3 Worst Cars Only Stupid People Buy

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this particular example is a 2012 chrysler 200. now it's not a bad looking car decent lines to it the paint and body and the wheels hey they're still in pretty good shape oh and it's got dual exhaust look at that they only made it from 2011 to 2017. they stopped making them now to begin with i'm not a chrysler fan so i was wondering why do people buy these things and if you look back at history it even makes less sense this was like a 26 thousand dollar car when it was new back in 2012 you could have got a brand new toyota camry with a v6 engine for the same price 26 000 why would you even think about buying one of these things now we opened the hood we can see it's got a big 3.6 liter v6 variable valve timing and it's made of two inside here a six-speed automatic transmission now this engine puts out horsepower so it's got raised amount of power it's zippy enough but and again it was a chrysler v6 engine now they always try to claim that they fix the problems this is one of the earlier ones 2012 they started making these in 2011 and these engines had serious problems they had various engine problems but the main one was seems they put substandard engine bearings in the engine that the engine internal parts ride on the bearings they loop they're lubricated by oil and they let the engine go around without seizing up well a bunch of them did seize up because they didn't build them right and that's the engine let's get into the transmission six-speed transmission called the 62 te and it was loaded with problems now of course they claimed we fixed them as time went on well scotty says they really didn't but these had serious problems getting stuck in limp home mode shifting poorly so much that they had nine design changes software changes and it was so bad that under class action lawsuits chrysler they would waive the 100 analysis fee when you take it to the dealer fix all the ones for free these are called ultra drive transmissions ultra my rear end and they said that if they could not fix the transmissions free they would buy the cars back from the customers buyback was only in the united states they didn't offer it anywhere else well 2017 they stopped making these things they got such a bad reputation as being such junkers as i said earlier why anybody would have even considered buying one of these chrysler 200s when they could have got a camry for the same price but unfortunately quite a few people were fooled and did buy these things some of them probably said oh let's buy american and help the american economy and all these things are made in michigan they were fooled by the looks and when you look inside as you can see they're still relatively snazzy looking black chrome trim got a nice instrument panel open screen got the obligatory sun roof and these seats are still pretty comfortable i'll give them that plus when we go to the back they got a reasonable amount of room in the back not gigantic yeah it's an economy car so there's no ac ducts coming out of the back like a nice car would so in that respect basically they were selling an economy car at non-economy prices and we popped the trunk still works we can see got a reasonably big trunk it's comfy inside and like i said the fancy wheels it came with they're still in decent shape cosmetically it's a decent looking car but as i've often warned people looks can be deceiving very deceiving in this case they're not dependable cars they stopped making them after six years it just kind of fell apart when people saw what clunkers they were engine problems transmission problems people ran away from these things in droves and that's why they're not making them anymore we'll take this one for a spin and see how it goes so we'll go inside and fire up it does start right up i'll give them that and the ac hey blows nice and cold that's working now this particular one even though it's eight years old it's only got 48 000 miles on it which is lucky for the owner because the engine's still in good shape it has enough mileage for it to wear out and the same thing for the transmission it doesn't have enough mileage that it's going to be all worn out if this thing had 100 something thousand miles on it would probably be falling apart only having 48 000 miles it still actually rides decent because of course the struts didn't wear out that fast even in a chrysler now we'll give it a little gas it's got some horsepower still and it still shifts decent that's how they solve these things people want to drive fast for a short period of time they do run fast and pretty smooth but this one already has serious front end problems you can see look at that steering wheel it's wobbling all over the place and we're only going 15 miles an hour we're gonna have to check that out in another video and even with the ac running i got the fan on low it's a pretty quiet smooth car i'll give it that but of course looking at the overall picture it's indefensible that they have engines with bad bearings that would go out they have automatic transmissions that they made all these different redesigns on it because they didn't build them right in the first place and yeah this baby's only got 48 000 miles on it it's running okay now other than the front end's all messed up like i said this thing had 100 something thousand miles on it i can guarantee you the engine wouldn't be running like that and the transmission wouldn't be shifting like it is now it's only got 48 000 miles in eight years that's not any kind of a test of the longevity of a car now if you absolutely positively wanted one of these things you're looking for a used one and you can find one with low mileage like this you can pick them up for a song and a dance they have no resale value since they don't make them anymore i've had customers pick these things up for two thousand dollars and if they found when it's only got 40 50 000 miles that maybe an elderly couple drove they can be a fun car for that cheap amount of money if you found a v6 toyota camry with 48 000 miles on it you're not gonna get it for two thousand dollars you're gonna pay probably five or six times that so in a pinch you get one of these used cheap if owned only if it had low mileage you could have a fun little toy but i pity the people who bought these things brand new for twenty five twenty six thousand dollars loaded and kept them for over a hundred thousand miles they're going to be having problems up the zoo as they said if they couldn't fix this transmission free they'd buy the car back from you but what do you see what they pay the buyback one fraction of what you paid for the car you know they always get these big promises oh we'll buy it back it's like those ads on tv don't worry about fixing your house we buy any homes yeah and they pay you twenty thousand dollars for a house it's probably worth a hundred they'll buy it but they won't give you much money for it oh yeah before i forget these 2012s also had problems with the number two valve seats and they had to have their heads replaced the top of the engine on one side the number two side would break down and you'd have to rebuild the engine you know just another proof that these things were not very well made and do not hold up over time so we can all say bye bye to the chrysler 200 and as far as i'm concerned good riddance here's the 2012 glk 350. now when they're new you could have got one of these for between 40 and 60 thousand dollars so needless to say they weren't giving the things away now this particular one it's a two-wheel drive version rear-wheel drive classic rear-wheel drive it's not all-wheel drive and now that this thing is eight years old it costs for about one-third of its original price realistically it's lost about two-thirds of its original price in eight years now they're not over brimming with power it's got a v6 engine puts out about 268 horsepower it's no slug but it's no race car either and in a city this thing gets about 15 miles a gallon if you drive it conservatively now that isn't surprising a vehicle that weighs over two tons the thing weighs over four thousand pounds makes them ride decently they're comfy inside typical mercedes-benz comforts leather seats the typical mercedes it's cracking here they always end up cranking there got a lot of space in the back dual sunroofs and when we get inside got the usual little small back you can put the seats down like any suv carry a reasonable amount of stuff in it that's got the luggage rack so you can put even more stuff on top if you want to but of course it's a mercedes-benz that's why this thing eight years old has already lost two-thirds of its value now i'm going to scan it because the customer wants me to check it out with my fancy scan tool we'll see what's going on inside it electronically so we plugged it in and now comes the fun we'll turn the key on so the idiot lights on the car's not running push out mercedes-benz button and away we go then it takes a while just to initialize the system that pretty much shows you the complexity of these mercedes they are uber complex okay now it's initialized now it's gonna scan that's gonna take a while too it's running through their idea of quick and mine two completely different universes i guess they mean quick in terms of geological time here it's only got two codes for the tire pressure monitoring system which is no big deal fault for the right front door which is no big deal now we'll look at some of the live data see what kind of information comes out we'll check out test failures we're driving the full load range now right away i can see this data is bad red means bad you can see it's out of specs but when i rev it up you can feel the engine isn't running right it got a little into the black here but now as you can hear when i rev it up under the engine listen you can hear a little but i feel shudder this engine has problems it's a used vehicle and i even think that they cheated on the mileage it says it has 83 673 miles on it but when i check on the computer it says 134 661 miles on it so they were cheated this isn't the real mileage on the car and even though it didn't show serious trouble codes yet on the obd information realize the obd information is the tip of the iceberg when some of that information goes too far to put the check engine light on can't get your car inspected but the data that this computer gets is much deeper and as you can see the data for the cams was way off and i can feel it rumble when i accelerated it up and down shane we don't have rumble feature like in those old movies where they shook the seats when they had earthquakes because you would have felt it this engine is not long for the earth and it may be a mercedes-benz v6 engine but they are insanely complex inside having these things worked on cost a fortune you have to replace an engine like this the sky's the limit thousands and thousands and thousands of dollars so in this particular case not a smart idea buying this used it was two-thirds cheaper than a brand new one but it doesn't have much life left in its engine now there's no arguing that minis are cute cars in this case it's a john cooper works it's got a tricked out six-speed standard transmission and it's certainly telling you what it is it puts out 228 horsepower when this car was made the normal one just the point how many put out 121 horsepower yes if you have a normal one back in 2015 a lot of people in the united states get them with automatic transmissions they could barely get out of their own way there's no arguing that now we open the hood you can see what's happening under here or i should have said you can't see what's happening in here because it's so cramped in with stuff you can't really see anything but if we take off the stupid beauty cover we can see underneath it's turbocharged it also has an upgraded exhaust system intake manifold exhaust manifold a remapped ecu main control unit so it'll go faster it's actually a quite zippy car you got to realize one thing with these minis doesn't have that much in common with the original men the original mini weighed less than 1300 pounds this thing weighs 3627 pounds a much heavier vehicle now some of them are made in england some of them are made in the netherlands they're all made by bmw we'll open the door here and check this one out here we go right here it's made by bmw which can be a very good thing performance wise but a very bad thing repair cost wise the parts on these things will make your head spin this particular one with about a 35 000 car but my customer bought this use for about 14 000 and even now it's only got 34 000 miles on it so as you can see they depreciate very rapidly just like regular bmws do they're very expensive cars to repair all those cars generally have relatively low resale value because of that do they really fall apart right away well the answer to that is no now high mileage ones generally they're on their last legs you can buy a car with this low mileage for a fraction of what it originally went for it can actually be a fun car to drive around just make sure you have full coverage body parts are expensive too so they get wrecked they cost a fortune to repair so make sure you always have full coverage and maintain the vehicle but being built and here in the united states service to bmw dealerships are so expensive to maintain at the dealer that's why this car is here he saw some servicing he needed at the dealer and it was astronomical what they wanted for just some basic things not a lot of the parts are made by bmw software is all stuff with bmw i work on bmw so i got all the equipment for them you can find lots of mechanics if they work on bmws other european cars they can have equipment to work on these things but anybody who's ever owned a bmw and had it serviced regularly at a bmw dealer they know the insane high cost that they have there in that respect the minis are no different they are astronomical if you maintain them at the dealer now granted the earlier ones had engine problems my neighbor had one blew the engine in but that was long before this one the engines are pretty solid i do have to say you change the oil regularly in them is gonna last they're solid built engines bmw always made solid built engines and being so low to the ground hey these hard cars you're gonna drive through any type of water or you'll suck water and blow the engine a bait low to the ground and a very tricked out suspension system these things are a lot of fun to drive around they really corner well and this one it's a sport version but it does have a reasonable amount of space in the back just take this into consideration here the seats are folded back when the seats are folded up you're not going to have comfortable large people sitting in the back by any stretch of the imagination but for the driver and the passenger they have very comfortable molded seats they are excellent seats and if you're in the sunroos it's got the crazy double sunroof front and back you like sun this is the vehicle for you i guess i get so little sun in england they want to have it wide open whenever it is sunny so they can get some sun here in texas you're going to roast to death first thing you're going to do is shut those babies down and i do have to say the dashes and everything are pretty well appointed if you're a serious driver we'll start it up as you can see speedometer's here tachometer is right next to it so you can do your shifts right in order to take a look to the left or right it's all right in front of you and it does make a decent sound and it's got a cool side dash display for all kinds of electronic stuff you want to mess around with the modern obligatory zillion buttons on the steering so you can mess with everything without taking your hands off the steering wheel now we jack up the car you get a little more idea about how it actually functions as we go under you can see it's a classic mini front wheel drive there's a drive shaft it drives only the front wheels just like the classic mini did and as we look at the tires here we can see the classic problems you're always going to have with these tires there's still a lot of tread left in the middle but the inside's all worn thin these wide tires low profile do wear out relatively quickly but at least being front wheel drive the rear tires last a lot longer because they're just rolling down the road now the modern mini's being about three times heavier than the original mini still have one big advantage and that's in the right of these things if you've ever ridden around in a 60s mini every time you had a bump the fillings or your teeth feel like they're going to fall out it was a ragged rod a fun little car to zip around anybody and that's where the bmw aspect of the newer minis comes really into effect the combination of the weight the wheelbase and the bmw design suspension system they ride so much better than the old ones did now of course when the suspension finally does wear out yes it's going to cost a small fortune to replace the struts it's going to be an expensive job because it's all bmw parts and bmw engineering it's much harder to take apart and put together requires special tools that other manufacturers don't so as i said earlier fixing these things is not a cheap endeavor now i have customers that lease these things and that's the smartest crazy thing about this car is it actually was owned by two smart owners so far the original person leased it so they didn't take the bump in value and my customer who bought it last year little over a third of what the original sticker price was and it's got that low mileage on it but don't be mistaken by some people buying sporty cars thinking oh i'll buy a new one it'll be a collector's item it'll go up in value these things are not going to go up in value they're never going to be true collector's items what you see is what you get and if you want a new one hey lease it and if you can find a low mileage one go ahead and buy it if you're going to pay like he did such a small price then you're not really losing up but please listen to scotty on this one do not buy one of these things used with high mileage you don't want to buy one of these things that's got a hundred thousand miles on it unless you get it for practically nothing and then you know what does it matter i even got people by mercedes two three grand and they run okay when they buy them what the heck they got two three grand if it goes yeah they can sell the shell to somebody for eight or nine hundred dollars they're not losing that much money because when they break and they're older whoo give you an example i had a customer with practically the same car as this was a couple years older needed a catalytic converter and the cost of replacing the parts and labor was about 25 hundred dollars i'm not making this up 2500 so now you know the unbridled truth about modern minis so if you never want to miss another one of my new car repair videos remember to ring that bell [Music] foreign
Channel: Scotty Kilmer
Views: 947,547
Rating: 4.8921018 out of 5
Keywords: 5 car brands, 5 worst cars to buy, bad cars, bad cars not to buy, bad cars to buy, car, car advice, car brand, car brands, car buying, car diy, car repair, car review, cars, cars you should stay away from, diy, repair, scotty kilmer, terrible cars, worse, worst, worst car brands, worst car brands 2018, worst car brands ever, worst cars, worst cars to buy, worst cars to own, top 5, Stupid people, Stupid, Dumb, Dumb people, 3 worst cars only stupid people buy
Id: 5rhD73w0hl0
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 19min 35sec (1175 seconds)
Published: Thu Oct 01 2020
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