my age link in Ocarina of Time is either 16 or 17 years old as an adult there is a possibility that he could have grown for another year or so after the age we see him as an adult in-game also his appearance in Twilight Princess takes place in the child timeline meaning link was sent back to his original timeline and then was able to grow up in those 7 years that we otherwise skipped over in the adult timeline and was free to eat and drink and sleep properly instead of just being sealed away what if his nutritional intake was different and unlocked his ability to grow to his true height from his nightly Blood combine his height with his nightly armor and you've got yourself link the hero of time knight of hyrule ancestor to the hero of Twilight and the dark nuts and that is my theory on Link's relationship to the dark nuts of The Legend of Zelda but wait I almost forgot to cover something I'm glad I decided to script it in at the last minute including these comments I'm reading right now oh wait let me skip forward a bit real quick I wanted to touch on the fact that I believe the differing head design for dark nuts in the Minish Cap and wind waker is simply a line of Hylian it's that were indeed cursed to be dark nuts but instead of being cursed by Ganon and appearing like the dark nuts we see in Twilight Princess they were cursed by Vaati who also turned them into the jackal like beings we see them as in those two games I don't necessarily have much proof for this little mini theory other than the fact that I believe the jackal dark nuts were in fact Knights of Hyrule and Vaati is pretty well known for being able to transform himself others and even the entirety of Hyrule Castle so a transformative curse seems pretty well within his powers I mean I suppose it is possible that even the darkness from Twilight Princess and all other appearances are also jackal heads under those helmets but I don't know looking at the Twilight Princess dark nuts just makes it hard for me to imagine longears being folded back somewhere under that chainmail and their long nose is being squished into those masks but maybe that's just me what do you think let me know in the comments below hey guys thank you so much for watching be sure to LIKE this video if you enjoyed watching and subscribe if you haven't already for some awesome stuff to come as always huge thanks to my amazing patrons who make my day every day and I even have some new additions to my elite crew meet Nova crystal and teeth who have decided to support my channel with the utmost of generosity if you're interested in getting your name up here at the end of all my videos feel free to check out the link in the description below or check out my other video I just uploaded detailing some pretty cool stuff coming to the channel including another way to get your name up here and you don't even have to leave youtube also down the description are the links to my social media pages so come on over and say hi this is Mastana Bandits signing out wash your hands out there people and stay safe peace [Music]
Channel: BanditGames
Views: 227,331
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: zelda, legend of zelda, theory, darknut, zelda theory, zelda lore, zelda mysteries, zeltik, masked nintendo bandit, ocarina of time, twilight princess, iron knuckle, dark nut, hylian knight, knight of hyrule, knight armor, breath of the wild, botw, botw 2, sequel, analysis, story, timeline, explained, nintendo, direct, news, release date, ganondorf, ganon, zelda enemies, zelda monsters, walkthrough, darknut theory, animal crossing, new horizons, wind waker, secrets, mysteries, easter eggs
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 12min 53sec (773 seconds)
Published: Mon Apr 27 2020
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