That Creepy Twilight Princess Cutscene EXPLAINED (Zelda Theory/Lore)

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the legend of zelda is a franchise of games that somehow some way can pull off any style it wants to from forest adventures to wild west shootouts to operating a steam locomotive there's nothing that these games can't do and that's especially true when it comes to being downright creepy the game twilight princess is one of these wildly stylized titles and is arguably one of the creepiest zelda games when it wants to be mostly for obvious reasons it features a graphical style that leans more on the realistic side than other titles opening the possibility for more dark gruesome scenery and atmosphere but one creepy scene in particular stands out more than the undead within the arbiter's grounds more than the demonic possession of snow peak ruins more than the childish screams of a power-hungry madman if you've played the game you know what i'm talking about and if you haven't consider yourself warned about spoilers there's this one cut scene that plays right before link and midna set out to enter the third temple the water temple you see in the game before the three initial temples which each reward lincoln midna with a piece of the ominous fused shadow artifact there are light spirits that must be awoken these light spirits often give the duo advice on their journey and are even responsible for informing link that he is the reincarnation of the hero fast forward past the light spirits faron and eldon and we come to la neru guardian of lenairu province in which lake hylia and by extension the water temple itself resides after laneru is awoken the spirit proceeds to give its advice to link but this time it does so by way of a vision now this vision is what i'll be breaking down and talking about so because i'm going to be cutting up video quite a bit while discussing what's happening i'm going to play it in its entirety right now so that you have it fresh in your mind take a look at what the light spirit lenairu has to say to link [Music] [Music] [Music] ah [Music] [Music] ah [Music] um [Music] laughs [Laughter] [Applause] after watching the cut scene and being thoroughly creeped out there are a couple things that are obvious about the scene in the first place it's obvious that la neru is showing length vision as a warning the powers that midna is asking link to uncover are the very same powers that the light spirits themselves sealed away because the fused shadow is an immensely powerful relic that the goddesses themselves came to fear secondly it's relatively obvious that the vision uses link and ilia as placeholders to represent other hylians rather than representing well link and ilia themselves but there are more questions raised about the actions perceived in the vision than there are answers why did elia try to kill link why did link kill ilia why does link change clothes why does he have no eyes here and here but he does hear why is there dark like no why are there three dark links why does blank eyed x dark link scream at the end and why does ilya duplicate herself and they all collectively jump off a high dive in slow motion while laughing uncontrollably [Laughter] let's jump right in shall we breaking it down piece by piece first off we're shown link flying amidst nothingness he doesn't look like he's having a bad time but rather just like he's curious the text we're given is a shout out to the creation story from ocarina of time which is a more detailed version of the three golden goddesses creating the world we know in game note the same music being used [Music] it is important to note that when it mentions on screen that quote all was chaos end quote this isn't meant to imply any sort of negative atmosphere this simply reflects what is around link nothing empty black nothingness while it is true that the word chaos does imply an insurmountable plethora of activity or motion when speaking of creation and existence and concepts of infinity the term could be used to describe both everything and nothing link watches the light show as the goddesses whiz by creating the world in front of him granting power equally to all who dwelt in the light in other words all men are created equal link is represented here simply as himself being aware of the creation taking place around him a key concept to remember for this entire vision is that link is really linked when you see blue in his eyes link and ilia are both shown watching the end of creation as they look at each other with a non-verbal remark on the wonders they just witnessed at the hands of the goddesses the sacred realm is described as the lands where the goddess has descended in zelda lore the sacred realm is a metaphysical plane of existence parallel to our own we then see what appears to be the goddesses colliding and creating the familiar triforce if we contrast this with the creation scene from ocarina of time we get the additional detail that the triforce was created at the goddess's point of exit from our world the next information we're given is that the creation lived in peace until word of the sacred realm spread throughout hyrule this wouldn't be a problem if the sacred realm didn't house the triforce which has been the pivotal relic responsible for the entire legend of zelda series due to its promise of granting the user's wish we're then shown ilya holding a knife immediately after which we see her eyes have gone blank signifying this is no longer ilia we're looking at this is representative of even the most innocent of citizens in hyrule coveting the omnipotent power of the triforce and turning on one another in bloodthirsty battle the battle that the vision refers to doesn't have a confirmed timeline placement but we can most likely assume that it references the infamous hyrulian civil war which fun fact was the same war that was responsible for sending the hero of time's mother into the lost woods to give her son also known as the hero of time into the care of the great deku tree and thus spawn the events of ocarina of time link or rather the individual's link represents defeats ilya and proceeds to run towards his goal the triforce the cut to the next scene shows link running but now he's clothed in his heroic garb for some reason this may seem like a small adjustment but it's actually hugely impactful as it signifies the transition from a storytelling perspective to a very neat half storytelling half warning section of the vision and here's how that makes sense link is running towards the triforce right think again he's actually running towards the fused shadow which is actually what he's doing in game at the time trying to regain the pieces of the fused shadow for midna the fact that you can see his blue eyes and the signature green tunic and the fused shadow overlapping the triforce signifies this on the other hand the story is still being told historically of how unwanted intruders known as the interlopers and being played by three dark links appeared from among those that dwelt in the light they wielded powerful magic and are shown to grant themselves access to the sacred realm the fact that they are dark links is a powerful message in and of itself because dark link represents the darkness inside link himself dark link is a picture of the evil potential inside every living being which ties into the message of this vision it switches back to a warning message when they're shown vaporizing link and duplicating his exact appearance on one of them this is a clear message for link directly foreshadowing what the falling ilias tell link later on about those who do not know or who do not fearfully respect the power of the fused shadow being ruled by it the darkness inside him the dark link becomes him but as you can see his eyes are blank meaning this is the dark potential inside link that has now taken over and there is none of the hero left inside now switching back to storytelling mode we then see that the fused shadow was powerful enough to grasp the attention of the golden goddesses themselves who ordered three of the light spirits to intervene and seal the fused shadow away within the forest fire and water temples the interlopers are caught off guard by this as their pride blinded them to the fact that the golden goddesses and their creations of light were still far more powerful than the interlopers were the last we see of the interlopers is the one that looks like link screaming in horror and then just vanishing presumably killed by the light spirits and nothing more said of them this again carries a double message in story but also warning if link does allow the darkness inside him to take over and be ruled by the fused shadow he will be met with a swift and merciless defeat by the hand of the light after la neru reveals to link that the power shown to corrupt man is none other than the fused shadow we are given one last vision the infamous part that everybody knows of that shows ilya a bunch of ilias giving link a final resounding warning then laughing while descending upside down inexplicably this is where the vision meets its darkest segment the background is back to being completely black completely void completely nothing alike to the beginning of the vision before creation this means the alias we see are no longer in creation they're outside of it but still descending this is representative of the afterlife and descending into death what we're looking at is a bunch of ilias maniacally laughing while plunging to their eternal slumber and it makes link smile he's experiencing the first glimpse of the fused shadows power beginning to take over he's hallucinating about all those who would no longer stand in his way all those as weak as ilia he could easily kill and rule forever fortunately link snaps out of it before it's too late and spoiler for the rest of the game i suppose he doesn't get possessed but needless to say la neru pooled no punches when giving link this vision of warning link could now proceed forward knowing full well the alluring pull of power the fused shadow commands and that he is not immune to its evil wiles though it meant well in the end the scene still lives a skin crawling memory for those who have played through twilight princess and for those who have now watched this video hey thank you so much for watching if you enjoyed this creepy explanation video please leave me a like as it'll help get this video spread around on youtube and subscribe if you haven't already for much more juicy zelda content to come comment below letting me know what you thought of this breakdown and if you want to see more content like this in the future spooktober isn't over yet folks so expect even more of the creepy caliber in the next few weeks as always huge thank you to all of my patreon supporters including the new additions sexy calzone and alex yvette you guys are all so amazing and make my day every day if you're interested in getting your name on this list and other benefits check out the link to my patreon page in the description below also in the description is the link to my discord server which grows by the day join us as we discuss all sorts of amazing zelda topics and be in the know for all my latest updates on mass nintendo bandit i think that's about all i've got for you this time so without further ado this is mnb signing out have a great rest of your spooky day peace [Music] [Music] you
Channel: BanditGames
Views: 575,655
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: zelda, twilight princess, theory, twilight princess theory, twilight princess cutscene explained, legend of zelda, masked nintendo bandit, zeltik, zelda theory, zelda lore, zelda twilight princess theory, zelda explained, nintendo direct, e3 2019, creepy zelda theory, legend of zelda theory, twilight princess cutscene, zelda cutscene, zelda game theory, game theory, link is dead game theory, dark zelda theory, zelda dark link theory, masked nintendo bandit youtube
Id: FTek5EkgZYs
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 14min 28sec (868 seconds)
Published: Sat Oct 19 2019
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