The Police Came to My House (Watch Until the End)

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before i started my youtube channel 11 years ago i used to do a tv gig i did that on cbs tv for a couple of decades and people are saying scotty whatever happened to those old videos you did well i dug around on my messy garage and found a bunch of these old videos so here's some old school scotty it's time for you don't need to be super human to save money buying a used car you just need to know how to use your head the first thing you want to discover when you're buying a used car is if it's been in a wreck so here's a tip here's a simple test that you can do to find if the car's been in a wreck and you only need to use your hand go to the left front tire and put your hand between the tire and the body of the car in this case it's a little bit more than four fingers then you walk to the other side of the car and do the same thing and as you can see it's the same a little over four fingers so it's not bent if you would have had two fingers on one side and four fingers on the other side then the frame or the front end would be bent don't buy the vehicle and of course do the same thing with the back tires now if you're looking to buy a used vehicle that's less than 15 years old the best way to check out an engine isn't to look under the hood you want to look at this it's a scan tool that analyzes your computer in the car and gives you all kinds of information if there's something wrong a mechanic can use it and analyze all kinds of stuff but if you don't want to go to a mechanic there's another option there's companies like autozone that will scan your computer free and give you any trouble codes if they exist and if they do have trouble codes look for another vehicle now with all the flooding we've been having lately you might be worried about buying a flooded car so all you need is a flashlight and your nose look up under the dash if you see lots of shiny metal that's good if the metal is rusty that's bad the car's been flooded and don't buy it then you can look around pick up the rugs a little and smell if it smells all moldy and you see rust it might have been a flood car don't buy it and be real leery about a car that's heavily perfumed people often spray the perfume to hide the mold smell now some older cars will have fluid leaks but that's easy to check just make sure the area where the car is parked doesn't have any oil in it then take your car for a 10 or 15 minute road test to see how it runs and bring it back to the same spot then check for drips if there's no drips then nothing's leaking and it's okay is your vehicle turning into a gas devouring monster as vehicles age a lot of times carbon builds up in both the engine and the fuel injectors and make you burn a lot more gas and get worse gas mileage the fuel injectors can get clogged up and you end up using more gas than you need to but i've found a new product that cleans the fuel injectors right on the vehicle and you don't have to take anything apart it's called run right and here's how it works and here's how easy it is to use the top of the tool just unscrews and you pour the cleaner inside it's a cleaner that this company makes that's called sledgehammer then the cleaner just pours right into it until it's full it kind of looks like orange fanda but it doesn't smell like orange panda then the tool just hangs up on the hood then the other end screws onto the fuel rail of the vehicle it just screws right onto the fuel injection rail at the test port then you go to the fuse box and take out the fuel pump relay to turn the fuel pump off so this can now supply the fuel to the engine then you hook the air supply up powers the tool then you turn the pressure gauge to make the pressure in the system be about five pounds less than normal operating pressure in this case that's about 50 pounds then you start the vehicle then the vehicle is run until it stops running that means the cleaners all run through and it's done its job you can see the orange cleaner going right into the fuel injection system well you can see it's almost done now because the cleaners going out and air is coming in place [Music] well it's dead now we know the cleaners done its job so if your vehicle is turning into a gas-guzzling monster that's eating you alive wait wait wait wait wait wait do something about it before it's too late have the carbon cleaned out of your engine every 30 000 miles or so this is scotty kilmer helping you crank it up is your car riding like a bomb just waiting to go off if your car's riding rough you could have a suspension problem so today i'm going to show you how to check out suspension systems once your front wheel's jacked off the ground you want to see if there's any play put your right hand at the three o'clock position and your left hand at the nine o'clock position then pull back and forth to see if it clunks if it goes clunk or clunker there's a problem in this case it doesn't wobble back and forth so there's nothing wrong in the joints then you check at 12 o'clock and six o'clock and do the same thing if it wobbled this way you'd have a bad ball joint that need replacing now if your vehicle is really bouncing around a lot when you hit bumps your shock absorbing system might be wearing out but some are very expensive to fix today so you want to check them first most cars today have what are called mcpherson struts the shock absorber is called the strut and it has a built-in spring they're very expensive so you don't want to change it unless they're actually worn out here's a pair of mcpherson struts with the springs removed and i'll show you how you can tell if they're bad when you push down on them they should have a lot of resistance and they should come back up as you notice this one is coming back up but this one's shot now in the olden days two or three decades ago people would just push up and down on a fender to see if the car bounced too much they worked okay with shocks but the struts are much more complex you need to check them more in depth than that so if you feel that your car is driving like a bomb make sure you check the suspension system of your car before it goes off the road that is the scotty kilmer helping you crank it up are you having a hard time getting the wiring system and your car fixed well today is your lucky day because i'm going to show you how to find wiring shorts in your car all you really need is a little eight dollar test light and i'm so cheap when mine broke i splice the wire back together if you think you've got a short in your car's electrical system first make sure the headlights are turned off and no electrical accessories are turned on then go to your battery loosen the negative terminal and take it off then get the test light take the alligator clip and put it on the negative terminal of the battery then take the pick end and shove it into the negative terminal of the battery and if you noticed the light is now on since the light came on that means electricity is flowing and there's a short somewhere in the system but we don't end up like curly wondering where it is so under the hood we go to the fuse box and take the cover off then pull the fuses out one at a time with the fuse pulled out see if the light has gone out it hasn't so we got to pull another fuse keep pulling out fuses until the light goes out now the light's gone out so that's the circuit that has the short in it then you look on the top of the fuse box it's for the cigarette lighter so let's go inside the car if you use your cigarette lighter all the time to recharge your cell phone that can lead to problems in your cigarette lighter where you plug it in these outlets weren't made to be plugged in and out thousands of times and eventually they break which is what's happened here okay so it's called a power outlet today but it's the same thing as a cigarette lighter it just unscrews and you can buy a new base for it so if you're having a hard time finding electrical shorts in your car now you know how to find them this is scotty kilmer helping you crank it up i found a problem with cars that makes stooges of even good mechanics and here's what it is now cars are just like people they have to breathe in so make sure the filters are clean but they also have to breathe out your car breathes out through the tailpipe if the exhaust system is clogged up it won't run right and in modern day cars it's usually the catalytic converter that clogs up so i'm going to show you how to check them since the catalytic converter is on the bottom of the car we're jacking it up so we can see it better well here's the catalytic converter but it's a sealed unit so how do you check it well i'm going to drill a hole and measure the exhaust pressure with this little gauge and it'll tell us if it's clogged up first you drill a little quarter inch hole in the pipe hey scotty what are you doing to my car no i've got these little metal plugs to fill the holes up when i'm done then you stick the gauge in the hole to measure the pressure behind the catalytic converter we'll start the engine and see what the pressure is well the pressure behind it is less than one pound it's in the green so it's fine behind now i'm going to drill a hole in front of the cap and measure the pressure there now when i hook the hose up in front of the catalytic converter it has almost 15 pounds pressure that means that the pressure is building up in front of the catalytic converter because it's clogged up it needs a new catalytic converter and here's a couple mechanics tips if your car has less than 70 000 miles on it or is less than seven years old there's a federal warranty covering the catalytic converters you get one for free if it's older than that or you have more mileage go to a discount muffler store and they can weld the universal cat on and save you a whole bunch of money so don't let your mechanic make a simple job complicated if you want the right stuff to fix your car why not try the right stuff it's gasket sealer in a can and here's how easy it is to use let's say you've got an old car like mine it's not easy to get parts for a 24 year old car maybe your thermostat gasket's leaking here's how you can replace it first get a wrench and take the bolts off your thermostat gasket when you get the second bolt off just pull the thermostat housing off be sure you put a drain pan to collect the antifreeze so animals don't drink it they get an old turkey baster and suck out the coolant until the level is below the housing so the sealant won't have any on it then get an old putty knife and scrape the residual gaskets off you have to make sure that the surface is clean so the sealant will make a good seal and not leak then get a paper towel and wipe it all off so it's completely dry then get your can of the right stuff and if you notice there's a little loop on here that's because i've used it before you leave a little loop out so you can pull it out and then use it over then the only thing you want to seal is the inside so turn it on and make a little circle around the whole gasket there it is and remember squeeze a little so you have a little piece sticking out so you can pull it out and use it over this stuff dries really quickly and you don't have to wait with many of the other sealers on the market you might have to wait five or ten minutes you can immediately put it in and fill it up with coolant and it won't leak now you can use this right stuff for all kinds of sealants you can use it for your valve cover gaskets you can use it for water pump gaskets timing cover gaskets engine oil pan gaskets transmission gaskets and rear end gaskets the only thing you can't use it for are extremely hot areas like exhaust gaskets and head gaskets so now you know as my wife has always told me good things can come in small packages [Applause] just shoot your leaks away with a little can of the right stuff this is scottie keller helping you crank it up when you're being a road warrior on the highway are you worried that your brakes are gonna fail you in a pinch well before you get stuck in a mess i'm gonna show you how to properly bleed your brakes this morning if your brakes are getting mushy you might have air in your brake lines and you need to bleed the air out the bleeder screws are at the wheels so you take off a wheel to access the bleeder screw the bleeder screws have little rubber caps which you pull off now here's where the problem lies the bleeder screw is down here at the bottom but the air wants to go up and stay up it doesn't want to come down here it's simple physics when air is introduced to a system it wants to rise not fall but i found a tool called the phoenix injector that works with the air instead of against it it pushes it up so it naturally flows out you just put the magnet on the wheel so the canister hangs free and doesn't spill then you go to the bleeder valve with a wrench and turn it about a quarter of a turn to open it and put the end of the tool on it then you just pump the handle and it pumps fluid into the system the fluid is pumped in the system and the air gets pumped upwards where it normally wants to go then the air just gets pumped through all the lines and comes out the top of the brake master cylinder so the air is with all the other air where it belongs and what i like best about this injector is it makes brake bleeding a one-man job and i hate working with other people now you can be a real road warrior knowing your brakes won't fail you on the road this is scotty kilmer offering you crank it up there's one thing you should always remember when you get in your car and that's to always buckle your seatbelt in before you start the car so you don't forget now a lot of people think hey i've got airbags why should i buckle up my seat belts well here's why now this airbag is only going to fire once in the first collision if you get a hit again you might get knocked out of the car and besides do you really trust that this thing is going to work and besides it's the law that you have to wear seat belts do you want these guys coming after you well actually you might want these guys to come over they've got a machine that will convince you to wear your seat belts and this machine is so serious you have to sign a release waiver in order to ride it scotty i have a wreath farm for you right here must be 18 years of age or older must be mentally competent must be in good physical condition must have no prior current back or neck problems including surgery must have no prior or current heart disease okay scotty what this does is simulates a crash into a solid fixed object at a speed of less than 10 miles per hour in other words this sled hits the bottom of the ramp right here you're going to be going less than 10 miles per hour impacting a solid fixed object because even at a low speed like this hitting something solid like that is a just a major impact three two one here we go oh whoa whoa that convinced me now how can you convince other people how can they get a hold of you so they can try this out well scotty to get the seatbelt convincer to come out to your location if you have a church a large organization you can contact the houston police department at the public affairs division and that number is 713-308-3200 and we'll write up a program request and come out and show you hey how important it is to wear your seatbelt now here's a tip if you're cheap like me and you drive an old car hey these seat belts wear out after a while on this one the latch broke well rather than spend 200 on a factory one hey i went to autozone and for 15 dollars i got a seat belt that i was able to put in and it works fine so if you're worried about bad things happening while you're driving remember to wear your seat belt this is scotty kilmer helping you crank it up so if you never want to miss another one of my new car repair videos remember to ring that bell you
Channel: Scotty Kilmer
Views: 616,498
Rating: 4.9092512 out of 5
Keywords: before, before the internet, internet, was life better before the internet, life before youtube, scotty kilmer life, life, life before, my life, my life before youtube, youtube, youtuber, youtuber life, lifestyle of youtubers, story time, before youtubers were famous, before youtube existed, youtuber before and after, auto, auto repair, car, car advice, car diy, car repair, cars, diy, how to, mechanic, repair, scotty kilmer, police, the police came to my house, cops
Id: kf9-Hzi-qJE
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 15min 28sec (928 seconds)
Published: Sun Sep 13 2020
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