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thanks to all you fans scotty kilmer channel is now the number one watch car channel in the united states and for all your naysayers here's my channel and here's how many views there is and thank you for the last one whoever you may be and i'm also number one worldwide for an individual car channel creator it's just me it's not a corporation just me the third most watched car channel on youtube in the world behind top gear but after all there's only a little el scottie here doing it all by himself those are corporations and anyway top gear keeps changing the people around you get scotty you're always getting scotty the old top gear dudes hey i love them i like that they moved to amazon the new one but this is just me not a corporation one single guy now why are people watching me well a lot of it has to do with exactly that a me one guy telling you the truth about cars you notice you don't see me promoting stuff i don't do that i tell honestly about cars what car should you buy how to fix them correctly how not to get ripped off i've been fixing cars for 52 years but i keep up i can tell you the history of cars but what are you more interested in what's happening today i keep up with all that stuff if there's recalls i put it out i put up two videos every day i keep up with everything that's happening so you find the truth about how cars are now and how they might be in the future i'm totally independent like my grandfather was a mechanic my father was always yelling at him hey dad you're not charging a customer so much he'd yell at me too because i work with my grandfather he said you're not charging the customers enough well both of them are long gone now and i'm helping the world out i'm not charging anything you just pay me indirectly you watch the commercials before my videos i get like three quarters of a penny every time you watch a video and i'm not greedy that's fine with me i have over a billion views too but that's how i got a billion views honest car information you want the truth i'll tell it every thursday i do my live car talk one o'clock central standard time in the afternoon if you get confused it's the same time zone as chicago remember chicago time zone thursday one o'clock in the afternoon anybody on the planet with the cell phone can ask me a question live well i guess technically you can't in china where they block youtube but most of the people on the planet can ask me questions live i'm sure i can't answer them all it'll be an impossibility i wouldn't be able to eat sleep but because of that i also do the same thing saturday morning at 10 a.m central standard time us chicago time and of course there's naysayers out there that say oh you're not answering the questions every once in a while somebody says scotty's not reading these this is what the internet was built for people sharing real information that they desperately need do you want to buy the wrong car do you want to get ripped off buying a car or do you want to get ripped off maintenance cars need maintaining yes but take it to most mechanics they're going to try to sell you the farm because they want to make money and they make up stuff that really doesn't need to be done for example i'm making a video with this 11 year old lexus later today it's a customer's car it's got 100 000 miles runs like a top and it has minimal maintenance you don't need to spend a fortune yes there are things you need to know how to do that's what i make these videos for to show you and i'm going to make one of these next to show you how to keep a good suv in tip top shape 100 000 miles 11 years no problems at all really without breaking the bank you go to a dealer with a luxury car they're going to sell you the kitchen sink regular mechanic these days prices are getting higher and higher i get people coming here even from a chain place these chain repair shops i've had people come in here in a chain repair shop would say oh you need 1500 worth of work and i check out the car and i said well you really don't need anything but you know you want to fix this now you could wait if you don't maybe you can spend 300 bucks you want to know this kind of information you don't want to be sold to farm every time you go to get your car fixed so i'm here to help everybody in the world with their car problems doing it honestly that's how i got all these views and am i changing i even changed it all people who've watched my videos if they ever meet me say scotty you're just liking your videos i say that's because that's how i am i'm not changing people say oh scotty look you got famous and other stuff but you're exactly the same why should i change i'm having fun helping people out how many people can have fun giving people honest advice make honest money maybe only three quarters of a penny at a time but there is an advantage to volume and someone says scotty why are you still doing this and i'm like okay i got an ulterior motive because my grandfather was a great mechanic he would probably still be alive today fixing cars but my father decided he's shutting the garage down so my father retired and my grandfather he was dead within a year of my father shutting that garage down so you might say i'm worried about that hey if i stop doing this i might drop dead i'm having too much fun helping people out the reason i started this in the first place was the same reason i learned how to fix cars i don't like getting ripped off you learn how to fix cars people can't rip you off fixing cars because you're doing it yourself and if you're ripping yourself off you're crazy i was born in niagara falls you don't really have any need for air conditioning but i moved to texas guess what scotty figured out how to fix air conditioners i'm not going to pay some guy fortune to fix air conditioning it's not really all that much difference in how the cars work versus house so i learned that and i'm not some guy that specializes in just one model hey i can tell you about an old 94 celica i can tell you about brand new volkswagens that is my biggest advantage of having all these views and that all these companies want me to talk about their products so i get them all and i try them all out honestly every single day i get scores of emails from companies saying scotty what do you charge to make a video for us you know what are your rates and i say i don't have any rates i respond to them you want to sell me one of your products feel free i'll try it out honestly and if it's good i'll talk about it but you can't pay me to praise your products i don't work that way sure there's great products out there there's a lot of terrible ones too how do you know the difference even myself i've been doing it for 52 years working on cars things change companies that years ago were great are now piles of rubbish i keep up with that stuff and heck these days you can't trust a lot of online reviews people are getting paid to say stuff read reviews and you'll see a lot of them they have almost the same wording and unfortunately for some of these companies it will be in incorrect english great product never found anything better don't believe that crap there's always upsides and downsides of anything you can bring me a brand new car i can guarantee i can find problems with it i can find where there's a paint blemish i can find something wrong doesn't often mean all that much but you'll want the truth and that's what i give people just like in many of my used car reviews when people are buying used cars and i analyze them it's a used car let's say you're looking at a 55 000 suv but you're paying 6500 bucks for it years later hey it could still be a great vehicle but don't expect all the bells and whistles to still work perfectly every car on the road practically is a used car as soon as you buy it and drive it it's now a used car odds are some little thing will go wrong here or there i can tell you that means something no it doesn't i have customers driving around for years with minor problems some stupid warning light is on and i tell them well i had a customer drive one six years and i had no problems and i'll also tell you if this comes on that's a serious problem and you should get it looked at as soon as possible i can show all my myriad collection of tools that are all over the place explain what they do but i'm more interested in showing the dude yourself who wants to fix his cars how he can do it correctly without spending a small fortune in tools that he might use once or twice but i often get naysayers saying scotty you're a mechanic are you nuts why are you showing people how they can fix their own cars because i'm a nice guy and i like helping people out and really everybody needs help these days one take parts and tools there's so much competition there are some great tools and great parts out there but conversely there's an awful lot of crap i've gotten stuff from china that was excellent my jacks they work perfectly fine i've had some for decades they still work but i've also gotten stuff from china that didn't work right out of the box so i explained that to people everybody's trying to save money which ones to buy which ones to stay away from i mean something like that was 46 thousand dollars if you can get one for six it's got a hundred thousand miles it's a lexus if it's been taken care of and not wrecked and not flooded and i show you how to find that it can be a fantastic deal but let's say it was a chrysler suv with a hundred thousand miles on it i would say run as fast as you can away from it before you buy the old endless money pit that you just keep shoveling your money into and since it's endless it never fills up you just keep shoveling your money into it you're not gonna get nonsense for me like some of this jd power stuff where they raided some of the chryslers that's the top vehicles one year that's just insanity you know you ask any car guy who knows the truth the reason i do what i do i work on all kinds of cars i like trying them all out i even deliberately rent crappy little cars one because i'm cheap and i want to spend much on a rental car but mainly so i can actually drive them on a highway take them on a trip and then tell viewers okay if you're looking at this cheap little chevy here's what i've discovered about it but yeah there's plenty of guys doing that kind of stuff but one they don't know the experience i have and two a lot of them aren't honest i've met some of these guys and i'll say well what are you doing next week and i say well next week uh range rover's flying me to iceland and we're going to road test our new vehicle years ago i went on some of these corporate jaunts and i'll tell you i was totally out of sorts i didn't like it i didn't feel comfortable and the pr people are saying scotty you're not talking about blah blah blah blah no i talk about what i want to talk about and i'm not going to say your product is great when it isn't i did this thing with a big oil company once and i went and they claimed that their racing gas was 99 the same as the gas you buy at the pumps so i waited till everybody was gone and i turned my camera off and i talked to one of the chief engineers and i said okay you say this is 99 the same as the gas of the pumps i said does it contain any ethanol and he said no and i said but the stuff at the pump contains 10 ethanol so how on earth can you say it's 99 the same because that's just one thing i'm sure a lot of the other ingredients are different this race gas for the race cars was made in germany and sealed in big drums so it's real fancy gasoline right i said 99 the same so i'm saying you're talking about ingredients not the percentage of ingredients right and he smiled and said yeah you're right so i said if i had a can of coke and i put a drop of your gasoline in it you could say that's 99 the same as the stuff using a race car and since the cameras weren't rolling he said well yeah it would be 99 our gas and one percent coca-cola so you know you can't believe this advertising hoopla that people put out because they brag oh it has more cleaners it has more additives but when you ask them what's the percentage of your cleaners what exact additives they say with that trademark we can't tell you so who knows you know who knows what's in it at least when you buy a box of cereal you can see all these ingredients now it might scare you away from ever eating cereals again when you see all the chemicals that are in there but they do put what's in it but with gasoline oil basically you got no idea what's actually inside they're not going to tell you but whenever i find the truth a recall a bad designed car ones that the transmissions keep going out on guess what i'm going to warn you i fix them i see what breaks i interact with my customers that when they got a problem they can tell me stuff and i keep it off inside my head it still works even though i'm 66 years old soon to be 67 and i'm not one of these guys who jumps on a bandwagon like oh electric cars that's the future we're all going to get electric cars no i tell the truth i talk about the infrastructure and sure you do have to be leery people are trying to get money into everything every day people try to pay me money to say something about their products i don't take it i'm not that type of person i don't care i want to tell the truth my grandfather was the same way he didn't care he liked talking to people and fixing their cars he didn't really care about the business and that drove my father nuts and in my own car repair business i've lost customers because of that i tell people this jaguar you got is a rolling pile of garbage oh my beautiful jaguar and i'd never see him again well i don't care didn't make anything i was telling the truth if somebody doesn't like it because i'm telling the truth well too bad so thanks again to all you viewers for making me the number one car channel on youtube in the united states and the number one individual car creator in the world so if you never want to miss another one of my new car repair videos remember to ring that bell [Music] you
Channel: Scotty Kilmer
Views: 1,216,596
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: closing channel, scotty channel, scotty kilmer channel, shut down, ‍shutting, shutting down, shutting down channel, shutting down youtube channel, the truth about scotty kilmer, truth, auto, auto repair, car, car advice, car diy, car repair, cars, diy, how to, mechanic, repair, scotty kilmer, here's why, ending youtube channel, ending youtuber, car review, car fails, thank you, thanks, thank you and goodbye, goodbye, good bye, bye, thank you for goodbye, we finally did it
Id: s9gOYvtdLdY
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 13min 33sec (813 seconds)
Published: Thu Sep 17 2020
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